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      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 문단 재편과 피난문단

        이순욱 동남어문학회 2007 동남어문논집 Vol.24 No.-

        Reorganization of Literary Circles during the Korean War and Refuge Literary Circles. Dongnam Journal of Korean Language & Literature 24. The Korean War period was the time when Busan could heighten its status as a regional literature, as a new literary environment was created in Busan after the reorganization of literary circles. This paper aims at examining the real situation of writers who sought refuge in Busan, their literary activities, and the characteristics of refuge literature and studying the impact the refuge literature had on the regional literature of Busan.<BR>First of all, the refuge was mostly a political asylum, rather than an option for survival. So, the geographical movement by writers accelerated the realignment of the Korean literary circles. In particular, the literary assets of Seoul were relocated to Busan, a last front and provisional capital, into which the biggest number of refuge writers flowed. It was mostly right-wing writers who took shelter without having any difficulty in making a decision between remaining and seeking refuge. Detailed characteristics and status of the writers who temporarily stayed in Busan can be found in "Curricula Vitae of Poets," a supplement to Collection of Patriotic Poems by 33 People published by the Korean Military Relief Culture Association and in "Comprehensive Biographies of Contemporary Korean Writers," a special supplement to Vol. 1 and No. 3 of the monthly magazine Literary World. <BR>Second, writers flowing into Busan constituted the refuge literature, passing their time in cafes or publishing their works through diverse media, while actively participating in wartime literary lectures hosted by the National Association of Cultural Organizations, exhibitions of illustrated poems, public reading of poems, art festivals in memory of the Independence Movement on March 1 and etc. Some of them even joined the naval war writers unit based in Busan. A variety of cultural events led by the National Association of Cultural Organizations gave a new impetus to Busan"s modern art and an opportunity to bring together local figures with passion for promoting literature and carry out relevant activities. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the reorganized literary circles and the subsequent formation of refuge literature during the Korean War period played a key role in laying groundwork for Busan"s regional literature. Yet, a wave of the refuge writers flowed out of Busan after the returning of a capital to Seoul, making the refuge literature more like a literature by temporary visitors. <BR>Third, the nation"s central literary environment relocated into Busan dramatically increased the number of newspaper novels during the Korean War. Writers who sought refuge in Busan published their literary works mostly through this media. Magazines published in Busan because of the war including A New World , Literary Art , Literary World , New Trend , New Public Opinion , Ideas , Ethics , Foundation , Daily Sports , Politics and Economy , Korean Administration , Lightning Friend , Youth , Sea as well as newspapers, which substituted national newspapers, such as Busan Ilbo , Kukje Shinbo gave space for refuge writers to publish their works and paved the way for the development of Busan"s regional literature during the Korean War. The 17 collections of poems published in this period by refuge writers included 12 individual collections, one collection of translated poems, two joint collections and two compilations. These literary activities by refuge writers through such diverse media as newspapers, magazines   d independent collections of poems had a significant impact on building a new literary trend in Busan. Notably, the growth of young writers and their coterie activities can be said to be the most remarkable achievement that Busan"s regional literature made during the Korean War period.

      • KCI등재

        원자탄의 매개된 세계상과 재지역화의 균열들

        공임순(Kong Im-soon) 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 서강인문논총 Vol.0 No.31

