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      • KCI등재

        온라인 쇼핑몰 챗봇 사용자의 활용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 실증 연구

        김태하 ( Kim Taeha ),차훈상 ( Cha Hoon S. ),박찬희 ( Park Chanhi ),위정현 ( Wi Jong Hyun ) 한국지식경영학회 2020 지식경영연구 Vol.21 No.4

        온라인 쇼핑몰 사용자들의 챗봇 사용에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하기 위하여 문헌 연구에 바탕을 두고 응대 정확성, 개인화 수준, 지능성, 친밀성, 사회적 실재감, 개인정보 위험이 사용자들이 챗봇을 확대하여 사용하거나 반대로 챗봇 사용을 축소 또는 포기하려는 의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 가설을 설정하였다. 온라인 쇼핑몰 챗봇 사용자들을 대상으로 한 300부의 설문을 회수하여 변수들의 신뢰성과 타당성을 분석하였다. 다중회귀분석을 통해 개인화 수준, 지능성, 사회적 실재감, 개인정보 위험이 활용 확대 의도에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것을 검정하였다. 또한 응대 정확성과 개인정보위험이 활용 축소/포기 의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구는 챗봇을 설계하고 관리하는데 소비자의 활용 확대 또는 활용 축소/포기에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 제시함으로써 실무적인 시사점이 있다. 기능적인 측면에서는 개인화 수준이 높고 지능성이 높을수록 챗봇 활용을 확대하려는 의도에 영향을 주고 응대 정확성이 낮을 경우 챗봇 활용을 포기/축소하려는 의도를 증가시키는 것으로 분석되었다. 감성적 측면에서는 친밀감과 사회적 실재감이 있는데 친밀감이 활용 확대 의도 또는 축소/포기 의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 가설은 기각되었고 사회적 실재감은 활용 확대 의도에만 영향을 주는 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 개인정보 위험의 경우 확대 의도와 축소/포기 의도에 모두 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. We investigate factors affecting chatbot use intention of online shopping mall users. We identify theoretical foundations from the literature and postulate that accuracy, personalization level, intelligence, intimacy, social presence, and piracy concern should affect intention to use more or negative intention to use. Based on 300 responses from online shopping mall chatbot users in Korea, we run the statistical analysis to assure the reliability and validity of the measurements. From the multiple regression analysis, we find that personalization level, intelligence, social presence, and privacy concerns significantly affect intention to use more. In contrast, we find that accuracy and privacy concerns significantly affect negative intention to use. This work will present pragmatic implications upon the design and management of chatbot in order to not only incent customers to use more but reduce factors that may cause negative use intention. Among functional factors, personalization and intelligence increases the intention to use more while accuracy decreases negative intention to use. Among emotional factors such as intimacy and social presence, we find that only social presence significantly increases intention to use more. Privacy concerns is found to decrease intention to use and increase negative intention to use.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of the Perceived value on Youtube Algorithm Recommendation on Intention to Use: Using Theory of Value Based Adoption Model (VAM)

        김미경 사단법인 미래융합기술연구학회 2022 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.8 No.9

        This study examines how the perceived bias, perceived risk, perceived ease to use, and perceived usefulness affect the intention to use Youtube algorithm recommendation service through VAM. The result of mediation analysis by Process macro, perceived usefulness had a positive effect on the perceived value of the algorithm recommendation of Youtube, and the perceived value had a positive effect on the intention to use. However, perceived usefulness did not affect intention to use by mediating the perceived value. The perceived ease to use had a positive effect on the perceived value and the perceived value had a positive effect on the intention to use the algorithm recommendation. The perceived ease to use had a positive effect not only on the intention to use but also on the intention to use by mediating the perceived value. The perceived bias had a positive effect on the perceived value of the algorithm recommendation, and the perceived value had a positive effect on intention to use it. The perceived bias directly had a positive effect on the intention to use and the intention to use by mediating the perceived value. The perceived risk had a positive effect on perceived value of the algorithm recommendation. The perceived value had a positive effect on the intention to use it. The perceived risk had a positive effect on the intention to use, but the perceived risk did not affect the intention to use it by mediating the perceived value.

