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      • KCI등재

        색채 활용 수수께끼의 형성 연구

        곽은희 ( Eun Hee Kwak ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2016 언어사실과 관점 Vol.38 No.-

        This study examines traditional Korean riddles that use using colors on language of riddles. Its focus is on identifying the function of using colors in riddle formation and examining the significance of their use. While typical riddles do not involve using colors, attention is paid in this study to the unique riddle forms that are discovered when those using colors are employed. First, the function of using colors in the riddle formation process is examined. Riddles are found to follow a basic structure in which message, code, and context are used as disruptive mechanisms. In riddles where they are used, using colors have a message delivery function. The using colors offers a clue toward the resolution, while at the same time disrupting the identification of an answer due to the unlimited possibilities that they present. Next, the significance of using colors in riddles is examined. Manifesting itself in the fluid characteristics of the oral tradition, the use of using colors is viewed as an attempt at transformation to triumph over the repetition and monotony of that tradition. Because of the oral mode of transmission, riddles tend to become repetitive and predictive, which tends to bring about their extinction. Moreover, the one-off nature of riddles necessitates constant generation. The use of using colors is found to be a method of addressing these drawbacks of oral tradition and effecting new change to perpetuate the riddle genre, and is analyzed in terms of its significance as a fluid device for continued generation and preservation.

      • KCI등재

        헤테로글로시아(heteroglossia)를 향한 기획: 〈공각기동대〉의 여성 사이보그 재현과 포스트휴먼의 미래

        곽은희(Kwak, Eun-Hee) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2021 아시아여성연구 Vol.60 No.2

        이 글은 오시이 마모루(押井守) 감독의 〈공각기동대(Ghost in the Shell)〉(1995)에 재현된 여성 사이보그 이미지가 역사적 변화 가능성을 제시하는 과정을 분석하고, 그러한 역사적 변화 가능성이 어떻게 포스트휴먼 시대의 대안 주체성 탐색으로 이어지는지 전망한다. <공각기동대>(1995)는 사이보그 페미니즘 SF의 반성적 전략 속에서 부상하는 역사에 대한 새로운 상상을 담고 있다. 쿠사나기 소령은 사이보그의 잡종성으로부터 파생된 불온성을 기반으로 경계 위반이 야기할 미래 세계의 코드 변환을 예고한다. 쿠사나기가 소령으로서 임무를 수행해야 하는 자신의 처지와 불화하며 인형사와의 융합을 결행하는 과정은 생명체로서 필수불가결한 조건인 다양성을 확보하기 위한 도전이다. 그 과정은 인류 진화 계통도에 그려진 선형 관계를 해체하고 이질적인 존재와의 융합으로 나아가는 과정을 은유한다. 원거리에서 조망할 때 그 과정은 다양체로 구성된 관계적 주체로 나아가는 포스트휴먼 주체 생성 과정으로, 수많은 목소리들이 다양하게 분화되어 있는 헤테로글로시아를 향한 기획으로 읽힌다. In this study, I analyze the process of presenting potential historical change through the image of a female cyborg, reproduced in the film, 〈Ghost in the Shell〉 (1995), which is directed by Mamoru Oshii. I also suggest that such possibility can lead to the search for alternative subjectivity in the posthuman era. The film, 〈Ghost in the Shell〉, contains a new imagining of history that emerges from the reflective strategy of cyborg feminist science fiction. In the film, based on the rebelliousness derived from the hybridity of cyborgs, the protagonist Major Kusanagi heralds the code transformation of the future world that will be caused by boundary violations. Despite Kusanagi being conflicted about her duty-bound role as a major, the process of her fusion with Inhyeongsa(인형사) is a challenge to secure diversity, an indispensable condition for living things. In my view, this process metaphorizes the dismantling of the linear relationship that was characteristic of human evolution, to move toward a fusion of humans with heterogeneous beings. In conclusion, when we look at it from a distance, the process is read as creating a posthuman subject that leads to a relational subject composed of multiple bodies, and as an ongoing project toward a heteroglossia in which numerous voices are differentiated in various ways.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 SNS 글쓰기의 이야기 담화구조 분석 - ‘대학교 대나무숲’을 중심으로 -

        곽은희 ( Kwak Eun-hee ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2021 언어사실과 관점 Vol.52 No.-

