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        해방 이후 하와이 한인의 국어학교 운동 연구 - ≪國民報≫ 보도 기사를 중심으로

        윤금선 어문연구학회 2019 어문연구 Vol.101 No.-

        This paper is about the Korean language school activities implemented in the Hawaiian Korean Society from the post-liberation period to the 1960s. The Korean language school in Hawaii developed actively from the 1910s to the early 1930s amid the interest of the Korean people. However, in the 1930s, the number of students decreased significantly and the activities of Korean language schools weakened. Moreover, Korean language schools were almost closed in the 1940s due to the effectuation of the ‘Foreign Language Prohibition Law’ However, as foreign language schools were allowed in the Liberation Period, there was a movement to rebuild Korean language schools. ‘The Korean National Associations’ has been active in projects such as expanding projects to support Korean language schools and setting up dues to maintain schools. In addition, ‘Dongjihoe’ and ‘Women's Association’ also joined to revive the Korean language education activities. Since the early 1960s, there has been a systematic Korean language school movement. A coalition of religious, political and educational figures has formed the "Hawaii Korean Language School Foundation" and launched the "Korean Language School Movement" to educate Korean language. The movement was accompanied by the interest and participation of Koreans, who also raised school building costs and donated goods. The school held 'Korean Language School Night' regularly, so the Korean people could have a chance to contribute a time of unity and donations. As the Korean language school movement spreads, the number of students increases. Considering this points, the 'Korean Language School Movement' in Hawaii in the 1960s served as the basis for promoting Korean language education in American society. Migrant Koreans have suffered from various hardships living abroad. Nevertheless, they thought preserving the Korean language would preserve the nation. So they actively developed Korean language education. The series of Korean language school movements resumed after liberation is an extension of this. Language is the spiritual root of a nation. The Korean language education of migrant Koreans is a national movement to preserve their own language. 이 연구에서는 해방 이후부터 1960년대까지를 시기로 하여 하와이 한인사회의 국어학교 전개상을 고찰하였다. 하와이 한인사회의 국어학교는 한인들의 관심 속에서 1910년대 초기부터 설립되어 한인의 국어교육을 담당한 교육기관이다. 그러나 1930년대 중반부터 학생이 대폭 감소하고 국어학교의 활동도 약화된 현상을 보였다. 특히 1940년대에 이르러서 하와이에 ‘외국어학교정지법’이 발효되어 국어학교 교육은 거의 차단되었다. 그러나 해방 이후 외국어학교 재개가 허용되면서 국어학교 재건운동이 일게 되었다. ‘대한인국민회(大韓人國民會)’는 국어학교 지원 사업을 확장하고, 학교 유지를 위한 의무금을 책정하는 등 적극적인 교육사업을 펼쳤다. 여기에 ‘동지회’, ‘부인회’ 등도 동참하면서 국어교육 활동들이 다시 활기를 띠었으며, 특히 1960년대 초부터 대대적인 국어학교 운동이 펼쳐졌다. 종교계 인사와 정치계, 교육계 인사가 총 연합하여 ‘하와이 한국어학교 기성회’를 결성하고 소위 ‘한국어학교 운동’을 전개한 것이다. 한국어학교 운동은 국민회를 주도로 하여 한인사회 전반의 관심과 참여가 수반된 운동으로서, 한인들은 학교 설립과 유지를 위한 각종 후원금 기부에 참여했으며, 정기적으로 ‘한국어학교의 밤’을 개최하고 학교 확산을 위한 행사들을 갖기도 했다. 이러한 움직임 속에서 학생 수도 증가세를 보였으며, 이후 한국어학교는 미주 한인사회의 국어교육을 활성화시키는 역할을 담당했다. 일제강점기에 조국을 떠나 해외에 거주하게 된 이주민들은 국어를 보존하는 것이 민족을 보존하는 것이라는 인식 하에 국어교육에 힘썼다. 해방 이후에 다시 재개된 국어학교 운동은 이의 연장선상에 놓여 있다. 언어는 한 민족의 정신적 근간으로서, 자국어를 보존하려는 이주 한인들의 국어학교 운동은 일종의 민족운동에 해당된다 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        인도 언어의 재편성 : 따밀나두의 반힌디어 운동을 중심으로

