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      • KCI등재

        Variations in Species and Functional Plant Diversity among Forest Types on the Ridge of the Baekdudaegan Mountains, South Korea

        이창배,조현재,천정화,송호경,김형호 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2013 농업생명과학연구 Vol.47 No.5

        This study was conducted to compare species and functional diversity of terrestrial plants among forest types by analyzing the variations in species and functional trait compositions in a large-scale natural forest ecosystem. Plant data were collected at 1,100 plots and a total of 802 plant species from 97 families and 342 genera were found along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan Mountains in South Korea. Forest types were divided into four categories including Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora, other deciduous and other coniferous forest types. To analyze the variations in plant diversity among forest types, we used two species diversity indices such as species richness and the Shannon-Weaver index as well as a newly introduced functional diversity such as Rao’s index. In functional trait composition, megaphanerophyte, geophyte and hemicryptophyte were the dominant traits, whereas the relative proportion of helophyte and hydrophyte and epiphyte indicated less than 1%. In diversity patterns among forest types, species richness and diversity for total plants showed the lowest value in P. densiflora forest type, while other deciduous and Q. mongolica forest types had the highest values of species richness and diversity for woody and herbaceous plants, respectively. However, functional diversity did not depict a clear distinction among four forest types for plant groups. This study suggests that although taxonomical richness and diversity may be different among forest types, there may be no differences in functional diversity. Moreover, these indistinct patterns in functional diversity may be a result of disturbance and successional gradients compounded in a forest type in addition to the type of functional traits used for comparison and contrast among forest types. Therefore, a further study with various functional traits and different environmental gradients should be consistently evaluated to achieve a better understanding of the diversity patterns of plant communities in mountain ecosystems.

      • KCI등재

        다양성이 프로젝트 팀의 성과에 미치는 영향

        성상현(Sang-Hyeon Sung),이종건(Jong-Keon Lee),박헌준(Hun-Joon Park) 한국인사조직학회 2007 인사조직연구 Vol.15 No.2

          본 연구는 62개의 프로젝트 팀을 대상으로 팀의 다양성이 팀성과에 미치는 영향에 대하여 실증분석을 하였다. 분석결과, 연령 다양성은 팀성과에 대하여 부정적 영향을 미치는 반면, 주기능 다양성과 리더의 개인내 기능적 다양성은 팀성과에 대하여 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 다음으로, 다양성 변수들의 상호작용이 팀성과에 대하여 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 근속기간 다양성과 팀의 개인내 기능적 다양성의 상호작용은 팀성과에 대하여 긍정적 영향을 미치며, 교육배경 다양성과 리더의 개인내 기능적 다양성의 상호작용도 팀성과에 대하여 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 연구결과에 대한 이론적ㆍ실무적 시사점에 대하여 논의하였다.   We explored the direct and interactive effects of diversity variables on project team performance. Six variables were used to measure team diversity: age, tenure (service year), dominant function, intrapersonal functions among team members, team leader’s intrapersonal functions, and educational background.<BR>  Our hypotheses are as follows. Age diversity of team members will be negatively related to team performance (Hypothesis 1). Tenure diversity will be positively related to team performance (Hypothesis 2). Dominant function diversity will be positively related to team performance (Hypothesis 3). Intrapersonal functional diversity of team members will be positively related to team performance (Hypothesis 4). Intrapersonal functional diversity of team leader will be positively related to team performance (Hypothesis 5). Educational background diversity will be negatively related to team performance (Hypothesis 6). Along with testing these hypotheses, we further analyzed the effects of interaction among diversity variables.<BR>  Data were collected from 62 field project teams that operated for four years consecutively in a think tank affiliated to a large Korean company. Specifically, diversity and performance data were collected from the personnel records and documents of the company. The team performance data were collected from the actual results of performance ratings systematically done through the evaluation processes of the company. This study controls several variables that might affect the hypothesized relationships, including team type (consulting or research), team size (the number of team members), and the length of operation of the team.<BR>  Results indicate that age diversity is negatively associated with team performance, while we could not find any significant association between tenure diversity and team performance. Interaction among some diversity variables also have positive effects on team performance. More specifically, interaction between tenure and intrapersonal functional diversity is positively associated with team performance. Interaction between educational background diversity and leader"s intrapersonal functional diversity is also positively associated with team performance.<BR>  Our results have several implications for both researchers and practitioners. First, the project team has horizontal organization structure and thus team members should cooperate with each other based on the expertise to achieve the common goals of the team. This means that age diversity could bring about negative effects on team performance. In the social, cultural context respecting seniority like in Korea, it is commonly accepted for seniors to expect to be respected only because of their own seniority regardless of their own capability. The social identity and similarity-attraction theory supports the result. Age difference often functions as a crucial social category in Korean culture and can have a negative impact on organizational cohesiveness, integration and communication, often resulting in lowering team performance.<BR>  Second, the amount and variety of the task-related ability, information, and skill could depend on the length and variance of the service year of the team members. These variances can help generate new perspectives and enhance performance in doing the task of project team which requires high level of creativity. Even with this assumption, we could not find significant influence of tenure diversity in the Korean context. The tenure might be recognized like age difference in the organization, but the negative effect can be diluted due to the task-relatedness of tenure, so the trade-off makes no significant effect on the performance.<BR>  Third, dominant function diversity of a team and leader’s intrapersonal functional diversity are associated with positive team performance. The dominant function diversity

