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      • KCI등재후보

        Crime Trend and Emerging Crime Types after Democratization in Modern Mongolia: The Effect of Social Transition and Urbanization

        엔크볼드뱃지벡(Enkhbold Batzeveg),황의갑(Eui Gab Hwang) 한국테러학회 2014 한국테러학회보 Vol.7 No.4

        본 연구는 공산권의 붕괴 이후인 1990년부터 최근 2012년까지 23년을 아우르는 기간동안의 범죄자료를 기반으로 몽골의 범죄추세를 탐구하였다. 범죄통계에 따르면 공산권의 붕괴와 민주화가 시작된 1990년부터 전반적인 범죄율이 상승하여 1997년에 최고점에 이르는 것을 알 수 있으며 이러한 7년기간 동안의 범죄율은 그 이전 7년 동안에 비해 157.7 퍼센트 상승하였으며 이는 최근 몇 십년 동안에 가장 높은 수치였다. 이러한 전반적인 몽골의 범죄율은 1998년부터 감소하는 추세를 보인다. 세부적인 범죄율 추이를 살펴 봤을 때, 몽골의 폭력범죄와 재산범죄의 비율은 지난 20여년에 걸쳐 높은 수준을 유지하였고 재산범죄의 수준이 폭력범죄보다 높았다. 그러나 1990년이후 계속하여 증가해온 일부 폭력범죄의 비율은 2008년에 대표적인 재산범죄인 절도율을 능가하기도 하였다. 몽골의 민주화 이후 급격한 사회변화에 따른 부작용이 범죄율의 증가와 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 중심으로 해석과 논의가 진행되었다. 최근 몽골의 사회적 문제로 부상하고 있는 인신매매, 마약, 문화재절도, 환경범죄 등의 심각성에 대해서도 논하였다. This study is to examine crime trend in Mongolia encompassing a period of 23 years between 1990 and 2012, from after the collapse of communism until recent days. Statistically, crime rate began to rise in 1990, and peaked in 1997 which accounted for 157.7 percent more than previous seven years and it is still considered the highest peak within last few decades. The crime rate started decreasing from 1998. According to the relevant statistics, two highly committed crime types, property and violent crimes, stayed significantly increased for last two decades and overall the rate on crime against property was higher than that of violent crime. Since 1990, however, a violent crime rate, especially assault rate, started rising year by year and even exceeded the rate of the most frequent property crime, theft, from 2008. It is discussed that there is a direct correlation between negative social phenomena which caused by drawbacks of Mongolia's transition period and increased crime rate. Emerging crimes in Mongolia are also addressed. These crimes include trafficking of humans, drug related crime, trafficking of cultural property, and environment crime.

