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      • 壬辰倭亂의 勃發原因과 硏究史的 檢討

        金永淑 서강정보대학 1991 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        A study of the society in the 16th century is done to investigate a foundation of the activity of a righteous army during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 (임진왜란) It was not started from the period of king Seonjo but from the early period of the time that the Yi Dynasty was too weak to against the Japanese invasion. There are several studies to investigate the reasons of the Japanese Invasion of korea in 1592. First, according to the study of Young-hee Choi three big reasons of the invasion were considered ; 1) Hideyoshi's (豊臣秀吉)the lust of heroism and conquest. 2) Japanese desire of overseas expansion through trade with Meong and Yi Dynasty. 3) Hideyoshi's intention to weaken wealthy feudal lords especially in the southern part of Japan sended to the invasion of korea. Second, according to Tokutomisoho(德富蘇峯), Hideyoshi did not understand the korean situation, because he thought the situation of Yi Dynasty similar to that of kushu or Sikoku. Third, according to Seonjo-Sujeong sillok(宣祖修正實錄) Hideyoshi united many feudal countries to make one country, then he attacked korea as a site of the invasion of Meong. Four, according to Yong-deuk Kim the big responsibility of the invasion relied on King Seonjo. During the period of King Seonjo the dispute between Dong and Seau party was severe. Seongil Kim who was a member of Dong party reported that there would be no danger of invasion from Japan according to his party's will. king Seonjo trusted Seongil kim's report, so he couldn't prepare for the invasion. Five, Yi-ik explained the reason of the invasion in his book Seonghosaseol(성호사설) after passing one or one and a half century from the period of the invasion. He pointed out 3 reasons-a party dispute, ignoring military, the reglect of the suggestion of national defence and the criticism of the ignorance of the world situation by Toikai Yi-hwang (이황) In the 16th cetury, many officers took bribes as the price of releasing the responsibility of on time duty of soldiers. Taking the bribes was developed to stop their duty of military services. There fore, there was little the goverment army. In conclusion, because of these reasons a righteous army was organized a lot.

      • KCI등재

        이청준 소설에 나타난 ‘신념’과 ‘검증’의 길항관계 -「당신들의 천국」·「자서전들 쓰십시다」·「자유의 문」을 중심으로

        김영숙 ( Kim Yeong-sook ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2019 어문론총 Vol.80 No.-

