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      • KCI등재후보

        무기력함을 호소하는 중1 여학생의 모래놀이치료의 단일 사례연구 -‘Freedle의 심리적 발달 7단계’를 중심으로

        이혜경 (사) 한국학교공공모래놀이학회 2024 학교상담 및 모래놀이 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구는 무기력을 호소하는 13세 여중생의 모래놀이치료 단일 사례이다. 본 연구의 목적은 무기력을 호소하는 13세 여중생에게 적용한 모래놀이치료 과정을 Freedle(2006)의 모래놀이치료의 심리적 발달 7단계에 적용하여 살펴보고자 하는 데 있다. Freedle(2006)은 심리적 어려움을 겪는 많은 내담자들이 모래놀이치료 과정에서 각 단계를 거치며 심리적 발달을 한다고 보고한 바 있다. Freedle(2006)이 제시한 모래놀이치료 과정의 심리적 발달 7단계는 ① 문제 제시 ② 접근 ③ 어두움(죽음 등)의 표현 ④ 희망으로 넘어가는 전환 ⑤ 전체성 및 온전함 ⑥ 반대되고 어두운 것들의 연결 및 통합 ⑦ 새로운 관점으로 주변을 바라보기이다. 본 연구의 과정은 접수 면담 및 심리검사를 토대로 총 14회기 중 10회기의 모래놀이치료를 4개월간 실시되었으며, 모래상자에 나타난 놀이의 테마를 3인의 슈퍼바이저의 지도하에 분석하여 모래놀이치료 과정에 나타난 심리적 발달을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과 본 사례의 여중생은‘모래놀이치료’과정에서 Freedle(2006)이 제시한 심리적 발달 7단계에 따라 심리적인 변화가 있었음을 확인할 수 있었다. This study is a single case in which Sandplay therapy was administered to a 13-year-old middle school girl who complained of lethargy. The purpose of this study is to examine the Sandplay therapy process applied to a 13-year-old middle school girl complaining of lethargy by applying it to Freedle's (2006) seven stages of psychological development in Sandplay therapy. Freedle(2006) reported that many clients experiencing psychological difficulties develop psychologically through each stage of the Sandplay therapy process. The seven stages of psychological development in the Sandplay therapy process presented by Freedle(2006) are ① Problem presentation ② Approach ③ Expression of darkness (death, etc.) ④ Conversion to hope ⑤ Wholeness and completeness ⑥ Connection and integration of opposition and darkness. ⑦ It’s about looking at your surroundings from a new perspective. The process of this study was based on intake interviews and psychological tests, and Sandplay therapy was conducted for 10 sessions out of a total of 14 sessions for 4 months. The themes of play shown in the sandbox were analyzed under the guidance of three supervisors to determine the results of the Sandplay therapy process. We looked at the psychological development that occurred. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the female middle school student in this case experienced psychological changes according to the seven stages of psychological development suggested by Freedle(2006) during the ‘Sandplay therapy’ process.

      • KCI등재후보

        가정폭력에 노출된 쉼터아동의 분노조절을 위한 모래놀이치료: 단일 사례연구

        김연숙,정미숙 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2023 자연치유연구 Vol.7 No.3

        This study explored the sandplay therapy case of a 2nd Grade boy, exposed to domestic violence, with Anger and emotional difficulties. The goal of the therapy was to lessen his Anger and emotional difficulties by providing a free and protected space through Sandplay therapy. Generally the purpose of the study is to provide a discussion of basic data for controlling anger in children of domestic violence and contribute to the development of knowledge in a same subject case study research field. From March 10 to April 25, There were a total of 20 sessions of sandplay therapy were held out twice a week, 50 minutes each. Aside from these, Social maturity test has been requested and conducted for reference. The K-HTP and KFD drawing tests were carried out before and after the sessions. From the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: First, the participant improved social skills and relationships with people as the Anger in relationships was reduced during SandPlay therapy. In K-HTP test, helplessness, isolation, withdrawal, and emotionally immature disappeared and showed well-balanced emotional responses attitude in social interaction. In KFD test, In Relationships of family Intersubjective Attitude Change and individual roles were restored and showed a positive change in understanding perception of Family. The participant became more aware of his own ego and this promoted him to get more involved in social interactions and learne socially appropriate behaviors through SandPlay therapy sessions. Second, as a result of examining changes in participant's each the archetypal stages of the development of consciousness in Sandplay Therapy, these results showed that SandPlay Therapy was effective on problem solving and anger and can be used to develop Reducing anger management skills. Thus, this study showed the effectiveness of sandplay therapy since his uncontrolled Anger and emotional difficulties was lessened.

