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      • KCI등재

        지역집중도 분석을 통한 대도시 행정체계 개선에 관한 연구

        임승빈 ( Lim Ssuhng-bin ),조남욱 ( Cho Nam-wook ) 한국자치행정학회 2020 한국자치행정학보 Vol.34 No.4

        Understanding of urban capital is needed as the polarization between metropolis and small cities and between urban and rural areas occurs due to the difference between capital and labor in the process of urban growth. Although the government and local governments are pushing for public projects to revitalize the community by creating various public jobs, such as establishing infrastructure, viewing the understanding of urban capital as a lack of public infrastructure and jobs, the urbanization rate is accelerating further. Thus, it is useful to approach policies for a metropolis, small and medium cities, and policies for agricultural and fishing villages differently, and to readjust administrative and financial authority to reflect the characteristics of the region. In this study, 15 cities with a population of 500,000 or more were given a special clause as of July 1, 2019, and four major cities with a population of 1 million or more (Goyang, Suwon, Changwon, and Yongin) were analyzed to analyze the characteristics of each city and to raise the need to differentiate the special system applied to the current metropolis. The urban base consists of items that measure the basis of the local economy, and the living base of items that measure the concentration of health care and welfare. The learning base consists of items that measure educational and research functions. Concentration analysis shows that the concentration of four cities with a population of more than 1 million is relatively low compared to the population. As a result of comparing and analyzing urban concentration by area, the differences in urban-based capital, living-based capital, and learning-based capital of each city are large, and the differences are even greater in detailed indicators. It is necessary to make full-scale improvements to the current metropolitan special system so that they can be creative and competitive on their own, while preserving the characteristics of capital among different sectors, including the three urban areas (urban-based, life-based, and learning-based). Adding a few of the current metropolitan special clauses will not fundamentally improve the competitiveness of cities in Korea, and decentralization will not proceed smoothly. The decentralization, which maintains the current pyramid of the central government-city administrative system, is a form of holding back the development of metropolis where resources are still invested and the population is concentrated in deserted cities and counties. Each metropolis needs greater autonomy and fiscal decentralization in order to improve its voluntary and creative competitiveness. In conclusion, a multi-nuclear decentralization is urgently needed to enable the transfer of authority to the central government-to- metropolis without passing through metropolitan and provincial governments.

      • KCI등재

        광학 임계 치수의 베이지안 추론을 위한 대체 모형 기반 Metropolis-Hastings 알고리즘 적용

        김형진,이승호,안중찬,나지혜,박철진 한국경영과학회 2024 經營 科學 Vol.41 No.1

        In semiconductor manufacturing, it is important to rapidly estimate the values of the line widths or height, called the critical dimension (CD), of a nanoscale structure. In this paper, we consider the optical CD measurement that is designed to figure out CD values by comparing a given measured spectrum with calculated spectra from a simulation model. The main problem of this study is to identify the posterior distributions of the CD values using Bayesian inference with high computational efficiency in the optical CD measurement. The delayed acceptance Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (DAMH) uses a surrogate model in the proposal distribution to avoid unnecessary computations within the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. We introduced a single-layered Bayesian neural network as a surrogate model and then implemented the DAMH algorithm with the model to identify the posterior distributions of the CD values of the 2-dimensional high-aspect-ratio structure in semiconductor manufacturing. We applied the DAMH algorithm and a basic Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to the case study and obtained numerical results showing that the DAMH algorithm significantly improves computational efficiency while maintaining the same level of accuracy as a basic Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        인간을 기계에서 구원하기 위한 종교적 미장센

        김기영(Ki-Young Kim),이건근(Geon-Geun Lee) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2018 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.8 No.9

