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      • Economic Threshold for Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Greenhouse Lettuce

        Jin-Gu Lee,Sun-Sung Hong,Jin-Young Kim,Hyun-Ju Lee,Young-Hee Han,Jae-Wook Lim 한국응용곤충학회 2008 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.05

        Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis(Perg.), is one of the major pests of lettuce, Lactuca sativa. To develop the economic thresholds for western flower thrips on lettuce, the thrips was inoculated into two types of lettuce, green deeply lobed leaf lettuce which was harvested every week and red frilled & crinkled leaf lettuce which was harvested one time, with a density of 0, 1, 3, 7, 10 thrips per one lettuce after planting 1 week and 3 weeks at the plastic house in 2006, and 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 thrips per one lettuce after planting 1 week in 2007. There was close correlation between the initial thrips density and the marketable quantity of lettuce : y = -155.36x + 3564.7, r2=0.9724('06), y = -167.82x + 3474.5, r2=0.8897('07) in the green deeply lobed leaf lettuce inoculated the thrips after planting 1 week, y = -109.65x + 3549.1, r2=0.9384('06) in the green deeply lobed leaf lettuce inoculated the thrips after planting 3 weeks, y = -197.09x + 3334.9, r2=0.9707('06), y = -244.08x + 3425.9, r2=0.8914('07) in the red frilled & crinkled leaf lettuce inoculated the thrips after planting 1 week, y = -101.07x + 3457.6, r2=0.7334('06) in the red frilled & crinkled leaf lettuce inoculated the thrips after planting 3 weeks. The economic threshold for western flower thrips on lettuce was ranged 0.20~0.30 thrips per one lettuce in the blue type lettuce and 0.14~0.33 thrips per one lettuce in the red type lettuce.

