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      • KCI등재

        중국법상 건조 중 선박의 법률관계에 관한 연구 : 조선소의 파산의 경우를 중심으로

        김성균 大韓辯護士協會 2016 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.462

        Since 2009 the new orders of the global shipbuilding industry has decreased and the price of the new ships also reduced. Although seven years have passed, shipbuilding industry still stayed in a downturn. In recent several years, many shipbuilding companies have become insolvent, not only those small and medium-sized shipbuilding companies, but also those large-sized. The insolvency of the shipbuilding company will affect the ownership of the ships. The nature of shipbuilding contract will result in different ownership, and different ownership will lead to the distribution of rights to different parts. The nature of shipbuilding contract varies differently in each country, in most civil law countries, shipbuilding contract is treated as the contract for work and material, such as China. In this theory shipbuilding company only has the right to lien the ship, and the ownership of the company is owned by the shipping company. The shipbuilding contract can be considered as a mixed contract, because the contract of sale or contract for work and material will lead to unfair phenomenon. The construction of the ship is a huge project, and shipbuilding contract is very complex. Obviously it is not very suitable to define the nature of the contract only in one way. Therefore in order to maximize the interests of both sides and guarantee the fair environment, we can use one or multiple theories in one time. According to the different nature of the shipbuilding contract, the ownership of the ships before construction differs differently. As to achieving a relatively fair condition and maximizing the interests, we should analysis the situations according to the environment. At the same time, due to the flexibility and freedom of contract, both sides of the shipbuilding contract can negotiate with each other. Under the contract for work and material, the ownership of the ship under construction is owned by the shipping company since the contract was signed. In this circumstance, the protection of the shipbuilding company is not enough. As the process of ship construction is very long, cost time, invest more and high risk, both the shipbuilding company and shipping company can take the ships under construction for the mortgage to the banks. No matter the sales contract or the contract for work and material, the banks only have the priority to distribute the property, rather than dispose the ships under construction. The jurisdiction of the shipbuilding company insolvency, when applying for the insolvency, the parties should sue to the civil courts because there do not need maritime knowledge. And the applicable law is the Chinese Insolvency Law, after the declaring of insolvency, this stage needs a variety of professional skills and knowledge, the parties should sue to the maritime court. And the applicable law is Maritime Law. 최근 세계조선업계의 불황으로 한국과 중국의 많은 조선사가 도산하거나 극심한 어려움을 겪고 있다. 조선사가 파산하는 경우 건조 중인 선박이 파산재산에 속하는지 여부는 이해관계인의 지대한 관심사가 된다. 건조 중인 선박의 소유권 귀속은 조선계약의 성질과 밀접하게 관련된다. 중국에서는 조선계약의 성질에 대하여 학자들이나 법원의 견해가 반드시 일치하지는 않는다. 도급계약이나 매매계약의 한가지로 파악하거나 양자의 성질을 겸유하는 혼합계약으로 이해하기도 한다. 견해에 따라 건조 중인 선박이 조선회사의 파산절차에서 파산재산이 되는지 여부에 대한 결론이 달라진다. 중국의 학계와 사법계의 주류적 견해는 조선계약을 도급계약으로 본다. 중국 해상법, 물권법 등의 규정은 조선계약을 전형적인 도급계약의 범주에 속하는 것을 전제로 한 것이다. 건조 중인 선박의 소유권도 도급계약의 법리에 따라서 결정하므로 건조 중인 선박은 원칙적으로 선주에게 귀속한다. 중국 기업파산법과 최고인민법원의 관련 사법해석에 의하면 타인의 소유물은 파산재산에 속하지 않으므로 조선사의 파산 시 소유권자인 선주는 건조 중인 선박을 환취할 수 있다. 용골안치 시부터 건설 중인 선박으로 보고, 시운전 등 일련의 과정을 거쳐 선주의 손에 인도된 때부터는 건조 후의 선박이 된다. 건조 중인 선박의 소유자가 누구냐에 따라 저당권설정자가 달라지는데 은행의 저당권과 조선사의 유치권이 충돌할 수 있다. 해상법에 따라 건조 중인 선박의 매각이나 계속 건조를 통해 얻는 대가로부터 변제받음에 있어 조선사가 은행에 우선하고, 은행은 기타 채권자에 우선하여 변제받는다. 조선계약을 매매계약으로 보더라도 최고인민법원의 사법해석에 의하면, 매수인에 해당하는 선주가 계약대금을 전부 혹은 75% 이상 지불한 경우에는 선박을 사실상 자신의 소유물로 취급할 수 있다. 도급계약설에 의한 결론과 같아진다. 조선사 파산의 경우 파산신청수리단계에서 채무자에 대한 소제기는 기업파산법을 적용하고, 파산선고 후의 선박에 대한 압류신청이나 매각절차는 해상법과 해사소송특별 절차법을 적용한다. 본문에서 다룬 법률문제에 대한 결론은 도급계약 전반에 그대로 적용될 수 있을 것이다. 중국의 관련 법규와 법원의 실무가 아직 통일되지는 않은 상태이므로 도급계약체결 시에 당사자들은 신중하게 내용을 검토하고 확정함으로써 분쟁의 여지를 줄이는 것이 바람직하다.​

