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        Dependence of current bistabilities on trap density and maximum applied voltage in organic bistable devices

        Jung, Jae Hun,Kim, Tae Whan Elsevier 2010 CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS Vol.10 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The current–voltage (<I>I</I>–<I>V</I>) curves and the captured electron density with various trap densities and maximum applied voltages of organic bistable devices (OBDs) were calculated by using the Shockley-Reed trapping rate model and taking into account the thermionic emission model. The current bistabilities in the <I>I</I>–<I>V</I> curves for OBDs were attributed to captured electrons in the traps near the heterointerface between the electrode and the organic layer. The on/off ratio and the width of the memory window of the <I>I</I>–<I>V</I> curves for OBDs gradually increased with increasing trap density in the organic layer and maximum applied voltage. The maximum increase of the on/off ratio and the width of the memory window of the <I>I</I>–<I>V</I> curve for OBDs became saturated to the specific values, regardless of the continuous increase of the trap density and the maximum applied voltage.</P>

      • KCI등재

        회사소송의 재량기각 제도의 법적 쟁점과 개선방안 - 재량기각의 대상 및 판단기준을 중심으로 -

        김효정 한국상사법학회 2024 商事法硏究 Vol.43 No.1

        회사소송의 재량기각 제도는 원고의 청구가 이유 있음에도 불구하고 법적 안정성을 우선하여 원고의 청구를 법원의 재량에 의하여 기각하는 예외적인 제도이다. 따라서 재량기각의 대상 및 판단기준도 그 제도적 취지에 맞게 신중하게 정립하여야 한다. 그러나 상법 제379조와 제189조의 법문과 판례의 입장은 법원의 재량을 지나치게 넓게 허용함으로써 예외적 제도로서의 재량기각의 제도적 취지를 몰각시키고 있다. 재량기각 제도가 구체적 권리구제의 요청을 중대하게 침해하지 않으면서 법적 안정성의 요청을 고려하는 방향으로 운용되기 위해서는 재량기각의 대상을 적절한 범위로 제한하고, 그 판단기준도 구체화하여 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 재량기각의 대상과 관련하여, 주주총회결의 취소의 소의 재량기각을 규정한 상법 제379조가 재량기각이 적용되는 취소사유를 제한하고 있지 않지만 입법론상 결의내용의 정관 위반은 내용상 하자의 중대성을 고려할 때 재량기각의 대상에서 아예 제외할 필요가 있다고 본다. 한편 합병무효의 소나 신주발행무효의 소 등 상법 제189조를 준용하는 소의 경우, 무효원인 판단과정에서 하자의 중대성, 회사의 주주와 채권자에게 미칠 영향, 다른 구제수단의 존부 등 법적 안정성에 대한 고려가 이루어짐에도 다시 법적 안정성을 고려하여 청구를 기각하는 것은 구체적 권리구제에 비하여 법적 안정성을 지나치게 우선하게 된다는 점에서 타당하지 않다고 본다. 따라서 입법론상 상법 제189조를 준용하는 소에 대해서는 재량기각을 삭제할 필요가 있다. 결국 주주총회결의 취소의 소만 재량기각의 대상으로 하되, 취소사유 중 결의내용의 정관 위반은 재량기각의 대상에서 배제하는 것으로 상법을 개정하는 것이 바람직하다고 본다. 한편 재량기각의 판단기준과 관련하여, 판례는 주주총회결의 취소의 소와 상법 제189조를 준용하는 소에서 공통적으로 ① 하자의 결의결과에의 영향, ② 하자의 중대성, ③ 회사 또는 주주의 이익, ④ 거래안전, ⑤ 소권남용, ⑥ 기타 제반사정을 종합적으로 고려하여 재량기각 여부를 판단한다. 상법 제189조를 준용하는 소는 하자의 보완을 재량기각의 요건으로 하고 있으나, 판례는 하자가 보완될 수 없는 성질의 것인 때에는 하자의 보완을 요구하지 않고 거의 대부분의 사례가 이에 해당하므로 하자의 보완 요건은 실무상 큰 의미를 가지지 못한다. 판례가 제시한 재량기각의 판단요소가 적절한지에 대해서는 재검토가 필요하다. 위 ①과 ②는 재량기각의 판단요소로 하는 것이 적절하다. 하자가 결의결과에 영향을 미치거나 중대한 경우에 재량기각을 인정하는 것은 주주총회의 적정한 운영을 확보함으로써 주주의 이익을 보호하고자 하는 상법의 입법취지를 훼손하는 결과를 초래하고, 법적 안정성의 요청을 지나치게 우선하는 것으로서 재량기각의 제도적 취지에 반하기 때문이다. 그러나 ③ 내지 ⑥을 재량기각의 판단요소를 보는 것에는 문제가 있다. ③, ④, ⑥을 재량기각의 판단요소로 고려하게 되면 재량기각 제도를 엄격한 요건 하에 예외적인 제도로 운용하고자 한 취지를 몰각시킬 우려가 있다는 점에서 적절하지 않다. 한편 ⑤의 경우, 소권남용은 재량기각의 판단에 앞서 그와 별개로 판단해야 할 소송요건에 관한 사항이라는 점에서 재량기각의 판단요소로 보는 것은 타당하지 않다. 따라서 입법론으로는 재량기각의... The discretionary dismissal system in corporate litigation is an exceptional system in which the plaintiffʼs claim may be dismissed at the courtʼs discretion, taking legal stability into account, even if the plaintiffʼs claim has grounds on its merits. Therefore, the subjects and judgment criteria for discretionary dismissal shall also be carefully established in accordance with its institutional purpose. However, the legal texts and courtsʼ precedents as to Articles 379 and 189 of the Commercial Act have taken positions to allow courts to exercise too