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      • KCI등재

        담화표지 "그냥"의 기능 연구

        심란희 ( Lan Ji Shen ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2013 어문론총 Vol.59 No.-

        This study analyses the discourse marker ‘Geunyang‘, which is used frequently in spoken discourse for providing a basic data for the Korean Language Teaching with a focus on communication. Through the discourse analysis, the study claims ‘Geunyang‘ as a discourse marker, and determines the meanings and the functions used in different situations. In order to overcome the disadvantages of semi-spoken corpus and spoken corpus, the research incluses both of the 21st century Sejong corpus [2009] and the drama script corpus. The background of the study, Gramaticalitation and Discourse Analysis, is discussed in Chapter 2. Considering the previous studies, the paper clarifies the concepts including the terms, definitions, characteristics, features, as well as the classification of the discourse marker. Moreover, the critical points are figured out in the advanced study to complete the paper. Chapter Ⅲ proposes the idea of ‘Geunyang‘ as a discourse marker based on its characteristics. Furthermore, in the Chapter IV the uses as adverbial and discourse marker are separated. Additionally, the characteristics of ‘Geunyang‘ as a discourse marker in feature, morphology, rhythm, and syntax are examined. Chapter Ⅳ analyses the function of ‘Geunyang‘ concretely. As a result, ‘Geunyang‘ has a function that supports the cohesion in discourse. The cohesion includes not only the speaker and topic but also the speaker and listener, topic and topic. Besides that, ‘Geunyang‘ has the function of modality expressing the speaker‘s thought. In addition, the suitability of ‘Geunyang’ as a discourse marker through the Grammaticalization and the needed process is argued. Also the co-occurrence of ‘Geunyang‘ as well as other often used discourse markers is considered. Chapter Ⅴ presents a summary of the results, significance and the limitations of this study.

      • KCI등재

        슬라브어 담화 직시와 대용

        정정원 ( Chung Jung Won ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2016 비교문화연구 Vol.45 No.-

        본고에서는 슬라브어, 특히 러시아어, 폴란드어, 체코어, 불가리아어 담화 직시의 전반적 특징을 살펴본다. 슬라브어에서는 무엇보다도 근칭지시사가 담화 직시사로 기능하는 경향이 강하다는 공통점이 있지만, 개별 슬라브어에서 담화 직시사의 구체적 사용양상은 상이하다. 폴란드어와 체코어에서는 원칭지시대명사와 인칭대명사가 담화 직시사로 거의 기능하지 못하는 반면, 러시아어는 원칭지시대명사가 담화 직시사로 활발하게 사용되며, 인칭대명사도 사용 가능하다. 불가리아어에서는 원칭지시대명사가 담화 직시사로 거의 사용되지 않는 반면, 인칭대명사는 자주 사용된다. 이와 같이 슬라브어 담화 직시사는 개별 언어에서 상이하게 직시와 대용 기능을 수행하는데, 근칭, 원칭 지시대명사와 인칭대명사가 모두 담화 직시사로 기능하는 러시아어에서는 그것의 직시성이 다른 언어에 비해 두드러지며, 가장 분석적인 슬라브어인 불가리아어에서는 인칭대명사의 사용이 잦아 다른 슬라브어에 비해 담화 직시사의 대용기능이 두드러진다. This paper deals with Slavic discourse deixis comparing Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian demonstrative and personal pronouns. In general, the Slavic proximal pronouns have precedence over the distal ones. Proximal pronouns, such as Russian eto, Polish to, and Bulgarian tova, are employed more frequently and widely than their distal counterparts to, tamto and onova. The distance-neutral pronoun to in Modern Czech was also a proximal pronoun in the past. These Slavic proximal and former-proximal pronouns function as a discourse deixis marker, whereas, in most other languages, the discourse deixis is mainly a function of distal or non-proximal demonstrative pronouns. However, the Russian, Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian discourse deixis differs in distal demonstrative and personal pronouns. In general, the Polish and Czech discourse deixis does not employ the distal demonstrative pronoun tamto or the personal pronoun ono. The Russian distal demonstrative pronoun to is actively used as a discourse deixis marker, and the personal pronoun ono can also be used to refer to the preceding discourse, though it is not frequent. In Bulgarian the distal demonstrative pronoun onova is rarely used to refer to a discourse, but the personal pronoun to frequently indicates a discourse that is repeatedly referred to in a text. The discourse deixis, which is a peripheral deixis and can be both deixis and anaphora, reveals different characteristics in different Slavic languages. In Russian, where all of the proximal, distal, and personal pronouns function as a discourse deixis marker, the deixis itself plays a crucial role in distinguishing these three pronouns from each other, revealing the speaker`s psychological, emotional, temporal, and cognitive proximity to or distance from a given discourse. In Bulgarian, the most analytic Slavic language, the personal pronoun is used more as a discourse deixis marker to reveal the highest givenness of a discourse, and it seems that Bulgarian discourse deixis is more anaphoric than the other Slavic discourse deixis is.