      • KCI등재

        여행 애플리케이션의 사용자 경험 구성요인이 사용의도 형성과 사용행위에 미치는 영향

        손기,김세화 한국기초조형학회 2015 기초조형학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between the components of user interface usability of travel-related apps and the development of intention to use and actual use, using Venkatesh's Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT)(2003) as a basic model, This study was carried out by conducting a survey on three different pages of seven different travel applications. One hundred and thirty Chinese people between the ages of 20 to 40 participated in the survey. In order to examine the research questions, the survey contained twenty-one questions regarding the following variables: ①Brand reliability(brand expertise and credibility), ②Efficiency, ③ Usability, ④Aesthetics, ⑤Social influence, ⑥intention to use, ⑦and Actual use. The results of the study are as follows: (1)Of the five usability components predicted to have an influence on intention to use, as hypothesized, the three components efficiency, aesthetics, and social influence proved to have a static influence on the development of intention to use. However, the correlation between brand expertise->intention to use and usability->intention to use did not prove to have a statistically significant relationship. (2)Regarding whether the five acceptance components had a direct influence on Actual use, as predicted, with the exception of intention to use and social influence, the other variables did not prove to have a direct influence on Actual use. (3)Regarding the results of the examination of total effect and direct and indirect effect, it can be deduced that brand reliability, efficiency, and aesthetics mediates intention to use and influences Actual use. This means that although Actual use did not directly increase when these three variables increased, when these three variables were high, if intention to use was felt, Actual use increased. In addition, social influence had a very high influence on the development of intention to use. Actual use not only took place due to social influence, but it was a directly influential factor on Actual use. Accordingly, like travel applications, when competing with multiple applications in the e-Business market, it is clear that the management of reputation is very important in the development of user's intention to use. 본 연구는 Venkatesh(2003)의 통합수용모델을 기초모델로 하여, 중국 여행 APP 의 사용자경험(User Experience, UX) 구성요인들과 APP 의 실제 사용행위 및 사용의도 형성의 영향관계를 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 연구의 진행을 위하여 20 대~40 대 중국사람 130 명에게 7 개의 여행 APP 화면을 제시하고 ①사용효율성, ②사용편리성, ③심미성, ④ 사회적 영향, ⑤브랜드 신뢰성, ⑥사용의도,⑦사용행위를 변인으로 하여 20 문항을 측정하였다. 연구 결과, (1)사용의도에 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상된 5 가지 구성요인 중에서 사용효율성, 심미성, 사회적 영향이 예측한 바와 같이 <사용의도> 형성에 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 사용편리성→ <사용의도>의 영향관계는 통계적으로유의미하게 관계를 나타내지 않았다. (2) 5 가지 구성요인에서 사회적 영향을 제외하고 모든 변수들이 <사용행위>에직접적인 영향을 미치지 않았다. (3)총 효과와 직접ž간접 효과를 검토한 결과, 사용효율성과 심미성 및 브랜드 신뢰성이 사용의도를 매개로 하여 사용행위에 영향을 미친다는 결과를 도출할 수 있었다. 이는 이 세 변인이 높아지더라도 직접적으로 사용행위가 증가하는 것이 아니라 이 세 변인이 높을 때 사용의도를 느끼게 된다면 사용행위가 높아질 것이라는 것을 의미한다. 그리고 사회적 영향은 사용의도 형성에 영향력이 매우 높으며 그로 인해 사용행위로 이어질 뿐만아니라, 사용행위에도 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        The Mediating Effect of Delivery Big Data Service Expectations on the Relationship between Perceived Mobile Usability and Smart Delivery Use Intention

