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        措大에 관한 小考

        윤호진 열상고전연구회 2011 열상고전연구 Vol.33 No.-

        이 글은 우리말의 쪼다의 어원으로 알려져 있는 조대라는 말의 용례와 의미, 그리고 어원에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 이 말은 중국에서도 오래전 동한시절부터 사용이 되었고, 청나라 때에 이르기까지 사용되었는데, 우리나라에서도 고려중기 때부터 조선 후기까지 지속적으로 조대라는 말이 사용되었음을 확인할 수 있다. 그리고 조대라는 말은 사전에 ‘청렴결백한 선비를 이르던 말’이라고 정의되었다. 어떤 경우는 높은 벼슬아치까지를 포함하는 경우도 있었으나, 대개의 경우 선비라는 뜻으로 쓰였고, 빈궁하고 빈한한 선비를 가리키는 뜻으로 사용하기도 하였다. 더러는 秀才를 가리키기도 하고, 수재를 빈정거리는 말로 사용하기도 하였다. 그 어원에 대해서는 여러 가지 설이 있다. 그것을 모두 종합하여 보면, 첫째는 선비들이 醋溝에 모여 살았기 때문에 醋大라고 불렀고, 여기에서 措大라는 말이 나왔다는 것이다. 둘째는 선비들의 거조가 성글기 때문에 措大라고 한다는 것이다. 셋째는 선비의 자태가 마치 식초를 마신 사람과 같기 때문이라는 것이다. 넷째는 선비들이 사민의 으뜸으로 까칠하여서 초대라고 부른다는 것이다. 다섯째는 어쩌다 그들을 범하게 되면 신맛을 보기 때문이라고 한다. 여섯째는 선비가 교외에 거주하면서 식초를 팔았기 때문이라고 했다. 일곱째는 선비들이 큰일을 잘 처리하였기 때문에 조대라고 하였다는 것이다. 조대를 풀이한 여러 설 가운데 송나라 曾慥가 편한 ꡔ類說ꡕ에 그대로 소개되고, 진계유도 ꡔ침담ꡕ에서 지지한 이광예의 설, 곧 선비가 큰 일을 잘 처리하여 조대라고 불렀다는 것이 가장 유력한 것이라 할 수 있을 것이다. Before teacher was extremely respective title, but now teacher is sometimes used to call someone sarcastically. Likewise the word Zhoda could have been changed from the original meaning. Some poor classical scholars who didn't know nothing of world were called Zhoda, and we could easily imagine that to emphasize Zhoda people accented the word hardly like Zhoda. The word Zhodae[措大] was used from Donghan[東漢] dynasty and was used occasionally at Tang[唐] dynasty and was used pervasively at Song[宋] dynasty. In our country, people used it from the middle of the Korea[高麗] dynasty to the end of the Joseon[朝鮮] dynasty. Then what was the meaning of Zhodae[措大] before? The meaning of Zhodae sometimes included high officers, but most of the time it was used to call impoverished classical scholars; Sometimes it was used to call brilliant minds or to call them sarcastically. There are several origins of this word. Firstly, it is because classical scholars lived together at Chogu[醋溝]. Secondly, it is because classical scholars behaved stupidly. Thirdly, it is because classical scholars' attitudes were like someone who had drunk vinegar. Fourthly, it is because they were impolite and fifthly is because they sold vinegar in suburb area. Sixthly, it is because they would let somebody taste bitter when somebody had insulted them. Finally, it is because classical scholars have capability to do some big affairs.