      • KCI등재

        조선기업출입보안관리 발전을 위한 시론적 연구: 융합보안적 접근

        최관 ( Kwan Choi ),김민지 ( Min Chi Kim ) 한국시큐리티융합경영학회 2015 한국융합과학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Pupose: The purpose of present study is to better understand a access control security management system (below ACSMS) of shipbuilding company for industry security crime prevention. Methods: The research method for present study is an review methodology using secondary data. The paper consist of four parts to explore the ACSMS. Section two highlights the definition of security management, and an relationship between shipbuilding industry and security management. Section three provides an access security on the land and access security on the harbour and bay for better exploring ACSMS of shipbuilding company. Conclusion: The present study is primary research in terms of ACSMS of shipbuilding company and provides two key finding. Firstly, a group system for managing an industry security need to develop. The key important thing to solve some industry control issues such as security leaks is how systematic issues of security management organisation can be structured. security group has to understand a nature of shipbuilding company as distinct from general manufacture company. Second, present study highlights that responsibility and role of industry security manager are reinforced. Minimum report line and decision making for security management need to between security group and board of directors. Besides, regulation for shipbuilding industry security grab some legal article relating safety culture settlement of industry security, training for industry technique protection, and implementation situation checking.

      • KCI등재

        한국 조선산업의 중국 진출과 고용관계 발전

        조성재,황경진 한국사회과학연구회 2016 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.96

        The shipbuilding industry is depicted in this article for the purpose of unfolding the globalized value chain of Korean Chaebols, as they have become the flagship firms leading the Global Production Network. This labour intensive industry also serves the purpose of this paper to investigate the allocation of production location and its distribution issues according to the global expansion of the production. Drawing upon the literature review and field research, this paper finds the extensive use of in-house sub-contracting workers by Chinese shipbuilders, while lacking workplace management capacity and appropriate protection for workers. In the context of the overtly flexible and discriminative Chinese labour market, Korean shipbuilders operating in China have shown relatively decent employment relations, especially in a sense that they have much low rate of in-house subcontracting workers. This would be the result of the Korean shipbuilders’ strategy to maintain their brand value while using low-cost Chinese labour force, which would help them to sustain their dominant position based on skillful labour force, at least for the foreseeable future. In the same manner, in order for the Chinese shipbuilders to make a progress towards high value-added ship construction, it is recommended here to make social upgrading in their workplace along with the economic upgrading, through the development of employment relations and enhancement of workers’ skill. 글로벌 생산 네트워크를 주도하는 함장기업으로 떠오른 한국의 재벌계 대기업들의 국내외 가치사슬 전개에 대한 연구를 위하여 조선산업 사례를 선택하였다. 이는 GPN의 생산 입지 배분 문제와 더불어 분배 문제를 다루고자 하는 본고의 문제의식에 자본집약적이면서도 노동집약적인 조선산업이 적합하기 때문이다. 우선 중국계 조선업체의 고용관계에 대한 문헌 검토와 현지 조사를 통하여 사내하도급과 파견공 활용 비중이 지나치게 높으며, 현장 관리능력이 미진하고 사내하도급 노동자에 대한 적절한 보호조치가 결여되어 있는 것을 확인하였다. 이렇게 유동성이 높고 차별적 고용관행이 만연한 중국 노동시장에 대한 배경적 이해 속에서 한국계 조선 대기업들의 사업 내용과 고용관계를 현지 조사를 통하여 분석한 결과, 사내하도급 비중이 낮은 점 등 상대적으로 양호한 고용관계를 나타냈다. 이는 중국의 저임금 노동력을 활용하면서도 브랜드 가치를 유지하고자 하는 전략이 작동하기 때문이며, 따라서 숙련에 기반한 경쟁력 우위를 당분간은 유지할 수 있을 것이란 예측을 가능하게 한다. 반대로 중국 조선산업의 경우 건조량 등의 양적인 측면에서 세계 최대 생산국의 지위에 만족하는 것이 아니라 고부가가치 선박 생산으로 나아가기 위해서는 사람관리의 혁신을 통한 경제적 고도화와 사회적 고도화의 동시 추진 전략이 필요함을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮重工業株式會社의 戰時經營과 해방 후 재편과정

