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      • KCI등재

        해남지역 마한 취락의 특징과 변화

        정일 백제학회 2018 백제학보 Vol.0 No.26

        The purpose of this study is to identify how Mahan society changed in Haenam region by examining the appearance of villages where people inhabited and the process of change. Haenam region is classified into five areas based on archaeological data and natural topography. Villages are concentrated in Hyeonsancheon area and Samsancheon area, and tombs were centered in Hyeonsancheon area and Bugil-myeon area. The village of Mahan is classified into six stages according to residential structures and artifacts. Stage I refers to the ring-moat village around 3rd century BC before Gungok-ri Shell Mound was formed. The artifacts mainly include round clay-stripe pottery. Stage Ⅱ refers to round-type residences in Gungok-ri from 2nd century BC to 1st century AD. The artifacts mainly include triangular clay-stripe pottery and hard plain pottery. Stage Ⅲ is from 2nd to 3rd century AD. The type of residence is not identified, but the artifacts include hard plain pottery with increasing beating-patterned pottery. Stage Ⅳ is from mid-3rd century to mid-4th century AD. Small cluster or local hub villages appeared such as Shingeum, Bunto, and Gungok-ri Sangcheung and Seokho-ri villages. Fire disposal occurred in the village and foreign goods were imported. Stage Ⅴ is from late 4th century to mid 5th century. The artifacts tended to concentrate on tombs with the introduction of foreign pottery. Stage Ⅵ is from mid-5th to 6th century. There are traces of residences only in the vicinity of Yongwoon Ancient Tomb and various tombs are found. The process of change in the villages of Mahan are as follows: the appearance of ring-moat villages, the growth into Euprak (semantically, town), the appearance of hub villages, and sharp decline. The appearance of villages started with ring-moat villages in Stage Ⅰ, and it was limited to Hyeonsancheon area in Baekpoman Bay. The villages had coastal characters such as guidance of coastal service and supply of goods. Euprak lasted till 3rd century (StageⅢ). A small unit of villages of round-type residences were concentrated around Baekpoman Bay, and they were settled as square-type residences since 1st century AD. Gungok-ri was an outpost area for maritime exchange with various foreign trade networks, and it grew into a small country level of Euprak of Mahan with a character of intermediate port. This village expanded from a single area to many areas from mid 3rd century, and hub villages appeared such as Shingrum and Bunto remains. The two villages were based on the production and distribution of ironware, and international relations. This growth of hub villages declined sharply because of fire disposals in the mid and late 4th century. There were various causes for fire disposals, which can be seen in the basic data of the records on King Geunchogowang’s conquest of the southern provinces. The trapezoidal tomb, which is a traditional form of tomb in Yeongsangang River basin, started to change from mid 4th century in Haenam region. This seems to have resulted from such causes 본고는 사람이 거주했던 취락의 등장과 변화과정을 살펴봄으로써 해남지역의 마한사회 변화과정을 살펴보는데 있다. 해남지역은 다섯 개 권역으로 나뉘고 주거구조와 출토유물을 통해 취락을 6단계로 구분하였다. Ⅰ단계는 기원전 3세기 전후시기로 군곡리패총 형성 이전의 환호취락을 들 수 있다. 유물은 원형점토대토기이다. Ⅱ단계는 기원전 2세기에서 기원후 1세기로 군곡리 원형주거지 단계이다. 유물은 삼각형점토대토기, 경질무문토기 등이다. Ⅲ단계는 기원후 2세기에서 3세기 전반경으로 현재까지 주거지는 미확인되며 유물은 경질무문에 타날문토기가 증가한다. Ⅳ단계는 기원후 3세기 중반에서 4세기 중반까지이며 지역별로 거점취락이 등장한다. 취락 내에는 화재폐기가 있고 가야계유물이 들어온다. Ⅴ단계는 기원후 4세기 후엽에서 5세기 중반까지이다. 유물은 다양한 외래계토기가 유입되지만 묘제에 집중되는 경향이다. Ⅵ단계는 기원후 5세기 중반에서 6세기대 까지 이다. 묘제에 비해 주거지 흔적은 찾아보기 힘들다. 해남지역의 마한취락은 환호취락의 등장, 읍락으로 성장, 거점취락 등장과 급격한 쇠락의 과정을 보이고 있다. 취락의 등장은 Ⅰ단계의 환호취락으로 백포만의 현산천권역에 한정되며 연해항로의 길잡이, 물자보급 등의 해촌 성격의 취락이다. 읍락은 기원후 3세기(Ⅲ단계) 까지 이며 소촌 단위의 원형계 주거형태의 마을이 백포만 일대에 집중되며 기원후에는 마한계 방형주거지로 정착된다. 군곡리 일원은 다양한 대외 교역망을 가진 해상교류의 전초지로 중간 기항지의 성격을 가진 마한 소국 수준의 읍락으로 성장한다. 이러한 취락은 3세기 중반을 기점으로 단일지역에서 벗어나 여러 군집 단위로 취락이 성장하고 있다. 이런 배경은 철기의 유통, 대외교류 등을 기반으로 하고 있다. 이러한 취락의 성장은 4세기 중·후반 화재폐기 등의 원인으로 급격이 쇠락한다. 화재폐기의 원인은 다양하지만 근초고왕의 남정 기사의 근거 자료 중 하나로 추정해 볼 수 있다. 영산강유역의 전통적인 묘제인 제형분이 해남지역에서 4세기 중반을 기점으로 변화되는 것도 위와 같은 원인이 작용한 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        충남지역 동제의 성격과 제의구조 고찰

