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        한국, 미국, 스웨덴의 소비문화 비교 -성별, 세대별 차이를 중심으로-

        김선우 ( Sunwoo Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 시장이 세계화되고 글로벌기업의 활동이 활발해지면서 소비문화 이해의 중요성이 점점 더 커지고 있다는 점에 착안하여 한국, 미국, 스웨덴 삼국의 소비문화를 비교하고 성별, 세대별 소비문화 차이를 살펴보았다. 한국, 미국 및 스웨덴 삼국의 20~40대 성인 각 500명 등 총 1,500명을 조사대상으로 온라인조사를 실시하였으며, 조사도구는 김선우와 김난도(2011)의 연구에서 개발된 소비문화 차원 척도를 적용하였다. 연구결과, 세 국가에서 모두 상징지향적 소비수준보다 기능지향적 소비수준이 높게 나타났고, 사회지향적 소비수준보다 개인지향적 소비수준이 더 높게 나타나 소비의 의미는 보편적으로 기능적이고 개인적인 특성를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. 한국, 미국, 스웨덴의 소비문화적 특징을 살펴보면, 한국은 집단주의 문화권에 속하여 타자승인지향적이고 미국은 개인주의 문화권의 영향으로 개인지향적이었으며, 한국과 미국이 상징적 소비성향이 높은데 반하여 스웨덴은 전반적으로 소비성향이 낮고 개인적 기능지향 차원에 대한 고려가 발견되었다. 성별과 연령대에 따른 소비문화 수준을 살펴본 결과, 상징적 소비차원에서 두드러진 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 성별에 따라서는 여성이 개인적 상징에 더 큰 비중을 두는 반면 남성은 사회적 상징에 상대적으로 더 큰 비중을 두고 있었다. 한편 젊은 층일수록 상징 차원의 소비수준이 더 높게 나타났는데, 기능적 소비차원의 경우 성별과 연령대에 따른 차이가 상대적으로 미미하거나 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 글로벌마케팅에 대한 시사점을 도출해보면, 한국에서는 사회적 상징, 미국에서는 개인적 상징으로 소구하고 스웨덴에서는 기능적 혜택을 제공하는 것이 중요하다. 또한 여성은 개인적 상징에 더 어필하며 남성에게는 사회적 상징을 강조하는 것이 소구 포인트가 될 수 있겠다. 아울러, 20대는 상징적 소비에 매 우 적극적이었으므로 20대를 대상으로 한 마케팅 커뮤니케이션을 원활하게 하기 위해서는 20대가 원하는 상징의 기원 및 유포과정에 대한 보다 심층적인 후속연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다. In the era of globalization since 1990``s, many global companies are actively pursuing crosscultural consumer understanding for optimized marketing decision. A lot of marketing efforts may be wasted or even hurt its brand due to the cultural or linguistic failure. With this background, culture has been a major research theme in the field of consumer studies, business management and consumer psychology. But the early researches with cross-cultural perspectives were mostly adopted qualitative ethnographic research methods to understand various aspects of the consumer culture. Empirical researches for cross-cultural consumer understanding from the global point of view are still emerging area. This research aimed to understand consumer culture and investigate gender and generation difference in the global context. An online survey was conducted to the 1,500 respondents in 20``s to 40``s of three metropolitan cities in Republic of Korea, USA and Sweden: Seoul, New York, and Stockholm. The dimensions and measures of consumer culture were adopted which was developed by S. Kim and R. Kim in 2011. Shortly introducing the dimensions and measures of consumer culture, consumer culture can be defined as an interaction of meaning via consumer goods, and herein, a meaning and an interactivity can be the main analysis unit. A consumer culture is classified into two dichotomies by meaning and interactivity; functional-symbolic and individual-social. These two dichotomies are combined into a 2×2 cross-classification, and four-celled dimensions of consumer culture are produced; individual-functional, socio-functional, individual-symbolic and socio-symbolic. Each dimension has two sub-dimensions; ‘economical efficiency’ and ‘frugality’ (individual-functional dimension), ‘fun pursuing’ and ‘self expression’(individual-symbolic dimension), ‘approval by others’ and ‘brand-good preference’(socio-symbolic dimension), and ‘ethical action’ and ‘pro-environmental action’(socio-functional dimension). The main findings from the study are as below. First, consumption is dominantly perceived as a functional and individual human activity with the finding that the functional consumption level was apparently higher than the symbolic and the individual consumption level was higher than the social. There was no significant difference in the ‘economical efficiency’ by country while it was scored around 4 points among 5 points likert type scale. ‘Economical efficiency’ is perceived as the main consideration point for consumers in the developed market economy countries to achieve