        이 글은 종전과 더불어 전후의 한반도 해방(자유)화의 조건이 쌀과 원자탄을 둘러싼 유언비어의 형태로 재연되고 있다는 점을 1장에서 지적했다. 쌀과 원자탄을 둘러싼 유언비어의 진위 논쟁은 한반도 해방(자유)화의 조건이 자립과 종속의 이중 계기에 노출되어 있음을 단적으로 드러내고 있었다. 쌀의 풍작에도 불구하고 쌀 기근과 쌀 부족은 수입쌀에 뒤섞인 원자탄원료의 반입이라는 유언비어의 형태로 한반도가 미소의 양 패권국 사이에서 전장화될 지도 모른다는 의심을 불러일으켰다. 이것이 쌀과 원자탄과 관련된 유언비어의 진위 논쟁으로 불거진 셈인데, 이처럼 원자탄은 쌀과 더불어 아니 쌀 이상으로 한반도 주민들의 삶에 깊숙이 침투해 있었던 것이다. 원자탄은 한반도 주민들이 한 번도 접해보지 못한 미증유의 대상이었다. 이 미지의 존재로서의 원자탄은 종전과 전후의 세계상에 대한 한 표지로서 원자탄의 가공할 파괴력과 평화적 사용에 대한 관심을 동시적으로 촉발했다. 하나의 세계이냐 두 개의 세계이냐라는 물음에 압축되어 있듯이 원자탄은 전 세계적인 평화와 전쟁의 갈림길을 강제하고 있었다. 이러한 원자탄의 전쟁과 항구적 평화의 표상은 한반도 및 극동의 지정학적 운명을 비추는 거울상으로 작용했는데, 가령 한반도 및 극동이 원자탄의 폭발력에 비견되는 위험 지구로 인식되는 양상이 그러하다. 이러한 한반도 및 극동의 당면한 위기감은 한반도가 세계전쟁의 화약고가 되어서는 안 된다는 절박한 요청을 띠게 되는데, 이러한 전후의 동시대적인 감각은 한국전쟁을 계기로 또 한번의 굴절을 겪게 된다. 한반도가 제 3차전의 도화선이 되어서는 안 될 것이라는 주장은 원자탄을 사용해서라도 한반도의 적대 세력을 없애야 한다는 주장으로 변전하고, 제 3차전에 대한 경고는 한국전쟁이 이미 제 3차전이라는 자기 임계점에 가닿게 된다. 이는 한국전쟁의 세계전화였으며, 한반도를 자유민주주의를 위한 십자군으로서 자리매김하는 정치의 도덕화, 도덕의 정치화였다. 이러한 종전과 전후의 달라지는 세계 인식과 감각은 원자탄의 가상적 효력을 배경으로 전면전의 가능성이 전제된 새로운 공간창출의 움직임 속에서 이루어졌는데, 한국전쟁은 칼 슈미트가 말한 원자탄(핵)의 발명이 체현하는 전면전과 지역전의 내적 균열과 모순을 보여주는 일례로서 그 부족함이 없다 할 것이다. What this thesis examines in the first chapter is that a condition for emancipation(liberalization) of the Korean Peninsula’s in postwar period had been reenacted in forms of rumor around rice and atomic bombs. The arguments whether or not this rumor around rice and atomic bombs is true revealed clearly that a condition for emancipation(liberalization) of the Korean Peninsula was directly connected with the double moments of independent and dependent. The atomic bombs was the an unheard-of object which Korean people had never seen or heard of before. This atomic bombs as an unheard-of object had promoted concerns about the horrible destructive power as well as peaceful use of it as a mark about world picture in postwar period. As the question whether the world will be one world or two world illustrated well, atomic bombs made the world be standing at the crossroads of worldwide peace and war. This representation of worldwide peace and war around atomic bombs worked as mirror image reflecting geopolitical fate in the Korean Peninsula and the Far East, so to speak, it was aspect that the Korean Peninsula and the Far East were recognized as a danger zone equalled to destructive power of atomic bombs. But throughout the Korean War the insistence that the Korean Peninsula never to become the direct cause of world war Ⅲ changed the claim that the Korean War was already world war Ⅲ which was self-the critical point of the Korean Peninsula. That was to be world war the Korean War, and was to be moral of politics and to be politics of moral by positioning the Korean War the Crusades of free democracy. This changing recognition and sense of the world was done within the new movement for the creating of space implying possibilities for total war against a background of virtual effective of atomic bombs, then the Korean War was an certain instance that showed internal raptures and inconsistency between total war and local war embodying the invention of atom bombs what Carl Schmitt called.

