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      • KCI등재

        미래지향지향적 재외동포정책의 방향 ; 한국의 차세대 재외동포 정책

        이진영 ( Jean Young Lee ),박우 ( You Piao ) 한국민족연구원 2013 민족연구 Vol.0 No.54

        Policy towards the Young Overseas Koreans is a new field of study in South Korea, 7.2 million overseas Korean community is rapidly changing its generation from the first Korea-born immigrated people to foreign-born new generation. The new generation is quite different from their parents in many aspects such as loyalty, economic success, proficiency of mother tongue and even networks with their brethren. Therefore, the policy towards them becomes important in recent years in more globalized South Korea. A semi-government organization such as Overseas Korean Foundation has held annual Young Overseas Koreans Forum, and invited less than 100 young Korean leaders all over the world every year, However, a comprehensive policy by the central government has never tried. This paper is on the policy towards the Young Overseas Koreans. It first analyzes importance of them in them in the Korea`s global agenda, and raises questions on the definition such as scopes of the meaning. Then, several routes for the policy options are discussed based on a new definition matrix. Only under these routes, policies can be easily formulated in the realm of Young Overseas Koreans. Secondly, the paper suggests a new direction of the policy. Because of rests of budget and understanding in administration, focus on the Young Overseas Koreans who are returning to Korea for recruits, job hunting or even further studies are suggested as a policy option. In particular, Korean-Chinese Students Network in Korea (KCN) can be a good example for Korea`s policy towards the Young Overseas Koreans. It is because they are easy to get access, and can be future cores [leaders]in the overseas Korean networks. In conclusion, the paper focuses on the importance of research assistance by the government for better policy options, Also, not only as an effective tool for public diplomacy, but also as high-skilled workforce, Young Overseas Koreans will be more focused in policy as well as academic research.

      • KCI등재

        미래지향지향적 재외동포정책의 방향 ; 재외동포정책의 목표와 주진체계의 재정립

        윤인진 ( In Jin Yoon ) 한국민족연구원 2013 민족연구 Vol.0 No.54

        Basic goats of overseas Koreans policy since the Kim Yong-sam administration have been the same emphasizing successful settlement of overseas Koreans in host countries and strengthening ties between overseas Koreans and the homeland. Because environments surrounding overseas Koreans have been rapidly changing. However, there is strong need to reestablish the goals and implementation system of overseas Koreans in global era. Future-oriented overseas Koreans policy needs to aim at supporting overseas Koreans to become responsible and productive members of the host country and contribute to reciprocal developments among the homeland, overseas Koreans, and the host country. Also, the future overseas Koreans policy needs to expand its target group to foreigners related with overseas Koreans by marriage or adoption, Although they may not the core target group of overseas Koreans policy, they have significant influence on the welfare and wellbeing of overseas Koreans and thus need to be incorporated into overseas Koreans policy at least as ``honorary overseas Koreans.`` Finally, in order to improve the implementation system of overseas Koreans policy, it is desired to empower the capacity of the committee for overseas Koreans policy under the prime minister to coordinate tasks and programs scattered across different ministries.

      • KCI등재후보

        재외동포정책의 목표와 추진체계의 재정립

        윤인진 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2013 민족연구 Vol.0 No.54

        Basic goals of overseas Koreans policy since the Kim Yong-sam administration have been the same emphasizing successful settlement of overseas Koreans in host countries and strengthening ties between overseas Koreans and the homeland. Because environments surrounding overseas Koreans have been rapidly changing, however, there is strong need to reestablish the goals and implementation system of overseas Koreans in global era. Future-oriented overseas Koreans policy needs to aim at supporting overseas Koreans to become responsible and productive members of the host country and contribute to reciprocal developments among the homeland, overseas Koreans, and the host country. Also, the future overseas Koreans policy needs to expand its target group to foreigners related with overseas Koreans by marriage or adoption. Although they may not the core target group of overseas Koreans policy, they have significant influence on the welfare and wellbeing of overseas Koreans and thus need to be incorporated into overseas Koreans policy at least as ‘honorary overseas Koreans.’ Finally, in order to improve the implementation system of overseas Koreans policy, it is desired to empower the capacity of the committee for overseas Koreans policy under the prime minister to coordinate tasks and programs scattered across different ministries.