        배석만(Bae Suk-Man) 부산경남사학회 2006 역사와 경계 Vol.60 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the management of Chosun Heavy Industry Company during the Pacific War, which was the only shipyard built a steel vessel in Chosun under the rule of Japanese imperialism, and its reorganization after the liberation of Korea. First, the existing scholars concluded that it was established in order to foster war industry but it didn't develope with a confusion of war. But, as a result of my study on the management of the company during the Pactific War, it expanded its business and gave satisfactory results owing to the promotion of building of ships for military use. Second, the company was reorganized by the policy on a disposal of Japanese property which U.S.A. set. The policy was obscure because Korean property should belong to Korea and Japanese should belong to Japan. The company became Korea Shipbuilding & Engineering Corporation(大韓造船公社), state enterprise, after the establishment of Syngman Rhee's regime by this policy. However, a part of the company's property which belonged to Japan belonged to Japanese government. A managemental situation of the company was worse in the process for a reorganization of heavy industry. The major cause was the absence of human and material resources of Japan after the liberation of Korea. Though heavy industry in Chosun developed under the rule of Japanese imperialism, it grew only by a intentional fostering of Japanese imperialism and was subordinated to Japanese economy. In result, a break with Japanese economy made a mirage of the growth of Chosun Heavy Industry Company.

      • KCI등재

        A Case Study on the Effect of Ergonomics Program in Shipbuilding Industry during the Last Ten Years

        Hyun-Wook Jeong,Yu-Chang Kim 대한인간공학회 2012 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.31 No.1

        Objective: The Work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs) have been a problem on industrial occupational safety and health in Korean shipyard industry. It has been a big social problem. Background: As a result, Korean government enacted a law to prevent musculoskeletal disorders at work and some major companies have already implemented an ergonomics program. Method: This paper presents a study on the effect of an ergonomics program in a Korean shipbuilding company during the last ten years. Conclusion: The Incidence of WMSDs, the worker’s compensation cost and the lost time were decreased after implementation of the ergonomics program. Application: The results of the publishing will help efficient operation of MSDs prevention activity in other companies.

