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      • KCI등재

        고구려(高句麗) 유민(遺民) 이타인(李他仁)의 족원(族源)과 책성(柵城) 욕살(褥薩) 수여(授與) 배경에 대한 고찰

        이민수 ( Lee Min-su ) 대구사학회 2017 대구사학 Vol.128 No.-

        李他仁은 高句麗 말기 柵城 褥薩이었다. 그동안 그의 族源에 대해서는 다양한 견해들이 제시되었다. 본고에서는 이타인의 족원을 고찰하고자, 고구려의 李氏姓 존재여부에 대해 검토하였다. 그 과정에서 600년 ?陽王의 명령으로 『新集』을 편찬한 李文眞의 존재와 渤海의 李氏들에 주목하여 고구려에 이씨성이 존재하였음을 입증하였다. 그리고 唐의 `賜姓李氏` 사례와 唐에서 활동한 李氏姓 고구려 遺民들의 특징을 비교한 결과 고구려에서 독자적인 `賜姓李氏`가 있던 것으로 파악하였다. 이를 기반으로 「李他仁墓誌銘」에 기재된 문구 및 고구려와 말갈의 관계를 분석하여 이타인은 고구려로부터 `사성이씨` 된 고구려인임을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 이타인이 책성 욕살에 수여된 배경에 대해 642년에 발발했던 淵蓋蘇文의 정변에 주목하였다. 여기에 高質 一家와의 비교를 통해 이타인 일가가 연개소문의 정변에 공적을 세운 까닭에 柵城 褥薩이 될 수 있던 것으로 추론하였다. Lee Ta-in was the Chaek Castle castellan at the end of the Goguryeo. In the meantime, various opinions have been raised about his ethnic origin. In this article I examine the existence of the Lee family in the Goguryeo to investigate the ethnic origin of the Lee Ta-in. In the process, I prove that there existed last name Lee in Goguryeo by paying attention to the existence of Lee Moon-jin who made a 『Sinjip』 by the King Yeongyang order in the 600th year and last name Lee in Balhae. And a comparison of the characteristics of Tang`s "give last name Lee" and displaced people of Goguryeo of last name Lee who were active in the Tang proved that there existed a unique "give last name Lee" in Goguryeo. Based on this analysis, I analyzed the phrases written in 「Lee Ta-in`s Epitaph」 and analyzed the relationship between Goguryeo and Malgal, and confirmed that Lee Ta-inwas an Goguryeon who was "give last name Lee" from Goguryeo Finally it paid attention to revolution of Yeon Gaesomun which originated in 642 about the Background awarded to Chaek Castle castellan of Lee Ta-in. In comparison with the Go Jil family, I could deduce that Lee Ta-in family was able to receive the last name Lee because the Lee Ta-in family established considerable achievements in the revolution of the Yeon Gaesomun. (Researcher Of ELEVEN R&D Institute / ekrrkdwjd@naver.com)