      • KCI등재후보

        재외동포정책의 역사적 평가와 과제

        김용찬 ( Kim Yongchan ) 한국민족연구원 2018 민족연구 Vol.0 No.72

        이 글은 재외동포정책의 역사적 평가와 향후 과제를 제시하고 있다. 재외동포정책의 부재 시기를 지나 1960년대부터 추진된 산업화의 맥락 속에서 재외동포정책은 태동되었고, 재외동포의 교육과 모국방문 지원으로 구체화되었다. 1990년대의 세계화와 탈냉전은 재외동포사회의 성장을 가져왔고, 재외동포정책 수립의 기반이 되었다. 문민정부는 포괄적인 재외동포정책을 수립했으며, 국민의 정부와 참여정부 시기에는 재외동포사회의 요구를 토대로 재외동포정책을 구체화함으로써 재외동포정책의 질적 발전을 이루었다. 구체적으로 문민정부는 ‘신교포정책’을 수립하고, 재외동포 지원기구로 재외동포재단을 설립했다. 국민의 정부는 재외동포정책의 법제화의 결과인 <재외동포법>을 제정하고 시행했다. 참여정부에서는 한민족 네트워크 구축, 소외 지역 재외동포 지원사업, 취업기회 확대 등을 적극적으로 추진했다. 이후 재외동포의 모국정치 참여를 제도화한 재외국민선거제도가 도입되었다. 이들 재외동포정책들은 정책수립 이후 부분적 변화 속에서도 지속성을 가지고 유지되어오고 있다. 연구에서는 재외동포정책의 발전을 위한 과제를 제기하고 있다. 첫째 재외동포사회의 요구에 기초해 재외동포정책의 결정과 시행 관련 조직과 효율성에 대한 재검토가 필요하다. 둘째 재외동포사회는 2세대와 3세대의 성장이 두드러지게 나타나고 있다. 따라서 재외동포 차세대에 대한 정책이 구체화되고 발전되어야 한다. 셋째 재외동포 공동체간 교류를 증진시킬 수 있는 재외동포 중심의 초국가적 네트워크 강화가 필요하다. 넷째 재외국민선거제도는 재외국민의 참여증진을 위해 지속적으로 개선되어야 한다. 다섯째 중장기적 관점에서 재외동포정책이 수립되어야하며, 정책에 대한 평가와 환류체계도 구축되어야 한다. The purpose of this article is to review the establishment and development of overseas Koreans policy and to make suggestions for the advancement of overseas Koreans policy. There had been programs of education and home country visiting for overseas Koreans in the 1960s and 1970s. In the circumstances of globalization and the Post-Cold War, the Korean government had established comprehensive overseas Koreans policy and the Overseas Koreans Foundation in the 1990s. The next Korean governments enacted the law on overseas Koreans, supported the formation of overseas Koreans network and expanded job opportunity for overseas Koreans. The overseas Koreans election also has been enforced. This research presents suggestions for development of overseas Koreans policy. First, there will be the reexamination of organizations and effectiveness in regard to overseas Korean policy. Second, the establishment of new policy on the young overseas Koreans is needed. Third, transnational networks by overseas Koreans have to be extended and strengthened. Fourth, the overseas Koreans election system need to be revised on the basis of overseas Koreans claims. Fifth, there need to form long term overseas Koreans policy and establish evaluation and feedback system of the policy.