        천홍말 한국유통경영학회 2013 유통경영학회지 Vol.16 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among perceived mobile usability,delivery Big Data service expectations and smart delivery use intention. In the process, the major concern was to analyze the mediating effects of delivery Big Data service expectations. For this purpose, the perceived mobile usability were divided three variables into smartphone usability, SNS usability and mobile shopping usability. The main findings can be explained in four viewpoints. First, the SNS usability affects on the smart delivery use intention. This means that if the SNS usability is reinforced, the consumers use intention to smart delivery are strengthened. Second, the mobile shopping usability affects on the smart delivery use intention. This suggests the smart delivery services can be used to increase the mobile shopping services quality. Third, the delivery Big Data service expectations affects on the smart delivery use intention. This means the firms can increase the level of smart delivery services quality by leveraging Big Data technologies. Fourth,when the mobile shopping usability affects on the smart delivery use intention, the delivery Big Data service expectations has a mediating role on the relationship. The means can be interpreted that the firms can enhance ultimately the usability of mobile shopping services quality by using Big Data technologies. The results of this study as an initial research related to smart delivery can be applied to practical implications and there are important at that point. The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among perceived mobile usability,delivery Big Data service expectations and smart delivery use intention. In the process, the major concern was to analyze the mediating effects of delivery Big Data service expectations. For this purpose, the perceived mobile usability were divided three variables into smartphone usability, SNS usability and mobile shopping usability. The main findings can be explained in four viewpoints. First, the SNS usability affects on the smart delivery use intention. This means that if the SNS usability is reinforced, the consumers use intention to smart delivery are strengthened. Second, the mobile shopping usability affects on the smart delivery use intention. This suggests the smart delivery services can be used to increase the mobile shopping services quality. Third, the delivery Big Data service expectations affects on the smart delivery use intention. This means the firms can increase the level of smart delivery services quality by leveraging Big Data technologies. Fourth,when the mobile shopping usability affects on the smart delivery use intention, the delivery Big Data service expectations has a mediating role on the relationship. The means can be interpreted that the firms can enhance ultimately the usability of mobile shopping services quality by using Big Data technologies. The results of this study as an initial research related to smart delivery can be applied to practical implications and there are important at that point.

      • KCI등재

        태권도장 소셜네트워크(SNS)의 정보품질과 지속적 이용의도 간의 인과관계

        김태운(Kim, Tae-Woon) 한국체육과학회 2016 한국체육과학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the study of multigroup moderating effects between taekwoodo place"s information quality and continuous use intention according to level of use satisfaction. The subjects of this study were collected 286 school parents of taekwondo place in Seoul and Kyunggi-region in Korea. The survey questionnaires were used to collect the data. The questionnaires for information quality of SNS had been developed by Kim(2011), use satisfaction had been developed by An(2012) and Nae(2010) et al., and continuous use intention had been developed by Kim(2013) and Jee(2012). The statistical methods such as corelational analysis and multigroup structural equation model analysis were used to analyze the collected data for the this research goal by Spss 21. version and Amos 21.0 version. From the analysis of the data, From the analysis of the data, the study reached the following conclusions : First, there showed in the casual relationship between the latest of information quality and continuous use intention. Second, There were showed in the casual relationship between the reliability of information quality and continuous use intention. Third, There were showed in the casual relationship between the understandability of information quality and continuous use intention. Forth, there they didn"t show in the casual relationship between the diversity of information quality and continuous use intention. Fifth, there were a broad distinction between information quality and continuous use intention according to high and low group of use satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        UTAUT 모델을 응용한 패션 증강현실(FAR) 기술수용에 관한 한국 20대 여성의 소비자 태도, 기술 사용의도 및 구매의도

        조성희 ( Sung Hee Cho ),김칠순 ( Chil Soon Kim ) 한국의류학회 2019 한국의류학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        This study determined the impact of ‘Fashion Augmented Reality (FAR)’ acceptance factors based on the model of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) on consumer attitudes, intention to use technology, and fashion product purchase intention. A survey asked participants to have an AR experience using a FAR app to understand FAR in advance. Data were analyzed factor analysis and stepwise regression using SPSS. The results are as follows. First, the factor analysis classified the acceptance variables of FAR technology into ‘social relations’, ‘shopping effectiveness’, and ‘easy to use FAR’. Second, among the three factors of FAR acceptance, ‘shopping effectiveness’ is statistically more influential on positive attitudes towards FAR. However, ‘easy to use’ factor was more influential on ‘the intention to use technology’ as well as ‘purchase intention’. Third, ‘social relations’ were identified as an important factor affecting ‘consumer attitudes’, ‘intention to use technology’ and ‘purchase intention’ which are not well covered in fashion technology research. In addition, ‘the intention to use technology’ was found to be influential on ‘purchase intention’ and indicated the importance of easiness of FAR to enhance purchase intention.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 스포츠 콘텐츠 이용동기와 이용만족 및 재이용 의도의 관계

