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      • KCI등재후보

        <화산선계록>의 여성반동인물 연구

        장시광 국어국문학회 2003 국어국문학 Vol.- No.135

        This thesis is written for the purpose of considering female antagonists in a Whasanseongyerok. The role of female protagonists is focused in Whasanseongyerok, and they seems to lead the female antagonists on the whole. But a writer shows certain consciousness through describing the female antagonists. The female antagonists in Whasanseongyerok are described as characters who have a strong desire and disposition and they counteracted based on them. The desire includes that for property, power, affection, sex, and overfond of their children. In addition, there are other antagonists who have disposition and jealousy. Their activities have some effects on the unfolding of story or they are sort of connected with it. First of all, the writer expresses Confucian ideas through the female antagonists and they are represented in some different ways. Some include the way female antagonists are disciplined and corrected without protesting them. And others include the way they summit to protagonists' ideology and repent their ideology. Compared with other long-novels, Whasanseongyerok in particular, shows the attention of property and the active role of surrounding characters. Also it expresses the consciousness of social status. We've considered the female antagonists in Whasanseongyerok and we can see that it is different from other long novels.

      • Transcriptional changes of secreted Wnt antagonists in hindlimb skeletal muscle during the lifetime of the C57BL/6J mouse

        Ryu, Soo Hee,Yoo, Taekyung,Kang, Keunsoo,Park, Seung-Yeol,Joe, Cheol O.,Chung, Jae Hoon Elsevier 2011 Mechanisms of ageing and development Vol.132 No.10

        <P><B>Highlights</B></P><P>► Large numbers of secreted Wnt antagonists are repressed in adult and old muscles. ► The repression of Wnt antagonists is possibly related to altered chromatin states. ► Changes of chromatin modifications are similar among the studied antagonists. ► FOXD3 might be an upstream factor mediating the observed transcriptional changes.</P> <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The canonical Wnt pathway plays a critical role in myogenesis and age-related inefficient muscle regeneration. To gain insights into changes in Wnt signaling in muscle during the lifetime of a mouse, mRNA levels of secreted Wnt antagonists were investigated. Among 13 analyzed antagonists, seven genes were found to be down-regulated in skeletal muscles of adult and old mice. Epigenetic modifications at the promoter regions of these seven Wnt antagonists were then examined to understand how these correlate with this transcriptional repression. DNA methylation was stably maintained, while chromatin modifications changed to transcriptionally inactive states over the course of a lifetime. Similar patterns of changes in chromatin modifications were observed at the promoters of all of the studied genes. The observations indicated that an upstream factor might regulate the chromatin states and the transcriptional repression of Wnt antagonists. Several bioinformatic analyses revealed that a FOXD3 binding motif is present within promoter regions of the seven antagonists. Furthermore, age-dependent differential FOXD3 binding is observed at the motifs of the seven gene promoters. Our results suggest that FOXD3 as a potential epigenetic regulator may mediate the transcriptional repression of the seven antagonists, possibly through regulation of histone modifications.</P>