        이지현 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 人文硏究 Vol.- No.93

        This paper focused on the language reorganization based on the anti-Hindi movement in Tamil Nadu after India’s independence. Language worked as a power. In the British colonial era, Indian leaders envisioned a unified nation based on the Hindi but it faced resistance from Non- Hindi area. The anti-Hindi movement expanded between Arya–Dravida, and Brahman-non-Brahman. The anti-Hindi movement, which started in 1937 to oppose the 3 language-formular policy, led to a movement against the designed Hindi as the national language. In 1965, the anti- Hindi movement connected a social movement. With the pure Tamil movement, the Tamil established their identity by removing Sanskrit which are from Arya and loan words. In Tamil, however, it was different between literary language and colloquial language, and it was not possible to express modern ideology and techniques in colloquial language. Therefore, the modern colloquial language of Tamil went through the standardization, Tamil moved from the language of conflict to the language of coexistence. 인도의 독립 이후 언어가 재편성되는 과정을 남인도, 따밀나두 의 반힌디어 운동을 중심으로 알아본다. 인도에서 언어는 권력으로 작동했다. 영국 식민지 시대 인도의 정치 지도자들은 힌디어 기반으로 한 통일된 국가를 구상했으나 비힌디어권의 반대를 야기했다. 따밀나두에서 시작된 반힌디어운동은 아리야와 드라비다, 브라흐만과 비브라흐만의 갈등으로 퍼져나갔다. 1937년 3중 언어 정책을 반대하기 위해 시작된 반힌디어 운동은 독립 이후 헌법에 국어로 힌디어를 선정하고자 하는 움직임으로 이어졌고, 1965년 반힌디어 운동은 사회적 움직임으로 연결된다. 따밀어 정제 운동과 함께 아리야의 잔재인 산스끄리뜨나 차용어 를 제거하고 순수 따밀어를 부흥시킴으로 따밀나두는 자신의 정체성을 찾으려 하였다. 그러나 따밀어는 문어와 구어가 다르게 발달했고 13세기 확립된 문어로는 근대의 사상과 기술을 표현해낼 수 없었다. 따라서 근대의 구어가 표준화되는 과정을 거쳤고 결국 따밀어는 분쟁의 언어에서 다시 공존의 언어로 나아가게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        조선어학회사건과 해방 후 어문운동의 상관관계—해방 후 조선어학회 어문운동의 원천이 된 조선어학회사건—