      • KCI등재

        이야기 담화에서 경험상 표지 ‘過’의 담화 기능 ― ‘了’와의 차이를 중심으로

        鄭仁貞 ( Jung Injung ) 한국중국학회 2021 중국학보 Vol.95 No.-

        본 논문은 서사 담화의 하위 유형인 이야기 담화를 대상으로, 중국어의 경험상 표지 ‘过’의 담화 기능 및 ‘了’와의 기능상의 차이를 밝히고자 하였다. 이야기 담화 말뭉치는 짧은 이야기 형식이며 아동을 대상으로 쓰여 단순한 서사 흐름을 가진 단편 동화를 선정하여 분석을 진행하였다. 이를 통해, 실제 담화에서 두 상 표지의 구체적인 쓰임과 사용 패턴을 밝히는 데 초점을 두었다. 이야기 담화에서 ‘过’의 핵심적인 담화 기능은 시간 관계보다 수사적 기능에 있으며, 구체적으로는 담화에서 배경적 서술로 사용된다고 보았다. 이야기에서의 분포 양상을 보면, 구체적인 서술 구간보다는 도입/종결부에서의 출현 빈도가 높게 나타났으며 단락 층위에서도 특정 서술에 대한 평가문으로 기능하는 경우가 많았다. 또한 결속성에 있어서도 ‘过’는 시간의 연쇄 관계를 나타내지 않는 반면 부연 설명이나 인과적 맥락 등을 형성하는 논리적 연결 관계가 강조된다. 이에 따라, 동일하게 종점 경계를 갖는 ‘过’와 ‘了’는 (과거에) 이미 이루어진 사건을 서술하는 경우에 문장 층위에서는 유사한 의미 해석을 낳을 수 있으나, 서사 담화에서 ‘过’는 시간 전개에 관여하지 않는 반면, ‘了’는 연쇄 사건을 배열하는 장치로 서사 시간을 전개시켜 기능상의 확연한 차이를 보인다. Based on story discourse corpus, this paper systematically discusses the discourse functions of Experiential -guo in Chinese from the perspective of temporal progression proposed by Smith(2003). It claims that in the narrative discourses, whether -guo or perfective -le is chosen to indicate a past event, but along with in depth study of discourse grammar, scholars pay more attention to the dynamic temporal relations of discourse. Temporal progression is the basic principle of discourse development and also an important means of discourse coherence. Based on the discourse modes classification, this paper is intended to analyze the influence of aspect on the temporal structure of narrative mode(story discourse). In narratives, eventual endpoints provide reference time for the posterior event and thus advance the narrative time, which is most eminently exemplified in temporal anaphoric chains. Experiential -guo in Chinese is generally regarded as the perfective like -le, but we show that it is more likely to perfect usages. For the discourse performance of perfect, it presents counter-sequentiality, and imperfective meaning which is not contribute to the progression of the narrative time, -guo is usually used in the part of abstract and coda, while -le is used to narrate the detailed events in each phase. Temporally, -guo and -le also indicate different relations between reference time and situation time. -guo conveys that situation time precedes reference time, while -le conveys that the situation time interval is simultaneous with reference time. The analyses show that the aspect in Chinese displays not only grammatical and lexical features, but also discoursal features which could extend its function beyond sentences.

      • KCI등재후보

        Discourse Connection and the Choice of This or That

        Doo-Shick Kim(김두식) 담화·인지언어학회 2003 담화와 인지 Vol.10 No.3

        Many studies of the deictic this/that have focused on a possibility of this/that as one of the extended uses of the proximate-distant distinction or on views that relative information status and relative importance of the referents serve as the primary motivating factors behind the choice of the demonstrative forms, without any distinction between three types of deictic uses. These views are partly correct, but those factors are not crucial ones. This paper, in this context, aims to show that in largely academic written discourse, the proper use of English demonstratives this and that as discourse deixis can be effectively accounted for by introducing such concepts as discourse segments, as in Hinds 1979, Ehrich & Koster 1983, Fox 1987, McCarthy 1994, among others, and rhetorical structures inferred in the two relevant segments, as in Mann & Thompson 1988. In this paper, I suggest that the choice of this/that as discourse deixis depends on the writer's perspective, on the one hand, on the relevant discourse entities and, on the other, on the relationship of the discourse segments that precede and follow this/that. My data showed that writers prefer to use this in case that they evaluate the discourse entity it refers to as 'central' to the flow of discourse and that in case that they evaluate the discourse entity it refers to as 'peripheral' to the flow of discourse. My data also showed that writers prefer this in case that they evaluate the logical/rhetorical relation as 'canonical' (e.g., progressive, gradual) as to the flow of discourse and that in case that they evaluate the logical/rhetorical relation as 'non-canonical' (e.g., regressive, rapid) as to the flow of discourse.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 회화교재에 사용된 담화표지 대조 분석

