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      • 도시의 지속가능성을 위한 공원녹지 정책의 재정립 방안

        최희선,안소은,이후승,송슬기,이길상 한국환경정책평가연구원 2019 기본연구보고서 Vol.2019 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 도시의 지속가능성 측면에서 ‘도시공원 일몰제’의 위기 속에서도 공원녹지의 가치 및 중요성이 강조됨에 따라 기존 정책의 개선 및 연계 필요성 증대 ○ 도시 공원녹지계획의 합리성 확보 차원에서 도시공원의 가치와 기능의 제고를 통해 도시공원 및 녹지의 유형, 대상, 조성기법 등의 개선 방안 도출 필요 ○ 도시공원의 조성 및 관리 차원에서 관련 주체(중앙정부, 지자체, 소유자, 민간기업, 시민 등)의 역할과 조성 및 관리·활용 체계 등 다각적 측면에서 개선 및 연계 모색 필요 □ 현 공원녹지 정책의 한계와 문제점을 점검하고 미래 도시의 지속가능성 확보를 위한 공원녹지 정책의 재편 방향 모색 ○ 도시 공원녹지와 관련된 국토교통부, 환경부, 산림청, 농림축산식품부 등의 관련부처 간 상호 연계 및 통합적 접근을 통해 정책 추진의 효율성을 높이는 정책대안 제시 Ⅱ. 공원녹지 관련 정책현황 고찰 1. 공원녹지 관련 법률 및 정책의 변화 □ r조선시가지계획령(1934)」을 시작으로「도시공원 및 녹지 등에 관한 법률(2005)」까지 제도권의 편입과 관련 규정의 신설, 법적 독립 등을 거치면서 변천 ○ 급격한 경제성장 시기에는 공원녹지가 개발유보지로 인식되었으나, 이후 환경과 도시의 지속가능성 등의 가치를 지향하며 보다 적극적인 공원녹지 정책 수립 ○ 현대에는 도시공원에 대한 개념을 새롭게 규정하고 다양한 제도를 도입함으로써 도시 재생, 재해로부터 안전한 도시, 아름다운 도시공간 조성, 시민참여 등을 지향 2. 부처별 공원녹지 관련 법률 및 정책 분석 □ 관련 부처들의 협력 하에 도시 내 전반적인 오픈스페이스를 검토하여 시민이 체감할 수 있는 도시공원과 녹지의 통합적 관리 필요 ○ 국토교통부: 도시 시설 중심의 공원녹지에서 구역 등 자연지역으로 범위 확대 ○ 환경부: 보전지역 중심에서 보전과 이용을 고려한 도시지역으로 확장(자연공원) ○ 농림부/산림청: 도시숲, 도시농업 등 도시지역으로 공간적 영역 확대 및 기능 다양화 ○ 범부처 차원에서 환경, 삶의 질을 위한 생활SOC/복지공간으로서의 공원정책 강조 Ⅲ. 관련문헌 및 해외사례 분석 1. 관련문헌 조사 및 분석 □ SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals), LULUCF(Land use, Land use change and forestry), 미래도시의 변화, 공원녹지의 가치 및 기능 측면에서 공원녹지 패러다임 전환에 시사점 제시 2. 해외사례를 통해 본 시사점 □ 영국, 일본, 독일, 호주 주요 4개국의 공원녹지 관련 정책과 법, 조성 현황 등을 살펴보았으며, 각국의 주요 특징을 기반으로 시사점 제시 ○ 환경 및 여건 변화로 공원녹지에 대한 필요성 증대에도 불구하고, 도시 내 개발가용지의 수요 증가로 공원녹지 확대에 한계 존재 ○ 공원녹지의 환경·생태적 기능뿐 아니라, 사회적·경제적 측면이 고려된 공원녹지 유형 및 조성방안 모색 증대 ○ 대부분 국가(연방정부) 차원, 광역(연방주정부) 차원에서는 큰 방향을 명확히 제시하고, 지자체 차원에서는 권한과 책임에 기반한 정책 및 사업추진력 확보 노력 ○ 공원 조성뿐 아니라 조성 후 유지관리 비용 고려 및 최소화를 위한 기법 모색 필요 ○ 민간기업 참여수준의 적절한 검토 및 유지관리에 참여할 수 있도록 역할 확대 ○ 공원 조성, 유지관리 등에 지역주민의 자발적 참여 유도 및 확대 추세 Ⅳ. 지속가능한 공원녹지 정책 재정립 방안 □ 도시의 지속기능발전을 위한 미래 도시공원 정책의 추진 및 관리 시 거버넌스(governance) 체계를 기반으로 공원녹지의 다양성(diversity), 효율성(efficiency), 형평성(equity) 확보 차원의 정책 마련을 위한 패러다임 전환 요구 □ 도시의 공원녹지 정책의 패러다임 전환은 ① 개념 확대 차원, ② 질적 개선 차원, ③ 조성운영 다각화 차원, ④ 관리기반 확보 차원으로 구분하여 설정 1. 도시 공원녹지의 개념 확대 차원 □ 도시계획시설로서의 공원녹지뿐 아니라 도시 내 다양한 녹지공간을 포함하고, 이들 의 네트워크를 통해 녹지의 다기능성을 고려하는 그린인프라(green infra)로 전환 ○ 본 연구에서는 공원, 녹지의 개념을 ‘그린인프라(green infrastructure)’로 개념과 공간적 범위를 확장하고 ‘도시의 자연·생태적 요소와 인공적으로 조성된 녹지공간을 포함하는 개념으로 도시의 공간구조를 결정하고 다양한 기능을 향상시키는 주요한 기반이자 시스템’으로 정의 ○ 이러한 전환은 법정공원뿐만 아니라 관리대상의 사각지대에 있던 비법정공원, 기타 녹지들뿐만 아니라, 자연생태계에 가까운 자연지역들을 정책에 통합함으로써 공원녹지 정책의 행정상의 괴리를 최소화함 □ 공간계획의 수립단계에서 부터 도시공간구조와 녹지와의 관계성을 확보하여 그린인프라 계획·조성을 위한 관련부처 통합추진 ○ 우리나라 공원녹지 정책의 주관 중앙부처는 국토교통부(「공원녹지법」)이나 도시계획 시설로서의 공원 및 녹지를 포함하여 도시공간 내 모든 녹피 공간, 공원으로서 기능할 수 있는 오픈스페이스, 생태복원지역, 도시숲 등 그린인프라로서의 정책 확대를 고려하면 관련부처의 범위가 환경부, 산림청, 농림축산식품부 등으로 확대 가능 ○ 따라서 개별부처 단위의 접근이나 도시기반시설로서의 한 부문이나 요소가 아닌, 각 부처별로 지정·관리하고 있는 대상지역들이 목적 또는 기능의 유사성을 가지거나 공간적으로 중복되어 있는 대상들을 통합적으로 계획·관리하고 공간계획의 수립단계에서부터 도시공간구조와 녹지와의 관계성을 확보하여 추진하는 방안 모색 2. 도시 공원녹지의 질적 개선 차원 공원녹지의 입지 및 공원기능 설정을 위하여 도시회복력과 환경정의를 고려한 평가체계 및 공원녹지의 입지·유치거리 기준 개선 ○ 공원녹지의 입지기준과 관련한 정책개선 방향은 기존의 기준으로 주로 적용되어 온 1인당 공원녹지 면적과 공원별 유치거리의 한계 고려 ○ 도시회복력 측면: 공원입지 및 공원기능 설정을 위한 평가체계 개선 - 기본적으로 공원의 다기능성을 고려하되 생태네트워크(Green-Blue-White) 체계, 지역의 인구구조(나이, 소득수준, 건강 등), 기후 및 재난취약성 분석을 통해 중점 기능을 설정할 수 있는 평가시스템 요구 - 평가결과에 따라 공원기능이 지역마다 상이하게 설정될 수 있으므로, 세부적인 공원 유형의 자율성 제공 필요 ㆍ 바람길 및 바람통로 지역의 경우 공원배치 ㆍ 재난재해 취약지역의 경우 방재기능이 가능한 공원입지 ㆍ 생태회복력 확보가 요구되는 지역은 생태형 공원입지 ○ 환경정의 측면: 취약지역 및 취약계층의 수혜가능성과 접근성 고려 - 질적 가치가 높은 공원녹지는 인접성만으로도 건강에 긍정적 영향을 줌을 고려하여, 주거지내 녹지공간을 최대화하기 위한 기법, 기술 확대 - 형평성을 고려하여 취약계층{건강, 소득수준, 나이 등) 평가기준, 건강취약지역 평가등급에 기반한 접근이 용이한 공원 조성이 이루어질 수 있도록 입지기준 설정 공원녹지의 유형을 다양화하여 획일적 시설공원에서 탈피하여 지역의 가치와 기능을 고려한 그린인프라로 활용 ○ 도시의 공원녹지를 그린인프라로 포괄 시 자연과 인공, 공공과 개인의 영역에 이르기 까지 공원녹지의 유형 다양화 ○ 생태적 기능이 큰 공간과 이용 및 생산, 다기능성이 강화된 공간으로 구분하여 획일적 시설공원에서 탈피하여 지역의 가치와 기능을 고려한 그린인프라로 활용 □ 공원녹지의 생태성 및 다기능성 강화를 위한 조성기법 마련 ○ 생물다양성이나 생태적 기능을 고려한 도시공원의 경우 공원의 수나 면적보다는 입지적 특성을 충분히 고려하는 것이 우선적으로 필요 ○ 현재의 수요와 미래의 환경적 변화, 지역의 특성 등을 복합적으로 고려하여 공원녹지의 다기능성을 확대 - 현재의 수요는 세대별, 소득수준별, 가족구성에 따라 수요가 달라질 수 있음 - 미래의 환경변화의 경우 기후변화로 인한 열섬, 홍수, 미세먼지, 폭염 등의 대응과 재난재해 측면에서의 다양한 기능 요구 - 지금까지 인구와 경제 성장이 전제인 가운데 녹지의 기능으로 환경 측면이 중시되어 왔지만 인구 감소 시대에는 사회경제적 중요성 증대 3. 도시 공원녹지 조성운영의 다각화 차원 □ 공원녹지 조성운영에 다양한 형태의 민간참여를 독려하고, 자발적으로 형성된 민간조직들과의 파트너십 및 거버넌스 구축을 위한 제도적 장치 마련 □ 공원녹지 관련 업무가 재정여건이 열악한 기초지자체로 이관됨에 따라 공원녹지 조성 운영을 위한 재원의 다각화 도모 필요 4. 