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      • KCI등재

        ‘부유’ 감나무의 수령에 따른 수체 생장과 수량 변화

        최성태(Seong-Tae Choi),최재혁(Jae-Hyeok Choi),조용조(Yong-Cho Cho),신현열(Hyun-Yul Shin),강성모(Seong-Mo Kang) 한국원예학회 2009 원예과학기술지 Vol.27 No.3

        본 연구는 2007년에 경남 일원 단감 주산지 내 49개 과원에서 3-81년생 ‘부유’ 감나무의 수령별 생장과 수량을 조사하여 합리적인 생산계획 수립을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행되었다. 주간단면적은 수령이 높아질수록 직선적인 증가를 보인 반면 수고는 유목일 때는 급격히 증가하다가 15년생 이상이 되면서 완만하게 증가하였다. 평균 선단신초장과 엽면적은 각각 37년, 44년생 이후에 서서히 감소하였다. 과실 크기는 40년생 이후에 감소하는 경향이었으나 당도는 변화가 없었다. 주당 착과수와 수량은 수령이 높아질수록 증가하여 80년생 나무의 주당 수량은 30년생의 2배에 달하였다. 그러나 단위면적당 수량은 50년생까지는 점진적으로 증가하다가 재식밀도의 감소로 60년생 이후에는 감소하는 추세였다. 회귀분석 결과 단위면적당 최대수량이 54년생에서 가장 높았고, 최대수량의 80% 수준이 81년생까지 지속되는 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to analyze tree growth and yield of ‘Fuyu’ persimmon of various age groups to set-up a plan for managing trees on a long-term basis. Tree growth, fruit characteristics and the yield of three- to 81-year-old trees were investigated from 49 orchards in Gyeongnam Province during 2007. As the trees were becoming older, trunk cross-sectional area linearly increased, while the increase in tree height was curvilinear after 15 years. Average length of terminal shoots and leaf area gradually decreased after 37 and 44 years, respectively. Fruits tended to become smaller from around 40 years of age, and the fruits of extra-large grade were few in those trees older than 60 years. However, fruit soluble solids did not differ significantly depending on tree ages. Number of fruits and yield per tree increased with increasing tree age, the yield of 80-year-old trees being 2-fold more than that of 30-year-old trees. On the other hand, the yield per unit area of land gradually increased until around 50 years of age, and then tended to decrease from around 60 years due to the reduction of tree density. Regression analysis showed the greatest yield per hectare was in 54-year-old trees and 80% of that yield was maintained to 81 years of age.

