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      • KCI등재

        경력계획이 경력만족과 경력몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -개인 심리적 특성의 매개를 중심으로-

        조영복,하태영 한국기업경영학회 2010 기업경영연구 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of career-planning on career-satisfaction and career-commitment, focusing on the mediating effects of individual psychological characteristic such as self-esteem and self-efficacy. The samples consist of 210 survey data drawn from Korean employees in the firms located in Kyongnam area. The data are analyzed by statistical package, SPSS 14.0 for Windows. To test hypothesis, Frequency analysis, Reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis are used. The results are as follows:First, career-planning is significant and positive relationship with individual psychological characteristic such as self-esteem and self-efficacy. It means that career-planning has given rise to the belief that employees regard themselves as important, talented, and valuable and they can make a success of their purpose. Second, career-planning is significant and positive relationship with career-satisfaction and career-commitment. It means that through the career-planning general psychological directivity about private career is boosted, motivation to work hard in the occupation chosen is enhanced, and attitude for their job is improved. Third, individual psychological characteristic affects career-satisfaction partially. That is, self-esteem is significant and positive relationship with career-satisfaction, whereas self-efficacy is not. It means that to enhance career-satisfaction, it is in effect to boost self-esteem rather than self-efficacy. Fourth, individual psychological characteristic is significant and positive relationship with career-commitment. In other words, the results shows that individual psychological characteristics such as self-esteem and self-efficacy are significant and positive relationship with career-commitment. Fifth, in examing the mediating effect of individual psychological characteristic between career-planning and career-satisfaction, self-esteem is a mediator but self-efficacy is not. Specifically, the result shows that career-planning have an indirect effect rater than direct effect on career-satisfaction because an indirect effect that career-planning have on career-satisfaction through self-esteem is bigger than a direct effect that career-planning have on career-satisfaction. Sixth, in examing the mediating effect of individual psychological characteristic between career-planning and career-commitment, self-esteem is also a mediator but self-efficacy is not. That is, the result shows that career-planning have an indirect effect rater than direct effect on career-commitment because an indirect effect that career-planning have on career-commitment through self-esteem is bigger than a direct effect that career-planning have on career-commitment. Finally, through the additional analysis, we have found that there is difference in career-planning, self-esteem, self-efficacy, career-satisfaction, career-commitment according to position, scale of organization, annual income. Moreover, self-esteem, one of the individual psychological characteristics, is a mediator, but self-efficacy is not, Thus, to explore the moderating effect of self-efficacy, the additional analysis is done. The result indicates that there is a moderating effect between career-planning and career-satisfaction, but there is not any effect between career-planning and career-commitment. Synthetically, career-planning is significant and positive relationship with individual psychological characteristic, career-satisfaction, career-commitment. Only self-esteem of the individual psychological characteristics plays a role of mediating not only between career-planning and career-satisfaction, but also between career-planning and career-commitment. It means that self-esteem is more effective in mediating relationships between career-planning and career-satisfaction and career-planning and career-commitment. In other words, when there is career-planning, self-esteem is enhanced, and i... 본 연구는 경력계획(career-planning)이 경력만족(career-satisfaction)과 경력몰입(career- commitment)에 미치는 영향에 대하여 개인 심리적 특성(individual psychological characteristic)인 자아존중감(self-esteem)과 자기효능감(self-efficacy)을 매개효과로 하여 실증분석을 실시하였다. 한국의 부산, 경남 지역 내에 위치하고 있는 기업의 조직구성원들을 대상으로 최종적으로 210부의 설문지를 사용하여 SPSS 14.0 통계프로그램으로 분석하였다. 빈도분석과 신뢰도 분석, 요인분석, 상관관계 분석 그리고 가설 검증을 위해 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 경력계획은 개인 심리적 특성과 경력만족, 경력몰입에 정의 유의한 영향을 미치고, 자아존중감은 경력계획과 경력만족 간의 관계 그리고 경력계획과 경력몰입 간의 관계를 매개하고 있다. 경력계획과 경력만족 간의 관계 그리고 경력계획과 경력몰입 간의 관계를 매개하기 위해서는 개인 심리적 특성 중 자기효능감 보다는 자아존중감이 더 효과적이고 유의하다. 즉, 경력계획을 가지고 있으면 자아존중감이 높아지게 되고 이는 더욱 높은 경력만족과 경력몰입을 가져온다고 할 수 있다

