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      • KCI등재

        일개 소방서 소방관들의 외상후 스트레스 증상 및 관련요인

        권순찬,송재철,이수진,김인아,고재우,류현철,김석현,김대호,정승아 大韓産業醫學會 2008 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        목적: 본 연구에서는 일부지역 남자 소방관의 외상후 스트레스 증상과 관련요인을 분석하고 PTSD 고위험군의 빈도를 추정하고자 하였다. 방법: 서울 지역 한 소방서의 남자 소방대원 260명에게 설문지를 배포하였다. 그 중 한 가지 이상의 외상성 사건의 경험이 있고 IES-R-K 설문에 응답한 153명 중 우울증으로 의심되는 7명을 제외한 146명을 분석대상으로 하였다. 설문지는 일반적 특성과 작업관련 특성, IES-R-K 22문항,‘소방관과 응급구조사의 사건 스트레스인자’25개 문항을 포함하였다. 결과: 연구대상의 평균연령은 38.8(±6.8)세였으며 평균 근속기간은 12.0(±6.4)년이었다. 기혼이 118명 (80.8%)이었다. 근무형태별로는 상시주간이 20명(13.7%),격일근무가 126명(86.3%)이었다. 직능별로는 화재진압 46명(31.5%),구조 15명(10.3%),구급 26명(17.8%),운전 40명(27.4%),내근 19명(13.0%)이었다. IES-R-K 점수의 평균은 11. 3(±13.1)점이었으며 기혼자가 미혼자보다(p=0.005),24시간 격일근무자가 상시 주간근무자보다(p=0.032) 높았다. IES-R-K 점수 24/25점을 절단점으로 PTSD 고위험군의 빈도는 13.7% (20명)이었다. 외상성 사건 25개 중 경험한 종류수는 직능별로 구급과 구조에서 많았다.(p=0.000). PTSD 고위험군을 종속변수로 하고 나이와 교육수준을 보정한 다중로지스틱회귀분석에서 각각의 보정 비차비(95% CI)는 기혼 1.98(0.42∼9.30),근속년수 20년 이상 3.53(1.01∼12.38),24시간 격일근무 3. 31 (O.42∼26. 23),소방장 1.67(0.46∼6.09),외상성 사건을 경험한 종류수 2.18(0.79∼6.04)였다. 결론: 이 연구에서 서울지역의 일개 소방서에 근무하는 남자 소방관의 PTSD 고위험군의 빈도는 13.7%로 추정되어 일반인구집단의 PTSD 유병률에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났다. 외상성 사건에 무방비로 노출되어 있는 소방관들의 PTSD 위험군을 조기에 선별할 수 있는 간편한 자기기입식 설문지인 IES-R-K는 소방관의 PTSD를 조기에 개입하여 관리하는 효율적인 도구로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 소방관들의 정신건강을 관리하고 개입이 필요한 정신질환을 조기에 발견하며 관리할 수 있는 체계적인 예방 및 관리 프로그램의 도입이 필수적이다. Objectives: To investigate the factors related with posttraumatic symptoms and to estimate the prevalence of posttraumatic disorder of urban male firefighters. Methods: From a study sample comprising 260 male firefighters from one fire station, the responses. from 146 who had experienced one or more traumatic events, responded to the 'Impact of Event Scale-Revised Korean version' (IES-R-K) and didn't show any evidence of depression were analyzed. We surveyed the firefighters using a self-administered questionnaire including general characteristics, job-related characteristics, IES-R-K, and a 'Firefighters and paramedics' incident stressor'. Results: The mean value of IES-R-K in this study was 11.3 and it was higher in the married firefighters than in the unmarried firefighters (p=0.005) and in the 24-hr shift workers than in the ordinary day shift workers (p=0.032). The frequency of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of the firefighters in this study using IES-R-K was 13.7%, with a cutoff point of 24/25. The overall number of experiences of 25 traumatic events was larger in emergency medical personnel and rescue workers than in other work functions (p=O.OOO). Conclusions: The prevalence of PTSD symptoms in firefighters was estimated to 13.7% using IES-R-K and was higher than the prevalence of PTSD in the general population. A program to manage the mental health and provide early detection for mental illness for firefighters is needed.