      • KCI우수등재

        팀 내다양성이 팀 학습에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김문주(Moon Joo Kim) 한국경영학회 2014 經營學硏究 Vol.43 No.3

        The current study is based upon the fact that the Korean workforce tends to be more diverse with respect to a number of different demographic and informational attributes such as functional background, educational background, gender, age, and so forth. This means that employees with diverse backgrounds and diverse characteristics have filled in various position and roles in organization. Another structural change that has occurred with workforce diversity is the proliferation of team system. Teams, as the site where the members of an organization regularly work and communicate together to accomplish tasks and common goals, are also a prime subject for a direct investigation of the effects of diversity. Even though there has been a growing research interest in the effect of diversity on team performance, the findings have been very inconclusive and mixed. In order to identify the effect of diversity and its positive or negative potential in Korean organizations, this empirical research for 84 teams from 3 different major industries investigates how task-related diversity and personal-related diversity affect team learning which is inevitable and critical for team performance due to increasing teamwork. This study also draws research attention to two mechanisms of learning which are knowledge sharing as a single loop learning and dialogue as a double loop learning on the team level. The theory postulates that taskrelated diversity(i.e., functional background and educational background) produces positive effects on team learning by incorporating various ideas and perspectives for problem solving and innovation, whereas personal-related diversity (i.e., gender and age) and education level diversity dampen team learning due to status differentiation and the lack of communication. This study also proposes the convergence mechanism of diversity, which is mobilized by team tenure and functional background diversity. As a result, contrary to the prediction, functional background diversity solely has a positive effect on knowledge sharing learning and dialogue learning. Further, functional background diversity plays the convergence mechanism enough to override the negative effect of educational background diversity and education level diversity. And I also identified the moderation effect of team tenure for gender diversity and age diversity. Team tenure mitigates negative effect of gender and age diversity and thus utilizes diversity`s positive potential. In conclusion, we need to understand the processes through which and the conditions under which diversity may bring high team learning. I also discuss theoretical contributions and managerial implications of confirming and disconfirming findings in detail.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between Diversity and Productivity at Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest in Bangladesh

        Mahmuda Sharmin,Sunanda Dey,Sangita Chowdhury 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2016 Journal of Forest Science Vol.32 No.3

        One of the most concerned topics in ecology is the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. However, there are few field studies, carried out in forests, although many studies have been done in controlled experiments in grasslands. In this paper, we describe the relationship pattern between three facets of diversity and productivity at Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest (RFWSF) in Bangladesh, which is the only remaining fresh water swamp forest of the country. Sixty sample plots were selected from RFWSF and included six functional traits including leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), tree height, bark thickness and wood density. In analyzing TD, we used Shannon diversity and richness indices, functional diversity was measured by Rao’s quadratic entropy (Rao 1982) and Faith’s (1992) index was used for phylogenetic diversity (PD). It was found that, TD, FD and PD were positively related with productivity (basal area) due to resource use complementarity but surprisingly the best predictor of tree productivity was FD. The results contribute to the understanding the effects of biodiversity loss and it is essential for conservation decision-making and policy-making of Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest.