      • KCI등재

        古時調 終章 初句에 수용된 ‘人物’의 양상과 역할

        변승구 어문연구학회 2023 어문연구 Vol.117 No.-

        본 고는 시조 종장 초구에 나타난 어휘 중 ‘人物’을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 먼저 시조 종장 초구의 어휘 중 인물을 살펴보면, 인물은 ‘一般人’과 ‘特別人’으로 크게 나누었으며 중분류는 총 16항목이다. 그리고 세부 항목인 소분류는 62항목이었으며 총 작품 수는 667수이다. 가장 많은 작품 수를 보이는 ‘一般人’은 406수이며 가장 많이 나타난 인물은 ‘小人’으로 294수이며 구체적인 인물로는 ‘아이’가 가장 많이 나타났다. 다음으로 ‘特別人’은 총 261수이며 중분류는 12항목이고 가장 많은 인물로 나타난 것은 ‘戀人’으로 87수이다. 그 외는 ‘家族’, ‘職業人’, ‘友人’ 등이 소량 확인된다. 그리고 ‘特別人’ 중 ‘宗敎人’은 총빈도수가 102수이며 소분류는 3항목이고 미세 분류는 13항목이다. ‘佛家人’은 6항목에 88수이며 소분류로 ‘童子僧’이 73수로 가장 많다. 한편 ‘道家人’은 총 8수이며 소분류는 3항목이고 가장 많은 유형은 ‘玉皇上帝’가 5수이며 그 외는 소량 확인된다. 그리고 ‘儒家人’은 소분류는 4항목이며 총 6수가 확인된다. 가장 많은 유형은 ‘曾點’이 3수이고 그 외는 1수씩 확인된다. 다음으로 종장 초구에 나타난 인물의 역할을 살펴보았다. 먼저 시상 전개의 역할로서 인물은 ‘시상의 대상자로서 역할’과 ‘시상 전개의 매개자로서 역할’로 살펴보았는데 ‘시상의 대상자로서 역할’은 ‘기원의 대상자로서 역할’과 ‘추모의 대상자로서 역할’, 그리고 ‘시상의 핵심 대상자로서 역할’이 있었다. 그리고 ‘시상 전개의 매개자로서 역할’은 ‘아이가 매개자로서 역할을 한 경우’와 ‘동자가 매개자로서 역할을 한 경우’, 그리고 ‘소승이 매개자로서 역할을 한 경우’가 있었다. 이는 대부분이 ‘小人’이 매개자의 역할을 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 통해 시상 전개에 있어서 작가의 시상을 자연스럽게 연결해 주는 역할을 하고 있다. 끝으로 ‘주제의 효과적인 전달로서 인물’을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 먼저 ‘주제의 방향 설정으로서 인물’은 ‘임을 통해 주제 방향을 제시하는 역할을 한 경우’와 ‘장부를 통한 주제의 방향을 제시하는 역할을 한 경우’로 살펴보았다. 다음으로 ‘주제의 강조자로서 역할’로 ‘유교 이념의 주제를 강조한 인물로서 역할’과 ‘태평성대의 주제를 강조한 인물로서 역할을 한 경우’, 그리고 ‘충절의 주제를 강조한 인물로서 역할을 한 경우’로 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 종장 초구의 인물은 작가의 주제를 효과적으로 전달하는 데 주요한 역할을 하였음을 알 수 있었다. 이처럼 시조 종장 초구에 수용된 인물은 작자의 시상이나 주제를 효과적으로 전달하는 주요한 문학적 장치의 역할과 기능으로 쓰였음을 알 수 있었다. 이 외에도 시조 종장 초구에는 동식물을 비롯하여 지시어 등 다양한 어휘들이 나타나고 있다. 따라서 앞으로 종장 초구의 어휘에 대한 다각적인 연구가 이루어진다면 시조의 미의식은 선명하게 밝혀질 것이라 기대한다. This paper focused on 'human goods' among the vocabulary words that appeared in the first phrase of the Sijo Jongjang. First of all, looking at the characters in the vocabulary of the Sijo Jongjang Chogu, the characters are largely divided into "one person" and "one person," with a total of 16 categories. In addition, the sub-category, which is a detailed item, was 62 items, and the total number of works is 667. The general public with the largest number of works was 406, and the person who appeared the most was "small person" with 294, and "child" was the most specific person. Next, there are a total of 261 special people, 12 middle categories, and 87 couples appeared as the most characters. In addition, a small number of family members, professionals, and friends are identified. In addition, among special people, religious people have a total frequency of 102, three sub-classifications, and 13 micro-classifications. The number of Buddhists is 88 in 6 categories, and the number of Dongjaseung is the largest with 73. On the other hand, there are a total of eight Buddhists, three sub-categories, and the most common type is the Jade Emperor, and a small number of others are identified. And Confucian scholars have four sub-categories, and a total of six numbers are identified. Next, we looked at the role of the character in the first pitch of the bell. First of all, the characters were examined as "role as an object of the award" and "role as a mediator of the development of the award," and "role as an object of origin," "role as an object of remembrance," and "role as a key object of the award." In addition, there were "when the child played a role as a mediator," "when the child played a role as a mediator," and "when the child played a role as a mediator." Most of this showed that "small people" were acting as intermediaries. Through this, it plays a role in naturally connecting the artist's awards in the development of awards. Finally, we looked at 'characters as effective delivery of the subject'. First, 'person as a setting of the direction of the subject' was examined as 'when he played a role in presenting the direction of the subject through the book' and 'when he played a role in presenting the direction of the subject through the book'. Next, we looked at 'role as a person who emphasized the theme of Confucian ideology' as 'role as an emphasis on the theme', 'role as a person who emphasized the theme of the Taepyeongdae', and 'role as a person who emphasized the theme of loyalty'. Through this, it was found that the character of the first chapter played a major role in effectively conveying the author's theme. As such, it can be seen that the characters accepted in the first phrase of the Sijo Jongjang were used as the roles and functions of major literary devices that effectively convey the author's awards or themes.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 공론장 의제 설정 교육 자료를 위한 담화텍스트 초구조 분석 - 인터넷뉴스 텍스트를 중심으로