      • KCI등재

        생물검정법을 이용한 하수슬러지 장기연용 토양의 독성평가

        남재작,이승환,권순익,홍석영,임동규,고문환,송범헌 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        생물검정법에 의한 토양 내 독성평가의 유용성을 확인하기 위해 두 종류의 하수슬러지를 7년간 연용한 토양을 Microtox^(?) 생물검정법과 상추종자 뿌리 신장법을 사용하여 독성을 평가하였다. 이 방법들은 하수오니의 종류나 시용량에 따른 토양의 독성 정도를 잘 평가 할 수 있었다. 상추종자 뿌리 신장법은 특별한 장비나 복잡한 처리 없이도 유의성 있는 결과를 구할 수 있었고 Microtox^(?) 검정법은 전반적으로 재현성과 감도에서 유의성이 있었으며 또한 유기화합물에 대한 종합적인 평가도 가능하였다. 하수오니와 같이 다양한 화합물이 혼재되어 있는 유기성 자원의 토양 시용시 기존의 제한된 화학성분의 토양 분석법만으로는 독성평가에 한계가 있고 또 개별적으로는 별 영향이 없더라도 여러 화합물이 복합적으로 존재할 때 나타나는 독성작용에 대한 평가는 더욱이 어렵다. 그러므로 이러한 영향을 종합적으로 평가할 수 있는 생물검정법이 토양의 독성 평가에서 화학분석법을 보완하는 평가방법으로서의 중요성은 충분하다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 생물독성법의 유용성을 높이기 위해서는 생물검정법의 시료 추출방법 개선과 실험의 재현성을 높이기 위한 노력이 필요하리라 생각된다. 따라서 이런 생물검정법의 많은 제약에도 불구하고 환경의 종합적인 평가에 있어서 생물검정법의 중요성은 대단히 크며 직접적으로 생물을 이용하는 방법뿐만 아니라 유전독성 평가 방법 등 다양한 방법들이 환경독성 평가에 응용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Bioassay was employed to assess toxicity of soil which had been treated with sewage sludges for seven years. The Microtox^(?) and root elongation test of lettuce (Lactuca Saliva) elucidated that the intensity of soil toxicity was closely related with the types and amount of sewage sludges applied. Both bioassay methods proved to be useful in an assessment of soil toxicity and were consistent to some extent with the conventional chemical analysis methods. EC_(50) values resulted from Microtox^(?) were highly correlated with concentration of heavy metals in soils amended with sewage sludges : Cu (r²= 0.86^(**)), Cr (r²= 0.84^(**)), Ni (r²= 0.83^(**)), and Zn (r²= 0.69^(**)). This demonstrated that both bioassay techniques could be employed as tools for soil toxicity assessment when the soil was exposed to solid wastes such as sewage sludge.