도시 공원녹지 관리기반 확보 차원 □ 공원녹지의 운영관리뿐만 아니라 정책 활용성을 고려할 때, 각각의 그린인프라에 대한 인벤토리 구축은 반드시 필요하며, 정보의 수집(시민 의견 포함)을 포함하는 의사결정을 지원하는 체계로까지 발전 필요 ○ 전국단위 그린인프라를 포괄하는 정보관리 시스템 및 녹지의 효과와 관리방안을 자동으로 제시해 주는 시스템 개발 및 운영 도시 공원녹지를 포함하는 그린인프라의 유형 및 기능의 다양화에 따라 이를 관리 운영할 수 있는 스마트기술 도입의 확대 필요 ○ 스마트 그린인프라 관리 핵심서비스 방향 설정(커뮤니티, 기후변화, 자연재해, 환경정의 및 복지, 문화, 물관리 등) 및 생애주기 맞춤형 서비스 제고 및 관리체계 확보 V. 결론 및 정책 제언 도시의 지속가능발전을 위한 공원녹지 정책 재정립의 방향 □ 그린인프라 유형별 주요 관련부처와 조성 및 관리주체, 주요 추진수단과 토지소유자와의 협력수단 등 □ 지속가능한 도시의 공원녹지 재정립 차원에서 향후 필요한 과제 제시 ○ 조성 및 운영관리 측면 - 도시 그린인프라 다기능성 정의 및 분류, 평가기법 개발 - 스마트 그린인프라 조성, 관리 플랫폼 및 기술 개발 - 그린인프라 인벤토리 구축 및 의사결정시스템 개발 등 ○ 계획 및 법제도적 측면 - 그린인프라 도입을 위한 도시 및 환경계획 수립 방안 - 그린인프라 유형별 조성모델 및 지침 개발 - 그린인프라 통합관리를 위한 법제화 방안 Ⅰ. Background and Purpose □ Due to the emphasis on the value and importance of parks and green areas in terms of urban sustainability, there is a need to improve current policies related to parks and green areas, and enhance connections ㅇ Investigate areas for improvement, such as types of urban parks and green areas, subjects, and development methods in order to secure rationale for parks and green areas plans ㅇ Investigate the development and management methods of urban parks from various perspectives such as roles of related organizations (central government, local communities, owners, private and public enterprises, citizens) and improve these methods □ Inspect the current limitations and problems of policies related to parks and green areas and find ways to improve the policies to secure future urban sustainability ㅇ Look comprehensively for political alternatives to enhance the efficiency of political movements and mutual connections among the departments related to parks and green areas policies Ⅱ. Investigation of Current Policies Related to Parks and Green Areas 1. Changes in laws and policies related to parks and green areas in Korea □ Starting from the “Ordinance on the City Plans of Joseon (1934)” to the current “Act on Urban Parks, Green Areas, etc. (2005),” new policies, legal independence, and implementation of systems have led to changes in laws related to parks and green areas ㅇ Although development plans were held off for green areas during the times of rapid economic growth, more active policies on parks and green areas were formulated to secure urban and environmental sustainability ㅇ In the present, there is a focus on urban regeneration, developing safe cities free from disasters and aesthetically pleasing urban areas, and encouraging citizen participation by redefining the concept of urban parks and implementing various policies related to them 2. Analysis of policies and laws related to parks and green areas by various departments □ Need of a comprehensive management plan for urban parks and green areas by reviewing open spaces in general within the cities under the cooperation of related departments ㅇ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: Expand the current range of parks and green areas now centering around the urban facilities to regions including natural areas ㅇ Ministry of Environment: Expand the current preserved areas to urban areas for their preservation and public use (e.g., natural parks) ㅇ Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry/Korea Forest Service: Expand spatial areas such as urban forests and urban agricultural lands into cities and diversify their functions ㅇ All organizations should emphasize park policies in terms of environment and lifestyle SOC for improvement in quality of life and welfare space Ⅲ. Analysis of Related Literature and Foreign Examples 1. Research and analysis of related literature □ Provide implications for a paradigm shift in understanding the values and functions of parks and green areas from the perspective of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), and changes in future cities ㅇ Reinforce functions of parks and green areas in terms of safety, adaptation to climate change, and securing resilience; develop parks considering women, children, the elderly, and the disabled to realize an inclusive society ㅇ Discover locations for possible green space and develop green technology to increase the amount of greenhouse gas absorption ㅇ Investigate a transition to a natural use of land due to decreasing populations and meet the demands and secure management efficiency through smart parks 