a consumption task. Second, Korean consumers scored higher in ‘approval by others’ based upon their collectivism culture, while American consumers concerned more on ‘self expression’ influenced by their individualism culture. Swedish preferences were more located in individual-functional dimension, while Korean and American were striving more individual or social symbolic consumption. This finding supports the theory that culture and consumption is interdependent. Third, there was an apparent difference in symbolic consumption by gender and generation but there was no significant difference by age and generation in the functional consumption. By gender, female was more focused on individual symbol but social symbol and ‘brand good preference’ was more important to western male. This is an evidence that the consumption is a mechanism to form and reinforce culture and habitualize its fixed stereotype systematically. In the perspective of generation, the younger was attached more to the symbolic consumption than the older. Generational commons were found in 30``s and 40``s in Korea and 20``s and 30``s in America and sweden. This can be explained that the maturity of the market economy and that of the consumer culture is closely related with each other. In western society, the market economy was already matured in early 1970``s and the generation X in 30``s and the early 40``s is the first generation born to be a consumer. But Korea was transformed to the consumption society after the middle of 1980``s and the generation Y in their 20``s and early 30``s has its own identity as homo consumens. One more discussion point from the generation difference perspective is that the younger in America and Sweden is more eager to the ethical and pro-environmental consumption activity while the older has higher tendency in the socio-functional consumption activities in Korea. This can be explained that the long civic engagement tradition in the western country affects consumer culture as well. To expand ethical and pro-environmental consumption in young generation, it is important for them to provide an well-organized education program to reinforce Korean civil society and enhance their identity as consumer citizen. This research tried to provide business managerial implication from the global marketing``s point of view and ultimately to contribute to the expansion of empirical consumer culture study. The research findings imply several managerial implications for efficient global marketing. Frist, Korean``s aspiration is a social symbol but an individual symbol appeals to American, while Swedish is mainly focusing on the functional benefits. In addition, female prefers to individual symbols but social symbols are the key for the male targeted marketing. Furthermore, Y generation in their 20``s and in early 30``s is eager to consume the symbolic images, which need to be deeply explored more on to understand the nature of the symbols and their preferred touch points. This research has some limitations as below. First, this research didn``t limit the product category and measured the overall consumer culture. If the different category dynamics can be considered in the future research, it will be much more clear to understand the cultural differences and to provide more sharpened implications. Furthermore, there was a tendency of lower score in some question items from Swedish consumers even though the author tried to make a best effort to achieve equivalence of the measures. More thorough approach should be considered to understand the cross-cultural differences in the response styles for the elaborate cross-cultural comparison study. Finally, this research only included countries with matured market economy but it is suggested to consider developing countries or eastern european countries as well to investigate the consumer adjustment process and their identity as consumer.

