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        문화 번역과 탈 언어적 요소

        김경선 한중인문학회 2015 한중인문학연구 Vol.48 No.-

        한 언어를 사용하는 언어집단은 모두 자체의 역사, 문화, 풍속습관, 사회규범, 사고방식, 도덕관념, 가치취향을 가지고 있다. 이런 특정한 언어집단의 특징을 반영하는 방식과 요소가 언어의 문화 환경을 형성하며 실지 교류에서 언어의 의미는 일반적으로 문화 환경에 의해 결정된다. 번역에서는 문화, 언어, 시대 등 요소들이 번역의 문화 언어 환경을 형성하면서 번역 실천에 영향주고 제약한다. 번역은 단순한 언어 전환 행위만이 아닌 여러 문화적 콘텐츠의 전승과 교류로서 원어와 역어의 문화 그리고 역어의 여러 복합적인 문화 요소들과 관련되는 복잡한 교류활동이며 이데올로기, 경제조건, 정치제도, 사회습성 등 많은 문화적 요소들이 번역에참여한다. 번역문화는 본토문화와 외래문화가 상호 작용하여 문화가 혼종성과 초월의 장점을 갖게한다. 일반적으로 저자의 컨 텍스트는 정보접수자가 알고 있는 정보와 연관지어 지기 때문에소통이 자연스럽고 순조롭게 이루어진다. 하지만 번역을 거치면 번역문을 읽는 독자들의 문화적인 배경지식이 원어 독자들의 것과 다르므로 원저자와는 틈이 생기면서 접수장애가 발생하게 된다. 역자는 번역활동에 종사함에 있어 필연코 자신만의 사고방식과 문화전통 그리고 그시대의 특별한 수요로부터 텍스트를 이해하고 해석하게 된다. 총체적 지식으로서의 언어와 문화에 대한 지식은 번역을 하는데 매우 필수적인 조건이다. 관련 메시지에 대한 배경이나 지식을 가지지 못한다면 상당한 번역의 차이를 가져 올 수 있고 심각한 문제가 발생할 수 있다. 번역가는 두 언어와 문화 사이에서 매개자로서 두 언어와 문화의 체계를 번역 작업에 끌어들여 그로 인해 빚어지는 여러 가지 충돌상황들을 조절해 주는 조절자의 역할을 한다. 즉 서로 다른 문화의 매개물로서 번역은 원어에서 체현된 문화를 낯선 목적어문화 속으로 이식하는 역할을 하는데 서로 다른 언어문화 사이에는 현저한 차이가 존재하며 두 언어문화 체계사이에는 완전한 대응관계가 성립될 수 없다. 이런 경우의 번역은 번역의 목적과 상황에 따라 달라 질 수 있다. All language groups in the use of a certain language have their own history, culture, customs and habits, social rules, thinking mode, moral values and value orientation. The methods and elements to reflect the features of this particular language group form the culture environment of the language, and the significance of the language in actual communication usually depends on the cultural environment. Culture, language, times and other elements form the culture and language environment of translation, meanwhile influent and restrict the translation practice. As an inheritance and exchanges of a variety of cultural contents, but not a simple language conversion behavior, translation is a complex communication activities related to the source language’ culture and the target language’ culture and many cultural elements of the target language, and involves ideology, economic conditions, political system, social habits and other cultural elements. Translation makes the culture mixed transcended by the interaction of local culture and foreign culture. The information knew by receiver is generally related to the author’s content, thus the communication between them is natural and smooth. But through translation, the reader to read the translated works has different cultural background knowledge from the original readers, so a gap is formed between the reader and the author, and acceptable obstacles take place. In translation activities, the translator is certainly to understand and interpret the text with his own way of thinking, cultural traditions and the unique requirement of that time. Language and culture is a general knowledge. The information about them is a necessary condition for translation. If the translator does not have the background and knowledge of the relevant information, a huge difference will be formed and serious problems will be resulted in translation. As a medium of the two languages and cultures, translator introduces the two language and culture systems into the translated works; therefore many kinds of conflicts are caused, to which the translator plays a role as regulator. Promptly translation, as the media between different cultures, transplants the culture in primitive language to the unfamiliar culture of the target language, by which there’s a significant difference but not a complete opposite in the two different linguistic and cultural systems. Translation in this situation will be different with the purpose of translation and the conditions of translation.

