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        온라인 게임 중독 요인에 따른 대학생들의 경향 차이 연구

        전미연,김의정,Jeon, Mi-Yeon,Kim, Eui-Jeong 한국정보통신학회 2009 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.13 No.6

        본 연구는 대학교 1학년 신입생들의 온라인 게임 사용실태 경향을 파악하고 요인에 따른 게임 중독 관계를 분석하여 게임 중독을 발생시키는 주요한 원인에 대한 대처 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 게임 중독 하위 변인들 간의 관계에 대해 분석한 결과 성별이 남자일수록 게임 중독이 심하고, 1회 이용시 게임 시간이 길면 내성 통제력 상실정도, 게임 중독 정도가 높음을 알 수 있었고, 또한 고위험군 일수록 신체 정신적 문제가 심각한 것으로 나타났다. 유아, 아동, 청소년뿐만 아니라 대학생과 성인을 비롯한 전 연령을 대상으로 전국의 상담기관 확대 및 예방교육을 위한 게임 관련 척도를 개발할 것을 제안한다. The purpose of this study is to suggest a countermeasure against a major cause that leads to game addiction, by grasping tendency of the actual condition for the online game use in freshmen for university and by analyzing relationship of game addiction according to factors. As a result of analyzing on relationship among sub-variables for game addiction, it could be known that the more men in gender leads to the more serious game addiction and that the longer game time given using once leads to the higher level in control loss and game addiction. Also, it was indicated that the more in group with high risk leads to the more serious in physical and mental problem. There is a suggestion that a scale related to game is developed for the expansion in counseling institution nationwide and for the preventive education targeting all the ages including undergraduates and adults as well as small children and children.

      • KCI등재

        번역 교육을 둘러싼 테크놀로지 담론

        전미연 한국통역번역학회 2005 통역과 번역 Vol.7 No.1

        The astonishing development of technology accompanied with the phenomenon of globalization, has dramatically altered the translation activity and the translation market. Translation scholars seem to recommend that integrating technology in translation classes is the most effective way to help students adapt to the new environment. Examining how technology is represented by these scholars, we realize that it carries new discourses about translation, translator and the translation teaching. The technology is perceived almost exclusively as a tool for translators to help translate faster which in turn will help in becoming more competitive in the marketplace. This synchronic approach to technology seems to reinforce the instrumentalist approach to translation already dominant in translation schools. Translation tends to be considered primarily as an instrument of communication which is treated as a commercial product regardless of its content and influence on society. As a result, the socio-cultural significance of translation and its transmissive aspect are largely overlooked. While its technical dimension has seen growth, the translation is first and foremost a form of mediation, which gains significance both in synchronic and diachronic transfer of meaning. Therefore translation schools should be responsible for the training of students not as highly qualified language technicians but as real cultural mediators.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        내러티브화(化)를 통한 트라우마 치유 -카르멘 마르틴 가이테의『뒷방 El cuarto de atrás』-