      • KCI등재

        사례연구 : 가업승계와 가족기업의 경쟁력: 에스엘 사례

        이장우 ( Jang Woo Lee ),마윤주 ( Yoon Joo Ma ),정수철 ( Su Chul Jung ) 한국중소기업학회 2010 中小企業硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 가족기업의 핵심역량 축적과정을 살펴보고 성공적인 가업승계의 중요성을 논의하는 것이다. 이를 위해 가족기업의 경쟁우위를 설명한 Miller and Le Breton-Miller (2005)의 4C(Continuity, Community, Connection, Command)모델을 기반으로 3대에 걸친 성공적인 가업승계를 기반으로 한 에스엘의 핵심역량 축적과정을 조사했다. 국내 자동차부품회사인 에스엘의 성장과정에 관한 2차 자료를 분석하고, 대표이사와의 심층인터뷰를 통해 그 연관성을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 분석결과 창업자 가족이 공유한 가치관과 비전, 노하우, 경험 등은 장기적인 지향성을 가지고 지속적으로 핵심역량을 개발하는데 큰 역할을 하였다. 또한 신뢰의 가치관이라는 사회적 자본을 효과적으로 전달받은, 다음 세대의 후계자는 가족 가치관을 토대로 대외 네트워크를 더욱 견고히 하고 지속적으로 발전시켰다. 에스엘은 성공적인 가업승계로 소유와 지배구조를 집중화 할 수 있었고, 이에 따라 외부 이해관계자들의 압력 없이, 가족 내부 조화를 통해 독립적이고 과감한 의사결정이 가능하였다. 이는 가족기업의 경우 고유한 공동체적 문화와 신뢰에 기반 한 외부 네트워크 형성을 통해 경쟁력 구축에 힘쓸 필요가 있으며, 일반기업의 경우에도 공동체 적 조직문화와 중장기적 관점의 외부 협력관계가 기업의 영속성 유지에 중요하다는 시사점을 제공한다. 또한 가엽승계가 기업경쟁력의 유지와 세대 간 이전에 중요한 기능을 함에 따라 이에 대한 적절한 정책적 배려가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to examine the process of accumulating com-petences and competitiveness by family companies, and discuss the importance of successful succession of a family business. The core competence accumulation process and competitiveness sources of SL, which is based on successful succession of the family business for three generations, was examined based on the 4C (Continuity, Community, Connection, Command) model of Miller and Le Breton-Miller (2005), which explains the competitive superiority of family companies. Secondary data on the growth process of SL, a domestic auto-mobile parts company, was analyzed and their strategic implications were examined in detail through an in-depth interview with the CEO. The 4C factors, which are antecedent variables of a successful family business, played an important role on the growth process of SL. The continuity factor existed through continuous research and development that focuses on and invests in improving technology quality such as mold pro-duction, lamp production, sash production, and design automation. 2 to 3 percent of the sales amount each year was spent on research and development, regardless of the condition of the economy. As a result, the intellectual property of the company reached 1,108 items (583 applications, 440 registered properties, 47 in review, 38 trademarks) by 2006. From a long-term perspective, the company is improving their technical power to an international standard through technical investments. The continuity of investments in research and development is apparent through three generations, and it can be said that this reflects the characteristics of family business management that shares a goal, and confirms and develops the core capacities of the company. The factor of community started with the "people first" business, management philosophy of the late presi-dent, Hae-joon Lee. Then, it expanded to "human respect" during the president Choong-kon Lee`s generation, and to "ethical management" for the CEO Sung-yup Lee`s generation. The sense of community was revealed to be in the form of a community corporate culture based on a good welfare system for employees and com-munity awareness. Diverse benefits including a housing support system, housing fund support system, child-ren`s education fee support system, scholarship system, and company clubs support system were used to make people feel like "the company and I are one" and work with a sense of ownership. The fact that there has not been one conflict between labor and management since 1968, when the labor union was first established, is especially a noteworthy point. The business management based on "people first" stresses the responsibility and roles of employees and reflects the belief that a workplace should not simply be a place to make a living, but a part of life where you can cultivate character and fulfill your role as a member of society. The connection factor appears as continuous partnerships and networks with domestic and international parts suppliers and technologically advanced companies. The late honorary chairman Hae-joon Lee maintained partnerships and networks with Hyundai Motor Company and Daewoo Motors. Then, chairman Choong-kon Lee expanded the network to include KIA and Ssangyong Motors and maintained long-term relationships with domestic automobile makers. In addition, the company is maintaining cooperative relations with the Japanese company Stanley and German company Hella, and has started dealing with the U.S. company GM, too. CEO Sung-yup Lee`s generation improved the company`s relationship with GM and made the achievement of re-ceiving the QSTP Award (an award GM gives to selected skilled companies out of all the parts companies in the world) from GM for 14 consecutive years (1997-2010), solidifying its position as a skilled partner of GM. SL is also advancing into China through collaborations with the local branch to extract new cooperative relations. The value of "trust" is the motivation that helped SL maintain and strengthen relationships and networks. This value started with the founder of the company and was handed down to chairman Choon-kon Lee and CEO Sung-yup Lee, and worked as a core factor to strengthen external cooperative relationships. The factor of command is apparent from the decisions of business managers who take on a challenge, structural management that includes an endless will for innovation, and leadership. When the late honorary chairman Hae-joon Lee could not cultivate a road for the automobile parts industry because of smuggled goods, he recognized the importance of the automobile parts industry and folded his bicycle parts business, which was number one in the market at the time, without hesitation thanks to his owner-focused independent