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        초등학교 교사의 체육지도유형과 학생의 정의적 특성과의 관계

        이두성 ( Doo Seong Lee ),김영식 ( Young Sik Kim ) 한국통합교육과정학회 2012 통합교육과정연구 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구는 초등학교 교사의 체육지도유형과 학생의 정의적 특성과의 관계를 규명하기 위하여 S시에 소재하고 있는 초등학교 5, 6학년 총 600명을 대상으로 설문조사한 후 통계 처리하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 성별요인에서 기본적 태도인 관심도, 중요성, 참여도 모두 남학생이 여학생보다 높게 나타났다. 심리적 특성인 만족감, 자신감에서는 남학생이 여학생보다 높게 나타났으나 소외감, 불안감에서는 반대로 나타났다. 사회적 특성인 준법성 외 협동성, 공격성, 경쟁성에서는 남학생이 여학생보다 높게 나타났다. 학년에서는 기본적 태도와 심리적 특성 모두 6학년이 5학년보다 높게 나타났다. 준법성 외 협동성, 공격성, 경쟁성에서는 6학년이 5학년보다 높게 나타났다. 체력수준에서는 기본적 태도모두 상이 중, 하보다 높게 나타났다. 만족감, 자신감에서는 상이 중, 하보다 높게 나타났으나 소외감, 불안감에서는 하가 중, 상보다 높게 나타났다. 협동성, 경쟁성, 준법성에서는 상이 높게 나타났으나 공격성에서는 하가 높게 나타났다. 선호 운동종목에서는 기본적 태도 모두 단체운동이 개인운동, 대인운동보다 높게 나타났다. 만족감에서는 개인운동이 높게 나타났고, 자신감에서는 단체운동이 높게 나타났으며 소외감, 불안감에서는 대인운동이 높게 나타났다. 협동성, 공격성, 경쟁성에서는 단체운동이 높게 나타났으나 준법성에서는 대인운동이 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 체육지도유형과 정의적 특성과의 관계에서는 민주적 행동형은 심리적 특성, 기본적 태도, 사회적 특성의 순으로 정적 상관을 보였고, 전제적 행동형은 기본적 태도에서 부적 상관을 보였다. 긍정적 보상형은 기본적 태도, 사회적 특성, 심리적 특성의 순으로 정적 상관을 보였고, 교수와 지시형은 심리적 특성, 기본적 태도, 사회적 특성의 순으로 정적 상관을 보였으며 사회적지지 행동형은 기본적 태도, 심리적 특성, 사회적 특성의 순으로 정적 상관을 보였다. This study intended to research the differences between elementary school teachers` teaching types of physical education and students` affective characteristics. The results were drawn as follows. First, considering concretely the differences in the learning effect of the affective domain through the physical education class according to general characteristics of the subordinate factors of basic attitudes. The male students were appeared higher than the female in the subordinate factors of psychological characteristics, but the female students were appeared higher than the male in the sense of alienation and uneasiness. It was appeared that the male students were higher than the female in the subordinate factors, but the female students were higher in law-abiding. In school grades, 6th graders were appeared higher than 5th graders in all of basic attitudes, psychological characteristics. 6th graders were appeared higher than 5th graders in the nature of cooperation, aggression, and competition, while 5th graders were appeared higher than 6th graders in the nature of law-abiding. The upper was appeared higher than the middle and the bottom in all of the basic attitudes. Also, the upper was appeared higher than the middle and the bottom in the feeling of psychological characteristics, but the bottom was appeared higher than the upper and the bottom in the sense of alienation and uneasiness. The upper was appeared in social characteristics, while the bottom was appeared higher in the nature of aggression. In the preferred sports items, the collective sports were appeared higher than the individual sports and the interpersonal sports in all of the basic attitudes. It was appeared that the individual sports was higher in the feeling of psychological characteristics, the collective sports were higher in the feeling of self-confidence, the interpersonal sports were higher in the sense of alienation, uneasiness. It was appeared that the collective sports were higher in the social characteristics, while the interpersonal sports were higher in the nature of law-abiding. Second, in the relation of the teaching types in physical education and the affective characteristics, the significant correlation was showed but low in all except for the relation of the autocratic behavior type, psychological characteristics, and social characteristics. Considering concretely, ⓐ the democratic behavior type was showed the positive correlation in order of the psychological characteristics, the basic attitudes, the social characteristics, ⓑ the autocratic behavior type was showed the negative correlation in the basic attitudes. ⓒ The positive feedback type was showed the positive correlation in order of the basic attitudes, the social characteristics, the psychological characteristics, ⓓ the instructional and order type was showed the positive correlation in order of the psychological characteristics, the basic attitudes, the social characteristics, and ⓔ the social support behavior type was showed the positive correlation in order of the basic attitudes, the psychological characteristics, the social characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        병원에 근무하는 물리치료사의 직무특성과 이직의도와의 관련성 연구