      • KCI등재

        진로자기효능감 향상 프로그램 개발

        박명심,김성회 한국상담학회 2009 상담학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The present study attempted to develop a career self-efficacy enhancement program for high school students(CSEEP-H). In this study, career self-efficacy was defined as individual's confidence in his/her ability to perform the career-related tasks such as ‘career research’, ‘career decision making’, and ‘career performance’. Career self-efficacy in this investigation was operationally defined as the total scores on the three domains of the career self-efficacy scale(Park & Kim, 2006). In order to enhance career self-efficacy for high school students, the career self-efficacy enhancement program for high school students was developed, based on Bandura's self-efficacy theory, Ellis's rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), Super's career development theory, and group counseling theory. The career self-efficacy enhancement program for high school students was developed based on the systemic counseling program development model. The career self-efficacy enhancement program was made up of 12 sessions, 90 minutes per session. In order to verify the effect of CSEEP-H which was developed in the present study, the 36 students who wanted to participate in the program were randomly alloted into three groups, treatment group 1(career self-efficacy enhancement program group), treatment group 2(career counseling program group), and the control group, with 12 students in each group. In the statistical analysis, 30 data were finally used, except the data of 6 subjects, who were not participated in the program, or who were not peformed the career self-efficacy scale and career attitude maturity test after the program. To verify the effect of programs, Multivariate repeated-measure analysis was conducted. The program used for data analysis was SPSS 12.0 for Windows and the significance level for hypothesis testing was set at .05. 본 연구의 목적은 고등학생용 진로자기효능감 향상 프로그램을 개발하고 그 효과를 검증하는 것이었다. 진로자기효능감 향상 프로그램은 Bandura의 자기효능감이론, 인지․행동주의 상담이론, 진로발달이론, 집단상담이론을 근거로 하여 ‘요구분석’, ‘목적 및 목표 설정’, ‘기존 프로그램 검토’, ‘내용 선정 및 구성’, ‘평가도구 제작 또는 선정’, ‘프로그램 구체화’, ‘프로그램 예비 실시’, ‘효과 검증 및 수정․보완’, ‘프로그램 실시’, ‘프로그램 평가’의 과정을 거쳐서 개발되었다. ‘프로그램 평가’ 단계에서 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 대구광역시 W고등학교 1학년 학생 중 프로그램 참가 희망자 36명을 선발하여 3개 집단으로 무선배치하였고, 실험집단1(진로자기효능감 향상 프로그램 집단)과 실험집단2(진로상담 프로그램 집단)에 대하여 프로그램 실시 전․후․추후에 진로자기효능감 척도로 검사를 실시하여 자료 수집하였으며, 실험과 검사에 모두 참여한 최종 30명을 대상으로 결과 처리하였다. 결과 처리를 위해서는 사전․사후․추후검사 점수에 대해서 다변량분석, 변량분석, 단순주효과 검증, 사후 검증을 실시하였다. 결과에 의하면, 본 연구에서 개발한 진로자기효능감 향상 프로그램 집단의 진로자기효능감 향상 효과가 통제집단 및 진로상담 프로그램 집단의 효과보다 우수함이 입증되었다. 논의에서는 프로그램의 개발과 프로그램 효과 검증에 대하여 선행연구와 관련지어 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        대학생이 인식한 부모의 진로행동유형 및 애착과 진로정체감의 관계에서 진로결정효능감의 효과

