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        Secondary Teachers’ Perception on English Education Policies in Korea

        Jihyeon Jeon,Hyoshin Lee 아시아영어교육학회 2017 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.14 No.1

        Due to the expected value of English proficiency for living in a global society, acquiring English proficiency has become a major concern for many people in Korea. This attention is because people in Korea believe English is providing them with premium opportunities to better their lives such as being admitted to prestigious schools or getting high-paying jobs. The differential investment in learning English thus has yielded a new form of social inequality, dividing people between the English rich and the English poor. Perceiving the potential negative effects of the English divide and the importance of equipping Koreans’ English proficiency, the Korean government has put effort and strategic investment into improving public English education in Korea. Studies on policies have often been presented in a multilingual context where the concept of language policies, language education policies, foreign language policies, and English language education policies are somewhat blurred. Looking at the English education policies in a monolingual society like Korea exclusively can present a focused view on the effectiveness of English education policies. This study presents the key policies put into practice to improve the quality of English education in Korea and highlights secondary teachers’ responses to those policies in attaining the policy goals. A total of 1039 secondary teachers working in Daegu participated in the survey administered twice: 557 in 2010 and 482 in 2016. The perceptual changes are discussed with the participants’ comments included in the results. The study will provoke discussion and intuition for managing English education policies in similar contexts.

      • KCI등재

        Korea`s English Education Policy Innovations toLead the Nation into the Globalized World

        ( Bok Myung Chang ) 범태평양응용언어학회 2009 범태평양응용언어학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        This study is to historically survey the development of English language education policies in Korea to show that English education policies in Korea have developed to cultivate Korean students who are capable in a globalized world. This study has the following purposes: first, this paper surveys the origin of English education from the ending period of Chosun dynasty, and the developmental process through the Japanese Colonial period into the modern national curriculum periods. Second, this study emphasizes the development of English education policy by analyzing the 6th and the 7th national curriculum policies based on the progressive principles of educational philosophy. Based on the 6 progressive principles, this research paper can prove that English education policies in Korea have many traits for progressive orientation, which can play essential evidence for the development of English education policy. Third, this study can reveal the innovations of English education policies from the 1990s after the 6th and 7th national curriculums were reformed to direct English education in Korea appropriate for the globalized world. From the historical survey on the development of English education, we can conclude that the policies of English education in Korea have developed in the direction of cultivating the communicative competence of Korean learners. In the future, English education policies of Korea have to develop in the direction that can lead the communicative and cultural competence of Korean learners. Further, the direction of English education in the future needs to accommodate World Englishes with Korean ,English as one variety of World Englishes.

      • English as a foreign language in early childhood care and education in Japan: Policy and pedagogy

        Sachiko Kitano 환태평양유아교육연구학회 2008 Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhoo Vol.2 No.1

        This paper gives an overview of English education policy and practice for young children in Japan. Recently, a strong need for English education has emerged and changes have been made at the elementary school levels. English education has not yet been regulated, however, in early childhood education. This study investigates English education for young children in Japanese preschool settings, in lessons for preschoolers provided outside of preschool, and in English preschools. The results show that English lessons are offered more widely at private institutions than in public, and a strong commercial involvement that makes English education hard to access for families with fewer economic resources and families with two working parents. The results also revealed issues of quality in instructional method and in teachers' skills. Although there is a wide gap in opportunities to learn English from an early age, the result in English knowledge and skill in latter education level do not yet differ. More practical research and policy studies are needed to provide equal educational opportunities and also methodologically and professionally appropriate English education for young Japanese children.

