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      • KCI등재

        Experimental Study for Local Buckling of Curved Special-Shaped Pylon

        Wang Huili,Nie Feng,Zhao Weihe,Zhang Dechang 한국강구조학회 2024 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.24 No.4

        This paper presents an investigation of the local buckling of curved special-shaped pylons, which are becoming increasingly common in bridge construction. Three kinds of steel plate specimens with diff erent radii of curvature were selected to study the local buckling of curved special-shaped pylons. Both model tests and fi nite element analyses were conducted. Modal solutions for elastic buckling analysis of the steel plate specimens were obtained using fi nite element method (FEM). The relationships between load and deformation, and load and strain were determined through testing. The results showed that the sequence of elastic buckling modes from the FEM was consistent with theoretical solutions, and the trends from the test and FEM were generally consistent. It was observed that an increase in curvature led to a decrease in bearing capacity, and the thickness-to-width ratio (t/b) was found to have a greater eff ect on the reduction factor than the radius-to-width ratio (R/b). Therefore, the thickness of the curved plate was determined to be critical for ultimate strength. The fi ndings from this study off er insights into the behavior of curved special-shaped pylons under load, and provide a basis for their design and construction.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis and Experimental Investigation on Fatigue Performance of Tensile-Plate Anchorage Based on the Theory of Critical Distances

        Huili Wang,Shaobo Zhou,Yan Zhang,Sifeng Qin 한국강구조학회 2023 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.23 No.6

        Tensile-plate anchorage (TPA) is widely used in steel cable-stayed bridges. However, due to the complex geometry of the anchorage, the stress concentration area will appear under the action of the dynamic load, leading to fatigue failure. In this paper, taking a cable-stayed bridge as an example, the theoretical analysis and experimental investigation of the fatigue performance of TPA are performed. At first, a full-bridge finite element model was set up to obtain the severest cable force and cable force amplitude under fatigue load. Then the fatigue test of 1:1.5 specimen was carried out. The maximum principal stress of TPA was 32.24 MPa and the maximum deformation was 1.6 mm. During the loading process, TPA was in elastic working state. After 2 million fatigue load cycles, no cracks were found. At last, the fatigue performance of TPA was analyzed with the theory of critical distances (TCD). The results of the theoretical analysis and fatigue test show that the fatigue performance of TPA could satisfy the use requirement.


        Dynamics Associated with Prolonged Ensiling and Aerobic Deterioration of Total Mixed Ration Silage Containing Whole Crop Corn

        Wang, Huili,Ning, Tingting,Hao, Wei,Zheng, Mingli,Xu, Chuncheng Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2016 Animal Bioscience Vol.29 No.1

        This study investigated the dynamics associated with prolonged ensiling and aerobic deterioration of whole crop corn (WCC) silages and total mixed ration (TMR) silages containing WCC (C-TMR silages) to clarify the differences that account for the enhanced aerobic stability of TMR silages. Laboratory-scale barrel silos were randomly opened after 7, 14, 28, and 56 d of ensiling and were subjected to analyses of fermentation quality, microbial and temperature dynamics during aerobic exposure. WCC and C-TMR silages were both well preserved and microorganisms were inhibited with prolonged ensiling, including lactic acid bacteria. Yeast were inhibited to below the detection limit of 500 cfu/g fresh matter within 28 d of ensiling. Aerobic stability of both silages was enhanced with prolonged ensiling, whereas C-TMR silages were more aerobically stable than WCC silages for the same ensiling period. Besides the high moisture content, the weak aerobic stability of WCC silage is likely attributable to the higher lactic acid content and yeast count, which result from the high water-soluble carbohydrates content in WCC. After silo opening, yeast were the first to propagate and the increase in yeast levels is greater than that of other microorganisms in silages before deterioration. Besides, increased levels of aerobic bacteria were also detected before heating of WCC silages. The temperature dynamics also indicated that yeast are closely associated with the onset of the aerobic deterioration of C-TMR silage, whereas for WCC silages, besides yeast, aerobic bacteria also function in the aerobic deterioration. Therefore, the inclusion of WCC might contribute to the survival of yeast during ensiling but not influence the role of yeast in deterioration of C-TMR silages.