broad discretion in the course of judging where to apply the discretionary dismissal of the claims at hand, thereby resulting in ignoring the institutional purpose of discretionary dismissal as an exceptional system. In order for the discretionary dismissal system to be operated in a way that considers requests for legal stability without seriously infringing on requests for specific rights relief, it is necessary to limit the subjects of discretionary dismissal to an appropriate scope and specify them so as to clarify the criteria for judgment. Regarding the subjects of discretionary dismissal, Article 379 of the Commercial Act, which stipulates discretionary dismissal of lawsuit for revocation of general shareholdersʼ meeting resolutions, does not limit the grounds for revocation to which discretionary dismissal applies. However, from a legislative perspective, the contents of the resolution contrary to the articles of incorporation needs to be excluded from the scope of discretionary dismissal in consideration of the seriousness of its defects. Meanwhile, in the lawsuits to which Article 189 of the Commercial Act apply mutatis mutandis, such as lawsuits for nullification of mergers or lawsuits for nullification of issuance of new shares, consideration of legal stability, in light of the gravity of the defect, the impact on the companyʼs shareholders and creditors, and the existence of other remedies, is taken into account in the course of determining the cause of action. Even when the cause of action has been satisfied, it may not be deemed reasonable to dismiss the claim by considering legal stability again since it tends to give too much priority to legal stability over specific rights relief. Therefore, in terms of legislation, it is necessary to remove discretionary dismissal for lawsuits to which that Article 189 of the Commercial Act apply mutatis mutandis. Consequently, it seems desirable to amend the Commercial Act so that only claims for revocation of resolutions at general shareholdersʼ meetings shall be subject to discretionary dismissal, but violations of the articles of incorporation in terms of resolutionsʼ contents among the reasons for revocation shall be excluded from discretionary dismissal. With regard to the criteria for judgment of discretionary dismissal, judgment factors that courtsʼ precedents commonly consider in lawsuits for revocation of general shareholdersʼ meeting resolutions and lawsuits applying mutatis mutandis Article 189 of the Commercial Act are: ⅰ) the impact of defect on the resolution result, ⅱ) the gravity of defect, ⅲ) the interests of the company or shareholders, ⅳ) the safety of transaction, ⅴ) the abuse of power in filing a lawsuit, and ⅵ) other overall circumstances. In lawsuits to which Article 189 of the Commercial Act apply mutatis mutandis, the remedy of defects is a requirement for discretionary dismissal. However, courtsʼ precedents do not require such a remedy when the defect is of a nature that cannot be corrected, and thereby since most of the cases would fall under this category, the remedy requirement does not have much practical significance. It is necessary to reexamine whether the judgment factors for discretionary dismissal presented by courtsʼ precedents are appropriate. It is appropriate to use ⅰ) and ⅱ) above as judgment factors for discretionary dismissal. Recognizing discretion...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        조화 전류 측정에 의한 분극 저항 평가

        김종집 ( Jong Jip Kim ),유미영 ( Yu Mi Young ) 한국부식방식학회 2012 Corrosion Science and Technology Vol.11 No.6