      • KCI등재

        임원배상책임보험의 청구기준에서 담보범위의 확장과 제한 - 서울중앙지법 2019.1.11. 선고 2017가합578912 판결 -

        홍진희(Hong, Jin-Hee) 한양법학회 2020 漢陽法學 Vol.31 No.3

        There are two main characteristics in Indonesia Safeguard Regulations. First, the WTO SThe "circumstance" and "notice of circumstances" under the D&O liability insurance policy that was the issue of the this jury are related to the "claims-made basis" which are the criteria for insurance accidents. Adopting the "claims-made basis" would, in principle, result in no insurance coverage unless claims were filed against the insured during the insurance period. In particular, an executive who is an insured will not be able to receive insurance protection if he or she is in a situation such as refusing to renew his or her insurance contract, even though he or she may file a claim after any wrongful act. The notice of such circumstance system was prepared in preparation for such cases. Namely, if during the Policy Period or Extended Reporting Period an Insured becomes aware of circumstances which could give rise to a Claim and gives written notice of such circumstances to the Company, then any Claims subsequently arising from such circumstances shall be considered to have been made during the Policy Period or the Extended Reporting Period in which the circumstances were first reported to the Company. On the other hand, under the "claims-made basis", it is not only difficult for an insurer to determine whether an executive"s wrongful act were performed long before the commencement of the insurance period, i.e., whether an insurer is liable for damages for old past history, but also has the potential to reverse the choice. In such cases, it was adopted to clarify their responsibilities by limiting the scope of the insurer"s liability, such as "Exclusion of before Commission date of Insurance" and "retroactive date". The first issue in the jury was whether the ‘circumstance’ existed within the insurance period of the first insurance contract. In light of the facts of this jury, it is thought reasonable for the court to judge that there was a "circumstance in which the claim was reasonably expected to be filed". The second issue was whether there was a proper ‘notice of such circumstance’ for the insurer of the first insurance contract. The court acknowledged its validity as to whether the notice of such circumstance was a valid expression of opinion. However, in the light of the facts, it is difficult to say that the notice contains information that the insurer reasonably requires to anticipate the insured"s loss to be compensated. As a result, I do not think that the insurer is liable for insurance payments until the insured has given proper "notice of such circumstance".

      • KCI등재

        조선산업 실패 사례를 통해서 본 시사점

        박희요,한정희 대한산업경영학회 2016 산업융합연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The Korean shipbuilding industry, which started in the 1970s with the advance of three shipbuilding companies, has been ranked as the world's largest and most successful model of the heavy and heavy chemical industry in the world since the 1990s, and has become a driving force for Korea's economic growth for several decades, including job creation and trade surplus. The domestic shipbuilding industry has won a lot of orders in favorable market environment, expanded facilities and manpower, built many ships and delivered them to shipowners, earning a lot of foreign currency and creating a ‘successful myth.' However, when the global economic crisis broke out in 2008, shipbuilding in Chosun was stagnant and shipbuilding orders sharply decreased.As the facility and manpower increased in the boom period, the economy and the facilities become overcrowded as a result of the crisis, signs of a crisis in 2013 begin to appear. In 2015, three major Korean shipbuilders lost more than 6 trillion won in operating losses. Now, Korea 's shipbuilding industry is facing a crisis such as massive insolvency and restructuring. Would not it have been possible to prevent the loss and restructuring of a trillion won if we recognized the recession of the global economy and understood the appropriate timing of technological innovation and prepared countermeasures against the crisis? Therefore, we analyze trends and trends of global shipbuilding industry such as Europe, China, and Japan in the competition structure of the shipbuilding industry and identify the problems of our shipbuilding industry and suggest suggestions.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 선박금융관련제도의 현황과 과제에 대한 연구

        강영기 ( Kang Young-ki ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구소 2017 法과 政策 Vol.23 No.1