      • KCI등재

        English Education Context of North Korean Defectors in South Korean Universities : Issues and Policies

        Yeon Hee Choi 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2014 교과교육학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        This study conducted a semi-structured interview of North Korean Defectors (NKDs) attending South Korean universities to explore their pre-university and university English education including English-mediated or university English courses. Eleven NKDs were interviewed about their English learning experiences prior to South Korean university education including English learning in North Korea; their preparation for South Korean university education; and their university English courses with a focus on learning contents, instructors, problems, and supports needed. The results reveal the NKDs’ lack of systematic English education prior to arriving in South Korea as well as their insufficient systematic preparation for university education. Additionally, the lack of basic English knowledge prior to university education produces an English divide between the NKDs and their South Korean peers. They needed much more time to read their English textbooks due to their lack of abilities in grammar, vocabulary, and reading; the American English accents of their native English instructors also caused listening problems. Nonetheless, the universities and government agencies have neglected this issue and do not seem to have a systematic administration or supportive system for the NKDs’ English education. The study suggests a holistic approach to establish interagency policies to resolve such problems. 탈북 대학생들은 남한 대학 교육에서 영어 문제로 학업의 어려움을 경험하는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 연구는탈북 대학생들의 대학 이전 영어 교육 현황과 영어 강의를 포함한 남한 대학 영어 교육현황을 조사하여 이들에게 필요한 영어 교육정책 제안을 하고자 한다. 남한의 9개 대학교에 재학중인 11명의 탈북 대학생들을 대상으로 남한 대학교 진학 이전의 북한, 체류 국가 및 남한에서의 영어 교육 기관, 교사, 학습 내용 및 방법 등을 조사하고, 남한 대학교의 대학 영어 강의와 전공 영어 강의 수강 여부, 강의 내용 및 방법, 수강의 어려운 점 등에 대한 심층 면담을 하였다. 아울러 남한 대학 영어 교육을 위해 필요한 대학 진학 이전과 진학 이후 필요한 지원과 욕구에 대해서도 알아보았다. 면담결과, 남한 정착 이전에 사회 정치적 환경 요인으로 인하여 체계적으로 영어를 학습할 수 없어서 남한정착 이후에도 정규 학교보다는 대안 학교에서 교육을 받으면서 초중고 검정고시 준비로 학습을 하여 아주 기초적인영어 능력도 갖추지 못한 상태에서 남한 대학교에 진학하는것으로 파악되었다. 또한 영어 강의 이수와 관련된 필수졸업 요건 등 남한 대학 영어 교육에 대해 정보가 부재한 상태에서 대학진학을 할뿐만 아니라 영어 시험이나 대학수학능력시험 점수가 요구되지 않는 특별 입학 전형으로 대학을 진학하여 남한 대학생들에 비해 영어능력이 현저히 부족한 편이라서 영어강의를 기피하는경향이 나타났다. 영어단어 및 문법 지식뿐만 아니라 독해 능력이 많이 부족하여 영어 강의를 수강할때 예습, 복습, 과제를 위해 상당한 시간이 필요하고 미국식 영어 발음에 익숙하지 않아서수업 내용을 이해하기 어려우며 때로는 시험 안내를 이해하지 못해서 시험에 응시하지 못하는 일도 발생하는 것으로 조사되었다. 전공교수, 강의 담당교수들의 탈북 대학생들에 대한 이해도 부족뿐만 아니라 대학 차원의 지원부족도 주요 문제점으로 지적되었다. 따라서, 교육부가 아닌 통일부 중심의 탈북 학생들의 교육 정책 수립의 한계점을 지적하고, 탈북 대학생들을 위한국가, 지역사회, 대학차원의 체계적인 기관간 정책 수립이 절실히 필요하며 이는 늘어나는 탈북 대학생이나 통일 후를 대비하여 좀더 총괄적으로 접근해야할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        영어교육정책에 대한 고등학교 영어교사의 인식과 대응방식 연구