      • KCI등재

        Crying in H-Mart에 나타난 문화 번역과 번역 전략: 문화특정항목을 중심으로

        최은경 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2023 영어권문화연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This study aims to examine cultural translation in Crying in H-Mart by a Korean-American writer and analyze its Korean translation, focusing on culture-specific items (CSIs). Crying in H-Mart, originally written in English and published in the US, but uniquely features linguistic and cultural hybrid of two different cultures, illustrating the process of adopting Korean culture into the writer's own through cultural translation. Unlike the traditional concept of translation, cultural translation does not involve two different languages and cultures but is understood as a process of interpretation and condition of human migrancy. This paper presents examples of cultural translation of Korean cultural elements within the Korean-American writer's work and analyzes its translation strategies employed in translating CSIs into Korean. The results show that the writer implemented cultural translation through orthographic adaptation, glossing, unmarkedness, and synonyms, enabling readers to share in the experience of cultural hybridity. However, it is observed that only glossing and synonyms emerge as effective translation strategies for the foreignness inherent in the experience of cultural translation, while orthographic adaptation and unmarkedness may diminish foreignness that cultural translation represented.

      • Book Review - Translating Culture: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators (D. Katan, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2004)

        김경식 (재)대한성서공회 성경번역연구소 2007 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.21

        D. Katan’s Translating Culture contains useful information and examples for the beginning translator and interpreters who need handy introduction to this area. The book helps readers to go beyond the traditional view of interpreters and translators. Katan indicates that translators/interpreters have been viewed as dealing with words, phrases and sentences and thus their roles have been understood as copier who should translate the source text with exactness. However, the author asks readers to view translators/interpreters as dealing with two cultures: the one standing behind the source text on the one hand and the other lying beyond the target language. In short, according to Katan, translators/interpreters translating culture, not simply text and thus they are cultural mediators. Katan’s book consists of four parts. The first part is entitled ‘framing culture: the culture-bound mental map of the world.’ It focuses on culture, introducing some important concepts such as frames, logical levels, and filters. Part two is entitled ‘shifting frames: translation and mediation in theory and practice.’ The author presents useful practical examples by concentrating on translation process including generalization, deletion, distortion and chunking. The third part (the array of frames: communication orientations) looks at contexting, transactional communication and interactional communication. The last part concludes the author’s book by clarifying the six stages according to which translators decide his/her attitudes toward other cultures and suggesting the translator student should understand how culture operates behind text. Katan’s book enable the translators at their beginning stage to appreciate how to approach the source text and how to mediate cultures. First, the presentation of the author’s discussion is relatively easy to follow in that he mentions what he will explain briefly before he goes into detail information in each body section. He introduces important terminology and concepts with clarity at the beginning part of each chapter. However, the presentation and organization of Katan’s discussion is sometimes disproportional and thus inconsistent since he assigns more than a section and a paragraph to explain some concepts while he occupies two or three sentences to explain other terms and ideas. Secondly, the book looks at more cultures in theory than translation in practice. Although the author presents practical examples to show how to translate text in the light of cultural differences, most of his practical examples are provided briefly. Rather, he assigned too many portion of the book in dealing with culture. Thirdly, considering the applicability of Katan’s theory to Bible translation, there is a significant gap between his theory of cultural mediator and Bible translation. Katan is concerned to translate two contemporary cultures. Yet, Bible translation is related to two cultures that stand in distance in terms of time: the Bible is an ancient text while the target langue is modern. In conclusion, Katan’s book contains useful information and guides that help translators/interpreters to find a way to more appropriate translation and it also enable the beginning translators to understand their role as cultural mediators who do not deal with text but cultures.

