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        저비용항공사의 위험지각 연구 - 일반 위험지각과 상황 위험지각의 비교 -

        안희정,황영현 한국관광학회 2019 관광학연구 Vol.43 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to differentiate contingent perceived risks from overall perceived risk of low cost carriers, and to test the differences in overall and perceived risk by demographic characteristics and use experiences. According to the results, contingent risk perceptions for domestic flight are lower than general perceived risks, while perceived risks of international flight are higher than general perceived risks. The results show that consumers perceive risks differently when particular situations are given, as compared to the situation when general risk perception is asked. For the difference in perceived risks by demographic characteristics, males perceive higher risks than females. In case of risk factor of performance and psychological/physical elements, the perceived risk level has positive(+) relationships with respondents’ age. Respondents’ use experience of low cost carriers shows negative(-) correlations with perceived risks. Theoretical and practical implications with the direction for further research are addressed based on the results. 본 연구는 저비용항공사에 대한 위험지각을 저비용항공사에 대한 일반 위험지각과 비행시간과 노선을 고려한 상황 위험지각으로 구분하고, 인구통계적 특성, 저비용항공사의 이용경험에 따른 이들 위험지각의 차이를 알아보고자 수행되었다. 분석결과에 따르면, 일반적인 위험지각보다는 국내선이 전제된 경우 인지하는 위험점수가 더 높게 나타났으며, 국제선의 경우 그 차이가 더 커지는 것을 확인하였다. 즉, 소비자들이 인지하는 위험은 특정상황이 주어졌을 때 더 구체적으로 인지되며, 지각하는 위험수준도 달라짐을 의미한다. 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 위험지각의 차이는 여성보다는 남성이 더 높은 위험을 지각하였으며, 성과적 위험과 심리/신체적 위험의 경우 연령이 증가함에 따라 위험의 정도도 높아지는 유의한 양(+)의 관계가 있었고, 저비용항공사 이용빈도가 많을수록 위험지각은 낮아지는 부(-)의 관계가 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 기존 대형항공사와 경쟁하는 항공시장에서 소비자들이 지각하고 있는 위험지각에 대한 심도 있는 이해로 저비용항공사의 위험지각 관리를 위한 중요한 시사점을 제공한다.

      • KCI등재

        소셜커머스의 지각된 위험이 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 제품 유형의 조절효과를 중심으로

        이형재 ( Hyong Jae Rhee ),심이석 ( E Seok Shim ) 한국고객만족경영학회 2013 고객만족경영연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 소셜커머스의 지각된 위험에 관해 보다 정밀한 연구를 위해 지각된 위험의 다차원을 사용하였고, 3가지 차원-성과, 심리, 소스-을 설정하여 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관해 연구를 진행하였다. 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 또 다른 변수를 탐색하기 위해서, 조절효과가 기대되는 변수-제품 유형-를 분석하였다. 실증분석을 통한 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 예상한 바와 같이 지각된 위험의 모든 차원에서 구매의도에 미치는 부정적 영향을 발견하였는데, 위험 수준이 높아질수록 구매의도는 낮아지는 결과를 확인하였다. 또한, 제품 유형에 의한 조절적 역할도 검증했는데, 모든 위험 차원에서 위험수준의 증가에 따라 쾌락적 제품이 실용적 제품보다 더 많은 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 지각된 위험과 제품유형 사이에 상호작용효과가 있을 것이라 상정하고 검증을 실시했다. 성과적 위험과 심리적 위험 차원에서 제품 유형 및 구전 방향성과 유의한 삼원 상호작용 효과를 찾을 수 있었다. 이러한 결과를 통해, 지각된 위험과 구매의도 사이의 주 효과를 확인했을 뿐 아니라 각 차원들이 각각 구매의도에 유의한 효과를 미친다는 결과를 확인했다. 그리고 제품 유형의 조절적 역할도 기존의 온라인 시장 연구와 유사하게 결과를 도출하였다. 마지막으로, 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 결과를 통해, 성장의 단계에 있는 소셜커머스에서 소비자 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 지각된 위험의 주요한 차원을 확인하고 지각된 위험과 구매의도의 관계에 영향을 주는 조절변수를 분석함으로써 중요한 이론적 및 실무적 의미를 도출할 수 있다. This paper focuses on perceived risks of social commerce which have influence on purchase intention. This study used a multidimensional concept of perceived risk and set up a 3-dimensional frame of it: performance, psychological, and source risk. In addition, for influential variables in the effect of perceived risks of social commerce on purchase intention, this study adds one variable as moderator. By the results of data analysis, it was confirmed that all the three dimensions of perceived risks have significant negative effects on purchase intention. Next, this study found moderating roles of product type and verified a stronger influence of the three dimensions of perceived risk on purchase intention in hedonic product category. However in a situation of the higher level of perceived risk, perceived risk has more significant effect on purchase intention than product type. This study also proposed interaction effects between perceived risks and moderating variables. 3-way interaction effects exist in perceived performance risk and psychological risk, but not in perceived source risk. Through these results, this study confirmed main effect between perceived risk and purchase intention and it was found that each dimension has a significant effect on purchase intention. Also the moderating role of product type are confirmed by these results as in the research on traditional online market. Lastly, the results of this study suggest implications. Thus for both product categories, utilitarian or hedonic, firms should make efforts to manage all the three dimensions of perceived risk. In particular, for hedonic product categories, it is critical to minimize the three dimensions of perceived risk.