      • 중소기업 기술혁신역량 평가 및 글로벌 정책분석사업 (XI)

        김선우(Sunwoo Kim),임채윤(Chae Yoon Lim),오승환,김형수,손수정,전지은,홍정임,정효정,진우석 과학기술정책연구원 2020 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        As part of a long-term study that has continued over the past 11 years, ‘technology financing’ has been selected as a research topic for this year. For the purpose of assessing SMEs’ technology innovation capability, the present study has reviewed whether their technology grades in technology credit bureau (TCB) have been enhanced. In addition, major countries’ technology financing support policies have also been compared. As a follow-up in-depth study of the previous year’s research, SMEs’ technology innovation capability has been assessed based on their total factor productivity (TFP) and the impact of industry-academia-research institute collaboration on R&D performance has also been analyzed. For this purpose, academic papers published by firms were used for the trend analysis of industry-academic-research institute collaboration, which is a new attempt for this year. In relation to this, the following three research questions have been presented; i) is the technology innovation capability of Korean SMEs improving? ii) what are the global universalities of technology financing support for SMEs and what are some features unique to Korea? and iii) what is the trend of industry-academia-research institute collaboration in Korea and has this trilateral collaboration led to specific outcomes? The answers for these three research questions are as follows. First, the analysis of TCB technology grades reveals that manufacturing SMEs’ technology innovation capability is improving. TCB technology grades are widely used quantified indicators that objectively show the excellence of technologies possessed by companies though they have limitations as they are not open data. Second, a comparative analysis of technology financing capacity of major countries shows that the size of Korea’s technology financing is far greater than that of the UK or Japan though it lags behind that of the U.S. For the purpose of this study, technology financing has been defined as financial support for SMEs from public and private sectors based on SMEs’ technological capability as there exists no universally agreed-upon definition of technology financing among countries. Third, the analysis of TFP changes by industry shows that service sector’s TFP changes are greater than those of manufacturing sector, but TFP changes are mainly attributable to the differences in the size of firms rather than the differences between industries. This implies that narrowing the TFP gap between companies of different sizes within the service sector requires efforts to improve productivity of less productive companies. Fourth, in terms of the number of public-private collaborative papers and the ratio of these collaborative papers in the total papers, Korea lags behind other major countries. Relative to its quantitative growth of academic papers led by universities, the ratio of Korea’s industry-academia collaborative papers in the total academic papers published by Korean universities stands at only 6% (as of 2019). In the meantime, the ratio of industry-academia collaborative papers in the total academic papers published by firms is 84.9%, showing firms’ high dependence on universities. Based on these analyses, the following five policy initiatives have been proposed. First, it is recommended to launch an information and knowledge curating service to help improve SMEs’ productivity. Second, open innovation needs to be introduced and promoted to improve the distribution efficiency within firms. Third, it is necessary to build research infrastructure that can help improve productivity of SMEs in the service sector. Fourth, it is recommended for the government to gradually move away from direct loans to SMEs to indirect investment in SMEs. Fifth, it is necessary to bring up investment experts and expand investments in regionally specialized venture firms. Sixth, a systematic analysis of firms’ academic activities needs to be conducted and a database containing the r

