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        Analysis of Sample Translation applying Chesterman’s Translation Strategies for Cross-Cultural Challenges

        Kim Georges J 한국통번역교육학회 2013 통번역교육연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This study presents a sample translation from a Korean Editorial to English with focus on some of the translation strategies suggested by Chesterman (1997). Considering the cross-linguistic and cross-cultural differences that exist between English and Korean this paper aims to bring out some useful strategies, especially pragmatic types of textual strategies, that can be incorporated in teaching of translation. Because helping students recognize the presence of the culture behind the text and bring it to the surface is one of the aims of translation pedagogy, how to communicate what is unspoken in the surface text should be seen as a vital step in the production of a body of translation that is readable enough to gain non-Korean speaking readership. To do this, students need various tools or “strategies,” besides a bilingual dictionary. This paper, therefore, will use one sample translation to discuss how selected translation strategies can be introduced to an undergraduate Korean-to-English translation class.

      • KCI등재

        Translation strategies for film titles in Korea : Exploring actual viewers’ responses in cognitive and behavioural aspects

        Han-Nae Yu,Hunil Park,Choel Ja Jeong 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2019 통번역학연구 Vol.23 No.3

        The translation of film titles has received much attention in translation studies as the titles play a crucial role in conveying the content of the films and serve as an important marketing tool to attract audiences. Research on the translation of film titles, however, has mainly dealt with the types of strategies adopted by the translators or distributors while viewers’ responses have received little attention. This study takes a two-pronged approach to bridge this gap and investigates how viewers actually respond to different translation strategies. Analysing 724 imported film titles released from 2000 to 2016 in Korea together with a questionnaire survey, we investigated the viewers’ cognitive and behavioural responses to different types of translation strategies. The results show that while transliteration is the most widely adopted translation strategy in Korea, the survey respondents show inconsistency between their cognitive and behavioural responses to film title translations. This incongruence suggests a discrepancy between implied and actual readers, which has meaningful implications for both film marketing and translation education.

      • KCI등재

        아동문학의 한영 번역전략 연구

        권인경 ( In Kyoung Kwon ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2012 동화와 번역 Vol.23 No.-

        본고에서는 한국 아동문학이 영어로 번역될 때 서로 다른 언어와 문화적인 차이에 대해서 자국화, 이국화 관점에서 번역 방법들을 고찰해 본다. 그리고 기존에 제시되었던 자국화, 이국화 번역전략들을 종합하여 공통적인 전략들을 기준으로 실제 사례들을 번역본을 통해서 분석하였다. 자국화에 있어서는 번안, 의역, 관용어구 사용, 상위어, 하위어 사용, 대체하기, 풀어쓰기 등의 전략이 있었고, 이국화에 있어서는 직역과 차용 등의 방법이 대표적이었다. 하지만 이러한 기존의 방법으로도 설명될 수 없었던 사례들이 있었는데 주로 문장 층위와 관련해서였다. 따라서 본고에서는 추가적으로 문장 나누기, 문장 삽입하기, 순서 변경하기 등의 전략을 제시하였다. 이전에 사용되었던 번역 전략들은 주로 어휘적인 층위에서 제시되고 있기 때문에, 본고에서는 어휘뿐만 아니라 구문이나 통사적, 화용론적인 측면에 있어서의 상세한 번역전략을 제시하고자 하는 데 의의가 있다. 이러한 전략이 향후 한국의 아동문학을 영어로 번역하는 번역자들에게 도움이 되었으면 한다. This study examined translation strategies of the Korean-English translation books by analyzing in four source texts. Based on existing translation strategies, this paper presented overall strategies. Domestication methods include adaptation, liberal translation, idiomatic translation, communicative translation(using hyperonym, hyponym), using culture alternatives, and generalization. Meanwhile, foreignization methods include literal translation and borrowing words or phrases from the source text. However, those strategies could not cover further texts in the analysis. Therefore this study came up with new translation techniques in domestication ways. Considering sentence level, there were included adding sentences, separating sentences, and changing the order of words or sentences. Most of the existing translation strategies focused on the word level, but this case study tried to suggest the new strategies in sentence or syntactic level as well as word level. These strategies might be helpful to translators in English translation of Korean children`s books.