      • KCI등재

        지각된 위험과 유용성, 구전이 영상통화에 대한 혁신저항에 미치는 영향

        최지은 한국기업경영학회 2013 기업경영연구 Vol.20 No.4

        Although firms try to adopt innovation delivering added value for consumers, most firms are faced with a large number of innovation failures. Many consumers feel psychological resistance to innovations and refuse to adopt them. Although it can be assumed that innovation resistance has an negative effect on consumers’ intention to adopt innovations, most researchers have verified adoption process and neglected the impact of innovation resistance on innovation diffusion. Innovation resistance is not the opposite of adoption and innovation adoption begins only after this resistance has been overcome. Therefore, it is crucial to understand consumers’ psychological resistance to find out why innovation diffusion often fails. This study focuses on consumers’ resistance to innovation and aims to verify the factors affecting consumer resistance to innovation from adopting mobile video telephony service. The author suggests that consumers’ risk perceptions in mobile video telephony service have an impact on innovation resistance. Specifically, the author incorporates perceived risk as a key antecedent of innovation resistance and expands this construct into five facets including financial, social, performance, technological, and privacy risk. Also, the author suggests word-of-mouth and perceived usefulness moderate the impact of perceived risk on innovation resistance based on chasm theory. The research model postulates the following 3 hypotheses about relationships between four constructs: (H1) Perceived risk has a positive effect on innovation resistance; (H2) Word-of-mouth moderates the impact of perceived risk on innovation resistance; (H3) Perceived usefulness moderates the impact of perceived risk on innovation resistance. To test the hypotheses, we recruited a sample of 180 undergraduate students. The questionnaire was developed based on previous researches. It was composed of five facets of perceived risk, perceived usefulness, word-of-mouth, and innovation resistance. We also asked questions about their demographic background including gender and age. Data collection was implemented by an online research firm and students answered questions online. The data was analyzed by reliability test, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS. Result indicates that social, performance, and privacy risk are salient antecedents to innovation resistance. In addition, the author verifies that word-of-mouth and perceived usefulness of mobile video telephony service moderate the effect of risk perception on innovation resistance. Specifically, the results indicate that word-of-mouth and perceived usefulness moderate the impact of social risk and privacy risk. <Table 1> Result of AnalysisHypotheses Suggestion Result H1-1 financial risk→innovation resistance not supported H1-2 social risk→innovation resistance supported H1-3 performance risk→innovation resistance supported H1-4 technological risk→innovation resistance not supported H1-5 privacy risk→innovation resistance supported H2 moderating effect of word-of-mouth partially supported H3 moderating effect of perceived usefulness partially supportedThis research has some important implications. Theoretically, this research verifies the factors affecting consumers’ psychological resistance to innovation focusing on the perceived risk of mobile video telephony service. The result of this research expands the scope of innovation research and suggests strategic implications for marketing practitioners. 본 연구에서는 영상통화가 대중화되지 못하고 있는 현상에 주목하여 영상통화에 대한 혁신저항의 영향요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 혁신저항의 주요한 영향요인으로 지각된 위험에 초점을 맞추 었으며, 다차원적인 접근법을 통해 지각된 위험의 하위차원이 혁신저항에 미치는 차별적 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 구체적으로, 본 연구에서는 지각된 위험을 경제적 위험, 사회적 위험, 성능적 위험, 기술적 위험, 사생활 위험으로 분류하였으며, 이러한 지각된 위험의 하위 차원 중 사회적 위험, 성능적 위험, 사생활 위험이 영상통화에 대한 혁신저항에 유의한 영향을 미침을 밝혔다. 또한 캐즘이론을 바탕으로 지각된 위험이 혁신저항에 미치는 영향을 조절하는 변수들을 제안하고자 하였다. 캐즘(Chasm)이란 혁신자들이 주를 이루는 초기시장과 일반 대중이 주를 이루는 주류 시장 사이에 협곡과도 같은 간극이 존재함을 의미하며, 혁신제품이 일반 대중에게 확산되지 못하고 정체되는 현상을 설명한다. 캐즘이론에서는 혁신자와 일반 대중 사이의 커뮤니케이션 부재와 혁신 기술의 차별화 가치 부재가 캐즘의 주요한 원인이라고 하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 주장을 근간으로 영상통화의 혁신저항에 영향을 미치는 조절변수를 제안하였다. 구체적으로, 본 연구에서는 영상통화에 대한 구전과 지각된 유용성을 조절변수로 제안하였으며, 사회적 위험, 성능적 위험, 사생활 위험의 영향력이 구전과 지각된 유용성에 의해 완화될 수 있음을 규명하였다. 본 연구는 혁신의 확산과 수용에만 초점을 맞추고 있는 기존 연구들과는 달리 혁신저항에 초점을 맞추었으며, 영상통화라는 혁신적 기술에 대한 혁신저항의 영향요인과 조절요인을 실증하였다. 이러한 시도는 이론적으로는 혁신과 관련된 연구의 범위를 확장하였으며, 실무적으로는 영상통화의 대중화를 위한 전략적 시사점을 제공하였다.