      • KCI등재

        시설상추 생산체계에 대한 top-down 방식 전과정평가

        유종희(Jong-Hee Ryu),김계훈(Kye-Hoon Kim),소규호(Kyu-ho So),이길재(Gil-Zae Lee),김건엽(Gun-Yeob Kim),이덕배(Deog-Bae Lee) 한국토양비료학회 2011 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        시설재배 상추생산체계에 대한 LCI DB를 구축하고 상추의 탄소성적산정과 전과정 영향평가를 위하여 전과정평가를 수행하였다. 상추재배에 관련된 농작업 투입물과 산출물에 대한 GTG 목록작성결과 시설상추 1 kg 생산하는데 투입되는 물질 중 유기질비료와 화학비료가 각각 7.85E-01 kg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> lettuce, 4.42E-02 kg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> lettuce로 비료의 투입량이 가장 높았다. 비료와 에너지의 투입이 시설상추 생산에 가장 높은 비중을 차지하는 물질이었다. 영농단계에서 발생하는 직접 대기배출물 CO₂, CH₄, N₂O 배출량의 합은 3.23E-02 kg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> lettuce이었다. 시설 상추 1 kg을 생산 전과정 중 발생하는 온실가스를 LCI 분석한 결과 시설상추 생산체계 전과정을 통하여 상추 1kg 생산에 발생하는 온난화 가스는 CO₂가 8.65E-01 kg CO₂ kg<SUP>-1</SUP>로 가장 많았고, CH₄와 N₂O가 각각 8.59E-03 kg CH₄ kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, 2.90E-04 kg N₂O kg<SUP>-1</SUP>이었다. 전체적으로 온실 가스 배출에 가장 크게 기여하는 공정은 비료생산으로 나타났고, 특히 아산화질소 발생에서 상추재배단계가 차지하는 비중이 높게 나타났는데 이것은 질소 비료 시용에 의한 아산화질소의 대기배출 때문으로 판단되었다. 각 온난화 가스들의 발생량을 CO₂-eq.로 환산하여 시설 상추 생산체계에서 발생하는 온실가스 배출량을 탄소 성적값으로 산정하였다. 시설상추 생산체계의 탄소 성적값은 1.14E+00 kg CO₂-eq. kg<SUP>-1</SUP>였다. CO₂-eq.로 환산된 탄소 성적에 CO₂ 발생 비중이 총 온실가스 배출량에 약 76%, CH₄는 16%, N₂O는 8%를 차지하였다. LCI 분석결과 영농작업 단계에서 배출되는 온난화 가스의 주요원인은 농기계사용으로 인한 화석연료의 연소 중에 발생하는 이산화탄소, 메탄, 아산화 질소와 질소비료 시용에 기인한 아산화질소의 대기 발생이었다. 전과정 영향평가 영향범주 중 포장에서 배출되는 CO₂, CH₄, N₂O와 직접적으로 관련된 영향범주는 지구온난화 영향범주와 광화학적 산화물 생성 범주 이며, 평가결과 지구온난화 영향범주의 특성화 값은 1.14E+00 kg CO₂-eq. kg<SUP>-1</SUP> 이었고, 광화학적 산화물 생성 범주 특성화 값은 9.45E-05kg C₂H₄-eq. kg<SUP>-1</SUP>이었다. 대부분 영향범주에서 비료생산에 의한 환경영향 기여도가 가장 높았고, 그다음으로 농자재생산 공정과 에너지생산 공정이 환경영향에 대한 기여도가 높았다. This study was carried out to estimate carbon emission using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and to establish LCI (Life Cycle inventory) DB for lettuce production system in protected cultivation. The results of data collection for establishing LCI DB showed that the amount of fertilizer input for 1 kg lettuce production was the highest. The amounts of organic and chemical fertilizer input for 1 kg lettuce production were 7.85E-01 kg and 4.42E-02 kg, respectively. Both inputs of fertilizer and energy accounted for the largest share. The amount of field emission for CO2, CH4 and N2O for 1 kg lettuce production was 3.23E-02 kg. The result of LCI analysis focused on GHG (Greenhouse gas) showed that the emission value to produce 1 kg of lettuce was 8.65E-01 kg CO2. The emission values of CH4 and N2O to produce 1 kg of lettuce were 8.59E-03 kg CH4 and 2.90E-04 kg N2O, respectively. Fertilizer production process contributed most to GHG emission. Whereas, the amount of emitted nitrous oxide was the most during lettuce cropping stage due to nitrogen fertilization. When GHG was calculated in CO2-equivalents, the carbon footprint from GHG was 1.14E-+00 kg CO2-eq. kg<SUP>-1</SUP>. Here, CO2 accounted for 76% of the total GHG emissions from lettuce production system. Methane and nitrous oxide held 16%, 8% of it, respectively. The results of LCIA (Life Cycle Impact assessment) showed that GWP (Global Warming Potential) and POCP (Photochemical Ozon Creation Potential) were 1.14E+00 kg CO2-eq. kg<SUP>-1</SUP> and 9.45E-05 kg C2H4-eq. kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, respectively. Fertilizer production is the greatest contributor to the environmental impact, followed by energy production and agricultural material production.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of diff erent NO 3 − :NH 4 + ratios on the photosynthesis and ultrastructure of lettuce seedlings

        Xu Zhu,Rui Yang,Yingyan Han,Jinghong Hao,Chaojie Liu,Shuangxi Fan 한국원예학회 2020 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.61 No.3