and bold decision-making skills. In the mid-1990s, when most automobile production companies experienced difficulties because of the economic crisis where Korea was dependent on the IMF, and the aftershocks of restructuring affected automobile parts manufacturing companies, chairman Choong-kon Lee considered the crisis an opportunity and acquired and merged with Seogu Industry (currently known as SL Litech), Oriental Construction and Poongi Building (currently known as SL Seo Bong Co., Ltd. Shiheung factory), creating a turning point to develop further after the crisis. CEO Sung-yup Lee pursues continuous innovation including a corporate culture that places importance on learning and admitting mistakes, change of the structural system to a project based system, and a human resources system that focuses on human resources management, and is emphasizing corporate changes according to the situation of the times. An examination of the SL core competence accumulation process based on the 4C model shows that it is establishing positive relationships and continuity based on connection and trust, leading to a cooperation sys-tem based on the value of trust. It also establishes a positive relationship with command focusing on a com-munity structure culture, which leads to structure capacity based on community culture. The factors of con-nection and community were found to be especially strong at SL. The factor of connection was a core growth motivation, influenced by the key values of family. SL reveals its growth motivation to be "unification of all employees," shares the goals and visions of family with its employees, and offers a variety of different benefits. The active will of employees to participate in this community is seen to be the background behind big accomplishments such as innovations in the field, which are still being pursued. Successful succession of the family company and family business management are strengths that lie in the center of the motivation that allowed SL to continue to grow for three generations, starting with the founder, the late honorary chairman Hae-joon Lee, who provided a foundation of growth with values of trust and peo-ple first, moving on to the second generation chairman Choong-kon Lee, who accomplished a rapid development of the company based on technological developments and respect for people, and finally through to the third generation CEO Sung-yup Lee, who is making efforts for globalization and innovation based on ethical management and change. This shows that the values of trust set by the founder have continued on for a long time, through his son, chairman Choong-kon Lee, and grandson, CEO Sung-yup Lee. Chairman Lee, CEO Lee and executive director Lee Seung-hoon are learning corporate culture and management know-how through a great will to participate and actual participation in management. SL was able to gain competitiveness and continuously reach excellent management performance through cooperation based on the value of trust and structural management that focuses on community culture. As a result of analyzing the company through the 4C model and conducting in-depth interviews with man-agement, it can be said that the values, vision, know-how and experience the founder shared with his family largely contributed to continuous development of core competence with a long-term goal. This in turn had a positive effect on establishment of a corporate community based on trust. By inducing loyalty, participation, and focus on employees in the organizational structure with something more than just financial incentives, the core values of the company are relayed through generations and play an important role in maintaining the community, and also emotionally motivating members of the community. Another point is that the successor who effectively received the social capital of trust as a value, strengthened and continued to develop the ex-ternal network based on the family values. The value of "trust" started by the founder played a key role in strengthening external cooperative relations as it was succeeded through generations. This had a positive ef-fect on connection based on the value of trust, and especially decisively contributed to maintaining close rela-tions of cooperation in the external network and long-term cooperative relationships. SL was able to focus the possession and domination structure through successful succession of the family business, and make in-dependent bold decisions through internal harmony of the family, without pressure from people involved externally. The results above lead to the following points of discussion regarding corporate management. From a busi-ness management perspective, first, a family company needs to establish an external network based on a unique community culture and trust to work on establishing competitiveness. Second, there is a need to reflect the fact that a community-like structural culture and external cooperative relations from a mid- to 0long-term perspective have an important effect on maintenance of corporate continuity, even for companies that are not family businesses, on business management. Third, there is a need to focus on the fact that a structural man-agement method that uses values such as community help secure continuity of a company. From a policy per-spective, since succession of a family business can be not succession of wealth but succession of accumulated technological core competence and good management philosophy and know-how, it is important for improve-ing national competitiveness, to maintain corporate competitiveness, and transfer the competitiveness between generations. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate policies that support the successful transgenerational succession of family businesses.