      • KCI등재

        중국소설 삼체 1부 한역본에 나타난 문화특정어의 번역 양상 - ‘심층 번역’ 이론을 중심으로 -

        가예역,조위수 한국문화융합학회 2024 문화와 융합 Vol.46 No.1(특별호)

        본 연구는 중국소설 삼체1 한역본에 나타난 문화특정어의 번역을 심층 번역 이론의 관점으로 출발하여 구체적인 사례를 분석하고 문화특정어의 번역전략 양상을 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 선행연구를 토대로 삼체의특성을 고려하여 문화특정어를 생태문화특정어, 원천내의 특정사건문화특정어, 물질문화특정어, 정신문화특정어, 언어문화특정어로 분류하였다. 분석 결과, 번역자는 해석적 문자를 사용하는 방식으로 번역문 독자에게 원어 작품과 관련된 배경 문화 지식을 전달하고 있었다. 구체적으로 삼체한역본에서는 의역, 첨가, 직역, 생략, 음역+각주, 직역+각주 등의 번역전략이 발견되었다. 본 연구는 삼체의일부를 분석하여 결과를 일반화하는 데 한계가 있으나, 지금껏 논의가 부족했던삼체한역본을 대상으로 심층분석의 관점을 통해 번역전략을 살펴보았다는 데 의의가 있을 것이다. The aim of this study is to analyze the translation of culture-specific items in the Korean translation of the Chinese novel ‘Three-Body’ 1, based on the theory of thick translation, and to explore the patterns of translation strategies for culture-specific items. To do this, cultural-specific items are classified into five categories: ecological, specific event, material, spiritual, and linguistic cultural-specific items, based on previous research and the characteristics of ‘Three-Body’. The analysis revealed that the translator used interpretive letters to convey the cultural background related to the original work to the readers of the translation. Specifically, the study identified translation strategies such as paraphrase, addition, literal translation, omission, transliteration+footnote, and literal translation+footnote in the Korean translation of ‘Three-Body’. This study has significance in that it examines translation strategies from the perspective of thick analysis of the Korean version of ‘Three-Body’ which has been the subject of insufficient discussion, despite its limitations in analyzing only a part of the book and generalizing the results.

      • KCI등재

        뉴스 홍보 번역에서 모호언어의 중한번역 연구 -신화망(新华网) 한국어판을 중심으로

        장문려 ( Wenli Zhang ) 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.1

        연구 목적: 이 연구는 뉴스 언어에서의 모호한 표현을 올바르게 이해하고 처리하는 방법을 연구하고, 번역문에서 뉴스 언어의 모호성 전환 방법을 찾아내는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구 방법: 이 연구는 신화망(新华网) 한국어판 뉴스를 연구 자료로 사용하고 코퍼스 연구법, 비교 연구법을 활용하여 예문을 결합한 뉴스 홍보 번역의 측면에서 모호언어의 번역 방법을 고찰하였다. 연구 내용: 본문은 구체적으로 뉴스 홍보 번역에서의 모호언어 번역 연구 현황, 뉴스 홍보 번역에서 모호언어의 중한 번역 원칙 및 번역 전략 등 세 가지 측면에서 검토하였다. 결론 및 제언: 본문은 뉴스 홍보 번역에서 모호한 언어의 번역 원칙을 요약하고, 번역자가 모호한 언어로 모호한 표현 번역, 정확한 언어로 모호한 표현 번역, 모호한 표현 추가, 모호한 표현 생략, 수사(修辞) 수단 강조, 유연한 전환 활용 등 구체적인 번역 전략을 채택하여 번역문이 원문의 모호한 의미를 정확하게 전달할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 원문의 문화적 요소와 스타일 상의 특징도 구현할 수 있도록 한다. 본문은 뉴스 홍보 번역에서 모호한 언어의 대외 번역 소개와 중국 문화의 대외 전파에 참고가 되도록 하고자 한다. This article aims to study the Korean translation of fuzziness in Chinese news language. Specifically, this article adopts corpus methods and comparative methods to examine the Korean translation of Chinese fuzzy expressions in the Korean version of Xinhuanet news. Three aspects are mainly investigated: (1) the current research situation of fuzzy language translation in news publicity translation; (2) the Chinese-Korean translation principles in news publicity translation; and (3) the Chinese-Korean translation strategies of fuzzy language in news publicity translation. This paper summarizes translation principles of fuzzy language in Chinese-Korean news publicity translation. It also proposes certain translation strategies to maintain the meaning and style of the fuzzy expressions in the Chinese source language. The strategies include adopting fuzzy translation, accurate translation, adding fuzzy expressions, omitting fuzzy expressions, highlighting rhetorical devices, and flexible use of conversion. This article can provide reference for the translation of fuzzy language and the spread of Chinese culture.