        정재환 한글학회 2022 한글 Vol.- No.338

        During the Japanese colonial period, the Korean Language Society(KLS: 조선어학회) studied and disseminated the Korean language against the colonial government’s Japanese assimilation policy. Korean language education was conducted through Hangeul classes and the Korean Dictionary Compilation Society was formed and started compiling a Korean dictionary in 1929. They completed the Hangeul writing system, collected standard words, and created a way to write Korean in other languages. These activities were legally carried out for more than 10 years, but all of them were stopped when KLS members and supporters were arrested on October 1, 1942. Some of them were sentenced to many years of prison under Japan’s Public Security Act. The defendants’ claimed that the KLS’s activities were not related to the independence movement but were purely academic. It’s thought that this defense was raised to gain an advantageous position during trial. However, as revealed in a statement of the Joseon Language Dictionary Compilation Association and related records, the KLS was essentially engaged in a language independence movement. After Korea was liberated from Japan, Lee Geuk-ro, Choi Hyeon-bae, Lee Hee-seung, and Jeong In-seung immediately returned to Seoul and carried out various activities, such as reestablishing Korean, writing textbooks, conducting Korean language classes, and starting the Hangeul-only movement, to restore the Korean language. At the time, the media reported in detail on the language movement and how the KLS had suffered during the Japanese colonial period such that the KLS became respected and adored as independence fighters who were oppressed while defending the Korean language against Japanese colonial rule. The public’s support for the KLS became the foundation of the language movement promoted by the KLS, which achieved great results during the three years of the US military government. The Korean government, established in 1948, enacted the Hangeul-only Act, which was a remarkable achievement accomplished by the KLS. 일제강점기 조선어학회는 일제의 동화정책에 맞서 조선어를 연구하고 보급하는 어문운동을 전개했다. 한글강습회를 통해 조선어교육을 실시하고, 1929년에는 조선어사전편찬회를 만들어 조선어 사전 편찬을 시작했으며, 이 과정에서 반드시 선행되어야 할 어문 정리와 통일을 기해 민족어 3대 규범인 <한글맞춤법 통일안>, <사정한 조선어 표준말 모음>, <외래어 표기법> 등을 완성했다. 이와 같은 학회의 활동은 합법적으로 진행되었으나, 1942년 발생한 조선어학회사건으로 모두 중지되고, 학회 회원들과 후원자들은 일경에 검거되어 고초를 겪었으며, 일제 사법부는 학회의 어문운동을 독립운동으로 규정하여, 치안유지법 위반으로 검거된 중심인물들에 유죄 판결을 내렸다. 학회의 활동은 독립운동이 아니고 순수한 학술 운동이라는 피고인들의 주장에 대해 비판적인 시각도 있지만, 그것은 재판에서 유리한 위치를 차지하기 위한 일반적 변론의 형태였다. 또한 조선어사전편찬회 취지서와 관련 기록에서 드러나듯이 학회 어문운동은 본질적으로 언어 독립운동이었다. 해방이 되어 출옥한 이극로, 최현배, 이희승, 정인승 등은 서울로 돌아오는 즉시 민족어 회복 운동으로서 우리말 도로 찾기, 교과서 편찬, 한글강습회, 한글전용 운동 등을 활발히 전개했다. 당시 언론은 일제강점기하 조선어학회의 어문운동과 수난사를 상세히 보도하여 학회는 일제에 맞서 우리 말글을 지키다가 탄압받은 단체 및 독립투사로서 민중의 존경과 숭배의 대상이 되었다. 이로써 형성된 학회에 대한 민중의 지지는 학회가 추진한 어문운동의 동력이자 원천이 됨으로써, 학회는 미군정하 3년 동안 다대한 성과를 거두게 된다. 특히 1948년 설립된 대한민국 정부가 한글전용법을 제정하고, 한글전용 시대로 나아간 것은 학회가 거둔 눈부신 성취였다.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Devnagari and Persian Script in Hindi-Urdu Controversy

        Chauhan Karan Singh 한국인도학회 2011 印度硏究 Vol.16 No.2

        Controversy regarding the language of the so-called ‘Hindustani’ area has been an important issue throughout British period which engulfed the Indian freedom movement. Hindi or ‘Hindui’ was the original form adopted and mentioned as such by the earliest of writers of Hindi. Later, word Urdu came into use to denote the same language called Hindi or Hindui, but with a Persian tilt. The common people continued to regard both forms as one language. Due to Moghal rule, Hindi and later Urdu written in Persian script became the official language of governance. When Britishers came to India they found a very interesting phenomena with regard to language and scripts pravelent in northern Hindi belt. Although the spoken language of the people was one, but it was written in a script, imposed from outside. They tried to confirm the real position by doing various language and script surveys and came to the conclusion that it would be better for communication and understanding if beside Persian script, ‘Nagari’ script is introduced in Government offices and courts etc. This angered the Muslim community who used to be in an advantageous position with Persian script. Although, language question was never a controversial issue among the common people of this area but due to the two different scripts, it got associated with communal feelings. The emergence of Sanskritized Hindi and Persianized Urdu was the direct outcome of this communal divide. Britishers tried to not only placate this but took full advantage of the issue for dividing people on communal lines. To create communal unity within freedom struggle, Gandhi Ji tried to bring ‘Hindustani’ into focus which represent the mix of both spoken Hindi and Urdu. He advocated one common language for both the communities which can be written either in Nagari or Persian script. It attracted lot of criticism from both sides. In such a charged atmosphere the question of National language or a National script became more and more controversial. Progressive cultural movement, being the most important literary movement in all Indian Languages, where both Hindi and Urdu writers worked together, tried to understand and solve the language and script problem. On the basis of its analysis and conclusions it mendated that Hindi written in Devnagari script should be the national language of the country and Urdu written in Persian should be regarded as close associate of it. Later, when Indian constitution was framed and implemented, in article 343 regarding the Official language of the Union it was written that ‘the official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devnagari script.’

