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        王安石의 記體文

        오헌필(Oh, Heon-Pil) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.63

        Wang Anshi is a politician who led the reform policy of the new law in the Northern Song Dynasty and a writer who represented the literary world at that time. Research on him as a writer focused on his role as a member of Tangsongbadajia and often looked at features differentiated from Tangsongbadajia. This paper was designed to analyze the works of Ji proses by Wang Anshi, to derive the characteristics and literary value of Ji proses in Wang Anshi. First of all, Wang Anshi"s “Ji proses” was classified according to the content and analyzed the works. His Ji proses is wide and rich in content, making the subject stand out clearly. According to the analysis of Wang Anshi"s Ji proses works, the core and characteristics of the derived contents are as follows. First, in "Xueji", Wang Anshi expressed his thesis that local education should be promoted to foster talent and to cultivate practical skills. Second, Wang Anshi donated the philosophy of life in "Youji"s ‘Youbaochanshanji," in which indomitable will is the most important factor in achieving an ideal. Third, in "Xiuzaoji", Wang Anshi emphasized the best moral norms of Confucianism: "benevolence" and practice. Fourth, Wang Anshi emphasized the importance of the "Sansifushi" job in "Tingbiji". Fifth, in "Cangshuji", Wang Anshi emphasized that the nobility should be oriented toward the character of Buddhism. Sixth, Wang Anshi criticized the way the fate of talent is determined by the emperor"s selection in "Huahuicaomuji."s "Zhigeji". In conclusion, Wang Anshi emphasized the development of talent through the revitalization of local education in Ji proses, donated the philosophy of living, and emphasized that officials should follow the spirit of hard work in Buddhism. In addition, Wang Anshi"s ‘Ji proses’ is characterized by a proper fusion of narrative and argument.

      • KCI등재

        진관ㆍ진사석의 왕안석 비판과 주희의 비평

        이원석 동양철학연구회 2023 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.116 No.-

        중국 사상사 연구자 위잉스[余英時]에 따르면, 왕안석은 이른바 “군신공치(君臣共治)” 이념을 현실 정치에서 실현한 인물이었다. 도학파의 주희와 육구연을 포함한 후대의 송대 사대부는 당파를 막론하고 왕안석을 하나의 역할 모델로 삼았다고 한다. 바로 그 점에서 남송은 후(後)왕안석 시대였다고 할 수 있다고 위잉스는 주장했다. 위잉스에 따르면 주희 역시 왕안석을 역할 모델로 삼고 후왕안석 시대에 활동했던 인물 중 하나일 것이다. 하지만 그렇게 규정하기에 앞서, 주희가 정확히 왕안석의 정치 개혁과 그 실패 원인에 대해 어떻게 평가했는지 규명하는 것이 선행되어야 한다. 본고는 주희의 「두 진씨가 간쟁한 의론의 유묵을 읽고(讀兩陳諌議遺墨)」를 분석하는 과정을 통해, 북송 말에서 남송에 걸쳐 산출된 왕안석에 대한 비판서, 이에 대한 주희의 비평, 그리고 주희 자신의 왕안석 비판과 그 대안을 살펴보고자 했다. 여기서 다룰 왕안석 비판서는 진관(陳瓘)의 일록변(日錄辨) , 합포존요집(合浦尊堯集) , 사명존요집(四明尊堯集) 과, 진사석의 「진형중에게 보낸 편지(與陳瑩仲書)」이다. 이들 문헌에 대한 분석에서 본고는, 주희는 왕안석에 대한 비판은 물론이거니와 송대의 왕안석 비판사에 대한 종합적 비평을 달성했다고 보았다. 특히 진관에게 끼친 진사석의 영향을 처음으로 강조한 것은 그의 성과이다. 그리고 왕안석에 대한 주희의 최종 평가는, 왕안석의 최초 지향 및 군주와의 관계 설정은 바람직했으나, 그가 개혁에 실패하고 말았던 까닭은 이념 실현 추구의 급진성 탓이었고, 이런 급진성이 생겨난 까닭은 그가 삶 속에서 “격물치지”를 통해 이념을 길어내지 않았기 때문이라는 것이라고 본고는 보았다. According to Yu Yingshi, a renowned scholar specializing in the history of Chinese thought, Wang Anshi exemplified in practical politics the ideology of “the king and his subjects rule the world jointly.[君臣共治]” It is said that later Song Dynasty scholars, including Zhu Xi[朱熹] and Lu Jiuyuan[陸九淵] of the Taoist school, took Wang Anshi as a role model regardless of the faction they belonged to. In this particular context, Yu Yingshi contended that the Southern Song Dynasty could be aptly described as a “Post-Wang Anshi era.” According to Yu Yingshi, Zhu Xi will also be one of the people who lived in the post-Wang Anshi era, using Wang as an ideal role model. However, before defining so, it should be preceded by identifying exactly how Zhu Xi evaluated Wang An-shi’s political reform and the causes of its failure. In this study, we delve into the critical literature on Wang Anshi, ranging from the late Northern Song to the Southern Song period, while simultaneously exploring Zhu Xi's critique of Wang Anshi’s works as well as his examination of alternative viewpoints. This examination commences by analyzing Zhu Xi's reaction to the contentious writings of Chen Guan and Chen Shixi, as documented in the text “After reading the controversial writings by Chen Guan and Chen Shixi[讀兩陳諌議遺墨]”. This discussion will encompass key works in the critical literature on Wang Anshi, such as Chen Guan’s Rilubian(日錄辨), Hepuzunyaoji(合浦尊堯集), Simingzunyaoji(四明尊堯集), as well as Chen Shixi’s “A Letter Sent to Chen Yingzhong(與陳瑩仲書)”. In analyzing these documents, this paper contends that Zhu Xi not only critiqued Wang Anshi but also provided a comprehensive critique of a variety of documents from the Song Dynasty that had previously criticized Wang Anshi. Specifically, it is his accomplishment that initially underscores Chen Shixi’s impact on Chen Guan. Zhu Xi’s ultimate assessment of Wang Anshi can be summarized as follows: While Wang Anshi’s initial intentions and the establishment of a connection with the monarch were commendable, his failure in political reforms can be attributed to the excessive radicalism in pursuing his ideological objectives. Furthermore, this radicalism emerged because he struggled to embody the ideology of “Gewuzhizhi[格物致知]” in his daily life.

