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      • 텍스트 기반 교통사고 특징 추출 및 분류 방법

        왕지강 ( Jigang Wang ),성연식 ( Yunsick Sung ) 한국정보처리학회 2022 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        차량에 부착된 블랙박스의 교통사고 동영상은 사고 발생시 사고를 분석하기 위한 핵심 자료로 다양하게 활용되고 있다. 교통사고 동영상을 자동으로 분류할 수 있다면, 해당 동영상의 활용도를 더욱 높일 것으로 판단된다. 본 논문에서는 텍스트 기반 교통사고 특징 추출 및 분류 방법을 제안한다. 교통사고 동영상을 변환한 JSON 파일에서 불변 특징, 정적 특징 그리고 동적 특징을 추출하고 결합하여 합성 특징을 생성한다. 마지막으로 합성 특징을 사용하여 교통사고 동영상을 분류한다.

      • KCI등재

        Beyond Canonical PROTAC: Biological targeted protein degradation (bioTPD)

        Huifang Wang,Runhua Zhou,Fushan Xu,Kongjun Yang,Liuhai Zheng,Pan Zhao,Guangwei Shi,Lingyun Dai,Chengchao Xu,Le Yu,Zhijie Li,Jianhong Wang,Jigang Wang 한국생체재료학회 2023 생체재료학회지 Vol.27 No.00

        Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an emerging therapeutic strategy with the potential to modulate disease associated proteins that have previously been considered undruggable, by employing the host destructionmachinery. The exploration and discovery of cellular degradation pathways, including but not limited toproteasomes and lysosome pathways as well as their degraders, is an area of active research. Since the conceptof proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) was introduced in 2001, the paradigm of TPD has been greatlyexpanded and moved from academia to industry for clinical translation, with small-molecule TPD being particularlyrepresented. As an indispensable part of TPD, biological TPD (bioTPD) technologies including peptide-, fusionprotein-, antibody-, nucleic acid-based bioTPD and others have also emerged and undergone significantadvancement in recent years, demonstrating unique and promising activities beyond those of conventional small molecule TPD. In this review, we provide an overview of recent advances in bioTPD technologies, summarize theircompositional features and potential applications, and briefly discuss their drawbacks. Moreover, we present somestrategies to improve the delivery efficacy of bioTPD, addressing their challenges in further clinical development.

      • KCI등재

        Ab initio calculations of electronic structures of SrMoO4 crystals containing F and F+ color centers

        Jigang Yin,Qiren Zhang,Tingyu Liu,Xiaofeng guo,Min Song,Xien Wang,Haiyan Zhang 한국물리학회 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.6

        The electronic structures of SrMoO4 crystals containing F and F+ color centers with the lattice structure optimized are studied within the framework of the fully relativistic self-consistent Dirac–Slater theory, using a numerically discrete variational (DV-Xα) method. From the calculation, it is concluded that F and F+ color centers have donor energy level in the forbidden band. The electronic transition energies from the donor level to the bottom of the conduction band are 1.855 eV and 2.161 eV, respectively, which correspond to the 670 nm and 575 nm absorption bands. It is predicted that the 670 nm and 575 nm absorption bands originate from the F and F+ centers in SrMoO4 crystals. The electronic structures of SrMoO4 crystals containing F and F+ color centers with the lattice structure optimized are studied within the framework of the fully relativistic self-consistent Dirac–Slater theory, using a numerically discrete variational (DV-Xα) method. From the calculation, it is concluded that F and F+ color centers have donor energy level in the forbidden band. The electronic transition energies from the donor level to the bottom of the conduction band are 1.855 eV and 2.161 eV, respectively, which correspond to the 670 nm and 575 nm absorption bands. It is predicted that the 670 nm and 575 nm absorption bands originate from the F and F+ centers in SrMoO4 crystals.


        Fatigue performance monitoring of full-scale PPC beams by using the FBG sensors

        Wang, Licheng,Han, Jigang,Song, Yupu Techno-Press 2014 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.13 No.6

        When subjected to fatigue loading, the main failure mode of partially prestressed concrete (PPC) structure is the fatigue fracture of tensile reinforcement. Therefore, monitoring and evaluation of the steel stresses/strains in the structure are essential issues for structural design and healthy assessment. The current study experimentally investigates the possibility of using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors to measure the steel strains in PPC beams in the process of fatigue loading. Six full-scale post-tensioned PPC beams were exposed to fatigue loading. Within the beams, the FBG and resistance strain gauge (RSG) sensors were independently bonded onto the surface of tensile reinforcements. A good agreement was found between the recorded results from the two different sensors. Moreover, FBG sensors show relatively good resistance to fatigue loading compared with RSG sensors, indicating that FBG sensors possess the capability for long-term health monitoring of the tensile reinforcement in PPC structures. Apart from the above findings, it can also be found that during the fatigue loading, there is stress redistribution between prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcements, and the residual strain emerges in the non-prestressed reinforcement. This phenomenon can bring about an increase of the steel stress in the non-prestressed reinforcement.