        박종익(Jong-ik Park) 어문연구학회 2009 어문연구 Vol.60 No.-

        This study aims to analyze the purposes and structures of the village rituals performed in South Chungcheong. For convenience of discussion, the villages anr classified into 3 types : remote mountain villages, inland plain villages and coastal island villages. The main point of interest is the purposes and structures of the village rituals according to the village type. What is first proposed in relation to the purposes is that the village rituals are performed for the preservation of the peace of the villages. Based on this the village rituals performed in the remote mountain villages, inland plain villages and coastal island villages were examined respectively. As a result, it was verified that they were performed from the wish to be safe from infectious diseases, evil spirits or wild beasts. An analysis was made of the fact that another purpose of the village rituals is the prayer for prosperity and wealth. As a result, it was found that the rituals performed in the remote mountain and inland plain villages are to pry for a rich harvest and community prosperity. The rituals performed in the coastal island villages are to pray for a good catch of fish. In relation to the structures of the village rituals, two shrines are located in the mountain and the village, respectively. In the mountain there is an Upper Shrine(上常), where the Upper God stays. In the village there is a Lower Shrine(下常), where the Lower God stays. The dual structure of Upper and Lower Shrines is prevalent regardless of the village type. However, there are some villages that have only one of the two. The rituals are performed in the manner of the Confucian memorial service held on an anniversary of death.(忌祭祀). The rite of offering the third libation(終獻) and then burning sacrificial paper burning(燒紙) is performed to pray for a rich harvest and the peace and prosperity of the village and residents. This is a common rite regardless of the village type. In the village rituals performed in the coastal island villages, however, an exorcism by a shaman was performed after a Confucian ceremony. In short, they are a combination of a Confucian ritual and an exorcism.