      • KCI등재후보

        집단 모래놀이치료 연구동향

        서종수 한국모래놀이치료학회 2022 모래놀이상담연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out research trends on group sandplay therapy by analyzing group sandplay therapy papers made in Korea. For this, 69 papers were collected by searching ‘group, sandplay’ on RISS, DBpia, Earticle, Kiss, newnonmun, scholar and other research information sites and collecting papers from 2008 to 2021. A collection frame was prepared by analyzing previous studies related to sandplay therapy, the collected data were analyzed by year, subject, composition, evaluation method, session and time, research method, research model, group classification, analysis method, location, and major. As a result of this study, group sandplay therapy had the most studies on children and structured group sandplay therapy program. In addition, as a result of this study, found that the pre-post-test model is most used for group sandplay therapy, the evaluation method is a complex method, and the Wilcoxon test and ANCOVA are the most used statistical analysis methods. A place where a group sandplay therapy program is implemented was ‘not stated in the paper’ the most, and the children/family (welfare) majors were the most. Based on these results, future research directions for group sandplay therapy were suggested. 본 연구는 국내에서 이루어진 집단 모래놀이치료 논문을 분석하여, 집단 모래놀이치료에 관한 연구동향을 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 RISS, DBpia, Earticle, Kiss, newnonmun, scholar 및 기타 연구정보 사이트에 ‘집단, 모래놀이’를 검색하여 2008년부터 2021년 까지 이루어진 논문을 수집하여 총 69편의 논문을 수집하였다. 수집 틀은 모래놀이치료와 관련된 선행연구를 분석하여 작성하였으며, 연도, 주제, 구성, 평가방법, 회기 및 시간, 연구방법, 연구모형, 집단분류, 분석방법, 위치, 전공별로 분석하여 자료를 수집하였다. 집단 모래놀이치료는 아동을 대상으로 한 연구가 가장 많았으며, 구조화된 형태를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 집단 모래놀이치료는 사전-사후검증 모형을 가장 많이 활용하고 있으며, 평가방법은 복합적 방법을, 통계 분석방법은 Wilcoxon test와 ANCOVA가 가장 많이 활용되는 것으로 나타났다. 집단 모래놀이치료의 프로그램 진행장소는 나타나지 않은 경우가 가장 많았으며, 아동/가족(복지)전공자가 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 집단 모래놀이치료의 연구의 향후 연구방향을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        가정폭력에 노출된 쉼터아동의 분노조절을 위한 모래놀이치료: 단일 사례연

        김연숙,정미숙 동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유연구소 2023 자연치유연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 가정폭력에 노출된 아동의 분노조절을 위한 모래놀이치료이며 단일 사례연구이다. 가정폭력 아동의 분노를 깊이 다루는 것이 본 연구의 필요성이다. 본연구의 목적은 가정폭력 아동의 분노를 조절하는 기초자료가 되는 것이다. 본 연구는 2023년 2월1일부터 6월25일까지 연구하였다. 모래놀이기간은 3월 10일부 터 4월 25일까지 주 2회 총 20회기 회기당 50분 진행하였다. 참여자는 가정폭력 으로 인하여 어머니와 쉼터에 거주하고 있는 초등 2(남아)학년이다. 자료분석은 동적 집. 나무. 사람 그림검사(K-HTP), 동적가족화(KFD)를 사전 사후에 실시하였다. 연구결과, 첫째 모래놀이치료를 통해 가정폭력쉼터 아동의 분노행동이 감소되었 다. K-HTP에서는 무기력감, 고립, 철회와 밀착이 사라지고 적극적이고 사회와 상 호작용하는 모습으로 변화하였으며, KFD에서는 가족의 상호작용과 개인별 역할이 회복되고 가족에 대해 긍정적인 인식으로 변화하였다. 둘째, 모래놀이치료 단계별 변화양상을 살펴본 결과에서도 분노행동이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 모래놀이치료가 가정폭력쉼터 아동의 분노를 없애는 데 유용하다는 것을 알수 있었다. This study explored the sandplay therapy case of a 2nd Grade boy, exposed to domestic violence, with Anger and emotional difficulties. The goal of the therapy was to lessen his Anger and emotional difficulties by providing a free and protected space through Sandplay therapy. Generally the purpose of the study is to provide a discussion of basic data for controlling anger in children of domestic violence and contribute to the development of knowledge in a same subject case study research field. From March 10 to April 25, There were a total of 20 sessions of sandplay therapy were held out twice a week, 50 minutes each. Aside from these, Social maturity test has been requested and conducted for reference. The K-HTP and KFD drawing tests were carried out before and after the sessions. From the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: First, the participant improved social skills and relationships with people as the Anger in relationships was reduced during SandPlay therapy. In K-HTP test, helplessness, isolation, withdrawal, and emotionally immature disappeared and showed well-balanced emotional responses attitude in social interaction. In KFD test, In Relationships of family Intersubjective Attitude Change and individual roles were restored and showed a positive change in understanding perception of Family. The participant became more aware of his own ego and this promoted him to get more involved in social interactions and learne socially appropriate behaviors through SandPlay therapy sessions. Second, as a result of examining changes in participant's each the archetypal stages of the development of consciousness in Sandplay Therapy, these results showed that SandPlay Therapy was effective on problem solving and anger and can be used to develop Reducing anger management skills. Thus, this study showed the effectiveness of sandplay therapy since his uncontrolled Anger and emotional difficulties was lessened.