      • KCI등재

        스마트 의류의 혁신속성과 지각된 위험이 제품 태도 및 수용의도에 미치는 영향

        Ko Eunju(高?珠),Heewon Sung(成喜媛),Hyerim Yoon(尹惠林) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.2

          디지털 기술의 발전으로 일상생활에 접목시킨 스마트 의류 개발에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있으나, 실질적으로 착용하게 될 소비자의 인식이나 태도에 관한 연구가 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 스마트의류의 지각된 혁신속성과 위험지각 차원이 제품 태도와 수용의도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 대학생을 대상으로 설문지법을 이용하여 조사하였다.<BR>  연구의 결과, 스마트의류의 지각된 혁신속성은 상대적 이점, 가시성, 복잡성의 3가지 요인으로, 지각된 위험은 신체/성과적 위험, 사회심리적 위험, 시간손실 위험, 경제적 위험 4가지 요인으로 추출되었다. 혁신특성 중 상대적 이점, 가시성이, 위험지각 중 사회심리적 위험과 경제적 위험이 제품 태도와 구매의도 예측에 주요한 변인으로 나타났다. 한편 사회심리적, 경제적 위험은 상대적이점과 복잡성을 설명하는데, 신체성과적, 사회심리적, 시간손실 위험은 가시성을 설명하는데 유의한 변인으로 나타났다. 제품 태도는 혁신특성과 구매 의도 사이에서는 부분매개 역할을, 위험지각과 구매의도 사이에서는 완전매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 스마트의류 구입 시 소비자가 인지하는 혁신특성과 지각된 위험의 유형을 파악함으로써 스마트의류 마케터들이 소비자의 긍정적인 태도 형성을 위한 마케팅 전략 수립 시 활용할 수 있는 기초 정보를 제시하였다.   Due to the development of digital technology, studies regarding smart wear integrating daily life have rapidly increased. However, consumer research about perception and attitude toward smart clothing hardly could find. The purpose of this study was to identify innovative characteristics and perceived risk of smart clothing and to analyze the influences of theses factors on product attitudes and intention to adopt. Specifically, five hypotheses were established.<BR>  H1: Perceived attributes of smart clothing except for complexity would have positive relations to product attitude or purchase intention, while complexity would be opposite.<BR>  H2: Product attitude would have positive relation to purchase intention.<BR>  H3: Product attitude would have a mediating effect between perceived attributes and purchase intention.<BR>  H4: Perceived risks of smart clothing would have negative relations to perceived attributes except for complexity, and positive relations to complexity.<BR>  H5: Product attitude would have a mediating effect between perceived risks and purchase intention.<BR>  A self-administered questionnaire was developed based on previous studies. After pretest, the data were collected during September, 2006, from university students in Korea who were relatively sensitive to innovative products. A total of 300 final useful questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 program. About 60.3% were male with the mean age of 21.3 years old. About 59.3% reported that they were aware of smart clothing, but only 9 respondents purchased it. The mean of attitudes toward smart clothing and purchase intention was 2.96 (SD=.56) and 2.63 (SD=.65) respectively.<BR>  Factor analysis using principal components with varimax rotation was conducted to identify perceived attribute and perceived risk dimensions. Perceived attributes of smart wear were categorized into relative advantage (including compatibility), observability (including triability), and complexity. Perceived risks were identified into physical/performance risk, social psychological risk, time loss risk, and economic risk.<BR>  Regression analysis was conducted to test five hypotheses. Relative advantage and observability were significant predictors of product attitude (adj R²=.223) and purchase intention (adj R²=.221). Complexity showed negative influence on product attitude. Product attitude presented significant relation to purchase intention (adj R²=.692) and partial mediating effect between perceived attributes and purchase intention (adj R²=.698). Therefore hypothesis one to three were accepted.<BR>  In order to test hypothesis four, four dimensions of perceived risk and demographic variables (age, gender, monthly household income, awareness of smart clothing, and purchase experience) were entered as independent variables in the regression models. Social psychological risk, economic risk, and gender (female) were significant to predict relative advantage (adj R²=.276). When perceived observability was a dependent variable, social psychological risk, time loss risk, physical/performance risk, and age (younger) were significant in order (adj R²=.l44). However, physical/performance risk was positively related to observability. The more Koreans seemed to be observable of smart clothing, the more increased the probability of physical harm or performance problems received. Complexity was predicted by product awareness, social psychological risk, economic risk, and purchase experience in order (adj R²=.114). Product awareness was negatively related to complexity, meaning high level of product awareness would reduce complexity of smart clothing. However, purchase experience presented positive relation with complexity. It appears that consumers can perceive high level of complexity when they are actually consuming smart clothing in real life. Risk variables were po

      • KCI등재

        The Factors Affecting Attitudes Toward HSDPA Service and Intentionto Use: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Asia and Europe

        Hae Sung Jung,Jong Kuk Shin,박민숙,Hong-Seob Jung,Graham Hooley,Nick Lee,Hyokjin Kwak,Sung Hyun Kim 한국마케팅과학회 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.4

        HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) is a 3.5-generation asynchronous mobile communications service based on the third generation of W-CDMA. In Korea, it is mainly provided in through videophone service. Because of the diffusion of more powerful and diversified services, along with steep advances in mobile communications technology, consumers demand a wide range of choices. However, because of the variety of technologies, which tend to overflow the market regardless of consumer preferences, consumers feel increasingly confused. Therefore, we should not adopt strategies that focus only on developing new technology on the assumption that new technologies are next-generation projects. Instead, we should understand the process by which consumers accept new forms of technology and devise schemes to lower market entry barriers through strategies that enable developers to understand and provide what consumers really want. In the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are suggested as the most important factors affecting the attitudes of people adopting new technologies (Davis 1989; Taylor and Todd 1995; Venkatesh 2000; Lee et al. 2004). Perceived usefulness is the degree to which a person believes that a particular technology will enhance his or her job performance. Perceived ease of use is the degree of subjective belief that using a particular technology will require little physical and mental effort (Davis, 1989; Morris and Dillon 1997; Venkatesh 2000). Perceived pleasure and perceived usefulness have been shown to clearly affect attitudes toward accepting technology (Davis et al. 1992). For example, pleasure in online shopping has been shown to positively impact consumers' attitudes toward online sellers (Eighmey and McCord, 1998; Mathwick, 2002; Jarvenpaa and Todd 1997). The perceived risk of customers is a subjective risk, which is distinguished from an objective probabilistic risk. Perceived risk includes a psychological risk that consumers perceive when they choose brands, stores, and methods of purchase to obtain a particular item. The ability of an enterprise to revolutionize products depends on the effective acquisition of knowledge about new products (Bierly and Chakrabarti 1996; Rothwell and Dodgson, 1991). Knowledge acquisition is the ability of a company to perceive the value of novelty and technology of the outside (Cohen and Levinthal 1990), to evaluate the outside technology that has newly appeared (Arora and Gambaradella, 1994), and to predict the future evolution of technology accurately (Cohen and Levinthal 1990). Consumer innovativeness is the degree to which an individual adopts innovation earlier than others in the social system (Lee, Ahn, and Ha 2001; Gatignon and Robertson 1985). That is, it shows how fast and how easily consumers adopt new ideas. Innovativeness is regarded as important because it has a significant effect on whether consumers adopt new products and on how fast they accept new products (Midgley and Dowling 1978; Foxall 1988; Hirschman 1980). We conducted cross-national comparative research using the TAM model which empirically verified the relationship between the factors that affect attitudes - perceived usefulness ease of use perceived pleasure perceived risk innovativeness and perceived level of knowledge management - and attitudes toward HSDPA service. We also verified the relationship between attitudes and usage intention for the purpose of developing more effective methods of management for HSDPA service providers. For this research 346 questionnaires were distributed among 350 students in the Republic of Korea. Because 26 of the returned questionnaires were inconsistent or had missing data 320 questionnaires were used in the hypothesis tests. In UK 192 of the total 200 questionnaires were retrieved and two incomplete ones were discarded bringing the total to 190 questionnaires used for statistical analysis. The results o... HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) is a 3.5-generation asynchronous mobile communications service based on the third generation of W-CDMA. In Korea, it is mainly provided in through videophone service. Because of the diffusion of more powerful and diversified services, along with steep advances in mobile communications technology, consumers demand a wide range of choices. However, because of the variety of technologies, which tend to overflow the market regardless of consumer preferences, consumers feel increasingly confused. Therefore, we should not adopt strategies that focus only on developing new technology on the assumption that new technologies are next-generation projects. Instead, we should understand the process by which consumers accept new forms of technology and devise schemes to lower market entry barriers through strategies that enable developers to understand and provide what consumers really want. In the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are suggested as the most important factors affecting the attitudes of people adopting new technologies (Davis 1989; Taylor and Todd 1995; Venkatesh 2000; Lee et al. 2004). Perceived usefulness is the degree to which a person believes that a particular technology will enhance his or her job performance. Perceived ease of use is the degree of subjective belief that using a particular technology will require little physical and mental effort (Davis, 1989; Morris and Dillon 1997; Venkatesh 2000). Perceived pleasure and perceived usefulness have been shown to clearly affect attitudes toward accepting technology (Davis et al. 1992). For example, pleasure in online shopping has been shown to positively impact consumers' attitudes toward online sellers (Eighmey and McCord, 1998; Mathwick, 2002; Jarvenpaa and Todd 1997). The perceived risk of customers is a subjective risk, which is distinguished from an objective probabilistic risk. Perceived risk includes a psychological risk that consumers perceive when they choose brands, stores, and methods of purchase to obtain a particular item. The ability of an enterprise to revolutionize products depends on the effective acquisition of knowledge about new products (Bierly and Chakrabarti 1996; Rothwell and Dodgson, 1991). Knowledge acquisition is the ability of a company to perceive the value of novelty and technology of the outside (Cohen and Levinthal 1990), to evaluate the outside technology that has newly appeared (Arora and Gambaradella, 1994), and to predict the future evolution of technology accurately (Cohen and Levinthal 1990). Consumer innovativeness is the degree to which an individual adopts innovation earlier than others in the social system (Lee, Ahn, and Ha 2001; Gatignon and Robertson 1985). That is, it shows how fast and how easily consumers adopt new ideas. Innovativeness is regarded as important because it has a significant effect on whether consumers adopt new products and on how fast they accept new products (Midgley and Dowling 1978; Foxall 1988; Hirschman 1980). We conducted cross-national comparative research using the TAM model which empirically verified the relationship between the factors that affect attitudes - perceived usefulness ease of use perceived pleasure perceived risk innovativeness and perceived level of knowledge management - and attitudes toward HSDPA service. We also verified the relationship between attitudes and usage intention for the purpose of developing more effective methods of management for HSDPA service providers. For this research 346 questionnaires were distributed among 350 students in the Republic of Korea. Because 26 of the returned questionnaires were inconsistent or had missing data 320 questionnaires were used in the hypothesis tests. In UK 192 of the total 200 questionnaires were retrieved and two incomplete ones were discarded bringing the total to 190 questionnaires used for statistical analysis. The results of the o...

