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      • KCI등재

        문학 번역의 대상 독자층이 번역물에 미치는 영향에 관한 비교 분석

        박옥수 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.0 No.50

        This paper will analyze the five target texts (TTs) of The Last Leaf and examine how they differ according to the purpose and function of the translation. The theoretical background of the data analysis is the 'Skopos Theory' and 'Text Types'. "Skopos is a technical term for the aim or purpose of a translation". According to Vermeer, the skopos of a translation is the goal or purpose which is defined by the commission, and sometimes adjusted by the translator. Reiss argues that the types of the ST determine translation. Reiss proposed four basic types, the first three being very traditional: informative texts, expressive texts, operative texts, and audio-visual texts. The approach considers the text rather than the word or the sentence as the translation unit. It means that equivalence is to be sought at text level. The five TTs fulfill the different level of functions according to their target readers. The result of the data analysis reveals that TT1 and TT3 takes a ST-oriented strategy while TT2 and TT4 takes a TT-oriented one. The former tries to pursue faithfulness to the ST and the latter considers the readability for the TT readers. In fact, the four TTs may not be defined as ST-oriented or TT-oriented, because either the lack of reading ability may have affected the translation or the translator did not adopt any particular strategy. Such can be seen as the limitation of product analysis. The findings of this research are as follows; Firstly, the translators engage themselves with the TT genre according to the TT readers. Secondly, 'Domestication' method in the literary translation stands out. Lastly, the TT readers have been restricted to the small scale. In the case of the last finding, translation clients tend to provide the translator with the TT reader level and the purpose of the translation, while the translators establish the translation strategy based on the information and translate.

      • KCI등재

        경제 텍스트에 나타난 은유의 인지의미론적 연구

        심지연 한국어의미학회 2016 한국어 의미학 Vol.51 No.-

        This study aims to analyze metaphors used in economic texts from the perspective of cognitive semantics, and the main focus is to investigate their underlying characteristics. Defining the analysis subject to include only economic texts broadcasted on radio in colloquial language, the study analyzes the characteristics by comparing the aspects of metaphors used in economic texts with others in different fields. First of all, it examines the similarities and differences between metaphoric aspects used in economic texts and those used in other texts of different areas, including science, athletics, and politics. As a result, metaphors used in colloquial economic texts show different metaphoric aspects, compared to those used in athletic and political texts. However, the analysis has also illustrated that, in terms of the expression and the purpose of use, there are a number of similarities between metaphoric characteristics used in economic texts and those used in scientific texts. Based on this finding, the study further analyzes metaphorical expressions used in colloquial economic texts by comparing them with those used in scientific texts in depth to see what metaphorical characteristics and effects they have when used in texts of these particular areas respectively. The result is the following: abstract concepts used by a particular profession and jargons were difficult for others to understand. However, as the difficult scientific and economic concepts are now frequently used by laypeople as well, it has recently become common to metaphorically describe them as more concrete and simpler concepts because people have already understood and acquired them. In light of this fact, it is easy to see that experimentalist theory conceived by G. Lakoff, which gave a rise to the field of cognitive semantics, has served the foundation of methods of metaphoric expressions described in scientific texts and economic texts. Scientific texts have made it possible to explain their complicated scientific concepts to the public by using metaphors since a long time ago. In fact, this same approach can be employed in (real-life) economics to explain specialized knowledge to readers(radio audience) as financial literacy has become common not only to experts, but also to the public. Furthermore, this method has been proven to be highly effective.