        본고는 이청준 소설에서 작가의 시선에 나타나는 신념의 의미를 살펴보는 것이다. 작가 이청준은 신념에 대한 독특한 시각을 갖고 있다. 신념이라는 용어는 「당신들의 천국」, 「자서전들 쓰십시다」, 「자유의 문」에 집중적으로 등장하며, 작가의 시각을 분명하게 드러낸다. 「당신들의 천국」에서는 소록도에 병원장으로 부임한 조백헌 대령이 그곳을 천국으로 만들고자 하는 의지에서, 「자서전들 쓰십시다」에서는 자기 믿음과 청교도적인 엄격성, 아주 작은 회의(懷疑)도 용납하지 않으려는 투철한 자신감을 지닌 최상윤 선생의 모습에서, 「자유의 문」에서는인간의 한계를 외면한 체 종교의 절대선을 엄격히 지키기 위해 살인까지도 저지르는 계율주의자 백상도의 모습에서 ‘신념’의 모습을 그리고 있다. 조백헌 원장의 경우 사전에 치밀하게 준비된 ‘체화한 신념’이라고 한다면, 최상윤 선생은 자신이 이룩해온 결과를 신뢰하고 이를 후세에 전하고자 하는 ‘의도된 신념’이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 반해 백상도는 절대선에 맞추려고 급하게 만들어진 ‘급조된 신념’이라고 할 수 있다. 이런 신념을 가진 인물들에 대한 검증의 시선이 작품 속에는 각각 존재한다. 「당신들의 천국」에서 보건과장 이상욱과 황희백 장로, 「자서전들 쓰십시다」의 윤지욱, 「자유의 문」의 주영섭이 신념을 검증하는 인물이다. 이들은 신념을 변화시키기도 하고(「당신들의 천국」), 위선된 신념을 더 이상 전파하지 못하도록 차단하는 역할을 하거나(「자서전들 쓰십시다」), 검증되지 않은 채 행해지는 신념은 타자에게 파괴나 파멸을 초래한다(「자유의 문」)고 지적한다. 작가는 여러 작품에서 ‘종교’나 ‘구호’, ‘신념’ 등이 교조화 되는 것을 경계한다. 교조화 되는 순간 그것은 인간을 억압하는 폭력이 되기 때문에 끊임없이 검증하는 과정을 거쳐야 한다는 것이다. 이런 점에서 신념과 검증은 상보적이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구의 주제인 ‘신념’과 ‘검증’의 길항관계는 오늘날에도 여전히 유의미한 논의 대상이라고 할 수 있다. 비록 1970~80년대에 창작된 텍스트를 대상으로 삼고 있지만 본 연구의 주제의식은 특정 시기에 제한되지 않고 이 시대의 소설이나 사회를 제대로 인식하고 경계할 수 있는 거름막이 역할을 할 수 있기 때문이다. The topic that we are going to discuss is ‘The Faith’. In this article, we will discuss about the author's view and the meaning of the topic. Author Lee Cheong-jun has an unique way to identify ‘The Faith’. The term ‘The Faith’ emerge intensively in “Your Paradise”, “Let's write an autobiography”, “The Gate of Freedom”, it revealed the author’s perspective as well. In “YourParadise”, it shows the will of Colonel Cho Baek-heon, who was in charged of a hospital director in Sorokdo, he was responsible to make the hospital as a paradise. In “Let's write an autobiography”, Professor Choe Sang-yun, who was having suspicion in his faith, puritanical rigidity. In “The Gate of Freedom”, it shows the image of "faith" as a disciplinarian, who was a religious scholar that performed murder in order to strictly observe the absolute line of religion. In the case of Cho Baek-heon, if he was a faith that has been thoroughly prepared and embodied in advance, Prof. Choe Sang-yun could be said to be an intended belief in trusting the result he had achieved and conveying it to the future generations. On the other hand, it could be said that it was a belief that had been steeped for a short time. There was a point of view of the verification of the characters whom was with these beliefs. In “Your Paradise”, the verification of the characters is the director of public health Lee Sang-wuk and Hwang Hi-baek is elder; in “Let's write an autobiography” is Yoon Ji-wuk; in “The Gate of Freedom”is Joo Yeong-seop. These character changed the Faith “Your Paradise”, whom was trying to stop himself from doing his best so that can no longer spreadhypocritical faith. In “Let's write an autobiography”, it also showed the possibility of changing the faith “The Gate of Freedom” The artist is cautioned that 'religion', 'slogan', and 'belief' had become sympathisers in various works. At the moment of mutualism, it is a violence which suppresses the man. Therefore, we must go through the process of constant verification. In this sensation, belief and verification are complementary. The antagonistic relationship between 'belief' and 'verification', which is the subject of this study, is still a meaningful object in the discussion today. Although the texts created in the seventies and eighties are aimed at, the subject consciousness of this study is not limited to a certain period, it is because it fosters an eye to see the fiction and society of this age.