      • KCI등재

        한무숙 문학의 배양(培養) : - 인공 치하 서울의 경험과 부산 피난 시절을 중심으로 -

        남은혜(Nam, Eun-Hye) 한국문학회 2020 韓國文學論叢 Vol.86 No.-

        한무숙은 한국전쟁기 1951년~1953년 동안 10편 이상의 단편소설을 창작․발표하였다. 그러나 전시를 배경으로 하는 작품에서도 자신의 경험을 자전적으로 서사화하지 않았다는 점이 특징적이다. 또한 수필 등에서 태평양전쟁기 가부장제 하의 며느리로서 고통을 겪으며 문학에 대한 열정을 품었던 내면에 대해 반복하여 발화했던 데 비해, 한국전쟁기의 활동에 대해서는 비교적 노출하지 않았다. 이는 소설의 서사에서 보이는 특징과도 연계될 수 있다. 일제강점기부터 한국전쟁 휴전 이후까지를 폭넓게 다루는 작품들의 경우에, 공통적으로 일제강점기의 상처와 고통에 더 집중하고 한국전쟁기의 서사는 단편적으로 다루고 있기 때문이다. 현재까지는 한무숙의 전쟁기의 이력에 대해서 구체적으로 연구되지 못한 실정이었다. 본고에서는 작가의 장녀 김영기 교수와 장남 김호기 관장의 회고담을 통해 한무숙의 인공 치하 3개월의 생활과 부산 피난시절에 대해 구체적으로 확인하고 검토하였다. 그 결과, 작가는 한국전쟁기의 경험을 통해 문학을 매개로 하여 사회로 나아갈 수 있었다는 점을 고찰할 수 있었다. 전쟁 발발 당일 피난을 떠났으나 한강을 건너지 못하고 돌아와 젊은 남성들의 목숨을 지키고 시어른들로부터 어린 5남매에 이르는 대가족의 생계를 책임져야 했던 한무숙은 부역에 참여하지 않고 인공 치하 3개월을 버텨냈다. 이 시기는 남성과 시 어른들 중심으로 유지되어왔던 가부장제 하의 생활에서 한무숙의 영향력과 입지를 높일 수 있게 한 시기였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 한무숙은 1951년 1월 부산으로 피난을 떠났다. 피난 시절 한무숙은 당시 부역 문인들이 경험했던 고통과 압박에서 자유로울 수 있었다. 그리하여 한무숙은 다방에서 문인들과 만나거나 한무숙의 집에 문인들을 비롯한 예술가들이 내방하여 교유하였으며 이러한 인적 네트워크는 환도 후 한무숙의 자택인 ‘명륜장’으로 이어진다. 본고에서는, 한무숙이 한국전쟁기 부산 피난 시절에 문인들과 교류하고 작품을 창작하면서 사회와의 접점을 찾을 수 있었고 이는 휴전과 환도 이후 작가로서 본격적으로 활동할 수 있는 토양이 되었다는 점을 규명하였다. 또한 이 시기 작품들에 나타난 주제와 특징이 한무숙 문학 세계의 고유한 지점과 연관된다는 점에서 이 시기를 문학적 ‘배양기’로 새롭게 해석하고자 했다. Hahn Moo-Sook published more than 10 short stories during the Korean War. But even in works set in the war, she did not write autobiographical novels or essays in the form of confession. The essays published after the war also did not reveal the experience of the Korean War in detail. This can also be associated with the characteristics of a novel. Hahn Moo-Sook s novel focuses more on Japanese colonial era s wounds and reveals fragmentary experiences during the Korean War. The activities of Hahn Moo-Sook during the Korean War have not been studied in detail. The author s eldest daughter Young-Key Kim-Renaud and eldest son Hoagy Kim recalled their experiences during the Korean War. This study introduced and studied the story. Hahn Moo-Sook then confirmed that she spent three months in Seoul and spent her time in refuge in Busan. As a result, Hahn Moo-Sook discussed the fact that her experience during the Korean War allowed her to advance literature into society through channels. Han s family fled on the day of the war, but had to return without crossing the Han River. Hahn Moo-Sook had to protect the lives of young men from the People s Army, and to take care of the livelihood of a large family of generations. Hahn Moo-Sook was able to avoid participate in the ‘Collaboration’ due to the aftereffects of surgery. Through this period, Hahn Moo-Sook was able to make a difference in her previous position, which was influenced by the patriarchal system. Hahn Moo-Sook fled to Busan in January 1951. During the evacuation, Hahn Moo-Sook met with fellow writers at a coffee shop or visited Hahn Moo-Sook s house to interact with them. Such a network leads to a network of ‘myongryunjang’ after the war. In this study, Hahn Moo-Sook noted that her experience during the Korean War allowed her to participate in literary activities and move on to society. Thus, it was intended to be interpreted as the ‘cultivation period’ of Hahn Moo-Sook s literature, given that she was able to be active in earnest after the 1960s.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 에스닉잡지와 ‘한국전쟁’ -1950년대의 일본열도가 본 ‘한국전쟁’-