      • KCI등재

        제약업종 부산물 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니의 고추 비해에 미치는 영향

        임동규,이상범,권순익,이승환,소규호,성기석,고문환 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 퇴비의 원료로 지정된 제약업종 부산물(공정오니) 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니를 시용한 후 고추를 재배하면서 시용한 오니에 의한 작물의 비료의 피해를 밝히기 위해 포장에서 작물의 생육과 수량(적과, 청과), 시기별로 토양 및 식물체 중 중금속 함량 등을 조사하였다. 토양 중 유기물 및 질소성분은 시험재료의 성분함량이 높은 처리구에서 생육 초기(6월 11일)에 높았다. 토양의 중금속 성분에서 전함량의 경우 As성분은 생육 중기(7월 8일)에 함량이 급격히 높아졌다가 감소하였으며 Zn·Cu·Pb·Cd성분은 수확기에 갑자기 함량이 증가하였고, 1 N-HCI 가용함량에서 Zn·Cu·Pb·As성분은 생육 중기에 증가하였다가 감소하는 경향이었다. 고추의 생육(초장, 간경)은 초기에는 오니구(제약오니3구 제외)가 화학비료구보다 전반적으로 불량하였는데 이는 유기물 함량이 높은 미 부숙된 오니의 영향인 것으로 생각되며, 생육 후기에는 회복이 되어서 화장품 오니구를 제외하고는 서로 비슷하였다. 고추 식물체(잎, 줄기)의 질소함량에서 생육 초기 및 중기에 제약오니1과 돈분구가 높은 것은 이들 시험재료의 유기물 및 질소성분의 특성과 함량에 기인된 것으로 보이며, 식물체 중 중금속 함량에서 잎은 Zn·Pb·Ni성분이, 줄기는 Zn·Pb성분이 수확기에 급격히 높아졌으므로 이들 성분에 대해서 주의할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. 고추의 총 적과 수량은 가축분뇨 > 제약오니3 > 제약오니1 > 화학비료 > 제약오니2구 순으로 낮아졌으며, 화장품오니구는 타 처리구보다 상당히 감수하였다. 수확기 고차 청과 및 적과의 중금속 함량은 Zn과 Cu성분이 타 성분들보다 높았고, 처리별로는 청과에서 Zn 및 Ni성분은 제약오니1구가, Pb성분은 제약오니3구가 타 처리구들보다 조금 높아서 유기성 오니를 퇴비원료로 사용할 경우 오니 중의 Zn·Cu·Pb·Ni성분의 특성과 함량이 상당히 중요할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 퇴비원료로 지정된 오니 중에서 화장품오니와 제약오니2에서 생육 후기부터 수확기에 걸쳐 질소성분의 부족 현상에 의한 생육부진과 낙엽, 어떤 원인인지 알 수 없지만 비해에 의한 수량감소 등의 원인을 앞으로 연구를 통해서 밝힐 필요가 있다고 생각된다. 본 시험의 결과는 퇴비원료로 지정하거나, 지정된 퇴비원료의 사용을 신청할 때 허가할 퇴비원료가 작물에 대해 적합한지 알아보는 방법의 일환으로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Three sludge types from pharmaceutical byproducts and one sludge type from cosmetic waste-water sludge as raw materials of compost were used in a field based concrete pot (4 m², 2m × 2m) for investigating damage of red pepper cultivation. These sludges and pig manure (1 Mg/10a, dry basis) were incorporated into the upper of clay loam soil prior to transplanting with red pepper. Changes in concentration and properties of heavy metal for both of soil and plant were investigated 4 times during of red pepper growth. Plant height and stem diameter of red pepper in sludge treatments except to Pharmaceutical sludge 3 were poor than those of NPK treatment. This result were regarded as an effect of incompleted decomposition sludge which has a lot of organic matter concentration. Amount of total As was increased rapidly Jul. 8. in soil, total Zn·Cu·Pb·Cd were in harvest time, and 1 N-HCl extractable Zn·Cu·Pb·As were rised at middle stage and then decreased. Amounts of nitrogen in plant (leaf and stem) were high in Phamaceutical Sludge 1 and Pig Manure treatment in early and middle stage because of organic matter and nitrogen concentrations and characteristics. Amounts of Zn, Pb, and Ni in leaf and amount of Zn and Pb in stem were increased in harvest time so that we need to have a concern in detail. Total yield of red pepper was Pig Manure > Phamaceutical Sludge 3 > Phamaceutical Sludge 1 > NPK > Phamaceutical Sludge 2 and Cosmetic Sludge treatment was decreased considerably to compare to others. Amounts of Zn and Cu in green and red pepper in harvest time were higher than the other heavy metals. Finally these results can use to utilize that finding damage on crop for authorization and suitability estimation of raw material of compost.