        이경민,김종수 중앙대학교 한국교육문제연구소 2018 한국교육문제연구 Vol.36 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze teachers' perceptions and suggestions regarding the direction of English education policy as an implementer of education policy. To this end, in-depth interviews with ten high school English teachers were conducted. The results were analyzed based on the grounded theory. As a result, teachers showed negative attitudes toward top-down English education policy without sufficient consideration of the feasibility of the school in the field, Generally, they agreed with the direction of the national policy to help increase students’ communication abilities and reduce the stress caused by entrance exams, as well as to ultimately change the testing method. Therefore, the National English Ability Test has disappeared due to the lack of preparation in school, failure to gain trust from the education consumers, lack of understanding and empathy from the teacher as a policy implementer, and pursuit of ideals far from the field. Because of these causal and contextual conditions, teachers used their own countermeasures and showed adaptive and passive implementation. Therefore, this study derives the following implications. First, the English education policy should be designed based on the participation of more English teachers. Second, more time is needed to form a consensus among educators, diverse English education parties, and policy interest groups. Third, it should be promoted so that policy goals can be effectively achieved by examining the feasibility between policy and actual teaching and learning. It is important to provide financial support and assistance from local education offices and school administrators. 이 연구의 목적은 교육정책의 실행자로서 교사의 영어교육정책에 대한 인식과 대응방식을 분석하여 영어교육정책의 방향에 시사점을 제공하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 최근 10년 간 대학입시제도와 밀접하게 연관되면서 영어교육과 관련하여 학교 현장에 큰 영향을 준 국가영어능력평가와 수능영어절대평가 정책을 토대로 고등학교 현직 교사 10명을 대상으로 심층면담을 진행하고 이를 근거이론 접근법으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 교사들은 교사가 배제되고 학교 현장에서의 실행가능성에 대한 충분한 숙의 없이 진행된 하향식 영어교육정책에 대해 부정적 입장을 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 의사소통역량을 함양하고 영어에 대한 과도한 교육열, 입시로 인한 스트레스 감소를 위해 실용영어능력을 강조하고 장기적으로는 절대평가로 전환하고자 하는 국가의 영어교육 방향에 대해서는 대체적으로 수긍하고 있었다. 그러나 학교 현장의 준비 부족, 교육수요자의 신뢰 확보 실패, 정책실행자인 교사의 이해와 공감 형성 결여 및 현장과 동떨어진 이상 추구로 인해 결과적으로 국가영어능력평가 정책은 사라졌고, 수능영어절대평가 정책의 정책목표 달성이 어려운 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 이러한 인과적·맥락적 조건으로 인하여 교사들은 나름의 대응전략을 사용하고 소극적 실행과 현실 타협의 모습을 보이고 있었다. 따라서 이 연구는 다음과 같은 시사점을 도출한다. 첫째, 영어교육정책은 보다 많은 영어교사들의 의견 수렴과 참여를 바탕으로 설계되어야만 현장과 이상의 간극을 좁힐 수 있다. 둘째, 교육 수요자, 다양한 영어교육 관련 당사자들 및 정책 관련 이익 집단 사이의 공감대 형성을 위한 충분한 시간이 필요하다. 셋째, 정책과 실제 교수·학습 사이의 실행 가능성을 타진하여 정책목표가 효과적으로 달성될 수 있도록 추진되어야 한다. 이를 위한 행·재정적 지원, 지역 교육청 및 학교 경영자의 지원과 보조가 중요하다.

      • KCI등재

        지역수준의 영어교육정책 분석: 제주특별자치도 교육청을 중심으로

        신창원(Shin, Changwon) 미래영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학 Vol.26 No.3

        The purposes of this study are twofold: to identify the characteristics of local-level English education policies and to analyze their relevance to national-level policies. To this end, English education plans implemented in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province were examined by looking at their objectives and specific plans, comparing them with 2015 revised National Curriculum and national-level policies, and by identifying the differences from English education policies in other provincial offices of education. The results of this study showed that the objectives and specific plans for English education in Jeju seem to be consistent with the aims of the National Curriculum such as enhancing communicative competence and understanding international cultures, and national policies for English education such as retraining in-service English teachers and reducing English divide. Furthermore, it was revealed that various English education programs which approve to be closely related to national-level English education policies have been implemented systematically and continuously in Jeju although their effectiveness still needs to be verified by an appropriate evaluation system. Finally, the English education programs implemented only in Jeju were found to be ‘Parents’ Club for English Learning’ for self-directed English learning and ‘Best English Teacher Program’ for improving teachers’ English ability, both of which are considered to contribute to enhancing English education at public school.