      • KCI등재

        宋代 昭君出塞의 새로운 해석 ― 王安石의 <明妃曲> 2수를 중심으로

        노은정 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2022 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.78

        The fragmentary historical records of Wang Zhaojun do not elaborate on her substance. However, with literary imagination, we processed her as a tragic figure who married into the Xiongnu under the name of Hwachin during the Han Dynasty. Unlike the historical facts, 'Zhaojun Chusai’ has been transformed into sadness and resentment according to the demands of the times. However, Wang Anshi no longer tragically sang the fate of Wang Zhaojun. If fate is set, it is the principle of life that the courage and wisdom to pioneer the destiny are also given, so Wang Anshi hope she will live firmly in the Xiongnu and be happy since meeting someone who understands her. “意態由來畫不成”, “人生失意無南北” and “人生樂在相知心”. These three verses are the themes that Wang Anshi wanted to talk about in <MingFei Qu>. This verse reveals the features of the Song poem, which expresses the philosophies that he felt while looking at life, in poetry. Wang Anshi satirized the reality by expressing his reality, his feelings and thoughts through ‘Zhaojun Chusai’, the story from a thousand years ago, and reversed the existing concepts pleasantly. Ou Yangxiu, Mei Yaochen, Sima Guang, Zeng Gong and Liu Chang, who lived in the same era, also agreed with Wang Anshi’s adaptation and expressed their thoughts through response poetries. Through this, we can infer how poets during the Northern Song period thought about 'Zhaojun Chusai’. They criticized the ruler for causing 'Zhaojun Chusai’ and lamented he was so incompetent that he couldn’t even identify what was happening in the concubines before his very eyes, evaluating that Mao Yanshou's death was in vain. They also consoled Wang Zhaojun, saying that where we live is not important if we meet someone who understands us, and the ministers of the Han Dynasty, who reduced her to a tool for Hwachin, totally disappeared, but Wang Zhaojun‘s story is still told. What they wanted to talk about by quoting 'Zhaojun Chusai’ was the reality of the Northern Song period, and their thoughts and feelings living in reality. In the Southern Song period, several negative evaluations of "MingFei Qu" came out in terms of moral and political standards, but it is a wrong interpretation and criticism according to the political situation at the time. In "MingFei Qu", Wang Anshi showed various images of Wang Zhaojun through an unprecedented adaptation based on his philosophy of life. Through a new interpretation of the 'Zhaojun Chusai’, he led the old genre with resentment and sadness to a new state.