      • KCI등재

        재외동포청의 사무와 직제 편성 및 관련 법령 연구

        이승우 재외한인학회 2024 在外韓人硏究 Vol.0 No.66

        최근「정부조직법」의 일부 개정으로 재외동포청이 신설되어 운영되고 있다. 그동안 재외동포 관련 사업은 주로 폐지된 재외동포재단에 의하여 수행되었으나 이「정부조직법」의 개정으로 이제는 재외동포 관련 사무를 재외동포청이 수행하게되었다. 이후 이 법의 근간으로 제정된 「재외동포청 직제령」에 의하여 신설된 재외동포청에 재외동포청장과 차장을 두고 하부기관으로 운영지원과, 재외동포정책국, 교류협력국을 신설하였다. 그리고 재외동포청에는 총 151명의 공무원이 재외동포 관련 직무를 수행하게 되고, 외교부는 재외동포정책 수립·시행과 지원 서비스 업무를 하던 고위공무원을 재외동포청으로 파견하게 되었다. 이렇게 재외동포관련 사무 전담기관과 하부기관이 신설되고 실질적인 직무 수행을 위한 관련 법이정비 되면서 재외동포 관련 정책 수립과 직무 수행을 위한 재외동포 관련 기본법제정의 필요성에 따라 2023년 5월 9일 「재외동포기본법」이 제정되어 시행되게 되었다. 이 법의 시행으로 각종 재외동포 관련 법과 특별법의 근간이 되는 재외동포정책의 기본원칙과 재외동포의 권익증진과 생활안정 및 기타 효율적인 재외동포정책을 통일되게 추진하고 관리할 수 있게 되었다. Recently, as the Government Organization Act was partially revised, the Overseas Koreans Office was newly established. Until now, projects related to overseas Koreans have been mainly carried out by the Overseas Koreans Foundation, but the revision of the law has led to the implementation of the Overseas Koreans Office. The Overseas Koreans Administration, which was established by ‘the Ordinance of the Overseas Koreans Administration’, was established as a subordinate organization with the Director and the Deputy Director of Overseas Koreans, and the Overseas Koreans Policy Bureau and the Exchange and Cooperation Bureau were newly established. In addition, a total of 151 civil servants will be assigned to the Overseas Koreans Office, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will dispatch high-ranking officials who were in charge of establishing, implementing and supporting overseas Koreans' policies to the Overseas Koreans Office. As a result, the Overseas Koreans Basic Law was enacted on May 9, 2023, in accordance with the necessity of establishing a basic law for the establishment of policies related to overseas Koreans and the implementation of policies. With the implementation of this law, it has become possible to promote and manage the basic principles of overseas Koreans policy, which is the basis of various laws and special laws related to overseas Koreans, and to promote the rights of overseas Koreans, stabilize their lives and other efficient overseas Koreans policies.

      • KCI등재

        재외동포에 대한 국민인식: 한민족의식, 다문화 수용성, 접촉 경험의 효과

        윤인진 ( In Jin Yoon ),권일남 ( Il Nam Kwon ),김태균 ( Kyoon Tae Kim ),배진숙 ( Jin Suk Bae ),송영호 ( Young Ho Son ) 평화문제연구소 2015 統一問題硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        국내에 거주하는 재외동포들이 증가하면서 이들은 내국인과 긴밀한 관계를 맺고 있고, 이과정에서 교류와 협력만이 아니라 경쟁과 길등이 발생하고 있다. 또한 다문화적 환경에서 성장하면서 형성한 재외동포의 다양한 문화와 정체성은 한국에서 종종 무시와 차별의 원인이 되기도 한다. 따라서 재외동포와 한국인 간의 공존의 원리로서 다문화주의가 요구된다. 이논문에서는 2009년, 2011년, 2013년에 실시된 재외동포에 대한 국민인식조사 자료를 사용해서 일반국민이 재외동포에 대해 갖는 인식의 현황과 변화 양상을 진단하고, 국민인식에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 한민족의식, 다문화 수용성, 접촉 경험의 효과를 분석했다. 주요 연구결과는 일반국민의 한민족의식이 강할수록, 다문화 수용성이 강할수록, 재외동포와의 접촉경험이 많을수록 재외동포를 더욱 친밀하게 느끼고, 한민족의식의 효과가 다문화 수용석의 효과보다 큰 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또한 재외동포의 국내 체류 및 정착을 허용하는 정도에서는 세 변수들의 효과가 모두 긍정적이었으나 다문화 수용성의 효과가 한민족의식의 효과보다 큰것으로 밝혀졌다. 이런 결과는 재외동포의 국내 체류와 정착과 같이 내국인에게 경제적, 사회적 영향을 미치는 사안에 있어서는 문화 다양성을 인정하고 외국인을 평등하게 대우하려는 다문화주의적 태도가 재외동포를 수용하는데 중요한 영향을 미친다고 해석할 수 있다. Since the 1990s, an increasing number of overseas Koreans have returned to and resided in South Korea, and they have interacted more closely than ever with South Korean nationals. This interaction has resulted in not only exchanges and cooperations but also competition and conflicts. Moreover, due to their diverse cultural backgrounds and identities formed in multicultural environments of their countries of origin, members of the Korean diaspora have been subjected to contempt and discrimination in South Korea. Thus, multiculturalism is needed as a principle of coexistence between overseas Koreans and South Korean nationals. Against this backdrop, this article examines South Korean nationals’perceptions of overseas Koreans by using data from nationwide surveys conducted in 2009, 2011, and 2013. Also, it analyzes the effects of Korean ethnic consciousness, multicultural acceptance, and contact experience on South Korean nationals’ perceptions of overseas Koreans. Major results are as follows. The stronger Korean ethnic consciousness, greater acceptance of multiculturalism, and more contact with overseas Koreans South Korean nationals have, the closer feeling they have towards overseas Koreans. With respect to intimate feeling to overseas Koreans, Korean ethnic consciousness has a greater effect than multicultural acceptance. Also, the three independent variables have equally positive effects on their willingness to allow overseas Koreans to stay temporarily and permanently in South Korea. However, multicultural acceptance has a greater effect than Korean ethnic consciousness on the acceptance of overseas Koreans’ settlement in South Korea. These findings suggest that in matters that affect social and economic conditions of South Korean nationals like the settlement of overseas Koreans in South Korea, multicultural acceptance that acknowledges cultural diversity and respects equal opportunities for foreigners play a critical role in acceptance of overseas Koreans.