        이석민,최만규,Lee, Suk-Min,Choi, Man-Kyu 대한물리치료과학회 2003 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Recruiting and maintaining capable physical therapists in hospitals is crucial to provide patients with better quality's physical therapy and to achieve hospital business objectives. This study is to provide basic data for effective personnel management of physical therapists in the hospital. For this, this study was conducted to confirm the relationship between turnover intention and job characteristics(task importance, job autonomy, job feedback, task identity, skill diversity), and to find out factors affecting the turnover intention of hospital physical therapists in Korea. The sample used in this study consisted of 173 physical therapists who were working in hospitals located in Seoul from June 18 to 29. The data for analysis were collected by questionnaire survey. The dependent variable of this study was turnover intention and the independent variables were job characteristics(task importance, job autonomy, job feedback, task identity, skill diversity), demographic characteristics of respondents(sex, age, education level, marital status, working hospital, working career). The major statistical methods used for the analysis were factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Turnover intention according to demographic characteristics of respondents was significantly high in the graduate school above group. As the result of hierarchical multiple regression analysis of turnover intention, R2 of job characteristics was much more powerful than demographic characteristics. The factors had significant negative effect on turnover intention were job autonomy, task identity, and skill diversity. And in demographic characteristics factors, there were not significant factors on turnover intention. In considering above findings, for decreasing turnover intention of physical therapists, hospitals need to develop strategies for enhancing job satisfaction by improving job autonomy, task identity, and skill diversity from the adequate job environment.