        The aim of the study is to examine the tendencies in internet-related community expression. The study is based on the “University Bamboo Grove/Forest”, a concept derived from the utterances of the “bamboo grove”. Data on expression and communication, asking questions and healing characteristics were obtained through a survey and analyzed from a sociolinguistic perspective. The continuity and extensibility of the University Bamboo Grove in contrast with the temporary nature of most social media can be attributed to the primary characteristic of the bamboo grove, which is sustainability. Again, the university bamboo grove represents a distinctive method of communication that leads to healing. Internet-based big data were employed to gather and empirically analyze examples of the university bamboo grove, with a total of over 140 accounts observed as of January 2021. Based on three years of university bamboo grove observation, the mediating characteristics of writing were found to be the factor responsible for this format becoming established within the university student community enculturation.

      • KCI등재

        목표어 수업에서 모국어의 효과와 메타 언어적 기능 한국 대학 영어 사용 교수자의 한국어 사용을 중심으로

        곽은희 ( Kwak Eun Hee ) 이중언어학회 2019 이중언어학 Vol.75 No.-

        This study examines the functions of meta-language and meanings of Korean in activating the relationship between Korean language learners and English teachers in the process of learning about globalization. As a special case, when a professor who uses English as a first language lectures to a student who uses Korean as a first language, he / she learns Korean for the purpose of improving the achievement of the lecture. It serves as a special mediator for class achievement. Therefore, as a special language need for Korean is on the rise, it is possible to use Korean as an additional function for accomplishing its class as an English professor besides Korean objectivity. This can be seen as an extension of the meaning of Korean language education in that Korean is used as a tool for the achievement of the occupation of English users in addition to the need for Korean purpose. The learning motivation of learners who learn Korean as a foreign professor at university is special. First, it is assumed that the achievement of the target language can be improved when the teacher uses the learner’s native language, Korean, as a communicative language in his / her class, in the interrelationship between the English - speaking instructor and the learner with the native language of Korean. The learner who speaks Korean as their mother tongue has the emotional intimacy with the teacher when they use the Korean even though it is a short sentence in the class during the lesson. And the Korean learner, the professor, could use the goal of activating the class atmosphere in the special professional environment as a new learning motive. Therefore, we examined the mutual psychological reaction of the learner’s learner’s theories of the native language, and accordingly the instructor who uses the Korean learner and the native speaker of the Korean language. This discussion is a new observation and application of Korean learning motivation. It is a consideration of the mediating characteristics of Korean language, and it is worth contributing to the activation of Korean language education as a new function and meaning of Korean language. (Hannam university)

      • KCI등재

        테크노사이언스의 젠더 감수성 -포스트휴먼 SF의 여성성 재현과 젠더 역학-

        곽은희 ( Kwak Eun-hee ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원(성균관대학교 인문과학연구소) 2021 人文科學 Vol.- No.80