      • KCI등재

        지방소멸지수와의 비교 연구를 통한 마을소멸지수의 적용 가능성 검토 연구

        윤정미 한국농촌계획학회 2024 농촌계획 Vol.30 No.1

        There is a serious risk of regional extinction due to low birth rate and aging in Korea. Accordingly, the regional extinction index is applied to diagnose the extinction status of cities, counties, and districts. However, when the regional extinction index was applied to rural villages, most villages were found to be at ‘high risk of extinction’. There is no differentiation in the level of extinction of rural villages. Therefore, a village extinction index was developed to apply to rural villages. This study applies and compares the existing regional extinction index and the newly developed village extinction index to rural villages. The purpose is to propose an index that can better diagnose the extinction of rural villages. As a research method, the regional extinction index and village extinction index are applied to all villages in Haengjeong-ri villages in South Chungcheong Province. And the adequacy of the index suitable for rural villages is diagnosed. For this purpose, ➂ stage distribution for each two indices, ➂ demographic aspect diagnosis, and ➂ resident awareness survey were analyzed. When the village extinction index was used, the discrimination problems seen in the regional extinction index were overcome. As a result of the demographic analysis, the regional extinction index showed that villages with a population of 200 or more were at ‘high risk of extinction’, but the village extinction index was derived as ‘high risk of extinction’ for villages with underpopulated populations. Lastly, the results of the residents’ awareness survey also showed that the village extinction index was well reflected in the actual situation of rural villages when applied. When the village extinction index was applied to rural villages rather than the regional extinction index, it was found to reflect the actual state of rural extinction better.

      • KCI등재

        공유경제를 기반으로 한 어촌민박 활성화 모델에 관한 연구

        이서구 한국해양비즈니스학회 2019 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.44

        The purpose of this study is to present a fishing village homestay model based on the sharing economy as a way to solve the problems of fishing villages and to provide basic data for policy and related research for sustainable development of fishing villages. As a result, the concept of fishing villages, rural villages and mountain villages related to homestays was summarized and the concept of sharing economy was established. Based on this, we propose a 1C2F model related to fishing villages. It is meaningful to present a model for revitalization of fishing villages using fishing villages' common property, fishing village community, and activities in fishing villages. The reason is that the basic data were provided to solve the aging and decline of fishing villages through the activation of fishing villages.

      • KCI등재

        일제의 농민조직화 정책과 농가 지도(1932~1945)

        김민철 ( Kim Min Chul ) 역사문제연구소 2007 역사문제연구 Vol.- No.18

        In terms of being a policy designed to address the issue of organizing the villages, which was devised by the Japanese colonial authorities, the Agricultural areas Promotion movement of the 1930s can be said to have proceeded through total of four different stages. The first stage was when the Rehabilitation plan for the agricultural households was established. During this stage, villages and households were assigned to be given instructions of that plan, and key bodies of the colonial administration including the Myeon offices were all mobilized to guide those villages and households(1933~1934). The second stage saw the directive, of applying the time table for the Agricultural Households Rehabilitation plan to all the villages in the agricultural areas within the next ten years, being established and promoted(1935~1936). Third stage was when the objective of the policy was changed(due to the Chinese-Japanese war), from stabilizing the agricultural households` economy, to increase the production of rice in order to facilitate the war efforts(1937~1939). During this stage, villages that completed the 5-year rehabilitation plan were ordered to be transformed into `Gongryeo(공려) villages` and were required to show voluntary activities, while `village promotion committees` were established at every village and absorbed all other bodies inside the villages. And the final fourth stage marked the dissolution of the Agricultural areas Promotion movement and its metamorphosis to a full scale mobilization cause of the Korean people, which was launched because of the breakout of the Pacific war. The movement was eventually transformed into a `Movement in the Agricultural and Forrest areas to promote Production and Protection of the state`. During this stage(1940~1945), the plan for increasing production in villages was established. This plan aimed for completing the production in every village that was required by the `state`. 97% of the entire villages, and 92.4% of the entire agricultural households, were to be instructed by this plan. As the Agricultural areas Promotion movement was established and proceeded, the level of village organization changed as well. Selection of villages and households, that were to be instructed under the rehabilitation plan, continued. Then efforts to enlist all villages under such plan commenced, and later the designation of `Gongryeo villages`, the establishment of Village promotion committees in every village, and the launch of a Village production increase plan covering all agricultural households proceeded as well. This chain of events was mirroring the Japanese authorities` level of `probing` of the residents` situations, which could usually be considered as an indicator of the level of the colonial authorities` ruling of the colony population. ① First in 1911, well-doing Myeon units were surveyed, ② then in 1926 role-model villages and organizations were surveyed, ③ and in 1933 agricultural households were surveyed, in order to assign villages that needed `guidance` for rehabilitation(in 1935 all the agricultural households inside villages planned to receive instruction for rehabilitation were surveyed), ④ and in 1940 all the agricultural households were surveyed, to lay down ground work for the Village production increase plan. Colonial authorities` policy of organizing the villages was, along with the `Serving the country` group(애국반) system under the Full-scale mobilization movement, was finalized around 1943 when the role of the Gujang(구장) figure, chief director(이사장) of the village alliance, and the financial clerk(식 산계 주사) were all tied together and assigned to a single post. In other words, a system in which a single point person was to be put in charge of the entire administration, economical responsibilities and social ruling, in every village, was formally completed. This marked the establishment of a unified Fascist ruling system which had been attempted since the time of the Mobilization of People`s Spirit movement. In the meantime, the Agricultural areas Promotion movement showed a unique fashion of instruction, which was bringing instruction to individual households. It was an attempt to accept the reality, which was clearly indicating that the policy of creating role-model villages were failing, and also a philosophical attempt that came out of the ruling style of the Governor general who was determined to establish an administration which would support the state-ship(국가주의) based upon the Japanese Denno`s authority. Yet administrative resources were limited, and officials were eager to create visible accomplishments. So instructions were brought not only to individuals but also to groups, and since the 1940s, villages became the sole type of recipients receiving instruction.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 애월읍의 지리적 환경과 인구변화의 특징