2. Implications from foreign examples □ Investigate policies and laws related to parks and green areas and the development statuses of four countries: Britain, Japan, Germany, and Australia. Derive implications based on the major characteristics of each country ㅇ Despite the need to improve parks and green areas due to changes in the environment, there is an increase in demand for land for development within cities; therefore, it is necessary to overcome limitations in improving the parks and green areas ㅇ There should be investigations on the types of parks and green areas and developmental methods that consider not only their environmental and ecological functions but also their social and economic aspects ㅇ Generally, the government at the national (or federal) and regional (state government) levels should clearly set the overall directions, while the local governments should establish policies and programs based on their rights and responsibilities ㅇ It is necessary to investigate methods for not only developing the parks but also considering and minimizing the maintenance costs after development ㅇ It is necessary to expand the level of participation in the management of parks to public and private enterprises ㅇ It is necessary to encourage and expand voluntary participation from citizens in the development and management stages Ⅳ. Sustainable Transformation on Parks and Green Policies □ There is a demand to formulate policies for securing the diversity, efficiency, and equity of parks and green areas based on a governance system in terms of developing and managing future urban park policies for sustainable urban development □ Select policies related to urban parks and green areas by classifying the transition into ① Expanding the Concept, ② Qualitative Improvement, ③ Diversification of Development and Management, and ④ Securing Foundations for Management 1. Expanding the concept of urban parks and green areas □ Include various green areas within the city aside from parks as green areas in urban planning facilities and introduce the concept of “Green Infrastructure” which considers the mulifunctionality of green areas by making them part of a network ㅇ Expand the concept and spatial range of parks and green areas to “Green Infrastructure” defined as “a comprehensive concept that includes the natural ecological factors of a city and artificially developed green areas, and a fundamental basis and system to improve the functions” ㅇ This expansion will not include only legally designated parks, but also unofficial parks and other green areas that were in the blind spot of management and natural areas close to the natural ecosystem, to minimize the administrative discrepancy within the policies related to parks and green areas □ Consider integrating all related departments to plan and develop Green Infrastructure by securing the relationship between the urban spatial structure and green space from the establishment stage of spatial planning ㅇ It is possible to expand the range of related departments to the Ministry of Environment, Korea Forest Service, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs when considering the expansion of policies as a Green Infrastructure such as all areas that can function as open space, ecological restoration areas, and urban forests in the city ㅇ Investigate methods to comprehensively plan and manage areas with repeated subjects in terms of space or similar functions designated by each department, and secure a relationship between green areas and the urban spatial structure from the establishment stage of spatial planning 2. Qualitative improvements of urban parks and green areas □ Improve the standards for location and disposition of parks and green areas and the evaluation system for urban resilience and environment in selecting the location and designing functions of parks and green areas ㅇ Regarding political improvements related to the location standards of parks and green areas, first consider the area of parks and green areas per person and the limit of disposition distance between parks that had been generally applied in the past ㅇ Urban Resilience Aspect: Improve the evaluation system to select park locations and design park functions - While considering the mulifunctionality of the parks, an evaluation system should be in place to