      • KCI등재

        창극과 심택추자희의 연기 형식 비교 연구

        WANG HUILI,김남석(金南奭) 한국국학진흥원 2017 국학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        창극과 심택추자희는 유사한 성격을 지닌 강창예술이다. 두 장르는 공히 서양식 무대에서 노래가 핵심적 기능을 맡고 그 속에 대사를 삽입하여 과장된 동작을 곁들인 공연예술이다. 이러한 변모된 과정에서 전래의 강창예술의 그림을 발견하는 동시에 새로운 변화도 발견할 수 있다. 창극과 심택추자희는 전래의 개방적인 무대에서 양식화의 과정을 거치면서 극중 공간을 가진 극장무대로 변화되었다. 그리고 전래의 설과 창의 위치를 거꾸로 전환하는 동시에 시각적인 요소를 확대한다. 그러나 창극은 동작을 부차적으로 삼는 반면, 심택추자희의 동작은 형식화와 행당화<SUP>行當化</SUP>가 되어 ‘타打’는 동작의 최대치에 달성된다. 배우는 모두 일인 다역을 한 역할에 집중한 것으로 변모하게 된다. 심택추자희의 배우는 행당行當제도에 따라 ‘생단정축生旦凈醜’으로 나뉜다. 그리고 대본은 전래의 전통 레퍼토리를 바탕으로 서양 극작법을 결합하여 창작된 것이다. 심택추자희의 대본은 충돌을 강조하기 위해 묘사의 부분을 줄이고 감정을 토로하는 부분이 늘어난다. 도창과 상장시上場詩는 해설자, 장면의 전환, 행동과 심미의 묘사, 사건 요약의 역할을 담당한다. 그러나 해설자의 측면에서 도창은 목격자로써 서술하는 반면, 심택추자희는 자신과 관련한 부분만을 직접적으로 해설한다. 장면이 전화된 때 도창은 전환의 앞과 뒤를 모두 언급하는 반면, 심택추자희는 전화 후만 언급한다. 행동과 심미 묘사의 측면에서 창극은 일반적인 서술이 목적인 반면, 삼택추자희는 자신의 감정 서술이 목적이다. 사건 요약의 측면에서 창극은 무대에 나타나지 않았던 부분만을 요약한 반면, 심택추자희는 이미 나타났던 부분을 다시 요약한다. 창극의 연기는 판소리의 너름새와 발림을 원형으로 가미된 것이라서 즉흥적인 연기술이다. 심택추자희의 연기는 배우의 ‘생단정축’의 배역에 따라 연기술도 ‘수안신법보手眼身法步’의 연기술로 정해진다.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of culturable yeast species associating with whole crop corn and total mixed ration silage

        Huili Wang,Wei Hao,Tingting Ning,Mingli Zheng,C.C. Xu 아세아·태평양축산학회 2018 Animal Bioscience Vol.31 No.2

        Objective: This study investigated the association of yeast species with improved aerobic stability of total mixed ration (TMR) silages with prolonged ensiling, and clarified the characteristics of yeast species and their role during aerobic deterioration. Methods: Whole crop corn (WCC) silages and TMR silages formulated with WCC were ensiled for 7, 14, 28, and 56 d and used for an aerobic stability test. Predominant yeast species were isolated from different periods and identified by sequencing analyses of the 26S rRNA gene D1/D2 domain. Characteristics (assimilation and tolerance) of the yeast species and their role during aerobic deterioration were investigated. Results: In addition to species of Candida glabrata and Pichia kudriavzevii (P. kudriavzevii) previously isolated in WCC and TMR, Pichia manshurica (P. manshurica), Candida ethanolica (C. ethanolica), and Zygosaccharomyces bailii (Z. bailii) isolated at great frequency during deterioration, were capable of assimilating lactic or acetic acid and tolerant to acetic acid and might function more in deteriorating TMR silages at early fermentation (7 d and 14 d). With ensiling prolonged to 28 d, silages became more (p<0.01) stable when exposed to air, coinciding with the inhibition of yeast to below the detection limit. Species of P. manshurica that were predominant in deteriorating WCC silages were not detectable in TMR silages. In addition, the predominant yeast species of Z. bailii in deteriorating TMR silages at later fermentation (28 d and 56 d) were not observed in both WCC and WCC silages. Conclusion: The inhibition of yeasts, particularly P. kudriavzevii, probably account for the improved aerobic stability of TMR silages at later fermentation. Fewer species seemed to be involved in aerobic deterioration of silages at later fermentation and Z. bailii was most likely to initiate the aerobic deterioration of TMR silages at later fermentation. The use of WCC in TMR might not influence the predominant yeast species during aerobic deterioration of TMR silages.