      • 利子의 原價性主張에 대한 批判

        金瑛淑 同德女子大學校 1971 同大論叢 Vol.2 No.1

        Introduction Recent development in the business finace,such as the increase of ratio occupied by the borrowed capital and the increase of interest due to the transaction based on credit, made it apparently undesirable to dispose such interest as non-operating expenses which has no direct relation with the operation efficiencies. But article 20 of "Rules for Preparation of Financial Statements", promulgated on July 2, 1958, as a directive of Minister of Finance, prescribes that "The Non-operating Expenses shall be classified and recorded by Interest Paid, Discount, Bonds Interest, Depreciation on Bonds Discount, Depreciation on Organization Cost, Loss on Securities Sold, Loss from Securities Revaluation, Loss from Property Revaluation, Sales Discount and other Miscellaneous Expenses." According to the rule quoted above, it is clearly prohibited to dispose the interest as a cost. Currently in the field of business, it became their unanimous request to include interest in cost. But the treatment of interest in cost accounting is one of controversial subjects from 1880s, and it still seriously remains as a pending problem. 1. Productivity of Interest Arguments on interest have seriously been argued in accounting as well as in economics. The point of arguments in accounting is on inclusion or exclusion of interest in cost. The factors of cost are materials, labor, and manufacturing expenses. But, of course, if the equipment is uniform, or if all the output passes through the same process, there is no essential difference between including interest as a cost or it for consideration when fixing the selling price of the products. Since however in either case the amount invested must be considered in determining the selling price, there still remains the necessity of determining the method of calculating the interest. But the question of whether or not interest on investment should be entered in the accounts has given a great deal of trouble to accountants. There exist Conflicting Theories on this matter at present. 2. Theoretical View Point of Arguments 1) Theory on the inclusion of interest in cost Arguments for including interest in the accounts as a cost are: ① Most economists consider interest to be a cost of production. Because interest is a cost, it must be included in the accounts in order to find the true cost of production. ② Although no expenditure is made for theoretical inetrest, the production must be charged for the use of capital. If the capital were not invested in this particular business, it would be earning interest by being invested with a borrower. ③ Compartive costs of differing methods and processes are untrue unless interest on plant used is taken into account. ④ Interest has to be paid on capital borrowed. If the borrowing is to assist production, the interest paid is part of the production cost. And in Germany, Konrad Mellerowicz insists to dispose interest as cost presenting newly conceived cost concept. 2) Theory on the inclusion of interest in cost Arguments in opposition to the inclusion of interest in the accounts as a cost of production are: ① Although most economists consider interest as a cost of production, the technique of accounting for an individual business need not be reconciled with the principles of social economics. ② Even if interest on investment is considered an important item, the net income of a business can be analyzed into interest earned by capital and profits earned by management. This can be done easily without complicating the accounting procedures by entering theoretical interest in the records. ③ Theoretical interest should not be entered in the accounts, because no actual expenditure is made for it. The entry is a mere book entry charging interest as a cost on the one hand and crediting it as income on the other. Theory of Paton Looked at through the eyes of the proprietary equity interest appears as a deduction congruous with labour, materials, and other costs of operation; from this position interest represents a payment for a definite service-the use of the capital contributed by bond holders and other contractual investors. From the managerial standpoint, on the other hand, the operating costs of the business entity are not affected by the form of capitalization-the particular devices employed to secure the necessary funds. To the manager the bond holders dollars, like those furnished by stockholders, become amalgamated in the body of resources subject to his administration, and the net income of the enterprise consists of the entire amount available for assignment to all classes of investors. According to this position interest charges should be excluded from expenses and should be grouped with dividends as income distribution. 3. Criticism If it is legitimate to be included in cost, the calculation of interest is a pending problem. Accuracy of computation calls for the use of compound interest calculation. Where both common and preffered stock issues are outstanding the dominant equality is usually that represented by common stock, the residual element. And to the common shareholders the dividends declared on the preferred issue are a deduction, like bond interest, which mush be taken into account in ascertaining the net income applicable to the common shares. No one has suggested, however, that dividends on preferred stock should be included in operating expenses. And as the view point of the interest paid for borrowed capital may only be included in cost, if between two capital investments should recognize the difference in interest cost. In that case the interest factor should be re cognized in problems of alternative choice. But this recognition takes the form of "off the record" computations. Conclusion In the economic sense, interest in commonly recognized as a cost, and pure profit cannot be realized untill interest is recovered. In Accounting there are three conflicting theories on this matter at present. All interest may be included in cost, the interest shall not be included in cost at any case, the interest paid for borrowed capital may only be included in cost. But it must be understood that, when the question of interest in the accounts as a cost of production is discussed, theoretical interest is meant; that is, the question is concerned with the inclusion in the accounts, as a cost, of interest computed on the capital investment in the business and is not concerned with in terest actually paid on money borrowed. Thought some assert that imputed interest or interest on investment should be included in cost for the purpose internal administration of price, they assert that interest should be included in cost, but their stand point of view is not appropriate. And so, mention should be made of the common but mistaken impression that concerns which make us of borrowed capital, and are therefore faced with an interest burden, are placed at a disadvantage in price making as compared with competition who are financed entirely by proprietary investment.

      • KCI등재

        중등학교 가정과 교사들의 교수매체 활용 및 관련 변인

        김용숙,이영숙 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1999 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study were to identify the use and related variables of instructional media by middle and high school Home Economics teachers, and to provide the foundations for the use and developments of instructional media by some teachers in Home Economical educational fields. Self administrated questionnaires were distributed to middle and high school Home Economics teachers and collected by stamps from Sep. 10 to Sep. 30, 1999. and 138 questionnaires were analyzed frequencies. percentages. means. and x²-test. The result were as follows 1 Schools in city areas, public schools, and boy's schools allocated more budget to instructional media for creative Home Economics education. Teachers got instructional media information from colleagues, catalogues from media company, and advertisement or columns of journals or newspapers. 2. More younger teachers with shorter educational experiences and active members in related academic associations owned more instructional media and had the ability to develop various instructions media. 3. Most teachers showed dissatisfaction to the process. purchasing process information, quality. and assortments of instructional media.