      • KCI등재

        국외 한국어 교육 정책론 정립을 위한 탐색

        이병규 국제한국어교육학회 2008 한국어 교육 Vol.19 No.3

        This study is aimed to research into current status of the overseas Korean education policy on each part for establishment of the overseas Korean education policy theory. First, this thesis discussed the necessity and the changes of the Korean education policy. The necessity of the theory is considered as the racial education for Korean residents abroad, establishment of the base for the promotion of Korean as a foreign language proficiency, and preservation of the Korean language and culture and also maintain of world culture multiplicity. Second, this study argued on the purpose and principle of the overseas Korean education policy. In this study, the essential purpose of the Korean education policy is to support preservation and development of the Korean language and culture through extend the area of using Korean. And then the principle is considered coexistence of interculturalism and multiculturalism. Finally, this research debated on investigation of the overseas Korean education policy as the overseas Korean education policy agency, related raw, the public institution to support the Korean education policy, and support the development and spread of the overseas Korean education contents.

      • KCI등재

        재외동포의 요구사항 표출과 재외동포정책: 세계한인회장대회를 중심으로

        이진영 한국세계지역학회 2019 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.37 No.4

        The aim of this paper is to address communication problems in the Korea’s policy towards the Overseas Koreans, through analyzing requests by the Overseas Koreans in the Annual Meetings (2014-2018) of the Presidents of the Associations of Overseas Koreans. The raison d’etat of the policy should be based on solving the difficulties of the recipients. However, previous studies on the policy towards the Overseas Koreans are flawed. Therefore, this study discusses the requests of the Overseas Koreans in five fields such as administration, insurance and pension, nationality and legal assistance, military duty, and tax matters towards the Overseas Koreans. During the last five years, there was a significant progress in administration. Relative improvement can be found in insurance, pension and legal assistance. However, in the more sensitive matters such as nationality, military duty and tax, a rather slow progress is found. Rights and duties of legal citizenship are coincided here, so the Korean public are not easy to accept special requests of the Overseas Koreans. However, to be a successful policy on the Koreans abroad, the government should institutionalize the requests of them in the very equal manner. Through this, a good communication between the government and Overseas Koreans can be improved. 이 논문은 세계한인회장대회에서 표출된 재외동포들의 요구사항을 분석하여, 한국 재외동포정책의 소통과 문제점을 파악하려는데 그 목적이 있다. 구체적인 재외동포들의 요구를 파악하기 위하여 이 논문에서는 2014년부터 2018년까지 재외동포재단이 주관한 세계한인회장대회에서 제기된 재외동포들의 다양한 요구와 정책제안을 ㉠ 영사서비스 및 여권, 가족관계등록 등 재외국민 행정, ㉡ 건강보험, 국민연금, 사회보장협정 등 보험 및 연금 행정, ㉢ 국적, 주민등록 및 법률지원 등의 법률 행정, ㉣ 민감한 병역 행정, ㉤ 세무행정의 다섯 분야에서 검토하였다. 다섯 분야를 평가해보면, 재외국민행정은 선제적으로 동포들의 요구를 받아들여 법제화되었다. 법률지원이나 연금 혹은 사회보장은 상대적으로 홍보가 잘되고 개선되고 있다. 그러나 국적, 병역, 세무 등은 재외동포들의 민원이 지속적으로 제기되고 법제의 개정을 요청하는 분야임에도, 정부 정책의 변화가 상대적으로 적다. 국민으로서의 권리만 행사하고 의무는 상대적으로 이행하지 않는다는 국민의 입장과, 재외동포의 특수한 상황을 이해하지 못한 가운데에 입법화된 다양한 법제는 재외동포의 권익을 보호하지 못한다는 입장이 대립하고 있다. 재외동포의 요구사항은 단순한 요구에만 그치는 것이 아니다. 그것은 한국의 재외동포정책의 방향과 원칙 그리고 그에 따른 법제의 마련이라는 기본적인 재외동포정책 수립 및 소통과 연관된 내용이다. 즉, 성공적 재외동포정책은 재외동포의 요구사항이 어떻게 받아들여져 법제화하느냐 하는 점에 달려있다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그렇다면 선순환적인 소통의 재외동포정책이란 무엇인가? 그것은 재외동포 관련 요구 및 제안의 수집, 전달, 해결, 통보, 평가, 회귀 등의 재외동포 관련 사무와 행정의 흐름이 제도화되는 것이다. 재외동포정책에서 지금 필요한 것은 거시적인 것보다도 오히려 재외동포들의 구체적 어려움을 해결하는 행정과 사무일 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        재외동포를 대상으로 하는 한국어 교육정책의 실제와 과제