        전미연 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2018 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        Carmen Martín Gaite(1925-2000) was a member of ‘the Generation of the 50’s.’ As ‘the Generation of the children of Franco’, the writer could not be free from the historical trauma of the civil war and Franco’s dictatorship. From the neorealism of the 50’s to the postmodernism of the 90’s, the writer continued to investigate the aspects of subsequent symptoms of trauma, the process of recovery and communication. Especially, The back room(1978), the representative novel of ‘Memory Novel’ deals with the therapeutic power of the oral communication and the narrative writing. Individuals experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) tend to avoid from recalling trauma events. Therefore, ‘narrative’ and ‘trauma’ are generally regarded as mutually exclusive concepts. However, in this article, we will investigate trauma therapy through narrative discourse in terms of the psychoanalytic process. We will examine the multi-layered steps: the process of verbalizing of trauma through free associations, the process of transformation in the narrative memory and the process of diagnosing and synthesizing of the narrative story. The main character, C will construct a narrative discourse and complete the process of post-traumatic growth. The narrative identity reconstructed through the process of narrative therapy implies the ethical implication based on ‘empathy’ with corelation of ‘ideal interlocutor.’ 카르멘 마르틴 가이테(Carmen Martín Gite, 1925-2000)는 스페인 ‘1950년대 세대(la Generación del Medio Siglo)’의 대표적 일원으로 유년기에 내전을 경험하며 프랑코 독재 체제에서 성장하였다. ‘프랑코의 아이들’ 세대로서 1950년대 네오리얼리즘 소설에서 1990년대 포스트모더니즘 소설에 이르기까지 작품 전반에 걸쳐 역사적 트라우마를 환기하며 트라우마의 치유와 소통의 문제를 탐색하였다. 본고에서 다루게 될 소설 『뒷방 El cuarto de atrás』(1978)은 스페인의 대표적인 ‘기억 소설’로서, 프랑코가 신화화한 공적 역사에 의문을 제기하며 억압된 기억을 회복하는 과정을 다룬다. 내전과 프랑코 체제의 과거를 다루는 기억 소설은 본질적으로역사적 트라우마를 환기한다. 본고에서는 내러티브화를 통한 트라우마의 치유 과정을 정신분석적 ‘대화 치료’ 측면에서 분석하고자 한다. 꿈과 자유연상 기법을 통한 트라우마의 언어 발화과정, 트라우마 기억의 서사화 과정, 무의식의 의식화 과정을 차례로 살펴볼 것이다. 이를 통해‘외상 후 성장(post-traumatic growth: PTG)’에 해당되는 서사 담화 구성 능력을 획득하며 내적치유를 이루는 과정이 논의될 것이다. 작품 집필의 필수 요소인 ‘이상적 대화자’와의 공감에 기반한 상호협력을 통해 구축되는 ‘서사적 정체성’의 함의를 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        미디어 프레임과 개인 프레임이 신문기사의 해석에 미치는 효과

        전미연,정태 한국콘텐츠학회 2019 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.19 No.12

        This study examined the effect of media and personal frames on readers’ attitude towards newspaper articles and on their perceived fairness. Study 1 examined the frame effects with the issue of the Candlelit Protest in 2008 and Study 2 did with the issue of the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project. Results indicated that in both studies two frames had main effects on readers’ attitude and yet their interaction was not significant. In both studies, effects of personal frame were partially significant on the perceived fairness of the article, but main effects of media frame and interaction effects between two frames were not significant. These findings demonstrated that readers’ attitude towards newspaper articles and on their perceived fairness would be influenced by their headlines and their source along with their content. 본 연구는 미디어 프레임과 개인 프레임이 신문 기사에 대한 독자의 태도와 공정성 지각에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 했다. 연구 1에서는 한국의 2008년 촛불시위 기사 그리고 연구 2에서는 한국 정부의 4대강 사업 기사에 대한 프레임 효과를 알아보기 위해, 대학생을 대상으로 각 이슈에 대하여 3(미디어 프레임: 호의적 vs. 비호의적 vs. 중립적 헤드라인) 3(개인 프레임: 호의적 vs. 비호의적 vs. 중립적 신문사) 집단 간 실험 연구를 하였다. 그 결과, 두 연구에서 각 이슈에 대한 언론사의 지각된 태도에 미디어 프레임과 개인 프레임의 유의미한 효과가 있었지만 상호작용은 유의미하지 않았다. 기사의 지각된 공정성에서는 개인 프레임이 부분적으로 유의미한 효과를 보인 반면, 미디어 프레임의 효과나 두 프레임의 상호작용은 없었다. 이러한 결과는 기사에 대한 개인의 태도와 공정성 지각이 기사 내용 뿐 아니라 기사의 출처에도 영향을 받을 수 있음을 보여준 것이다. 또한 텍스트 이외에도 헤드라인으로 조작한 미디어 프레임의 효과 역시 재확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        독활지황탕(獨活地黃湯)이 ${\beta}A$로 유도된 Alzheimer's Disease 병태 모델에 미치는 영향