      • 현대 실내건축에 나타나는 역동적 디자인에 관한 연구

        김영숙,배경임 대구보건대학 2002 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Depart from the past uniform and conventional frame, a space in the contemporary interior architecture makes interior space more dynamic through various dimension of space perception. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation of space perception and space form as a matter of dynamics, to understand a meaning of dynamics and dynamic element of design, and also to study a characteristic of dynamic design focused on space of contemporary interior design after 1980's. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. For characteristic of dynamic design, it was expressed in oblique and curved line in case of formative factor of mass; in transparency, immateriality, directionality and visual expandability in case of material factor; in transience and flexibility in case of concept of space-time, and in indeterminacy and continuity in case of program.

      • 남녀 고등학생의 교복과 자율복의 대한 태도 연구

        김미정,김영숙,배지혜,신영옥,장명희,황인순 효성여자대학교 가정대학 학도호국단 1984 家政大論集 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude difference toward the school uniform, it was supposed that clothing acceptance was differentiated according to subjects. The subjects were grouped by 3 types which were students, teachers(school governors) and parents groups. The results were as follows; 1. Boy students reguired the more freedom of clothing than girls. 2. Teachers and parents groups considered that clothing affected student's behavior and self-esteem. 3. The acceptance of school plain dress was affected by atomosphere of home and school. 4. According to socioeconomic levels, there were differences in clothing acceptance and fashion acceptance.

      • 부산시 가정의 가계관리체계에 관한 연구

        김영숙,심미영 慶星大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.14 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine the Household Management systems in Pusan city. The research method makes use of questionaires. The problem of this study are as follows; 1. The study purports the degree of the plan and the implement on Household Management patterns as managerial subsystem. 2. The Houshold Management patterns make a difference, according to the social, economic and family environment variable. ①Who is the holder of Total-Income Manager? ②What is the patterns of Expenditure Management? ③What is the degree of communication with the member of a family? 3. The study purports the log-linear analysis among the Holder of Household Management patterns, the Patterns of Expenditure Management and the degree of communication. The results of this study are as follows; 1. As managerial subsystem, the plan and the implement on the Household Management are high level. 2. ①Holder of Household management patterns make difference, according to age, level of education, number of children, and state of employment. ②Patterns of Expenditure management make difference, according to age, number of children, state of employment, use of book-keeping. ③According to Total-Income Manager the degree of communication is different. 3. The holder of Household management patterns make difference according to the patterns of Expenditure Management and the degree of communication.

      • 消費者 行動硏究의 體系化를 위한 行動科學的 接近 : 家族集團과 消費者 行動을 中心으로 With Relation to Family Group and Consumer Behavior

        金英淑 慶星大學校 1986 부산수산대학 논문집 Vol.7 No.2

        Nowadays, in the age of high consumption, importance of Consumer Behavior must be emphasized. C. B. Can change life style pattern and Marketing in enterprises. The research of C. B. must be study of Economics, Psychology, Culture Anthropology, Behavior Science, specially C. B. can be significant Human Behavior. For the Study Human Behavior, Traditional Consumer Behavior model were much intricate and difficult to explain easily and to be unacceptable events the management. Furthermore, Consumer Behavior Research should be analytical and of interdisciplinary approach as well. Availability of Consumer Behavior will be increased by the following ways. 1. To systemize public policies 2. To understand the essence of planning in a democratic society 3. To understand social marketing 4. To educate consumer's each class. Specially for elementary school ages, the adolescent, college students, Housewifes, Househusbands. For systemizing Consumer Behavior of Family Group, the followings are needed: 1. Systemizing the decision making by understanding the characteristics as a face-to-face group and reference group. 2. Making a practical analysis of Population Science and Social-Economics because the Consumer Behavior pattern differs from the Leader of family, and Purchase Behavior dose from the Division of Role of family. 3. Surveying the Purchase Behavior Model intensively for Family Life cycle and each stage characteristics.

      • 성별에 따른 소비자 정보탐색정도에 관한 연구

        김영숙,김연정 慶星大學校 1994 論文集 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship of Information Search according to Sex. For these purpose, a survey was conducted using questionnaire on 255 male and 299 female that lived in Seoul. Statistics used for data were Frequency, Percentile, Mean, Pearson's Correlation, ANOVA, Multiple Regression Analysis. The major finding were ; 1) In Male Group, only Referance Group was related on Information Search 2) In Female Group, involvement variable, total income, job were related information Search.