      • A Study on Perceived Risk According to Product type and Price discount type : Focus on Korea and Thailand Consumer

        Eun-Hee Kim,Moon-Jung Kim 한국유통과학회 2015 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2015 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to verify that the differences and interaction effects on perceived risk (financial risk, performance risk) between consumer type(Korea and Thailand), product type(utilitarian and hedonic) and price discount type(50%off and bundle). This paper is set up 12 research subjects. Data collection was carried out in Korea and Thailand. Data consist of Korea consumers 154(51%) and Thailand consumers 147(49%). Collection of Data was carried out from 15 January 2015 to 14 March 2015. Independent variable for this study, Consumer type consists of Korea consumers and Thailand consumers. price discount type consists of price discount(50%) and 1 + 1(bundle), product type consists of utilitarian product(chicken) and hedonic product(perfume). The dependent variable is perceived financial risk and perceived performance risk. Each questions is measured as a Likert-type five-point scale. According to consumer type, product type and price discount type findings regarding difference of the perceived financial risk, Thailand consumers in price discount type is confirmed to be larger than Korea consumers , in product type, utilitarian product is greater than the hedonic product, bundle product than the 50% off product was found to have a greater than perceived financial risk. Korea consumers were found to perceived financial risks in accordance with product type is not large there is a difference, according to consumer type and price discount type was found to be greater 1 + 1 bundle product than 50% off products both Korea and Thailand consumers. This difference was also confirmed that Korea consumers are bigger than Thailand consumers, Next, perceived performance risk in accordance with consumer type, product type, price discount type is found to be larger than Thailand consumers to the price discount type Korea consumers. product type according to consumer type of interaction effects did not appear in perceived performance risk. The difference in perceive

      • KCI등재

        호텔 소비자의 지각된 위험과 위험감소전략에 관한 연구

        임현정 관광경영학회 2019 관광경영연구 Vol.89 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of perceived risk on risk reduction strategy in the hotel business. Especially, this study focuses on risk reduction strategy vary depending on the type of perceived risk. And this study examines whether there is a difference in purchase intention by the interaction effects of perceived risk and risk reduction strategy. This researcher set up hypothesis referring to theoretical backgrounds and conducted a questionnaire for customers who have looked for hotel information. The findings are as follows. The first, perceived risk generally has a positive effect on the risk reduction strategy. The second, depending on the type of perceived risk, consumers choose other risk reduction strategy. Financial and physical risks have a positive effect on risk reduction strategies, such as seeking information directly and seeking purchasing experience. The time loss risk has a positive effect on the risk reduction strategy of pursuing low prices. And psychosocial risk has a positive effect on the risk reduction strategies, such as seeking higher prices or lower prices. The third, the main effects of risk reduction strategy on purchase intention are all significant. Also the main effects of perceived risk on purchase intention are significant except financial risk. And the interaction effects of perceived risk and risk reduction strategy on purchase intention are statistically significant except the interaction of physical risk and risk reduction strategy. These results suggest that it is useful to analyze the consumer's perceived risk and risk reduction strategy. And hotel companies will be able to develop more effective marketing strategies on the basis of this empirical results.