        정광중 ( Kwang Joong Jeong ) 한국사진지리학회 2013 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Aewol-eup, located west from the center of Jeju, is a region that has both urban and rural characteristics within its boundaries. With regard to its geographical environment, Aewol-eup is composed of 9 coastal villages and 17 hilly and mountainous villages. In terms of altitude above sea level, the coastal villages have a cluster of houses in the district at under 50 meters above sea level while the hilly and mountainous villages have them at 50-565 meters above sea level, showing a significantly huge deviation. The movement to the coastal villages and hilly and mountainous villages in Aewol-eup has led to the establishment and development of local communities in many districts. As a result, there has been a positive effect on the region in that a number of elementary schools were founded after liberation from Japan. The demographic changes in Aewol-eup after 1960 may be categorized into three phases: the first phase is a period when the town sometimes experienced both increases and decreases in population for 20 years from 1960 to 1979; the second phase, from 1980 to 1994, is a period when the population mainly declined; and the third phase, from 1995 to 2012, is a period when the population increased. The demographic changes by village in Aewol-eup, analyzed on a decade basis from 1972 to 2012, reveal that the demographic distribution by village has changed as from 1992. In other words, the population was concentrated in the southern districts of Aewol-eup such as Aewol-ri, Geumseong-ri and Gwakjiri and the hilly and mountainous villages of Eodo-ri(Bongseong-ri), Nabeup-ri, Sangga-ri, Susan-ri and Gwangryeong1-ri from 1972 to 1982. From 1992, however, the population was concentrated in the villages closer to the center of Jeju including the coastal villages of Hagwi1-ri, Hagwi2-ri and Sineom-ri and the hilly and mountainous villages of Gwangryeong1-ri, Gwangryeong2-ri, Goseong1-ri and Susan-ri. Furthermore, according to the analysis on demographic changes by village in Aewol-eup at each phase, the issue of population decline may become a serious problem in the villages that have experienced continuous decline. Therefore, it is important to take this issue seriously and discuss various solutions as to how the population in such villages might be increased from now on.