      • KCI등재

        王安石의 抒情散文

        오헌필 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.97

        Wang Anshi is a politician who led the reform policy of the new law in the Northern Song Dynasty and a poet who represented the literary world at that time. He was one of the greatest writers of all time. The study of the existing Wang Anshi has been focused mainly on assessing the merits and demerits of the new law and reassessing its appearance as a politician, as the image of a reform politician was strongly emphasized. Research on him as a writer focused on his role as a member of TANGSONGBADAJIA and often looked at features differentiated from TANGSONGBADAJIA. As a result of this study, the contents and features of Wang Anshi’s lyric prose can be summarized as follows. First, we could see that Wang Anshi expressed his deep filial piety toward his grandmother, father and mother in prose. Despite his busy job as a bureaucrat, Wang Anshi’s interest in family and filial piety has always been deeply entrenched in his mind. Second, Wang Anshi’s writings to his friend reveal friendships united as one by mutual equal friendship and respect, and heartfelt affection, such as praise and advice for his friend’s philosophy of life. Third, Wang Anshi expressed his sorrow for the revered figures, families and friends with prose in memory of the bereavement. Fourth, The characteristic of Wang Anshi’s lyric prose is the harmonious fusion of lyric sentiment and his thesis.

      • KCI등재

        조선조 문인의 王安石 및 그의 新法에 대한 평가

        조규백 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2022 大東文化硏究 Vol.120 No.-

        Most of the literary people have a negative view of Wang Anshi and his New Policies. However, there are also occasional balancing views that present the strengths of Wang Anshi as well. Moreover, they take advantage of the failure of Wang Anshi’s New Policies as a good example to promote the political and economic development of Joseon. They did not doubt the pure purpose of the New Policies itself. However, Wang Anshi strictly evaluated the fact that the implementation of the New Policies was too hasty, that trial and error of the New Policies caused the collapse of the North Song Dynasty, failure in selecting a successor, inappropriate appointment of officials, and ignoring opinions and public opinion. Writers of the Joseon were greatly influenced by Chinese and Joseon history books and criticism of Wang Anshi by Zhu Xi. However, they are making an effort to understand Wang Anshi’s character and his New Policies with the insight of Joseon writers themselves. In particular, it grasps the spiritual values ​​of Joseon writers’ pursuit of stability for the people and the passion for national salvation, which are inherent in the evaluation and interpretation of Wang Anshi. 본고에서는 조선조 문인의 왕안석 및 그의 신법에 대한 평가를 전면적이고 종합적으로 고찰하였다. 부정적 평가가 主流이나, 그 장점도 함께 제시하여 실체를 파악하려는 균형적 안목도 나타나고 있다. 조선의 사대부 문인들은 왕안석 신법의 실패를 조선의 정치, 경제발전의 반면교사로 삼고자 했다. 그들은 新法의 순수한 취지 그 자체를 의심하지는 않았다. 그들은 중국의 역사서나 朱熹의 왕안석에 대한 비평의 영향을 크게 받았다. 그러나 이에 매몰되지 않고 왕안석 및 그의 신법에 대해서 조선의 君臣과 문인 자체의 감식안으로 파악하고 있다. 일부 문인의 개혁의지도 이와 관련된다. 이에는 왕안석에 대한 평가와 해석 속에 내재되어 있는 민생안정 추구, 救國의 열정 등의 정신적 가치가 들어있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        王安石의 史論 散文 硏究 - 주제 의식을 중심으로 -

        오헌필 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2019 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.28