        Nitrate nitrogen (NO 3− ) and ammonium N (NH 4+ ) are the two main forms of nitrogen (N). The eff ects of the NO 3− :NH 4+ ratio(0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, and 100:0) in the nutrient solution on growth, pigment content, photosynthetic parameters, chlorophyll(Chl) precursor content, and chloroplast mitochondrial ultrastructure of lettuce leaves were evaluated to determine theappropriate N ratio for the growth of lettuce. The results showed that a ratio of nitrate to ammonium of 75:25 compared withthe single N form resulted in signifi cantly higher fresh weights in the shoots and the lower parts of the lettuce. The growthrate, as indicated by the CO 2 response curve, was increased because of the carboxylation effi ciency and dark respiration rate(Rday) of the lettuce seedlings, and the diff erence between the light compensation point and CO 2 compensation point wasreduced under single nitrate N treatment. The contents of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), porphobilinogen, uroporphyrinogenIII, protoporphyrin IX, and Mg-protoporphyrin IX in seedlings at 75:25 nitrate:ammonium were higher than those inseedlings under the other treatments. The contents of Chl a and b were also the highest when the ratio of nitrate ammoniumwas 75:25. The chloroplast structure of lettuce leaves was intact, the cell membrane was completely closed to the cell wall,and the organelles were closely arranged on the cell membrane. The chloroplast was spindle-shaped and full of vesicles. The whole mitochondria were rich, the base particles were rich, the base granules were clear and rich, and the mitochondriaexhibited the overall best state with a complete structure, rich sputum, and dense inclusions. The above results show that thenutrient solution with a ratio of nitrate to ammonium of 75:25 was more conducive to Chl synthesis and the promotion ofphotosynthesis and root growth in lettuce seedlings than the other treatments. The single nitrate N nutrient solution reducedChl synthesis and photosynthesis in lettuce seedlings, while the single ammonium N nutrient solution aff ected the growthof lettuce seedlings, resulting in lower growth of lettuce shoots and roots. Therefore, the nutrient solution ratio of nitrate toammonium of 75:25 is the most suitable for the lettuce seedling growth.

      • KCI등재

        상추잎 즙액과 표면에서 Escherichia coli O157:H7의 생장 가능성

        김원일,류경열,정향미,김세리,박경훈,김병석,윤혜정,윤종철 한국식품위생안전성학회 2011 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        This study was to evaluate the growth potential of E. coli O157:H7 in lettuce leaf extracts and on lettuce leaf surface at various temperatures. The pathogen can survive and multiply in the extracts and leaf surface of lettuce. The population of E. coli O157:H7 in the lettuce extracts reached to 4.79 log CFU/mL at 37℃. The multiplication of pathogen in lettuce extracts initiated within 10 hours of inoculation over 15℃ conditions. And it can survive in the lettuce leaf extracts at 4℃ for 100 hours at least. And this pathogen can multiply on lettuce leaf surface and the population of pathogen on the lettuce leaf surface increased to 1.82 log CFU/g at 25℃. At 37℃, the pathogen density increased to 1.53 CFU/g within 3 days after inoculation. At all temperature, irrespective of the inoculation level, similar trends in growth of E. coli O157:H7 were observed. These results emphasize the growth potential of E. coli O157:H7 in lettuce leaf extract and on lettuce leaf surface. To reduce the risk of outbreak, it is important to maintain the cold chain system during storage before the consumption.