        박지윤(Ji-Yoon, Park) 한국문화교육학회 2020 문화예술교육연구 Vol.15 No.1

        인터넷 공론장은 단순히 정보 획득의 수단을 넘어 지식 정보의 생산과 공유, 공론의 장(場)으로 기능하고 있다. 하버마스의 공론장과 인터넷 공론장은 유사한 점이 많기에 오늘날 인터넷 공론장은 하버마스의 공론장의 대안으로 본다. 인터넷 뉴스텍스트의 공론장에 관한 초구조 분석 연구는 인터넷 참여자들이 수직적 담론과 규범을 무시하고 이를 전복시키며 인터넷 뉴스텍스트를 확대, 재생산할 수 있다는 점을 보여주는 역할을 한다. 인터넷 뉴스텍스트 공론장의 초구조를 ‘자료부’(제목-서두-본문)와 ‘댓글부’(반응-참여)로 분석하였다. 오늘날 인터넷 공론장에서의 뉴스 이용자들은 공동 참여로 인한 제2차 의제를 설정할 만큼 생산적이고, 비판적으로 뉴스텍스트를 수용한다. 이를 일종의 텍스트 형식이자 총괄적 구조인 초구조로 도식화할 수 있다. 몇 가지 사례 분석을 통해 이를 살펴 보았고, 이는 인터넷 공론장 의제 설정 교육의 기초 자료로써도 활용될 수 있음도 알아 보았다. The Internet public arena functions as a field for the production, sharing and public discussion of knowledge beyond simply means of obtaining information. Because Harbermas's public and public sphere have many similarities, today Internet public sphere are seen as an alternative to Harbermas's public sphere. A superstructure analysis study of internet newstext's public sphere shows that Internet participants can ignore vertical discourse and norms, subvert them, and expand and reproduce internet newstext. The initial structure of the internet newstext public sphere was analyzed as ‘Data Department’(Title-Opening-Body Text) and ‘Comments Department’ (Reaction-Part icipation). Today, newstext users in the Internet public sphere are productive and critical enough to set up a second agenda for joint participation. This can be schematized into a kind of text format and a superstructure. We looked at this through several case analyses and also found that it could be used as a basis for the Internet public sphere agenda setting training for education materials.

      • KCI등재

        인간의 글과 ChatGPT의 글에 대한 텍스트언어학적 접근: TOPIK 쓰기 54번을 중심으로

        조신 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2024 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.51 No.-

        Based on Text linguistic approach, this paper compares human writing (model answers from Topik writing question 54) and ChatGPT’s writing, and aims to identify differences and similarities between them. When introducing ChatGPT based Korean writing teaching into the educational field, the most important goal at this point is to redefine the knowledge categories and educational contents of writing education in line with the AI era. This paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of the texts generated by ChatGPT, and argues that the findings should be reflected in future writing education. We look forward to further research that builds on the findings of this paper.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        諺解本 三綱行實圖(卷1 孝子)의 결속구조 : 奎章閣本(英祖 重刊本)을 중심으로