      • KCI등재

        광복 직후 대만에서 국어운동의 전개와 의의

        김승욱 중국근현대사학회 2022 중국근현대사연구 Vol.96 No.-

        It could be stated that both hardline and moderate stances existed concerning the national language movement that was carried out in post-liberation Taiwan. The basic policy of national language dissemination established by the central organization for the project's implementation, Tawan National Language Committee(臺灣省國語推行委員會) was “restoration of the status of dialects(方言) and the comparative learning of the national language through dialects.” Through this, the relationship between the standard language and regional dialects was recognized as complementary, and rather than enforcing learning of the national language, helping the Taiwanese people understand the national language naturally by restoring the linguistic connection between Taiwanese and the national language was considered the shortcut to national language dissemination. Conversely, the Office of Governor-General of Taiwan(臺灣省行政長官公署) adopted a stance that favored a transformation of the Taiwanese people toward “Dejapanization(脫日本化)” and “Resinicization(再中國化)” through compulsory dissemination of the national language. Accordingly, they decided to ban Japanese, which was used by the Taiwanese on a day-to-day basis, and immediately replace it with the national language. At this time, the national language could not yet fill the void left by the Japanese language, and the Taiwanese did not possess their own language through which they could express their culture and ideology. Without a doubt, this was a rigid linguistic policy that lacked consideration for the linguistic realities of the Taiwanese people. Consequently, the national language policy led by the latter caused a conflict that was reflected in the 2・28 incident, and the socio-political cracks that deepened further led to a stricter national language policy. Mandatory learning of the national language and its exclusive use in public spaces were enforced; in addition to the Japanese language, the use of Taiwanese, which was the mother tongue of the Taiwanese people, was also suppressed. Nevertheless, the impact of the national language dissemination project that was promoted by the TNLC could not be overlooked. It would not suffice to say that they played a subordinate role in the government's rigid language policy despite adopting a distinct policy direction. In fact, the direction of the “comparative learning of the national language through dialects” was not specifically invented by them. When national language dissemination was promoted in postwar Taiwan, creating an integrated structure of segmented languages as part of the national language movement was still considered an important task, and the coexistence of a standard language and dialects was already a significant topic. The national language dissemination policy that was proposed by TNLC in postwar Taiwan reflected the experience of the previous national language movement and included a coexistence with dialects. The basis of Taiwan's current linguistic structure in which the ideogram and system of phonetic representation coexist was established. In particular, Zhuyin characters(注音符號) are recognized as an achievement that has aided national language education in Taiwan. In this sense, while the post-Taiwanese national language movement had negative aspects that caused political and social cracks in the strict language policy, it could be argued that it contributed to the linguistic integration of Taiwanese society.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 한글전용론의 주체, 방법, 범위의 문제 - 조선어학회의 ‘우리말 도로 찾기 운동’과 김기림의 우리말 논의를 중심으로