      • KCI등재

        노인범죄 추이 및 관련요인에 관한 연구

        이현희(Hyun Hee Lee),원영희(Young Hee Won),구자숙(Ja sook Koo) 한국노년학회 2003 한국노년학 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구는 국내 노인범죄의 연도별 변화추세를 파악하고, 노인범죄에 영향을 미치는 관련요인을 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 노인범죄의 특정적인 변화를 범죄유형별로 살펴보고, 청소년, 성인 연령집단과의 비교를 통해 노인범죄의 특성을 분석하였다. 자료로는 지난 30년간 연도별, 범죄유형별 범죄통계와 사회인구학적, 경제적, 복지관련 통계를 활용하여 추이분석 및 회귀분석을 하였다. 추이분석에서 우리나라 국내 노인범죄는 아직 우려할 만한 수준은 아니었다. 노인 인구의 비율은 전체 인구의 11.1%를 차지하고 있으나, 노인형법범죄자 비율은 3.4%를 차지하고 있다. 그러나 지난 30년간 노인 강력범죄율의 증가는 220%로, 청소년의 96%, 성인의 72%에 비해 2.3배나 빠른 속도로, 특히 폭력성 범죄가 급격히 증가하는 것은 주목할만한 현상이다. 희귀분석에서 노인의 경제활동참가는 노인범죄에 부(否)적 효과를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 노인의 경제활동 참여는 노인 개인의 경제상황에 긍정적 효과를 지니는 동시에 사회경제적 지위를 부여한다는 점에서 노인범죄를 낮추는 주요 요인으로 해석된다. 이를 통해 노인범죄를 감소시키는데 있어서 노인경제활동 참여가 중요하다는 정책적 시사점이 제시되었다. The purpose of this study was to explore the trend of crimes committed by Korean elderly people and to find socioeconomic factors related to these crime. Age groups were broken into three groups-the youth, the adult the elderly-to find unique characteristics of crimes committed by elderly people. Also, the tend of elderly crime rates for last 30 years was examined. Regression analysis was utilized to verify the effects of economic, social, demographic variables on elderly crime, Statistics on crimes and socioeconomic and welfare factors were used for used for the study. The findings of the study are as follows: ① The crime rate among the Korean elderly is not at a threatening level. Although elderly crimes occupies 11.1% of total crimes, only 3.4% of violent crimes are attributed to elderly people. ② The proportion of elderly people charged of a violent crime, however, has rapidly, has rapidly increased during the last three decades. Growing at a rate at least twice that of the youth and the adults. ③ The regression analysis shows that labor force participation of the elderly has negative effect on their crimes. The study recommends that measures be taken to increase labor force participation among the elderly population, and thus to enhance their socioeconomic status. This will eventually be conducive to reducing the crime rate among the elderly.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년 범죄 추세(1998-2008)의 분석과 대응 방안의 탐색

        김성언 한국소년정책학회 2009 少年保護硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        In this study, I concerned myself with the trends and characteristics of youth crime in Korean society since 1998 to 2008, with official crime statistics, 'Analytical Report on Crime published by the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. Expecially, it described the curves of youth crime rates in major crime - total Criminal Code offences, property crimes, and violent crimes. And I discussed some controversial themes, such as age distribution of youth crime, longitudinal exploration of co-offending behavior, juvenile recidivism, 'loose' specialization in property extorting crimes(theft, robbery, fraud, demanding money with threats), gender distribution of youth crime, family structure and youth criminal behaviors, and increasing rate of students in youth crime, etc. In addition to these issues, I argued that counterstep of juvenile justice system, especially public prosecutor's office, to youth crime consists of ambiguous strategies mixed with 'interventionism' and 'non-interventionism.' In exploring effective coping with youth crime, I emphasized the importance of community intervention and the non-interfering investments of central and local governments in fostering and activating community resources for youth crime prevention. Finally, I proposed social support perspective, as well as social control perspective for preventing youth crime.

      • KCI등재후보

        소년범죄 현상에 관한 연구

        임재식 경찰대학교 2008 경찰학연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The recent trend of juvenile crime is quite different from the past. Juveniles are very much exposed to obscene materials distributed by the Internet and broadcasting media, and they become more isolated due to the expansion of cultural individualism and anonymity, which increases their involvement in drug abuse and non-motivated violent crime. This study attempted to perform the analysis on the quantitative and qualitative change of juvenile crime. The analyses on the quantitative change of it discovered that the number of juvenile crime, particularly that of robbery, rape, and theft has increased since 2005, which was an opposite trend to the past decade during which juvenile crime had decreased very steeply. The analyses on the qualitative change of juvenile crime discovered several notable findings. The average age is getting younger. The recidivism rate appeared to have decreased until 2005, but after the year it has been increasing. Sexual crime of 2007 was 60% more than that of 2005. Non-motivated crime causing serious harm is sometimes taking place. And, school violence and drug abuse has increased to the level requiring more attention. The ultimate purpose of studying juvenile crime is to help public and private institutions dealing with juvenile issues develop rational and efficient policies to prevent juvenile crime and get rid of criminal environment. Prevention of juvenile crime cannot be made successfully only by the efforts of the police. It requires the participation of family, school, and the whole community, and the reformation of juvenile justice system such as the operation of restorative justice programs will be needed. Only such a comprehensive and systematic approach will be able to accomplish the goal of juvenile crime prevention.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Crimes in Korea and Preventive Measures