      • KCI우수등재

        과밀식재지 밀도관리 및 신규식재지 배식설계 모델 개발 연구- 화성시 동탄신도시 완충녹지를 대상으로 -

        최진우 한국조경학회 2018 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.46 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to develop a model for the density management of planting sites and an additional modelfor new planting sites. In the Dongtan New Town of Hwaseong, there are buffer green spaces, with widths between 8mand 15m, between roads and apartment complexes. A total 38 survey plots were set to examine the planting patterns andthe density of landscape trees. The Crown Overlapping Index (COI) was developed to assess the level of overcrowdingas far as tree growth and development effectively. Pinus strobus recorded the most serious level of overcrowding growthand development. Its average density and average COI were very high at 0.3 trees/㎡ and 35.6%, respectively. There weremany areas in which its COI was above 45%. The criteria for density management were set by standardizing the COIinto three levels, which were above 45% (Type A), 30~45% (Type B), and under 30% (Type C). A model was proposedto manage poorly growing trees and to develop a model to select and manage trees of similar specification based on theplanting patterns. The trees of density management areas were reviewed in terms of tree types and the ease of transplantingto establish an application system for the management plans according to the possibility of transplanting, thinning, andpruning. In new buffer green spaces, the planting density of Pinus strobus was lowered to 0.20~0.25 trees/㎡, with thatof shrubs being reduced to 1.5~2.0 trees/㎡, leading to a planting design model to cover the lower parts in at least 30~40%. 본 연구의 목적은 수목의 과밀생육으로 인한 수형 및 생육불량, 녹지의 기능 저하를 해결하기 위해 과밀식재지의 밀도관리 모델과 신규식재지의 배식설계 모델을 개발하는 것이다. 화성시 동탄신도시의 완충녹지는 도로와 아파트단지사이에 8~15m 폭으로 조성되었다. 완충녹지에 38개의 조사구를 설정하여 조경수 식재패턴 및 생육밀도를 조사하였다. 완충녹지 가로변에는 산딸나무, 복자기, 왕벚나무 등 경관기능의 낙엽활엽수가 67.9% 식재되었다. 마운딩 중앙부에는스트로브잣나무 71.3%, 상수리나무 9.5%, 아파트변에는 스트로브잣나무 65.9%, 메타세쿼이아 10.2% 등 완충기능의 수목이 주로 식재되었다. 수목의 과밀생육 수준을 효과적으로 평가하기 위해 수관중복률 지표를 개발하여 분석하였다. 과밀생육이 가장 심각한 수종은 스트로브잣나무로 평균 수목밀도 0.3주/m2, 평균 수관중복률 35.6%로 매우 높았고, 45% 이상인지역도 많았다. 수관중복률 지표를 45% 이상(Type A), 30~45%(Type B), 30% 이하(Type C) 등 3단계 척도로 표준화하여밀도관리 기준을 설정하였다. 생장불량 수목을 우선적으로 관리하는 모델, 식재패턴을 고려하여 유사규격의 수목을 선택하여 관리하는 모델을 제시하였다. 밀도관리 대상수목에 대한 수형 경관성과 이식작업 용이성을 검토하여 이식, 간벌,가지치기 방법으로 선택할 수 있는 관리방안 적용 체계를 작성하였다. 신규로 조성되는 완충녹지에는 스트로브잣나무의식재밀도를 0.20~0.25주/m2로 완화하는 대신에 관목의 식재밀도를 1.5~2.0주/m2로 강화하여 하층을 최소한 30~40% 피복하는 배식설계 모델을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        경상남도 사천시 소나무재선충병 감염목 내 재선충의 동태

        이미영,이총규,하만릉,김현 한국도서(섬)학회 2023 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        Black pine (Pinus thunbergii), which grows wild in the southern coastal Sacheon-city islands, is prone to infection with the pine wilt disease (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) that causes significant damage. In order to minimize the damage to black pine in island areas in the future, the distribution of pine wilt nematodes was investigated, with a comparison between an island area and an inland area as a control. The seasonal change of the pine wilt nematode density in the infected trees was 1.2 times higher in the island area than in the inland area. The island area was also found to feature a higher distribution density of pine wilt nematodes than that found in infected trees in the inland area. By location, the highest population of pine wilt nematodes was found in the branches at the top, followed by 10 m above ground, 1.2 m above ground, and lastly, the root of the infected tree. The number of nematodes in the infected trees in the island area showed no difference when the moisture content was 30% to 40%, or lower, around 10-20%. By period, it was found that infected trees rapidly died from the end of June to early August when they were infected with insect vectors. The dead wood of the black pine was collected in late April and late October, and the pine wilt nematodes were separated. When the ratio of the pine wilt nematodes to other similar nematodes was examined, it was found that pine wilt nematodes accounted for 85% and 96% in spring and autumn, respectively, and other nematodes accounted for 15% and 4%, respectively. As a peninsula country, Korea is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the sea and its scattered islands are essential to its unique environment. In addition, the islands, which occupy an important geopolitical position, and the dense trees that inhabit them are also significant resources that cannot be overlooked in our emotions. In particular, the value of pine trees in Korea is shown historically, and it is judged that flora without pine trees is meaningless. In particular, the health of black pine, a pine tree native to the southern coastal islands, is significant. Recently, it has been at the point of devastation due to the damage of the pine wilt nematode in black pine in the island area. Therefore, it is thought that it is possible to manage black pine only when urgent investigations and studies are conducted on these damages. The comparison of tree damage in island and inland areas will be essential data for tree protection in island areas. If this situation is not recognized at present, it is thought that there will be difficulties in managing trees in the island area in the future. Therefore, this study is judged to be the starting point of continuous research on pine wilt disease that will kill black pine in the island area in the future, and constant monitoring of the island area should be accompanied.