      • KCI등재

        한영문학 번역에서 문체의 반영 -박완서의 「그 살벌했던 날의 할미꽃」의 분석에 근거해서-

        박옥수 겨레어문학회 2011 겨레어문학 Vol.46 No.-

        The compacted composition which is the distinctive feature of a short story is embodied through sentences. Therefore, the translator of a short story is especially careful of transferring the style of the source text. One of the major factors considered when determining whether the translator is faithful to the source text or prioritizes readability for the target readers is the method used to translate the style. This study examines how the translators reflect the syntactic rule into the target texts. It analyzes two translations of prenominal clauses in "Granny Flowers in Those Heartless Days" written by Park Wan-so. Specifically, it examines if the translation preserves the syntax of the source text, and if the kernel sentence of the source text still exists in the translation. The kernel sentence is a simple, active, declarative sentence that requires only the minimum of transformation and contains no modifiers or connectives. Deep structure is transformed by transformational rules and produces a final surface structure. The translator connects the process with translation, decodes the source text and encodes the target text. The correlation between how the prenominal clause is translated and whether or not to preserve a kernel sentence was induced on the basis of the result of the analysis. In other words, the existence of a kernel sentence was used as the basis on distinguishing between literal and free translation. The norms of translating styles have a close relationship to the level of the target readers. It is because the translator keeps the target readers in mind when making formal shifts. After all these factors are incorporated, the implications of the analysis result and the status of Korean-English literary translation in relation to the level of the target readers are discussed and then the appropriate translation method is suggested. 실제로 단편소설의 특징인 압축된 구성은 문장을 통해서 전개된다. 따라서 단편 소설의 번역자는 원문의 문체를 전달하는 방식에 특히 유의하게 된다. 원문에의 충실성을 고려했는지, 아니면 대상 독자를 위한 가독성을 배려했는지의 문제는 바로 문체의 번역 방식도 중요한 고려요인이 된다. 본고는 번역자가 원문의 통사적 규칙을 번역문에서 표현한 방식에 대한 연구이다. 분석 자료는 박완서 원작의 ‘그 살벌했던 날의 할미꽃’의 영어 번역 두 편이다. 이 작품의 형식적 특징 중의 하나인 관형절의 번역물 분석을 통해서 번역의 형식 규범을 고찰하였다. 번역문의 직역과 의역을 판단하는 근거로 핵문 보유 여부를 기준으로 삼았다. 분석의 구체적인 과정은 관형절의 원형 보존 여부를 알아보고, 관형절이 속한 문장의 핵문(Kernel sentence)이 번역에서도 그대로 보유되었는지 살펴보았다. 이 분석을 근거로 해서 관형절의 번역 방식과 핵문 보유 여부의 상관 관계를 논의하였다. 핵문이란 최소한의 변형만을 요구하는 단문, 능동문, 평서문으로 한 문장의 중심 의미를 보유한다. 심층구조가 연계하는 변형규칙에 의해 변형되어 최종 표층구조를 생산하는데, 이 단계를 번역 과정과 연계해서 번역자는 원문을 해독하고, 번역문을 기호화하게 된다는 것이다. 본문 분석에서 각 번역자가 보여준 형식 번역의 규범은 독자층과 관련을 갖게 된다. 형식의 변이를 선택하는 번역자는 대상 독자층을 염두에 두기 때문이다. 따라서 분석 결과가 보여주는 함의와 독자층과 관련한 한영 문학번역의 현 상황을 논의한 후에 바람직한 번역물 생산 방식을 논의할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis on Tourism Promotional Translation Texts

        이승재 한국번역학회 2012 번역학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        This paper aims to review the text typology of tourism promotional texts such as brochures, leaflets, guidebooks, etc. and analyze the types of Korean-English translation errors found in the tourism texts. Firstly, this paper considers the properties of tourism promotion materials. Secondly, it reviews the tourism texts, collects the common mistakes, and analyzes the types of errors. Finally, it forecasts the ways to improve the quality of tourism translation. With published tourism translation, this paper compares the source text with the target texts, further reflects the process of the translation strategy, and finally concludes that the tourism translation should be target reader-oriented, with translation variation as its translation strategy, and that the evaluation of tourism translation should be rendered on its adequacy for the target communicative purpose instead of its static equivalency.