        소명선 ( So Myung-sun ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.61

        본 논문은 1950년대에 발행된 재일조선인 에스닉잡지에 게재된 문학작품 중, 한국전쟁을 모티브로 한 작품을 대상으로 하여, 동시대의 재일조선인은 한국전쟁을 어떻게 표상하고 있는가를 고찰했다. 구체적인 분석 대상은 총 14편의 소설과 희곡작품으로, 대부분이 휴전협정 전에 발표된 것이고, 시간적 배경은 전쟁이 가장 격심했던 1950년과 1951년에 집중되어 있었다. 공간적인 배경은 한반도 내부에 머무르지 않고 중국과 일본이 그 무대가 되기도 했다. 그러나 대부분이 번역물로 재일조선인이 창작한 작품은 4편에 불과했으며, 대체적으로 프로파간다 성향을 띠고 있었다. 그리고 이들 작품은 한국전쟁을 문학적 모티브로 사용했다기보다 한국전쟁 자체가 중심테마를 이루고 있었다. 동시대의 일본문학을 참조 틀로 했을 때 재일조선인이 한국전쟁을 바라보는 시각에는 물리적인 거리가 확보되어 있음에도 불구하고 심정적인 거리는 제로였다. 일본문학의 경우, GHQ에 의한 점령하에서 한국전쟁으로 급변해 가는 사회분위기에 민감하게 반응하면서 일본이 한국전쟁에 깊이 관여하고 있다는 사실을 다양한 형태로 그려내고 있었다. 1950년대의 재일조선인은 일본에서 또 다른 형태의 한국전쟁을 치루고 있었고, 지지하는 정권은 다르지만 모두가 조국의 독립과 평화를 지향하고 있었다. 이러한 점에서 한국전쟁 시기의 재일조선인은 그 어느 때보다 강하게 한반도와 직결되어 있었다고 할 수 있다. In this paper, I study ethnic magazines of Zanichi Koreans in the 1950s, focusing on works based on the motif of the Korean War, and explore how contemporary Zanichi Koreans represent the Korean War. A specific analysis target is a total of 14 novels and plays. The time setting of the work is many in 1950 and 1951. The space of the novel is not limited to the Korean peninsula, but China and Japan are staged. However, most of the works are translated, and only 4 works created by Zainichi Koreans. These works are not the literary motif of the Korean War, but the Korean War itself is the central theme. When the contemporary Japanese literature was used as a reference frame, the gaze to Korean War of Zainichi Koreans could be said to be zero even though they were leaving the Korean peninsula. In the case of Japanese literature, it portrays in various ways that the Japan is deeply involved in the Korea War, while responding sensitively to the rapidly changing Japanese society caused by the Korean War, during the GHQ occupation period. Zanichi Koreans of the 1950s did war of different form Korean War, in the Japanese Islands. Even if the support regime was different, everybody prayed for independence and the peace of the mother country. From this point, Zanichi Koreans during the Korean War could say that it was directly connected to the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 전후 복구 시기 조각 연구 - ‘일반조각’을 중심으로

        신수경(Shin Sookyung) 한국근현대미술사학회 2020 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.40 No.-