        The existing study on Wang Anshi has been focused mainly on assessing the merits and demerits of the new law and reassessing its appearance as a politician, as the image of a reform politician was strongly emphasized. Research on him as a writer focused on his role as a member of TANGSONGBADAJIA and often looked at features differentiated from TANGSONGBADAJIA. In this paper, I paid my attention to his historical essays. This study analyzed Wang Anshi´s historical essays. According to the study, the contents of Wang Anshi´s historical essays can be summarized in "new interpretation of history person" and "proposition of state policy through history teaching." First, Wang Anshi gave a new assessment of the historical figure. In particular, Shima Qian's favorable review of the characters in 『Shiji』 was pointed out to be wrong and reevaluated from a new point of view. Second, Wang Anshi wanted to present the policy measures of the nation, using the rise and fall of the previous dynasty as a lesson. In his short writings, Wang Anshi briefly describes historical events and the colorful story of characters, which reveals his excellence as a writer. 本稿는 王安石의 史論 散文을 ‘주제 의식을 중심으로’ 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 王 安石 史論 散文의 내용은 크게 ‘역사 인물에 대한 새로운 평가’ 와 ‘以史鑑今을 통한 經世方案 제시’로 요약할 수 있다. 이를 구체적으로 살펴보면, 첫째, 王安石은 역사 인물에 대한 역대 이래의 평가에 대하여 論駁하고 새로운 해석을 하였다. 伯夷 ․ 讀孟嘗君傳 ․ 書刺客傳後 ․ 孔子世家議 등의 작품에서 논리적인 反駁의 사례를 찾아볼 수 있다. 특히 『史記』에 기술된 인물 行跡에 대한 司馬遷의 관점이 잘못되었 다고 지적하고, 새로운 시각에서 인물에 대한 재평가를 하였다는 점이 돋보인다. 둘 째, 王安石은 역대 왕조의 흥망성쇠를 재조명함으로써 以史鑑今하고 經世의 方案으 로 제시하고자 하였다. 讀江南錄 ․ 興賢 ․ 周公 ․ 周秦本末論 ․ 太古 등의 작품을 통하여 역대 왕조의 흥망의 원인을 밝히고, 개혁의 당위성을 역설하면서 개 혁을 추진할 수 있는 인재의 重用을 역설하였다. 王安石의 史論 散文의 특징으로는 역사 인물에 대한 역대 이래의 평가를 飜案하 여 新意를 創出하고, 以史鑑今하여 개혁적 經世方案을 모색하였다는 점을 꼽을 수 있겠다. 또한 역사적 사건이나 인물의 파란만장한 스토리를 짧은 편폭 속에서 간명 하게 묘사하고 있다는 점이 탁월한 문장가로서의 면모를 드러내고 있다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 북송(北宋) 시기 보편 원리의 추구와 사대부(士大夫)의 위상(位相) -소옹(邵雍), 왕안석(王安石), 정이(程이)를 중심으로-

        민병희 ( Byoung Hee Min ) 중국사학회 2013 中國史硏究 Vol.83 No.-

        In the Northern Song period, the pursuit of a coherent principle universal to everything both in human and natural realm permeated various intellectual endeavors. Neo-Confucianism systemized by Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi was the culmination of such an intellectual ambience. What draws attention here is that after the failure of Wang Anshi`s reform policies, Neo-Confucianism set the framework for the social and political discourse centering metaphysical discourses based on the universal principle. Such frameworks lasted for long period of time in East Asia. Of course there existed various discourses of the more concrete institutional agendas with pragmatic approaches to social and political issues, but still the most powerful alternative to Wang`s vision came from the argument based on more abstract theoretical discourses. It is very difficult to understand how abstract theoretical discourses on li, qi, human nature, and the mind was related to social and political discourses in real society and why this kind of frameworks worked out. This paper attempts to explain the relationship between metaphysical discourse on universal principle as the major frameworks of social and political issues and new literati identity in the Song period through examining the cases of three major thinkers in the Northern Song, Shao Yong, Wang Anshi, and Cheng Yi. Shao Yong who was usually regarded as an eccentric numerologists how show a new literati identity became conspicuous in Northern Song Luoyang. However, his pursuit of universal principle was not integrated into this new identity and lifestyle of Song literati. This paper also throws light on Wang Anshi`s pursuit of universal principle and his classical studies as the way to access to the principle. Wang`s philological studies provided the foundation for his entire project to unify morality and harmonize customs through the new classical studies. So far scholars have mostly focused on his ideas of institutional plan and political system presented in his classical studies. Although that aspects crucial to understand his ideas, this paper argues that more fundamental pursuit of universal principle underlying in his learning is a key to understand why Neo-Confucianism of which major frameworks of social and political discourses are grounded in metaphysical discourse rather than in the articulation of particular institutional and political system became the alternative to Wang`s vision of government. Finally, I compare how Cheng Yi differed from Shao and Wang and what he could achieve from his definition of universal principle and how he integrated the pursuit of the principle and the lifestyle and identity of literati elites. Understanding the relationship between the pursuit of universal principle and literati identity in Northern Song also helps explain the various unfolding of coalitions and conflicts among those thinkers` ideas in later periods in East Asian societies.