        이현주 한국진로교육학회 2010 진로교육연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This study investigated not only the relationship among parent career-related behavior types, parent attachment and career identity but also the function of career decision self-efficacy on three variables. Total of 362 undergraduates(male: 125, female: 237) on the basis of the data of self-report questionnaires. Correlation, MANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analyses were used to examine the relationships and differences among variables and the mediated effects of career decision self-efficacy. The study revealed the following results. The correlational analyses showed that parental support associated positively with career identity, but interference associated negatively with career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. And parental attachment associated positively with career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. This result meaned that the more career-related support and attachment, the stronger career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. On the other hand, the more career-related interference, the weaker career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. Also, the higher career decision self-efficacy, the stronger career identity. There were significant differences in career decision-making self-efficacy, and career identity according to the level of parental career behaviors and parent attachment. That is to say, participants perceived more supportive behavior and had higher attachment had more clear career identity and higher decision-making self-efficacy than comparative groups. The multiple regression analyses indicated that career decision self-efficacy total mediated the relationship between career-related support behavior and career identity. Also, career decision self-efficacy partial mediated the relationship between father attachment and career identity. The results supports that career decision self-efficacy differently influences on career identity by the styles of parent career-related behaviors and by the parent attachment. As a result, the mediating effects of career decision self-efficacy were confirmed. 이 연구는 대학생들이 지각하는 부모의 진로관련 행동들(지지적 행동, 간섭적 행동)과 부모와의 애착이 진로정체감에 미치는 영향을 분석하면서, 진로결정효능감의 매개효과를 분석하고 있다. 여기에서 분석된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구변인들 간 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 부모의 진로관련행동을 지지행동으로 지각할수록 진로정체감형성이 촉진되고 진로결정효능감 수준이 높아지지만, 간섭행동으로 지각하는 경우 진로정체감발달에 부정적이며 진로결정효능감 수준이 낮아지고 있다. 또한 진로결정효능감 수준이 높을수록 진로정체감 수준이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 검증 절차에 따라 부모의 진로관련 행동과 진로정체감 간 관계에서 진로결정효능감의 매개효과를 분석한 결과, 부모의 지지행동이 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향을 미치지만 진로결정효능감을 매개로 하였을 때 부모의 지지행동은 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향이 사라짐으로써 완전매개효과를 나타냈다. 그리고 부모와의 애착 중, 아버지와의 애착이 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 진로결정효능감을 매개하였을 때 그 효과가 감소함에 따라 진로결정효능감은 아버지와의 애착과 진로정체감의 관계에서 부분매개효과를 가지고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 대학생의 진로정체감 발달을 위해서는 부모와의 애착관계를 형성함으로써 부모의 진로관련행동을 지지적인 행동으로 지각하는 것이 중요하며, 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향력을 나타냄과 동시에 매개효과를 갖고 있는 것으로 분석된 진로결정효능감의 개발이 중요함을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        직업전문학교 미용전공생의 자기효능감에 따른 수업만족도와 진로결정효능감

        주효정 ( Hyo Jeong Joo ),장미숙 ( Mee Sook Chang ) 한국미용학회 2013 한국미용학회지 Vol.19 No.6

        This study is aimed to investigate and analyze how satisfaction with school curriculum by self-efficacy is related to career decision-making efficacy among vocational school students majoring in cosmetology and give effective lessons considering each student`s characteristics by eliminating unsatisfactory factors in cosmetology class. To test the validity of scale and reliability, factor analysis and Cronbach`s alpha were conducted. For data analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis were performed using SPSS v.15.0. The following results were obtained: First, according to analysis of class satisfaction by demographic characteristics, men were higher than women in satisfaction. The highest class satisfaction was observed for majors in nail care while the lowest class satisfaction was detected for majors in skin care. Second, according to analysis of career decision-making efficacy by demographic characteristics, men were greater than women. Third, according to analysis of class satisfaction by self-efficacy, class satisfaction was high as self-efficacy increased. This confirmed that it is self-regulation efficacy which has impact on class satisfaction among the sub-variables of self-efficacy. Fourth, according to analysis of career decision-making efficacy by self-efficacy, career decision-making efficacy was high as self-efficacy increased. This confirmed that all sub-variables of self-efficacy have effect on career decision-making efficacy. The sub-variables of self-efficacy were all influential on the sub-variables of career decision- making efficacy. It can be said that if self-efficacy increases, class satisfaction and satisfaction with career decision-making efficacy increase among vocational school students majoring in cosmetology.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of factors affecting career preparation behavior

        Sookja Lee(이숙자),Seong-Ok Kweon(권성옥) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2017 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.22 No.9

        The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing career preparation behavior based on the perception of college students from the perspective of social cognitive career theory and to examine the effect of career barriers and career decision self - efficacy on career preparation behavior And career - decision self - efficacy. The results of the study are as follows. First, career barriers perceived by college students showed a significant positive correlation with career decision self - efficacy and career preparation behavior(-), and career decision efficacy showed a statistically significant correlation with career preparation behavior(+). Second, as a result of linear regression analysis to examine the effect of career barriers on career preparation behavior, lack of self - clarification, lack of job information, and lack of recognition of need were subordinate factors of career barriers. Third, as a result of linear regression analysis to examine the effect of career decision - making self - efficacy on career preparation behavior, goal setting and job information, which are sub - factors of career decision self - efficacy, were analyzed. Fourth, mediating effects of career decision self - efficacy on career barriers and career preparation behavior were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. The results of this study confirm that the level of career barrier, which is an important factor in career preparation behavior of college students, should be lowered and career decision self - efficacy should be increased.