        해운과 조선, 제철 등의 산업분야는 성장과 침체를 함께 할 수밖에 없는 운명공동체적인 특징을 가지고 있다. 만일 해운산업이 발전하면 수주하게 되는 관계에 있는 조선업도 활황을 맞이하게 될 것이고 제철산업도 자연히 수요가 증가하게 될 것이기 때문이다. 해운업계의 경영안정에 도움이 되도록 한국정부가 선박투자회사에 대해 세제혜택을 주고 해운보증기금의 설립 등을 추진하였는데, 이것도 해운산업지원을 시작으로 한 연계효과를 거두기 위한 것이다. 그런데 여기서 이러한 해운산업을 필두로 한 연계산업들의 발전을 위해 빼놓을 수 없는 것이 금융과의 관련성이다. 선박을 연결고리로 하여 이루어지는 해운과 조선과 금융의 3개 산업 간의 관계가 바로 선박금융이다. 선박금융은 해운업과 조선업의 경기변동에 민감하다. 세계 정기선해운시장의 전반적인 시장침체로 선박 발주가 감소하고 세계 선박금융시장도 축소되는 양상이 나타나고 있는데 한국도 예외가 아니다. 그런데 이러한 때일수록 선박금융의 중요성이 크다. 해운불황시의 해운정책의 중심은 금융정책이라고 할 정도로 해운과 금융은 밀접한 관계에 있다. 따라서 선박금융시장의 동향을 보면 해운업의 미래, 국가경제의 미래를 가늠해볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 우선 세계 및 한국의 선박금융시장의 동향, 한국의 선박금융의 변천 과정, 선박금융관련제도의 내용과 과제 등에 대하여 살펴본다. 한국이 해운강국의 입지를 다지기 위해서라도 선박금융의 활성화가 필요하다는 의견이 주류이다. 그러나 현실적으로 선박금융의 활성화가 어려운 가장 큰 이유는 해운산업을 바라보는 인식이 다른 해운강국의 경우와 비교할 때 상당한 차이가 있기 때문이라고 생각한다. 선박금융을 주도하고 있는 유럽 주요국의 경우에는 해운업이 국가기간 산업으로서 인식되고 있어서 투자손실이 발생할 가능성이 높다고 하더라도 해운시장을 둘러싼 선박금융시장환경의 변화에도 적극적으로 대응하려고 노력하고 있다. 따라서 해운시장이 회복되면 만회할 수 있는 저력을 갖출 수 있는 것이다. 한국에서는 선박금융의 주축이 여전히 정책금융기관이 담당할 수밖에 없어 보인다. 하지만 그보다 해상기업의 지배구조의 개선과 기업경영의 투명성 확보를 위한 노력이 있다면 그러한 인식의 정착을 앞당길 수 있을 것이다. Industrial sectors such as shipping, shipbuilding, and steel industry have a fateful communal character that can not but be accompanied by growth and stagnation. If the shipping industry develops, the shipbuilding industry, which has become a contractor, will also be in a boom and the steel industry will naturally increase in demand. To help stabilize the maritime industry, the Korean government provided tax incentives to shipbuilding companies and set up a maritime guarantee fund. This is to achieve a linkage effect, starting with support for the shipping industry. However, what is essential for the development of the linked industries, including the shipping industry, is the relevance to finance. Ship financing is the relationship between shipping industry, shipbuilding and finance. Ship financing is sensitive to fluctuations in the shipping and shipbuilding industries. Shipbuilding orders are declining due to the overall downturn in the global liner shipping market and the global ship financing market is also shrinking. Korea is no exception. However, the importance of ship financing is greater in these times. Shipping and finance are closely related to each other as the financial policy is at the center of the maritime policy in case of the shipping recession. Therefore, looking at the ship finance market trend, the future of the shipping industry and the future of the national economy can be measured. In this paper, firstly, trends of ship financing market in the world and Korea, the process of ship financing in Korea, contents and problems of ship financing system will be examined. The main idea is that Korea needs to revitalize ship financing in order to secure its position as a shipping powerhouse. However, in reality, it is difficult to activate ship financing because the consciousness of the marine industry is very different compared to other shipping powerhouses. In the case of major European countries, which are leading ship financing, the shipping industry is recognized as a national infrastructure industry, and even if there is a high possibility of investment loss, efforts are being made to respond positively to changes in the marine financial market environment surrounding the shipping market. Therefore, if the shipping market recovers, it will have the power to make up for it. In Korea, it seems that policy finance institutions are still in charge of ship finance. However, I believe that if there is an effort to improve the governance structure of maritime companies and to secure transparency in business management, we can speed up the establishment of such recognition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인간/시스템안전분야 : 조선업 종사자의 근골격계질환 자각증상과 직무 스트레스에 대한 연구

        이유정 ( Yu Jeong Lee ),김태형 ( Tae Hyeong Kim ),장성록 ( Seong Rok Chang ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2011 한국안전학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) have become a hot issue in the Korean workplace for the past several years. So many manufacturing companies have tried to improve the work environments for the control and the prevention of the WMSDs. This study investigates the relation between WMSDs and job stress from 965 workers in a shipbuilding company by questionnaire analysis. The seven job stress factors which are job autonomy, job insecurity, organizational system, workplace culture, unfair compensation, relationship conflict, and job requirement were analyzed. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders symptoms were 12.9%. The analysis showed that job stress by job autonomy was higher than that by job stress factor. WMSDs were associated with job requirement, organizational system, unfair compensation and workplace culture. The results could be used to design the management program for the reduction of job stress.

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