      • KCI등재

        한영문학 번역에서 문체의 반영 -박완서의 「그 살벌했던 날의 할미꽃」의 분석에 근거해서-

        박옥수 ( Ock Sue Park ) 겨레어문학회 2011 겨레어문학 Vol.46 No.-

        실제로 단편소설의 특징인 압축된 구성은 문장을 통해서 전개된다. 따라서 단편 소설의 번역자는 원문의 문체를 전달하는 방식에 특히 유의하게 된다. 원문에의 충실성을 고려했는지, 아니면 대상 독자를 위한 가독성을 배려했는지의 문제는 바로 문체의 번역 방식도 중요한 고려요인이 된다. 본고는 번역자가 원문의 통사적 규칙을 번역문에서 표현한 방식에 대한 연구이다. 분석 자료는 박완서 원작의 ``그 살벌했던 날의 할미꽃``의 영어 번역 두 편이다. 이 작품의 형식적 특징 중의 하나인 관형절의 번역물 분석을 통해서 번역의 형식 규범을 고찰하였다. 번역문의 직역과 의역을 판단하는 근거로 핵문 보유 여부를 기준으로 삼았다. 분석의 구체적인 과정은 관형절의 원형 보존 여부를 알아보고, 관형절이 속한 문장의 핵문(Kernel sentence)이 번역에서도 그대로 보유되었는지 살펴보았다. 이 분석을 근거로 해서 관형절의 번역 방식과 핵문 보유 여부의 상관 관계를 논의하였다. 핵문이란 최소한의 변형만을 요구하는 단문, 능동문, 평서문으로 한 문장의 중심 의미를 보유한다. 심층구조가 연계하는 변형규칙에 의해 변형되어 최종 표층구조를 생산하는데, 이 단계를 번역 과정과 연계해서 번역자는 원문을 해독하고, 번역문을 기호화하게 된다는 것이다. 본문 분석에서 각 번역자가 보여준 형식 번역의 규범은 독자층과 관련을 갖게 된다. 형식의 변이를 선택하는 번역자는 대상 독자층을 염두에 두기 때문이다. 따라서 분석 결과가 보여주는 함의와 독자층과 관련한 한영 문학번역의 현 상황을 논의한 후에 바람직한 번역물 생산 방식을 논의할 것이다. The compacted composition which is the distinctive feature of a short story is embodied through sentences. Therefore, the translator of a short story is especially careful of transferring the style of the source text. One of the major factors considered when determining whether the translator is faithful to the source text or prioritizes readability for the target readers is the method used to translate the style. This study examines how the translators reflect the syntactic rule into the target texts. It analyzes two translations of pronominal clauses in "Granny Flowers in Those Heartless Days" written by Park Wan-so. Specifically, it examines if the translation preserves the syntax of the source text, and if the kernel sentence of the source text still exists in the translation. The kernel sentence is a simple, active, declarative sentence that requires only the minimum of transformation and contains no modifiers or connectives. Deep structure is transformed by transformational rules and produces a final surface structure. The translator connects the process with translation, decodes the source text and encodes the target text. The correlation between how the prenominal clause is translated and whether or not to preserve a kernel sentence was induced on the basis of the result of the analysis. In other words, the existence of a kernel sentence was used as the basis on distinguishing between literal and free translation. The norms of translating styles have a close relationship to the level of the target readers. It is because the translator keeps the target readers in mind when making formal shifts. After all these factors are incorporated, the implications of the analysis result and the status of Korean-English literary translation in relation to the level of the target readers are discussed and then the appropriate translation method is suggested.

      • Research on Domain-independent Opinion Target Extraction

        Sun Yongmei,Huo Hua 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.8 No.1

        Opinion Target Extraction is one of the important tasks for text sentiment analysis, which has attracted much attention from many researchers. For this task, we proposed an M-Score algorithm utilized in the model which realized the domain-independent opinion target extraction function. This algorithm is derived from the Pointwise Mutual Information algorithm, but the difference is that it doesn’t need any manual seeds collection or any web searching engines, which reduces the manual participation and easy to be transplanted. This model starts with document preprocessing, effective opinion sentences extraction and candidate opinion target extraction by employing Conditional Random Fields Model with feature templates. Next, the M-Score algorithm is employed to extract seed set, and the bootstrapping approach is invoked to process the candidate opinion targets. Finally, the model uses word frequency and the Noun pruning algorithm to filter the opinion targets, and then obtains the final opinion targets for output. The experimental results show that the M-score method performs better than Pointwise Mutual Information algorithm in precision and recall.

      • KCI등재

        중한 소설번역에서 나타나는 "텍스트 기형화 경향" 분석 - <이혼 지침서>를 중심으로 -

        김진아 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2013 통번역학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        According to Berman, translation is not something through which a translator absorbs or subordinates a culture into his/her own culture, but he/she constitutes an intermediary space between two equal cultures. He claims that a true translator is to play an ethical role in between. Thus, translators’ text-deforming tendencies should be avoided. This paper, based upon Berman’s theory of text deforming, studied cases of text deforming easily found in translating Chinese novels into Korean. As a result, text deforming was characterized mainly by three aspects: first, cases in which translators produced inconsistent texts after expanding the texts and destroying the systematicity of the source texts; second, cases of excessive domestication; and. third, cases of trying to translate without considering textual rhythm. As a conclusion, translators should bear in mind that translation tends to deform source texts, and thus, translators of novels should opt for an appropriate strategy for translation.