determine the primary function by analyzing the Green-Blue-White system, the demographic structure of the region (age, economic levels, health, etc.), climate and disaster vulnerability - Provide autonomy on the detailed types of parks as functions may vary depending on the evaluation results of each region ㅇ Environmental aspect: Consider the accessibility and potential benefits for vulnerable areas and vulnerable groups - Expand methods and technology to maximize green areas within residential areas considering the fact that parks and green areas are high in qualitative value and positively affect health simply by being nearby residential areas - Set location standards for park development that allows for easy accessibility based on the evaluation standards, including vulnerable groups (based on health, economic status, age, etc.) and vulnerable areas □ Diversify the types of parks and green areas to be used as Green Infrastructure by considering their regional characteristics ㅇ Diversify the types of parks and green areas considering the natural and artificial, and the public and private to integrate them into Green Infrastructure ㅇ Consider the regional value and function of large ecological areas, divide them into areas for use, manufacturing, and multifunctionality to avoid standardizing park facilities □ Consider developmental methods that reinforce the ecology and multifunctionality of parks and green areas ㅇ In terms of urban parks that consider the diversity of living creatures or ecological functions, it is necessary to first sufficiently consider the locational characteristics rather than the number of parks or park areas ㅇ Expand the multifunctionality of parks and green areas by comprehensively considering the current demand, future environmental changes, and the regional characteristics - In terms of future environmental changes, there is demand to consider various functions from the perspectives of natural disasters, reactive measures to deal with the heat islands effect, floods, fine dust, and heat waves due to climate change, and an increase in the socioeconomic importance of parks and green areas 3. Diversification of development and management of urban parks and green areas □ Establish a system to support voluntary partnership and governance among public and private organizations and encourage various forms of private and public participation □ Need to diversify resources to develop and manage parks and green areas ㅇ Expand government support for nationally designated parks, provide incentives to protect private property rights, connect applications of related budgets with corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of private and public enterprises 4. Securing a foundation for the management of urban parks and green areas □ Need to establish an inventory on Green Infrastructure and a support system for decision-making that includes data collection (including opinions from citizens) ㅇ Develop and manage information management systems that include all national Green Infrastructure and systems that automatically estimate the effectiveness and management methods of green areas □ Need to improve the implementation of smart technology for management of Green Infrastructure ㅇ Set directions for the core services of management of smart Green Infrastructure management (community, climate change, natural disasters, definition of environment, welfare, culture, water control, etc.); enhance customized services for each stage of the life cycle and secure a management system Ⅴ. Conclusion and Suggestions for Policies □ The directions for restructuring policies on parks and green areas for sustainable urban development are summarized as follows: □ Suggest future tasks in terms of restructuring sustainable parks and green areas ㅇ Development and Management Aspects - Develop an evaluation method for the mulifunctionality of urban Green Infrastructure - Develop smart Green Infrastructure, a management platform, and technology - Establish an inventory for Green Infrastructure and develop a decisionmaking system, etc. ㅇ Planning and Legal Aspects - Establish urban and environmental plans to implement Green Infrastructure - Develop a composition model and policies by types of Green Infrastructure - Policies for a comprehensive management of the Green Infrastructure