        Mini-review : Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Thir Roles in Ecosystems

        ( Eun Hwa Lee ),( Ju Kyeong Eo ),( Kang Hyeon Ka ),( Ahn Heum Eom ) 한국균학회 2013 Mycobiology Vol.41 No.3

        Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have mutualistic relationships with more than 80% of terrestrial plant species. This symbiotic relationship is ancient and would have had important roles in establishment. of plants on land, Despite their abundance and wide range of relationship with plant species, AMF have shown low species diversity. However, molecular studies have suggested that diversity of these fungi may be much higher, and genetic variation of AMF is very high within a species and even within a single spore. Despite low diversity and lack of host specificity various functions have been associated with plant growth responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization. In addition, different community composition of AMF affects plants differently, and plays a potential role in ecosystem variability and productivity. AMF have high functional diversity because different combinations of host plants and AMF have different effects on the various aspects of symbiosis. Consequently, recent studies have focused on the different functions of AMF according to their genetic resource and their roles in ecosystem functioning. This review summarizes taxonomic, genetic, and functional diversities of AMF and their roles in natural ecosystems.

      • KCI등재

        영어전치사 to의 다양한 의미-기능에 대한 효과적인 외국어학습방법

        백정혜 ( Jung Hye Baik ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2012 외국어교육연구 Vol.26 No.2

        범언어적으로 부치사 (전치사 또는 후치사)는 명사, 동사, 형용사, 부사 등과는 달리 그 기능과 의미를 정확하게 파악하는데 많은 어려움이 있다. 즉, 주어진 문맥에 따라 부치사는 여러 가지 다른 의미로 해석되어질 수 있고, 또한 통사적으로도 다양한 기능을 하기 때문에 외국어 학습자들이 동일한 부치사가 지닌 다양한의미를 정확하게 학습하는데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 부치사가 지닌 이러한 독특하고 난해한 특성을 고려하면서, 본 연구는 의미-기능적으로 정확하게 구체화하여 설명하기 어려운 영어 전치사 to를 문법화적인 시각에서 연구하였다. 문법화이론은 언어변화현상을 공시, 통시적인 시각과 관점에서 분석하고 언어변화의 주체가 인간이라는 전제하에서 언어현상을 다루므로 상당한 설명력을 지닌 이론이다. 이러한 이론에 입각해 영어전치사 to에 나타나는 의미-기능적 다양성을 통시적 자료를 통해 원형적 의미와 통사적 발달현상을 살펴보고, 공시적으로 나타나는 다양한 기능들을 제시해 보았다. 또한 to의 이러한 의미-기능적 발달이 아무런 연관성 없이 그냥 각각 아무렇게나 파생되어진 것이 아니라, 인간의 담화적상황과 사용빈도수, 또한 인지활동에 의해 의미적으로 상호 연관성을 갖고 발달하였다는 점을 밝히고 있다. 즉, 전치사 to의 기본의미에 기초해 여러 가지 다양한 의미들이 파생되어진다는 가설에 입각해 to의 통시적 변화과정을 통해 어원적의미를 파악하고 그 어원어로부터 다양한 의미들이 어떠한 경로를 통해 그리고 어떠한 과정 속에서 파생되어졌음을 문법화적 시각에서 살펴보았다. 이러한 관점에 따른 전치사 to의 다양한 의미-기능에 대한 설명은 언어학습에서 유의적 정보(meaningful information)로 학습자의 이해를 증대시키고, 또한 문맥에 따라 다르게 해석되어지는 전치사의 다양한 의미-기능들을 보다 효율적으로 학습시키는 효과를 나타낸다. 따라서 언어학습, 특히 외국어학습에서 학습자들이 어려움을 겪는 전치사의 다양한 의미-기능들을 문법화 이론에 입각해 의미확장현상을 설명하고 이해시킨다면 효과적인 언어학습을 실현할 수 있음을 제시하고 있다. This paper aims to investigate the development of the English preposition to from a grammaticalization perspective. In Present-day English, to shows diverse characteristics as an allative, dative, and complementizer marker. Considering such a diversity of a single form as a result of the historical pragmatics and cognitive reanalysis, this paper focuses on the analysis of the semantic-functional change of to undergone over time and the semantic extension patterns triggered by cognitive mechanisms. To explore the diverse paths and the semantic development shown in to, this paper suggests grammaticalization process that is largely enabled by the conceptual mechanisms along the event schema, and presents and explication for the relationship between allative and dative concepts based on the cognitive forces that operate in language use. The role of frequency is also discussed as a major trigger to cause the semantic generalization and functional shifts of this clause linker. Finally, this paper illustrates what is an ideal method to learn such adpositions that have functional-semantic diversity, suggesting the cognitive-oriented model grounded in a grammaticalization theory as one of the most efficient models for language learner.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between Diversity and Productivity at Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest in Bangladesh

