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      • Reduced ion mass effects and parametric study of electron flat-top distribution formation

        홍진희,이은상,민경욱,Hong, Jinhy,Lee, Ensang,Parks, George K.,Min, Kyoungwook 한국천문학회 2012 天文學會報 Vol.37 No.2

        In particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation studies related to ion-ion two-stream instability, a reduced ion-to-electron mass ratio is often employed to save computation time. But it was not clearly verified how electrons dynamics are coupled with the slower evolution of ion-ion interactions under the external electric field. We have studied the ion beam driven instability using a 1D electrostatic PIC code by comparing different rescaling of parameter with real ion mass from the reference simulation with reduced ion mass. As the external electric field is stronger, the excited unstable mode range was more sensitively affected by the system size with the real mass ratio than the reduced ion mass. The results show that the reduced mass ratio should be used cautiously in PIC code as the electron dynamics can modify the ion instabilities. Additionally we found the formation of electron flat-top distribution in the final saturation stage. Simulation results show that in the early phase electrostatic solitary waves are quasi-periodically formed, but later they are fully dissipated resulting in heated, flat-top distributions. New electron beam components are occasionally formed. These are a consequence of the interaction with solitary wave structures. We parametrically investigate the development of electron phase space distributions for various drift speeds of ion beams and temperature ratios between ions and electrons

      • 선박가압류에 따른 리스크 분석 및 관리방안 연구

        홍진희(Jin-Heui Hong),최아름(A-Reum Choi) 성균관대학교 무역연구소 2017 Asian Trade Risk Management(ATRM) Vol.2 No.1

        The ship is a physical facility which is the basis of the maritime enterprise business activity. Therefore, it constitutes the largest proportion of the owners responsibility and constitutes a large number of stakeholders due to the nature of transportation through the sea. Therefore, although the vessel is an important means for the owner of the vessel for sales or production activities, it can also be an important means for realizing the bond to the creditor. If the use of the ship is restricted due to the pressurization of the ship, the debtor s sales or production activities will be stopped, so the debtor s psychological pressure will be very large and the possibility of the debtor s arbitrage is increased. Therefore Hanjin Shipping was the crucial event in which overall trust in the shipping industry collapsed. Therefore, this paper is meaningful to describe the risk management method of stake holders due to the logistics disturbance based on the theoretical considerations about the ship s crushing. Therefore, in order to manage the risk of stake holders due to the pressures of ships, we divided the risks into four groups: shipping companies, export companies, government, and import shipper. 대륙법계 국가인 우리나라에서는 선박도 채무자의 일반 재산으로 취급되어 쉽게 가압류의 대상이 된다. 때문에 해운 기업의 도산으로 선박이 압류되면, 운영 중인 컨테이너선이 억류 및 공해 상 대기 등으로 정상적인 운항을 못하는 결과를 가져온다. 그리고 이렇게 선박이 가압류 된 해운 기업과 관련된 물류가 전면 마비되어 수입업체는 상품이나 원료의 공급에 차질이 생기며, 수출업체들은 납기 지연 및 환적 수요로 곤란을 겪는다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 실제로 발생한 선박 가압류 사례를 바탕으로, 기업의 물류차질을 유발할 수 있는 선박 가압류 리스크를 확인하고, 이를 대응할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        오에 겐자부로와 히로시마 -『히로시마 노트(ヒロシマ,ノ-ト)』에 나타나는 피해자 의식에 대하여-

        홍진희 ( Jin Hee Hong ) 한국일어일문학회 2007 日語日文學硏究 Vol.61 No.2


      • KCI등재

        다발성 폐전이를 동반한 간세포암종의 자연퇴행 1예

        홍진희 ( Jin Hee Hong ),서동대 ( Dong Dae Seo ),전태주 ( Tae Joo Jeon ),오태훈 ( Tae Hoon Oh ),신원창 ( Won Chang Shin ),최원충 ( Won Choong Choi ),조현선 ( Hyun Sun Cho ) 대한소화기학회 2010 대한소화기학회지 Vol.55 No.2