      • 목편살수여상 침출액비와 어분, 골분, 게껍질 혼합액을 이용한 상추의 수경재배

        류종원,Ryoo, Jong-Won 한국축산환경학회 2010 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 목편살수여상 pilot 장치를 설치하여 스크레파 축사에서 배출되는 뇨오수를 원수로 사용하여 가동한 후 침출액비를 공시재료로 하여 상추 양액재배 시험을 실시하였다. 처리구는 침출액비 (SL) 단독처리구, 침출 액비+어분 (SL+FM), 침출액비+골분 (SL+BM), 침출액비+게껍질 (SL+CS) 혼합처리구. 침출 액비+부산물 (SL+FM+BM+CS) 혼합처리구, 대조구로 원예연 상추양액 (NS) 처리구 등 6개 처리구를 두었다. 침출액비와 부산물 혼합처리 후 전기전도도와 pH를 조정하여 상추의 양액재배를 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 목편살수여상 처리 과정중 pH는 처리 시작전 7.3에서 처리 후 8.5로 상승하였다. 전기전도도 (EC)는 처리전 17.05 mS/cm에서 처리 후 30일에는 9.7 mS/cm로 낮아졌다. 2. 침출액비는 부유물질 (SS)이 낮아 수경 재배시 관배수의 막힘문제 없이 활용이 가능하였다. 침출액비는 양분조성에서 칼륨함량이 높고 인산 함량이 낮았다. 3. 침출액비시용구 (SL)의 상추수량은 원예 연 표준양액재배 대비 75%를 나타내어 25% 수량저하를 나타내었다. 침출액비을 어분. 골분. 게껍질을 혼합한 처리구는 대조구 대비 85%. 79%. 80% 수량을 나타내어 어분의 첨가 효과가 가장 높았다. 침출액비와 어분 혼합액은 침출액비 단독처리구 보다 10% 증수를 나타내어 유기양액의 대체 원료로 사용이 가능 할 것으로 보인다. The pig slurry leachate was dark brown-colored solution that leaches out of woodchip trickling filter. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of pig slurry leachate and byproduct on growth characteristics of leaf lettuce in hydroponics culture. The effects of addition of fish meal, bone meal and crab shell for the growth of leaf lettuce were investigated. Leaf lettuce were grown in each of six combination treatment solutions; slurry leachate, slurry leachate + fish meal, slurry leachate+bone meal, slurry leachate + crab shell and chemical hydroponic solution for lettuce based on EC content. The chemical nutrient solution was the solution of National Horticulture Research Station for the growth of lettuce. The all of nutrient solution was adjusted 1.5 mS/cm in EC in hydroponics culture. 1. The pH level of leachate of trickling filter was increased and EC decreased gradually during treatment. Pig slurry leachate was low in suspended solids (SS), phosphorus (P), but rich in potassium (K). 2. The plot of slurry leachate (SL) was lowest in the growth characteristics of lettuce. The leaf length and width of lettuce treated with mixture plot of slurry leachate and fish meal (SL + FM) was higher compared with plot in slurry leachate. The chlorophyll reading was reduced in plot treated with slurry leachate, but that in plot of SL+FM was similar compared with control plot. 3. The fresh weight of lettuce showed lowest in the plot treated with slurry leachate. The addition of fish meal increased the yield of comparing plot of slurry leachate, but plots of bone meal and crab shell addition were not significantly difference. The fresh weight of leaf lettuce in plot of SL+FM was 87% as 400.0g compared with control. In conclusion, the mixture solution of pig slurry leachate and fish meal could be used as a nutrition solution of organic lettuce hydroponics.