      • KCI등재

        어촌 공동시설의 기능적 특성에 관한 연구

        김종천 ( Kim¸ Jong-cheon ),김지웅 ( Kim¸ Ji-ung ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2020 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the functions of public services required by the fishing villages and the necessary public facilities. The results of the research found that the most common type of public facilities in fishing villages were meeting halls which are owned by 87.3%, basic warehouses(40.8%), offices(37.2%), and seafood freezing warehouses (24.9%) were other common types. This means that the community function has played an important role in the development of fishing villages. In this study, public facilities in fishing villages have been diversified into more functional facilities. Around 2000, basic facilities such as halls and offices were established for community functions. After 2010, more functional facilities such as multipurpose complexes, processing facilities, tourism amenities, accommodation facilities, and restaurant facilities have been built. It means that the public function of facilities have been expanded into income, tourism, distribution, and processing based on demand for public services. In terms of public service needs in fishing villages, It has been analyzed that the importance of the income function is increasing. This means that there is growing demand for a new source of common revenue to maintain the fishing village. It is related with the phenomenon that fishing communities are facing crises such as decrease in catches/yield, dwindling populations, and the aging phenomenon. On the other hand, it has also been analyzed that the community function for maintaining the societies of the fishing villages and welfare functions related to the quality of life are also recognized as important public services. The result of analyzing the positioning of the public facilities showed that offices, meeting halls, and basic warehouses were the highest priority of public facilities in fishing villages. These public facilities have both high demand and suitability in fishing villages. In the case of income type facilities, the most prioritized type of facilities were seafood cold storage warehouses, multipurpose complexes, fishing village tourism facilities, and fishing village accommodation facilities.

      • KCI등재

        농촌체험휴양마을 운영관리 평가 및 유형화 - 양평 농촌체험휴양마을을 사례로 -

        이동윤 ( Yi Dong-yoon ),엄서호 ( Um Seo-ho ),손용훈 ( Son Yong-hoon ) 한국농촌계획학회 2021 농촌계획 Vol.27 No.2

        This study aims to understand why the sales volume and the number of visitors are different in each rural tourism village. The study considered that the management and operation of rural tourism villages is one of the major influencing factors. To prove this, the study determined what factors were related to the management and operation of villages and derived detailed items to evaluate them. In the study, the researchers conducted an in-depth interview and a literature review on the management and operation of rural tourism villages in Yangpyeong-gun. They also performed a case study on the Sumi village, one of the successfully managed and operated villages in Yangpyeong-gun, to determine the detailed items. As a result, seven factors were identified. These factors comprise operation entity, governance, shared vision, leadership, efficient role-playing, marketing efforts, and equity in profit distribution. Based on these seven factors, 85 of the evaluation items were developed. The management and operation scores of 85 items were measured and summed for each of the 21 rural tourism villages. First, 21 villages were divided into two groups by the sales figures to derive items to determine the difference in the mean value of the evaluation scores. Second, an independent sample t-test was conducted for each village at YangPyeong-gun. Third, the study divided the 21 villages into four groups using 46 evaluation items. Finally, the study’s researchers clarified some challenges to solve and appropriate management and operation plans considering each type of rural tourism village.

      • KCI등재

        전원마을의 입지선정평가에 관한 연구 -풍수지리측면에서-

        백호진 ( Ho Jin Baek ),정상국 ( Sang Guk Jung ) 한국부동산분석학회 2008 不動産學硏究 Vol.14 No.2

        There are various standards and methods for the selection of garden village locations. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to select appropriate future garden villages in harmony with nature from a large number of villages. Therefore, this study explored traditional villages that had made harmony with nature and maintained cultural traditions and a collective living space over a long period of time. In addition, it utilized previous studies on traditional villages. The results obtained from the empirical analysis were summarized as follows. First, life today develops on the basis of city life. Therefore, cultural environmental factors have more influences on the selection of garden village location than natural environmental factors. Second, villages which have made harmony with the surrounding environment such as traditional villages are secured in terms of feng-shui. Third, human beings live in nature, and the natural environment has significant effects on human life. In conclusion, the desirable location of the garden village should be easily accessible to cities. In addition, it also should contain natural environmental factors. Therefore, when ordinary people select the location of the garden village, they need to consider both general location factors and feng-shui factors to select a garden village in harmony with the forest and trees surrounding the village. It is hoped that this study will be used as materials on human preference for garden village type or development rank, when the government or municipal governments designate garden villages.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 마을어장의 변동과 전통적 어업공동체 `똠`의 지속-흑산군도를 중심으로-