      • KCI등재

        하남추자 예인과 조선 전기수의 공연 방식 비교 연구

        왕혜려 ( Wang Huili ),김남석 ( Kim Nam-seok ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2017 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.61

        본고는 한중의 강창문학과 예술적인 표현에 대한 이해를 더욱 확장하는 동시에 전승이 사라진 전기수의 공연 방식에 주목하는 목적으로 하남성의 대표적인 하남추자 예인과 한국 조선의 전기수의 공연 방식과 미학 특징을 비교 대상으로 삼았다. 하남추자와 전기수 공연은 공연장의 제약으로 심각한 제약을 받지 않고 관객의 기호와 취향을 맞춘다. 하남추자의 공연은 본래 길가에서 공연만 하는 것은 아니라 서붕찻집〔書棚茶社〕에 차를 마시면서 공연을 관람했다. 이 런 작은 공간과 간략한 무대를 갖춘 찻집에서의 하남추자 공연 방식은 독립적인 공연이 다발적으로 이루어졌다. 그리고 이전에 불안정한 공연환경을 개 선했다. 전기수의 공연 장소는 계속 변화하는 길가에서만 공연한 것이 아니라 사람들이 모인 장소에서도 가능하다. 특히 가옥 내의 전기수 공연은 연극의 4 요소를 갖추고 있는 일종의 연극적 환경이라고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 하남주자 공연은 관객의 숫자에 좌우되는 측면이 전기수보다 강하고, 공연 장소는 전 기수보다 고정적이다. 하남추자의 기본적인 공연방식은 1인 구연 혹은 2인 협력으로 공연하는 것이다. 하남추자 공연은 기본적으로 사설과 음악의 동시적 진행에 기초하며 융합한 효과를 극대화하는 방식을 선호했다. 전기수는 다양한 목소리와 천변 만화한 톤으로 여러 사람이 현신한 듯해 고착된 텍스트를 분화된 텍스트로 만들었다. 그리고 전기수는 음색의 변화와 음성의 다변화로 청각의 효과를 시각적 재현보다 배가시켰다. 하남추자 예인은 관객의 감정 변화를 유도하고 그들의 정서적 몰입을 종 용하여 관객에게 울음과 웃음의 미적 체험을 선사했다. 전기수는 구연으로 지나간 사람을 자발적인 관객으로 만든다. 따라서 관객들은 정서적으로 몰입 하며, 전달하고 싶은 정서를 이입할 대상을 물색하여 이를 달성하여 카타르 시스를 얻게 된다. 하남추자 예인과 전기수는 대목 고조에 이르러 갑자기 멈추고 관객의 궁금증을 최고점에 증폭시켜서 관람료를 수금한다. 이런 요전법은 모두 사서적 정보를 은폐하는 지점을 찾아 다음 장면의 내용을 구연하는 것을 일부러 지 연시켜 호기심을 극대화하고, 관람자가 자발적으로 돈을 내게 한다. In this paper in order to reinforce the understanding of saying and singing and art performance, also cause your attention to Jeongisu, choose the Henan zhuizi and Jeongisu opening form and aesthetic characteristics as the object of the comparison. These two forms of performance have no special restrictions to site, based on the audience`s hobby. Henan zhuizi not only shows in street, also plays in the teahouse. The teahouse gave the stage of independent space, has also changed the previous unrest environment. Jeongisu Has been changing venues on the street, but can show where people gathered. Especially in the guest house, can be seen as a kind of theatre condition with Drama four elements. in comparison with Jeongisu, Henanzhuizi is affected by quantity of the audience, but also the venue is relatively fixed. Henan zhuizi has solo show and 2 people Cooperation performance, uses the narrative and music fusion to maximize the performance effects. Jeongisu Uses variety of sound and tone to deduce the different characters, divided the original integral module. And Jeongisu uses the changeable timbre and sound to double sound effects. Henan zhuizi guides the audience`s feelings, make them get to the show, give them the experience of laughter or tears. Jeongisu let passers-by stopped spontaneously and become the audience to watch the performance. Audience watch the performances and get touched, then looking for the object for abreaction, to self purification. Henan zhuizi artists and Jeongisu is in the climax of the story stopped suddenly, make the guest`s curiosity get the peak, and then ask money to the audience. This way must find hidden point in the story, deliberately delay climax parts in the show, make the listener produce greatly curiosity to the following parts, so that the audience can spontaneity pay money.

