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      • 何其芳의 산문집《畵夢錄》의 상징세계

        鄭聖恩 群山大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        本論文探討的內容是在中國三十年代現代散文界, 提唱純粹抒情散文寫作何其芳(1912-1977)的最初的散文集≪畵夢錄≫(1936). 作者在≪畵夢錄≫中所表現的世界觀是以絶望(悲劇的世界). 希望(追求的世界)和超越(天國的世界)三個階段來構成的. 1. 絶望的世界是人間實存的和空間. 關閉着的‘屋子(室)’和衰落的‘古(高)宅象徵着個人的寂寞和人與人之間的硫外. 同時,‘暮色·‘暮年’時間的運用, 表現人們不能쟁脫生老病死的痛苦. 2. 希望的世界是作者在現實中追求眞善美的理想世界. 作者好像要用‘윤시’打開‘箱子’·‘衣櫃’.‘추체적內密空間似的’希望打通人類所有的隔絶(鎖). ‘女人’是當時作者 "'美'·'思索'. '爲了愛的儀牲'”觀念的對象化. 作者‘水’的意象表現女人來象徵永生的愛情.‘仙人好樓居’的‘高樓’意象表現中國人登高眺望,‘更上一層樓’的精神境界的擴展. 3. 超越世界是‘光’·‘水’·‘鳥(空氣)’·‘木(土地)’的原型(Archetype)意象來構成的天國(idea·眞).‘光’的意象在≪聊齋志異≫中好像白蓮敎某, 可以把案上的燭光通過樹林照到都市的街上的一種人間精神力昇華的象徵.‘水’的意象是“一盆淸水, 編草爲舟, 我到我的海上去오유”的禪宗境界象徵.禪宗認爲人間的悟性在本質的海中成長. ‘鳥(空氣)’意象在≪搜神後記≫神話的人物中丁令威在深山中學仙而成鶴似的, 象徵不死鳥. ‘木(土地)’意象是唐傳記≪南柯太守傳≫淳于분在夢中魂安國變成마蟻後, 醒梧俗世的富 貴榮華如浮雲. 人間忘了大小之辯, 忘了時間的久暫之辯可以獲得刹那間捉住永恒的慧眼. ≪畵夢綠≫的中心意象‘官扇’, 象徵中國禪宗的頓悟和西方象徵主義的契合論(Correspondance). 何其芳發現了中國傳統哲學·文學與西方象徵主義文學的共性, 獨創性地寫下了中國的象徵主義散文.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터와 작업자의 통합 생산관리 시스템 구현을 위한 객체지향형 설계

        김승권,김선욱,이준열 한국경영과학회 1994 經營 科學 Vol.11 No.3

        We design an integrated production management system that incorporates management tasks of procurement of materials, production, and marketing. It includes MRP simulation on small or medium sized companies, design of databases, and definition of relevant objects in production environments. The system has been designed using object-oriented programming concept not only to represent the real-world situation easily, but also to help system integration. Graphics-User Interface(GUI) is also employed for the efficiency of production plannig.