      • KCI등재

        생산녹지의 개념과 법적 지위

        김종보(Kim, Jong-Bo) 행정법이론실무학회 2021 행정법연구 Vol.- No.65

        녹지지역은 주거지역 등 기성시가지의 외곽에서 휴식공간과 완충공간으로 기능해야 하므로 도시계획의 관점에서 보존이 필요한 공간이다. 자연녹지와 함께 대표적인 녹지지역을 구성하는 생산녹지는 도시계획에 의해 지정되는 용도지역으로 개발이 엄격하게 제한된다. 다른 한편, 녹지지역은 산업화의 과정에서 도시가 팽창하면서 가장 적합한 개발대상지로서도 기능하였다. 사인의 개발행위에 대해서는 엄격한 규제의 근거로 작동하던 녹지지역이, 토지구획정리사업(현재의 도시개발사업)과 같이 택지를 조성하기 위한 도시계획사업에 의해서는 쉽게 주거지역이나 공업지역 등으로 변경되었다. 개인에 대해서는 엄격한 규제로 작용하지만, 도시계획사업에 의해서는 쉽게 개발되는 녹지지역의 이중적인 성격은 현재에도 진행형이며 그중에서도 특히 생산녹지는 보호와 개발기능이 혼재되는 독특한 특성을 보인다. 생산녹지는 도시농업의 발전과 육성을 위하여 필요한 지역이거나, 자연녹지지역과 유사하지만 시가화 또는 개발을 엄격하게 규제할 필요가 있는 농지 등에 대해 지정된다. 이때 엄격한 규제의 기준은 농지의 전용, 건축물의 건축 등 개인의 토지이용을 대상으로 하는 것이며, 이것이 바로 도시계획사업에 대해서도 직접 의미를 갖는 것은 아니다. 행정주체에 의한 도시계획사업은 공공성을 이유로 도시계획의 차원에서 이루어지는 것이므로 사인의 행위규제와 동등한 것이 아니기 때문이다. 도시계획결정이 사업의 내용을 구성하는 도시계획사업은 이론상 용도지역제 도시계획이 정하고 있는 용도지역을 변경하거나 폐지할 수 있는 권능을 갖는다. 도시개발법상 생산녹지가 구역의 30%를 넘을 수 없도록 정하고 있는 조항은 자연녹지보다 생산녹지를 더 두텁게 보호하고자 하는 취지라는 점에 이견이 있을 수 없다. 다만 사인의 개발 행위에 대한 제한과 도시계획사업이 시행되는 경우는 구별하여야 한다. 후자의 경우 용도지역제 도시계획의 변경결정을 통해 생산녹지가 자연녹지로 변경될 수도 있고 또 도시계획사업에 수반하는 도시계획에 의해 생산녹지가 자연녹지로, 심지어는 주거지역으로 변경될 수도 있기 때문이다. 그러므로 생산녹지라는 점만으로 도시개발사업 구역지정요건의 면제조항이 배제되는 것은 아니다. A green area is a space that needs to be preserved from the perspective of urban planning because it should function as a resting space and a buffer space on the outskirts of an city. Productive green areas that constitute representative green areas along with natural green areas are strictly restricted to develop designated by urban planning. On the other hand, green areas also functioned as the most suitable development target as cities expanded in the process of industrialization. For private development activities, the green area, which used to be the basis of strict regulation, is easily changed to a residential area or an industrial area by an urban planning project to create residential areas, such as the land readjustment project (current urban development project). became Although it acts as a strict regulation for individuals, the dual nature of green areas, which are easily developed by urban planning projects, is still in progress. Productive green areas are designated for areas necessary for the development and nurturing of urban agriculture, or for farmlands that have the characteristics of natural green areas but need to strictly regulate urbanization or development. And the subject of strict regulation means restrictions on individual land use, such as conversion of farmland and construction of buildings, but is not a direct standard for urban planning projects. Urban planning projects by administrative entities are carried out at the level of urban planning for the sake of public interest, so they are not regulated equally with the regulation of private individuals. The urban planning project, in which the urban planning decision constitutes the contents of the project, has the power to, in theory, change or abolish the use area determined by the use zoning system urban plan. There can be no disagreement in the fact that the provision stipulating that productive green areas cannot exceed 30% of the development area under the Urban Development Act is intended to protect productive green areas more thickly than natural green areas. However, in the interpretation of this clause, it is necessary to distinguish between restrictions on private development activities and cases where urban planning projects are implemented. In the latter case, the productive green area may be changed to a natural green area through the decision to change the urban planning of the use zoning system, and the productive green area may be changed to a natural green area or even a residential area by the urban planning accompanying the urban planning project. Therefore, it is difficult to interpret that the existence of productive green areas has a strong enough force to exclude the application of the provisions regulating the exemption from zoning requirements for urban development projects.