      • 페넴계 항생제 faropenem의 주요 임상분리세균에 대한 항균력

        김재석,심영숙,김의종 대한화학요법학회 2001 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        목적 : Faropenem에 대한 국내 임상 분리 균주의 감수성 여부를 파악하기 위하여 임상 환자에서 흔히 분리되는 통성 혐기성 세균을 대상으로 최소억제농도(MIC_)를 측정하였으며, 대조항생제로는 amoxicillin과 cefaclor를 사용하여 그 결과와 서로 비교하였다. 방법 : 시험 균종은 2000년과 2001년 서울대학교병원 임상병리과로 세균배양이 의뢰된 혈액, 객담, 소변 등 임상검체에서 분리된 균주로서 임상환자에서 흔히 분리되는 통성 혐기성 세균 총 523주를 대상으로 하였다. 미국 임상검사표준화협회(NCCLS)에서 권장하는 방법에 따라 S. pneumoniae를 제외한 모든 균종은 한천희석법으로 MIC를 측정하였으며, S. pneumoniae는 microdilution broth법으로 MIC를 측정하였다. 결과 : Faropenem의 MIC는 전반적으로 비교약제에 비해 전반적으로 낮았다. E. coli, K. pneumoniae에 대한 MIC_(90)는 각각 1㎍/mL, 2㎍/mL이었으며, E. aerogenes, C. freundii, M. morganii는 4㎍/mL, E. cloacae는 8㎍/mL의 결과를 보였다. S. marcescens, A. baumanni의 MIC_(90)은 16㎍/mL, 32㎍/mL를 보였으며, P. aeruginosa와 S. maltophilia에서는 64㎍/mL 이상으로서 항균력이 없었다. S. aureus와 S. epidermidis에서는 메티실린 내성인 경우는 MIC_(90)이 64㎍/mL이상, 8㎍/mL이었다. 메티실린 감수성인 경우 0.125㎍/mL와 0.125㎍/mL이었다. E. faecalis와 E. faecium의 경우 MIC_(90)은 모두 64㎍/mL 이상을 보였으나, E. faecalis의 경우 MIC_(90)이 1㎍/mL로서 항생제 내성인 균주가 일부 포함되어 MIC_(90)이 높아진 것으로 보인다. S. pneumoniae의 경우 MIC_(90)은 0.5㎍/mL이었다. 결론 : Faropenem은 E. coli, K. pneumoniae에 대해서도 우수한 항균력을 보였다. 대조항생제에 비해 faropenem의 Enterobacteriacae에 대한 항균력은 높았다. 앞으로 faropenem에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하며, 특히 경구용 제재로 사용할 경우 약력학적 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각한다. Background : Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of facultative anaerobic bacteria isolated from several kinds of specimens of patients were determined for the in vitro susceptibility against the new oral penem, faropenern and compared with MICs of amoxicillin and cefaclor in Korea. Methods : Total 523 strains isolated from blood, sputum, or urine of patients at Seoul National University Hospital in 2000 and 2001 were examined by agar dilution or microdilution broth method according to the recommendations of National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Results : In general, the MICs of faropenem against major clinical isolates were lower than those of amoxicillin and cefaclor. MIC data showed that faropenern was active against Escherichia coli (MIC_(90)= 1㎍/mL) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC_(90) = 2㎍/mL). The MICwS of Enterobacter aerogenes, Citrobacter freundii, Morganella morganii were 4 ㎍/mL. The MIC_(90)s of Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marcescens, and Acinetobacter baumannii were relatively raised, 8 ㎍/mL, 16 ㎍/mL, and 32 ㎍/mL, respectively. Faropenem was not active against P. aeniginosa and S. maltophilia (MIC≥64 ㎍/mL). Although for MRSA MICs were high (MIC_(90)>64 ㎍/mL) compared with those for MRSE (MIC_(90) = 8 ㎍/mL), faropenern was active against methicillin-susceptible staphylococci (MIC_(90) = 0.125 ug/nmL). For Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, the MIC_(90)s were > 64 ㎍/mL. However, MICs of E. faecalis (MIC_(90) = 1 ㎍/mL) seems to be overestimated by including some resistant strains. The MIC_(90) of faropenern against S. pneumoniae was 0.5 ㎍/mL Conclusions : Faropenem was more active against E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and S. pneumoniae than reference drugs. The in vitro activity of faropenern was in many cases superior to those of amoxicillin and cefaclor. Pharmacokinetic study is needed, especially for the use of faropenern as an oral drug.

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