        이나현,박정순 한국중국어교육학회 2023 중국어교육과연구 Vol.- No.40

        In the face of the growing importance of discourse markers in recent years, this paper contrasted Chinese discourse markers with Chinese textbooks published in Korea and Chinese textbooks published in China. Discourse marker is used much more in textbooks published from China, and the discourse marker is a textbook published in Korea was relatively low. Commonly used discourse markers are as follows. In textbooks published in Korea, ‘那’, ‘请问’, ‘对了’, ‘是吗’ and ‘是啊’ were frequently used, and in textbooks published in China, ‘那’, ‘你看’, ‘好啊’, ‘是啊’ and ‘是吗’ were frequently used. In addition, various discourse markers that were not found in textbooks published in Korea were used in textbooks published in China. It also analyzed the function of discourse markers. ‘那’ is mainly used to bind discourse. ‘你看’ is used when a speaker tries to start a discourse. ‘是吗’ mainly indicates that the listener's opinion is recognized. ‘是啊’ mainly indicates that he agrees with the listener. Recently, communication skills are very important in foreign language education. Discourse markers are very important for smooth communication. For this reason, various discourse markers should be used in Chinese conversation textbooks. 본고는 한국 출판 중국어 회화 교재와 중국 출판 중국어 회화 교재에 출현하는 담화표지 양상을 살펴보았는데 한국교재와 중국교재를 대조해 본 결과 한국교재는 담화표지의 전체 양과 종류가 중국교재에 비해 적었다. 일부 담화표지가 집중적으로 출현했고, 그 외의 담화표지는 1~2회 정도 출현했다. 이에 비해 중국교재는 다양한 담화표지가 사용되었고 전체 양도 많았다. 특히 담화기능을 분석해 본 결과 중국교재는 동일한 담화 기능이 있더라도 표현이 다른 다양한 표현의 담화표지를 제시했고, 하나의 담화표지가 가지고 있는 여러 담화 기능을 제시하고 있었다. 즉, 한국 출판 교재는 문장의 의미를 정확하게 전달하는데 주력하고 있고, 중국 출판 교재는 화자의 담화 의도를 반영하는 담화표지를 좀 더 적극적으로 활용하고 있다. 외국어 교육에서 의사소통 능력이 강화되고 있는 상황에서 중국어 회화 교재 역시 대화 참여자의 원활한 의사소통을 목표로 구성되었기 때문에 초급 단계부터 담화표지를 조금씩 노출해 학습자들이 담화표지의 개념을 이해할 수 있도록 한 뒤 실제 담화에 적용할 수 있도록 중급부터 고급까지 과정에 다양한 담화표지를 제시할 필요가 있다고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        중·한 일기예보 텍스트의 완성 조건 대조 연구

        신근영 ( Shin¸ Geunyoung ),위설교 ( Wei¸ Xue-jiao ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.91

        This dissertation puts forward the concept of ‘Discourse-completion’, ‘Discourse-completion Elements(DCE)’ and ‘Discourse-completion Conditions(DCC)’ for discourse research on the basis of systematic concepts, from the theoretical perspectives of multidimensional, macro and dynamic. A comparative to study the different discourse features between Chinese and Korean weather forecast discourses through the internal theory and external conditions. ‘Discoursecompletion’ can be stated from two aspects: first, ‘Discourse-completion’, means to meet the internal theory and external conditions, so as the discourse can be self-sufficient. Second, ‘Discourse-completion’ and ‘Make the Discourse Completion’ means that by combining the factors of discourse to make it self-sufficient. The completeness of discourse is guaranteed if the conditions for completing such an weather forecast discourse, discourse are not violated, and the discourse function can be performed to complete the communication through discourse.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회언어학에서의 담화분석 연구