        Spontaneous regression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is extremely rare. We report a case of 67-year-old man having HBV-associated HCC with multiple lung metastases which regressed spontaneously. The patient had single liver mass and received surgical resection. The mass was confirmed as HCC histopathologically. Nine years after surgical resection, a 3.3 cm sized recurred HCC was detected on the resection margin in CT scan. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) was performed 3 times, and lung metastases developed thereafter. The patient received 2 more sessions of TACE, however, metastatic lung nodules were in progress very rapidly. We decided to stop TACE and followed the patient regularly without any anti-cancer treatment. Nine months after development of lung metastasis, the size and number of metastatic lung nodules decreased and were not detected anymore after 14 months. Serum alpha-fetoprotein levels also decreased to normal range and no viable tumor was noted in the liver. The patient is still alive 12 years after the first diagnosis of HCC and 16 months after lung metastasis developed. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2010;55:133-138)

      • KCI등재

        오에 겐자부로(大江健三郞)의 핵문제 이해

        홍진희 ( Jin-hee Hong ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.95 No.2

        오에 겐자부로(大江健三郞)는 현대 일본문학을 대표하는 작가 중 한 사람으로, 일본인으로서 두 번째 노벨문학상 수상자로도 잘 알려져 있다. 그는 주로전후 일본사회에 대한 관심을 바탕으로 문학 활동을 전개하였는데, 특히 핵문제와 관련해 큰 관심을 표명해 왔다. 본 논문에서는 이와 관련된 오에의 견해를 검토함으로써 핵문제에 대한 그의 입장을 거시적인 입장에서 고찰하였으며, 주요 텍스트로는 『히로시마 노트』(1965)와 「비키니에서 후쿠시마까지」(2012)를 사용하였다. 오에는 에세이 혹은 일종의 르포르타주로 불리는 『히로시마 노트』를 통해,제2차 세계대전 중 원자폭탄 투하에 의해 피해를 입은 히로시마 피폭자들의 비참한 삶과 인간의 위엄에 대해 언급하였다. 『히로시마 노트』 이후에도 그는 다양한 작품을 통해 핵시대를 살아가는 인류의 공포와 위험을 묘사하는 동시에, 세계 각지에서 벌어지는 핵실험에 대해 반핵 운동을 펼쳐왔다. 또한 최근에는 2011년에 발생한 “동일본 대지진”과 도쿄전력의 후쿠시마 제1원자력 발전소 사고에 대해 자주 언급하며, 핵에너지의 평화적 이용에 대해 의구심을 제기하였다. 오에는 문단 데뷔 이후 일본사회의 주변적 존재인 약자들에게 많은 관심을 보여 왔는데, 이러한 그의 태도는 피폭으로 고통 받는 히로시마의 일본인을 향한 공감으로 이어졌다고 여겨진다. 하지만 인류역사상 최대의 재앙이라 불리는 원폭투하와 핵문제를, “전후 일본인의 문제”로 접근하고 있다는 점에서 시간적,공간적 제한성을 느끼지 않을 수 없다. 이로 인해 일본인보다 상대적으로 마이너리티인 타 지역 혹은 소수민족 피폭자들의 삶이 간과되고 있다는 점에서 아쉬움이 남는다. Kenzaburo Oe is one of the most prominent of Japanese novelists. He is well known as the second Japanese to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. He has highlighted social problems in Japan in his works, and is especially interested in nuclear issues. In this paper, I discuss on Oe``s understanding of nuclear issues by examining his remarks on these disasters. I mainly refer to Oe``s series of essays "Hiroshima Notes" (1965) and his public lecture "From Bikini to Fukushima" (2012). In his essay "Hiroshima Notes", Oe reported an atomic bombing of Hiroshima in World War Ⅱ. Since that publication, he has described the fear and danger that people felt in the nuclear age through his works, and has protested against nuclear tests in all parts of the world. These days, he writes frequently about "The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake" of 2011 and the Tokyo Electric Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Kenzaburo Oe has raised questions about the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in his essay. Oe has spoken for weak people and people on the margins of Japanese society since his emergence in the literary world. This attitude has won the sympathy of many people. However, I have to say that his perspective on the atomic bomb problem, the so called biggest man-made disaster in human history, is limited in his temporal and spatial frameworks as "a problem of Japanese people in post-war Japan". He has overlooked the effects on the minority communities except Japanabout nuclear matters.