      • KCI등재

        일본 현대문학의 영어권 수용과 문화번역 -"곁문화" 텍스트를 중심으로

        이형진 ( Hyung Jin Lee ) 한국비교문학회 2015 比較文學 Vol.0 No.65

        한 나라의 문학의 세계화는 우수한 원작이나 뛰어난 번역만으로는 결코 이루어질 수 없는 특수한 역학관계의 산물이라는 관점에 바탕을 둔 본 연구는 일본문학의 세계화 과정을, 특히 1968년 가와바타 야스나리의 노벨문학상 수상을, 1940년대 이후로 진행된 서구문화권의 일본문화 수용 과정에서 다양한 층위의 접점을 형성하는데 기여한 서구 문화권의 ‘곁문화’ 텍스트들의 역할의 산물로 분석한다. 본 연구는 문학번역은 서로 다른 위상을 가진 두 언어문화권 사이의 문화 헤게모니의 교차와 접점으로 인한 문화번역의 결과물이라는 전제를 설정하고, 문학번역텍스트의 수용과 문화적 이미지 구축 과정에서 수용문화권의 다양한 ‘곁문화’ 텍스트가 중요한 역할을 한다는 점을 강조한다. 서구문화가 일본을 본격적으로 경험하는 계기가 되었던 1940년대 제2차 세계대전이라는 맥락에서 가해자 일본과의 적대적 관계를 경험한 서구는 일본의 비문명적, 야만적, 광기적 특성을 일본문화의 태생적이고 전형적인 본성으로 고착화시켰지만, 이 같은 문화적 편견과 선입관은 1945년 히로시마와 나가사키에 대한 미국의 원폭 투하를 계기로 전쟁의 가해자와 피해자가 바뀌면서 문화적 관점의 전환을 초래했다. 특히 민간인에 대한 최초의 원폭 투하로 미국 사회가 짊어지게 된 무의식적인 집단 죄의식과 수십 만 명의 민간인 희생자에 대한 미국 사회의 자성과 도덕적 책임의 목소리가 미국 내에서 다양한 ‘곁문화’ 텍스트를 통해 확대 재생산되면서 일본 사회와 일본문화를 바라보는 미국 사회의 관점과 수용 방식의 변화를 확인할 수 있다. 그 이후로 다양한 층위의 ‘곁문화’ 텍스트를 통해 일본 역사와 문화가 재평가 받는 과정 속에서 자연스럽게 서구 주도의 적극적인 문화번역의 과정을 거쳤는데, 이 같은 관점에서 1968년 가와바타의 노벨문학상 선정은 우연한 결과가 아니라 전후 30년 가까운 시간 동안의 일본문화에 대한 서구의 지속적인 문화번역의 결과물로 볼 수 있다. This paper intends to examine the reception process of the modern Japanese literature in the U.S. in the context of cultural translation with a focus on the significant roles of ‘para-culture’ texts published in the target culture. While traditional studies on literary translation tended to focus on comparing and analyzing translation texts along with source texts, this paper problematizes the hegemonic relationship between the source text culture and the target text culture, and claims that this very hegemonic relationship often affects the reception process of the translation of Asian literary texts in the U.S. The early reception process of Japanese literature in the US had been much influenced by stereotyped perspectives of the West on Japan, based on their war experiences with Japanese military as well the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the U.S. During the early 1940s, western books or novels on Japan had been quite critical of Japanese war crimes as well as inhumane atrocity and barbarianism, only strengthening negatively stereotyped images of Japan and Japanese people, but after the atomic bombs in 1945, much somber and realistic understanding and consideration of Japanese victims and culture emerged in the ‘para-culture’ texts with a sense of guilt sense and sympathy. The change of perspectives continued throughout 1950s and 1960s with more genuine and widespread interest and appreciation of Japanese culture, tradition and values, and eventually it led to the first Japanese recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, which would have been impossible without the help of these ‘para-culture’ texts since 1940s. In this context, literary translation appears to be more than an innocent transfer of one text into another language because of the inherent hegemonic relationship between two cultures, and two texts. This hegemonic relationship eventually generates a variety of transformations as well as manipulation of the text and culture for the sake of arbitrary or stereotyped reception, and this is the point of cultural translation in the realm of literary translation, stressing the importance of ‘cultural translation’ in literary translation.