        이재은 상허학회 2014 상허학보 Vol.41 No.-

        This essay reviewed the backgrounds of 'the Recovery Movement of Korean Words,' developed after the liberation of Korea. Subsequently, it examined the problematic aspects about the controversy over the abolition of Chinese characters. The 'Recovery Movement of Korean Words' began under the universal and full support from top to bottom. However, this movement was embroiled in controversy due to the abolition of Chinese characters, argued by Choi Hyeon Bae, highlighting the creation of new words, carried in the textbooks without people's consensus. Choi Hyeon Bae who was a key figure of the Chosun Language Society and editing director in the Ministry of Education internalized the logic of national rebirth from the colonial period. He clung to have the pure words based on a pure-blooded nation. In this regard, the author of this essay takes note of four relevant writings of Kim Gi Rim published at the same time; "For the establishment of a new style (Nov. 1948)," "The path of a new style(Mar~Apr. 1949)," "The creation of new words (Jul. 1949)," and "the reality of Chinese Character (Oct. 1949)." His writings analyzed the problems of 'The Recovery Movement of Korean Words‘ and demonstrated the aspect of ideal language movement, even though he admitted that the Recovery Movement of Korean Words would be significant. Judging from his argument in his writings under the circumstance that left-wing movement was proclaimed as being illegal and becoming a member of the Federation Protecting and Guiding the Public was forced by going through the establishment of the independent government, his argument in his writings must have implied an urgent and critical aspect. To elucidate this matter, this essay reviewed the new words like "the ingenious public" suggested by Kim Gi Rim, and analyzed the claims of him who argued that the unification of the written language and spoken language should be an ultimate goal in an attempt to change the style going beyond the aspects of words. Put simply, Kim Gi Rim believed that democracy which puts the public into the priority in view of social and cultural aspects could be established through the settlement of the language life based on the unification of the written language and spoken language. Choi Hyeon Bae and Kim Gi Rim set different subjects, methods, and scopes and designed the concepts of language. The former dealt with the efficient methods, which could acquire the standards which are inclusive of a special man who felt the necessity within the realm of words, while the latter considered the styles based on the free language life by putting up the public as subjects. At that time, the formation of the style was problematic in a sense that the style indicates the realm beyond the colligation of words. For Kim Gi Rim, the space of liberation was the place to make it possible to realize such ideal. 이 글은 해방 이후 전개된 ‘우리말 도로 찾기 운동’의 배경을 검토하고 이 운동에서 제시된 한자폐지론과 이 논의의 문제적인 국면을 살폈다. 우리말 도로 찾기 운동은 위·아래의 보편적이고도 전폭적인 지지를 받으면서 시작되었지만, 교과서에 대중적인 합의 없이 실린 ‘창조된 새말’과 최현배로 부터 강하게 주장된 한자폐지론 때문에 논란에 휩싸였다. 조선어학회의 주요 인사이자 문교부 편수국장에 있었던 최현배는 식민지기부터 민족갱생의 논리를 내면화한 인물로서, 민족적 순혈주의에 입각하여 순수한 우리말을 갖는 것에 집착하고 있었다. 여기서 함께 주목한 논자는 김기림과 그가 동시기에 발표한 「새 문체의 확립을 위하여」(1948.11), 「새 문체의 갈길」(1949.3~4)), 「새 말 만들기」(1949.7), 「한자어의 실상」(1949.10.)이 네 편의 글이다. 그는 이 일련의 글들을 통해 ‘우리말 도로 찾기 운동’의 의의를 인정하면서도 그 문제점을 자세히 분석할 뿐만 아니라, 그가 생각하는 이상적인 언어운동의 양상을 제시하고 있었다. 단정 수립을 거치며, 좌익운동이 불법으로 선포되고, 보도연맹에 가입해야 만하는 상황 하에서도 이 논의를 제출해야만 했다면, 이 논의들이 내포하고 있는 긴급하고도 중대한 측면이 분명히 있었을 것이다. 본고는 이를 해명하기 위해 김기림이 제시한 “천재적 대중”의 새 말들을 검토하고, 어휘의 차원을 넘어 궁극적으로 ‘문체’의 변화를 꾀하되, ‘언문일치’를 목표로 해야 한다는 그의 주장들을 분석했다. 김기림은 그러한 언어생활의 정착을 통해서 사회·문화적인 차원에서 대중을 우선이자 보편·표준으로 삼는 ‘민주주의’가 정착될 수 있으리라고 여겼던 것이다. 최현배와 김기림 등은 각각 다른 주체, 방법, 범위를 내정하고 언어의 자장을 설계했다. 전자의 경우, 필요를 느낀 특별한 일인으로부터 비롯하여 효율적으로 표준을 획득할 수 있는 방법을 특히 ‘어휘’적 차원에 국한해서 다루고 있었다면, 후자의 경우는 대중을 주체로 내세워 자유로운 언어생활에 기반을 둔 문체까지를 고려하고 있었다. 이때 그 ‘문체’가 형성하는 것은, 제도가 규정지을 수 없는 차원에서 어휘들의 종합 이상의 영역을 가리킨다는 점에서 문제적이었다. 김기림에게 해방공간은 그러한 이상을 가능하게 할 수 있거나, 가능하게 해야만 하는 공간이었다.