      • KCI등재

        한반도 중서부 지방의 청동기시대 시기구분 시론

        김선우(Kim, Sunwoo) 백산학회 2012 白山學報 Vol.- No.93

        기존의 청동기시대 지석묘 연구는, 매장유적으로서의 지석묘 자체 분석을 통한 당시 사회정치적 측면의 규명에 초점을 맞추어 왔다. 따라서, 지석묘가 생활유적으로서의 주거지와의 관계에서 종합적으로 분석될 수 있는 기회가 상대적으로 적었다고 사료된다. 그러나 1990년대 이후 대규모 발굴의 증가와 발굴자료의 축적으로 인해, 청동기시대를 종합적·통시적으로 살펴볼 수 있는 기회가 주어졌으며, 따라서, 지금까지 축적된 서울·인천·경기도 지역의 지석묘와 주거지 자료 분석을 중심으로 청동기시대인들의 삶과 죽음에 대해서 유추·고찰해 보고자 한다. 본고는 이러한 분석을 위한 첫 단계 작업으로, 지석묘로부터의 빈약한 절대연대 측정치를 보완하기 위하여, 지석묘의 물질문화(material culture)와 유사한 유물복합체가 공반되는 주거지들의 방사성탄소 연대값을 이용하여 청동기시대 시기구분의 가능성을 검토하였다. 즉, 한반도 중서부지역 청동기시대의 대표적인 토기유형(이중구연단사선문 토기, 공렬토기, 구순각목토기, 흔암리식토기, 적색마연토기)과 주거지 형태(세장방형, 장방형, 방형)와 관련된 방사성탄소연대 측정치들을 확인하여, 각각 베이지안 모델링(Bayesian modelling) 분석을 시도한 후, 95%의 확률범위에 해당하는 시작과 마침 연대를 구하여, 연구대상 지역의 토기형식별, 그리고 주거지 형태별 사용 시기를 검토하였다. 그 결과, 한반도 중서부지역에서 토기형태의 경우, 적색마연토기만이 중기 경에 등장하였고, 이를 제외한 네 형식의 토기들은 청동기시대 전기에 등장하여 후기까지 거의 전시기에 걸쳐 사용된 것으로 보여지며, 토기형식만을 가지고 청동기시대의 시기구분을 하기에는 어려움이 있었다. 한편, 주거지 형태의 경우, 세장방형이 전기에 가장 먼저 등장하고, 연이어, 장방형이 전기와 중기 사이에 등장하여, 두 형식은 후기 이후까지 계속 사용된 것으로 보여진다. 한편, 방형의 경우는 중기에 등장하여 후기까지 사용되는 비교적 한정된 사용범위를 보여주었다. 따라서, 한반도 중서부 지역 청동기시대의 시기구분을 위해서는, 토기 유형의 결과와 주거지 형태의 결과가 함께 고려되어야 함을 알 수 있었다. This study examines the phase division of the Bronze Age in the Midwestern region of the Korean peninsula in order to investigate the long-term changes and the relationships between settlements and monuments in this region. Due to the paucity of 14C dating from dolmens, it will be necessary to consider settlements that share similar material cultures with associated monuments. Bayesian modelling is applied to establish the chronology of the five main pottery types of the Bronze Age in this region: pottery with a double rim with slanting lines, pottery with a perforated rim, pottery with a notched rim, Heunamri type pottery, and red-burnished ware and the specific chronologies of the three different house shapes: thin-rectangular, rectangular, and square represented in the study area. Through several steps, a total of 72 radiocarbon determinations from 16 settlements in the research area were established. Bayesian modelling takes into consideration prior information in order to obtain more probable outcomes and the results are presented as duration. Therefore, a series of radiocarbon determinations allotted to a phase of activity are presented with a modelled ‘start’ and ‘end’ dates and use spans. In addition, in order to avoid the old wood effect, ‘charcoal outlier analysis’ in OxCal 4.1 was applied as required. Firstly, in order to identify the overall span of Bronze Age activity in the study area, 72 radiocarbon determinations were taken as a unit and Bayesian modelling was applied. According to the results, the use of Bronze Age settlements in the study area commenced within the period 1390-1127 BC (95.4% probability), and ended 370-242 BC (95.4% probability), spanning between 833 and 1133 years (95.4% probability). Secondly, Bayesian modelling was conducted for the five pottery types in the study area, treating the radiocarbon determinations from settlements of each pottery type as a single phase of activity. From the results it was found that it was difficult to divide the Bronze Age in terms of pottery types, due to the fact that the four types of pottery appear to have been used contemporaneously, with the exception, that the emergence of red-burnished pottery was to some extent later that the other types (refer to Figure 5). The chronological models of the five pottery types did not provide an appropriate framework for marking the divisions of the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Ages. Therefore in an attempt to form a chronology thin-rectangular, rectangular and square house shapes were investigated. According to the results, thin-rectangular shaped houses were likely to have developed from the Early Bronze Age and square shaped houses probably appeared from the Middle Bronze Age. Rectangular shape houses seemed to have appeared between the Early and the Middle Bronze Age (refer to Figure 20). Therefore, for the phase division of Bronze Age in this region, if pottery types and house shapes were consider together, it could be possible to roughly identify the Middle Bronze Age period. However, in order to identify the Late period, it seems necessary to consider the Late period pottery types, such as, pottery with clay stripes, hard pottery, which were fired at temperatures of between 700-850°C and vessels with imprinted designs.