        임정일(Im Jeong-Il) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate relationship between using motivation of internet sports contents, using satisfaction and reusing intention. Firstly, the relationship between using motivation of internet sports contents and using satisfaction, secondly, relationship between using motivation of internet sports contents and reusing intention, thirdly, relationship between using satisfaction of internet sports contents and reusing intention. The population for this study was spectator be watching game in baseball facility located in Seoul. The final 361 responses (male 235, female 126), collected by convenience sampling method, were used in the data analysis procedure. The using motivation of internet sports contents were measured by largely based on Lee(2001)s study, the using satisfaction of internet sports contents were measured by largely based on Seo(2002)s study,, and The reusing intention were measured by largely based on Lee(2007)s study. To analyze the final data (361), the frequence analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used. From the analyses of the data, the study reached the following conclusions: 1) The using motivation of internet sports contents, partially influenced the using satisfaction. In depth, the higher using motivation of internet sports contents(sub-factor) is, the higher is using satisfaction 2) The using motivation of internet sports contents, partially influenced the reusing intention. In depth, the higher using motivation of internet sports contents(sub-factor) is, the higher is reusing intention. 3) The reusing satisfaction of internet sports contents, partially influenced the reusing intention. In depth, the higher using satisfaction of internet sports contents(sub-factor) is, the higher is reusing intention.

      • KCI등재

        네일샵 관련 인스타그램의 정보성, 유용성, 호의적 소비자태도, 네일샵 방문의도 간의 구조적 관계

        김정옥,정연,문대범 한국미용학회 2018 한국미용학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to identify the direct and indirect effects of variables in the structural relationship between informativeness, usefulness, and favorable consumer attitude of nailshop-related instagram and consumer's use intention. It also suggest a practical proposal and marketing strategy for nail industry development by providing ways to spread and vitalize consumers' nailshop use intention. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 474 women in their 20s to 30s who had experience with Instagram. The results of this study suggest that favorable consumer attitude had the most influential effect on nailshop use intention among the variables that directly influenced use intention. And usefulness had the greatest direct influence on favorable consumer attitude among variables. Moreover, among the variables that had an indirect effect on nailshop use intention, informativeness affected most influentially nailshop use intention through usefulness. The results show that favorable consumer attitude and usefulness are important variables that have both direct and indirect effects on nailshop use intention. In addition, regarding the direct effects between variables, the effect of informativeness on usefulness was the most influential, which confirms that informativeness is a necessary variable for usefulness, usefulness for favorable consumer attitude, and favorable consumer attitude for nailshop use intention.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 스마트폰 결제 서비스 사용의도에 대한 연구 : 기술수용모델을 중심으로

        유원동 ( Yuantong Yu ),한웅희 ( Woong-hee Han ) 한국생산성학회 2020 生産性論集 Vol.34 No.2

        Chinese smart phone payment services are experiencing remarkable growth both in quantity and quality. At the same time, the smartphone payment services as a new payment service have many challenges to be solved, such as securing the stability of the smartphone payment and changing the habit of the existing payment method. Based on previous studies on the use of smartphone or mobile payment services, this study conducted a discriminatory study in the following respects. First, perceived ease of use was adopted by this study as well as perceived usefulness as important determinants to describe the acceptance of smartphone payment services, which are the major variables of the initial TAMS. Second, this study adopted a attitude of use for smartphone payment services as a dependent variable. This study adopted a perceived risk to identify the effect of uncertainty avoidance associated with the use of smartphone payment services on the intention to use and the attitude of use of Chinese consumers for smartphone payment services. The purpose of this study is to identify variables affecting the acceptance of smartphone payment services for Chinese users in the Chinese smartphone payment services market, which have begun to be activated relatively recently. Specifically, this study investigated the effect of perceived ease of use on Chinese consumers’ intention to use and attitude of use of smartphone payment services as well as the effect of perceived usefulness. Based on the literature reviews, this study merged TAM and perceived risk. This study verified the research models and hypothesis by using structural equations model. First, According to the results of present study, perceived ease of use was proved to have a positive impact on the attitude of use and the perceived usefulness. Second, it has been found that perceived risks influence negatively on the intention to use and the attitude of use. Third, perceived usefulness has a positive influence on consumers’ intention of use, but not on attitude of use. Finally, the attitude of use was not found to have impact on the intention of use. As predicted by hypotheses 1 and 2, it has been shown that perceived ease of use for smartphone payment services has a positive impact on consumer’s perceived usefulness and the attitudes toward use. Contrary to expectations in hypotheses 3 and 4, perceived usefulness for smartphone payment services did not have a positive effect on attitudes of use, and the attitude of use for smartphone payment services did not have a positive effect on intentions to use. As predicted by hypothesis 5, it has been found that perceived usefulness for smartphone payment services has a positive effect on consumers’ intention to use. As predicted by hypotheses 6 and 7, perceived risks to smartphone payment services have a negative effect on attitudes of use and intentions to use. Based of these results, theoretical implications and practical implications were discussed and suggested. Finally, the limitations of present research as well as future research were discussed.