      • KCI등재

        점토의 물리적 특성에 의한 조형 표현 연구

        최응한(Choi, Eung-han),로얄 세라믹스(Royal Ceramics) 한국조형디자인학회 2015 조형디자인연구 Vol.18 No.3

        현대의 조형예술세계는 사용되는 재료와 매체의 종류 그리고 표현방식에 이르기까지 그 한계를 찾을 수 없을 만큼 광범위해지고 있고 또 각 장르가 가지고 있는 고유한 특징들을 서로 공유하며 과거에는 마치 불문율처럼 여겨졌던 다른 분야와의 경계를 허물고 서로의 영역을 넘나들며 자유로운 표현과 개성을 중요시 하게 되어 과거와 같이 예술을 분류하는 것은 어려울 뿐만 아니라 무의미한 일이 되어버렸다. 이렇게 다변화하며 끝없이 확장되고 있는 현대의 조형예술 표현에 있어서 없어서는 안 될 중요한 재료 가운데 하나가 바로 점토이다. 점토는 인류가 사용하고 있는 가장 오래된 천연재료 중의 하나로서 그 특유의 물리적인 특성 즉, 뛰어난 가소성으로 원하는 형태를 만들기가 용이하고 건조시켜서 불에 구우면 물에도 녹지 않는, 돌처럼 단단해짐으로서 건축자재인 벽돌로 만들어지거나 음식을 담는 그릇 등으로 만들어져 사용되어 왔다. 또한 전 세계적으로 재료수급이 용이하고 원재료비가 싼 반면에 그 활용도나 결과물의 가치는 무한으로 높일 수 있는 재료이다. 따라서 다양하게 점토만의 독특한 장점들을 살려서 실용적인 목적으로 많이 활용되어 왔다. 그리고 지금은 표현양식의 다변화에 맞추어 자기만의 개성표현을 위해 공예만의 장르를 넘어서 회화나 설치미술 등과의 다양한 접목을 통한 시도로서 그 활용도는 점차 증가하는 추세이다. 하지만 값싼 원재료로 인한 쉬운 접근성은 오히려 재료에 대한 깊이 있는 탐구와 다각적인 실험을 바탕으로 하지 않고 제작에만 급급해서, 점토가 갖는 특유의 물리적인 특성들을 제대로 표현하지 못하고 있다는 부정적인 측면도 나타나고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 점토에 대한 화학적, 물리적인 측면을 심도 있게 분석하여 점토가 갖는 물성을 보다 더 구체적으로 이해하고, 나아가서 점토만이 갖는 가치적인 특성을 극대화하여 이를 조형예술적인 측면에서 활용하고자 하였다. 그리고 흙에서 시작된 점토의 정의와 점토를 이루는 구성요소를 고찰하고 물리적인 특성에 따른 점토만이 가지고 있는 성질과 그것을 이용하여 오로지 점토에 의해서만 표현이 가능한 기법들을 연구하였으며, 점토의 사용이 단지 제작편리함의 수단으로서만이 아닌 그 물리적인 특성들이 곧 표현의 목적이 되는 조형작품들을 선정하여 분류하고 분석하였다. 그 결과 점토의 물리적 특수성은 수분 함유량에 따른 점토의 가소성에 의해서 달리 나타나며 큰 균열, 뒤틀림, 녹아내림, 갈라짐, 터짐, 소성에 의한 휨 등으로 분류할 수 있었고 그것은 오직 점토에 의해서만 표현이 가능한 특징임을 알 수 있었다. The world of contemporary formative arts is becoming wider and more extensive as it cannot find its limitations ranging over using materials, types of media and way of expression. Also, it has become meaningless as well as difficult to classify arts simply as in the past. As the unique features of each genre are shared, the boundaries of different fields are broken. This is considered like an unwritten law in the past and only free expression and individuality are important in circumstance where they invade the area of each other. In this manner, one of the most important and indispensable materials is clay in the representation of contemporary formative arts that are diversifying and extending to infinity. Clay is one of the oldest natural materials that have been used by mankind. Clay has unique physical characteristics;at first, it is easy to make desired shapes because it is soft and flexible; after firing in the kiln, the clay becomes hard like stone and never melts again in any liquid, so it can be used for construction stuff like brick and table ware to contain food. Further more, its utilization and outcomes are worth more than you can imagine compared to its ease of materials supply and demand and the accompanied cost. Because of these unique advantages that only clay has, it was utilized for lot of practical purposes rather than purpose of artistic expression, but in these days that unique expressive ability of oneself is becoming more important with the diversification of artistic expression style. The art work using clay is a trend that is increasing in its utilization of various fields such as painting and installation art beyond the boundary of ceramic crafts. However, there is a negative side. The low price of raw material and easy accessibility rather caused the result of only using, without experimentation and deep exploration about the material. It made a situation that does not properly express the unique physical characteristics of clay, because the users did not have prior study with clay. Therefore, this thesis has analyzed clay chemically and physically to understand better its characteristics. Further more these characteristics are important to utilize regarding formative arts above all value with maximizing the properties that only clay has. For this research, this thesis investigated firstly, the definition of clay that started in the soil and components that make up clay. Secondly, the techniques that can be expressed by only clay using the characteristics that only clay has by the physical properties. Thirdly, analyzed and classified the selected formative art works that its physical characteristics are just the purpose of representation, not using clay for convenient means of production. As a result, physical characteristics of clay is appeared by its plasticity that has some water. It is classified as a crack, warp, melt down, split, burst and collapse in the kiln. It could find the features that these are only represented by clay.