      • 상추, 백거(白거), 와거(窩거)의 품성과 효능에 대한 고문헌연구

        김종덕 ( Jong Dug Kim ) 한국농업사학회 2014 농업사연구 Vol.13 No.2

        이상과 같은 문헌고찰을 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. (1) 현존하는 동아시아 문헌 중 상추에 대한 최고의 기록은 맹선(孟詵, 621∼713)의 백거(白거)로 알려져 있으며, 우리나라에는 삼국시대 말기이전에 도입된 것으로 추정된 다. 현재 우리나라에 현존하는 문헌 가운데 상추에 대한 최고의 이두문자기록은 「鄕藥 救急方」 (1236)으로 “紫夫豆(부두 = 紫거)” “紫夫豆菜(부두 )”로 표기되었다. 이후 조선중기까지 <부루> <부로> <阜蘆> 등의 표기로 되었고, 조선중기부터 날로[生] 먹으 면 좋은 채소[菜]라는 뜻의 생채(生菜)에서 유래된 <상 샹츼 상취 치 샹취 상샹치 상치>와 서로 혼용하여 사용되었고, 점차 <상추>라는 단어만 사용하게 되었다. (2) 「鄕藥集成方」 (1433)이 인조 11년(1633) 중간(重刊)되면서 백거(白거)의 향명(鄕名) 으로 “斜羅夫老”가 두주(頭註)로 삽입되었는데, 이는 상추를 의미하는 “부로”일 가능성도 있으나 고채(苦菜) 또는 곡곡채(曲曲菜)를 의미하는 사라부로(斜羅夫老)일 가능성이 크다. (3) 고려의 생채(生菜)에 밥을 싸 먹는 상추쌈 문화가 고려에서 원(元)나라 황실로 전 파된 것은 분명하다. 그러나 한치윤(韓致奫, 1765∼1814)은 상추가 고려국(高麗國)에서 중국으로 전래되었다고 주장하였으나, 이는 “와국(괘國) → 고국(高國) → 고려국(高麗 國)”으로 잘못 인식한 것으로 보인다. (4) 차가운 성질의 상추를 금(金)기운으로 이해했기 때문에 적상추보다 백상추가 더 차가운 것으로 이해하였다. 무더운 여름에 저온 처리하면 상추씨가 휴면타파되어 발아 율이 높아지는 것은 차가운 성질의 상추씨에 인위적으로 서늘한 기운을 주는 기전으로 이해된다. (5) 상추와 뱀은 서로 상극이다. 염분을 섭취하기 위해 장독대에 잘 나타나는 뱀을 막기 위해 방어벽의 개념으로 예전에는 장독대 근처에 상추를 심었다. (6) 상추가 처음 도입되었을 당시 백거(白거)의 효능이 주로 설명되었으나 후대에 오면서 우리나라에서는 와거(窩거)가 주로 설명되고, 중국에서는 백거(白거)와 와거(窩거) 가 각각의 조문으로 설명되었다. 초기의 백거(白거)에 대한 효능이 후대에는 와거(窩거) 의 효능으로 인식하였다. (7) 사상의학에서는 소양인이 대변불통(大便不通)으로 열(熱)이 울체(鬱滯)되어 가슴 이 답답해지면서 뜨거워지는 흉격열증(胸膈熱症)이나 화병(火病, 鬱火病)이 나타나면 상추를 식이요법으로 이용한다. 그러나 몸이 차서 설사를 자주하는 소음인의 경우 지나치게 많이 먹으면 오히려 냉병(冷病)에 걸리기 쉬우니 조심하여야 한다. The results of this study are as follow below. (1) The oldest existing record about lettuce is Paekgeo(白거) by Maengseon(孟詵, 621∼ 713) and it is assumed to be introduced before the late epoch of three Kingdoms. Currently, the oldest existing documents in Chinese characters are Hangyakgugeupbang(鄕藥救急方, 1236) and it was written as “Jabudu(紫夫豆, 부두 = 紫거)”, “Jabudunamal(紫夫豆菜, 부두 )”. Up till in the mid-Joseon peroid, it was written as <Buru>, <Buro> and <阜蘆>. In the mid-Joseon period, <Sangchae, Sangchae, Shangchui(샹츼), Sangchui(상취), Saengchi(치), Shangchui(샹취), Shangchuui(상), Shaengchuui(ㅅㆎㅇㅊㆌ), Shangchi(샹치), Sangchi(상치)>, which came from Shaengchae meaning the raw vegetables eaten, were used mixed and gradually only the word, “Sangchu” is getting to be used. (2) As Hyangyakjibseongbang(鄕藥集成方, 1433) was reissued in 1633, Sarabuno as the private name of Paekgeo was inserted. It might be “buro” meaning lettuce, however, more possibly should be “Sarabuno” meaning Gochae(苦菜) or Gokgokchae(曲曲菜). (3) It is certain that the custom that eating rice wrapped with raw vegetables was originated from Goryeo to the Mongol empire family. But Han, ChiYoon(韓致奫, 1765∼1814) argued that lettuce came from China to Goryeo, which could be caused by misunderstanding of “Waguk(괘國) → Goguk(高國) → Goryeokuk(高麗國)”. (4) As regarding the temperament of cold as gold Qi, white lettuce is colder than red lettuce. In hot summer, as the seeds of lettuce are treated with low temperature, the seeds are broken from rest and germination percent is increasing. This is assumed that the cold temperament of seeds is affected by the artificial cold Qi. (5) Lettuce is incompatible with snake. Lettuces are planted around where crocks and pots are in order to make the snakes which try to intake the salt turn away. (6) When lettuce was introduced for the first time, the effcets of Paekgeo was mainly focused. As time goes by, Wageo(窩거) was explained more and both Paekgeo and Wageo are explained with each provison in China. The effects of Paekgeo in early days are getting to be understood as Wageo. (7) According to Sasang Constitutional Medicine, if Soyang-in suffers from constipation and gets fever in their heart or become sick with hwa-byung(火病, 鬱火病), lettuce is used as a diet therapy depending on Sasang Constitution. However, if Soeum-in whose body is cold and often has diarrhea, eating lettuce too much can cause Naeng-byung(冷病).


