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      • KCI등재

        어말 일음절 한자의 경음화와 사전 정보

        유경민 한국어의미학회 2019 한국어 의미학 Vol.64 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine nominal compounds involving monosyllabic Sino-Korean words that had been set aside as exceptions, and to propose an account for them. Most monosyllabic Sino-Korean words are semantically autonomous, but syntactically non-autonomous. And since the formation of compounds involving monosyllabic Sino-Korean words is unbound, the list of such vocabulary is open-ended. Therefore it is impossible to determine whether the monosyllabic Sino-Korean words are free or bound morphemes. It is also for this reason that the tensing in these words is not accountable with the same rules that apply in general phonological tensing. Studies on tensing so far have been limited to phonological conditions or to tensing in compounds. In order to overcome this limit, one must recognize the special nature of monosyllabic Sino-Korean vocabulary, and explain the tensing phenomenon without recourse to their syntactic status. Accordingly, I propose that tensing in monosyllabic Sino-Korean vocabulary be accounted for in three different categories: (1) phonologically conditioned tensing, (2) morphologically conditioned tensing, and (3) semantically conditioned tensing. It was found that whether the first monosyllable in a compound is a free or a bound morpheme is a factor in tensing, and that those monosyllables belonging to neither (1) or (2) have fixed invariant tensing with idiosyncratic meanings.

      • KCI등재

        上代神名の樣相 : 古事記·日本書紀における對比的命名法を中心に

        崔建植(Choi Kun-Sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.21

        This study compares aspects of contradistinctive naming of gods according to age order and monosyllabic morphemes in Kojiki and Nihon-shoki with those of contradistinctive naming of persons. It reveals the following differences and similarities: First, naming of gods and persons shows a difference in contradistinctive naming according to age order. Examples of contradistinctive naming according to 「兄─弟」 are found in personal names while no such examples are found in god names since there seems to be no need to be ordered according to age or power in the god's world. Some examples using 「大─若」 are, however, found in god names. It seems that they are allowed because they are originally euphemistic expressions. Second, naming of gods shows other characteristics. Some of the god names are from their birth places or stages of action while others are from expressions that describe their mythical plots. God names that are from seasons are also found, which seems to show that the god's world and human world are closely related. Third, naming of gods and persons shows a similarity in contradistinctive naming using monosyllabic morphemes. Like personal names, God names can also be contrastively distinguished by presence and absence of certain monosyllabic morphemes, two different monosyllabic morphemes, and the two different connective particles no(の)and tu(つ)in their names.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 외래 단음절 형태소의 형성 과정 연구

        김미랑 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2017 외국학연구 Vol.- No.42

        Since the reform and opening up of China in the late 1970s, a large number of foreign words have appeared in China. It's because the world's great economic powers are mostly concentrated in the West, and also because the enormous economic power of the United States had great influence on the world. Due to this, English foreign words in Chinese has increased dramatically, since China was also affected by such influences. In addition, the foreign words that came into Chinese in this process were constantly modifed by the Chinese vocabulary system during the process of using, resulting in a change from the original appearance to the paraphrase or morpheme. Simultaneously, the foreign words affected the modern Chinese vocabulary system changing the traditional Chinese associative system, and new associations were created and unique meanings were given to the unique associations. This paper will introduce studies on new monosyllabic words through the steps of independent operation and overlapping Morphological system of Chinese.

      • KCI등재


        郭兴燕 영남중국어문학회 2020 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.85

        As a pair of Synonymous Monosyllabic-verb and Disyllabic-verb with the Same Morpheme “Xue” and “Xuexi” that often appear in the initial stage of Chinese teaching, they seem to have the same meaning and simple usages, but after careful inspection, we found that they have different divisions of functions in modern Chinese and responsibilities are different, and there are obviously different. The main reasons for these differences are the difference in the action of the monosyllabic-verb “Xue” and disyllabic-verb “Xuexi”, and the precision of their meaning, the styles, and the extended meaning.