      • KCI등재

        <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>의 반동인물 고찰 - 전쟁서사를 중심으로

        윤보윤 어문연구학회 2023 어문연구 Vol.116 No.-

        Sojunghwayeokdaeseol is a historical narrative that chronologically chronicles the stories of the kings and critical officials during the Chosun Dynasty. This narrative includes stories of the Imjin War and the Jeongyu War, the First Manchu Invasion, and the Second Manchu Invasion. The antagonists set out to create contrasting characters by depicting figures that could be negatively evaluated from the perspective of the Chosun dynasty, such as traitors and defeated generals, influential figures of Japan, and emperors and generals from the Qing dynasty. First, Sojunghwayeokdaeseol attracts interest by contrasting good and evil by depicting antagonists in war narratives. It does not simply describe the achievements of war heroes who brought victory to Chosun but also strives for narrative stability by contrasting them with villains who put the country in danger. It creates even more fascinating stories for readers. Second, it secures lessons by concentrating on the depiction of antagonists. It concretely describes the antagonists as careless and incompetent, unable to fulfill their responsibilities. While war is inevitable, the responsibility is more significant for those who fail to cope with such situations properly. The narrative also reflects the loyalty and sense of duty that courtiers should possess. Third, it pursues narrative completeness by presenting cause-and-effect relationships. By describing in detail the influential figures and generals of the enemy, who are antagonists, and revealing their inherent ambition and wickedness, it emphasizes that they were the ones who caused the most damage in the war. It achieves narrative completeness by clearly revealing the cause-and-effect relationships, like how the war had started and how much the country got damaged. Sojunghwayeokdaeseol reveals the painful history of the Chosun dynasty through this war narrative, but it maximizes the negative aspects of antagonists to make readers positively evaluate the Chosun Dynasty. It indicates that the overall history of Chosun could have been flown in the right direction with wise kings and excellent officials, even though there were antagonists in our history. This is the thematic consciousness that permeates through Sojunghwayeokdaeseol. <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>은 6권 4책의 국문 필사본으로 조선의 역대 군왕과 주요 신하의 생애를 시간 순서대로 기술한 역사서사이다. 여기에는 임진왜란과 정유재란, 정묘호란과 병자호란의 이야기가 실려 있다. 전쟁서사에서 국가에 피해를 입힌 인물을 반동인물로 설정할 수 있으므로 조선의 간신과 패장, 왜의 권력자와 장수, 청 황제와 장수 등을 반동인물로 규정하였다. 임진왜란과 정유재란 부분에 등장하는 반동인물로 이일, 신립, 김명원, 이양원, 김순량, 송유진, 원균, 가등청정, 소서행장, 풍신수길 등이 있다. 그리고 정묘호란과 병자호란 부분에 등장하는 반동인물로 이완, 박유건, 윤훤, 김류, 김자점, 신경진·원두표·구굉 휘하의 장수들, 김경징, 용골대, 청 황제 등이 있다. 이들은 조선왕조에 우호적인 입장을 취하고 있는 <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>에서 부정적으로 형상화한 인물이다. 첫째, <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>은 전쟁서사에서 반동인물을 형상화하면서 선악의 대비를 통해 흥미성을 고양하고 있다. 조선왕조에 충성을 다하거나 전투에서 승리한 주동인물의 업적만을 기술하지 않고, 태만하거나 무능하여 나라를 위험에 처하게 한 반동인물의 행위를 대조적으로 그려냄으로써 흥미로운 이야기를 완성하였다. 둘째, 반동인물을 집중적으로 형상화하여 교훈성을 확보하고 있다. <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>은 역사서처럼 모든 의미 있는 사건을 순차적으로 배열한 것이 아니라 상황에 따라 특정한 인물의 이야기를 확대 서술하는 서술방식을 활용한다. 전쟁 중에 안일하고 무능한 모습을 보이는 반동인물을 묘사할 때에도 이러한 방법을 채택함으로써 그들이 실현하지 못한 충절의식과 사명감을 강조하였다. 셋째, 인과관계를 제시함으로써 서사적 완결성을 추구하고 있다. 왜와 청의 권력자와 주요 적장을 상세하게 기술하고 그들의 야욕과 악독함을 생생하게 묘사함으로써 전쟁이 장기화되고 그 피해가 극심했던 까닭이 그들에게 있음을 드러낸다. 이를 통해 왜란과 호란의 발발과 경과, 종결 등 사건의 인과관계가 분명하게 밝혀졌으므로 구성면에서 완결성을 충족할 수 있었다. <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>은 왜란과 호란을 다루며 조선의 아픈 역사를 그려내었다. 이 시기의 전쟁서사는 독자에게 외면하고 싶은 부분이 될 수도 있으나 반동인물의 부정적인 모습을 극대화하는 방법을 통해 이를 극복하고자 하였다. 그리하여 선조와 인조의 실정은 감추고 오직 반동인물에게 전쟁의 책임이 돌아가도록 하였다. 이를 통해 독자들은 조선왕조를 긍정적으로 바라볼 수 있었다. 반동인물이 우리 역사에 잠시 등장하여 국난이 닥쳐오더라도 주동인물이 활약하고 있으므로 역사가 올바른 방향으로 흐를 수 있다는 믿음, 이것이 <쇼듕화역ᄃᆡ셜>을 관통하는 주제의식이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Bayesian Model for the Classification of GPCR Agonists and Antagonists

        Choi, In-Hee,Kim, Han-Jo,Jung, Ji-Hoon,Nam, Ky-Youb,Yoo, Sung-Eun,Kang, Nam-Sook,No, Kyoung-Tai Korean Chemical Society 2010 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.31 No.8

        G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a wide variety of physiological processes and are known to be targets for nearly 50% of drugs. The various functions of GPCRs are affected by their cognate ligands which are mainly classified as agonists and antagonists. The purpose of this study is to develop a Bayesian classification model, that can predict a compound as either human GPCR agonist or antagonist. Total 6627 compounds experimentally determined as either GPCR agonists or antagonists covering all the classes of GPCRs were gathered to comprise the dataset. This model distinguishes GPCR agonists from GPCR antagonists by using chemical fingerprint, FCFP_6. The model revealed distinctive structural characteristics between agonistic and antagonistic compounds: in general, 1) GPCR agonists were flexible and had aliphatic amines, and 2) GPCR antagonists had planar groups and aromatic amines. This model showed very good discriminative ability in general, with pretty good discriminant statistics for the training set (accuracy: 90.1%) and a good predictive ability for the test set (accuracy: 89.2%). Also, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot showed the area under the curve (AUC) to be 0.957, and Matthew's Correlation Coefficient (MCC) value was 0.803. The quality of our model suggests that it could aid to classify the compounds as either GPCR agonists or antagonists, especially in the early stages of the drug discovery process.