        이 글의 목적은 ‘테크노사이언스(technoscience)의 젠더 감수성’을 핵심 화두로 삼고 감정을 갖춘 인공지능부터 유전공학을 기반으로 한 복제인간에 이르기까지 “기술생명권력(technobiopower)은 인류의 삶에 어떠한 영향을 끼칠 것인가” 하는 문제를 포스트휴먼 SF의 여성성 재현과 젠더 역학 분석을 통해 전망하는 것이다. 논의를 위하여 SF 장르와 포스트휴머니즘의 인식론적 공유 지점을 논의의 기반으로 삼고, 비판적 포스트휴머니즘·테크노사이언스·테크노페미니즘을 결합하였다. 영화 < 그녀(her) >, < 조(zoe) >에서 감성 기반 인공지능은 여성성으로 재현되는 가운데 친밀성의 미래를 보여준다. 영화 < 그녀(her) >는 테오도르와 사만다의 사랑을 파국으로 마무리함으로써 젠더 규범을 해체하고, 인공지능 운영체제 사만다를 다양성과 차이를 긍정하는 페미니즘적 주체로 재창조한다. 이에 비해 영화 < 조(zoe) >는 인공지능 로봇을 인간에게 친밀한 존재이자 생의 동반자로 만듦으로써 삶의 질을 향상하고자 하는 인간의 염원을 그리고 있지만, 인간과 비인간의 수평적인 관계를 지향하지 않는다는 점에서 한계를 지닌다. 영화 < 가타카(gattaca) >, < 네버렛미고(never let me go) >에서는 유전공학적 생명기술의 여성성 전유를 의심스럽게 바라보며 생명의 미래를 전망한다. <가타카>에서 여성성이 동일자의 반사적(specular) 논리를 재생산하는 모성으로 재현되었다면, <네버렛미고>에서 여성성은 근대 휴머니즘의 기술생명권력을 실현하는 주체로 재현된다. 이때 포스트휴먼 여성성은 서발턴의 서발턴으로서 기술생명권력의 폭력에 균열을 일으킨다. 우리는 그 균열의 틈새를 통해 인간 복제가 일상화된 미래의 되돌릴 수 없는 사태를 미리 들여다보고, 지금 여기 이곳에서 진행되고 있는 진보의 방향과 속도를 낯설게 바라볼 수 있다. The purpose of this article is to examine ‘gender sensibility in technoscience’ as a core theme, and to predict the question of “how will technobiopower ― from artificial intelligence with emotions to cloned humans based on genetic engineering ― affect human’s lives?” through the representation of femininity and gender dynamics in posthuman science fiction. For this discussion, I took the epistemologically shared point of a science fiction genre and posthumanism as the basis of discussion, and chose a method of combining critical posthumanism, technoscience, and technofeminism. In the films Her and Zoe, emotion-based artificial intelligence shows the future of intimacy while being represented with femininity. The film Her dismantles gender norms by driving the love of Theodor and Samantha into catastrophe, and recreates Samantha, an artificial intelligence operating system, as a feminist subject that affirms diversity and difference. In contrast, Zoe shows human aspirations to improve the quality of life by making artificial intelligence robots an intimate existence and life’s companion to humans, but has limitations in that this film does not aim for a horizontal relationship between humans and non-humans. The films Gattaca a n d Never Let Me Go predict the future of human life by looking suspiciously the aspect that the genetic biopower appropriates femininity. In Gattaca, femininity is represented as a motherhood reproduce the specular logic of the identity, whereas in Never Let Me Go, femininity is represented as a subject realizing the technobiopower of modern humanism. In this case, posthuman femininity causes a crack in the violence of the technobiopower, as a subaltern to the subaltern. Through the cracks, we can look into the irreversible situation in the future where human cloning has become a commonplace, and look at the direction and speed of progress that is currently being made here and now.

      • KCI등재후보

        언어-놀이 문화로서 수수께끼 의미연구

        곽은희 ( Eun Hee Kwak ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2013 언어사실과 관점 Vol.31 No.-

        This study examines various forms of “play” according to the understanding that culture is a form of it. Specifically, it applies the theories of the Homo Ludens and parody in examining language play as a popular form of play in the contemporary era. With a basis in the inheritance of tradition, language play possesses significance in terms of its achieving cultural continuity through the use of riddles, a popular form of play in the past. The computerization of text has had a significant role in allowing oral literature and culture to reemerge suddenly in the form of parodic riddles rather than dying away completely. Elements of the riddle include a listener and speaker, question and answer, and various hindrances. The focus of the discussion is on analyzing the structure(s) within the text and identifying historical meaning and popular resonance. The study finds that the contemporary emergence of parodic riddles is an expression of commonality through laughter in response to skepticism about past truths amid an environment of spiritual turbulence and to the difficulties of working class life. It also identifies the research value of riddle texts in their representing an interplay between the Korean language`s capacity for coinage and the inheritance of oral culture by the public`s subjective consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        근피로 후 경락 마사지가 피로물질, 근 손상 효소, 스트레스호르몬, 산화스트레스에 미치는 영향