      • KCI등재

        차용어 절단형을 활용한 현대 중국어의 혼성어에 대한 형태론적 고찰

        한서영 한국중국언어학회 2014 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.53

        The aim of this study is to investigate the morphological characteristics of blends based on loanword truncation in modern Chinese. By seperating blends from compounds, derivatives, clippings and loanwords, I show that modern Chinese blends exhibit three tendencies. First, as to concatenation typology, AD type is preferred because of the bathtub effect (Aichison 2003). Second, the word-initial monosyllable is secreted from the source loanword due to the "cranberry morpheme" effect and "monosyllabic myth" (Y. R. Chao 1968). Third, blends are nativized and lexicalized through the morphological reanalysis and analogy. In conclusion, blends call for the need of diachronic notions of morphemes and the importance of word-based model in morphology.

      • KCI등재


        周一民(Zhou Yimin) 중국어문학연구회 2011 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.69

        Modern Chinese have monosyllabic nature. The nature based on monosyllabic unit of sound and meaning. Papers demonstrated the nature from three areas of the morpheme, the pats of speech andthe relationship between Chinese and Chinese character. The author notes that most morphemes of the modern Chinese are monosyllabic, morpheme played an important role in Chinese. Basis in various parts of speech is monosyllabic too. Chinese characters service for the monosyllabic nature and affect on the Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        한국 학습자의 중국어 유의어 오류 분석

        민재홍 중국어문학연구회 2023 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.138

        In this paper, Chinese Synonym errors of Korean learners were analyzed in the field of Chinese teaching. In Chapter 2, two words related to Chinese synonyms were analyzed according to their morpheme and semantic relationship, and they were divided into three types. In Chapter 3, the error expression of ‘monosyllabic-disyllabic’ verb synonyms was analyzed, and in Chapter 4, the error expressions that existed between two adjective synonyms with similar morphemes were analyzed. Through this analysis, it is expected that the error expression, which is a regular error arising from the difference between the mother tongue and the foreign language to be learned, can be reduced. An error is a regular mistake that arises from the difference between the native language and the foreign language to be studied. For foreign learners who already have one native language, the intervention of the native language can cause a lot of confusion and mistakes in learning a new foreign language. For this fundamental and repetitive mistake, we need to analyze more and make efforts and countermeasures to overcome it.

      • KCI등재

        동일 형태소를 포함한 1·2음절 명사의 통사 특징 분석

        박연정 한국중문학회 2019 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.76

        중국어에는 동일 형태소를 포함한 1·2음절 명사들이 존재하는데, 이러한 명사의 통사 특징을 알아보고자 동일 형태소를 지닌 1·2음절 명사 중 2음절 명사의 구조를 분석하고 1·2음절 명사의 통사 특징을 살펴보았다. 동일 형태소 포함한 1·2음절 명사 중 2음절 명사의 구조는 병렬구조, 접사가 부가된 구조, 수식구조, ‘명사+양사’ 구조, 중첩구조, ‘주어+술어’ 구조, ‘동사술어+목적어’ 구조로 귀납할 수 있다. 그중 수식구조를 이루고 있는 명사가 가장 많았고, 다음으로는 1음절 명사 뒤에 접미사가 부가되어 2음절을 이루는 것, 또 병렬구조인 2음절 명사, 그리고 ‘명사+양사’ 구조로 이루어진 것, 중첩구조, ‘주어+술어’ 구조, ‘동사술어+목적어’ 구조 순이다. 본고의 분석 대상이 되는 755개의 동일 형태소를 포함한 1·2음절 명사는 문장에서 주어, 목적어, 한정어, 부사어로 사용된다. 전체적으로 볼 때, 상대적으로 주어와 목적어로 사용되는 것이 한정어와 부사어로 사용되는 것보다 좀 더 제한이 적고 사용이 자유롭다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 문장에 사용될 때 음절 상의 특징이 가장 두드러짐을 알 수 있었다. 漢語中有很多包含同一語素的單雙音節名詞。爲了了解這些名詞的句法特点, 本文首先考察了雙音節名詞內部的結構特点, 進而對單雙音節名詞的句法特点進行了分析。 包含同一語素的單雙音節名詞中, 雙音節名詞的結構可以分爲幷列結構、添加詞綴的結構、偏正結構、“名詞+量詞”結構、重疊結構、主謂結構、動賓結構。其中偏正結構的名詞最多, 第二是單音節名詞添加詞綴的結構, 然后依次爲幷列結構、“名詞+量詞”結構、重疊結構、主謂結構和動賓結構。 本文的分析對象爲755個包含同一語素的單雙音節名詞。在句中分別充當主語、賓語、定語、狀語。整體來看, 單雙音節名詞主要充當主語和賓語, 定語和狀語的用法較少。另外, 在句子單雙音節名詞在音節上的差異較爲明顯。