      • KCI등재

        Min-Sum 반복 복호 알고리즘을 사용한 Tree-LDPC의 성능과 수렴 분석

        노광석,허준,정규혁,Noh Kwang-seok,Heo Jun,Chung Kyuhyuk 한국통신학회 2006 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.31 No.1c

        본 논문에서는 Tree-LDPC 코드의 성능을 scaling 인자를 이용한 min-sum 알고리즘을 사용하여 나타내고, 그때의 water fall 영역에서의 접근 성능은 density evolution 기법을 사용하여 나타낸다. Density evolution 기법을 통하여 얻어진 최적의 scaling 인자를 사용하게 되면 min-sum 알고리즘을 사용하는 Tree-LDPC 코드는 sum-product 알고리즘을 사용했을 때와 비슷한 성능을 나타낼 정도로 상당한 성능 이득을 갖게 되는 반면 sum-product 알고리즘을 사용했을 때보다 복호 복잡도가 훨씬 줄어들게 된다. 작은 인터리버 크기를 갖는 Tree-LDPC 복호기를 FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)로 구현하였다. In this paper, the performance of Tree-LDPC code is presented based on the min-sum algorithm with scaling and the asymptotic performance in the water fall region is shown by density evolution. We presents that the Tree-LDPC code show a significant performance gain by scaling with the optimal scaling factor which is obtained by density evolution methods. We also show that the performance of min-sum with scaling is as good as the performance of sum-product while the decoding complexity of min-sum algorithm is much lower than that of sum-product algorithm. The Tree-LDPC decoder is implemented on a FPGA chip with a small interleaver size.

      • Study on the Growth Characteristics of Platanus Orientalis by Growth Density Control

        Soo-Won Lee(이수원),Jeong-Ho Choi(최정호),Se-Kuel Yoo(유세걸) 한국산림바이오에너지학회 2008 산림바이오에너지 Vol.27 No.1

        버즘나무의 1 ㎡당 생육 밀도에 따른 묘목의 생장은 49본구에서 묘고(tree height)와 근원직경이 우수한 생장량을 보인반면 생육밀도가 높은 처리구는 근원직경과 간장생장이 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 생육밀도가 묘목의 생 장에 크게 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인으로 판단할 수 있으며, 엽록소함량에서도 생장이 우수한 49본구가 4.3 ㎎/gㆍw.t로 생장이 떨어지는 90본구의 2.9 mg/gㆍw.t에 비해 상대적으로 높은 함량을 나타냈다. 물질생산량은 생장 특성과 마찬가지로 49본구 처리구에서 전체 물질생산량이 통계적으로 유의적인 차이를 보이면서 3.12±0.80 g로 다른 처리구보다 높은 물질생산량을 보였다. 수목은 생육 환경조건에서 적절한 공간의 확보를 통하여 궁극적으로 높은 물질생산량을 보이면서 생리적으로 안정된 생장형태를 보였다. 이는 생육에 필요한 적정 공간의 장애가 실질적인 생장저하를 가져오며, 궁극적으로 물질대사의 최고 단계인 엽록소 특성이나 생장 또한 낮아지는 경향을 보여주었다. Unlike the seedling growth according to growth density per 1 ㎡ on Platanus orientalis demonstrated excellent increment in diameter at root collar and tree height from 49 trees/㎡, the treatment of higher growth density in diameter at root collar and tree height growth demonstrated decline tendency. This would be an important factor determining that a growth density largely affects on seedling growth and 49 trees/㎡ that has excellent growth in chlorophyll contents at 4.3 mg/gㆍwt displayed higher level of contents compare to 90 trees/㎡ at 2.9 ㎎/gㆍwt which decline in growth. Biomass, in the same manner to the growth feature also showed statistically significant difference in the 49 trees/㎡ treatment, showing higher biomass compare to other treated sections at 3.12±0.80 g. The tree showed a physiologically stable pattern of growth while demonstrating ultimately higher biomass through retaining appropriate space under the growth environment condition. We suggested that an obstacle in the appropriate space lower the actual growth and showed decrease tendency in growth and chlorophyll content feature which was the optimum stage of metabolism.

