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      • KCI등재

        방송 언어의 운율 유형

        박숙희 한글학회 2012 한글 Vol.- No.296

        This study aims to establish, at one aspect, the basic prosodic pattern of prosodic phrase of Korean through several different styles of speech data, viz. a radio & TV news report, a narration for a TV programme, press interviews, an open lecture in a TV programme, dialogues in a TV drama series. And at the other aspect, this study aims to describe what kinds of factors affect the realization of the prosodic pattern of prosodic phrase. The prosodic phrase, here, means a prosodic unit which can be clearly identified as having an evident break boundary at its final position in a sentence in the sense of perceptual viewpoint. The results demonstrated that there are two basic pitch patterns of prosodic phrase which are decided by phonological condition and from these two basic patterns, 8 different pitch patterns are derived by pragmatic needs. The phonological condition which affect the realization of the pitch pattern is the type of onset consonant of the first syllable of an prosodic phrase. If the onset consonant have [+strong] feature, the prosodic phrase realizes the patterns of LHLⁿ, and the others realize HHLⁿ. The pragmatic needs are as follows, placing the focus, requiring attention, putting a question, carrying conviction. In addition, these pitch patterns can be represented in several different tones of the voice which is called ‘intonation pattern’ in this study. The conclusion which can be drawn from this study are these: there are 4 different intonation patterns of prosodic phrase, viz. ‘XH(a powerful tone), XL᷄(a recitative tone, a roundabout way), XH᷉(a powerful and recitative tone, an irritated question), XL᷈(an irritated tone, an exclamatory tone)’. Another important result of this study is that we have seen the role of prosodic phrasing in sentence processing. For example, ‘언제(when)’ is preceding a verb in a given sentence, this sentence can be an interrogative one also be an infinitive one depends on their prosodic phrasing. When ‘언제’ and the following verb in a given sentence make one prosodic phrase, this sentence will be an interrogative one. Otherwise, this will be an infinitive one. 이 연구는 방송 언어에 나타나는 한국어 발화의 운율 유형을 일반화하는 데 목적을 두었다. 발화의 운율 단위를 ‘운율구’로 규정하고 운율구에 나타나는 운율 실현 양상을 고저 유형과 어조 유형으로 나누어 유형화하여 그 생성 원인을 밝혀 보았다. 이를 통해 두 개의 기본 운율형 LHLⁿ형과 HHLⁿ형을 설정하고 화용론적 조건에 따른 몇 가지 변이 운율형을 도출하였다. 즉 운율구나 운율구의 일부 성분이 초점화될 때, 발화의 미종결성을 부각시켜 청자의 주의를 요청하거나 질문할 때, 발화의 확신․명료함을 드러낼 때 고저에 변화가 일어나는 변이 운율형이 생성됨을 확인하였다. 그리고 운율구의 고저형 위에 특정 유형의 어조가 나타나는 일은 발화에 특정한 정서적 요인이 실릴 때인데, ‘박력조, 설명조, 완곡조, 짜증조, 감탄조’ 등이 그러한 정서적 요인으로 작용함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 의문문과 부정(不定)문을 중심으로 문장 안에서 운율구의 구조와 그 운율형이 달라짐으로써 통사적 변별이 일어나는 사실을 언급했다.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 억양구의 적격음조

        이명자(Lee, Myoung-Ja) 언어과학회 2016 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.77

        An intonational phrase in the Russian language often shows a different intonation tone in phonetic realization, despite having the same syntax structure and phonological structure. This paper examines the types of well-formedness tunes of an intonational phrase, which is a basic block of Russian intonation. The well-formedness tunes in an intonational phrase refers to a chain of two large phonological events, that is, a composition of pitch accent and binary tone. Pitch accent can make not only single tones, but also dual tones possible, as it can appear differently in tones as well as in the quality of controlling alignment with texts. The key question of this paper is how to use the explanation on intonational phrases described by the intonational phonology when applying to a specific Russian language and how the types of intonational phrase that are appropriate for the explanation of Russian intonation are composed. For classification of well-formedness tunes, this paper considered potential variables that determine the types of intonation and analyzed locution data by using the Praat program.