        Harmonic current was measured for a dummy cell with various values of resistance and the procedure developed through the measurements was applied to the investigation of effects of the amplitude of applied frequency and applied potential on the harmonic current of a stainless steel and a carbon steel in chloride containing solutions. From the measurements of harmonic current in the dummy cell the optimum values of applied frequency and applied potential in harmonic current measurements were found to be 1 mHz and 20mV (or lower) respectively. Increase in harmonic current with applied frequency was observed in the case where the level of harmonic current is low as in a stainless steel. Decrease in polarization resistance was also noted in this corrosion system with either increasing applied frequency or decreasing applied potential. However no obvious effects of applied frequency was observed on harmonic current and polarization resistance in a carbon steel in which the level of harmonic current is high.

      • KCI등재

        여러 환경조건에 대한 고분자애자의 누설전류 특성 변화

        박재준,최인혁,이동일,Park Jae-Jun,Choi In-Hyuk,Lee Dong-il 한국전기전자재료학회 2006 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.19 No.2

        This study investigated variation leakage current maximum value and waveform considering applied voltage phase angel by simulating three environmental conditions, such as fog, salt fog, and kaolin contamination .As the result of applied voltage phase angel characteristics, leakage currents presented almost in phases in the early stage regardless of environmental conditions just after applying the voltage, and the phase of leakage currents certain phase lags for the discharge of the applied voltage when surface discharges occurred due to the continuous environmental contamination. In addition, the difference in phase significantly increased according to the intensity of discharges. The change in distortion rates according to the environmental contamination presented a nearly same level just after applying the voltage. The distortion rate of third harmonic for the fundamental wave presented by the order of fog>salt fog>kaolin when surface discharges occurred due to the applied voltage for certain continued periods. In the case of the fog and salt fog, the scale of spectrums decreased according to the increase in frequencies from the results of the analysis of high frequencies. In addition, the even number frequency presented a relatively large level compared to the odd number frequency under the kaolin contamination.

      • KCI등재

        해양환경 하에서 동합금의 캐비테이션-부식손상 방지를 위한 방식정전류 기법 연구

        박재철(Jae-Cheul Park),김성종(Seong-Jong Kim) 한국표면공학회 2012 한국표면공학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        The galvanostatic tests for corrosion protection are conducted at various applied current densities during 93,600 sec, and evaluated in terms of the variations in current density with time and in the potential at the applied current density. In addition, the corrosion damage depth is analyzed with 3D analysis optical microscope after galvanostatic tests. In this study, it was investigated to decide condition of the corrosion protection gavalnostatic method for Cu-Al alloy that has an excellent corrosion resistance. In the galvanostatic test under the cavitation environment, the energy was reflected or cancelled out by the collision with the oxygen gas generated by the oxygen reduction action. The surface observation showed neither the cavitation damage nor the electrochemical damage in the current density over 0.01 A/㎠ in the dynamic state under the cavitation environment.

      • KCI등재

        CNT 전기분해를 이용한 돈사폐수 3차 처리특성 평가

        조용현 ( Yong-hyun Cho ) 한국수처리학회 2020 한국수처리학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        Livestock wastewater has a high concentration of organic matter and particularly a very high concentration of substances that lead to eutrophication, making it a serious point source of pollution polluting water resources such as rivers and lakes. In this study, a study was conducted on the evaluation of the third treatment characteristics of livestock wastewater through a water treatment electrolysis device using a carbon nano tube(CNT) electrode. The electrolysis method not only removes organic matter(biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, etc.), but also has high removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen, is a very economical method because the device is inexpensive and the contact time is short. As a result of the study, the higher the pollution degree of wastewater was, the higher the current intensity according to the applied voltage. According to the amount of dissolved pollutants, it was found that the amount of current increased close to the second-order polynomial with increasing voltage. In addition, through lab-scale experiments, it was shown that the higher the applied voltage, the higher the efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen-based treatment. When the applied voltage was 8V and 40 minutes elapsed, the chemical oxygen demand(COD) removal rate was 62% and the total nitrogen(T-N) removal rate was 31%, showing an effect of improving water quality through electrolysis.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 일본어학 연구 현황과 과제

        홍민표 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2018 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.78