        송기태 ( Song Ki-tae ) 남도민속학회 2016 남도민속연구 Vol.33 No.-

        본고에서는 흑산군도의 전통적 어업공동체 `똠`을 주목하여 그 현황과 운영형태를 파악하고, 20세기 마을어장의 변동 속에서 적응해 온 과정과 현재의 위상에 대해 논의하였다. 먼저 흑산군도의 마을마다 존재하는 해조류 공동채취조직 `똠`의 전반적 현황에 대해 파악했다. 똠은 마을마다 2~4개 정도가 있어서 마을어장의 일정 구간을 구분하여 똠 단위로 해조류를 채취하고 있다. 과거에는 대부분의 해조류를 공동채취 하였으나 현재는 미역만 공동채취하거나 추가로 톳·김 정도만 공동채취 하는 곳이 많다. 각 똠마다 금장이 있어 수시로 어장을 관리하고 채취 시기가 되면 작업날짜와 방법을 지시한다. 해조류 채취를 하는 날이면 각 가정마다 1~2명씩 참여하여 똠이 관할하는 갱번에서 해조류를 채취하고, 전체 채취량을 동일하게 분배한다. 똠의 역사성에 대해서는 구체적으로 알 수 없지만, 최소한 20세기 이전부터 마을어장의 전통적 어업공동체로서 존재해왔던 것으로 추정된다. 마을어장은 20세기 초 근대어업제도가 성립되면서 변동에 처한다. 1908년의 한말 「어업법」과 1911년 일제강점기 하의 「어업령」은 마을어장에도 영향을 끼친다. 조선시대까지 사점과 총유가 공존하던 마을어장은 「어업령」의 전용어업제도 도입 이후 형식적으로나마 총유의 공간이 된다. 이때 전국의 어장을 면허와 허가, 신고, 계출 등으로 관리하면서 마을어장의 경계를 획정하기 시작했다. 마을을 넘나들며 해조류를 채취하던 주민들은 20세기 초 관의 주도하에 해안가 지선을 구획한다. 이와 관련하여 대둔도·다물도의 4동 경쟁이나 중죽도 분쟁, 홍도 이장들의 나룻배 경주는 20세기 초 해안가 지선 획정의 현장 사례로서 중요하다고 하겠다. 흥미로운 것은 마을 간의 경계를 획정하면서 `똠`의 경계도 세밀하게 구분한 점이다. 주민들의 구술과 당시의 정황을 고려할 때, 전통적 어업공동체로서 `똠`이 느슨한 공동체로 존재하다가 20세기 초 지선 경계가 획정되면서 좀 더 공고한 공동체로 변모한 것으로 추정된다. 마을어장은 1960년대 어촌계가 등장하면서 또 한 번의 큰 변동을 겪는다. 수산단체의 체계를 `수협중앙회-지구별수협-어촌계`로 관계로 일원화하기 위해 수협법을 제정하고, 그 과정에서 마을단위 어업공동체인 어촌계를 일제히 설립한다. 이때부터 어촌계는 마을어장의 공식적인 대표기구가 되어 마을의 어업 전반을 관할하기 시작한다. 50여년이 지난 지금 어촌계는 성공적으로 정착했다고 할 수 있는데, 어촌의 실제를 들여다보면 여전히 전통적 어업공동체가 존립하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 흑산군도의 경우 21세기 현재, 마을회-어촌계-똠이 각자의 기능과 역할을 나누어서 마을어장을 관리·운영하고 있다. 똠이 존속할 수 있었던 것은 오랜 기간 해조류 공동채취를 관할하면서 효율성을 구축했고, 똠이 마을공동체와 불가분의 관계로 묶여있기 때문이다. 그래서 흑산군도에서는 마을회에서 어업 전반을 총괄하고 똠은 해조류 채취를 담당하며, 어촌계는 공유수면에서 개인의 투자가 필요한 양식어장 등을 담당하면서 공존하고 있음을 파악할 수 있었다. The study is to figure out the operation and status of a traditional fisheries community in Heuksan archipelago “Ddom”; and this study is also designed to discuss the process that the traditional fisheries community is adapted to the changed fishing ground in the 20<sup>th</sup> century. There has been a traditional fisheries community, called “Ddom”, in Sinan-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea. Ddom is a community to share the jobs from looking after wild seaweeds to harvesting and distributing them. Each village has two or four Ddoms which enables the people to divide fishing grounds into several sections and allocate each Ddom a section to harvest seaweeds. And each Ddom has a manager; they are responsible for maintaining the fishing ground and informing the members of Ddom of the schedule for the harvest and distribution as well as the method. When it is time to harvest seaweeds, one or two memebers from each household participate in the community work-to harvest seaweeds in the Ddom, and then the total amount of seaweeds is equally distributed to each household. The beginning of Ddom is unknown; however, it is estimated that it has existed as a traditional fisheries community before the 20<sup>th</sup> century. The villages` fishing grounds started to be changed due to the establishment of the fishery management system in the early 20<sup>th</sup> century. < the Fishery