      • KCI등재

        일부 치위생과 학생의 학교 진로지원 평가와 진로 탐색 효능감이 진로 탐색 행동에 미치는 영향

        전은숙 ( Eun Suk Jeon ),노은미 ( Eun Mi Noh ),고효진 ( Hyo Jin Ko ) 한국치위생과학회 2015 치위생과학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        본 연구는 치위생과 학생들이 효과적인 진로 탐색 행동으로 성공적인 취업을 할 수 있도록 진로지도 및 진로지원 프로그램 개발에 필요한 기초 자료를 제시하고자 시행하였다. 2014년 12월 1일부터 2014년 12월 12일까지 울산 지역과 대구 지역에 소재하는 2개 대학 치위생과 여학생들을 편의 표본추출하여 자기기입식 설문조사를 실시하고 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 학교 진로지원 평가와 진로 탐색 효능감은 전공에 대하여 만족하거나 자신의 적성에 맞을 경우 높았고, 가정형편이 좋지 않거나 성적이 하위권일 경우에는 낮았다. 관계구축 효능감이 높은 사람은 졸업 후 교육계를 희망하거나 취업성공에 있어서 적극적인 태도와 정보습득이 중요하다고 생각하였으며, 진로 탐색 행동은 학교 진로지원 평가와 진로탐색 효능감과 모두 양의 상관관계가 있었다. 진로 탐색 행동에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인은 직업탐색 효능감 (β=0.702, p<0.001)이며 개인탐색 효능감(β=-0.242, p<0.001), 실제적 진로지원(β=0.165, p<0.05)과 관계구축 효능감(β=0.152, p<0.05) 순으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 치위생과 학생의 효과적인 진로 탐색 행동으로 성공적인 취업을 이끌기 위해서는 전공 만족도 향상과 자신의 적성에 맞는 학과 선택이 아주 중요하고 체계화된 직업 탐색 프로그램과 대인관계 및 의사소통 강화 프로그램 활용이 필요하며 대학의 실제적인 진로지원이 강화되어야 할 것이다. 또한, 진로 및 취업지도에 관한 지원부서 및 전문 상담기관 활용, 직업 탐색 프로그램의 운영효과 등에 관한 추후 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다. For the purpose of investigating the effect of evaluation on career support by the college and career exploration efficacy of dental hygiene students on the career exploration behavior, a survey was conducted in December 2014 with students of dental hygiene at universities located in Ulsan and Daegu as subjects. In the result, correlation was found among sub-factors of evaluation on career support by the college, career exploration efficacy, and career exploration behavior. Increase of career exploration efficacy (β=0.702, p<0.001), practical career support (β=0.165, p<0.05), and relationship establishment efficacy (β=0.152, p<0.05) led to increase of career exploration behavior, while increase of individual exploration efficacy (β=-0.242, p<0.001) led to decrease of career exploration efficacy. Therefore, it is necessary to build appropriate value system related to job seeking, conduct active discussions to increase relationship establishment efficacy by using interpersonal relationship reinforcement program, and expand career support program by the college.

      • The long-term effects of a career efficacy enhancement program on career identity, career decisions, and career efficacy

        Jung, Young-Mi,Yoo, In-Young,Lee, Hui-Eun,Park, Kyu-Yeon,Shin, Jeong-Eum,Jo, So-Mi 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aim(s): This study aims to evaluate the long-term effects of a career efficacy enhancement program on nursing students" career decisions, identity, and efficacy. Method(s): Two program booklets and a workbook were developed and used in a career efficacy enhancement program that ran in 2018. The participants comprised 61 nursing students (28 in the experimental group and 33 in the control group) from two universities. Data were collected at four timepoints between September 2018 and December 2020 and analyzed using a Chi-square test, Fisher"s exact test, and a repeated measures ANOVA. Result(s): Career identity differed significantly between the groups (F=5.66, p=.021) but did not differ significantly with measurement times (F=.32, p=.731) and in the interaction between groups and measurement times (F=2.34, p=.075). Career decisions differed significantly between groups (F=4.92, p =.031) and in the interaction between groups and measurement times (F=3.49, p=.017) but did not differ significantly with measurement times (F=.13, p=.935). Career efficacy did not differ significantly between groups (F=.15, p=.703) and with measurement times (F=.33, p=.771) but differed significantly in the interaction between groups and measurement times (F=4.92, p=.003). Conclusion(s): The career efficacy enhancement program improved nursing students" career identities, decision skills, and efficacy. It can be developed further and a revised program will be conducted, that can strengthen and sustain the long-term effects of the career efficacy enhancement program for senior nursing students.