      • KCI등재

        한중 번역과 한영 번역에 나타나는 고맥락과 저맥락 양상 비교 - 채식주의자를 중심으로

        이아형,최은실 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2023 외국학연구 Vol.- No.64

        Korean and Chinese are included in the language group in high-context cultures, while English is included in a typical low-context language. Considering the fact that translation is part of communication, analyzing translation strategies based on contextual differences is an important factor of considering readers in each culture. Therefore, this study aims to present translation strategies according to contextual differences by analyzing translation strategies in the translation of between the high-context culture and the low-context culture and between the high-context culture and the other high-context culture. And for the analysis, the study focused on the novel the Vegetarian, which has both English and Chinese translations. First, we analyzed the Korean-Chinese translation, where omission and reduction strategies appeared a lot. And then, the Korean-English translation was compared. As a result, the study found that the same text was translated without deletion or addition of meaning in the Korean-English translation. To look at the addition strategy, which is mainly used when translating from a high-context language to a low-context language, we analyzed the translation strategy by focusing on Korean-English translation cases. The results showed that the English version tended to be more specific in describing situations and contexts, while the Chinese version tended to be almost identical to the original or omit them. We also analyzed translation strategies for verbs and nouns, based on the characteristics that verbs were developed in the high-context culture, relationship-oriented one, and nouns were developed in the low-context, individual-oriented one. As a result, verbs were usually translated in nouns in the English translation, while the Chinese translation tended to utilize more verbs than the Korean original.

      • KCI등재

        Translation Strategies of Culture-Loaded Words in Mo Yan`s Novels of Life and Death are Wearing Me Out in Korean Version

        조보로 ( Zhao Bao-lu ) 한국중국어문학회 2017 中國文學 Vol.91 No.-

        모든 민족은 그들만의 독특한 역사, 사회, 생태, 종교 그리고 민속 등의 문화를 가지고 있다. 때문에 각 민족의 언어는 어휘, 성어 등의 문화적 요소를 통하여 그러한 관념 혹은 사물을 반영한다. 각 나라의 문화적 요소를 번역하는 작업은 타국 문화에 대한 번역자의 정확한 이해를 요구함과 동시에, 그 문화의 정수(精髓)를 충실히 전달할 것을 요구한다. 그래야만 비로소 이문화 간의 교류가 이루어질 수 있기 때문이다. 이에 본 논문은 자국화번역과 이국화번역 이론의 관점에서 모옌 소설 ≪生死疲勞≫의 한역본 『인생은 고달파』를 대상으로 문화적 요소의 중한 번역 방법론에 대해 고찰한다. 이를 통해 향후 다양하고 우수한 중국 문학 작품을 한국어로 번역함에 있어서 문화적 요소의 번역 방법에 기여할 수 있기를 기대한다. Culture-loaded words is a reflection of a country or a nation`s environment, material culture, religions and beliefs, customs and so on. Due to the cultural divergence between Korean an Chinese, the translation of culture-loaded words brings great challenge to translators. Also, the success of translating culture-loaded word plays an important part in the success of the whole translation. This paper investigates the "Donkey "s Play" translation strategies of Mo Yan `s novel, the first part of Life and Death are Wearing Me Out, from the aspects of linguistic culture - loaded words, social-cultural - loaded words, ecological - cultural - words, religious - cultural - loaded words and material - cultural - loaded words, It can be seen that the translators have adopted literal translation, paraphrase, addition and subtraction, as well as the translation of the filling method. The translator has adopted the strategy of alienation for most of the cultural factors, and has retained the original local flavor and national characteristics to the maximum extent.