        이 논문은 북한의 전후 복구 시기(1953-1961) ‘일반조각’을 중심으로 6·25전쟁에 대한 인식과 전후(戰後) 재건의 모습을 살펴본 것이다. 이를 위해 북한의 문예지·도록·단행본 등에 산재해 있는 조각 관련 문헌과 작품 이미지를 수집하여 크게 두 가지 방향에서 고찰했다. 먼저 전후 복구 시기 조각 관련 문헌을 ‘소련 및 동유럽 조각의 영향’, ‘창작체험기’, ‘창작방법론’, 그리고 ‘전시와 작품 비평’으로 나누어 분석했다. 그 결과 1950년대 중반까지만 하더라도 소련의 영향이 절대적이었지만, 1950년대 후반이 되면 소련 관련 문헌이 줄어드는 대신 동유럽 국가들과의 교류를 보여주는 문헌이 증가했다. 이렇게 외교 채널이 다양해졌을 뿐만 아니라 이 시기 미술잡지에는 조각가들의 진솔한 체험기를 비롯해, 전시 및 작품에 대한 매우 구체적이고 날카로운 비평문이 실렸다. 특히 기념비 조각에 대한 관심이 고조되는 1950년대 후반부터는 민족적인 양식을 찾기 위해 신라·고려 시대 조각을 소환하기도 하고, 소련 조각을 이상적으로 내세우는 등 다양한 논의가 이루어졌다. 전후 복구 시기 제작된 ‘일반조각’에는 의외로 6·25전쟁을 다룬 작품은 많지 않았다. 오히려 항일혁명 투쟁이나 반미의식을 주제로 한 작품이 더 많은데, 이는 6·25전쟁이 미국의 한반도 지배 위협으로부터 지켜낸 민족해방전쟁이라는 인식에서 기인한다. 이 시기 조각 중 가장 많은 비중을 차지하는 주제는 전쟁의 상처를 딛고 급속한 공업화를 추진하는 과정에서 형성된 천리마 기수들의 노력투쟁이다. 1950년대 중반 속도전을 표방한 천리마 운동이 1950년대 후반이 되면 ‘사상(의식) 개조’를 중점에 두고 ‘증산경쟁’을 결합한 ‘집단적 혁신운동’인 천리마 작업반 운동으로 전개되었다. 조각가들 역시 이러한 흐름에 맞추어 ‘천리마 창작단’을 결성하고 자신들을 당 정책의 선전자로 근로자들의 교양 강사로 자처하며 노동자와 농민상을 작품으로 형상화했다. 아직 연구가 활발하지 않은 북한의 전후 복구 시기 ‘일반조각’을 중심으로, 개별 조각가들에 대한 구체적인 활동상과 작품을 살펴본 이 글은 그동안 북한 조각에 대한 연구가 집체창작으로 이루어지는 기념비 조각에 집중되었던 시각에서 벗어나 북한 조각계의 다양한 측면을 살펴보는 기회가 될 것으로 기대한다. This article examines North Korea’s perception of the Korean War and its postwar reconstruction through the lens of ‘figurative sculpture’ made during the postwar period(1953-1961). Based on numerous literary resources and images collected from North Korean periodicals, art catalogues and books, this study sheds light on a noteworthy transition that happened in the 1950s when North Korean artists shifted their attention from the Soviet Union to diverse countries in Eastern Europe as well as Korea’s past. In the mid-1950s when the influence of the Soviet Union was dominant, North Korean art journals introduced representative Soviet sculptors and Soviet articles translated by North Korean artists who had returned from the Soviet Union after years of study there. However, this tendency declined when North Korea began to diversify diplomatic channels and North Korean artists pursued a new source of inspiration not only in Eastern European sculpture but in Korea’s traditional sculpture from the Silla and Goryeo periods. While idealizing Soviet sculpture, North Korean sculptors also attempted to find ethnic styles from native ancient sculptures. There were not many sculptures which directly addressed themes of the Korean War in the postwar period. Rather they tended to represent the Korean War, along with the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, as a national liberation war. These sculptural representations intended to justify the Korean War as the historic national war to protect the Korean Peninsula from the military threat of the United States, invoking anti-Americanism. In the mid-1950s, North Korean sculptors featured the heroic struggle of Chollima riders amid the country’s postwar reconstruction and rapid industrialization. With the slogan of speed battle, the Chollima Movement developed into the Chollima Work Team Movement. While undergoing the rectification of thought/class consciousness and provoking increase in production, individual sculptors became avid propagandists of party policy and instructors for teaching workers and farmers. Among them, notable artists like Song Young-baek presented the model of the Chollima team leader and Cho Won-seok created many sculptural pieces to show anti-American themes. This article scrutinizes the field of study called ‘figurative sculpture’ which has been overlooked by art historians who paid special attention to North Korean monuments made by collective creations.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 뉴욕일원 한인사회 (1945-1959)

        조종무 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2012 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.36

        The literature on Korean Americans shows that many historians in Korea have studied Korean immigrants in the New York area during the colonial period. It also shows that there are enough sociological studies of the Korean community in New York in the post-1965 period. But there is a paucity of the literature that covers the intermediary period between 1948 and 1965. Since the Korean-American Association of Greater New York was established in 1960, it has made minor efforts to collect data on the Korean community. The author immigrated to New York in the early 1970s and became keenly aware of the lack of data on Korean immigration history in the New York area. In order to collect and preserve data on Korean Americans, I looked for books from Korea focusing on Korean immigration history in the United States, checked U.S. libraries for data on Korean Americans, and conducted many tape-recorded personal interviews with Korean community leaders at old ages for oral history. This study examines the Korean community in the New York-New Jersey area during the period of 1948 and 1959 based on data the author has collected thus far. Specifically, it covers Koreans’ immigration patterns and growth of the Korean population, settlement patterns, business patterns and ethnic organizations during the intermediary period.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국전쟁기 부산 지역문학과 동인지