      • KCI등재

        지역환경이 주관적 건강에 미치는 영향: 신체활동의 매개효과를 중심으로

        김소영,남궁미 성균관대학교 국정전문대학원 2019 국정관리연구 Vol.14 No.3

        This study examines the effects of local environmental characteristics and physical activity on perceived health status. In particular, this study focuses on the mediating effects of physical activity between local environmental characteristics and perceived health status. For this purpose, a path analysis was employed using the 2017 Korea Community Health Survey data. The survey includes the respondents’ perceived environmental characteristics, the level of physical activity, and perceived health status. This study also considers objectively measured environmental characteristics. The empirical results show that the perceived local environmental characteristics as well as objectively measured environmental characteristics positively affect physical activity and perceived health status. In addition, this study confirms the mediating effects of physical activity between local environmental characteristics and perceived health status. 본 연구는 지역환경과 신체활동이 주관적 건강에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 그중에서도 지역환경과 주관적 건강 간 관계에서 신체활동의 매개효과 검증에 중점을 두고 연구를 진행하고자 한다. 본 연구는 ‘2017년 지역사회건강조사’ 자료를 이용하여 경로분석을 실시하였다. 지역사회건강조사는 인식된 환경과 주관적 건강을 포함하고 있으며, 본 연구에서는 물리적 환경도 함께 고려하였다. 분석 결과 인식된 지역 환경뿐만 아니라 물리적 환경은 신체활동과 주관적 건강에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 신체활동은 주관적 건강에 영향을 미치며, 주관적 건강 간 관계에서 매개효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 건강도시를 만들기 위한 정책적 방안들을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Rowe와 Kahn의 구성요소를 활용한 성공적 노화 모델

        성혜영,조희선 韓國老年學會 2006 한국노년학 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 Rowe와 Kahn의 구성 요소를 활용해 한국 노인들의 성공적 노화 모델을 제안해 보는데 그 목적을 두고 수행되었다. 표본 대상은 서울에 거주하는 60세 이상 노인 396명 이었으며, 이들의 건강상태, 사회관계망의 특징, 신체적·인지적 기능, 심리적 특징, 생산적 활동이 조사되었다. 이 다섯 가지 변인들 간의 경로를 공변량 구조 분석을 이용해 검증한 결과 건강상태와 사회관계망의 특징 간에는 유의한 상관이 있었으며 건강상태는 신체적·인지적 기능에 유의한 영향이 있었다. 심리적 특징은 건강상태, 사회관계망의 특징, 신체적·인지적 기능, 생산적 활동으로부터 직·간접적 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며 건강상태, 사회관계망의 특징, 신체적·인지적 기능, 심리적 특징은 노년기 생산적 활동에 직·간접적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to suggest a successful aging model using the successful aging components of Rowe and Kahn; health status, social network characteristics, physical and cognitive function, productive activities and psychological characteristics. Subjects were 396 older persons(184 men and 212 women) aged 60 - 89, living in Seoul participated. Data were analyzed using the statistical software package(SPSS11.0 and LISREL8.7) and included descriptive statistics and covariance structure analysis. As a result, there was significant correlation between health status and social network characteristics. Physical and cognitive function received a positive effect from health status and social network characteristics. Psychological characteristics displayed a direct positive effect from physical and cognitive function, social network characteristics and productive activities and a indirect positive effect from health status. Productive activities received a direct positive effect from psychological characteristics. And health status, social network characteristics and physical and cognitive function had an indirect effect on productive activities, as moderated by psychological characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 거실공간의 특성에 관한 연구

        이춘욱(Lee Choon-Ook),이정호(Lee Jeong-Ho) 대한건축학회 2010 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        Most of our national land has been urbanized, and the residential areas of cities are mostly occupied by apartment buildings. Currently most of people live in apartment houses. This means that most of people interact with one another while being influenced by spatial characteristics of apartment houses. This study was conducted to examine the physical, social and aesthetic characteristics of the apartment living room space that may have an effect on family member. so that such characteristics can be used as data helpful to make a floor plan suitable for the diversifying society when designing the living room space of apartment houses in the future. The floor features of 4 cases whose the types were different were analyzed, and then their physical, social and aesthetic characteristics were compared and evaluated through the questionnaire survey. The floors of the 4 cases showed little difference in size but they showed much difference in the characteristics of living room space that were examined in connection with floor features. Some same floors showed remarkably different results of evaluation by categories of living room space's characteristics, while other floors showed relatively uniform results of evaluation in both categories of physical and social characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        한국 노인의 성공적인 노화요인의 구조분석