        Sharmin, Mahmuda,Dey, Sunanda,Chowdhury, Sangita Institute of Forest Science 2016 Journal of Forest Science Vol.32 No.3

        One of the most concerned topics in ecology is the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. However, there are few field studies, carried out in forests, although many studies have been done in controlled experiments in grasslands. In this paper, we describe the relationship pattern between three facets of diversity and productivity at Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest (RFWSF) in Bangladesh, which is the only remaining fresh water swamp forest of the country. Sixty sample plots were selected from RFWSF and included six functional traits including leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), tree height, bark thickness and wood density. In analyzing TD, we used Shannon diversity and richness indices, functional diversity was measured by Rao's quadratic entropy (Rao 1982) and Faith's (1992) index was used for phylogenetic diversity (PD). It was found that, TD, FD and PD were positively related with productivity (basal area) due to resource use complementarity but surprisingly the best predictor of tree productivity was FD. The results contribute to the understanding the effects of biodiversity loss and it is essential for conservation decision-making and policy-making of Ratargul Fresh Water Swamp Forest.

      • KCI등재후보

        노력성호기곡선에 의한 잠수사의 폐환기능

        허훈구,김두희,손석준 大韓産業醫學會 1992 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        해군잠수사의 폐환기능을 측정하여 이를 비잠수사와 비교검토하고자 잠수사 101명, 비잠수사 99명을 대상으로 본 연구를 시행하였다. 노력성호기곡선에 의한 폐기능검사를 최소한 3회 이상 실시하여 이중 최상의 결과에서 FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁, %FEV0.5, %FEV₁, FEV200-1200ml, FEF25-75%치를 이용하였으며, 잠수군과 비잠수군의 일반적인 특성 및 폐기능검사성적을 비교한 후 흡연유무에 따른 차이와 잠수사의 잠수경력과 폐기능검사성적의 차이를 보았다. 또한 각 변수와 폐기능검사성적간의 상관관계를 보았으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. FEF200-1200ml는 잠수사에서 유의하게 높았다. 2. FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁, %FEV0.5, %FEV₁및 FEF25-75%는 잠수사와 비잠수사 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 3. FEF200-1200ml는 흡연잠수사에서 흡연비잠수사에 비해 유의하게 높았다. 4. %FEV0.5, %FEV₁는 잠수경력 1-2년 된 군에서 유의하게 높았으며 FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁, FEF200-1200ml, FEF25-75%는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 5. 신장과 FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁는 정상관관계(p<0.01), %FEV0.5는 역상관관계(p<0.05)를 보였으며 연령과 FEV0.5는 정상관관계(p<0.01)를 보였다. In order to compare divers with non-divers and to evaluate the Navy divers' pulmonary function, 101 divers and 99 non-divers have been tested for our study. At least, pulmonary function test based on forced expiratory volume curve have been tried 3 times, and the best results were used for evaluating FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁, FEV0.5, %FEV₁, FEV200-1200ml, FEF25-75% and FEF25-75%. After the comparison of general characteristics and pulmonary function between diving and non-diving group, we check out the differences by smoking and diving career. And we find out the correlation among the study variables and the results were as follows: 1. The value of FEF200-1200ml was significantly higher in diving group than in non-diving group. 2. The values of FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁, %FEV0.5, %FEV₁and FEF24-75% had no significant differences between diving and non-diving group. 3. Smoking divers had higer FEF200-1200ml than non-smoking ones. 4. 1-2 year diving group had high %FEV0.5 and %FEV₁values (p<0.05, p<0.01), and significant differences were not found in FVC, FEV0.5, FEV₁, FEF200-1200 and FEF25-75%. 5. There were significant correlations between pulmonary function and age and height.