      • KCI등재

        이종태의 해방전후 음악활동 고찰

        이수정 ( Lee Su Joung ) 민족음악학회 2021 음악과 민족 Vol.- No.61

        이종태는 음악교육자·작곡가·지휘자·아악 전문가이자, 군인이다. 1930년 일본음악학교를 졸업한 인텔리로서 해방 이전에는 음악가로 활발히 활동하다가, 해방 후에는 모든 음악 경력을 접고 군대에 들어가 준장으로 예편하였다. 해방을 기점으로 격변한 인생사를 반영하듯 그에 대한 역사적 평가는 상반되게 나타나 있다. 음악인 이종태는 친일 및 전쟁협력 단체에서 활동한 행적에 대한 역사적 책임을 물어 『친일인명사전』에 수록되어 있는 반면, 군인 이종태는 1958년 국방부장관 공로표창, 1966년 보국훈장 천수장을 받으며 승승장구하여 현재 국가유공자로 인정되어 국립묘지 장군묘역에 묻혀있다. 음악인 이종태는 서양음악, 궁중음악, 음악교육 등 영역을 가리지 않고 활동하였다. 수십개의 음악 단체에 소속되었으며, 식민지 관변 단체에서 활동하였다. 중동학교, 중앙불교전문학교, 경성고등음악학원, 이화여자전문학교, 이왕직아악부에서 후학을 양성하였으며, 경성관현악단, 영미합창단 등에서 지휘를 하였다. 1930년 <소년>이라는 작품을 작곡한 이래, <내일>·<그리운 소년>·<우리들은소년>·<김소좌를 생각함>·<총 후> 등의 친일 작품을 양산하였다. 『보통학교조선어독본』을 토대로 음악 레코드를 제작하거나, 경성방송 ‘군가공부’라는 프로그램을 진행하면서 전시 시국 가요를 교육 보급시켰고 강연활동도 활발하게 하였다. 또 이왕직아악부에 10여년을 재직하면서 서양음악 교육과 오선보 채보사업에 관여하며 아악 전문가로 행세하고, <기미가요>와 <우미유카바>를 아악기로 연주할 수 있도록 편곡하는 등 이왕직아악부의 친일활동을 지원하였다. 일제강점기 음악계에서 보여준 활동 내용과 양상은 놀라운 정도이다. 이러한 활동을 하던 이종태는 해방이 되자, 초창기 대한민국 군대와 군악대가 만들어질 당시 42세의 나이에 군에 입대하였다. 군예대 창설에 관여하였고, <상이군인의 노래>·교향시<조국찬가>·교성시<광복10년> 등을 군대 내의 음악 행사를 맡기도 하였다. 군인이라는 신분 제약이 있어 일반에 잘 알려지지는 않았지만, 군대 내에서 승승장구하였다. 태세 전환에 성공하면서 친일 행적은 감추어져 국가유공자로 대접받았으며 사후에 부인인 스즈키 미사호(鈴木美佐保)와 나란히 국립묘지에 묻혀있다. 한국근현대사에서 친일청산을 하지 못했던 과오를 이종태라는 인물을 통해 다시 생각하게 한다. Lee Jong-tae was a music educator, composer, conductor, and soldier. Lee, an intellectual and a graduate of Japanese Music School(日本音樂學敎) in 1930, worked actively as a musician before liberation. After liberation, he gave up his career in music and joined the army and was appointed as a brigadier general. As if reflecting the dramatic convulsion of his life after the liberation, historical evaluations on Lee have conflicting arguments. Lee as a musician was listed in the pro-Japanese Biographical Dictionary as a result of activities as a pro-Japanese and working with war cooperation organizations. On the other hand, Lee as a soldier had a successful career, being commended for his service by the Minister of National Defense in 1958, and receiving an Order of National Security Merit, Cheonsu Medal in 1966. As this research is the first to study Lee, we examine Lee's musical activities, and take a brief contemplation on projects he put parts in as a commissioned consultant of Iwangjikyangyakbu (Yi Royal Household Music Band). Lee as a musician worked in all areas including Western music, court music, and music education. He was a member of dozens of music organizations, and worked in a colonial government organization. Under a war footing, he distinguished himself in pro-Japanese groups and thereby entered major musical circles. Furthermore, after joining the Yi Royal Household Music Band, he participated in the project of the Staff(stave) transcription as an expert of court music during ten years of his incumbency as an editor of omnifying court music (‘A-akumbopyeonchansamuimsichoktak’ 雅樂音譜編纂事務臨時囑託). He also actively supported the pro-Japanese activities of the Yi Royal Household Music Band by rearranging Kimigayo and Umiukaba to be playable for court instruments. His decision to change his stance after liberation was surprisingly quick. In the early 1947, when the Korean military and military band were formed, he joined the army at the age of 42. He became a military band master in the eighth regiment and after the recapture of Seoul in 1950, he participated in establishing the KAS (Korean Army Arts Service 陸軍軍藝隊). Since then, he was unable to actively engage in music due to his status as a soldier. However, he did not stop interacting with musicians until 1970, revealing his presence at international music festivals. Since 1961, when he was serving as the head of the National Cemetery, he cooperated with the National Gugak Center to hold Confucian ceremonies in the National Cemetery on Memorial Day. It is desperately necessary to criticize Lee's pro-Japanese activities during the Japanese occupation, and reflectively view the fact that Lee has never been discovered until now and is still presently being treated as a man of national merit.