        Analysis of the Microbiota on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Cultivated in South Korea to Identify Foodborne Pathogens

        ( Yeon-cheol Yu ),( Su-jin Yum ),( Da-young Jeon ),( Hee-gon Jeong ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2018 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.28 No.8

        Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a major ingredient used in many food recipes in South Korea. Lettuce samples were collected during their maximum production period between April and July in order to investigate the microbiota of lettuce during different seasons. 16S rRNA gene-based sequencing was conducted using Illumina MiSeq, and real-time PCR was performed for quantification. The number of total bacterial was greater in lettuce collected in July than in that collected in April, albeit with reduced diversity. The bacterial compositions varied according to the site and season of sample collection. Potential pathogenic species such as Bacillus spp., Enterococcus casseliflavus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed season-specific differences. Results of the network cooccurrence analysis with core genera correlations showed characteristics of bacterial species in lettuce, and provided clues regarding the role of different microbes, including potential pathogens, in this microbiota. Although further studies are needed to determine the specific effects of regional and seasonal characteristics on the lettuce microbiota, our results imply that the 16S rRNA gene-based sequencing approach can be used to detect pathogenic bacteria in lettuce.

      • KCI등재

        상추 무름병 저항성 유전자원 탐색

        김상규,조규택,이정윤,이영이,고호철,이정로,나영왕,박홍재,곽재균 한국국제농업개발학회 2016 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.28 No.1

        Soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum is a destructive disease of the fleshy storage tissues of vegetables and ornamentals that occurs worldwide. This study was carried out to find an effective method for evaluating soft rot disease on a massive scale in greenhouse and to screen resistant accession for the disease with lettuce germplasm. Spray method with 5 mL suspension of 109 colony formation unit per milliliter (CFU/mL) of P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum per plant at the 6 ~ 7 foliage leaf stage was the most effective to evaluate soft rot disease. We evaluated resistance to soft rot using this method for 812 accessions of lettuce germplasm introduced from 52 countries. As the results, withered rates for each germplasm accession ranged from 0 to 100 percent and among 812 accessions of lettuce germplasm investigated, 21 accessions showed very high resistance. Among the 21 accessions, 11 accessions were from Korea, each 2 accessions were from USA and Israel, and each 1 accession was from Afghanistan, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. Accessions from Israel, Syria, and Afghanistan showed high resistance level. Among very high resistant 21 accessions, 12 were landraces, 6 were cultivars, and 3 were wild relatives. The 21 accessions were consisted of 12 leaf lettuce, 5 romaine type, 3 wild relatives, and 1 butterhead lettuce. Leaf lettuce accessions showed the highest resistance level while crisphead lettuce accessions had the lowest resistance level among the cultivated lettuce types. Wild relatives had greater resistance than landraces and cultivars. These accessions which resistance to soft rot will be used for soft rot resistance breeding program in lettuce.

      • KCI등재

        실내재배를 위한 적상추와 청상추의 차광에 따른 생육 반응

        주진희,김태연,윤용한,Ju, Jin-Hee,Kim, Tae-Yeon,Yoon, Yong-Han 한국환경과학회 2022 한국환경과학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        Production of lettuce under indoor cultivation is highly affected by light intensity. In this study, we used shade cloth (commercial black net) to examine the effect of these condition on growth without an associated yield penalty of container-grown lettuce. Four levels of shading treatments (0%, 35%, 55%, and 75% referred to as Cont., S<sub>35</sub>, S<sub>55</sub>, and S<sub>75</sub> with respect to Cont.) and two lettuce varieties (red and blue) were evaluated. Variety-specific growth responses were observed with respect to different levels of shading treatments. High growth of red lettuce was occurred in Cont. treatment despite plant height and leaf length being higher than Cont. However, under 35% shading treatment blue lettuce was higher than in control plants. The highest root length was observed 0% shading (Cont.) of both varieties. These results reinforce the idea that blue lettuce is the better leafy vegetable rather than red lettuce for indoor cultivation related to lower light intensity environment conditions.