      • KCI등재

        유언에 의한 생명보험계약의 변경에 관한 연구 - 보험수익자와 보험계약자 변경을 중심으로 -

        홍진희 ( Hong Jin-hee ),김판기 ( Kim Pan-gi ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2022 法과 政策 Vol.28 No.1

        우리나라가 고령사회에 진입하면서 많은 사람들이 자산관리, 절세, 세금납부를 위한 재원의 마련 등을 목적으로 보험을 포함한 재산의 증여나 상속에 대해 높은 관심을 보이고 있다. 이 중 보험의 경우 보험소비자들은 보험에 대한 충분한 지식을 갖추고 있지 못한 경우가 많아 여러 분쟁이 발생하기도 한다. 특히 보험에 관해서 유언을 할 경우에 그 유언으로 보험수익자를 변경하는 것인지 아니면 보험계약자까지도 변경하고자 하는 것인지 아니면 단순히 수증자로 하여금 보험금만 수령하고자 한 것인지 불분명한 경우가 많다. 이로 인해 유언으로 보험계약을 승계하는 경우에 상속인, 수증자, 보험자 간에 여러 가지 분쟁이 발생하고 있으나, 그 해석론에 관한 국내의 논의는 활발하지 못하다. 이에 본 논문에서 필자들은 유언에 의한 생명보험계약의 변경과 관련한 쟁점들을 검토하고 다음과 같은 해석론을 도출하였다. 먼저 유언으로 보험수익자 변경을 하는 것도 가능하고, 보험계약자 변경을 하는 것도 가능하다. 다음으로 유언에 의한 보험수익자 변경이나 보험계약자 변경이 인정되기 위해서는 첫째, 유언의 법정요건이 충족되어야 한다. 둘째, 유언서상 보험계약자인 유언자의 보험수익자 또는 보험계약자 변경의 의사가 인정되어야 한다. 여기서 유언의 해석이 문제되는데, 보험에 관한 유언자의 의사를 최대한 존중하는 방향으로 해석함으로써 유언자가 실현하고자 하는 유언자의 의사지향점을 관철시켜야 한다. 셋째, 타인의 생명보험인 경우에는 피보험자의 동의가 있어야 한다. 넷째, 보험수익자 변경의 경우에는 보험자에 대한 통지를 해야 보험자에게 대항할 수 있고, 보험계약자 변경의 경우에는 보험자의 승낙을 얻어야 효력이 생긴다. 다만 이러한 유언에 의한 생명보험계약의 변경에 관한 해석론은 일종의 사후적인 구제에 불과한 것으로 유언에 의한 보험계약 승계 시 유언의 해석과 관련된 분쟁을 근본적으로 해결하는 데는 한계와 어려움이 있다. 이에 사전적인 구제방법으로써 유언에 의한 생명보험계약 승계시 유언의 해석과 관련된 분쟁을 근본적으로 해결하기 위해서는 보험자가 보험계약 체결 및 관리 시에 보험계약자에게 보험수익자 및 보험계약자 변경이 가능하다는 사실 및 그 요건 등에 대해 충분히 설명하도록 하여, 보험계약자가 재산적 가치가 있는 보험을 다양한 방법으로 활용할 수 있음을 인지할 수 있도록 하는 방안이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. For reasons such as asset management according to the life cycle, tax saving, or raising funds for taxes, etc., many people are showing high interest in donating or inheriting property including insurance. However, since insurance consumers often do not have sufficient knowledge of insurance, the contents of wills about insurance are often unclear. Therefore, when an insurance contract is succeeded by a will, various disputes arise between the heir, the recipient, and the insurer. Regarding the issues disputed in these disputes, I think as follows. First of all, it is possible to change the beneficiary of the insurance through a will, and it is also possible to change the policyholder. Next, in order for a change in the beneficiary or policyholder by a will to be recognized, first, the legal requirements of the will must be satisfied. Second, the will of the testator, who is the policyholder as to whether to change the beneficiary or the policyholder should be recognized in the will. Here, the interpretation of the will is a problem. Third, in the case of other people's life insurance, the consent of the insured must be obtained. Fourth, in the case of a change in insurance beneficiary, the insurer must be notified to counter the insurer. In addition, in the case of policyholder change, it takes effect only with the consent of the insurer. Often, insurer protection is considered even in the interpretation stage of wills. Insurance protection can be resolved at the stage of notification and consent to the insurer, not at the stage of interpretation of the will. In order to fundamentally resolve disputes related to the interpretation of the will when succeeding to the insurance contract by will, when signing and managing an insurance contract, the insurer must fully inform the policyholder of the fact that it is possible to change the beneficiary and policyholder and its requirements. Through this, policyholders should be able to properly choose which of the various ways to succeed property- valued insurance.