      • KCI등재후보


        김선회 사단법인 한국언어학회 2002 언어학 Vol.0 No.33

        This paper deals with the case where phonological phrases are formed by the interaction between the syntax-dependent process and the syntax-free process. In this case, the syntax-dependency in phonological phrasing is limited. This is the case in North Kyungsang (NK) Korean, where the phonological phrase refers to a domain for the assignment of a single high tone. There are two noticeable phenomena of phonological phrasing in NK Korean. One phenomenon is that there is no large phonological phrase consisting of more than three phonological words. The other is that compounds are entirely parallel to syntactic phrases in phonological phrasing. In this paper, it is shown that these two phenomena are a result of the interaction between the syntax-dependent process, which relies on branching structure, and the syntax-free process, whereby the size of phonological phrase is restricted. It is also proposed that this interaction is a phrase-level type of binary grouping process. This proposal is supported by both a “serial process”-based analysis and a “parallel process”-based analysis.

      • 프랑스 구어 교육을 위한 실제 발화 운율 단위의 실험 음성학적 고찰

        이은영,유혜옥,이경민,Lee Eun-Yung,Yuh Hea-Oak,Lee Kyung-Min 대한음성학회 2003 말소리 Vol.47 No.-

        When intonation in French is analysed in terms of a multi-dimentional and hierarchical structure, each of the prosodic units such as accent phrases(having different combinations of the basic tonemes L and H), pre-sentencial and post-sentencial long pauses, intonation phrases(containing boundary intonation), as well as intermediate phrases can be considered being realized on a separate tier. Unlike on the tiers where accent phrases and intonation phrases occur, an intonation rhythm consisting of plateaus is realised on that of intermediate phrases. This intonation rhythm consisting of plateaus is one of the significant factors that lead a basic French metrical rhythm. This paper first shows the types of combinations of the basic tonemes L and H found in French accent phrases. Secondly, this paper examines the roles intermediate phrases and plateaus play in French. Finally, this paper argues that intermediate phrases are the metrical units actually adopted as real utterance units in French.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육을 위한 억양 교육 항목에 대하여

        장혜진(Hye Jin Jang) 한국어학회 2015 한국어학 Vol.67 No.-

        This paper aims to discuss the education contents of intonation in the Korean language education. Intonation is very important to foreign learners who aim to speak closely to native Korean. First, I examined the previous studies of teaching Korean intonation divided by Korean phonological phrase, and intonation to perform grammatical and pragmatic functions. Then, I was critically analyzed the existing Korean pronunciation textbooks to select contents which taught intonation in the teaching Korean intonation for foreign learners. The education contents of intonation in the Korean language education proposed in this study are as follows: In the phonological phrase units, differences in starting pitch according to the consonant of the first syllable and the details of the types of phonological phrase tone are taught. Intonation to perform grammatical and pragmatic functions is taught in relation to the intonation phrase. In the grammatical functions of intonation, it is divided into falling intonation in a declarative and rising intonation in a interrogative. The pragmatic features of intonation can handle a number of representations to be achieved unlike the meaning according to the intonation, this time to be the only possible to generalize. Since the length plays an important role as well as pitch, it should be included in intonation education contents of intonation.

      • KCI등재

        Statistical Approaches to Convert Pitch Contour Based on Korean Prosodic Phrases

        Lee, Ki-Young The Acoustical Society of Korea 2004 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.23 No.e1

        In performing speech conversion from a source speaker to a target speaker, it is important that the pitch contour of the source speakers utterance be converted into that of the target speaker, because pitch contour of a speech utterance plays an important role in expressing speaker's individuality and meaning of the utterance. This paper describes statistical algorithms of pitch contour conversion for Korean language. Pitch contour conversions are investigated at two 1 evels of prosodic phrases: intonational phrase and accentual phrase. The basic algorithm is a Gaussian normalization [7] in intonational phrase. The first presented algorithm is combined with a declination-line of pitch contour in an intonational phrase. The second one is Gaussian normalization within accentual phrases to compensate for local pitch variations. Experimental results show that the algorithm of Gaussian normalization within accentual phrases is significantly more accurate than the other two algorithms in intonational phrase.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Spontaneous Speech and Read Speech

        In Kyu Park 한국중원언어학회 2012 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.25