      • KCI등재

        지난 20년간 '문화용어'에 대한 국내 통번역연구 고찰

        김혜림 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2019 통번역학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This study aims to analyze the perspectives which academic circles in translation and interpretation have had regarding cultural terms and to examine the directions they should move forward in future research. By analyzing studies posted in three domestic journals of translation and interpretation, including The Journal of Translation Studies , Journal of Interpretation and Translation Institute , and Interpretation and Translation, this study develops definitions of "cultural terms" and summaries research topics and methods. Cultural terms can be defined as "concept words related to human life or lifestyle," and each of their sub-components forms a specific terminology group. Studies on cultural terms are largely conducted in the direction of comparing source texts and target texts, analyzing translation methods, then presenting desirable translation strategies. Research topics are mostly composed of studies on literary works and on the outcomes of public sector translation. In most cases, translation strategies are proposed to make up for the asymmetry of cultural elements. The significance of the studies on cultural terms over the past two decades can be found in 1) identification of comprehensive categories of cultural terms and approach to components of cultural terms, 2) standardization of specific terminologies within macro cultural terms, 3) establishment and sharing of translation guidelines, even if partially, and 4) implementation of these guidelines in the form of online, open knowledge glossary. Future research should be conducted, first in the short term, in specific areas at the micro level focusing on impending issues. Seen from a macro perspective, however, problems of existing translation drafts will be analyzed. In this process, standards will be established and shared, which is expected to eventually bring a virtuous circle of spreading into business practice and education.

      • KCI등재

        중국 소설 삼체 한국어와 영어 역본의 문화특정항목 번역 전략 고찰

        고진흥,윤미선 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.2

        Translation Strategies of Culture-specific Items in theKorean and English Translation of Three Body ProblemsZhenxing Gao & Miseon Yoon Abstract: Three Body Problems is a Chinese science fiction that attracted a great deal of attention. This study aims to analyze the similarities and differences between the Korean and English translation of culture-specific items (CSI) based on the translation strategies suggested by Franco Aixelà (1996). The result indicates that both texts used linguistic translation and absolute universalization frequently when translating CSIs. However, two conspicuous differences were found in the translation of CSIs. Korean translation adopted the strategy of extratextual gloss far more than English translation did to help readers to understand the science CSIs. English translation implemented orthographic adaptation more often than Korean translation did. The implication of the study is in putting forward the similarities and differences of the Korean and English translation strategies of CSIs found in a Chinese science fiction for the first time. Key Words: Culture Specific Items, Types of CSIs, Chinese Science Fiction, Translation Strategies, Three Body Problems 중국 소설 삼체 한국어와 영어 역본의 문화특정항목 번역 전략 고찰고 진 흥*ㆍ윤 미 선** 요약: 삼체 는 중국 최고의 과학 소설로 전 세계의 관심을 끌었다. 본 연구는 삼체 에서 발견된 문화특정항목의 번역 전략을 분석하고 한국어 번역과 영어 번역의 공통점과 차이점을 기술하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 분석 텍스트에서 문화특정항목을 수집한 후, 프랑코 아이셸라(Franco Aixelá)의 번역 전략 분류를 기반으로 데이터를 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 한국어와 영어 번역은 직역과 절대적 일반화 전략을 많이 사용한다는 점에서는 공통점을 보였으나 두 가지 측면에서 차이를 보였다. 첫째, 한국어 번역에서는 과학 문화특정항목에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 텍스트 외적 주석을 많이 활용하였다. 둘째, 영어 번역에서는 음차를 활용하여 문화특정항목을 번역한 사례가 한국어 번역보다 많았다. 본고는 중국 과학 소설 문화특정항목의 한국어와 영어 번역을 분석하고 두 언어 간 번역 전략 차이를 처음 제시했다는 데에 그 의의가 있다. 핵심어: 문화특정항목, 문화특정항목 유형, 중국 과학 소설, 번역 전략, 삼체 □ Received: Mar. 11, 2022, Revised: Mar. 25, 2022, Accepted: Apr. 20, 2022* First Author, Master Course, Dongguk Univ. (주저자, 동국대학교 일반대학원 영어영문학과 석사과정)** Corresponding Author, Postdoctoral Researcher, Dongguk Univ. (교신저자, 동국대학교 영어영문학부 미래인력양성사업팀 박사후연구원, Email: moonyruna@naver.com)