      • KCI등재

        하지의 동맥부전증 환자에서 동반된 복부 대동맥류

        문인성,박장상,고용복,김용귀,홍성곤,김승남 대한혈관외과학회 1999 Vascular Specialist International Vol.15 No.1

        The early diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysms are difficult, especially when they are not clinically evident. Because of the generalized nature of atherosclerosis, there is reason to believe that there is a high incidence of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta in patients with peripheral vascular disease. But the screening test for hidden abdominal aortic aneurysms in patients with peripheral arterial disease has not been used for routine manner. So we retrospectively reviewed the 9 patients who had asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysms with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease during the last four and half-year period: among them three aneurysms were screened preoperatively by physical examination with their diameter more than 5 cm and 6 aneurysms were found intraoperatively with their mean diameter of 3.8cm. The ages ranged from 66 through 84 years with the mean age 73 years. There were 7 men and 2 women. The sites of the peripheral occlusive disease is as follows: femoral artery only in 1, iliac artery only in 2, both iliac and femoral arteries in 5, and from iliac artery through tibial artery with thrombus formation in 1. We suggest that ultrasonographic screening for the presence of hidden abdominal aortic aneurysm preoperatively in patients with lower extremity occlusive arterial disease is needed, especially when the ages of patients is older than 65 years and the site of arterial disease include iliac segment.

      • KCI등재

        Natural Killer Cell Expansion and Cytotoxicity Differ Depending on the Culture Medium Used

        Koh Seung Kwon,Park Jeehun,Kim Seong-Eun,Lim Yuree,Phan Minh-Trang Thi,Kim Jinho,Hwang Ilwoong,Ahn Yong-Oon,Shin Sue,Doh Junsang,Cho Duck 대한진단검사의학회 2022 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.42 No.6

        Background: Adoptive cell therapy using umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived allogeneic natural killer (NK) cells has shown encouraging results. However, because of the insufficient availability of NK cells and limited UCB volume, more effective culture methods are required. NK cell expansion and functionality are largely affected by the culture medium. While human serum is a major affecting component in culture media, the way it regulates NK cell functionality remains elusive. We elucidated the effects of different culture media and human serum supplementation on UCB NK cell expansion and functionality. Methods: UCB NK cells were cultured under stimulation with K562-OX40L-mbIL-18/21 feeder cells and IL-2 and IL-15 in serum-containing and serum-free culture media. The effects of the culture media and human serum supplementation on NK cell expansion and cytotoxicity were evaluated by analyzing the expansion rate, activating and inhibitory receptor levels, and the cytotoxicity of the UCB NK cells. Results: The optimal medium for NK cell expansion was Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium/Ham’s F12 with supplements and that for cytotoxicity was AIM V supplemented with Immune Cell Serum Replacement. Shifting media is an advantageous strategy for obtaining several highly functional UCB NK cells. Live cell imaging and killing time measurement revealed that human serum enhanced NK cell proliferation but delayed target recognition, resulting in reduced cytotoxicity. Conclusions: Culture medium supplementation with human serum strongly affects UCB NK cell expansion and functionality. Thus, culture media should be carefully selected to ensure both NK cell quantity and quality for adoptive cell therapy.

      • Treatment of Refractory <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> Complex Lung Disease with a Moxifloxacin-Containing Regimen

        Koh, Won-Jung,Hong, Goohyeon,Kim, Su-Young,Jeong, Byeong-Ho,Park, Hye Yun,Jeon, Kyeongman,Kwon, O Jung,Lee, Seung-Heon,Kim, Chang Ki,Shin, Sung Jae American Society for Microbiology 2013 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy Vol.57 No.5

        <P>Moxifloxacin (MXF) has <I>in vitro</I> and <I>in vivo</I> activity against <I>Mycobacterium avium</I> complex (MAC) in experimental models. However, no data are available concerning its treatment effect in patients with MAC lung disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of an MXF-containing regimen for the treatment of refractory MAC lung disease. Patients with MAC lung disease who were diagnosed between January 2002 and December 2011 were identified from our hospital database. We identified 41 patients who received MXF for ≥4 weeks for the treatment of refractory MAC lung disease. A total of 41 patients were treated with an MXF-containing regimen because of a persistent positive culture after at least 6 months of clarithromycin-based standardized antibiotic therapy. The median duration of antibiotic therapy before MXF administration was 410 days (interquartile range [IQR], 324 to 683 days). All patients had culture-positive sputum when MXF treatment was initiated. The median duration of MXF administration was 332 days (IQR, 146 to 547 days). The overall treatment success rate was 29% (12/41), and the median time to sputum conversion was 91 days (IQR, 45 to 190 days). A positive sputum acid-fast-bacillus smear at the start of treatment with MXF-containing regimens was an independent predictor of an unfavorable microbiological response. Our results indicate that MXF may improve treatment outcomes in about one-third of patients with persistently culture-positive MAC lung disease who fail to respond to clarithromycin-based standardized antibiotic treatment. Prospective studies are required to assess the clinical efficacy of MXF treatment for refractory MAC lung disease.</P>