      • KCI등재

        Bayesian Model for the Classification of GPCR Agonists and Antagonists

        Inhee Choi,Hanjo Kim,Jihoon Jung,남기엽,유성은,강남숙,노경태 대한화학회 2010 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.31 No.8

        G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a wide variety of physiological processes and are known to be targets for nearly 50% of drugs. The various functions of GPCRs are affected by their cognate ligands which are mainly classified as agonists and antagonists. The purpose of this study is to develop a Bayesian classification model,that can predict a compound as either human GPCR agonist or antagonist. Total 6627 compounds experimentally determined as either GPCR agonists or antagonists covering all the classes of GPCRs were gathered to comprise the dataset. This model distinguishes GPCR agonists from GPCR antagonists by using chemical fingerprint, FCFP_6. The model revealed distinctive structural characteristics between agonistic and antagonistic compounds: in general, 1)GPCR agonists were flexible and had aliphatic amines, and 2) GPCR antagonists had planar groups and aromatic amines. This model showed very good discriminative ability in general, with pretty good discriminant statistics for the training set (accuracy: 90.1%) and a good predictive ability for the test set (accuracy: 89.2%). Also, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot showed the area under the curve (AUC) to be 0.957, and Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient (MCC) value was 0.803. The quality of our model suggests that it could aid to classify the compounds as either GPCR agonists or antagonists, especially in the early stages of the drug discovery process.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Alpha 1-Adrnoceptor Antagonists on Postsynaptic Sensitivity in Substantia Gelatinosa Neurons From Lumbosacral Spinal Cord in Rats Using Slice Patch-Clamp Technique for mEPSC

        Daisuke Uta,Tsuyoshi Hattori,Megumu Yoshimura 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2020 International Neurourology Journal Vol.24 No.2

        Purpose: Alpha1-adrenoceptors participate in improving storage symptoms of male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). However, the mechanism of action of these compounds remains unclear. To clarify the mechanism of the α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, the amplitude of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) was analyzed in the lumbosacral spinal cord in rats. Methods: Male adult Sprague-Dawley rats were used. Blind whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed on substantia gelatinosa (SG) neurons in spinal cord slice preparations. The amplitude of mEPSCs was recorded in individual SG neurons to which α1-adrenoceptors (100μM naftopidil, 100μM tamsulosin, and 30μM silodosin) were applied sequentially with intervening washout periods. Individual amplitudes were analyzed. Results: Pearson correlation coefficients (r) for the amplitudes of mEPSCs between the baseline and postadministration of α1- adrenoceptor antagonists indicated changes of the amplitude ranked in the order of naftopidil (r =0.393), tamsulosin (r=0.738), and silodosin (r=0.944). Together, the α1-adrenoceptor antagonists yielded significant increases in the amplitude of mEPSCs in SG neurons (n=108, P=0.012). However, the effects of each α1-adrenoceptor antagonist on the amplitude were as follows (relative to the baseline; n=36 each): naftopidil, P=0.129; tamsulosin, P=0.201; and silodosin, P=0.005. The rate of response to naftopidil for the outward current was relatively high among the α1-adrenoceptor blockers. An inward current was observed only with the naftopidil application. Conclusions: Alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists changed the amplitudes of mEPSCs in a subset of SG neurons in slices prepared from the L6–S1 levels of rat spine. Although the α1-adrenoceptor antagonists generated inward or outward currents in the SG neurons, different rates of response were observed with each antagonist. These results are important for understanding the mechanisms of action (at the spinal level) of α1-adrenoceptor antagonists for the storage symptoms of male LUTS.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        항 TNF 제제로 치료한 류마티스관절염 환자에서 발생한 심각한 감염의 발생 빈도

        김현옥 ( Hyun Ok Kim ),강귀영 ( Kwi Young Kang ),주지현 ( Ji Hyeon Ju ),김호연 ( Ho Youn Kim ),박성환 ( Sung Hwan Park ) 대한류마티스학회 2010 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Objective: We wanted to investigate the incidence of serious infections among the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who were treated with tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) antagonists Methods: We enrolled the 175 RA patients who were treated with TNF-α antagonists for at least 3 months during February 2003 to July 2008, and these patients were in the SMART-b cohort of Kangnam St. Mary`s hospital. Patients were prescribed infliximab, etanercept or adalimumab. The data was retrospectively collected. Results: The incidence of serious infections among the RA patients treated with TNF-α was significantly increased according to the survival analysis, as compared with that of those patient treated with conventional DMARDs (p<0.01). The most common serious infection was pneumonia. There was no significant difference in the incidence of serious infections among the three TNF-α antagonists used in this study (p=0.96). But the serious infections occurred more often in the patients who received more than 10 mg methotrexate (MTX) per week (p=0.02). Conclusion: RA patients treated with TNF-α antagonists had a higher incidence of serious infection. Therefore, close monitoring for serious infection is needed for RA patients who are receiving TNF-α antagonists.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        실험연구 : 두 신경병증 통증 쥐 모델에서 척수강 내 투여 Cholinesterase Inhibitors와 NMDA Antagonists의 항이질통 효과 비교