      • KCI등재

        경기도의 옥상녹화 가용면적 추정과 이의 정책적 함의

        박은진 ( Eun Jin Park ),남미아 ( Mi A Nam ),강규이 ( Gyu I Kang ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2012 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        We estimated the potential area roof greening in Gyeonggi-do that will mitigate the heat island effect. The estimation was based on building age, roof shape, and building use which were recorded in the building register from "Sewoomteo, the Building Administration System in the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. The estimated potential roof greening area in Gyeonggi-do was approximately 102.5㎢ assuming that the buildings for residence, public, education(school), office, shopping mall are appropriate for roof greening. The area occupied by apartment buildings over six-story was 76.3% of the potential roof greening area 10.2% for individual houses, 5.9% for under five-story apartment buildings, and 3.7% for school buildings. The result indicated that it is residential buildings that we need to pay attention for roof greening, especially high-rise buildings over six-story. Greening of the whole estimated area, 102.5㎢, in Gyeonggi-do will result in the increase of green space per capita by 8.74㎡. This is 1.65 times greater than the area of current urban parks, and 1.97 times greater than the total area of neighborhood parks, children`s parks, and pocket parks. Greening of the estimated roof area will increase green coverage of urban area by twice, adding to current green coverage of the urban areas, 11.3%, in 10 major cities. In particular, the effect of roof greening would be remarkable in inceasing the green space of Anyang City, Gwangmyeong City, and Guri City where neighborhood park area falls short.

      • KCI등재후보

        Consideration of GREENAREARATIO When Establishing an Urban Development Plan

        Changjun Kim,Hyangju Lee,Wonhyeon Lim J-INSTITUTE 2021 Protection Convergence Vol.6 No.2

        Purpose: Just as the natural environment is vital for people to live in, the park and green area, which are indicators for eco-friendly development, are essential when proceeding with urban development projects. Therefore, this study reviewed focusing on the park and green area ratio in the environmental impact assessment for urban development projects. Through this, we intended to provide a comprehen-sive guideline for environmental land use planning and design for urban development or residential land development projects and to guide plans and designs based on this. Method: The analysis was based on the environmental impact assessment, which was investigated for 145 urban development projects for 18 years from 2003 to 2020. We conducted a one -way ANOVA analysis to determine the difference between the green area rate by year, the green area rate by region, the population density by region, and the park area per person by region. Post-hoc analysis was per-formed by the Scheffe test. To conduct the above statistical analysis, we used the Spss Statistics 21 sta-tistics program. Results: The number of consultations on environmental impact assessment for urban development projects by year was the highest in 2006 and 2008, with 14 cases(9.66%). The green area rate by year was as high as 25.09% in 2005, 24.88% in 2007, and 22.73% in 2009. The green area rate by region was the highest in the Gangwon area with 22.63%, followed by 20.47% in the metropolitan area, 19.59% in the Honam area, and 19.51% in the Chungcheong area. The population density by region was the high-est with 2.10(person/m2) in the metropolitan area. Next the Gangwon area was 1.99(person/m2) and the Southeast area was 1.80(person/m2). The park area per person by region was the largest in the Honam area, with 10.93m2. Conclusion: The area of parks and green spaces is seen as the minimum standard stipulated by law. However, the high green area ratio and the difference in population density by region during active ur-ban development projects are to create a pleasant residential environment. Therefore, in a place with high population density, it is necessary to establish a high standard for securing green space to create a comfortable living environment. Also, in the case of parks, the location is essential as well as the area. Since green areas on slopes excluding parks in the green area ratio are difficult to use, we insist that green areas on slopes should be reduced, and park areas should be set high to create a pleasant resi-dential environment.