      • KCI등재

        Carbon Storage and Uptake by Street Trees in Seoul

        Hyun-Kil Jo,Jin-Young Kim,Hye-Mi Park 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.2

        This study quantified the carbon storage and uptake by street trees in Seoul and explored suitable planting and management strategies. A systematic sampling model was used to select 50 plots to survey the structures of street trees. The average density and cover of street trees were approximately 5.8 trees/100 m2 and 12.1%, respectively. Trees with a dbh of less than 30 cm accounted for about 66.3% of the total number of trees surveyed. The total carbon storage and uptake by the street trees were approximately 103,641 t and 10,992 t/yr, respectively. The total carbon uptake equaled the amount of annual carbon emissions from driving of about 11,000 cars. Street tree planting and management strategies were proposed to enhance carbon uptake. They included multi-layered and multi-aged planting, securing ground and space for plant growth, and avoiding excessive tree pruning.

      • KCI등재

        Carbon Storage and Uptake by Street Trees in Seoul

        Jo, Hyun-Kil,Kim, Jin-Young,Park, Hye-Mi Institute of Forest Science 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.2

        This study quantified the carbon storage and uptake by street trees in Seoul and explored suitable planting and management strategies. A systematic sampling model was used to select 50 plots to survey the structures of street trees. The average density and cover of street trees were approximately 5.8 trees/$100m^2$ and 12.1%, respectively. Trees with a dbh of less than 30 cm accounted for about 66.3% of the total number of trees surveyed. The total carbon storage and uptake by the street trees were approximately 103,641 t and 10,992 t/yr, respectively. The total carbon uptake equaled the amount of annual carbon emissions from driving of about 11,000 cars. Street tree planting and management strategies were proposed to enhance carbon uptake. They included multi-layered and multi-aged planting, securing ground and space for plant growth, and avoiding excessive tree pruning.

      • KCI등재

        Carbon Storage and Uptake by Street Trees in Seoul

        조현길,김진영,박혜미 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.2

        This study quantified the carbon storage and uptake by street trees in Seoul and explored suitable planting and management strategies. A systematic sampling model was used to select 50 plots to survey the structures of street trees. The average density and cover of street trees were approximately 5.8 trees/100 m2 and 12.1%, respectively. Trees with a dbh of less than 30 cm accounted for about 66.3% of the total number of trees surveyed. The total carbon storage and uptake by the street trees were approximately 103,641 t and 10,992 t/yr, respectively. The total carbon uptake equaled the amount of annual carbon emissions from driving of about 11,000 cars. Street tree planting and management strategies were proposed to enhance carbon uptake. They included multi-layered and multi-aged planting, securing ground and space for plant growth, and avoiding excessive tree pruning.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Anatomical Characteristics and Air-dry Density of Young Trees of Teak Clones Planted in Indonesia<sup>1</sup>

        Fanny Hidayati,Futoshi Ishiguri,Sri Nugroho Marsoem 한국목재공학회 2017 목재공학 Vol.45 No.4