      • Treating the Dark Side of Crowdfunding : Risk Avoidance

        Huaxin Wang,Taekyung Kim 한국경영정보학회 2016 한국경영정보학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.11

        Crowdfunding is an Internet-based service that has gained increasingly attention by both researchers and in business people. In terms of research, much work has done about positive factors contributing successful fundraising. To the contrary, little work has finished with regard to understanding negative sides which also exert significant influence on crowdfunding systems. This study attempts to fill the gap by investigating the impacts of perceived risk and suggesting risk reduction strategies. Perceived risk is commonly associated with individual’s feeling of uncertainty and undesirable consequence of engaging in an activity. It is noted that a risk-reduction strategy is generally related to risk sources and risk types. In terms of risk sources, this study focuses on project presentation which provides salient information for investors to a crowdfunding project. Unlike to conditioned financial reports and public disclosure, project presentation is based on limited information sources, which occurs the feeling of uncertainty. Based on perceived risk studies from e-commerce literature, we identify risk types to classify project presentation. In this study, research interest is bounded by reward-based crowdfunding that shares similar features for collecting attention from potential buyers or investors. Compared to crowdfunding investors, e-commerce consumers tend to make decisions with multiple information sources, which helps them reduce risks. However, e-commerce requires less physical or empirical evidences to make a decision just as crowdfunding does. Considering the unique settings of crowdfunding, we apply three types of risk perceptions from e-commerce literature relating to project presentation, namely, performance risk, financial risk and psychological risk. Performance risk emerges when an investor feels a probability of receiving a defect product is high or when s/he feels the factual product does not match with one described in a project webpage. Financial risk refers to the likelihood of suffering monetary loss by undesirable transaction. It has been found that financial risk commonly relates to failure in fulfilling expectation with regard to delivery, quality and after-service. Investors encounter psychological risk derived from investors’ low confidence on fundraising or the quality of reward to investment. In order to reduce perceived risk, project presentation is expected to have the ability of providing available information to increase investor’s understanding about the project. In this study, we employ the construct of informativeness to describe such an ability of project presentation. Any information cues, such as the project status, the introduction of entrepreneurs and the product or service description, which investors perceive useful might increase the level of informativeness in the context of crowdfunding. Overall, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of perceived risk and risk reduction strategy in the context of crowdfunding. Considering project presentation as a crucial risk source, this study identifies three types of risk perceptions. Simultaneously, informativeness of project presentation is revealed as an available risk reliever. Experimental projects are used to test the hypothesized relations among perceived risk, informativeness and investment intention. Results demonstrate that informativeness has significantly negative impacts on performance risk, financial risk and psychological risk. Meanwhile, informativeness exerts significantly positive influence on investor’s decision-making. In addition, results also report that performance risk and psychological risk have significantly negative impacts on investment intention, while financial risk exerts non-significant influence in the context of crowdfunding. This study makes a number of contributions. First, this is one of the first studies that highlight the negative impacts of perceived risk in the context of crowdfunding. Researchers in crowdfunding seem concerning more with factors that have positive effects on the success of fundraising rather than negative factors. However, not only positive factors are useful, the reducing of the influences of negative factors should also be helpful. This study provides evidence for such a view. Second, although some studies indicated that reward-based crowdfunding share similar features with e-commerce, in terms of perceived risk, this study provides inconsistent results. For example, time risk is a significantly negative factor in e-commerce. However, in the crowdfunding settings, investors usually have better patience than e-commerce consumers, because they know many projects are in-progress. Thus, a long waiting time (several weeks or even several months) before receiving products is acceptable for investors. In this case, time risk seems negligible. In addition, this study contributes to the literature of crowdfunding by empirically investigating informativeness being of an available risk reliever and a significantly positive predictor of investment intention as well. Also, this study equips founders and platform administrators with practical suggestions by suggesting them to provide project information as available as possible to improve the informativeness of project presentation; and thus, to alleviate risk perceptions of the project and to improve their investment intention as well.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Perceived Risk and Psychological Distance on Gift Purchase