      • KCI등재

        미성년자가 피보험자인 생명보험계약에 관한 법적 고찰

        홍진희(Hong, Jin-Hee),김판기(Kim, Pan-Gi) 한양법학회 2021 漢陽法學 Vol.32 No.1

        Parents in our country are highly interested in their children’s health and safety. So many parents are under so-called “fetal insurance” or “children’s insurance” with their children insured during or immediately after childbirth. However, in our commercial act(insurance section), only Article 732 is related to minors(Article 732(Prohibition of Insurance Contracts for Persons under 15 Years of Age, etc.) An insurance contract that designates the death of a person under 15 years of age, mentally unsound person, or mentally deficient person as a peril insured shall be null and void). If the regulations are opposed, insurance contracts can include deaths, injuries, and diseases of children aged 15 or older. In addition, insurance contracts such as injuries and diseases of children under the age of 15 can also be concluded. Children’s insurance, meanwhile, covers life insurance for others whose parents are policyholders and minors are insured. If another person’s death insurance is insured, the other person’s written consent shall be obtained at the conclusion of the insurance contract (Article 731 of the Commercial Act). In recent practice, the following problems arise because the insurer usually requires only the consent of its legal representative when signing an insurance contract, and claims that the consent of its special agent is omitted if the insurance claim is made due to an insurance accident. 1. What form should the consent of minors be carried out? In this regard, first of all, it is being debated whether the consent of minors can be represented, and if so, who can be represented. 2. The question is whether consent from minors is sufficient or, like ordinary legal actions of minors, additional consent from legal representatives is necessary. 3. Article 731 of the Commercial Act applies to casualty insurance as well, and it is questionable whether consent from the insured minor is required. 4. In the case of a mixture of death insurance and injury insurance, the effect is problematic if the insured does not agree. Accordingly, in this study, we would like to review various legal issues surrounding insurance contracts with minors as insured and present an interpretation of them.

      • KCI우수등재

        생명보험금과 민법 제1008조 특별수익과의 관계

        홍진희 ( Jin Hee Hong ),김판기 ( Pan Gi Kim ) 법조협회 2012 法曹 Vol.61 No.5

        When one of the inheritors of a insured is designated as a insurance beneficiary, he can take death benefits. The receipt of death benefits is the sole right of the designated beneficiary, wherefore the death benefits should not be included in the decedent`s inheritance calculated at the commencement of inheritance. However, death benefits has certain points of likeness to inheritance in that is it paid by the his death. Even so, when one of the decedent`s inheritors takes death benefits, other inheritors can have a complaint about the disproportionate allocation of inheritance. Therefore, it is a problem where death benefits should be included in the donated property or the bequest stipulated in Article 1008 of Civil Act. Here that is the crux of the matter whether the respect of the decedent`s opinion or the equity of other inheritance is the important tasks. The Law of Inheritance in modern tends to respect the decedent`s opinion. If the decedent`s opinion about the property disposal after his death is expressed, we must comply with his opinion in principle. Accordingly, in case one of the inheritors of a insured is designated as a insurance beneficiary, it is principle that the death benefits should not be regarded as special benefits. In other words, the death benefits should not be included in the donated property or the bequest stipulated in However, in some exceptional cases there is special circumstances that harms the equity of other inheritance seriously, the death benefits can be regarded as special benefits in Article 1008 of Civil Act. In this situation, there are many theories such as total insurance premiums theory, surrender value theory, death benefit theory and modified death benefit theory about evaluating the surrender value of a special benefits. But we will have to be determined case by case in consideration to the equity of other inheritance.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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