        김경호(Kyoung-Ho Kim),김지훈(Ji-Hoon Kim) 한국노년학회 2009 한국노년학 Vol.29 No.1

        The purpose of this study were to identify factors of successful aging and to suggest a successful aging model of elderly using Rowe & Kahn's model of successful aging. The components of the factors consisted of healthful status, physicalㆍcognitive functions, psychosocial characteristics and productive activities. Data were collected from 2,958 elderly who has spouse and aged 65 above in KOSA Panel. Data were analyzed by Amos program 7.0 version. The statistical techniques were used descriptive statistics x² and covariance structural analysis. Major findings of this study were as follows; Healthful status were positively related to increasing effort on physicalㆍcognitive functions as well as psychosocial characteristics. Physicalㆍcognitive functions were positively and directly related to psychosocial characteristics and productive activities. Psychosocial characteristics were positively and directly related to productive activities. Physicalㆍcognitive functions and psychosocial characteristics were increased by receiving a direct and positive effort from healthful status. Productive activities were increased by receiving a direct and positive effort from physicalㆍcognitive functions and psychosocial characteristics. Specific and realistic measures should be prepared for successful aging not only for present elderly but also for the future elderly people. Further research should be continued and encouraged to improve the implications for the successful aging especially in korea. 본 연구는 노인의 성공적인 노화요인을 설명할 수 있는 주요 변인들 간의 구조적인 인과관계를 규명하고, 성공적인 노화에 미치는 관련 변인들 간의 구조적 인과관계를 밝히려는 연구목적을 가지고, 한국 사회에 맞는 노인의 성공적인 노화모델을 구축하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 전국에 거주하는 65세 이상인 노인 4,155명 중 유배우자 2,958명이 본 연구의 대상자로 설정되었으며 이들의 건강수준 영역, 신체ㆍ인지적 기능 영역, 심리사회적 특성 영역, 생산적 활동 영역 등을 조사하여 Amos프로그램을 이용한 구조방정식모델분석을 하였다. 성공적인 노화요인 변수들의 구조분석 결과, 건강수준이 높을수록 신체적ㆍ인지적 기능은 직접적인 영향을 받아서 높아지고, 심리사회적 특성은 직ㆍ간접적인 영향을 받아 좋아지며, 또한 신체적ㆍ인지적 기능 및 심리사회적 특성은 그 자체로 생산적 활동을 증가시키는 직접 효과가 있다. 본 논문의 의의는 노인과 노인 준비단계에 있는 연령대에서 성공적 노화를 준비하고 실천할 수 있도록 도와줄 수 있는 실질적인 자료의 구축과 실천적 함의에 있다.