        Dong-Tae KIM 한국유통과학회 2020 유통과학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of perceived risk and psychological distance on purchase intention when purchasing a gift. It focuses on social distances and temporal distances, and aims to identify the interactions between these psychological distances and perceived risk. Data were collected through experiments. Research design, data and methodology: The experiment was carried out through the design of 2 (perceived risk: high/low) X 2 (social distance: far / near) X 2 (temporal distance: far / near) between-subjects design. Participants were 241 undergraduates from two universities in Chungnam and Gangwon, and randomly assigned to one of eight groups. Results: It was confirmed that there is a difference in purchase intention according to the risk perceived by consumers when purchasing a gift. In particular, the difference in purchase intention based on the risk perceived by the buyer was found to be greater as the social distance between the gift giver and the recipient is shorter. In addition, it was confirmed that the intention to purchase a gift was simultaneously influenced by three factors: social distance, perceived risk, and time remaining to purchase a gift. In other words, when both temporal distance and social distance were short, the difference in purchase intention according to perceived risk was greatest. Conclusions: The purpose of this study was to examine how the relationship between perceived risk and purchase intention when purchasing a gift varies with psychological distance. This study found that the closer the relationship between the gift purchaser and the beneficiary and the shorter the time remaining before the gift purchase, the greater the difference in the willingness to purchase due to the perceptual risk. In practice, the results of this study can be used to establish sales promotion strategies for various gift products. Above all, the closer the relationship between the gift buyer and the person receiving the gift, the more differentially there should be a guarantee program that can reduce or eliminate the risk perceived by the buyer. There is also a need to use step-by-step product recommendation programs that can reduce perceptual risk depending on the time remaining until a particular season, such as graduation or Christmas.

      • KCI등재후보

        외식 프랜차이즈 기업에 대한 지각된 위험이 만족, 신뢰, 그리고 충성도에 미치는 영향

        박상언,우성근,최명수 한국프랜차이즈경영학회 2018 프랜차이즈경영연구 Vol.9 No.4

        Purpose – Consumers perceive various risks while using food service franchise stores. Food service franchise stores offer consumers not just menus, but services, physical environment, and prices, which can be perceived as risk to consumers. This means that consumer behavior in foos service franchise stores needs to be studied based on perceived risk theory. Perceived risk consists of performance risk, financial risk, social risk, psychological risk, and time risk. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of perceived risk on satisfaction and trust, and in turn affect loyalty. The results of this study will provide guidelines for marketers to develop strategies to reduce the perceived risk of consumers. Research design, data, methodology - In order to achieve research purposes, the authors developed several hypotheses. Data were through online survey through an online survey firm. A questionnaire survey was distributed to customers who have visited the restaurant in the past three months. The survey was conducted from March 5, 2017 to October 14, 2017. A total of 1,500 people were e-mailed and 260 were returned. A total of 245 items were used in the analysis except 15 of the questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results - The findings of this study are as follows: First, performance risk, economic risk, and psychological risk had negative effects on satisfaction. Social and time risks did not affect on satisfaction. Performance risk and time risk had negative impact on trust. Second, economic, social, and psychological risks did not affect trust, but satisfaction had significant positive effect on trust and loyalty. Third, satisfaction had positive effect on loyalty. Conclusions - The implications of this study are as follows. First, food service franchise marketers should increase their customer loyalty by establishing a risk reduction strategy. Second, there are various risks to customers visiting the store. Therefore, marketers need to analyze the perceived risks of customers. Third, it is also necessary to eliminate the perceived risks of customers. In addition, a restaurant franchise company needs to find a reasonable way to reduce the material cost and present a reasonable menu price.

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