        The objectives of this study are to obtain the basic knowledge of anatomical characteristics and wood proper-ties of thinning trees of young teak (Tectona grandis L.F.) for fulfill the timber demand in Indonesia. Nine thin-ning trees of 5-year-old teak clone trees were used for analyzing the cell morphology and air-dry density. Vessel diameters in pore and outer pore zones were 165 and 90 μm, respectively. Mean value of fiber diameter, cell wall thickness, and fiber length in outer pore zone were 14.6 μm, 2.07 μm, and 1.04 mm, respectively. In addition, mean value of air-dry density was 0.55 g/cm<sup>3</sup>. The measurement and values of vessel diameter, fiber diameter, cell wall thickness, fiber length and air-dry density in the experimental had lower than those in the older teak. Therefore, it could be suggested that the wood from thinning young teaks was not appropriate as construction material, but it could be used for furniture which do not need high of strength properties. Furthermore, since the measurements values of anatomical characteristics were still increasing from pith to bark, it could be suggested that 5-year-old teak clones are still in a juvenile phase. Positively significant correlations were found between air-dry density and cell wall thickness, indicating that cell wall thickness is strongly correlated with wood density of teak.

      • KCI등재

        고창 구시포 해안 곰솔림의 생장특성에 관한 연구

        박종민 ( Chong Min Park ),김성원 ( Seong Won Kim ),박성학 ( Seong Hak Park ) 한국환경생태학회 2009 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        전라북도 고창군 상하면 구시포해수욕장 주변에 위치한 곰솔 방풍림을 대상으로 곰솔림의 생장특성을 조사 하였는바, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 곰솔림의 토양은 모래의 함량이 많은 사토이고, 약산성(pH 5.73)이며, 토양염분농도는 1.42dS/m이다. 곰솔의 흉고직경, 수고, 수관폭, 형상비(수고/흉고직경)는 저밀도 임분, 중밀도 임분, 고밀도 임분의 순으로 양호하였고, 절간생장량은 고밀도 임분일수록 많았다. 특히 저밀도 입목밀도가 낮을수록 수관폭이 크고, 형상비 60 이하인 수목의 비율이 많았다. 이것은 입목밀도가 낮을수록 수목이 건전하게 생장하고 있음을 나타내는 것이다. 많은 수목이 여러 방향으로 기울어져 생육하고 있는데, 이것은 대부분의 수목이 생장 초기 단계에 바람의 영향을 받은 것이고 일부는 태풍의 영향을 받은 것으로 분석되었다. 수목의 기울기 방향의 분포율이 이 지역의 주풍방향과 상관성이 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이 지역의 모래언덕과 곰솔림 내부에는 총 81분류군의 관속식물이 생육하고 있으며, 목본식물(24분류군)보다 초본류(57분류군)가 더 많았다. 사구식물의 경우 모래언덕이 잘 발달해 있는 명사십리 구역에는 10종류가 출현하였는데, 방파제 축조로 인해 모래언덕이 형성되지 않은 구시포해수욕장 구역은 3종의 사구식물만이 간헐적으로 출현하였다. 이 지역의 곰솔림이 건전하게 성장하고 유지되어 해안방풍림으로서의 기능을 충분히 발휘할 수 있게 하기 위해서는 고밀도와 중밀도 임분에 대한 적정한 간벌이 필요한 상태이다. The growth characteristics of Pinus thunbergii windbreak forest around Goosipo Beach, Sangha-Myon, Gochang-Gun, Jeollabuk-Do have been investigated, and the results are summarized as follows. The soil in the site was light acid sand with pH 5.7, and the mean sodium concentration of soils was 1.42dS/m. The tree diameter, height, crown width, and shape ratio(Height/DBH) were better with tree density was coming lower. Especially, the rate of shape ratio under 60 was more in sites with low tree density. This demonstrated that the trees have grown more soundly when the tree density was lower. The direction of main winds and distribution ratio of tree inclination had a correlation. The inclined trees are seemed to be influenced by main winds when they were younger and by Typhoon partly. Eighty one vascular plant species were found in the sites, and more number of herbaceous plants (57 taxa) lived there than woody plants (24 taxa). And more plant species of dune were found at the site where dune have developed well. Some thinning works need at high tree density areas in order to ensure effects of coastal windbreak.

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