      • KCI등재

        미야자와 겐지 「바람의 마타사부로(風の又三郎)」의 일한 번역에 대한 고찰-어휘와 문구에 대한 번역전략을 중심으로-

        이예안 이화여자대학교 통역번역연구소 2021 T&I review Vol.11 No.2

        Raean Lee (2021). A Study on Korean Translations of Kenji Miyazawa’s“Matasaburo of the Wind”: Focusing on the translation strategies for words and phrases. This paper reviews Korean translations of Kenji Miyazawa’s “Matasaburo of theWind”. In terms of the Japanese word “雪ばかま,” its Korean transliteration of “유키바카마” (pronounced “yukibakama”) appears to be appropriate in the bookstranslated by Shim Jong-suk (2013) and Jang Hyeon-ju (2018). It is appropriate totranslate “油合羽” into “아부라갓파” (pronounced “aburagatpa”) with thetranslator’s note of “a raincoat made of oil paper,” and “下駄” into “게타”(pronounced “geta”) with the translator's note of “Japanese sandals”. The mostappropriate translation for “二百十日” is “니하쿠토카” (pronounced “nihakyutoka”)in the Korean translation by Shim Jong-suk (2013) where the translation strategy oftransliteration with the translator’s notes is used. Translating “風の又三郎” into“Matasaburo of the Wind” or “The Wind boy, Matasaburo'' and adding expatiationswith the translator’s note, an explanation of the work, and the translator’s commentsis used. This strategy is helpful for general Korean readers to understand the novel. Arecommendable translation of “権現さまの尾っぽ持ち” would be “곤겐님(権現さま)의 시중을 드는 사람” [people who serve “Gongensama”] in the translation byShim Jong-suk (2013). In this case, the translation strategy is to transliterate “権現”, adding the Chinese characters “権現” in brackets after the word with the translator’snote to help readers’ understanding.

      • KCI등재

        Translation Strategies of Culture-Loaded Words in Mo Yan`s Novels of Life and Death are Wearing Me Out in Korean Version

        조보로 ( Zhao Bao-lu ) 한국중국어문학회 2017 中國文學 Vol.91 No.-

        Culture-loaded words is a reflection of a country or a nation`s environment, material culture, religions and beliefs, customs and so on. Due to the cultural divergence between Korean an Chinese, the translation of culture-loaded words brings great challenge to translators. Also, the success of translating culture-loaded word plays an important part in the success of the whole translation. This paper investigates the Donkey s Play translation strategies of Mo Yan `s novel, the first part of Life and Death are Wearing Me Out, from the aspects of linguistic culture - loaded words, social-cultural - loaded words, ecological - cultural - words, religious - cultural - loaded words and material - cultural - loaded words, It can be seen that the translators have adopted literal translation, paraphrase, addition and subtraction, as well as the translation of the filling method. The translator has adopted the strategy of alienation for most of the cultural factors, and has retained the original local flavor and national characteristics to the maximum extent.

      • KCI등재후보

        전문번역전략에 대한 연구

        이은숙(Eun-Sook Lee) 한국중원언어학회 2011 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        This study focuses on the process and strategy of audio-video text translation, especially on TV news text as a professional translation aspect. TV broadcasting news including a large portion of features and characteristics of written texts has the remarkable aspects: simplicity, preciseness and correctness. In addition, there are considerable differences between the translation as a tool of learning foreign language and professional translation. This study analyzed the Korean translation examples of professional translator on English TV broadcasting news and identified the strategy and process of professional translation. Firstly, professional translators classify the genre and function of the source text and build the strategy with Translation Brief. Translation Brief includes describing situational elements regulating text profile in relation to target text. Accordingly, professional translators approach the source text not by the comparison of languages but by communicative and interpretive strategy rendering real text into target text. Translation professors should apply a variety of professional translation methods to translation teaching.