      • KCI등재

        대만의 국어운동(國語運動) 과정 및 사회적 영향

        임규섭 ( Lim Kyooseob ) 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2022 국제지역연구 Vol.26 No.2

        본 논문은 1945년 국민당 정권이 대만을 통치하면서 추진한 국어운동을 연구대상으로 삼아 국어운동의 진행 과정 및 특징을 이해하고, 그 결과 나타난 사회적 영향을 분석하였다. 대만의 국어운동은 1945년부터 2003년까지로 4시기로 나뉘어 발전해왔다. 국민당은 국어운동을 언어소통을 위한 언어통일을 이루고, 중국정체성을 확립하여 국민국가로 발전하기 위한 중요수단으로 활용하였으며, 또한 국민당은 국어운동을 통해 정권의 정당성을 강화하고 권력을 확보하려 하였다. 그러나 국민당이 추진한 강력한 국어운동의 결과, 대만에서 국어는 고급문화의 상징이 되고 대만본토 언어는 낮게 평가되면서 저급문화로 추락하였으며, 이러한 언어의 차별화는 대만의 정체성 대립 및 정치적 불평등을 일으키는 원인이 되었다. 비록 본토화와 민주화 이후 대만본토 언어는 중시되기 시작했고 국어의 공통어 지위는 상실하였지만, 현재 대만에서 국어는 연령 및 장소와 무관하게 가장 보편적으로 사용되는 언어가 되었다. 특히 젊은 층의 국어사용비율은 계속 확대되고 있다. The purpose of this paper was to study the National Language Movement promoted by the Kuomintang regime while ruling Taiwan from 1945, to understand the progress and characteristics of the National Language Movement, and to analyze the resulting social impact. In Taiwan, The National Language Movement developed in four periods from 1945 to 2003. The Kuomintang used the National Language Movement as an important means to achieve language unification for language communication, establish Chinese identity, and develop into a nation-state. In addition, the Kuomintang tried to strengthen the legitimacy of the regime and secure power through the National Language Movement. However, as a result of the powerful National Language Movement promoted by the Kuomintang in Taiwan, Mandarin(國語) became a symbol of high-quality culture, and the language of mainland Taiwan became a low-level culture. This differentiation of language has caused identity conflict and political inequality in Taiwan. After localization and democratization, the language of mainland Taiwan began to be valued, and the status of the common language of Mandarin was lost. However, Mandarin has become the most commonly used language in Taiwan regardless of age or place. In particular, the proportion of young people in Taiwan using Mandarin continues to expand.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 전기 중국 국어운동의 전개 -언어 통합의 과제를 둘러싼 離合-

        김승욱(Kim, Seungwook) 호서사학회 2022 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.101