        김해연(Kim, Haeyeon) 한국사회언어학회 2020 사회언어학 Vol.28 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical overview of the discourse-analytic studies in Korean sociolinguistics, mainly analyzing articles published in The Sociolingustic Journal of Korea. To achieve this goal, this article discusses definitions of ‘discourse’ and ‘discourse analysis’, and approaches to discourse. The examination of the articles in the journal shows that major studies in Korean sociolinguistics can be summarized as in the following: (i) functional approaches to language and discourse markers, (ii) conversation analysis and interactional linguistics, (iv) media discourse and critical discourse analysis, (v) analysis of public speeches and advertisements, (vi) electronic discourse (internet and SNS discourse), among others. This overview shows that discourse-analytic studies in Korean linguistics have focused on certain specific topics such as discourse markers, conversation-analytic studies, critical discourse studies, and electronic discourse, differing in topics from sociolinguistic studies in American and other societies. This overview suggests that more sociolinguistic studies need to be carried out in the fields such as intercultural communication, electronic discourse, and gender-based discourse as further research topics in Korean sociolinguistics.

      • KCI등재

        稱讚談話 狀況에서 反應語로 나타나는 談話標識에 관한 硏究

        김귀화(Kim Gui-Hwa),이찬규(Lee Chan-Kyu) 중앙어문학회 2010 語文論集 Vol.44 No.-

        This study aims to investigate the difference between the two groups - Korean and Korean Chinese in terms of the discourse marker as a reaction to the praising discourse. The way how they accept was as follows. Regarding the discourse marker as the reaction to the praising discourse for causality, both groups showed 'thank you' at a high rate of frequency which means they accept it willingly. In terms of the discourse marker as the reaction to the praising discourse for greeting, 'thank you' was at the higher frequency in Korean collage students but Korean-Chinese collage students reacted saying 'really' at the higher frequency which showed indirect way of accepting it. Koran college students accepted it willingly since they regards it as showing an interest to the counterpart. In case of Korean-Chinese often uses discourse marker for retaining social relationship with the counterpart and for reconfirming it. Regarding the discourse marker as the reaction to the praising discourse for flattery, Korean college students reacted like 'thank you', 'not really' with high frequencies which means they accept it with passive and heavily upon his mind. On the other hand, the Korean-Chinese illustrated 'not really', 'don't say that' with high frequencies. This because Korean college students are not willingly take the praising discourse not to make the counterpart displeased, they take it indirectly but Korean-chinese college students exposed refusal response and attitude. For making the communication better, the listener should respond with speech act that the culture of the speaker is expecting and it is important and needed an attitude learning and accepting the culture of the listener.

      • KCI등재

        언어를 들여다보는 렌즈로서의 담화

        김종현(Jong-Hyun Kim) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2020 언어학 Vol.0 No.88

        With reference to the diversely contested term ‘discourse’, this paper provides a deliberate review about the research methods in discourse studies. This review esteems highly on the perspective that discourses are more than linguistic, and discourse may well serve as a lense looking into the matters of language. In this respect, being more than a survey, this study looks back upon the methodological approaches about discourses. The review starts from what is meant by discourse, and then encompasses the questions of how to do discourse and why it’s discourse. The beginning part of the paper compares between the intuitive language and the language in society. Then the approaches under review include the following, such as (i) text-linguistics, (ii) pragmatics, (iii) functional linguistics, (iv) conversation analysis, (v) critical discourse analysis, (vi) multimodality. Among these approaches, we elaborates more on the social aspects of discourse by giving regards to how discourses reflect the language in society. Through the discussion, we come to validate conceptually and empirically the disciplinary compromise that doing discourse is a close reflection between language and society. In this direction, we hold on to the perspective that discourse studies could righteously develop into a theoretical framework which casts a skepticism on the scientific holism in modern linguistics during the elapsed years.

      • KCI등재

        영어와 한국어의 담화 맥락구조에 대한 연구

        양용준(Yang, Yongjoon) 미래영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to examine how the discourse markers needed to make the contextual structure in discourse softer and smoother are used in English and Korean. According to the survey, in order to smooth the context structure of the discourse, it was necessary to use the discourse cover properly and also that it must be used in an appropriate situation. In addition, the context of discourse is divided into a linguistic context and a social and cultural context, and it would be objectionable to examine the discourse between generations as a discourse contextual structure. This is because there are so many things that need to be considered in order to properly discourse through contextual structures between the youths of the SNS generation and the older generations. This part should be the subject of future research. Because discourse is a life of language and language is also changing, it is said that proper communication can be achieved only by analyzing and understanding the discourse context structure between the older generation and the younger generation. In English, the discourse context structure is based on the type of GSTON, the type of information, including Hymes" SPEAKING model for discourse form. In the case of Korean, the context structure of the discourse must be examined through the structure of direct vision and agreement. In order to form a smooth and smooth communication relationship in a language life, the most basic and essential matter is to form a context structure of an appropriate discourse.

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