      • KCI등재

        족궐음간경(足厥陰肝經) 오수혈 주치(主治)의 특성(特性)과 시동병(是動病)의 연관성(聯關性)에 관한 연구(硏究) -<침구갑을경(鍼灸甲乙經)>을 중심(中心)으로-

        성수민,이성수,오세형,황민섭,윤종화,Sung, Su-Min,Lee, Seong-Su,Oh, Se-Hyoung,Hwang, Min-Sub,Yoon, Jong-Hwa 대한침구의학회 2006 대한침구의학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives : It is known that the five Su points are very useful clinically. The following study was undertaken in order to find out the general characteristic and the origin of the five Su points. Methods: We investigated the relation of symptoms that are treated by five Su points and Shi-Dong Suo-Sheng-Bing(是動 所生病). The main reference book was Zhen Jiu Jia Yi jing(鍼灸甲乙經) and the author took Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) as an example. Results : 1. Five Su point of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) treats Shi-Dong-Bing(是動病) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum. It is peculiarity of Five Su point of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum, differed from the others acupoints. Symptoms of Shi-Dang-Bing appears with the abnormal pulsation of Merdian Gi(脈氣), and the special feature of Shi-Dang-Bing is the symptoms are consisted of disorders of whole body, trobles of an internal organ, and psychosomatic disorders. 2. In <Su Wen San Bu Jiu Hou Lun (素問 三部九候論)>, it is described the part of pulse feeling for Shi-Dong-Bing(是動病) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) as ‘A region that is 2 Chon(寸) from the basic digital joint of the first toe’. This region is agree with the acupoint of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum in <Mai-Jing(脈經)>, <Qian-Jin-Yao-Fang(千金要方)>. And Haeng-gan(行間) Tae-chung(太衝), members of five Su-points of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum is situated the same region. So we suppose that the part of pulse feeling for Shi-Dong-Bing of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum is transformed into Haeng-gan(行間) Tae-chung(太衝), among the five Su points.