      • KCI등재

        불안정 애착 모의 모래놀이 치료 경험과가족원이 지각한 변화에 대한 사례연구

        김보경,조혜영,김혜원 사단법인 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2023 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in a mother's attachment and emotional control resulting from Sandplay therapy in cases of insecure adult attachment. Additionally, the study aimed to examine the changes in family perception and attachment to the mother's changes. One mother with a highinsecure adult attachment score and her family were selected as subjects for this study. Attachment scales, emotional control scales, sentence completion tests (SCTs), and interviews were conducted before and after the therapy to study the subjects' changes in attachment and emotional control, as well as the changes perceived by family members. The mother then underwent 12 sessions of Sandplay therapy. The results showed that: After Sandplay therapy, the mother's attachment and emotional control demonstrated positive changes. The mother's changes through Sandplay therapy contributed to the improvement of the family's positive perception and attachment level. The sandplay box underwent a process of individualization, leading to self-realization. In conclusion, Sandplay therapy helps stabilize the attachment and emotion of insecure attachment mothers, and the changes in mothers have a positive impact on the perception and attachment of family members. A follow-up study, it is necessary to expand the number of study subjects by attachment type.

      • KCI등재

        모래놀이치료를 병행한 원가족작업 사례연구

        김수연 한국가족치료학회 2016 가족과 가족치료 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 30대 미혼 여성에게 모래놀이치료를 병행한 원가족 작업을 실시하였을 때 어떤 변화가 있는지 탐색한 단일사례연구이다. 모래놀이치료는 손을 이용하여 의식할 수 없는 초기 유아기 경험을 다뤄 개별화를 목표로 하는 분석심리학에 근거를 둔 치료기법이다. 전통적인 가족치료에서 중요하게 다루는 원가족 작업에 모래놀이치료를 접목하였을 때 어떤 변화가 있었는지 알아보고자 한다. 구체적으로 개인 내면에 어떤 변화가 있었는지, 가족체계에 어떤 변화가 있었는지, 그리고 모래놀이치료에서는 어떤 변화가 있었는지를 연구문제로 설정하였다. 14회기동안 진행한 상담을 통해 일어난 변화를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 개인의 내면에는 다음과 같은 변화가 있었는데 억압된 감정의 표현, 양가감정의 발견, 과거로의 퇴행, 여성성의 회복, 통찰력, 삶의 기준이 나 자신이 되는 것, 자존감이 높아진 것이다. 가족체계에서는 자녀의 위치를 찾고 어머니와의 관계 회복, 어머니와 분리된 나의 결혼을 생각했으며, 있는 그대로 상대를 보게 되었고 가족에게 미치는 나의 역동을 알게 되었다. 이러한 변화는 다른 가족원들의 관계에 변화를 가져왔다. 모래놀이치료에서도 자율성과 독립의 증가, 성숙한 인격을 상징하는 소품, 만다라 형태의 공간의 배치 등에서 개별화를 볼 수 있었다. 원가족으로부터 독립하여 결혼이라는 인생발달과업을 둔 미혼 내담자에게 융의 개별화를 목표로 하는 모래놀이치료를 가족체계이론에 접목시킨 것이 본 연구의 의의라 할 수 있다. Objectives: This study explored the incorporation of sandplay therapy, which is based on Jungian concepts, in the family therapy of a 30-year-old woman and her family of origin. The study aimed to examine psychological changes, changes in the family system, and the conditions of the figures used in sandplay therapy. Methods: To perform this study, 14 family therapy sessions were conducted using sandplay therapy. The procedures of the therapy were analyzed using open coding. Results: The psychological changes noticed in this case study were the expression of negative feelings, the experience of ambivalent feelings and of regression, the recovery of femininity, the enhancement of self-esteem and insight, and the client feeling more like herself in her new life. The changes in the family system were emotional independence from parents, reconstruction of the child-parent relationship, de-triangulation, and the client’s recognizing her parents as individuals. Through sandplay therapy, figures symbolically represented the growth and strengthening of the client’s ego, the rebuilding of herself as a woman, and the restoration of her own healing ability. Conclusions: This study demonstrated the application of sandplay therapy in working with a family.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 아들과 갈등하며 개성화의 길을 가는 중년여성의 모래놀이치료 사례연구