        이만종(Lee Man Jong) 한국공안행정학회 2006 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.23 No.-

        일반적으로 발생하는 범죄는 우리사회의 현주소를 대변한다고 말할 수 있다. 최근 검거된 연쇄살인범과 연쇄성폭행범 '발발이 사건' 등이 우리사회에 던진 충격과 공포는 엄청나다. 이는 곧 우리사회 일각에 번지고 있는 은밀한 이상 징표로 나타나고 있다. 그러나 한국의 범죄현상은 서구와 비교하면 아직은 그 정도가 우려할 상태는 아니라 할 수 있으나 급속한 물질문명의 발달과 산업화가 진행되면서 한국 고유의 사회구조가 변화되고 이로 인해 범죄양상에도 많은 변화가 발생되고 있다. 특히 인터넷 등 컴퓨터 통신망의 발달에 따라 해킹 등 첨단 사이버범죄, 위폐, 신용카드 위조 등 하이테크형 범죄가 대폭 증가하고 있으며, 익명성에 숨은 사이버 군중테러, 동반자살급증, 미성년자 성매매 알선, 도착적 성풍조의 만연 등은 인터넷 확산의 결과이자 요인이면서 또한 한국사회의 어두운 치부가 되고 있다. 따라서 이러한 범죄가 공연화되고 상례화 되기 전에 어떻게 세련된 법 장치로 발전시키는가 하는게 시급한 사항이라 생각한다. 그러나 현실적으로 범죄예방 등 제반 형사정책을 수립하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 우선 최근 한국사회에서 발생되고 있는 범죄의 추이와 변화양상을 알아내어 범죄증가와 흉악화 방지 등 범죄예방책을 강구하여 실제로 범죄로 인한 피해를 경감시키는 게 중요하다고 생각한다. 그러므로 본고에서는 한국의 범죄 발생상황을 살펴보고 범죄로 인한 피해를 최소화하기 위한 방안을 제도적인 측면과 정책적인 측면에서 검토 제시하였다. 특히 외국학자들에게 한국의 범죄에 대한 특징과 경향 및 예방 전략을 소개하는데 중점을 두고 연구하였다. The crimes in Korea may not be as serious as the crimes in the West. However, the unique social structure of Korea has been changing with the rapidly developing material civilization and industrialization, and the types of crimes are changing with the social transformation. With the development of computer networks such as the Internet, high-tech crimes such as cyber crimes, hacking, counterfeit, credit card fraud are on the rise. The pervasiveness of cyber-terrorism hidden behind anonymity, group suicide, solicitation of sex with minors and perversive sexual practice is a result, as well as a factor, of the dissemination of the Internet and is becoming a gloomy disgrace of the Korean society. What is urgently needed, therefore, is the development of any conscious and institutional opposing power to sophisticated legal frames before these crimes become common and customary. Practically, in order to formulate general criminal policies, it would be most important to assess the trend and changing phases of crimes that have been occurring in this society recently and devise crime-fighting measures for the prevention of the increase and brutalization of the crimes to reduce the damage from the crimes. In this respect, this paper examines the context of crimes in Korea and presents institutional measures and policies to minimize the damage from the crimes.

      • KCI등재

        공식범죄통계상 살인범죄추세와 실제 살인범죄추세의 괴리 가능성에 관한 연구

        황지태 ( Ji Tae Hwang ) 대한범죄학회 2010 한국범죄학 Vol.4 No.1

        Even criminologists who suspects seriously the validity of official crime statistics generally tend to accept relative accuracy of official murder crime rate statistics(In Korea, it``s not Homicide Statistics), probably because they believe that there are few hidden crimes in case of murder crime. But, this paper tried to show the probability that even official murder crime rates so far have not reflected on much -maybe much more than Korean criminologists estimate- hidden crimes according to the condition of crime detect ability, and so there are -not small- discrepancy between official murder crime statistics and real murder crime. Further, improvements in murder crime detect ability in Korea for decades or more might have distorted the direction of murder crime rate trends. This paper presented several evidence about it. If it is true that official murder crime rates -which is generally regarded as crime having the least hidden crime- have showed distorted direction of trend for decades or more in Korea, the seriousness of distortion of other crimes would have been much more during the same periods.