      • KCI등재

        Parents' Attitudes toward the English Education Policy in Taiwan

        Yuh Fang Chang 서울대학교 교육연구소 2008 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.9 No.4

        Taiwan, like many other countries in Asia. introduced considerable changes in English education policy in response to the need for English communication in the global market. During file process of implementing the now English education policy, the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Taiwan encountered several problems. Although researchers have examined other issues concerning the implementation of the English education policy, such as the shortage of trained English teaching personnel, the selection of textbooks and the difficulty of teaching a class of heterogeneous learners, parental attitudes toward or expectations for the English education policy itself remain unexplored. Parental opinions about English education and the extent to which parents support English education reform play a large role in the success of the implementation of the policy and are important factors for the government to consider when shaping future education policies. The perspectives of parents. therefore. should be included in a research-based examination. This Study surveyed the opinions of Taiwanese parents on Current English education policy and practice.

      • KCI등재

        Secondary Teachers’ Perception on English Education Policies in Korea

        전지현,이효신 아시아테플 2017 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.14 No.1

        Due to the expected value of English proficiency for living in a global society, acquiring English proficiency has become a major concern for many people in Korea. This attention is because people in Korea believe English is providing them with premium opportunities to better their lives such as being admitted to prestigious schools or getting high-paying jobs. The differential investment in learning English thus has yielded a new form of social inequality, dividing people between the English rich and the English poor. Perceiving the potential negative effects of the English divide and the importance of equipping Koreans’ English proficiency, the Korean government has put effort and strategic investment into improving public English education in Korea. Studies on policies have often been presented in a multilingual context where the concept of language policies, language education policies, foreign language policies, and English language education policies are somewhat blurred. Looking at the English education policies in a monolingual society like Korea exclusively can present a focused view on the effectiveness of English education policies. This study presents the key policies put into practice to improve the quality of English education in Korea and highlights secondary teachers’ responses to those policies in attaining the policy goals. A total of 1039 secondary teachers working in Daegu participated in the survey administered twice: 557 in 2010 and 482 in 2016. The perceptual changes are discussed with the participants’ comments included in the results. The study will provoke discussion and intuition for managing English education policies in similar contexts.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 호주의 이중언어 교육정책 비교 -발전 과정 및 현황을 중심으로-