        본고는 20세기 전기 국어운동의 전개 과정을 중심으로, 중국이 제국에서 국민국가로 이행해가는 과정에서 그 언어적 통합이 어떻게 추진되었는지 검토한 것이다. 중국이 국민국가로 전환되는 과정에 기존 제국 체제를 구성했던 많은 요소들이 잔존해서 새로운 체제와 결합했던 바, 이러한 측면은 언어 면에서도 확인해볼 수 있다. 서면 언어와 구두 언어가 위계적으로 분리된 양층언어(diglossia) 구조와 官話를 포함해 매우 다양한 방언이 병존했던 구두 언어의 분절 등은 제국체제 아래 유지되어온 중국 언어구조의 주요한 특성들이었다. 국어운동은 이러한 제국 체제하의 분절된 언어구조를 국민국가 체제하의 통합된 언어구조로 바꾸어가려는 노력이었다. 본고에서는 주로 국어연구회와 『신청년』 지식인들의 활동을 중심으로 20세기 전기 국어운동의 주요 성과들을 검토해 보았다. 당시 이들이 注音字母 공포, 『國音字典』의 간행, 국어 과목의 개설 등 언어 표준을 확정하고 그것을 보급, 교육하는 데 적지 않은 성과를 거두었던 것이 주목된다. 그렇지만 이들이 취했던 언어 통합의 방식은 제국 시기에 관료, 지식인 집단에 국한해 하향식으로 시행했던 讀音 통일 조치와 근본적으로 다른 것이었다고 보기 어려웠다. 그것만으로 제국의 언어 구조를 국민국가에 부합하는 언어 구조로 완전히 새롭게 전환하는 것은 한계가 있었다. 따라서 이후 이 시기 국어운동의 한계를 극복하기 위한 비판적 논의들이 이어질 수밖에 없었다. 후속 논의들은 언어 통합의 지향과 방법론을 더 구체적으로 만들었으며, 동시에 중국 언어구조의 현실과 문제에 대해 더 깊이 검토하도록 했다고 할 수 있다. 이 과정에서 제국체제하에서 언어적 통합성을 유지하는 데 기여해 왔으며 또한 그 현실적 기능을 무시하기 어려운 많은 요소들이, 관성을 유지하면서 새로운 국가 체제 속에서 공존하는 결과로 이어졌던 것은 아닌가 생각한다. 이 시기 국어운동은 이와 같이 오늘날로 이어지는 중국의 언어통합의 과정을 본격적으로 시동했던 단계로서 중요한 의미를 갖는다. This paper examined how the linguistic integration was promoted in the process of China"s transition from an empire to a nation-state, focusing on the National Language Movement(國語運動) in the early 20th century. In the process of China"s transition to a nation-state, many of the elements that formed the existing imperial system remained and combined with the new system, which can be confirmed in terms of language. The structure of a diglossia in which written language and oral language were hierarchically separated, and regional division of various dialects, including Mandarin Chinese (官話, speech of officials), were major characteristics of the Chinese language structure maintained under the imperial system. The National Language Movement was an effort to change the segmented language structure under this imperial system with an integrated language structure under the nation-state system. In this paper, the main achievements of the National Language Movement in the early 20th century were reviewed, focusing mainly on the activities of the Association for Research on National Language(國語硏究會) and La Jeunesse(新靑年) intellectuals. It is noteworthy that at that time, considerable results were achieved in determining language standards, disseminating and educating them. However it was difficult to say that the method of language integration they took was fundamentally different from the top-down pronunciation unification measures implemented only for bureaucratic and intellectual groups during the Empire. Therefore, it did not completely change the language structure of the imperial system to a new language structure consistent with the nation-state system. Critical discussions to overcome the limitations of the National Language Movement during this period were bound to continue. Such follow-up discussions made the orientation and methodology of language integration more specific, and at the same time led to a deeper review of the reality and problems of the Chinese language structure. As a result, various factors that contributed to maintaining linguistic integration under the imperial system were difficult to ignore, so they coexisted in a new state system while maintaining inertia. The National Language Movement of this period is of great significance in that it created a stage where China began the process of promoting language integration in earnest.