      • KCI등재

        A comparative study on antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activities and chemical composition of Pyrus ussuriensis cultivars from northeastern China

        Xiaoqian Wang,Chunyan Liu,Qiang Wang,Chang Liu,Huili Sun,Maojun Zhang,Deguo Lyu,Guodong Du 한국원예학회 2021 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.62 No.3

        Pyrus ussuriensis is the most important cultivated pear in the northeastern, cold areas of China. However, studies on thebiological activity of Pyrus ussuriensis fruit are rare in the public domain. The present study compared antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antimicrobial activities and chemical composition in tissues from the peel and fl esh of nine Pyrus ussuriensiscultivars. The chemical composition diff ered among cultivars and tissue sources. Phenolics were predominant in peelsamples, whereas sugars were predominant in fl esh samples. Twenty-one phenolic compounds were identifi ed and quantifi ed,including hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroquinones, fl avanols, fl avonols, fl avones, and anthocyanins (only in peel samples). The total phenolic content ranged between 363.0 and 1734.0 mg kg − 1 FW in the peel and from 28.5 to 182.3 mg kg − 1 FWin the fl esh. In addition, cultivars with high total phenolic and fl avonoid contents had signifi cantly higher antioxidant activities. The in vitro anti-infl ammatory study, performed using an egg albumin denaturation assay, demonstrated that both peeland fl esh samples had strong activity, which was comparable with that of the standard anti-infl ammatory drug diclofenacsodium. The antimicrobial results showed that ‘Jianba’ and ‘Balixiang’ cultivars exhibited strong activity against bacteriastrains in the peel and fl esh, respectively. The present study provided information for selecting promising Pyrus ussuriensiscultivars with improved health benefi ts.

      • KCI등재

        Dye Adsorption from Aqueous Solution by Cellulose/Chitosan Composite: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics

        Yixi Wang,Hao Wang,Huili Peng,Zhicun Wang,Jianning Wu,Zhiyong Liu 한국섬유공학회 2018 Fibers and polymers Vol.19 No.2

        A novel eco-friendly porous adsorbent of cellulose (CE)/chitosan (CS) aerogel was prepared through sol-gel process and freeze-drying to remove Congo Red (CR). A series of aerogels were prepared by adjusting the mass ratios of CE and CS. Composite aerogels were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). SEM images showed that it was possible to change the structure of the aerogel by adjusting the amount of chitosan. The effects of dosage of chitosan, initial pH, temperature, adsorbent dosage, contact time, and initial dye concentration on adsorption capacities for CR were studied in detail. Batch adsorption studies showed that aerogel exhibited maximum removal efficiency to CR at a composite ratio of 1:3 and dosage of 2.5 g/l. CE/CS aerogel had excellent adsorption capacities for CR at a pH range of 3-11, which indicated stability of the aerogel in both acidic and alkaline conditions. CR adsorption on the composite aerogel fitted pseudo-second-order kinetics and Langmuir isotherm. The Langmuir isotherm model revealed that the maximum theoretical adsorption capacity of this material for CR was 381.7 mg/g at pH 7.0 at 303 K for 24 h. The adsorption mechanism included electrostatic and chemical interactions. The results indicated that the adsorption capacity of CE/CS aerogels was higher than the other chitosan composites adsorbents.

      • KCI등재

        Phenotypic and Phylogenetic Analysis of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Forage Crops and Grasses in the Tibetan Plateau

        Huili Pang,Zhongfang Tan,Guangyong Qin,Yanping Wang,Zongwei Li,Qingsheng Jin,Yimin Cai 한국미생물학회 2012 The journal of microbiology Vol.50 No.1

        A total of 140 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were isolated from corn, alfalfa, clover, sainfoin, and Indian goosegrass in the Tibetan Plateau. According to phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, 16S rDNA sequence, and recA gene PCR amplification, these LAB isolates were identified as belonging to five genera and nine species. Corn contained more LAB species than other forage crops. Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus brevis, and Weissella paramesenteroides were dominant members of the LAB population on alfalfa, clover, sainfoin, and Indian goosegrass, respectively. The comprehensive 16S rDNA and recA-based approach effectively described the LAB community structure of the relatively abundant LAB species distributed on different forage crops. This is the first report describing the diversity and natural populations of LAB associated with Tibetan forage crops, and most isolates grow well at or below 10°C. The results will be valuable for the future design of appropriate inoculants for silage fermentation in this very cold area.

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