      • KCI등재

        대한민국 배드민턴 국가대표 후보팀의 성별 및 경기형태에 따른 신체적, 체력적 특성 분석

        채정훈,김학균 대한스포츠의학회 2020 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        Purpose: This study evaluated fitness levels of 47 athletes from the 2020 Korean National Prospective Badminton Team by gender and game type (singles or doubles). Methods: Our physical fitness evaluation items included height and weight measurements, grip strength test, back strength test, 20-meter shuttle run test, side step test, standing long jump test, sit and reach test, back extension test, and standing on one leg with eyes closed test. Results: Male singles players weighed significantly less than doubles players (p=0.002). However, there was no difference in height between both group. Male doubles players had significantly higher grip strength (right, p=0.006; left, p=0.002), back strength (p=0.007), and side step results (p=0.029) than did singles players, but male singles players performed significantly better on the 20-meter shuttle run (p<0.01). Male singles and doubles players did not differ significantly with respect to the results of the standing long jump, sit and reach, back extension, and standing one leg with eyes closed tests (p>0.05). Female singles and doubles players showed no significant difference in any physical fitness evaluation items (p>0.05). Conclusion: Male doubles players were heavier than male singles players but showed superior strength and agility. Male singles players showed higher cardiopulmonary endurance levels compared with male doubles players. Female singles and doubles players showed no difference between all physical fitness characteristics. Further studies can use our methods of evaluating fitness in badminton players to provide coaches and players with quantitative indicators for optimal game type classification (singles or doubles) and help to devise winning game strategies.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Investigating the Anatomical and Physical-Mechanical Properties of the 8-Year-Old Superior Teakwood Planted in Muna Island, Indonesia

        ( Alvin Muhammad Savero ),( Imam Wahyudi ),( Istie Sekartining Rahayu ),( Andi Detti Yunianti ),( Futoshi Ishiguri ) 한국목재공학회 2020 목재공학 Vol.48 No.5

        Muna teakwood, especially from old stands, has been popular as raw material for timber industries in Indonesia for the past ten decades. Due to the scarcity of this wood, superior-grown seedlings of Muna teakwood have been developed and widely planted. Since there is no information on its characteristics, therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate wood characteristics of the 8-year-old superior-grown teak from Muna Island to ensure their proper utilization as raw material for wooden furniture. Wood discs and boards from basal area of three different trees were used as the samples. Macroscopic and microscopic anatomical characteristics were observed following the IAWA's list, while their physicalmechanical properties were measured following British Standard 373-57. Results showed that anatomical characteristics of this wood sample are similar to regular teakwood, but its heartwood portion is higher. Differences among trees are found in regards to wood texture, growth ring width, as well as early and latewood portion. The green moisture content was lower than that of fast-growing teak of a similar age. The wood is more stable than the old teakwood, but its specific gravity is lower. In general, mechanical properties of this wood were higher than those of the regular fast-growing teakwood, but lower than the old one. Based on its specific gravity, this superior Muna teakwood was categorized as a Strength Class of III. The wood is suitable enough for wooden furniture manufacturing.

      • Scientific approach for performance enhancement of marathon runners

        Ki-Jin Kim,Chan-Bae Hong 한국코칭능력개발원 2008 Coach Vol.24 No.2

        The Scientific factors of marathon are a physiological characteristics of runners, overcoming trial of environmental effect, nutritional and psychological approach, ergogenic aid, effective training, shoes and cloths. These scientific approaches for the improvement of running performance have been applied to the pick up of excellent runner, exercise training, and actual running race. Especially, we must consider the specific determinant factors for actual running race. The specific determinant factors can be devided into the internal factors and the external factors. The internal factors were consisted of physique and physical fitness included to physical, technical, and mental factors. And the external factors were consisted of the coaching capacity, team management, and the support system for runner. The scientific approach on the enhancement of performance included to the application and development of an effective training program and the measurement of physical fitness and character. Many indicators of physique, body shape, body composition, and bone growth have been suggested the genetic analysis of exercise performance. Optimal physique and physiological capacity of marathon runners showed a height of 170 ㎝, a lower body fat of 6-10% for the locomotion, higher levels of percentage of slow twitch fibers, VO₂max, and anaerobic threshold, and muscle power. The many number of candidate genes of marathon running performance were considered as critical factor. Muscle fiber composition was the effective factor of the muscular function. The ACE Ⅱ genotype seems to be related to endurance performance, and other endurance performance genes may include CKMM and mtDNA variants. The application of genetic factors on the improvement of sports performance was focused to the progressing of genotype to phenotype through ergolytic program as the effective training program. Therefore we should do the interesting to overcome the limited factors as environmental condition by the theoretical and scientific training program on the basis of genetic characteristics. In, conclusion, we must consider the complicate factors as biological bases, psychological aspects, genetic determinants, and physical limitation of endurance performance for scientific consideration of improvement in marathon running performance.

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