      • 고등학생이 지각하는 부모진로지지가 진로결정자기효능감에 미치는 영향 : 학습경험의 매개효과

        김판수 한국심리협회 2013 심리행동연구 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 부산광역시에 소재한 3개 일반고등학교 3학년 남녀 학생 419명을 대상으로 고등학생이 지각하는 부모진로지지, 학습경험, 진로결정자기효능감의 수준을 측정하였다. 측정된 자료는 SPSS 18.0 프로그램을 사용하여 변인별 평균과 표준편차를 산출하였고, 변 인들 간의 관련성을 살펴보기 위하여 상관관계분석을 실시하였다. 또한, 변인들 간의 영향 을 알아보기 위해 중다회귀분석을 실시하였으며 매개효과를 살펴보기 위해 위계적 중다회 귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 나타난 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 변인들 간의 산출된 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 부모진로지지는 진로결정자기효능감 과 정적으로 유의한 상관관계가 나타났으며, 또한 부모진로지지는 실재형학습경험, 탐구형 학습경험, 예술형학습경험, 사회형학습경험, 기업형학습경험, 관습형학습경험 등 6개의 학 습경험 모두와 정적으로 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 둘째, 고등학생이 지각하는 부모진로지지와 진로결정자기효능감 간의 관계에서 학습경험 의 매개효과를 살펴보기 위하여 위계적 중다회귀분석과 회귀분석의 유의성 검증을 위한 Sobel Test를 실시한 결과, 학습경험 중 탐구형학습경험, 사회형학습경험, 기업형학습경험 이 부모진로지지와 진로결정자기효능감 사이를 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to (1) investigate the relations among perceived parents support, career-related learning experiences and career decision-making self-efficacy, and (2) test mediating effect of career-related learning experiences between perceived parents support and career decision-making self-efficacy. For this study, questionnaires measuring perceived parents support, career-related learning experiences and career decision-making self-efficacy were completed by 419 students(224 boys, 195 girls) who were selected in three high schools located in Busan. We performed the correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to investigate the influence of the variables. And we studied hierarchical multiple regression analysis to investigate mediation of learning experience in the Holland' RIASEC domain. The finding of this study were as follows. First, we found out there were positive significant relationships between perceived parents career support and career decision-making self-efficacy, between perceived parents support and career-based learning experiences, between career-based learning experiences and career decision-making self-efficacy except for R domain. And, we also found out the perceived parents career support had positively significant influence on R domain learning experience(β=.145), I domain learning experience(β=.183), A domain learning experience(β=.148), S domain learning experience(β=.250), E domain learning experience(β=.349), C domain learning experience(β=.223). The perceived parents career support had positively significant influence on career decision-making self-efficacy(β=.391). Holland RIASEC-related Learning experience had positively significant influence on career decision-making self-efficacy in the I(β=.077), S(β=.093), E(β=.109) domains but, not in the R, A, C domains. Second, we found out learning experiences mediated between perceived parents career support and career decision-making self-efficacy in the I(⊿R2 = .027), S(⊿R2 = .037), E(⊿R2 = .049) domains, but not in the R, A, C domains. Consequently, parents' career-related support for their children and career-related learning experience are important variables to strengthen their career decision-making self-efficacy. Limitations to the current study and recommendations for future research are included.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생이 지각한 부모진로관련행동과 진로준비행동 간의 관계에서 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과