      • KCI등재

        도시재생 사업의 범죄예방 효과 분석 연구

        오하늘,서민진,김병철,강석진,김동진 한국셉테드학회 2021 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        This study was conducted to compare and analyze surveys and crime data for business areas in A and B cities in Gyeongsangnam-do, where urban regeneration projects were activated, and to examine the possibility of CPTED linkage in urban regeneration projects, and the study results are as follows. First of all, as a result of resident perception analysis, it was confirmed that the need for improvement of life safety was very high in both city A and city B project areas, It was found that there was some relationship between the elements of urban regeneration projects and fear of crime. In particular, anxiety about Crimes against Persons is related to improvement of social environment (S/W) such as trust between neighbors and participation in community activities, while anxiety about Crime against object is mainly related to physical environment (H/W) was inferred. Second, as a result of analyzing the crime trend of the project area, it is inferred that the A city business area was effective in reducing intrusion-object crime, B city business area was effective in preventing crimes by urban regeneration projects. In addition, as a result of comparing detailed business elements and crime data, both business areas showed crime prevention effects due to improvement in the physical environment such as maintenance of old buildings, but fear of crime was still high. Considering that crime and crime anxiety are mutually related as confirmed in previous studies and this study, CPTED contents are actively added in the subsequent urban regeneration project, and crime and crime anxiety by space type are analyzed in the project monitoring process. Therefore, if more positive effects than the present are identified, it is judged that the spread of CPTED through urban regeneration projects is possible.

      • KCI등재

        역대 정부의 치안정책 분석 및 범죄추세분석에 관한 연구

        김창윤(Kim Chang Yun) 한국공안행정학회 2017 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.26 No.3