        강금내 ( Keum Nae Kang ),조선준 ( Sun Jun Cho ),황재현 ( Jai Hyun Hwang ) 대한마취과학회 2007 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.53 No.6

        Background: Cholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists reduce the mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain models. In this study our aim was to compare the antiallodynic effects between intrathecal cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA antagonists on two well-characterized neuropathic pain rat models. Methods: Male Sprague Dawley rats were anesthetized and either had the left L5 and L6 spinal nerves ligated (SNL group) or Freund complete adjuvant (FCA) administrated to the sciatic nerve (FCA group) in order to cause neuropathic pain. A catheter was implanted into the intrathecal space for drug administration. After obtaining baseline values, edrophonium (3-100μg), neostigmine (0.3-10μg), AP-5 (0.3-3μg) and MK-801 (1-30μg) were administered intrathecally to each group. The allodynic left hind paw withdrawal thresholds to von Frey hairs were assessed and converted to % MPE. Antiallodynic effects on the two groups were compared by analyzing dose-response curves and ED 50 values. Motor weakness was also checked. Results: Intrathecal edrophonium, neostigmine, AP-5 and MK-801 had a dose-dependent antiallodynic effect on the two neuropathic pain models. Comparing the antiallodynic effect dose response curves, intrathecal cholinesterase inhibitors had lower ED 50 with steep slopes in the SNL model, whereas intrathecal NMDA antagonists had lower ED 50 in the FCA model, but there were no statistically significant differences between the two models. Conclusions: Intrathecal cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA antagonists have relatively better antiallodynic effects on the SNL and FCA neuropathic pain rat models, respectively. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2007; 53: 767∼73)

      • Aryl biphenyl-3-ylmethylpiperazines as 5-HT7 receptor antagonists.

        Kim, Jeeyeon,Kim, Youngjae,Tae, Jinsung,Yeom, Miyoung,Moon, Bongjin,Huang, Xi-Ping,Roth, Bryan L,Lee, Kangho,Rhim, Hyewhon,Choo, Il Han,Chong, Youhoon,Keum, Gyochang,Nam, Ghilsoo,Choo, Hyunah Wiley-VCH 2013 ChemMedChem Vol.8 No.11

        <P>The 5-HT7 receptor (5-HT7 R) is a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of depression and neuropathic pain. The 5-HT7 R antagonist SB-269970 exhibited antidepressant-like activity, whereas systemic administration of the 5-HT7 R agonist AS-19 significantly inhibited mechanical hypersensitivity and thermal hyperalgesia. In our efforts to discover selective 5-HT7 R antagonists or agonists, aryl biphenyl-3-ylmethylpiperazines were designed, synthesized, and biologically evaluated against the 5-HT7 R. Among the synthesized compounds, 1-([2'-methoxy-(1,1'-biphenyl)-3-yl]methyl)-4-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazine (28) was the best binder to the 5-HT7 R (pKi =7.83), and its antagonistic property was confirmed by functional assays. The selectivity profile of compound 28 was also recorded for the 5-HT7 R over other serotonin receptor subtypes, such as 5-HT1 R, 5-HT2 R, 5-HT3 R, and 5-HT6 R. In a molecular modeling study, the 2-methoxyphenyl moiety attached to the piperazine ring of compound 28 was proposed to be essential for the antagonistic function.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Two Cases of H2-Receptor Antagonist Hypersensitivity and Cross-Reactivity

        송우정,김민혜,이상민,권용은,김새훈,조상헌,민경업,김유영,장윤석 대한천식알레르기학회 2011 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.3 No.2

        H2-receptor antagonists, such as cimetidine, ranitidine and famotidine, are some of the most commonly prescribed medications for gastric acid-related disorders. These compounds are generally well-tolerated and anaphylactic reactions to them are rare. Here, we report two cases of H2-receptor antagonist-induced anaphylactic reactions: the first presented with sudden dyspnea, sneezing, urticaria, and swelling of the eyelids after ranitidine intake. The second presented with sudden severe urticaria, facial swelling, chest discomfort, dizziness, and hypotension. Possible cross-reactivity with other H2-receptor antagonists was assessed by oral challenge and skin tests. To date, only a few reports addressing cross-reactivity among H2-receptor antagonists have been published. We review the literature and summarize the data available on drug cross-reactivity in H2-receptor antagonist hypersensitivity.

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