        This paper investigates some prosodic characteristics in the comparison of spontaneous speech and read speech. It deals with various differences in two styles of speech with regard to pitch range, utterance duration, the whole intermediate phrase duration, pause, and the numbers of intermediate phrases, intonational phrases, pitch accents, monotones, bitones, boundary tones (L-L% and L-H%), and cases in which the pitch range of the first intermediate phrase is greater than that of the following intermediate phrase. The main finding of this study is that spontaneous speech is different from read speech in various prosodic aspects. The mean value of pitch ranges was larger in spontaneous speech than in read speech. Each mean value of utterance durations, the whole intermediate phrase durations, and pauses was also larger in spontaneous speech than in read speech. Each average number of intermediate phrases/intonational phrases, pitch accents, bitones, boundary tones (L-L%, L-H%), and cases in which the pitch range of the first intermediate phrase was greater than that of the following intermediate phrase was also larger in spontaneous speech than in read speech, except the average number of monotones. On the contrary, the mean value of monotones was smaller in spontaneous speech than in read speech.

      • KCI등재후보

        Comparison of Spontaneous Speech and Read Speech: Prosodic Analysis

        박인규 한국중원언어학회 2012 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.25

        This paper investigates some prosodic characteristics in the comparison of spontaneous speech and read speech. It deals with various differences in two styles of speech with regard to pitch range, utterance duration, the whole intermediate phrase duration, pause, and the numbers of intermediate phrases,intonational phrases, pitch accents, monotones, bitones, boundary tones (L-L% and L-H%), and cases in which the pitch range of the first intermediate phrase is greater than that of the following intermediate phrase. The main finding of this study is that spontaneous speech is different from read speech in various prosodic aspects. The mean value of pitch ranges was larger in spontaneous speech than in read speech. Each mean value of utterance durations, the whole intermediate phrase durations, and pauses was also larger in spontaneous speech than in read speech. Each average number of intermediate phrases/intonational phrases, pitch accents, bitones, boundary tones (L-L%, L-H%), and cases in which the pitch range of the first intermediate phrase was greater than that of the following intermediate phrase was also larger in spontaneous speech than in read speech, except the average number of monotones. On the contrary, the mean value of monotones was smaller in spontaneous speech than in read speech.

      • 영어 명사구와 복합명사의 억양 실현 양상과 지각

        강선미,김미혜,전윤실,김기호,Kang, Sun-Mi,Kim, Mi-Hye,Jeon, Yoon-Shil,Kim, Kee-Ho 한국음성학회 2005 음성과학 Vol.12 No.4

        This paper attempts to examine the accent implementation and perception of noun phrases and compound nouns in English sentences, arguing that primary stress of noun phrase and compound noun is realized in relative prominence in intonation. The production test examines how the stress patterns of the noun phrases and compound nouns are realized in intonation of the English native speakers' utterances. The perception test investigates English and Korean listeners' comprehension of the intonation of the noun phrases and compound nouns. And the results of this experimental study show that speakers and listeners produce and perceive the primary stress as a relatively prominent accent even if in contrast of English listeners, Korean learners have difficulty in using the cue of pitch accent location and figuring out compound nouns and noun phrases.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 음운구 억양 유형의 변별적 특성과 변이 조건에 대한 연구: 음절 수와 분절음 종류의 영향을 중심으로

        오재혁 한국음성학회 2022 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.14 No.3

        This study identifies distinguishing features and variability of intonation patterns in Korean phonological phrases. Syllable count and segmental content, which are phonological conditions, of the intonation of phonological phrases were examined. Based on the four syllables, the intonation of a phonological phrase can be set to LHLH as the basic form, and syllable count acts as a condition for making a variation. The “3 syllables or less condition” changes the intonation from a curved line to a straight line. Variation occurs in pitch bandwidth and fluctuation according to segmental content. The first segment affects the phonological phrase formation bandwidth, and the following segment affects the pitch fluctuation. If the first segment has [+aspirate], [+tense], [+continuant], the intonation is formed in the high band, otherwise, it is formed in the low band. If the second or after segment in the intonation realized in the high band has [–aspirate], [–tense], [– continuant], the pitch is lowered to the lowest level of the low bandwidth. In the intonation realized in the low band, [+aspirate], [+tense], [+continuant] is blocked by the second descent of LHLH.

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