      • KCI등재

        Fatigue performance monitoring of full-scale PPC beams by using the FBG sensors

        Licheng Wang,Jigang Han,Yupu Song 국제구조공학회 2014 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.13 No.6

        When subjected to fatigue loading, the main failure mode of partially prestressed concrete (PPC)structure is the fatigue fracture of tensile reinforcement. Therefore, monitoring and evaluation of the steelstresses/strains in the structure are essential issues for structural design and healthy assessment. The currentstudy experimentally investigates the possibility of using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors to measure thesteel strains in PPC beams in the process of fatigue loading. Six full-scale post-tensioned PPC beams wereexposed to fatigue loading. Within the beams, the FBG and resistance strain gauge (RSG) sensors wereindependently bonded onto the surface of tensile reinforcements. A good agreement was found between therecorded results from the two different sensors. Moreover, FBG sensors show relatively good resistance tofatigue loading compared with RSG sensors, indicating that FBG sensors possess the capability forlong-term health monitoring of the tensile reinforcement in PPC structures. Apart from the above findings, itcan also be found that during the fatigue loading, there is stress redistribution between prestressed andnon-prestressed reinforcements, and the residual strain emerges in the non-prestressed reinforcement. Thisphenomenon can bring about an increase of the steel stress in the non-prestressed reinforcement.


        Methodology of Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Binary Traits in a Half-sib Design Using Maximum Likelihood

        Yin, Zongjun,Zhang, Qin,Zhang, Jigang,Ding, Xiangdong,Wang, Chunkao Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.12

        Maximum likelihood methodology was applied to analyze the efficiency and statistical power of interval mapping by using a threshold model. The factors that affect QTL detection efficiency (e.g. QTL effect, heritability and incidence of categories) were simulated in our study. Daughter design with multiple families was applied, and the size of segregating population is 500. The results showed that the threshold model has a great advantage in parameters estimation and power of QTL mapping, and has nice efficiency and accuracy for discrete traits. In addition, the accuracy and power of QTL mapping depended on the effect of putative quantitative trait loci, the value of heritability and incidence directly. With the increase of QTL effect, heritability and incidence of categories, the accuracy and power of QTL mapping improved correspondingly.

      • KCI등재

        First-principles study on electronic states of SrWO4 crystals containing F-type color centers

        Min Song,Qiren Zhang,Tingyu Liu,Jigang Yin,Xiaofeng Guo,Haiyan Zhang,Xi’en Wang 한국물리학회 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.4

        The electronic structures of the SrWO4 crystals containing F-type color centers are studied within the framework of the fully relativistic self-consistent Dirac–Slater theory using a numerically discrete variational (DV-Xα) method. The calculations indicate that either F or F+ center has donor energy level within the forbidden band. The electronic transition energies from the two donor levels to the bottom of the conduction band are 1.82 eV and 2.28 eV corresponding to the 685 nm and 545 nm absorption bands, respectively. It is, therefore, concluded that the 545–685 nm absorption bands are originated from the F and F+ center in SrWO4 crystal respectively. The electronic structures of the SrWO4 crystals containing F-type color centers are studied within the framework of the fully relativistic self-consistent Dirac–Slater theory using a numerically discrete variational (DV-Xα) method. The calculations indicate that either F or F+ center has donor energy level within the forbidden band. The electronic transition energies from the two donor levels to the bottom of the conduction band are 1.82 eV and 2.28 eV corresponding to the 685 nm and 545 nm absorption bands, respectively. It is, therefore, concluded that the 545–685 nm absorption bands are originated from the F and F+ center in SrWO4 crystal respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental Study on the Penetration of Natural Unsaturated and Collapsible Loess Based on the Permeability Velocity

        Xin Wen,Yanlin Jing,Zhiping Hu,Jigang Shao,Jieru Li,Rui Wang 대한토목학회 2021 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.25 No.12

        It is of great importance to study the behavior of loess moisture infiltration based on the loess permeability velocity to prevent geological disasters by loess collapsibility and get effective solutions for the problems of practical engineering. In this study, a custom-made permeation device was used to measure the permeation velocity of collapsible loess before and after water immersion and consolidation. The infiltration characteristics of the undisturbed collapsible loess under different consolidation pressures were discussed, and the influence of the pore characteristics on the permeability velocity was analyzed by the mercury injection test. Meanwhile, the correlations of various types of pores on the permeability velocity were studied by the gray relational entropy method to further reveal the water infiltration mechanism in loess. The results showed that the soil is compressed after consolidation and immersion tests, and the pore volume and pore diameter decreases. However, permeability velocity increases rather than decreases, and the self-weight collapsible state has the most significant permeability velocity. To the collapsible loess, the permeability velocity decreases with the increase of soil pore area. Additionally, small pores show the strongest correlation with permeability velocity. The conclusions of this study have a positive role in guiding foundation treatments and slope stability in collapsible loess areas.

      • KCI등재

        Vibration control for serviceability enhancement of offshore platforms against environmental loadings

        Chih-Shiuan Lin,Feifei Liu,Jigang Zhang,Jer-Fu Wang,Chi-Chang Lin 국제구조공학회 2019 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.24 No.3

        Offshore drilling has become a key process for obtaining oil. Offshore platforms have many applications, including oil exploration and production, navigation, ship loading and unloading, and bridge and causeway support. However, vibration problems caused by severe environmental loads, such as ice, wave, wind, and seismic loads, threaten the functionality of platform facilities and the comfort of workers. These concerns may result in piping failures, unsatisfactory equipment reliability, and safety concerns. Therefore, the vibration control of offshore platforms is essential for assuring structural safety, equipment functionality, and human comfort. In this study, an optimal multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) system was proposed to mitigate the excessive vibration of a three-dimensional offshore platform under ice and earthquake loadings. The MTMD system was designed to control the first few dominant coupled modes. The optimal placement and system parameters of the MTMD are determined based on controlled modal properties. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed MTMD system can effectively reduce the displacement and acceleration responses of the offshore platform, thus improving safety and serviceability. Moreover, this study proposes an optimal design procedure for the MTMD system to determine the optimal location, moving direction, and system parameters of each unit of the tuned mass damper.

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