Law > in the end of Joseon Dynasty in 1908 and < the Fishery Act > under the control of Japan in 1911 had an impact on the fishing grounds in villages. From that time, fishing grounds all over the country started to be appointed as a chartered fishery, permitted fishery, or free fishery; and this determines the boundary of the fishing ground of each village. As the residents harvesting the seaweeds regardless of the villages divided the coastal zones of each village under the supervision of the government in the early 20<sup>th</sup> century. In the process, the coast in Heuksan archipelago was also divided into the coastal zones, and the current coastal zones were defined through the course of dispute and agreement. For instance, the heads of the two villages adjacent to Hongdo Island drove the boats and defined the point in which they met as the local coastal zone; and the local coastal zones of Daedundo Island, Damuldo Island were decided by the representatives and local government officials of villages. The interesting aspect of this process is that the boundary of Ddoms was classified in detail as the local zones were determined. Considering the oral statement given by the residents and the circumstance at that time, it is assumed that the traditional fisheries community, “Ddom” had been a relatively flexible community before the local coastal zones were determined in the early 20<sup>th</sup> century. The systems of villages` fishing grounds were subject to a massive change due to the advent of fishing village societies in 1960s. In order to unify the marine products associations as “National Federation of Fisheries Corperatives”, “National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives”, and “Fishing Village Societies”, the Fisheries Cooperative Act was established in 1962. In the course of establishing the act, the fishing societies, the villages` fisheries communities were also founded. Since then, fishing societies started acting as official organs to operate villages` fishing grounds and supervising the fishing industry. In addition, it can be said that the current fishing societies are successfully settled 50 years after the establishment; Yet, there are still traditional fisheries communities in the fishing villages. When it comes to Heuksan archipelago , the village fishing grounds are currently supervised and maintained by the village hall, fishing societies, Ddoms, and the each organ has their own function and responsibility. What sustains Ddoms is that the communities function effectively by sharing the jobs to harvest seaweeds for a long time and are indivisible with the village communities. The village hall and fishing society collaborate each other in Heuksan archipelago; the village hall is in chare of supervising the fishing business and harvesting seaweeds, and the fishing society takes a role in managing fish farms belonging to public waters and requiring the private investment.

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