        심희옥 ( Hee-og Sim ) 대한가정학회 2020 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.58 No.2

        This study explored a sandplay therapy case of a woman maturing through conflicts with an adolescent son. The goal of the therapy was to relieve her from conflicts with going through individuation process under a free and protected space in sandplay therapy. Forty-six therapy sessions were held. The client exhibited that she needed a conversation with her feminity and maternity in the initial phase of therapy (1-5, regression). In the intermediate phase of therapy (6-43, struggle), she displayed the scenes of meeting of opposites, shadow, death, nurturing and integration of opposites. In the final phase of therapy (44-46, transformation), she showed the acception of her life with leaving her situations to God. Through sandplay therapy in the free and protected space, this study showed the effectiveness of sandplay therapy since the client achieved individuation by showing the acceptance of her life and could control her enraged feelings.

      • KCI등재

        관계에 어려움이 있는 중년기 여성의 모래놀이치료 사례연구

        심희옥 ( Hee-og Sim ) 대한가정학회 2017 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.55 No.3

        This study explored the sandplay therapy case of a middle-aged woman having difficulty with interpersonal relationships and wanting to increase her self-identity. The goal of the therapy was to change her relationships with others by self-examination and becoming conscious of her negative animus and femininity in a free and protected space provided by sandplay therapy. Forty-five therapy sessions were held. The client exhibited her lonesomeness and fantasies by making sandtrays of a house she would like to live in, a park she would like to relax at and dreams she would like to fulfill in the initial phase of therapy (1~8, Who am I?). In the intermediate phase of therapy (9~33, Meeting myself), she displayed scenes of her negative self and breaking away from her negative self by making sandtrays of shadows, deaths, creations, a soaring scene and a disappearing alligator. In the final phase of therapy (34~45, Discovery of the real Self), she showed scenes of her meeting a positive self by making sandtrays of hope, coexistence, start, harmony and community. This study showed the effectiveness of sandplay therapy since the client` relationships with others were improved through her self-awareness by sandplay therapy in the free and protected space.

      • KCI등재

        가정생활에서 마음이 자유로워지고 싶어하는 부정적인 모성콤플렉스를 지닌 여성의 모래놀이치료 사례연구

        심희옥 ( Hee-og Sim ) 대한가정학회 2018 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.56 No.4

        This study explored the sandplay therapy case of a woman with a negative mother complex who wants to be free from family life. The goal of the therapy was to make her free from family life by expressing repressed emotions for getting out of a negative mother complex under a free and protected space in sandplay therapy. Twenty-three therapy sessions were held. The client exhibited a singing woman in a gorgeous dress and things she wanted to do in the initial phase of therapy (1-4, forgotten myself). In the intermediate phase of therapy (5-15, differentiation and integration), she displayed the scenes of differentiation and integration by emotionally getting rid of a begging boy and making mandalas. In the final phase of therapy (16-23, recovered myself), she showed scenes of rebirth, upgrading and singing songs again in front of family members and many people. Through sandplay therapy in the free and protected space, this study showed the effectiveness of sandplay therapy since the client achieved individuation by showing rebirth, having a new personality.

      • KCI우수등재

        틱문제로 의뢰된 아동의 모래놀이치료 사례연구

        심희옥(Hee-og Sim) 한국아동학회 2021 아동학회지 Vol.42 No.5

        Objectives: This study examined sandplay therapy in an elementary school boy with tic problems. The goal of the therapy was to reduce his tic problems by offering a free and protected space of sandplay therapy. Methods: The sandboxes were analyzed focusing on analytical psychology and theories of sandplay therapy using Turner (2005)’s content themes, which were the most comprehensive themes. Results: Seventy-seven therapy sessions were performed. The client showed a race car that was stuck in the sand and then rescued by forklifts in the initial phase of therapy (1-2, a race car stuck in the sand). In the intermediate phase of the therapy (3-70, struggle), he showed regression, meeting the opposites, victory of small animals, construction, and death. In the final phase of therapy (71-77, race, death II, adaptation to reality), he showed race, death, and adaptation to reality. Conclusion: The client who was entering adolescence saw life as a race. However, the race car that was moving toward masculinity was stuck in the sand. Therefore, the car was sent for repairs. In the middle of the therapy, the boy showed various fights, accidents, and construction. Lastly, there were deaths of an alligator and a bear. By showing a football match, the long journey of developing ego ended. During the therapy, archetypal patterns, such as regression to the primitive psyche, the journey of masculinity as a boy, and confrontation between good and bad, appeared. Sandplay therapy, in a free and protected space, relieved the client’s tic problems with improvement of his daily life. Thus, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of sandplay therapy.

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