      • KCI등재

        황해도(黃海道) 안악(安岳) 지역어(地域語)의 모음조화(母音調和) 연구(硏究)

        최소연 ( Cui Xiao-juan ) 한국어문교육연구회 2018 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.46 No.1

        이 글의 목적은 黃海道方言에 속하는 安岳 地域語에 대해 形態素 境界에서 母音調和의 實現 樣相을 밝히는 데에 있다. 어간이 單音節인 경우 어간의 開閉와 關係없이 어간 모음이 ‘ㅏ, ㅗ, ㅐ’ 일 때 뒤에 어미 ‘-아’가 結合되고 모음이 ‘ㅓ, ㅔ, ㅣ, ㅜ, ㅡ’일 때뒤에 어미 ‘-어’가 結合된다. 어간이 多音節인 경우, 어간말음절 모음이‘ㅏ, ㅗ, ㅐ’일 때 뒤에 ‘-아’가 結合되고 어간말음절 모음이 ‘ㅓ, ㅔ, ㅣ’일 때 뒤에 어미 ‘-어’가 結合되며 어간말음절 모음이 ‘ㅜ, ㅡ’일 때 뒤에 結合되는 어미가 선행음절의 모음에 의해 결정된다. 不規則 용언 어간인 경우 뒤에 대부분 어미 ‘-아’가 結合되고 있다. 全般的으로 보았을 때 黃海道 安岳 地域語의 母音調和 實現 樣相은 中部方言보다 西北方言에 더 유사하면서도 黃海道方言만의 特徵을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the realization of the vowel harmony in morpheme boundaries of the Anak dialect, which belongs to Hwanghae-do dialect. In previous studies, Hwanghae-do dialect between the Northwest and the Central dialect has a dialectic characteristic of the transition area. This study investigated the vowel harmonization patterns of the Anak dialect in Hwanghae-do, according to the numbers of stem and the phonological characteristics of the final syllable vowel of stem, by using the voice materials of the informant from the Anak area located in the northwestern of Hwanghae-do. In Hwanghae-do dialect, it maintains an unstable vowel list of 'i, e, ε, ø, i, □, a, o, u'. Firstly, if the stem is monosyllable, irrespective of the structure of the stem, when the vowel of stem is 'a, o, ε', it will be connected with the ending '-a'. And when the vowel of stem is '□, e, i, u, i', it will be connected with the ending ‘-□’. Secondly, when the stem is polysyllable, if the vowel of the last syllable are 'a, o, ε', it will be connected with the ending ‘-a’. And if the vowel of the last syllable is ‘□, e, i, u, i’, it will be connected with the ending ‘-□’. But if the vowel of the last syllable is ‘u’ or ‘i’, the ending will be determined by the vowel of the leading syllable. Lastly, we discussed the case of the ‘-p’ irregular stem, and found that if the stem is ‘-p’ irregular predicate, in most cases, it will be connected with the ending '-a'. Unlike the Northwest dialect and the Central dialect, this is a characteristic of Hwanghae-do dialect. On the whole, it can be said that the vowel harmony of Hwanghae-do Anak dialect is more similar to the Northwest dialect rather the Central dialect, but also has its own characteristics.

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