      • KCI등재

        도시열섬완화를 위한 토지 이용 유형별 합리적 녹지율 분석

        송봉근 ( Bong Geun Song ),박경훈 ( Kyung Hun Park ) 한국지리정보학회 2015 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 다양한 토지이용유형별로 도시열섬현상을 완화하기 위한 합리적 녹지율을 분석하고자 하였다. 토지이용유형은 단독주택과 공동주택, 공공시설, 상업지역, 공업지역의 5가지 유형을 고려하였고, 녹지지역은 토지피복도에서 수목 속성을 추출하여 활용하였다. 열섬효과는 주간 및 야간에 촬영된 다중시기의 ASTER TIR 영상의 표면온도를 이용하였다. 주간시간은 야간시간보다 녹지의 표면온도 저감 효과가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 토지이용유형별로는 주간시간에 단독주택에서 녹지율에 따른 표면온도 저감효과가 가장 뚜렷했지만, 야간시간에는 토지이용유형별로 차이가 크지 않았다. 공업지역은 녹지의 표면온도 저감 효과가 낮았다. 토지이용유형별 도시열섬완화를 위한 합리적 녹지율을 산출한 결과, 주간시간은 단독주택과 공동주택, 상업지역에서 녹지율이 40~50% 사이일때, 표면온도가 가장 낮았고, 야간시간은 녹지율별로 표면온도 변화가 크지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 도시개발계획 단계에서 도시열섬완화를 위해 효과적인 녹지면적을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze reasonable green area ratios for mitigating urban heat island considering various land use types. Land uses of 5 types such as single residential, multi residential, commercial area, public facility, and industrial area were considered. Green areas were extracted from the tree attribution of land cover. Effect of urban heat island was analysed by the surface temperature of ASTER thermal infrared radiance scanned daytime and nighttime. Mitigation effect of green area at daytime was higher than nighttime. Surface temperature of green area was low in single residential at daytime. But the difference of surface temperature by each land use type was small. The effect of surface temperature mitigation of green area was lower in industrial area. The results of reasonable green area ratios for mitigating urban heat island indicate that surface temperature was the lowest with green area ratio of 40~50% in single residential, multi residential, and commercial area at daytime. Surface temperature of nighttime was not changed much by green area ratios. Therefore, the results of this study will be suggested in urban development planning to construct effectively green area for mitigating urban heat island.

      • KCI등재

        하절기 관측을 통한 도시의 지역별 공간녹지분포율에 따른 열환경 특성 연구

        정임수(Jung Im-Soo),최동호(Choi Dong-Ho),이부용(Lee Bu-Yong) 한국태양에너지학회 2011 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.31 No.3

        The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristic of thermal environment in the summer season by conducting the field observation of temperature, relative humidity, and globe temperature in some parts of the city. Observation point was divided to a densely populated area, a residential area, a green area, a waterfront green area and a suburban district by the distribution ratio of green area. In this study, the correlation between maximum temperature and globe temperature, study on index for intensity of the tropical night and the temperature distribution characteristic of measurement points by the distribution ratio of green area were analyzed. The results of this study are as follows. ① The difference between temperature and globe temperature by the distribution ratio of green area is confirmed. The difference of nighttime is more clearly that of daytime. ② The average temperature and globe temperature of the densely populated area(29.2℃,33.7℃) are higher than that of the waterfront green area(27.9℃,32. 0℃) by 1.3℃ and 1.7℃, respectively. ③ The number of tropical nights has different days of tropical nights by the distribution ratio of green area of 17days for the Daegu weather station, 14days for a densely populated area, 14days for a residential area, 6days for a green area, 2days for a waterfront green area, and 2days for a suburban district. ④ The results of the slope of trend line for the effects of the temperature on globe temperature change and the intercept for the size of the impact of radiant energy gained around by the analysis of the correlation between the maximum temperature and globe temperature can be utilized objective evaluation index of the each point's artificial effects.

      • KCI등재

        The impact of urban green areas on the surface thermal environment of a tropical city: a case study of Ibadan, Nigeria

        Ifeoluwa A. Balogun,Mojolaoluwa T. Daramola 대한공간정보학회 2019 Spatial Information Research Vol.27 No.1

        This study assesses the relative impact of green areas on the surface thermal characteristics of an urban area. From this study, the existence of the Park Cool Island (PCI) around the green areas and surrounding zones of the green area was noted, as surface temperatures were lower at the green areas and higher at the outer boundaries. Agodi gardens had the highest vegetation cover of 62.1% and was the area with the lowest mean surface temperature (26.79 C), while Agugu green area had the lowest vegetation cover of 20.7% and had the highest mean surface temperature (27.75 C). Green areas with higher vegetation cover percentages had higher rate of change of PCI with buffer distance compared to the other two green areas that had lower percentages of vegetation cover. The green areas were identified for their cooling roles on surface temperature within the urban centres of Ibadan as the surface temperature intensities were of the order of 1–2 C lower within the 500-m buffer zone. The findings, therefore, brings to light the need for increased greenery within the urban areas of the city, and also provide information for urban planners and designers on the need for green spaces in mitigating heat island phenomenon in the city.