        방희원 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.24

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effects of career decision self-efficacy in the relationship between parent career-related behaviors and career preparation behaviors perceived by high school students. Methods Correlation analysis was conducted using SPSS Ver. 26 to identify the relationship between parental career-related behaviors, career decision self-efficacy, and hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to verify the mediating effect of career-determining self-efficacy. Results First, there is a significant correlation between career support, career decision self-efficacy, and career preparation among parental career-related behaviors. Second, career decision self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between career support and career preparation behavior of parent career-related behaviors. Conclusions This means that improving career decision self-efficacy is very important to effectively promote career preparation behavior of high school students. In order to do this, practical support is needed for career curriculum, program planning, and parental education related to career including career decision self-efficacy and customized career counseling considering aptitude and interest. 목적 본 연구의 목적은 고등학생이 지각한 부모진로관련행동과 진로준비행동 간의 관계에서 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과를알아보는 것이다. 방법 부모진로관련행동, 진로결정자기효능감, 진로준비행동 간의 관계를 알아보기 위해 SPSS Ver. 26을 이용하여 상관분석을실시하였고, 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과 검증을 위해 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 결과 첫째, 부모진로관련행동 중 진로지지, 진로결정자기효능감, 진로준비행동 간에는 유의미한 상관이 있다. 둘째, 진로결정자기효능감은 부모진로관련행동의 진로지지와 진로준비행동 간의 관계를 부분매개한다. 결론 이는 고등학생의 진로준비행동을 효과적으로 증진시키기 위해서는 진로결정자기효능감 향상이 매우 중요하다는 것을 의미한다. 이를 위해 적성, 흥미를 고려한 맞춤형 진로상담, 진로결정자기효능감 요소가 가미된 진로 교과 및 프로그램 기획, 4차산업혁명과 신직업과 같은 진로정보의 효과적 제공, 진로와 관련한 부모교육에 대한 실질적 지원이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        전문대 비서과 재학생의 진로미결정과 애착, 자기효능감의 관계 연구

        유지선(Yoo Jee-Sun) 한국비서학회 2005 비서·사무경영연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 전문대 비서과에 재학 중인 학생들을 대상으로 그들의 진로미결정(진로결정정도)를 조사하고, 진로미결정과 관계변인으로서의 애착(부모, 동료, 선배), 그리고 자기효능감의 관계를 구명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 수도권의 4개 전문대학 비서과 학생들을 대상으로 1,2학년 동수로 표집된 153명을 연구의 표본으로 하여 신뢰도 분석, T 검증, 상관관계분석, 단순회귀, 그리고 동시적 다중회귀분석 등의 통계분석을 통해 설문을 분석하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전문대 비서과 재학생의 진로미결정 수준은 선행연구에 비해 다소 낮게 나타났으며, 학년간 차이도 유의하지 않게 나타나, 학년이 올라감에도 불구하고 자신의 진로를 보다 확고하게 결정하지 못하고 있음을 보여주었다. 둘째, 진로미결정과 애착의 관계에 관련된 것으로, 연구결과가 부분적으로는 동료애착과 진로미결정의 유의미한 부적 관계를 보이고는 있으나 전체적으로 애착은 진로미결정에 의미있는 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 애착과 진로결정 자기효능감의 관계에서는 애착이 진로결정 자기효능감에 대해 의미있는 영향력을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 비록 영향력은 크지 않지만, 특히 부모애착이 진로를 결정하는데 필요한 효능감 즉 자신감 영역에 일정한 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 넷째, 진로미결정에 미치는 진로결정 자기효능감의 영향력은 유의한 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 비서과 학생들이 진로를 결정하는데 가지는 자신감이 실질적으로 진로를 확고하게 결정하는데 영향을 준다는 것으로 판단할 수 있다. 다섯째, 매개변인으로서의 진로결정 자기효능감의 역할을 조사한 결과, 동료와의 애착과 진로미결정 사이에서만 진로결정 자기효능감의 매개효과를 확인할 수 있었으며, 이는 동료 애착의 영향이 직접적으로 진로미결정에 영향을 준다기보다는 심리적 변인인 자기효능감을 통해 더 많은 영향력을 준다고 판단할 수 있다. This study was conducted to find out the problems of career indecision facing students of secretarial department in junior college and its relationship with attachment and self-efficacy. In particular, the study aimed to identify the effect of self-efficacy as a mediating variable between career indecision and attachment. To this end, data were collected using instruments to measure career indecision, attachment, and career decision-making self-efficacy of 153 students of secretarial department in junior college. As for statistical methods, reliability analysis using Cronbach's alpha, t-test, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and simultaneous multiple regression analysis were used in the study. Results of this study were as follows: First, the career indecision level of the subjects came out higher compared to previous studies. It remained unaffected by the grades and coeducation or not. Second, parental, peer, and senior attachment of the students proved to have a no significant influence on their career indecision, but a significant negative relationship between peer attachment and career indecision, Third, parental, peer, and senior attachment of the subjects had significant influence on students' self efficacy. Attachment to parents showed significant relations with career decision - making self-efficacy. Forth, Career decision-making self-efficacy had significant effect on career indecision. Fifth, Career decision-making self-efficacy played the role of a mediating variable between career indecision and attachment. It partially mediated attachment to peers with career indecision. In other words, the study showed that the indirect influence of peer attachment mediated by career decision-making self-efficacy is far greater than its direct impact on career indecision.

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