      • KCI등재

        <옥원재합기연>에 나타난 왕안석(王安石)의 인물 형상 연구-두 차례의 금릉행과 인물 형상의 구체성을 중심으로-

        엄기영 ( Ki Young Um ) 민족어문학회 2014 어문논집 Vol.- No.71

        역사적으로 실존했던 인물을 소설의 주요 인물로 등장시킬 때 작자는 해당 인물의 실제 행적을 염두에 두지 않을 수 없다. 그리고 이에 대한 연구가 제대로 이루어지기 위해서는 작품에서 그려지는 모습이 실제 행적에 근거한 것인지 아니면 작자가 창작한 것인지를 밝히는 작업이 선행되어야만 한다. 왕안석과 같이 역사적으로 논란이 많은 인물인 경우에는 더욱 그러하다. 본고에서는 <옥원재합기연>에 등장하는 왕안석을 그의 두 차례에 걸친 금릉행과 인물 형상화의 구체성에 주목하여 살펴보았다. 첫 번째 금릉행은 남녀 주인공의 고난이 시작되는 원인이 되었으며, 여주인공 이현영과 왕안석이 부녀 관계를 맺게 되는 계기가 된다. 두 번째 금릉행은 신법당에 대한 구법당의 정치적 승리와 정당성을 강조하는 역할을 한다. 작자는 왕안석의 실제 행적에 근거하면서도 이를 작품의 전체적인 틀에 맞추어 적절히 변용한 것이다. <옥원>의 작자는 왕안석을 형상화함에 있어서 왕안석에 대한 선입관이나 작자 개인의 상상에만 기대지 않고, 사서, 소설, 필기, 시화 등 다양한 자료를 섭렵하여 활용하였다. 그 결과 <옥원>의 왕안석은 ‘긍정과 부정’이라는 단순한 틀에 매이지 않고서 보다 구체적인 인물 형상을 가질 수 있었다. <옥원>의 필사자는 작자가 뛰어난 재주를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 이러한 재주를 그저 ‘소설 따위’를 쓰는 것에 머물렀음을 안타까워하였다. <옥원>에 등장하는 왕안석을 분석함으로써 우리는 필사자가 말한 재주 중의 하나가 역사와 인물에 대한 풍부한 지식과 이를 자유자재로 활용할 수 있는 능력이었음을 확인할 수 있었다. This paper is aimed to explicate Wang Anshi(王安石) in Okwonjaehapkiyeon(玉鴛再合奇緣) which was in fact based on the political confrontation between reformists and conservatives in the reign of Shenzong(神宗) of the Chinese Song(宋) dynasty. The plot of this novel is based on the Wang Anshi’s twice retirement into Jinling(金陵). The first retirement brought about the hardships of So Sekyeong the hero and Lee Hyeonyeong the heroine, but at the same time, Wang Anshi became the heroine’s adoptive father upon it. The second retirement signified that the conservatives won the political victory and the conservatives were superior to the reformists in moral standards. The author put the broad knowledge of history and historical figures to write this novel, as a result the character of Wang Anshi in this novel came to be a well-rounded character. The scribe of this novel felt sorry for the author, who could not show the great ability. This paper ascertains that the great ability was the broad knowledge of history and historical figures.

      • KCI등재

        王安石에 있어서의 道와 字

        閔丙禧(Min Byoung-Hee) 동양사학회 2010 東洋史學硏究 Vol.110 No.-

        This paper examines Wang Anshi's idea of Dao in the broader context of the 11th century intellectual ambience in which the pursuit of one universal principle applicable to everything pervaded. I attempt to explain Wang's philological studies in relation to his pursuit of the universal principle. Wang's learning aimed to deal with the question, “how to learn” or “how to know sage's original intention.” Wang's answer to the question was embodied in his classical studies, which he proposed as the foundation of the unity of morality and customs. Wang focused on the way to learn the coherence of the classics and right reasoning process. He believed that we can find the way to unify the method of reasoning. His idiosyncratic philological studies provided the base for the method. Wang's thought and learning reveals the transitional nature in the pursuit of universal principle starting with the mid Tang period and culminating in the Daoxue movement in the Southern Song period. Wang's learning shares many similar assumptions and problematics with Daoxue, especially at its “meta” level of knowledge structure. However unlike Daoxue Wang's learning failed to systemize and theorize the universal principle. In addition, fundamentally they cannot be compatible both in intellectual and political terms. The close study of Wang's learning also contribute to the exploration of new ways to understand intellectual history of East Asia, based on the continuity and transformations of certain important cultural and intellectual elements such as Chinese characters, philological studies, and classical studies, recurrent in the later periods.

      • KCI등재


        언언 ( Yan Yan ) 한국중국산문학회 2014 중국산문연구집간 Vol.4 No.-

        After the death of Wang Anshi, he was seriously discredited by people of the Southern Song Dynasty, who portrayed him as an traitor. Such an attitude is considered to be unfair by the later Scholars. On the other hand, Wang Anshi had a high status in the field of literature. On the basis of the investigation and analysis of traditional essay comments of the Southern Song Dynasty, we can find that the Southern Song people disapproved the contents of Wang Anshi``s articles, sometimes raised to personal attacks, but they praised the artistic techniques of his articles from all aspects, especially for his "Si Liu" (a kind of article like Parallel prose). This paper want to research and present the appraisal of Wan Anshi``s articles from the Southern Song people of different positions and identities.

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