        이 논문의 목적은 Fritz Lang의 영화 Metropolis가 가진 독일의 표현주의적 속성을 영화사적 관점에서 고찰하고, 향후 할리우드를 중심으로 한 공상과학영화에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지를 통사론적으로 논하는 것이다. 이 영화는 독일 표현주의 사조의 마지막 작품으로서 Hitler의 압제를 피해 도미한 다른 동료 영화인들과 함께 미국 할리우드 공상과학영화의 기틀을 마련했다는 점에서 연구가치가 있다. 특히 이 작품에서 Lang은 1920년대 후반의 독일사회에 나타난 전쟁과 산업혁명에 따른 사회적 병폐중 기계문명의 폐단을 종교적으로 승화하려는 주제의식을 보여주고 있다. 무엇보다 Lang은 이러한 주제를 효과적으로 표현하려는 의도에서 자연스럽게 산업주의가 인간과 기계의 부정적인 관계를 양산해내었음을 말하려했음에 틀림없다. 연구결과 Metropolis는 단순히 시대적인 면에서 장편 공상과학 영화의 효시로 이해되는 것에 더하여 그동안 기계에 의존해온 미국 사회를 늘 비판해온 이 부류 작품들의 전통적 주제의식에 단초를 제시하고 있다. This paper aims to observe the aspect of the German expressionism shown in the film Metropolis by Fritz Lang from the angle of film history and discuss how it affected the science-fiction movie around Hollywood historically. This work has the value of research in that it gave a foundation to Hollywood science-fiction films of the U.S.A. with the other colleagues of the same field who went to America to flee from Hitler’s oppression. Especially, in this work, Lang provides the thematic consciousness to religiously sublimate the social ills made by the war and the industrial revolution of the German society in the late 1920s’. Above all, Lang must have tried to say that the industrialism produced the negative relationship between humans and machines which fact was naturally found out in the process to express his intention. Through the analysis, Metropolis presents a starting point to the traditional idea of these kinds of works always criticizing the American society having been dependent on machines in addition to being the first one of the long science-fiction movies in terms of time.

      • KCI등재

        전주시의 전통생활문화중심도시 전략 현황과 문화 클러스터의 가능성

        김정우(KIM Jeong Woo) 지역사회학회 2005 지역사회학 Vol.7 No.1

        이 연구는 노무현 참여정부의 지방분권과 지역균형발전을 위한 지방분권특별법, 국가균형발 전특별법, 신행정수도건설특별법 등이 제정되고, 부각되는 새로운 분권과 자립적 지방화의 흐름속에 전통문화중심도시로의 지역특성화를 추진하고 있는 전주시의 다양한 정책의 특징과 그 한계를 논의한다. 이 글에서 모범사례로 언급되는 영국의 쉐필드는 지방도시 가운데 문화산업지구(Cultural Industries Quarter: CIQ)를 조성하여 도시발전과 문화산업 진흥의 대표적 사례로 언급 되는 경우이며 도심과 지역경제의 재활성화를 위해 문화클러스터 전략을 도입한 예이다. 전주 사례를 중심으로 볼 때 아직도 자생자발적인 지역특성화전략에 전통문화 중심도시로의 문화클러스터 구축은 현실적으로 미흡한 실정이며 지방정부의 인적 인프라와 정책적 역량부족이라는 현실적 벽에 부딪치고 있다. 이는 전통과 현재 그리고 미래 지향적 문화적 향유와 체험, 그로인한 전주문화의 차별성 있는 정책개발의 한계에서 기인하는 문제이다. 이러한 전통문화중심도시로의 경쟁력 있는 특화전략의 성공을 위해서는 순수 문화예술을 활용하여 지역을 활성화하는 전략과 문화 산업체들의 집적지를 조성하여 지역발전을 도모하는 정책의 개발, 그리고 참여하는 전통문화연구가와 문화예술인, 문화기획자 그리고 지역민 각 주체간의 협력체계와 면밀한 문화적 특화에 대한 분석 그리고 지역민과 외국인이 공유할 수 있고 현대와 미래감각이 어울리는 문화상품의 개발이 필수 요소가 될 것이다. 이는 전주를 세계 속에 알리는 차별화 전략이며 전통문화의 향유, 보존적 측면 그 이상의 지역경제 활성화를 위한 발전 동력으로의 가능성도 포함하기 때문이다. This study highlights the trends of new decentralization and independent localization arising after the establishments of special regional decentralization laws, equal national development laws, and special laws on development of new administrative capital by President Roh, Moo Hyun, and the various policies and their limits of Jeonju, which is accordingly driving a regional specialization as a traditional & cultural metropolis. The exemplary case of Sheffield, England, in this study, is a representative of promotion in city development and cultural industry from development of Cultural Industries Quarter (CIQ) among the regional cities: an example of introducing culture cluster for reactivation of downtown and regional economy. Focusing on the Jeonju case, the reality shows the an autogenic, self-serving regional specialization strategyand development of a cultural cluster to establish a traditional & culture metropolis is coming short, and colliding with the lack of human infrastructure and political capabilities of the state governments. This originates from enjoyment and experience of tradition, present, and future-oriented culture and limits of Jeonju in development of a differentiated policy. To achieve a successful, competitive specialization strategy of a traditional & cultural metropolis, it would be inevitableto satisfy the factors of regional activation through utilization of pure art, design of regional development policies by building conglomerate of cultural industries, cooperative structure of traditional cultural research institutes, cultural artists, cultural planners, and residents, thorough analysis on cultural specialization, and development of a cultural product that can be shared by local residents and foreigners and concord to modern and future sensibility, for this will be the differentiated strategy to promote Jeonju to the world, and comprises the possibility of growth to motivati! on for enjoyment oftraditional culture, preservation, and furthermore, activation of regional economy.