        곽은희 ( Eun Hee Kwak ),강상모 ( Sang Mo Kang ) 한국미용학회 2008 한국미용학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        The present research is based on females who are working repetitive or continuous movements or in the same position for a long period of time. For this research, as the first experiment, 20 of the muscle fatigue participants(Muscle Fatigue; MF, n=20) and 20 of the non-muscular fatigue participants(Muscle Fatigue; MF, n=20) were selected and then their blood biochemistry index were compared. Then they were divided into two groups; natural rest (10 participants) and meridian massage (10 participants). For the natural rest group, after they work they simply took rest and for the meridian massage group, after their work, they were applied meridian massage in one week intervals with the same process, total of two times with the repeated measure design and their blood was collected before the experiment, one hour after the experiment and then two days after the experiment. Comparing the blood biochemical index between the muscle fatigue group and the non-muscular fatigue group, the muscle fatigue group was high in blood ammonia, AST (Aspartate aminotransferase), CK (Creatinine Kinase), Epinephrine, MDA (Malondiadehyde), but MDA (Malondiadehyde) was significantly low. After the muscle fatigue, comparing the meridian massage group to the natural rest group, their AST, CK was significantly lowered after one hour and after two days, the lactic acid was significantly lowered, which showed that the meridian message was effective in removing blood fatigue substance and muscle damage substances. Also, after the muscle fatigue, one hour after the meridian massage, blood epinephrine concentration and after two days, norepinephrine concentration have been lowered significantly, which were effective in lowering the stress hormone. After the muscle fatigue, one hour and two days after the meridian massage, the blood MDA was significantly lowered which regarded the removal of the oxidative stress. Due to the results of the research, muscle fatigue group had higher concentration of blood muscle fatigue substance, muscle damage substance; oxidative stress compare to the group with no muscle fatigue and the application of meridian massage was limited but effective on the removal of these substances so to relieve the muscle fatigue and to prevent musculoskeletal system disorder, it is recommended to apply meridian massage within one hour.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전시체제기 놀이의 프로파간다화와 식민지 규율

        곽은희 ( Eun Hee Kwak ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소(구 한양대학교 한국학연구소) 2011 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.50 No.-

        특정한 시대와 사회에서 향유되고 있는 놀이의 형태와 성격은, 그 사회의 본질을 반영한다. 전시체제기의 프로파간다는 자유로움과 즐거움을 느끼는 쾌의 감각을 규율화하여 미세하면서도 효과적인 지배 메커니즘을 구축하였다. 건전오락 담론은 전쟁 수행을 목표로 하는 총후 국민에게 부과되는 놀이 규율이자, 쾌의 경험을 도덕적으로 구조화하는 메커니즘이다. 놀이 활동의 질(質)을 결정하는 것은 놀이가 기반하고 있는 자유의 질(質)에 달려있다. 전시체제기 놀이의 프로파간다화는 기만된 자유를 통한 지배의 과정을 보여준다. 전시체제기 놀이에서 자유의 기만은 대중들이 향유하는 놀이의 형태와 성격이 제국에 의해 규정되고 제한되면서부터 발생한다. 외부로부터 포섭되어 전면적으로 관리된 놀이가 보여주는 자유로운 순간이란, 균질화되고 표준화되어 있다. ``명랑의 감각``은 건전오락이 만들어내는, 규격화된 쾌의 감각이다. ``생산성의 향상``이 삶의 한 원리로 작동하던 전시체제기는 현실 그 너머를 사유하고 상상할 수 있는 무상성(gratuitousnesss)의 자유를 금지하였다. 이제 생산과 노동으로부터 자유로운 ``무상 성으로서의 놀이`` 속에서 무엇을 위한 생산이었는지 다시 한번 돌이켜 생각해 볼 필요가 있다. The mode and character of a play enjoyed in a specific time and society reflects the nature of the society. The propaganda of the war basis, regulating a sense of pleasure which feels unrestrictedness and enjoyment, constructed a minute and effective rule-mechanism. The discourse of a wholesome entertainment was the play regulation imposed upon people that aims to perform war and the mechanism that do morally structures the experience of pleasure. The quality of play activities depends on the quality of freedom that is based on the play. The propaganda of a play shows that it shows the process of governance through a deceived freedom. The deception of freedom in the play resulted from that the form and character of the play enjoyed by the public had defined and limited by the Empire. The free moment of the play fully managed from the outside is homogeneous and standardized. A "Sense of exhilaration" is a feeling of standardized enjoyment that produces a wholesome entertainment. The war-time that a ``Increased productivity`` works on as a principle of life had banned a freedom of gratuitousness which can think and imagine behind reality. Now, we need to reflect that the production was for whom, through the play as a ``gratuitousness`` free from a production and labor. from a production and labor.

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