        이순욱 ( Soon Wook Lee ) 영주어문학회 2010 영주어문 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper aims at closely examining the overall state and characters of student coterie magazines published in Busan area during the Korean War period. Reshuffle of the literary circles and changes in literary fields during the war period, literary conditions driving young writers to the literary field, foundations and procedures for the formation of student literary coteries, their organization and ideological orientation, changing status of coterie members, literary exchanges and regional solidarity and the advance to the institutional literary circle have been explored. First, the newly established refuge literature following the reshuffle of the literary world during the Korean War period, extensive production and utilization of media, occasional experiences of publishing media by the Busan and Gyeongnam Literary Society, hosting of nationwide literary events such as Yeongnam Arts Festival Writing Contest provided substantial and physical foundation to usher in the era of student literary coterie magazines. In particular, various events arranged by the Federation of Cultural Organizations, including literary lecture and poetry recitation events served as important factors in reshaping the cultural and artistic landscape, and provided young writers aspiration in literature. The publication of new magazines motivated young writers to create literary works, providing a stepping stone for the transition to the students` literary world. The Yeongnam Arts Festival Writing Contest where respected writers across the nation participated provided young and promising writers with an important opportunity to boost their literary enthusiasm. Second, it is hard to regard student literary coteries as professional organizations strongly advocating specific literary ideologies. But, beginning with 『Seoji』(『瑞枝』), which was followed by 『Cheonyeoji』(『處女地』), 『Sinjakpum』(『新作品』) and 『Sijo』(『詩潮』), they were leading the coterie literature in Busan area in the 1950s. Against this backdrop, students` coteries continued to strengthen their solidarity with young writers in Busan and Gyeongnam areas, laying the groundwork for the regional literature for the post-war period. Third, students` coteries in Busan area during the Korean War period continued to promote horizontal and vertical combinations as well as literary exchanges between areas (Busan and Jinju, Busan and Masan, Masan and Tongyeong) and between generations (older generation and literary follow-up generation). It seems that these efforts allowed them to grow into regional coteries with professional capabilities, making it easier for their members to enter the bigger institutional literary circle. Regional literature in Busan during the war period was faced with a challenge to establish its own literary society as the refuge literature began to be dissolved. Persistent literary activities of student literary coteries played a key role in solidifying its identity. Though short-lived due to the temporary refuge literature and internal problems, student literary coteries were able to enhance their status in the major literary institution, serving as a key factor in forming and developing Busan`s regional literature. Their literary activities during the Korean War period can be said to be the milestone demonstrating the growth and development of post-war literary generation in the history of Busan and Gyeongnam Literature and its relationship with the institutional literature.

      • 대일항쟁기 한국인의 항일 독립전쟁사상 연구

        김승기 ( Kim Seung-gi ) 한국군사학회 2021 군사논단 Vol.105 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the formation process, contents, achievements, and significance of the anti-Japanese’ war of independence ideology of Koreans who had to restore the countrys independence from the Japanese colonial strength in the period of the Anti-Japanese struggle (1894-1945). The period of study is from 1894, when the Japanese troops inflicted an upset, to 1920, when the Battle of Bongo-dong and the Battle of Cheongsan-ri occurred. The anti-Japanese Rightous Army struggle and the patriotic enlightenment movement were the two pillars of the independence movement for the restoration of national power and salvation. The New People’s Society, Korean name ‘Shinminhoe’, a representative independence movement organization in the period of the Anti-Japanese struggle, created the Anti-Japanese War of Independence Idea and the War of Independence Strategy’ by dialectically integrating conflicting two ideas, the anti-Japanese Rightous Army struggle idea and the patriotic enlightenment movement idea. From this point of view, it can be said that the Shinminhoe made a remarkable contribution to the history of the Korean people's anti-Japanese war of independence. The core content of the War of Independence Strategy of the New People’s Society is to locate an independent army base in the Manchuria area of Qing Dynasty, which is not covered by Japanese rule, and buy a certain area of land there to build a new Korean village. and establish some military schools to nurture independent army, establish independence army and train them, and seize the best opportunity and start a war of independence to achieve independence on their own. The New People’s Society led the movement to build an overseas independence base after Korea-Japan Consolidation Treaty, and became the driving force of waging the war of independence of the Independence Army in Manchuria. In addition, a number of the New People’s Society executives participated in key positions of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, and adopted the Armed War of Independence Route as a government policy, and contributed significantly to the liberation of the motherland by guiding and controlling the Independence Army in Manchuria and the Korean Independence Army.