      • KCI등재

        대도시의 미학과 1990년대 한국 소설

        이양숙(Lee, Yang-sook) 한국현대문학회 2015 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.47

        이글에서는 하성란이 자신의 초기 작품에서 보여준 ‘새로운 감각’을 통해 1990년대의 한국문학의 미의식과 대도시미학의 단초를 해명하고자 하였다. 메트로폴리스는 현대 주체의 의식과 욕망을 이끌어가고, 주체의 삶과 문화에 고유한 형태와 양식을 부여한다. 이런 의미에서 대도시란 ‘현존하는’ 대상이 아니라 오직 간접적-사후적으로만 그 정체를 추적하고 재구성할 수 있는 대상이며 그 단서는 현대 대도시를 지배하는 다양한 층위의 ‘운동’과 ‘주체’를 통해 찾아볼 수 있다. 하성란이 등단한 1990년대는 ‘한국사회에서 근본적인 감각적 전환이 나타난 시기’로 평가된다. 본격적인 소비문화의형성, 개성을 존중하는 적극적 자기표현의 증대, 가부장적인 권위에 대한 저항 등이그 내용이며 그 이면에는 신자유주의화의 물결과 IMF관리체제, 문화적 자유의 확대, 영상문화의 범람 등 광범위한 물적 토대가 존재한다. 작가의 초기작에서 두드러지는 것은 압도적인 시각이미지이며 이는 주로 도시의 일상에서 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 사물들을 대상으로 하고 있다. 하성란은 대도시 일상 속 사물의 모습을 광범위하게 수집하면서도 ‘클로즈업’과 같은 미시적 묘사를 통해 쉽게 드러나지 않는 도시생활의 의미를 끈질기게 추구한다. 이글은 하성란의 작품을 발터 벤야민과 지그프리트 크라카우어의 문화론, 특히 크라카우어의 대중문화론, 사진과 영화의 이론을 중심으로 분석하였다. 크라카우어는 이념이나 선지식, 이데올로기를 배격하고 철저히 귀납적인 방식으로 현실의 의미를 해명하고자하였다. 그는 ‘물리적현실’의 집적과 그것의 ‘모자이크적 재구성’을 통해 현재의 ‘모든 익숙한 관계’를 뒤흔들 수 있다고 보았으며 그 가능성을 사진과 영화에서 발견하였다. 하성란 소설의 인물들은 무기력하고 수동적인 것으로 보이지만 그들의 신중한 행위 속에서 크라카우어가 말한 ‘기다리는 사람들’의 모습을 찾아볼 수 있다. 기다리는 자들은 성급하게 특정 사상이나 종교에 몰두하지도 않으며 그렇다고 모든 희망을 거두고 폐쇄적으로 자신을 가두지도 않는다. 이들의태도는 ‘적극적 수동성’으로 볼 수 있는데 그것은 그들의 기다림이 새로운 인식을 위한 것이기 때문이다. 그들은 아직 발견되지 않은, 새로운 사유의 가능성을 기대하는 자들이다. 또한 그들은 관념으로가 아니라 온몸으로 사유하는 자들이다. 그들의 글쓰기는 작가의 글쓰기를 연상시킨다. 끊임없이 진행될 것이지만 쉽게 완성되지 못할 주인공의 글쓰기는 1990년대 후반 한국소설의 특징을 보여주는 인상적인 장면이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. This paper aims to analyze the metropolitan aesthetics of the Korean literature in 1990s through the "new style" appeared in Ha, sung-ran’s early works. Metropolis has became resources of consciousness and desire of the metropolitan subject and has given a unique form and style to their lives and culture. In this sense, metropolis is only indirectly traceable posterior object. The clues could be found in searching for various levels of dominant "movements" and "subjects" in metropolis. The 1990s are considered as a period when a fundamental sensorial turn took place. At the time the formation of a full-fledged cultural consumption, increase of active self-expression that respects the individuality such as resistance to patriarchal authority and so on had occurred. Behind series of such events lied the wave of neo-liberalism and the IMF management system, the expansion of cultural freedoms, overflow visual cultures. The distinguishing feature in her early works is the overwhelming visual images which is mainly targeted at things that can be easily found in everyday city. The author is doggedly pursuing the meaning of city life difficult to reveal itself, through the microscopic depicting such as "close-ups", while broadly collecting the appearances of things. This paper analyzed the works based on the theory of Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin about pop culture, film and photography. In particular Kracauer rejected a pre-given knowledge, ideology and tried to explain the meaning of reality thoroughly by the inductive method. Through the accumulation of "physical reality" and mosaic reconstruction of it, he argued that it could shake up the current "all the familiar relationship" and the possibilities could be found in photography and film. The figures in novels seem to be helpless and passive but in their deliberate actions we can find appearances of ‘those who wait’ which S. Kracauer had mentioned. Those who wait do not impatiently preoccupied with a particular ideology or religion nor resigned all hope confining themselves. Their attitude may be considered to be "positive passivity" because it is waiting for new awareness. They are those who expect new possibilities of undetected thinking. They also are those who think in the whole body, rather than as stereotypes. Their writing is reminiscent of the author’s. It will not be easy to complete, but proceed without interruption. It can be described as a memorable scene showing the characteristics of Korean novels in the late 1990s.