      • 한국 창업생태계 진단과 지원방향

        김선우(Sunwoo Kim),오유리(Yuri Oh) 과학기술정책연구원 2022 STEPI Insight Vol.- No.298

        As of 2021, there are 230,000 technology start-ups in Korea, and the number of start-ups centered on knowledge-based services continues to increase. Since 2000, Koreas start-up ecosystem has been evaluated to have achieved quantitative growth, but there are insufficient aspects in terms of qualitative growth. For example, while the government-led rapid creation of a startup ecosystem increased the efficiency of startups, there were also aspects that failed to achieve a virtuous cycle in the startup/venture ecosystem. The ecosystem of startup companies in South Korea is increasingly characterized by a ‘high birth and death rate(多産多死)’. That is, a lot of new companies are created but most fail to survive. This highlights the need for future government policy that targets support for strategic startup businesses with dedicated experts to build a foundation where many startups can survive (多生). In addition, in order for innovative businesses to grow in Korea, it is necessary to gradually shift to self-regulation, post-regulation, and negative regulation. The direction of promotion of Startup Support Policy 2.0 to continue the ‘second venture boom’ needs to focus on the “growth and success of startups rather than the creation of startups”. As a policy task for this, first, it is necessary to change the policy paradigm towards the scale-up of startups. Second, it is required to derive a role model for entrepreneurs in Korea and improve the innovation-friendly system. Third, it is necessary to continuously monitor the startup ecosystem, and start-up policies should be re-evaluated as a driving force for balanced regional development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        친근함과 독특함: 소비자의 디자인 선호와 구매 의도에 영향을 미치는 디자인 특성