      • 퇴비단 여과액비가 수경재배에서 상추의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향

        류종원,Ryoo, Jong-Won 한국축산환경학회 2009 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        The compost leachate was dark-colored solution that leaches out of the bottom of the compost pile. The compost leachate was rich in nutrients and can potentially used in plant culture. In the organic production, commercial liquid fertilizer was used to insure the availability of nutrients during the formation of the yield. The cost of supplemental liquid fertilizer could be reduced by developing a fertilizer based on animal fertilizer. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different combination of compost leachate and conventional inorganic solution in hydroponic culture for lettuce growth. Six different treatments were applied. The compost leachate(CL) and nutrient solution(NS) were mixed by six different mixing ratios of 0:100, 20:80, 40:60, 60:40%, 80:20 and 100%:0% based on nitrogen content. The chemical nutrient solution was the solution of National Horticulture Research Station for the growth of leaf lettuce. The concentration of nutrient solution was adjusted 1.5 mS/cm in EC. The compost leachate was low in phosphorus(P), calcium(Ca), magnesium(Mg), but rich in potassium(K). The plant height of lettuce treated with CL 20+NS 80% was similar with 100% NS of control plot. Plant height was highest in the plot of CL 20+NS 80%. The treatment of 100% compost leachate was lowest in the growth characteristics of leaf lettuce. Number of leaf was very low in 100% compost leachate compared with plot of chemical nutrient solution. In the beginning of growth stage, SPAD value was reduced in plot treated with CL100%, but CL20+NS80% plot was higher compared to 100% compost leachate. SPAD value of leaf lettuce leaves was decreased as the amount of CL was increased. The dry weight of lettuce were 107.4, 104.2g in plot of NS 100% and CL 20%+NS80%, respectively. The leaf number and plant weight were decreased at high application plots of compost leachate. The leaf lettuce showed lowest in the plot treated with 100% compost leachate, and the growth of lettuce severely decreased after application of 100% CL treatment. The results showed that compost leachate can be use as liquid fertilizer for the organic hydroponic production. The mixture solution of 20% of compost leachate and 80% of nutrient solution could be used as a nutrition solution in hydroponic culture of leaf lettuce. Our studies have shown that is possible to produce using compost leachate, although growth is slower than when using a conventional inorganic hydroponic solution. 본 연구는 수경재배에서 여과액비의 양액대체 가능성을 평가하기 위하여 양돈농가의 퇴비화 과정 중 여과되어 나오는 퇴비단여과액비(SCB액비)와 화학양액의 혼합 시용이 상추(Lactuca sativa L.)의 생육에 미치는 영향를 검토하기 위하여 수행하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 수경재배 방식은 박막순환 수경재배(NFT방식) 방식으로 실시하였다. 처리는 상추의 수경재배에서 질소함량을 기준으로 여과액비와 양액의 혼합수준 처리구를 두었다. 처리구는 여과액비(CL 100%) 단독처리구, 여과액비 80% + 양액 20%(CL80% + NS20%) 혼합처리구, 여과액비 60% + 양액40%(CL 60% + NS 40%) 혼합처리구, 여과액비 40% + 양액60%(CL 40% + NS 60%) 혼합처리구, 여과액비 20% + 양액80%(CL 20% + NS 80%) 혼합처리구, 양액 100%(NS 100%) 단독처리구를 두었다. 여과액비와 양액혼합액은 전기전도도와 pH를 조정하여 상추의 양액재배를 실시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 여과액비는 칼리함량이 상대적으로 높고 질산태질소, 인산 함량이 낮아 여과액비 100% 처리구는 양분의 불균형을 초래하여 양액재배에서 상추의 지상부의 생육이 지연되어 대조구인 양액 대비 60%의 수량을 나타내어 수량감소가 있었으나 상추유기 농 수경재배의 가능성을 제시하였다. 2. 질소기준으로 여과액비와 양액을 40%;60% 혼합시 양액 대비 10%의 수량감소가 있었으나, 여과액비와 양액을 20%:80% 혼합하여 처방 처리 할 경우 대조구인 표준양액 처리와 대등한 수량을 나타내었다. 이상의 결과에서 여과액비와 양액을 질소기준으로 60% 이상 혼합 할 때 양분불균형이 해소되어 화학양액 100%에 근접하는 수량을 나타내어 여과액비 수경재배 활용시 40%의 화학양액을 절감하는 효과를 기대 할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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