      • KCI등재

        Bayesian MCMC 및 Metropolis Hastings 알고리즘을 이용한 강우빈도분석에서 확률분포의 매개변수에 대한 불확실성 해석

        서영민 ( Young Min Seo ),박기범 ( Ki Bum Park ) 한국환경과학회 2011 한국환경과학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        The probability concepts mainly used for rainfall or flood frequency analysis in water resources planning are the frequentist viewpoint that defines the probability as the limit of relative frequency, and the unknown parameters in probability model are considered as fixed constant numbers. Thus the probability is objective and the parameters have fixed values so that it is very difficult to specify probabilistically the uncertianty of these parameters. This study constructs the uncertainty evaluation model using Bayesian MCMC and Metropolis -Hastings algorithm for the uncertainty quantification of parameters of probability distribution in rainfall frequency analysis, and then from the application of Bayesian MCMC and Metropolis- Hastings algorithm, the statistical properties and uncertainty intervals of parameters of probability distribution can be quantified in the estimation of probability rainfall so that the basis for the framework configuration can be provided that can specify the uncertainty and risk in flood risk assessment and decision-making process.


        Posterior density estimation for structural parameters using improved differential evolution adaptive Metropolis algorithm

        Zhou, Jin,Mita, Akira,Mei, Liu Techno-Press 2015 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.15 No.3

        The major difficulty of using Bayesian probabilistic inference for system identification is to obtain the posterior probability density of parameters conditioned by the measured response. The posterior density of structural parameters indicates how plausible each model is when considering the uncertainty of prediction errors. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is a widespread medium for posterior inference but its convergence is often slow. The differential evolution adaptive Metropolis-Hasting (DREAM) algorithm boasts a population-based mechanism, which nms multiple different Markov chains simultaneously, and a global optimum exploration ability. This paper proposes an improved differential evolution adaptive Metropolis-Hasting algorithm (IDREAM) strategy to estimate the posterior density of structural parameters. The main benefit of IDREAM is its efficient MCMC simulation through its use of the adaptive Metropolis (AM) method with a mutation strategy for ensuring quick convergence and robust solutions. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in simulations on identifying the structural parameters with limited output data and noise polluted measurements.