      • KCI등재

        족궐음간경(足厥陰肝經) 오수혈 주치(主治)의 특성(特性)과 시동병(是動病)의 연관성(聯關性)에 관한 연구(硏究) -<침구갑을경(鍼灸甲乙經)>을 중심(中心)으로-

        성수민,이성수,오세형,황민섭,윤종화,Sung, Su-Min,Lee, Seong-Su,Oh, Se-Hyoung,Hwang, Min-Sub,Yoon, Jong-Hwa 대한침구의학회 2006 대한침구의학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Objectives : It is known that the five Su points are very useful clinically. The following study was undertaken in order to find out the general characteristic and the origin of the five Su points. Methods: We investigated the relation of symptoms that are treated by five Su points and Shi-Dong Suo-Sheng-Bing(是動 所生病). The main reference book was Zhen Jiu Jia Yi jing(鍼灸甲乙經) and the author took Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) as an example. Results : 1. Five Su point of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) treats Shi-Dong-Bing(是動病) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum. It is peculiarity of Five Su point of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum, differed from the others acupoints. Symptoms of Shi-Dang-Bing appears with the abnormal pulsation of Merdian Gi(脈氣), and the special feature of Shi-Dang-Bing is the symptoms are consisted of disorders of whole body, trobles of an internal organ, and psychosomatic disorders. 2. In <Su Wen San Bu Jiu Hou Lun (素問 三部九候論)>, it is described the part of pulse feeling for Shi-Dong-Bing(是動病) of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum(足厥陰肝經) as ‘A region that is 2 Chon(寸) from the basic digital joint of the first toe’. This region is agree with the acupoint of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum in <Mai-Jing(脈經)>, <Qian-Jin-Yao-Fang(千金要方)>. And Haeng-gan(行間) Tae-chung(太衝), members of five Su-points of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum is situated the same region. So we suppose that the part of pulse feeling for Shi-Dong-Bing of Liver Meridian of Foot Gworeum is transformed into Haeng-gan(行間) Tae-chung(太衝), among the five Su points.

      • Solar urticaria in Korean patients

        ( Sung Min Kim ),( Young Ah Cho ),( Ji Su Lee ),( Ji Youn Hong ),( Jin Hee Kim ),( Joo Ran Hong ),( Hye In Cheon ),( Yang Won Lee ),( Yong Beom Choe ),( Kyu Joong Ahn ) 대한피부과학회 2020 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.72 No.1

        Background: Solar urticaria (SU) is an uncommon type of photodermatoses characterized by erythematous wheal with pruritus after sunlight exposure, which shows a female predominance. Only a few studies to analyze the clinical features of SU were reported in Asia. Objectives: We aimed to analyze the clinical and photobiological characteristics of SU in Korea. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the medical records of patients with SU who visited the department of dermatology, Konkuk university medical center from January 2005 to January 2020. Results: Of a total of 44 patients, 36 (81.8%) were male and 8 (18.2%) were female. The mean age at onset was 17.6 years (range, 5-47) and the mean threshold time was 19.7 minutes. Among 32 patients who underwent phototesting, the action spectrum most commonly implicated was ultraviolet (UV) A only in 12 (37.5%), and then visible light (415nm) only was responsible for SU in 8 (25.0%). Three patients (9.4%) were induced by both UVA and visible light (415nm). Even 4 patients (12.5%) were triggered by only natural sunlight. Serum immunoglobulin E levels were measured in 33 patients, and 17 (51.5%) showed values higher than normal. The treatment most widely used were oral antihistamine (43.2%), followed by phototherapy (13.6%). Conclusion: SU is a rare photodermatosis in Korea, which shows a male preponderance. In this study, UVA and visible light (415nm) were predominant action spectrum of SU.


        Lithographically-featured photonic microparticles of colloidal assemblies

        Lee, Su Yeon,Kim, Shin-Hyun,Heo, Chul-Joon,Hwang, Hyerim,Yang, Seung-Man Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol.12 No.38