        조항록 국제한국어교육학회 2004 한국어 교육 Vol.15 No.2

        Korea is a country with a high number of emigrants. One result is that overseas Koreans occupy a highly important place in Korean language education. Korean language education tailored to overseas Koreans therefore becomes a very effective option in implementing Korean government policy aimed at Korean populations beyond her borders, something that can be viewed as “relations with the motherland” and “promoting adjustment in foreign societies.” It is generally said that Korean language policy for overseas Koreans began in the 1960’s, but it was not until the mid-1970’s that concrete policies were developed. It was then not until the mid-1990’s that diverse policies were pursued in earnest. I begin this paper with a study of the historical development of Korean education policy regarding overseas Koreans. I then examine Korean education for overseas Koreans carried out in Korea by considering the legal aspects, structural aspects, and how it is performed by the related educational institutions. I examine also how policy is implemented overseas. Based on my findings, I conclude with proposals for improving policy on Korean language education for overseas Koreans.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 해외동포정책 전담기구 분석 -조선해외동포원호위원회와 해외동포사업국을 중심으로-

        허은경 연세대학교 통일연구원 2015 통일연구 Vol.19 No.2

        본 논문은 북한의 해외동포정책을 담당하고 있는 추진 체계를 정리하고 해외동포정책 전담기구인 조선해외동포원호위원회(해동위)와 해외동포사업국을 중심으로 해외동포정책의 담당기구에 대한 이해를 높이는데 목적을 두고 있다. 기존연구에서는 해외동포 관련한 정책을 담당하는 부서를 통일전선부 산하에 있는 외곽단 체인 해동위와 내각산하의 해외동포사업국 단체로 밝히고는 있지만 이 기관들에 대한 상세한 기술은 없다. 그 이유는 북한은 당, 국가기관 등 모든 기관에서 엄격한 비밀주의를 표방하고 자료를 가능한 한 공개하지 않기 때문에 해외동포정책을 관여하는 기관에 관한 자료를 획득하기란 사실상 불가능하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 북한이 공개한 공식 출판 자료 및 국내의 자료를 충분히 활용하여 부분적으로나마 해외동포정책 전담기구와 추진체계에 대한분석을 하고자 한다. 이 연구를 통해 북한의 해외동포정책을 담당하고 있는 두 기관의 주요 사업과 인물 및 역할에 대해 새롭게 조명하고 향후 북한의 해외동포정책 연구의 기반을 다지고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main institutions responsible for the North Korea’s policy towards overseas Koreans. Mainly, there are two institutions in charge of the overseas Korean affairs: The Korean Committee for Aiding Overseas Compatriots, which is an external organization under the Unification Front Department of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), and the Agency of Overseas Korean Affairs under the Cabinet. Under the leadership and guidance of the party, these two institutions implement political strategies and procedures developed by the WPK’s Unification Front Department that specifically target the overseas Koreans. However, little is known about these two organizations, as the inner workings of North Korean government remain undisclosed to the outside world. However, this paper will attempt to analyze the elusive organization based on.limited but available.North Korean materials and publications. The data gathered indicate that the Korean Committee for Aiding Overseas Compatriots are targeted to implement policy directly to those overseas Koreans who live abroad while the Agency of Overseas Korean Affairs are in charge of various overseas Korean affairs that occur domestically. In addition, most of the top officials in the Korean Committee for Aiding Overseas Compatriots hold concurrent offices in the Unification Front Department under different external organizations as well as the Agency of Overseas Korean Affairs, suggesting that ultimately the party oversees the entire overseas Korean affairs both internally and externally.

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