        서승완 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2009 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.10 No.2

        In this paper, I study the cohesion of 『Samganghaengsildo Gweon-il(vol.1) Hyoja』, didactic literature of Joseon Dynasty which is a collection of stories on dutiful sons and is published by the government of many generations. In order to analyze the cohesion of the text, I use the terms of Brinker(1994) and Van Dijk(2001), textsegments, superstructures, event, episode, evaluation, etc. The stories of 『Samganghaengsildo Gweon-il(vol.1) Hyoja』can be grouped into four cohesion types. They are 〈Introduction-Episodes-Evaluation type〉, 〈Introduction-Episodes type〉, 〈Introduction-Episodes-Subsequent events type〉, and 〈Episode only type〉.

      • KCI등재

        계승어 학습자의 한국어 논증적 쓰기에 나타난 서론 및 결론 구조 분석

        황선영 ( Sunyoung Hwang ),윤유선 ( Yuseon Yun ) 이중언어학회 2019 이중언어학 Vol.76 No.-

        This study explores the structure of learners’ argumentative texts in Korean written by heritage learners of Korean with a focus on students whose L1 is English or Chinese. In the light of argumentative writing, the texts are composed of more rigid rhetorical structures compared to other types of writing, and it is important to understand what the rhetorical text structures of a target language are for carrying out the writer’s argumentation successfully. While addressing this issue, we examined how learners’ L1s affect their argumentative writings in Korean by collecting data from advanced heritage Korean learners in America (L1: English) and learners studying abroad in Korea (L1: Chinese) at college-level. The participants took lectures related to their writing topics but any lecture on Korean argumentative writing was not given until they submitted all their writing assignments. Students were assigned three different argumentative topics and they were allowed to choose a topic to write. Data was collected from 15 participants of each heritage group and we focused on introduction and conclusion parts of their argumentative texts. In this study, we analyzed: (1) the structures of introduction and conclusions of learners’ texts using the adapted framework of Macro-Structure in argumentative writing from prior research; (2) how appropriate their structures are as a Korean argumentative writing using the framework of Super-Structure in argumentative writing; and (3) differences between the two heritage-learner groups (Korean-American and Korean-Chinese). Based on the analysis of the collected data, this study finds that most of heritage learners have difficulties in composing a successful argumentative writing structure in their texts apart from their mother tongues. They also show a tendency of executing their writing assignments relying on their oral proficiency with a lack of written forms and failures of writing successful argumentative texts despite their understanding the Macro-Structure of argumentative writing. In particular, the collected data illustrates that many heritage-learners have difficulties in writing Korean argumentative texts of the Super-Structure level. Finally, based on the findings, pedagogical implications and limitations are addressed for future research of teaching Korean argumentative writings. (Soongsil University, Princeton University)

      • KCI등재

        A Study on academic text writing education for foreign students

        신지연 한국텍스트언어학회 2017 텍스트언어학 Vol.43 No.-

        Writing is considered to be more difficult as it is an area that requires ability to draw new conclusions based on analysis rather than analytical ability. Compared to speaking in the same expression category, writing is the most complex area as it assesses ability to utilize written language, sophisticated grammatical ability. Speaking is understood and evaluated holistically, considering spontaneousness and focusing on the content. On the other hand, since the result of writing lasts longer, structural and expressional details can be assessed. Moreover, academic texts are specialized and have authoritative and formal written style, different from colloquial language. Therefore, for foreign students who learned Korean as second language, academic text is difficult to master. Consequently, making students understand the qualities important in Korean writing and making them to understand and use typical characteristics of academic text and vocabulary, grammatical, stylistic characteristics of academic text is important in teaching academic text composition to foreign students. It is highly likely the students have been trained in their native language to select content and generate topic and the ability would not show drastic difference between target and native language. Thus Korean composition education should focus on “structuring” level– expanding sentence to paragraph and structuring text cohesively—and “expression” level —constructing sentences. As this research has been conducted to develop pedagogy of academic text writing for foreign students, it focuses more on the general understanding of subject of writing and typology of academic text and provides limited direction for education. Detailed method could be established after based on fundamental understanding provided by this research.

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