      • KCI등재

        의약품 설명서의 인공지능 번역에 대한 전략연구

        김동미 인문사회 21 2018 인문사회 21 Vol.9 No.6

        This study is for the medication texts which are increasing more and more with the on-line medication sales. The AI (Artificial intelligence) had appeared in 2016 in public with sudden, and have influences on a variety of fields. This can be applied in medication texts also. Medication text translation has a lot of professional terminologies, so it has a little different points out of other genre’s translation styles. This study starts to the assumption that Korean medication sales to other countries, so they (readers) could use AI to translate Korean into English, in this case, investigated the situations, results what happened for two AI translations including, Papago and Alphago which are sub-function devices of Google and Naver on-line sites. To keep the accuracy and fidelity, what are the conditions of source text? This kind of investigation method is able to lead and apply to the other genres AI translation as well as medication texts. 본 논고는 점점 증가하고 있는 온라인 의약품판매에 따라, 동시에 수반되는 의약품 설명서의 번역에 대한 고찰이다. 2016년부터 본격적으로 시작한 인공지능의 출현은 여러 분야에서 영향을 미치기 시작하였는데, 의약품 설명서에도 이에 대한 적용이 가능하다고 볼 수 있다. 의약품 설명서는 전문용어가 많이 들어가기 때문에 다른 장르의 번역과는 다소 차이가 있다. 한국 의약품을 외국으로 판매한다는 전제하에 자동번역기 즉, 인공지능을 외국인이 사용하는 경우, 어떤 현상들이 번역 시에 일어나며, 이에 대한 적절한 번역 전략과 정확하고 충실한 번역을 위하여 원문은 어떠해야 하는지 두 인공지능의 번역 결과물을 비교・분석하여 역 추론하였다. 이러한 연구의 방식은 앞으로 의약품의 인공지능 번역뿐만 아니라 다른 분야에도 적용할 수 있기에 그 가치가 더 크다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        아스테릭스(Asterix) 번역 혹은 문화 월경(越境)

        전미연 한국통역번역학회 2003 통역과 번역 Vol.5 No.1

        Translation is an intercultural communication activity. To make ‘functional’ the communication between the source-text producer and the target-text audience, who belong to different cultures, translators have to transplant source-text culture into the target-text territory. How to translate culture? The response seems to vary according to the skopos of each translator. This paper, comparing English translation and Korean translation of le tour de Gaule d’Astérix, fifth volume of the famous French Astérix series, examines which skopos the translators adopt to translate cultural differences. This paper particularly focuses on the specificity of the cartoon as a double medium text in which the message reaches the receiver through both the image and the text, and describes how this genre-related specificity constitutes a supplementary difficulty in translating culture. This paper shows the English translators tend to adopt adaptation as skopos while the Korean translators tend to adopt explanation as skopos using many translator's notes. As a conclusion, the two translation strategies are related to different skopos of translators who, with different conceptions of the translation and the target audience, make the best choices in the given conditions as an intercultural communication expert.

      • KCI등재

        인지언어학적 관점에서의 은유와 은유 번역 분석

        유선영(Seon-Young You) 한국중원언어학회 2015 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        The purpose of this study was to examine the conceptual metaphor and to analyze translating metaphors as a cultural implication. For this study, I selected and analyzed 14 presidents’ and ministers’ speech texts that apparently had more metaphors than other texts. After the analysis, I made an attempt to suggest that a conceptual approach may contribute to the understanding of metaphors and translating metaphors. The Conceptual Metaphor Theories as a cognitive mechanism presented by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) form the basic theoretical background for this study. Based on a cognitive linguistic perspective on metaphors and Toury’s thoery in translation studies, metaphoric expressions in the ST (Source Text) are analyzed and compared with the TT (Target Text). The findings of this study show that the same cognitive structure in two different cultures, SL (Source Language) and TL (Target Language), guarantees almost all of the original metaphor expressions in the speeches of presidents and ministers. I concluded this study with suggestion that further research should contribute to the conceptualization of metaphor and clarify the relationship of translating metaphors between or among languages.

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