      • KCI등재

        문화 관련 어휘(Culture-bound terms) 번역 방법 연구 -코리아나 아랍어 번역 텍스트 분석을 중심으로 -

        김재희 한국통역번역학회 2008 통역과 번역 Vol.10 No.1

        Ever since the “cultural turn” in Translation Studies it has been commonplace to state that translation is an act of cultural mediation and Translation Studies have been emphasis on cultural history and the role and function of translation in the broader socio-cultural context. Culture-bound terms refer to “concepts, institution and proper names, food items, place names and objects”. and the translation of culture- bound terms to be one of the most challenging tasks to be performed by a translators. Also the translation problem arises because of culutre-specific elements. Thus, it is very important to find the most appropriate methods to translate such terms.In the intercultural communication, the translator is like the traveller who becomes a cultural mediator who connect between cultures. Also translator should be not just bilingual but bicultural in order to fully understand the source text and to be able to transmit it to the target audience.This paper aims at analyzing culture-bound terms in “KOREANA”: A quaterly on Korean art & Culture issued from 2005 until spring, 2008 to see the translation methods which were taken by translators to narrow the gap between different cultures.The result of the analysis showed that the translators prefered to the ‘minimum’ change method and ‘foreignizing’ methods in translating culture-bound terms to preserve the richness of the source language text for the target language audience.

      • KCI등재

        동서양의 문화 번역론 비교 연구 - 루쉰(魯迅)과 베르만(A. Berman), 베르만과 루쉰

        조재룡 한국비교문학회 2009 比較文學 Vol.0 No.48

        Translation has been considered as one of the most natural and effective ways of cultural exchange for a long time. Served as the best tool and even evidence of not only identifying each nation's "language-culture" but also helping understand the idea of "language-culture" of other countries in the eyes of each own nation, translation has been the subject of wide-ranging study of both eastern and western countries, requiring comprehensive research for various discourse about cultural translation. There has been growing movement in the study of discourse in different fields and different nations. When it comes to the methodology, value, and ethics of translation, Lu Xun and Berman have many things in common in their claims. In particular, they created sensation when they insisted on seeing other unfamiliar culture with full respect as it is in the aspect of methodology. On Lu Xun's part, during the era of the modernization in China, he concerned over the domestication and Chinazation in translation, standing firmly by the method of translation called 'the hard translation' which was he strongly believed the only way to reform the old Chinese and change it into modern language by accepting new sentence structure and new words which had not existed in the old frame of Chinese grammar structure. Lu Xun's hard translation didn't mean the literal translation with the word for word method, but the fidelity to original texts with 'exotic nuance.' While Berman criticized acrimoniously 'ethnocentric translation,' 'hypertext translation' and 'platonic translation.' Instead, he suggested 'ethical translation,' 'poetic translation' and 'thinking translation,' which had sent shock waves to the French academic circles in the 1980s. Berman presented the method of translation called 'Translation-Of-The-Letters' in order to conduct the three types of translation he had asserted mentioned above, which is the method that respects text for 'its original value' in translating it, never meaning 'the literal translation' just like Lu Xun's hard translation. Although Lu Xun and Berman lived in the different cultural areas, their study in terms of the methodology sounds very similar. That is because they both thought translation can be used as a way to respect others' cultures and, in turns, trigger the development of their own culture.

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