      • KCI등재

        근대시기 중국 어문교육의 변화 고찰

        김혜영 영남중국어문학회 2016 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.73

        This research aims to study the change of language education during the modern era. Chinese modern language education during this period accomplished transformation from traditional to modern, by adopting Western studies and system of education. Aspects of transition in language education of the times are sought through the following three components: educational system, textbook, and discourse on language education in educational journals printed at that time. In particular, examination will be focused on how the formation process of native language concept and Chinese language movements including Vernacular Movement have influenced education, and how Chinese grammar that started with the adoption of Western linguistics is reflected in education. Language education that traditionally centered around scriptures, started to be taught as subjects in the names of `Chinese`, or `Chinese language`, along with contemplation over the significance of language education. In the education field, necessity towards spoken language education was raised even before the initiation of Vernacular Movement. Education on language was prioritized although acquiring wordings was taken as the ultimate objective. Grammar, discussed in education, contains ambiguity in that it refers both to the Western `grammar` and traditional Chinese composition, which is held in great esteem for scientification of native language education.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 시기 어문운동의 결산으로서의 『文章』(1)

        김효재 구보학회 2019 구보학보 Vol.0 No.21

        This article aims to highlight the importance and the determinative role of the magazine “Munjang” and its connection to the Language Movement during the Colonial era. The author also explores the magazine’s connection with the compilation of “Malmoi” by the Gemyong-Gurak-Boo(啓明俱樂部) and the aspects inherited by the Joseon Gwangmunhoe(朝鮮語學會); as well as the Archiving of the Joseon language from the 1910s through the late 1930s. Assuming that the Joseon Language Movement is closely linked to the development and achievements of the Joseon Literature, the author evaluates the significance and role of “Munjang” as the common ground for cooperation between literary scholars and literary figures. Thus, through the modern system of magazine publishing and distribution, “Munjang” provided the necessary medium for gathering the achievements not only of Joseon’s current language and literature, but also its artworks, the previous era’s Oral Literature, Joseon Studies(朝鮮學) and Language. Furthermore, when linked to the Language Movement, such a collection is a proof that “Munjang” had a significant importance and was like a ‘Gotganjigi’-a guardian of Joseon’s language. Finally, by examining Lee Yoon-jae’s “Dogangrok”(渡江錄) and Baekseok’s poem “in Bukbang北方”(In the North), the paper highlights the creative process not as an isolated product of collection and management of a writer, but rather as a as a product of a stable language environment and academic approach which had contributed to the production of a literary language. 이 논문은 조선광문회의 「말모이」 편찬 사업이 계명구락부로 이어지고, 조선어학회로 계승되는 측면과 함께, 1910년대부터 1930년대 후반까지 조선어 아카이빙 작업이 수행된 과정에 관심을 가지면서, 식민지 시기 어문운동의 결산으로서 『문장』誌의 의의를 묻는 연구 기획의 출발점에 해당한다. 조선어 어문운동은 조선 문학의 성과 및 발전과 긴밀하게 연동되어 있다는 것을 길잡이로 하여, 어문학자와 문학인의 모범적인 공조를 통해 조선어와 조선 문학의 자산이 결집된 장으로, 『문장』誌의 의의를 평가할 수 있다. 매체로서 『문장』은 잡지 출판 및 유통이라는 근대적 제도를 통해, 조선의 언어와 문학, 그리고 예술품과 이전 시대의 구술 문학, 조선학 및 어학 관련 성과를 모았고, 또 그러한 성과들이 『문장』에 모일 수 있는 통로를 마련했다. 이와 같은 모음(集)은 어문운동과 연결지을 때, 『문장』이 조선어의 곶간지기이자, 채집가로서의 역할에 얼마나 충실했었는지를 입증한다. 무엇보다 이윤재의 「도강록(渡江錄)」 주역과 백석의 「북방에서(北方에서)」는 작가의 창작 과정 전체가 작가 홀로 모든 채집을 감당해야 하는 고립된 작업이 아니라, 안정된 어문 환경과 학적 토대가 문학어 생산에 기여한 사례로 의미화할 수 있다.

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