        Service life evaluation of RC T-girder under carbonation considering cold joint and loading effects

        Koh, Tae-Ho,Kim, Moon-Kyum,Yang, Keun-Hyeok,Yoon, Yong-Sik,Kwon, Seung-Jun Elsevier 2019 Construction and Building Materials Vol.226 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Carbon dioxide concentration is steadily increasing in large cities. Consequently, durability evaluation of RC (Reinforced Concrete) structures considering carbonation is becoming a serious issue. Construction joints are used for the effective construction of concrete structures. However, cold joints which are caused by delayed placing and poor surface treatment are vulnerable to shear force and the inflow of carbon dioxide. In this study, an accelerated carbonation test was performed for normal-strength concrete using NPC (Normal Portland Cement) and slag after applying tensile and compressive stresses. The carbonation characteristics were quantified considering the effects of cold joint and the induced stress, and structural analysis was performed using the section laminae approach for a 2-span continuous reinforced concrete T-beam bridge. The service life of top and bottom concretes was evaluated considering the calculated stress, existing carbonation velocity equation, and carbonation function according to the stress. The service life showed a similar trend to that of the applied moment. Changes of 103.6%–64.7% (NPC) and 78.0%–108.8% (slag) were observed on the top surface, whereas changes of 103.8%–65.9% (NPC) and 112.9%–79.6% (slag) were observed on the bottom surface. The service life significantly decreased owing to the increasing carbonation depth for the cold joint in the tension part. This suggests that special care should be taken for cold joints during maintenance.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Quantitative evaluation of cold joint effect on carbonation. </LI> <LI> Combined effect of cold joint and induced stress on carbonation velocity. </LI> <LI> Evaluation of varying service life of T-Girder considering stress level and cold joint. </LI> <LI> Greatly reduced service life in tensile zone with cold joint regardless of crack initiation. </LI> <LI> Effective maintenance plan through cold joint and loading level. </LI> </UL> </P>


        Molecular Insights into Toluene Sensing in the TodS/TodT Signal Transduction System

        Koh, Serry,Hwang, Jungwon,Guchhait, Koushik,Lee, Eun-Gyeong,Kim, Sang-Yoon,Kim, Sujin,Lee, Sangmin,Chung, Jeong Min,Jung, Hyun Suk,Lee, Sang Jun,Ryu, Choong-Min,Lee, Seung-Goo,Oh, Tae-Kwang,Kwon, Ohsu American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Bi 2016 The Journal of biological chemistry Vol.291 No.16

        <P>TodS is a sensor kinase that responds to various monoaromatic compounds, which either cause an agonistic or antagonistic effect on phosphorylation of its cognate response regulator TodT, and controls <I>tod</I> operon expression in <I>Pseudomonas putida</I> strains. We describe a molecular sensing mechanism of TodS that is activated in response to toluene. The crystal structures of the TodS Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) 1 sensor domain (residues 43–164) and its complex with toluene (agonist) or 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (antagonist) show a typical β2α3β3 PAS fold structure (residues 45–149), forming a hydrophobic ligand-binding site. A signal transfer region (residues 150–163) located immediately after the canonical PAS fold may be intrinsically flexible and disordered in both apo-PAS1 and antagonist-bound forms and dramatically adapt an α-helix upon toluene binding. This structural change in the signal transfer region is proposed to result in signal transmission to activate the TodS/TodT two-component signal transduction system. Site-directed mutagenesis and β-galactosidase assays using a <I>P. putida</I> reporter strain system verified the essential residues involved in ligand sensing and signal transfer and suggest that the Phe<SUP>46</SUP> residue acts as a ligand-specific switch.</P>

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