        The present study investigates the research trend in Japanese language studies in Korea for one and a half years since 2016. Its findings are as follows: (1) In terms of research fields, articles on Japanese education and syntax make up around a half of the whole research. Those on sociolinguistics and historic aspects of Japanese language are 13.3% respectively, followed by lexicon of 11.7%, phonetics of 5.3%, and others. (2) It has been revealed that articles on syntax and historic aspects of Japanese language are gradually decreased whereas those on lexicon, Japanese education and sociolinguistics (including discourse analysis) are gradually increased. In other words, the ratio of researches on practical and applied linguistic issues is getting higher in comparison to that of researches on Japanese internal structure or system. (3) Nationalities of authors are Korean 81.7%, and Japanese 17.3%. Further 53.3% of articles are written in Korean and 46.5% in Japanese. (4) Articles on contrastive studies are 30%, or 186 articles out of 618 in total, and in terms of research fields, a higher ratio is shown in the order of sociolinguistics, syntax and lexicon. 本稿は2017年から2018年6月までの1年6ヵ月間、韓国日本語学の研究現況を把握したもので、具体的な内容は以下の通りである。 (1)分野別の研究動向は、日本語教育と統語論の論文が半分ぐらいを占めており, 社会言語学と日本語史の論文がそれぞれ13.3%、語彙論文が11.7%、音声学論文が5.3%、その他の順となっている。 (2)研究分野の時代別の推移をみると、統語論や日本語史の論文は徐々に減少する傾向であり、語彙論、日本語教育、社会言語学(談話分析を含む)の論文は徐々に増加することが分かった。つまり、日本語の内部構造や体系より実用的で応用言語学的な研究の割合が高くなっていくことがわかった。 (3)著者の国籍分布は韓国人が81.7%、日本人が17.3%であり、このうち韓国人の論文作成言語は韓国語が53.3%、日本語が46.5%となっている。 (4)対照研究は全体論文618本のうち、30%に当たる186本であり、分野別では社会言語学、統語論、語彙論の順で割合が高くなっている。 一方、韓国における日本語学研究の最も大きな問題点としては共同研究と対照研究の低調が挙げられる。 特に音声学・音韻論、通辞論・形態論、語彙論・意味論分野での共同研究は10%以下に止まっているが、これはますます多様化し複雑化していく日本語の環境や現象を考えると、共同研究に対するより積極的な関心が必要であると考えられる。また、韓国人として日本語だけを研究するよりは、韓国語との対照研究を通して日韓両言語の共通点と相違点をより多く明らかにすることも韓国における日本語学研究者に与えられた使命や役割ではないかと考えられる。

      • KCI등재

        연구실 안전점검 및 정밀안전진단제도 개선에 관한 연구

        우인성,황명환,이홍주 한국가스학회 2019 한국가스학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        According to the Laboratory Safety Act, each laboratory in the field of science and technology must conduct safety inspections and diagnosis every year or every two years. At present, the relevant guidelines are not clear, so there is a high possibility that inspection and diagnosis will become ineffective. In the laboratory, there is a pre-risk factor analysis system for hazardous factors, but there are many difficulties in implementation due to lack of education and understanding of the researchers, excessive work, etc. For the analysis of the opinions of experts in the safety field using the Delphi technique, we analyzed the following items: 1. Consideration in applying the Lab Safety Act, 2. Consideration in Lab Safety inspection and diagnosis, and 3. Government policy necessary for Lab. safety. Through the investigation and analysis of the detailed items, we extracted for problems and alternatives in current laboratory safety diagnosis and current law. 연구실 안전법 관련규정에 따라 과학기술분야 각 연구실은 매년 혹은 2년마다 안전점검 및 정밀안전진단을 의무적으로 실시하여야 하지만, 현재는 관련 지침이 명확하지 않아 점검 및 진단이 부실화될 우려가 높은 것이 현실이다. 이와 함께 연구실 현장에서는 사전유해인자 위험분석 제도를 시행하고 있으나, 수행하는 연구활동종사자의 교육 및 이해부족, 과도한 업무 등으로 인해 시행에 있어 많은 어려움이 있다. 이에 따라 델파이 기법을 활용하여 연구실 안전 현장 전문가들의 의견을 분석한 결과 1. 연구실 안전법 적용시 고려할 사항, 2. 연구실 안전 점검 및 정밀 안전 진단시 고려할 사항, 3. 정부부처에 바라는 사항으로 각 항목을 구성하였고, 세부항목에 대한 조사와 분석을 통해 현재 연구실 안전진단 및 현행법상의 문제점과 대안을 도출하였다.

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