        이승만 정부에서는 국방치안정책, 경찰군사화 정책, 사회안정 정책, 부정선거정책 등이 추진되면서 경찰은 정권의 장기집권 유지를 위해 이용되었다. 장면정부에서는 부정부패 경찰 추방정책, 경찰중립화 정책, 사회안정 유지정책을 추진하였지만 5.16군사쿠데타로 실패하였다. 군사쿠데타로 집권한 박정희 정부는 제3공화국과 제4공화국(유신정부)를 통틀어 시국치안정책과 안보치안정책을 추진하였다. 이로 인해 경찰은 정권의 시녀라는 불명예를 안아야 했다. 12.12사태로 집권한 전두환 정권은 정권의 정통성 결여를 공안정국을 조성하여 해결하려 하였다. 경찰은 대공경찰 확대정책, 치안정보 강화정책, 사회정화 검거정책을 통해서 민주화 운동을 탄압하는 악역을 맡게 되었다. 마지막 군사정부였던 노태우 정부는 민주화추진 및 인권보장을 내세웠지만 경찰을 통해서 노동분야를 탄압하였다. 경찰은 대공역량 강화정책, 노동분야 정보강화 정책, 민생치안 확보정책 등을 추진하였다. 김영삼 정부는 실질적 경찰중립화 정책과 경찰행정 쇄신정책을 추진하였지만 신공안정국을 조성하였다는 비판을 받았다. 김대중 정부는 경찰의 수사권 독립보장 정책과 절충형 자치경찰제 도입을 추진하였지만 성과는 미미하였다. 노무현정부는 경찰의 수사권 현실화 정책과 주민생활중심의 자치경찰제 도입정책을 추진하였다. 인권보호를 위한 제도도입과 제주자치경찰제 도입은 성과로 평가받고 있다. 이명박 정부는 법질서 확립정책과 민생·현장대응능력의 강화를 추진하였다. 법질서 확립정책은 용산참사와 이어지면서 정당성을 상실했다는 비판을 받았다. 역대 정부의 재임기간 중 총범죄 증가율은 이승만 정부는 91.7% 증가, 장면정부 45.5% 증가, 제3공화국 정부 48.0% 감소, 제4공화국 정부(유신정부) 51.5% 증가, 제5공화국 정부 45.4% 증가, 제6공화국 정부 26.9%가 증가하였다. 민주화 시대가 개막된 문민정부 이후의 총범죄 증가율은 문민정부는 17.8% 증가, 국민의 정부 7.1% 증가, 참여정부 3.1% 감소, 선진화 정부 1.0%가 감소하였다. 역대정부의 총범죄율은 제3공화국을 제외하고는 이승만 정부부터 김대중 정부까지는 지속적으로 증가하였다. 노무현 정부와 이명박 정부부터 증가세가 감소되기 시작했다. 인구10만 명당 범죄발생율은 제4공화국 정부는 56.2% 증가, 제5공화국 정부 33.3% 증가, 제6공화국 정부 22.2% 증가, 문민정부 5.7% 증가, 국민의 정부 17.6% 증가, 참여정부 7.9% 감소, 선진화 정부 5.6% 감소로 나타났다. This Study was concerned with the Police Policy and Crime Trends in Korea from 1948-2012. The data that this study has analyzed were obtained from official crime statistics, Analytical Report on Crime, which is published by the Korean Police. The analysis periods are from 1948 to 2012. By using the Analytical Report on Crime, annually published by the Korean Police, this study examines long-term Korean crime trends. Major findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, the police policy of the Lee Seung Man administration(1948-1960) period are the military police policy and so on. During the Lee Seung Man administration period, total crime case was recorded from 169,821(1957) to 325,531(1960). Secondly, the police policy of the Jang Meun administration(1960-1961) period are police neutralization police and so on. During the Jang Meun administration period, total crime case was recorded from 325,531(1960) to 473,522(1961). Thirdly, the police policy of the Park Jeung Hee administration(1963-1979) period are the quasi-military policy and so on. During the Park Jeung Hee administration period, total crime case was recorded from 710,780(1963) to 536,999(1979). Fourthly, the police policy of the Jeun Du Hwan administration(1980-1987) period are the public safety policy and so on. During the Jeun Du Hwan administration period, total crime case was recorded from 620,710(1980) to 902,764(1987). Fifthly, the police policy of the Noh Tae Woo administration(1988-1992) period are the current situation policy and so on. During the Noh Tae Woo administration period, total crime case was recorded from 954,128(1988) to 1,210,786(1992). Sixth, the police policy of the Kim Young Sam administration(1993-1997) period are the practical police neutralization policy and so on. During the Kim Young Sam administration period, total crime case was recorded from 1,304,349 (1993) to 1,536,652(1997). Seventh, the police policy of the Kim Dae Jung administration(1998-2002) period are the independence of the police investigation right and so on. During the Kim Dae Jung administration period, total crime case was recorded from 1,712,233(1998) to 1,833,271(2002). Eighth. the police policy of the Noh Moo Hyun administration(2003-2007) period are the induction of police fragmented system and so on. During the Noh Moo Hyun administration period, total crime case was recorded from 1,894,762(2003) to 1,836,496(2007). Ninth, the police policy of the Lee Myung Park administration(2008-2012) period are the establishment of the law enforcement and so on. During the Lee Myung Park administration period, total crime case was recorded from 1,812,379 (2008) to 1,793,4009(2012).