        김유연,이규빈 이중언어학회 2018 이중언어학 Vol.73 No.-

        This study aims to compare and analyze the bilingual education policies in both Korea and Australia. Both countries had an identity, historically as a homogeneous nation in the past, but have now acknowledged the constantly changing situations in the ever increasing number of immigrants that occurred in Australia during the 1970s and in Korea during the 2000s have respectively started to implement and review their multicultural policies. In the case of Australia, which holds a longer history of multicultural policies than Korea, may be able to provide potential implications for the development of a bilingual education policy in Korea. This study has analyzed the policy documents in both Korea and Australia and supplemented them by both an e-mail and telephone interviews with the key people concerned. We have discovered that Korea has been implementing a bilingual education policy as a part of its multicultural policy since 2006. However, while it is still in a ‘transitional bilingual education paradigm’ targeting primarily on immigrant students, Australia’s policy is moving beyond transitional and conservative bilingual education elements to additional bilingual education for all students, and LOTE(Language Other Than English) also includes Auslan(Australian Sign Language). Based on this analysis, the potential implications for a successful bilingual education policy in Korea are derived as follows: 1. The policy should move away from the paradigm of transitional bilingual education to help immigrant students adapt to Korean society and to move into a bilingual education policy to achieve an authentic and cohesive multicultural society. In order to do this, however, we will need to propose a method to reorganize the second foreign language education to select the languages of the community from the viewpoint of a bilingual education. 2. When choosing a language for a bilingual education, it is necessary to consider it from the perspective of the minority in our society. 3. In order to change the direction of the bilingual education policy, bilingual education and special education teacher policies should be revised as well. 본 연구는 한국과 호주의 학교 이중언어 교육정책을 비교·분석함으로써 다문화 시대의 바람직한 이중언어 교육정책의 방향을 도출하는 데 목적이 있다. 한국과 호주는 인구 구성과 정부구조에 있어서 차이를 보이지만, 일원론적 국민 구성을 표방하다가 각각 1970년대와 2000년대에 다문화사회로 접어들어 다문화 정책을 시행하기 시작했다는 공통점이 있다. 한국보다 오래된 다문화 정책 시행의 역사를 가지고 있는 호주의 사례는 한국의 이중언어 교육정책 발전에 시사점을 제시해 줄 수 있다. 연구 범위는 초중등학교에서 시행되는 다문화학생의 모어 교육으로 한정하였다. 연구 방법으로는 한국과 호주의 정책문서들과 관련 선행연구를 조사하는 문헌분석 방법을 사용하였고, 정책 담당자와의 이메일 혹은 전화 인터뷰를 통해 보충하였다. 이를 통해 한국은 2006년부터 다문화 정책의 일환으로 이중언어 교육정책을 시행해 왔으며, 2010~2012년 시기에 이중언어강사 양성 및 다문화거점학교 지정 등의 정책이 시작됐고, 2013~2017년에는 기존 정책을 유지하며 이중언어교육보다는 한국어교육과정(KSL)에 치중하는 모습이 나타났다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 호주는 1978년부터 지속적으로 이중언어교육에 대한 관심을 보여 왔다. 이주 학생을 위한 언어교육 프로그램인 LOTE(Language Other Than English)는 1981년부터 정규 수업시간에 포함되어 모든 학생을 대상으로 실시되고 있다. 두 나라의 이중언어 교육정책을 비교해본 결과 한국의 정책은 아직 다문화학생만을 대상으로 한 이행적 이중언어교육에 머물러있는 반면, 호주의 정책은 이행적․보존적 이중언어교육을 넘어 모든 학생을 대상으로 한 첨가적 이중언어교육으로 나아가고 있으며, 수화언어도 대상 언어에 포함시키고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 한국 상황에 대한 시사점을 다음과 같이 도출하였다. 첫째, 다문화학생이 한국 사회에 적응하도록 도와주기 위한 이행적 이중언어교육의 패러다임에서 벗어나 더불어 사는 다문화사회를 이룩하기 위한 이중언어 교육정책으로 나아가야 한다. 이를 위해 제2외국어교육을 이중언어교육의 관점에서 지역사회 언어를 단위학교가 선택하도록 재정비하는 방안을 제안한다. 둘째, 이중언어교육 시행 언어를 선택할 때 좀 더 소수자의 시각에서 배려할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 이상과 같이 이중언어 교육정책의 방향을 전환하기 위해서는 다문화언어강사와 특수교육교사 양성정책도 함께 바뀌어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Comparing the Recognition of English Education and Policy of College Students of Three Eastern Asian Countries

        Seungbin Roh 한국영어어문교육학회 2014 영어어문교육 Vol.20 No.1

        This study investigates how East Asian college students in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan respectively recognize their own country's English education and related policies. This study then analyzes the differences in responses of students from the three different countries by comparing and contrasting. In Asia, the value of the English language has become higher and more dominant than any other period in history. As a result, many Asian countries are not only investing a lot of their budget to support these nations to learn English but also to establish various English educational policies. 156 college students have been randomly selected and have voluntarily taken part in this research. The research used a questionnaire that included 10 questions regarding English education and policy. The results revealed that according to students' nationalities, there are obvious differences in how students recognize English education and policy. In contrast to Japanese and Taiwanese students, Korean students predominantly agreed on the most sustainable 4 items and rejected 4 others among 10 questions. Japanese students concurred to 4 of the items while Taiwanese students reject 6 items. Based on the results, Korean college students are more stressed due to English becoming more prevalent in Korean culture, economic, and education, etc., than students from the other two countries.

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