      • KCI등재

        인지정보 디자인 관점에서 인천광역시 매체별 미디어 홍보 콘텐츠에 대한 수용자 인식 분석

        이한주,현은령 한국디자인학회 2024 디자인학연구 Vol.37 No.4

        연구배경 도시 홍보 매체는 이미지를 평가하는 주된 요인이며, 수용자의 적극적인 참여를 이끌어 낼 수 있다. 그러나, 무분별한 홍보 콘텐츠는 도시 이미지 형성에 있어서 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구를 통 해 미디어 홍보 콘텐츠를 분석하여 홍보 목적과 효율성을 높일 수 있는 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구방법 좌의선과 김희현(Zuo & Kim, 2014)의 모델에 기초하여 인지정보 디자인 시각화의 4가지 구성요소 를 독립변수로 설정한 뒤, 브랜드 가치와 방문 의도를 종속변수로 구성하였다. 이후, 2023년 12월 22일부터 12 월 31일까지 인천광역시 매체별 미디어 홍보 콘텐츠에 관한 설문을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 분석 도구로는 IBM SPSS statistics 26.0을 이용하여 로지스틱 회귀분석과 다중회귀분석을 활용하였다. 연구결과 미디어 만족도에 미치는 시각화 구성요소의 효과를 분석한 결과, 화면 구성과 유희성, 인지성이 영 향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 브랜드 가치는 명확성과 인지성이 유의미한 결과를 도출하였으며, 방문 의도는 화 면 구성과 유희성, 인지성이 영향을 미치는 것으로 알 수 있다. 특히, 미디어의 만족도는 브랜드 가치와 방문 의 도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 결론 본 연구는 다양한 매체를 활용하여 홍보 활동하는 인천광역시의 3가지 매체를 통해 수용자의 인식 과 인지정보 디자인 관점을 연관하여 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 결과에서 제시된 각 목적에 맞는 시각화 구성요소를 활용하여 도시홍보 미디어콘텐츠를 디자인한다면 효과적인 결과를 기대할 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구가 도시 경쟁 력을 높일 수 있는 홍보 방안에 기여하는 연구 자료가 되길 기대한다. Background Media of urban advertisements is the main component that determines the impression and can generate active participation. However, many advertisements may lead to negative influences regarding the establishment of a city’s impression. Therefore, with the following study we hope to provide basic data which may increase the efficiency of advertisement through analysis of media advertisement. Methods Based on the model introduced by Zuo and Kim (2014), the four components of cognitive information design visualization were selected as independent variables, and both the brand value and intention of visiting were selected as dependent variables. Data was acquired from December 22-31, 2023 via questionnaires regarding advertisements in Incheon metropolis per media. Tools for analysis consisted of, SPSS 26.0 for logistic regression and multiple regression analysis. Results After analyzing the effects of components of visualization relevant to media satisfaction, the screen composition, level of entertainment, and cognitivity were significantly relevant. For brand value, accuracy and cognitivity were significantly relevant, and intentions of visiting, screen composition, level of entertainment, and cognitivity were significantly relevant. Importantly, the satisfaction of media was irrelevant for both brand value and intention of visit. Conclusions The following research observed the relevance between the perspectives of cognitive information design and the perception of the audience by examining the three types of media used for advertisement by the Incheon metropolis. Also, if advertisements are create based on the results of this research by using components of visualization, a more efficient spread of information is possible. We hope that this research will be able to contribute to the methodology of advertisements and to enhance the city’s level of competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        Posterior density estimation for structural parameters using improved differential evolution adaptive Metropolis algorithm

        Jin Zhou,Akira Mita,Liu Mei 국제구조공학회 2015 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.15 No.3

        The major difficulty of using Bayesian probabilistic inference for system identification is toobtain the posterior probability density of parameters conditioned by the measured response. The posteriordensity of structural parameters indicates how plausible each model is when considering the uncertainty ofprediction errors. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is a widespread medium for posteriorinference but its convergence is often slow. The differential evolution adaptive Metropolis-Hasting(DREAM) algorithm boasts a population-based mechanism, which runs multiple different Markov chainssimultaneously, and a global optimum exploration ability. This paper proposes an improved differentialevolution adaptive Metropolis-Hasting algorithm (IDREAM) strategy to estimate the posterior density ofstructural parameters. The main benefit of IDREAM is its efficient MCMC simulation through its use of theadaptive Metropolis (AM) method with a mutation strategy for ensuring quick convergence and robustsolutions. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in simulations on identifying the structural parameters withlimited output data and noise polluted measurements.

      • KCI등재

        Bloom in the Distracting and Rationalizing Metropolis: Appropriation of the Urban Space in James Joyce`s Ulysses Part II

        ( Hyowon Park ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2016 근대 영미소설 Vol.23 No.3

        This paper examines the urban experience of Leopold Bloom, the urban peripatetic hero of James Joyce`s Ulysses and qualifies his experience as one of the representative modes of experience in the European metropolises at the turn of the twentieth century. Turn-of-the-century European metropolises were characterized by distractions emanating from exponentially increasing population, commodities and information. On the other hand, the same urban space was also highly rationalized. Rationalization schemes such as urban planning and census taking were executed to organize the distracting urban chaos. The Irish capital city of Dublin, the geographic setting of Joyce`s novel, was also under the influence of distraction and rationalization. Situated within this context, Joyce`s hero Bloom represents an exemplary metropolitan type who experiences and copes with the distracting and rationalizing forces of metropolitan Dublin on a very individual level. Distracted and rationalized in the urban space of the city, Bloom is occasionally fragmented and mechanized. However, he appropriates the distractions of the rationalizing urban space to create moments of meaningful experience. These meaningful moments, connected to and mixed with his cherished memories of the past, are the driving forces that enable Bloom to preserve his self-coherence.

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