      • KCI등재

        소년범죄의 흐름과 특성 검토를 통한 효율적 대응방안 연구

        윤태현 ( Yun Tae Hyun ) 한국소년정책학회 2017 少年保護硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        No matter when they were written, many of studies on juvenile delinquencies include the expressions; "Recently juvenile crimes have constantly increased, aggravated and committed more by younger age group. In addition, the second offense rates are on the increase.” They also explain the general trend of juvenile crimes saying "the juvenile crimes are high among the young people from single-parent families or low-income brackets and the crime motivations are often accidental and impulsive. The juvenile crimes are generously treated on the ground that they are still in their teens." This study aims to examine whether such assertions are well-grounded or based on wrong perceptions from misunderstanding and prejudice. A review of the 「Crime White Paper 2016」 showed that most of those expressions are uncertain, as well as carelessly and inaccurately made from wrong perceptions, except that the second offense rates are on the increase and that most of the crimes are motivated accidently and impulsively. Accordingly, it may be meaningful to consider some more efficient ways of reducing the juvenile crimes based on the revealed facts. In this sense, this paper suggests the need to reconsider the functions of probation, to strengthen the personality education based on humanities and the practical surveys of crime environment, to develop various mentoring programs and settle the protection ideals in the judicial system for juvenile crimes. Regardless of time and place, the juvenile crime has been perceived as one of the most important societal tasks. Nevertheless, due to some misunderstanding and misperception on the juvenile crimes, more effective ways of preventing them are yet to be made. Hopefully, this paper will be an occasion to promote the understanding of juvenile crime based on the truths and find out more proper ways of effectively dealing with the crimes committed by young people.

      • KCI등재

        ‘범죄두려움’ 관련 연구경향: 텍스트 네트워크 분석을 통해

        윤병훈(Byoung-Hoon, Youn),조진관(Jin-Kwan, Cho) 한국범죄심리학회 2020 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.16 No.1

        이 연구는 범죄학 분야에서 최근 각광받고 있는 범죄두려움 관련 연구경향을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 텍스트 네트워크 분석을 실시하였다. 구체적으로는 내용분석을 통해 범죄두려움 관련 연구에서 활용된 주요 키워드를 추출하였다. 이후 추출된 키워드를 바탕으로 연결중심성과 아이겐벡터 중심성 분석을 실시하였는데, 연결중심성은 주요 키워드가 다른 키워드들과 연관성을, 아이겐벡터 중심성은 특정분야 내 가장 핵심 키워드를 확인하는데 적합하기 때문이다. 분석결과 가장 많이 등장한 키워드는 ‘무질서모형’인 것으로, 연결중심성과 아이겐벡터 중심성 값이 가장 높은 키워드는 ‘범죄피해’인 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 범죄두려움 관련 연구는 전통적 범죄예방이론들이 많이 적용되었다는 점, 범죄피해와 범죄두려움 관련 연구들이 중요한 연구테마로 작용했다는 점, 마지막으로 경찰활동 전략 중 지역사회 경찰활동과 범죄두려움과의 인과 관계성을 확인하고자 한 연구들이 다수 존재한다는 경향성을 확인하였다. 이러한 연구경향을 토대로 다양한 범죄이론, 경찰활동 전략의 적용 가능성과 더불어 국내 실정에 맞는 범죄두려움 관련 척도 개발 등의 필요성을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine research trends of ‘Fear of Crime’ which has been recently in the spotlight in criminology. To achieve this aim, Text Network Analysis is conducted. To be concrete, the core keywords used in the studies of Fear of Crime are derived through contents analysis. Based on extracted keywords, the analysis of Degree Centrality and Eigenvector Centrality are performed. The reason is because Degree Centrality is suitable for identifying the network between core keywords and other keywords and Eigenvector Centrality is adequate for finding the most frequent keyword in the specific field. According to the result, it turns out that ‘disorder model’ is the most frequent keyword and ‘crime victimization’ is the keyword which has the highest value of Degree Centrality and Eigenvector Centrality. On the basis of research result, three research trends are identified as follows: that traditional crime prevention theories are used a lot in the studies of Fear of Crime, that the researches of criminal victimization and ‘Fear of Crime’ are mainly used as subject of study, and that there are many papers which identify the cause-and-effect relationship between Fear of Crime and community policing, one of police activity strategies. Various theories of crime, applicability of police activity strategy and scale development of Fear of Crime adequate for domestic environment are need.

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