        전미연,이상룡,Jeon, Mi-Yean,Lee, Sang-Ryong 대한한방신경정신과학회 2010 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Objectives: This research investigates the effect of the DHJHT extract on Alzheimer's disease. Specifically, the effects of the DHJHT extract on (1) the behavior (2) the infarction area of the hippocampus, and brain tissue injury in AD mice induced with ${\beta}A$ were investigated. Methods: The effects of the DHJHT extract on the proinflammation cytokines mRNA expression and production of BACE, APP and ${\beta}A$ in in BV2 microglial cell line treated by lipopolysacchaide(LPS) plus ${\beta}A$ were investigated. The effects of the DHJHT extract on the behavior of the memory deficit mice induced by scopolamine were investigated. Results: 1. The DHJHT extract suppressed the expression of IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, TNF-$\alpha$, COX-2, and NOS-II, BACE and APP mRNA in BV2 microglial cell line treated by LPS plus ${\beta}A$. 2. The DHJHT extract suppressed the expression of ${\beta}A$ production in BV2 microglial cell line treated with LPS plus ${\beta}A$. 3. The DHJHT extract showed significantly inhibitory effect on the scopolamine-induced impairment of memory in the experiment of Morris water maze. 4. The DHJHT group suppressed the expression of IL-$1{\beta}$, TNF-$\alpha$, MDA, and CD68+/CD11b+ in the brain tissue of the mice with AD induced by ${\beta}A$. 5. The DHJHT group reduced the infarction area of hippocampus, and controlled the injury of the brain tissue in the mice with AD induced by ${\beta}A$. 6. The DHJHT group reduced tau protein, and GFAP in the brain tissue of the mice with AD induced by ${\beta}A$. Conclusions: These results suggest that the DHJHT group may be effective for the treatment of AD. Thus, DHJHT could be considered among the future therapeutic drugs indicated for the treatment of AD.

      • KCI등재후보

        기능적(functional) 번역이론 개념과 번역 교육에의 활용

        전미연 한국국제회의통역학회 2004 통역과 번역 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to define translation theory from a pedagogical point of view - with the aim of teaching it to facilitate students' translation learning - and to show, through some examples, how theoretical concepts can be taught effectively in class. First, this paper proposes 'functional' translation theory, which can be taught to help students comprehend different aspects of translation and translation profession. It is important to stress that a theory does not necessarily have to be prescriptive to be functional. Additionally, the paper shows to what extent translation theory can help translators. In fact, the choice of theories will be largely influenced by the understanding the teacher has in this matter. Thirdly, recognizing that not all theories can apply, this paper emphasizes the necessity of a proper selection. While utility or functionality is not inherent to a theory, it is up to the teacher to use consciously all its possibilities as a functional theory. Finally, the paper demonstrates how 'functional theoretical concepts' can be taught in class. Three notions of speech act theory and the concept of isotopy have been expanded to prove their functionality in translation teaching.

      • KCI등재

        사후기억 세대의 트라우마 전승과 재현 - 안토니오 무뇨스 몰리나의 『폴란드 기병 El jinete polaco』

        전미연 한국스페인어문학회 2019 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.90

        The Spanish civil war ended in 1939, however the dictatorial regime of General Franco survived until his death in 1975. The transition toward democracy did not mean a clear break with the dictatorial regime. The communists and the socialists agreed to amnesty for crimes of Franco’s regime and to focus on a common future by the process of cultural forgetting. However, since the turn of the millennium the generation of grandchildren has been engaged in recuperating the memory repressed of the civil war and the post war repression of dictatorial regime. Antonio Muñoz Molina gives voice to victims with the acts of writing considered as affiliative postmemory engagement. The aim of this article is to examine the aspects of transmission of trauma across generations and the representation of trauma in the postmemorial generation in the novel El jinete polaco(1991). We argue that how the postmemory is distinguished from history by a deep personal connection and from memory by a generational distance. Especially, it is focused that the postmemory is a form of intimate familarity with the past of ancestors mediated through recollections but through an imaginative investment. With a media of memory such as pictures, songs and photographs, the postmemorial generation creates the intergenerational relationship to distant past and reconstructs the past of ancestors. In this analysis, it is demonstrated that this novel becomes an intersubjective transgenerational space of remembrance.

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