        <P>We have described a new and promising strategy for the fabrication of composite and porous photonic crystal microparticles that combines the self-assembly of colloidal particles with photolithography techniques. We fabricated silica/SU-8 composite microparticles with photonic bandgaps <I>via</I> four steps: (1) deposition of the silica colloidal crystals on the photoresist, (2) embedding of the colloidal crystals in the photoresist, (3) UV exposure through a photomask and subsequent development, and (4) release of the microparticles from the substrate. Embedding was performed above the glass transition temperature (<I>T</I><SUB>g</SUB>) of uncrosslinked SU-8. At such temperatures, capillary forces on the silica particles facilitate the migration of colloidal crystals in the SU-8 matrix. Particle migration ceased when the top colloidal crystal layer was trapped at the interface between air and SU-8. In addition, we also prepared porous microparticles with an inverse opaline structure by dissolving the embedded silica particles from the composite structures. The porous microparticles showed enhanced reflectivity at the bandgap position due to the large refractive index contrast. The bandgap position of the microparticles was controlled by the size of the silica particles, which determined the lattice constant. Bilayered composite and porous microparticles with two distinct photonic bandgaps were also prepared by sequential deposition of colloidal crystals composed of two differently sized silica particles.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>A new and promising fabrication strategy of photonic crystal microparticles was demonstrated by combining colloidal self-assembly with photolithography. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c0cp00134a'> </P>

      • KCI등재

        "단편소설집의 사이클"로서 단 리의『옐로우』연구

        이수미 ( Su Mee Lee ) 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.5

        In this paper, I`ll try to read Don Lee`s Yellow intertextually with a more canonical text, Sherwood Anderson`s Winesburg, Ohio, in order to see what kind of traditions and techniques Yellow references and/or rewrites as a way of tracking this production. Yellow`s formal properties as a short story cycle are established through its use of particular conventions. For instance, Yellow follows the short story cycle model that includes the assemblage of recurring characters into one locale. Yellow`s characters are all connected to and at some point located in the fictional small town of Rosarita Bay, California. The text form aligns it with established literary conventions and traditions and suggests the author`s reliance upon or trust in those modes. Yellow`s setting in a small town alludes to and has often been compared to Anderson`s Winesburg, Ohio, which is perhaps one of the most well-known and extensively discussed short story cycles in American literature. Also following convention is Lee`s construction of Rosarita Bay and the text`s third person narrator as a member of that town. Both Rosarita Bay and the narrator become important figures through the related-tale nature of the text. The method of story-telling is similar to how the town Winesburg and its "seemingly sympathetic and non-overtly judgmental" narrator are operational in Anderson`s text. In sum, Yellow is opportune for intertextual reading largely because it is a collection of stories that create a linked series.

      • KCI등재

        이재명 경기도지사의 이미지에 대한 연구

        안이수(Lee-Su Ahn) 한국콘텐츠학회 2018 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.18 No.11

        본 연구는 정치인의 종합적 이미지에 대하여 유권자가 가지고 있는 가치와 태도를 밝혀내고 유권자가 갖는 주관성의 구조를 심층적으로 알아보았다. 이러한 작업을 통하여 유권자의 정치적 행동에 미치는 영향력을 설명하는 것이 연구의 목적이다. 본 연구에서는 이재명 경기도지사 인식에 대한 3개의 유형이 도출되었는데, 제1유형(N=4) : 뚜렷한 원칙과 추진력 있는 개혁가, 제2유형[(N=12) : 실행력 있는 실용적 정책가, 제3유형(N=4) : 정치적 야망을 달성하고자 하는 포퓰리스트로 분류되었다. 제1유형은 이재명 경기도지사는 기득권의 장벽을 허물 수 있는 적임자라는 의견을 보였고, 제2유형은 성남시장 재임 중에 보인 행정능력으로 유권자 피부에 와 닿는 실용적 정책을 펼칠 것으로 기대를 가지고 있었으며, 제3유형은 현실성이 떨어지는 주장으로 자신의 정책과 태도만 부각시켜 인지도를 높이고 인기만 끌려는 태도에 우려를 표시했다. This research studies voter’s value and attitude reflected by the politician’s overall image and scrutinizes the separate structures of the voters’ subjectivity on the matter. Objective of the research is to explain the influence that exercises on voters’ political actions through this procedure. On this research, there were 32 Q samples that are selected, and they were categorized by a pool of 20 people. Result showed total of 3 different categories of cognition patterns towards Gyeonggi-do Governor Lee Jae Myeong. Of the 3 categories, category 1 (N=4) was a reformer with apparent principles and initiatives, category 2 (N=12) was an efficient tactician with executive ability, and the last category 3 (N=4) was a populist that strives to achieve his political ambition. Opinion of the samples in the first category was that Governor Lee is the right guy for demolishing the barrier between vested class and the non-vesting in the society. Voters in the second category showed expectation for Governor Lee’s executive policies that satisfy the voters, given his abilities proven while he was in mayor’s office for Seongnam city. People in the pool of category 3 worried that Governor Lee is busy increasing his approval rating and popularity by asserting unrealistic opinions and impractical policies.