      • KCI등재

        생물다양성 확보를 위한 하안 복원 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구

        박은영(Eun Young Park),최재용(Jaeyong Choi),김현숙(Hyoun Sook Kim) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2011 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.38 No.2

        In order to revive the ecological function of degraded rivers, a total restoration plan for riverbeds and riparians needs to be developed. Previous evaluations for rivers were mainly focused on the river’s physical structures. Therefore, this research has developed indicators to evaluate a riparian restoration considering biodiversity. Through literature and previous cases review, 4 fields and 13 indicators are selected for the evaluation. Four fields are biodiversity, habitat diversity, connectivity and habitat functionality. In the biodiversity field, 4 indicators of the exuberant extent of herbaceous vegetation and their diversity, the exuberant extent of shrub and woody plants and their diversity, the number of plant communities and naturalized plants are included. Habitat diversity are comprised of 4 indicators of the longitudinal continuity of vegetation, the mixture of plant communities, the extent of plant typeㆍcolorㆍfruit abundance and the distribution of vegetation. Connectivity includes 3 indicators of target distribution, the shore slope of low water channels and the extent of artificial embankment materials. Habitat functionality has 2 indicators of the status of food supply plants and the habitat functionality. The value weighting for the fields and indicators has been calculated based on the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. 50 experts were surveyed with quantifiable questionnaire, among them 43 experts have more than 10 yesrs experiences in the nature restoration field. The selected and weighted indicators have been tested to the 12 sections in Gap stream located in Daejeon. In conclusion, the indicators are feasible and the selected indicators could be used to establish the direction and objectives of riparian restoration.

      • KCI등재후보

        생물다양성 확보를 위한 하안 복원 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구

        박은영(Eun Young Park),최재용(Jaeyong Choi),김현숙(Hyoun Sook Kim) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2011 농업과학연구 Vol.38 No.2

        In order to revive the ecological function of degraded rivers, a total restoration plan for riverbeds and riparians needs to be developed. Previous evaluations for rivers were mainly focused on the river’s physical structures. Therefore, this research has developed indicators to evaluate a riparian restoration considering biodiversity. Through literature and previous cases review, 4 fields and 13 indicators are selected for the evaluation. Four fields are biodiversity, habitat diversity, connectivity and habitat functionality. In the biodiversity field, 4 indicators of the exuberant extent of herbaceous vegetation and their diversity, the exuberant extent of shrub and woody plants and their diversity, the number of plant communities and naturalized plants are included. Habitat diversity are comprised of 4 indicators of the longitudinal continuity of vegetation, the mixture of plant communities, the extent of plant typeㆍcolorㆍfruit abundance and the distribution of vegetation. Connectivity includes 3 indicators of target distribution, the shore slope of low water channels and the extent of artificial embankment materials. Habitat functionality has 2 indicators of the status of food supply plants and the habitat functionality. The value weighting for the fields and indicators has been calculated based on the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. 50 experts were surveyed with quantifiable questionnaire, among them 43 experts have more than 10 yesrs experiences in the nature restoration field. The selected and weighted indicators have been tested to the 12 sections in Gap stream located in Daejeon. In conclusion, the indicators are feasible and the selected indicators could be used to establish the direction and objectives of riparian restoration.

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