        김선우 ( Kim Sunwoo ),이지현 ( Lee Jihyun ) 한국소비자학회 2018 소비자학연구 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구는 제품이 갖는 쾌락적-실용적 속성의 정도에 따라, 제품 디자인이 친근한 디자인에서 독특한 디자인으로 변화할 때 소비자의 디자인 선호와 제품 구매 의도에 어떠한 변화가 발생하는지 살펴보았다. 자료의 수집을 위해, 쾌락적 속성이 강한 패션 제품 중 하나인 T셔츠와 실용적 속성이 강한 주방 제품 중 하나인 토스터기를 자극물로 하는 설문을 시행하였고, 제품 디자인의 친근하고 독특한 정도에 따라 소비자의 디자인 선호와 구매 의도에 어떠한 차이가 있는지 단일 요인이 반복 측정된 이요인 분산 분석을 통해 비교 검증 하였다. 그 결과, T셔츠와 토스터기 모두에서 제품 디자인의 친근한-독특한 정도에 따라 소비자의 디자인 선호와 구매 의도에 유의미한 변화가 있었으나, 제품의 종류에 따라 그 양상에 차이가 있었다. T셔츠의 경우, 제품 디자인이 독특해질수록 소비자의 디자인 선호가 증가하였으나, 제품 구매 의도는 감소하였다. 이러한 결과는 패션 제품과 같이 쾌락적 속성이 강한 제품에서 독특한 제품 디자인이 소비자의 디자인 선호를 증대시킬 수는 있으나, 항상 소비자의 구매로 연결되는 것이 아님을 반증하는 것이다. 이와는 반대로 토스터기의 경우, 소비자는 독특한 디자인보다 친근한 디자인에 대해 보다 높은 디자인 선호와 구매 의도를 보였다. 이러한 결과는 제품의 기능적 특성이 중요한 실용적 제품의 경우 친근한 디자인에 대한 소비자의 디자인 선호가 높으며 이러한 선호가 구매로 연결될 수 있음을 나타낸다. 본 연구는 소비재 제품의 특징을 제품의 속성에 따라 쾌락적-실용적 제품으로 구분하고, 제품 속성에 따라 어떠한 디자인 전략이 필요한지 살펴보았다. 본 연구 결과를 통해, 소비재 기업의 제품 디자인 전략의 방향 제시 및 매출 증대를 위한 전략 도출이 가능하리라 생각한다. This study investigated the influence of product design (familiarity vs. novelty) and product type (utilitarian product vs. hodonic product) on consumers’ design preference and purchase intention. Basically, both familiar and novel design attributes improve consumers’ design preference by inducing their aesthetic pleasure. However, this study anticipated that this influence would vary depending on the hedonic-utilitarian attributes of the product. On the basis of this assumption, this study collected data through a questionnaire with T-shirts, which is a fashion product with strong hedonic attributes, and toasters, which is a kitchen appliance with strong utilitarian attributes, as its stimuli. Through the collected data, we examined how consumers’ design preference and purchase intention differ according to familiarity and novelty in product design. Prior to the main investigation, a pre-test was conducted to develop research stimuli for T-shirts and toasters. The pre-test consisted of a total of four stages, and as a result, five-step stimuli with familiar design-ordinary design-novel design were developed. In order to investigate the design preference and purchase intention of the stimuli, an online survey was administered to 117 people in their 20s. The collected data was analyzed applying SPSS for Windows. We conducted two two-factor ANOVAs with repeated measurement on one factor with product type as an independent variable (utilitarian product vs. hedonic product), and design preference and purchase intention according to the change of the design attribute (from very familiar design to very novel design) as a repeated measurement variable, respectively. The LSD test was added to confirm the statistical significance of the repeated measured values according to the change of the design attribute. The results of the ANOVA analyses are as follows. In both the stimuli of T-shirts and toasters, consumers’ design preference and purchase intention significantly changed depending on familiarity and novelty of product design. However, the pattern of change varied according to the type of product. In the case of T-shirts (hedonic product), consumers’ design preference increased as the product design became more novel, but their purchase intention decreased. These results imply that a novel product design can improve consumers’ preference for a design, but a novel product design is not always connected to their purchase in the case of products having strong hedonic attributes such as fashion products. In the case of toasters, consumers’ design preference was the highest for ordinary design compared to a familiar or novel design, and the pattern of purchase intention was similar to that of design preference. These results illustrate that consumers’ preference for an ordinary design is the highest compared to familiar or novel designs for utilitarian products where the functional characteristics of products are important like kitchen appliances, and such preferences can lead to their purchase. In consumer goods markets where the differentiation of product quality is difficult due to recent technological improvements, design competitiveness is a crucial factor for determining companies’ survival. However, previous studies on which designs are desirable to consumers have not been sufficiently executed. This study identified what kinds of design strategies are effective for hedonic and utilitarian products. The results of this study could contribute to deriving the direction of product design strategies in consumer goods companies.

      • KCI등재

        소비자 관점의 의복 디자인 평가 요소에 대한 탐색적 연구-20대 의류-패션 디자인 전공 여대생을 중심으로-

        김선우 ( Sunwoo Kim ) 한국의류학회 2019 한국의류학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        This study investigates the multidimensional structure of apparel design evaluation criteria and the details of each criterion by exploring how female college students majoring in apparel design in their 20s evaluate apparel design based on an exploratory approach. Data were analyzed through a categorization method of qualitative data after collecting from a literature review and three focus group interviews. The results identified the six evaluation criteria of apparel design (functional usefulness, convenience, aesthetics, psychological self suitability, social activity usefulness, and fashion trend). Functional usefulness and convenience assessed the extent to which primary features of apparel are reflected in apparel design, and aesthetics evaluated the aesthetic beauty of apparel design. Psychological self suitability estimated the extent to which apparel design expressed psychological self properly, and social activity usefulness appraised the extent to which apparel design contributed to the social activities of wearers. Last, fashion trend assessed the extent to which apparel design reflected fashion trend. The study results provide meaningful implications towards an apparel industry that wants to develop apparel design that appeals to consumers, educational institutions that aim to cultivate well-trained professionals in the apparel industry, and consumers who want to purchase clothes of satisfactory design.

      • KCI등재

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