      • KCI등재

        도시녹지의 기능 및 효과에 대한 실증적 연구 - 도시 가로수를 중심으로 -

        성현찬,민수현 한국조경학회 2003 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.31 No.2

        The objective of this study is to review and verify whether the functions and effect of roadside trees generally hewn in theory are actually realized in urban roads and how well they are performed if the function and effect are realized. The study was conducted with a focus on 3 functions and effects including roadside tree's urban landscape improvement function (green area visibility ratio), effect of introducing green area within a city, and urban green network building function. The major study results are as follows: First, the average green area visibility ratio of 41 study areas is currently about 25.90%. The green area visibility ratio of commercial area within downtown was lowest among 5 road types. It showed that it is possible to raise the average green area visibility ratio up to 32.49% through roadside tree management and additional plantation. Second, in a section between Paldal Mountain and Suwon City Hall where there is no forest fragments and parks at all, a green area of 4,826 roadside trees represented 2.4% of total area and served as the only linear green area. Third, an analysis of 15 cities in Kyonggi province showed that urban forests are concentrated in outskirts. The suey showed that because forest fragments and parks exist in a form of points in urban areas, roadside trees are the only green areas that link each other and build a network.

      • A Study on the Utilization of PROTECTED Water Plants in the Park

        Lim Jong-taeg,Lim Won-hyeon J-INSTITUTE 2019 Protection Convergence Vol.4 No.2

        The reality is that despite the increasing area of green areas along with the diverse urban development phe-nomena, the area of green areas has been reduced relatively Daegu, Korea, causing various social and environ-mental problems. In response, the city of Daegu considered a plan to create a pocket park using protective water, which is an important factor, in order to expand the insufficient green area even a little. The Act on Urban Parks and Green Sites, etc. provides protection water pocket parks as shown in Table 17. First, based on the analysis factors and the criteria for formation, the creation of a pocket park based on the location can be divided into rural and urban types. In the case of rural types, 1 type of materials that can create protected water will be the preferred target for the village entrance or if located inside the village. 2 Natural green areas can be created first. 3 There is a high possibility of the formation of linked land if it is farmland or forest. For urban types, areas with minimal noise generation(1, 2 lanes) could be preferred. 5 In the form of flat land and structured land, 6 residential areas will be able to create urban rest areas. 7 In particular, for urban types, it was deemed that not far from the side of the road or on the side of the road was suitable for the require-ments of the location of the formation for the simple resting or resting space of pedestrians. Second, for land-related matters, it is deemed appropriate to apply the area below the average effective area(1,854 square meters) and below to create a pocket park utilizing protected water space. In addition, further research on securing raw space for future protected water pipe widths will need to be carried out. 2 The state that owns the land. If the land is shared, it can be built first. 3 There will be a need to actively secure green space by purchasing or leasing 53 percent of private land. 4 The protected water first forms a forest or bottleneck, but due to the nature of the pocket park, even a single tree will be the subject of sufficient composition. Third, the conclusion of the facility related matters should first consider the installation of a guide plate, chair, table, crest, potter, toilet, root protection deck among rest facilities, sports facilities and management facilities. 2 In addition to the basic information transfer factor for protected water, supplemental installation of signboards containing myths and legends will be required. 3 The development or supplementation of devices for the presen-tation of receipts will be necessary. Fourth, the conclusion on matters related to vegetation is that 1 average recipient is 288 years, and the number of protected water with a high receipt is the preferred target. 2 After examining the conditions of the pressure response or the rate of high death of the branches, it can be created for protected water with a moder-ate or higher raw meat condition. 3 The installation, dermis, and superfruits of shielding fences around the pro-tected water may be properly mixed and stocked. 4 Protective water in itself exerts sufficient Amenity function in the area, so do not place too many facilities in the space. There should be sufficient awareness among ordinary citizens or local people about the creation of parks using these protected water, and there should be a policy-driven device or system.

      • KCI등재후보

        녹지연계망 조성을 위한 거점 분석 -대구광역시의 사례 -

        나정화,사공정희 한국조경학회 2002 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.29 No.6

        The objective of this research was an investigation of the important green spaces in Daegu and to present the basic frame of green network in Daegu. Present the condition of the significant green spaces is as follows: In the 3km radius of the city center, the isolation and discontinuation of the green spaces was extensive, caused by crowding of houses and funeral parlours. Consequently, the isolation relaxation which leads to the additional creation of the green spaces and a buffering plan were demanded. In the transfer area of a 3∼6km radius, which is located between the city center's congested area and the suburb green spaces, the significant green spaces had high connection and buffering characteristic, but in the northwest and the south, serious discontinuation appeared between the suburb green spaces and the city conte green spaces. In the 6∼9km radius, the suburb important green spaces accomplished the function which extended the back core green spaces to the city center area. But creation of buffering green spaces was necessary in part because of proximity to the resident area. The results suggest a connection between green spaces on the base of the distribution of the important green spaces, were as follows: In the 3km radius, irregular direction lines appeared while a schedule one direction line appeared in 3∼6km and 6∼9km radius. The discontinued parts of the green network were caused by industrial complexes, house crowding, and cultivation areas. Consequently, reservation and creation plans of green spaces in response to this were demanded. Through the additional creation of green spaces in the discontinued parts, the basic frame of green network in Daegu was the radiation annular form. And it was suitable to activate the parks and the general green spaces.

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