      • KCI등재

        타자의 초상과 신생 대한민국의 자화상 ―해방 ~ 한국 전쟁기 인도 인식을 중심으로

        정재석 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2009 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        This paper starts by critical thinking regarding the necessity of carefully considering linkage between countries in political world history, including the United States and the Soviet Union, in order to understand international political geography and how Korean society views itself, post Korea’s liberation from Japanese occupation. Based on that critical mindset, we have examined the mechanism of identification and differentiation, as practiced by the Korean intellectuals after the colonization period, through the discourse on India produced within South Korea during the liberation and the Korean War. The reason why I selected India is because of the similarity of the historical experiences of both India and South Korea and the international political prestige which India gained after its liberation. After the Korean liberation from Japan, Koreans were able to reconstruct their position from a post-colonial nation to a new portrait of themselves as anti-Communists who deliver justice through identification and differentiation with India. South Korea admired India for its independent movement, yet India was still considered different due to its disparate culture. Through India's example, Korea was able to establish its identity as the subject of a colonized nation who fought for independence and became a post-colonial liberated nation with a more civilized society. On the other hand, divided India had significant influence on Koreans to enhance their desire for independence. Being an example of how a conflict within a nation can hamper establishment of a solid country, India triggered Korea to picture them as a complete nation which overcomes through a disorder. Also, Koreans were able to sense divided nation could possibly intensificate Cold War in the Korean peninsula by witnessing the disorder in India followed by a war. After China became communist and the Cold War was dimmed, India helped Republic of Korea to identify them as “anti-communism democratic fortress.” Although nonaligned India was first loved by others, they were slowly segregated by the discourse of “democratic camp” and the United Nation as they went through series of wars. Under the impression of transmuted Orientalism:considering people who do not follow nonaligned India inhumane, Republic of Korea was able to consider themselves as a part of Cold War empire in the Cold War movement. Republic of Korea, the “anti-communism democratic fortress,” consolidated their position by segregating communism and trying to differentiate themselves from other noncommunist. 이 글은 해방 이후 국제 정치적 지형과 그 속에서 한반도가 차지하는 위치에 대한 남한 사회의 인식을 살펴보기 위해서는 미ㆍ소에 대한 관심과 연동되어 있는 기타 지역에 대한 인식을 고찰할 필요가 있다는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 이 같은 문제의식에서 이 글은 해방 이후 한국 전쟁기를 거치는 사이 남한에서 생산된 인도 관련 담론을 통해 탈식민 조선 지식인들이 수행한 세계적 차원의 동일화와 차이화의 메커니즘을 규명하려 하였다. 인도를 대상으로 삼은 이유는 인도와 조선이 겪었던 역사적 경험의 유사성과 해방 이후 인도가 차지했던 국제 정치적 위상 때문이다. 해방 후 한국인들은 인도와의 동일화와 차이화를 통해 문명화된 탈식민 해방 민족의 위치에서 정의를 수호하는 반공 민주 국가로 스스로의 위치를 이동시키며 새로운 자화상을 그려 나갈 수 있었다. 인도는 탈식민 독립 투쟁의 선봉으로서는 선망의 대상이었지만 아직 문명화되지 못했다는 인식 속에서는 차이화의 대상이었다. 인도를 통해 한국인들은 독립을 위해 함께 투쟁한 피식민 민족 주체이자 문명의 위치에 보다 가까운 탈식민 해방 민족이 될 수 있었다. 한편 분할 독립한 인도는 통일 국가에 대한 한국인들의 열망을 일층 고양시키는 대상이었다. 민족 내의 갈등이 강건한 민족 국가의 성립에 저해가 됨을 보여 줌으로써 인도는 분란을 극복한 완전한 네이션으로서의 조선에 대한 상상을 자극했다. 동시에 인도의 분란이 전쟁으로 이어지는 것을 목격하면서 한국인들은 분단된 한반도에서 냉전이 격화될 가능성을 감지할 수 있었다. 중국이 공산화되고 냉전이 열전으로 화하면서 인도는 대한민국이 스스로를 ‘반공 민주 보루’로서 정위할 수 있게 하는 데에도 일조했다. 애초 ‘구애의 대상’이었던 비동맹 인도는 전쟁을 거치며 ‘민주 진영’과 유엔을 보편으로 상정하는 담론 전략 속에서 배제의 대상이 되어 갔고, 비동맹 인도를 보편을 따르지 않는 비인도(非人道)적 무리로 표상하는 변주된 오리엔탈리즘의 시선 속에서 대한민국은 냉전 질서 속에서 스스로를 냉전 제국의 일부로 간주할 수 있었다. ‘반공 민주 보루’ 대한민국은 공산주의를 타자화하고 비공산주의적 세력과의 차이화를 시도함으로써 자신의 위치를 공고히 해 갔던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전쟁기 여성 종군작가 소설 연구