      • SNS 서비스 사용자의 혁신성이 사용의도에 미치는 영향

        Tsendoo Bayasgalan 단국대학교 몽골연구소 2020 몽골지역연구 Vol.5 No.1

        SNS service has many marketing opportunities and built up on customers’ social interaction. Due to this fact, SNS is attractive to customers. In recent times, people pay attention to social marketing and commerce using SNS and its inclination has rapidly increased. However, it has been made possible due to consideration to social marketing and commerce. Henceforth, it has resulted in bringing a plethora of new marketing opportunities. Because of such situation, social marketing and commerce has become popular among the people and SNS’s new marketing has emerged as a demanding area to study SNS through which users’ attitude can be expected. This study attempts to explore the impact of Mongolian SNS users’ innovativeness and intentions of its usage. In order to bring effective results, technology accepted model of Davis 1989 has been followed as research model in this study. In particular, the study covers the following important issues:-Firstly, it reveals differences between Mongolian SNS users of individual innovativeness and explore major factors for increasing SNS user’s attitude and intention of usage. Secondly, it determines the reason for using SNS and emphasize on factors affecting service of SNS. Thirdly, the study brings in to light the social factors which are concerned with interaction, subjective norms, relations, effects of attitude and intention to use it. Fourthly, the study explains about the effects of perceived usefulness, perception about convenience in usage and enjoyment through the contours of median factors between innovation and attitude. Fifthly, it exposes the relation between perception of usefulness, use of ease and enjoyment, and social factors that plays role of an important tool of interaction in subjective norm. In addition, measures that affect attitudes, intentions to usage and provide favorable implications for improving affection also have been discussed. In order to actualize the above objectives, model of research paper was prepared, survey questionnaire were circulated, and the results were calculated by SPSS and AMOS. Based on the results, following conclusions can be drawn: Firstly, both the countries were studied and as a result it was found that the affections among Mongolian were positive at individual innovativeness, perceived usefulness and enjoyment. However, Mongolian users were found more affected in terms of attitude. The results also observed that Mongolian users’ selections was usually based on ease of use and enjoyment. In order to increase affection of attitude and intention to use, the important factors of enjoyment to perceived use of ease were preferred over perception of usefulness for SNS. Secondly, In case of Mongolian users, usefulness effects negatively over intention to use. The Mongolian SNS users have minimum chances to find information which users really want such as information about self-improving or information about art or culture because Mongolia SNS pages are mostly filled with information related to social life such as insecure information about someone or something or information about someone’s insult. Therefore, there is a need to put information that users want to look based on their perception about information. Thirdly, Mongolian users usually do not trust SNS and therefore, SNS image is not very positive. Thus, source of the information and policy to take proper action is required if the information is confirmed not to be true. Fourthly, observing the results of these two countries, it was found that attitude is not dependent on intention to use. However attitude is very important factor in increasing the intention of use. Therefore, wide strategy and plans is needed to increase attitude. SNS used for seeking answers are common in the Mongolian social situation, and accordingly individual characters are more influenced. Therefore, the users require importance of information partly as marketing strategy to increase attitude, intenti

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