      • KCI등재

        기계번역의 한계와 번역사의 전략 - 유엔 총회 한·일 정상 연설문을 중심으로 -

        이선화,권익호 한국일어일문학회 2020 日語日文學硏究 Vol.115 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the current level of machine translation by comparing it with the accuracy of human translators and hence to figure out the translation strategies that only human translators is are able to pursue. Specifically, error types of machine translation are analyzed in order to see the quality of artificial neural network-based machine translation, which is represented by Google Translation and Naver Papago. The analysis shows although the accuracy of machine translation has been considerably improved, it still generates many more errors than human translators. While comparing the two machine translations, Google Translation had more errors than Naver Papago Translation. When examining the form and strategy of human translators’ involvement in translation, machine translation still failed to follow the accuracy and precision of the translation of the strategic human translators. However, when it comes to the speed factor, machine translation was unparalleled. It was excellent. But no matter how advanced machine translation is, it most certainly has some limitations. For instance, it will fail to understand the culture, social trends, and current social phenomena, which reflect the tastes of readers. As a result, the mutual complementary efforts between machine translation and human translation will consistently be needed. 本研究の目的は、機械翻訳が急成長している今日、機械翻訳と人間による翻訳の品質を比較することで、機械翻訳の現水準を把握し、人間の翻訳者であるからこそ可能な翻訳戦略にはどのようなものがあるかを考察することにある。具体的にはグーグル翻訳とネイバーのパパゴで代表されるニューラル機械翻訳の品質がどれほど向上したかを察するために機械翻訳のエラータイプを分析した。分析の結果、機械翻訳の精度が高くなったというものの、人間の翻訳者より多くのエラーを起こしていることが分かった。機械翻訳の間の比較では、グーグル翻訳がネイバーのパパゴよりエラー数が多かった。 次に、人間の翻訳者が翻訳に介入する形と戦略を調べてみた結果、依然として機械翻訳は人間による翻訳の品質に比べて劣っていた。一方で、翻訳のスピード面では、機械翻訳が圧倒的に優れていた。ところが、いくら機械翻訳が発達するとしても異文化を理解し、時代の流れと社会的な現象を把握したうえで、読者層の好みを反映するような積極的な翻訳行為においては、機械翻訳では限界があるはずだ。これから相互補完的な関係作りのためのさらなる取り組みが求められる。

      • Sight Translation and Written Translation. A Comparative Analysis of Causes of Problems, Strategies and Translation Errors within the PACTE Translation Competence Model

        ( Amparo Jimenez Ivars ) 한국통역번역학회 2008 FORUM Vol.6 No.2

        Nous presentons ici une etude exploratoire et empirique de certains aspects du processus oral et ecrit de la traduction a l`interieur de ce qui construit la competence traductrice.L`objectif est double : la recherche d`essais d`habilites specifiques de la competence traductrice dans des taches de traduction et la comparaison des donnees obtenues en traduction a vue et en traduction ecrite afin de verifier empiriquement si la traduction a vue peut etre consideree en tant que modalite d`interpretation. L`experience s`est appuyee sur un echantillon de 22 etudiants de Traduction et Interpretation inscrits en derniere annee universitaire, une fois passes leurs examens finaux.Les taches ont consiste en une traduction a vue et une autre ecrite du meme texte et, ensuite, cet echantillon d`etudiants a repondu a un questionnaire retrospectif sur les causes des problemes de traduction et les strategies employees pour resoudre ceux-ci. Pour la revision des traductions, trois criteres ont ete etablis: non-sens, faux-sens et contre-sens. Les resultats demontrent des differences qualitatives et quantitatives selon les problemes, les causes et les strategies employees. La quantite d` strategies detectee etait superieure dans la traduction a vue. Les resultats qualitatifs ont ete fructueusement incorpores au modele theorique de la competence traductrice du groupe PACTE. Il a egalement ete observe que les composantes psychophysiologiques presentent plus d`incidence en traduction a vue, tel qu`il arrive dans les modalites de l`interpretariat. La competence du transfert ayant trait a la re-expression est plus relevante dans la traduction ecrite.

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