        엄미옥(Eom Mi-ok) 한국근대문학회 2010 한국근대문학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        한국 전쟁기 여성종군작가의 작품은 반공에 기초한 근대국민국가의 기획 속에 여성을 국민으로 호명하면서 여성이 전쟁에 어떻게 동원되고 있는가를 설명한다. 장덕조와 최정희의 작품 속에서 어머니는 반공과 애국심으로 고취된 아들에 의해 계몽되어 개인적이고 이기적인 모성을 반성하면서 군국의 어머니로 거듭난다. 병사의 용맹성이 찬미되고 아들을 잃은 어머니의 체념이 미화된다. 또한 상이군인과의 결혼을 자원하는 처녀의 고결한 희생정신과 헌신이 찬양된다. 국가를 반공적으로 재조직하는 기획에 내포된 젠더정치를 그대로 반영하는 것이다. 최정희와 장덕조의 한국 전쟁기 작품은 식민지 총동원 체제 속에서 발표한 담론과 소설을 상기시킨다. 그들이 식민지 총동원 체제 속에서 경험한 국민으로서의 경험과 기억은 한국 전쟁기에 환기되고 투영되었다. 한편 그들이 한국 전쟁기에 반공국가주의의 동원 논리에 적극적으로 앞장섰던 것은 부역혐의에서 벗어나고자 했기 때문이다. 반면 여성 종군 작가 안에서도 손소희와 전숙희 그리고 윤금숙의 작품은 반공주의를 다른 양상으로 전유한다. 이들은 여성을 국가주의 모성을 실현하는 존재로 제시하면서 반공주의를 극단적으로 유표화하지 않는다. 여성을 주 초점자로 하여 피난민의 소외된 삶을 그림으로써 전쟁기 여성의 예속된 앎과 개인의 기억을 서사화한다. 전쟁체험의 개인적인 편차와 위치를 드러내어, 반공국가주의에 의해 균질화된 국민으로 수렴되지 않는 지점을 보여준다. 그러나 피난민 여성의 일상을 규율화하는 논리에는 여전히 반공주의가 미시적으로 작동한다. 그것은 작품 속에서 비윤리적이고 악한 사람은 모두 부역자로 표상되면서 그들이 텍스트에서 소거됨으로써 윤리적 처벌을 받는 형태로 드러난다. 이는 반공주의가 여전히 내면화되어 전쟁기 여성을 삶을 규율하고 있음을 방증한다. Works of female war writers during the Korean War, with a scheme for building a modern nation state based on anti-communism, called women nationals and described how they were mobilized for the war. Mothers in the works of Jang Duk Jo and Choi Jung Hee were transformed from mothers whose love was limited to their families to mothers of the country by the influenced of their sons who were inspired with anti-communism and patriotism. Braveness and heroism of soldiers were glorified and resignation of a mother who lost her son was glamorized, and sacrifice and devotion of a woman who married a disabled veteran was praised. It reflected gender politics aiming at reconstruction of the country with anti-communism. Works of Jang Duk Jo and Choi Jung Hee about the Korean War remind us of discourses and novels written in the situation of the colonial mobilization. Their experience and memory of war under the colonial mobilization system were recollected and reflected in their experience and memory of the Korean War. And the reason why they actively supported for logic of mobilization of anti-communist nationalism was that they wanted to avoid the suspicion of treason. On the other hand, among female war writers, Shon So Hee, Jun Sook Hee and Yoon Geum Sook depicted anti-communism from different aspects. They did not suggest anti-communism in an extreme manner by depicting women as those who achieved nationalist motherhood. They portrayed the subordinated life women during the war and their personal memories by narrating the alienated life of war refugees in the eyes of women. Their works show personal differences between them and disclose their views that were not uniformized by the anti-communist nationalism. However, there was still some remnant of anti-communism in their logic in their stereotyping the lives of women during the war by describing immoral and vicious people as communists and putting ethical punishment on them. That evidently shows anti-communism was instilled into women and controlled their lives during the war.

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