      • KCI등재

        韓國 근대 산수화의 조형성 고찰

        이광수(Lee Kwang Su) 한국미술교육학회 2013 美術敎育論叢 Vol.27 No.1

        근대 전환기에 한국의 산수화는 전통의 계승과 현대성의 표출이라는 문제에 직면한다. 게다가 일제 강점기와 큰 대화라는 역사적 소용돌이에 전통과 자신의 정체성에 대한 물음은 오늘 날에도 여전히 한국화의 담론으로 이어지고 있다. 이러한 시기 조선의 진경산수를 계승하고 이를 토대로 자신의 개성과 양식을 확립한 화가로 노수현, 이상범, 변관식을 거론하고 있는데, 이 세 화가는 문인화에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 자신의 예술 세계를 확립하고 근대 한국 산수화의 새 지평을 열었다는 공통점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 한국의 화단은 일제 강점기라는 특수한 상황과 해방 후 서구 문물의 충격 속에 그 전통성을 일정 부분 상실하기도 하며 중국이나 일본과 다른 양상이 전 개되고, 화론에 대한 답론은 상대적으로 활발하지 못한 부분이 있기도 하다. 하지만, 그들의 예 술에 대한 열정은 한국화단에 소중한 족적을 남기고 있으며, 그들 의 변화되는 화풍에서 충분히 한국화의 조형적 특성을 보여주었다고 생각한다. 이 세 대가의 예술적 성과와 업적은 그동안 많은 연구를 통해 이미 소개되어 있다. 이에 본 연구자는 시각을 달리하여, 의경론(意境論)을 통해 그들의 예술관을 살펴 보고자 하였다. 의경 이란 용어는 우리에게 아직은 생소할 수도 있지만, 점차 확대 되는 추세이고 중국의 경우 이미 예술철학의 한 분야로 자리 잡고 있어, 이 이론을 통한 고찰은 그들의 조형 의식을 드러내는 데 효과적이라고 판단하였다. Korean modern landscape painting has the same way of the periodically changing period because of the Japanese colonial era. inflow of Western painting method. etc. In the stream. representative painters creating modern landscape paintings initiatively can be Noh. Soo Hyun. Lee. Sang Bum and Byun. Kwan Sik. They have common things that they were educated direclty by Jo. Suk Jin(趙錫晉. 1885-1920) and An. Joong Sik (安中植. 1861-1919) who are representative landscape painters at the end of the Joseon Dynasty. their root is in the traditional style of painting and they show innovative style of painting by introducing realistic viewpoint actively after the Japanese colonial era. This study will consider formative awareness of Noh. Soo Hyun. Lee. Sang Bum and Byun, Kwan Sik who are representative painters of modern landscape painting through the Yi Jing factor shown their paintings. oh, Soo Hyun expressed Yi Jing landscape through his ideal landscape and Lee. Sang Bum and Byun. Kwan Sik expressed traditional landscape with the most creative method of expression by exploring real landscape or sutra landscape. Of course, they shouldn't manufacture works by recognizing Yi Jing or aesthetic concept at that time and they don't seem to discuss directly Yi Jing through the painting discussion like Chinese painters. Therefore. it can be difficult to substitute the theory of Yi Jing uniformly, but it was judged to consider formative characteristics by finding Yi Jing factors sufficiently from their painting achievements and working characteristics. It is related to the tradition of painting in the literary artists' style to some degree. But. the most important thing is common thing that three painters created inner warmth newly. And. it's significant that they opened a new prospect of Korean modern landscape painting by sublimating it in their own archetype.

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