      • 노년 청각손상자와 청각장애의 삶의 질 관련성 연구

        劉俊榮,張勝成 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2006 再活科學硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        The hearing impairment happened extensively in the elderly and often resulted in the hearing handicap. A lot of study confused the hearing impairment with the hearing handicap and replaced the score of quality of life by the hearing handicap score to calculate the quality adjusted life years and analyzed the cost-utility of aural rehabilitation. In this study, the confusion of hearing impairment and hearing handicap was clarified, and the relevance between hearing handicap and quality of life was explored in order to examine the fitness of replacing the score of quality of life by the hearing handicap score. The result of this study indicated that the correlation between the hearing handicap and the quality of life. The fitness of correlating model of the hearing handicap and the quality of life was not accepted. So, it was not suggested that replacing the score of quality of life by the hearing handicap score. The inventory of disease-specific quality of life should be developed. Secondly, the poor fitness of correlating model of the hearing handicap and the quality of life could be resulted from the other variables that shall be included in the model. It was proposed to include relevant variables into the model in the future. 청각손상은 노년기에 광범위하게 발생하는 문제이다. 심각한 청각장애를 자주 일으킨다. 많은 연구는 청각손상과 청각장애를 혼돈하는 것 뿐 만아니라 자주 청각장애 검목표의 득점으로 피실험자의 생활 품질을 대표한다. 심지어 청각장애 검목표의 득점으로 생활 품질 조정년을 계산한다. 이것으로 청각 재활의 성공 효과를 분석한다. 본 연구는 청각 손상과 청각장애의 다른 점을 밝히는 것 외에도 주요 목적은 청각장애와 생활 품질의 관련성을 이해하고자 하는 것이다. 이것으로 청각장애 검목표를 생활 품질을 삼는 정당성을 관찰한다. 연구결과에 나타나는 것은 청각 표현과 생활품질의 관련성은 높지 않은 결과를 얻었다. 이 두 가지의 관련 양식은 일반화 하기는 제한점을 갖는다. 그래서 이론적 개념에서 청각 표현과 생활품질은 각자 다른 내용을 갖추고 있다. 자료 통계의 분석 결과도 이 두 가지의 관련 양식에 대해서 유의한 결과를 얻지 못했다. 그래서 청각표현 능력으로 피실험자의 생활 품질을 대신할 수 없다. 마땅히 청각 손상자에게 맞는 적합한 생활 품질 설문지를 발행해야한다. 그 다음에 두 가지의 관련 양식의 관련도 적다. 아마도 청각 손상자의 청각 표현과 생활 품질 간에는 많은 변인의 영향이 존재하기 때문이다. 미래의 연구는 더 많은 상관 관련 인소를 귀납해서 이 이론구조를 검증해야한다는 것을 건의한다.

      • 유치원 교사의 직무만족, 직무스트레스, 이직의도에 관한 연구

        석은조,신성철 대구보건전문대학 2007 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        This study is intended to find out what kind of differences exist in the job satisfaction, job stress and intention to leave the job of a kindergarten teacher according to his/her school and occupational career and age and a type of the institution for which he/she works. For that, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the kindergarten teachers in Daegue and Gyeongbuk area, and the collected materials was analyzed by making one way ANOVA and Independent T test using SPSS 12.0 program. As a result of analysis, it was found that there was no great difference in the job satisfaction of a kindergarten teacher a kindergarten teacher according to a background factor, but the overall satisfaction level of the teachers was low. Also, it was found that with regard to the job stress, the stress of the teachers working for private schools was higher than that of the teachers working for national and public schools, and the job stress of most teachers was high. In conclusion, it was revealed that with regard to intention to leave the job, there was almost no difference according to background factors, and the intention of most teachers to leave the job was high. As a result of this study, it was found that the satisfaction of the kindergarten teachers working in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area was low and the stress and intention to leave the job was high, so that systematic management on working time, working environment and compensation, etc. was necessary.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국인 및 중국 한족 정신분열병 환자의 5-HT2A 수용체 유전자 -1438A/G 다형성

        이장호,이광철,이승부,오용인,최영근,조아랑,정주호,장환일 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of the present study was to investigate the association between -1438A/G polymorphism of 5-HT2A receptor gene and schizophrenia in Korean and Han Chinese population. Methods : A sample of 184 Korean patients with schizophrenia and 96 Korean healthy normal controls and 96 Han Chinese patients with schizophrenia and 96 Han-Chinese healthy normal controls were genotyped for a single nucleotide polymorphism with in 5-HT2A receptor gene (promoter region, A-1438G) by Msp I Resthction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). Results : There was no difference in allelic frequencies and genotype frequencies of -1438A/G polymorphism between Korean schizophrenics and controls (p=0.13) and Han Chinese schizophrenics and controls (p=0.40). Also, -1438A/G Poly-morphism did not show ethnical difference between Korean and Han Chinese controls. The Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) scores showed no significant differences between genotypes of -1438A/G polymorphism in both of Korean and Han Chinese schizophrenics. Conclusion : These results suggest that -1438A/G polymorphism of the 5-HT2A receptor gene is not causally related to the development of schizophrenia in Korean and Han Chinese population, and there no ethnic difference between Korean and Han Chinese population.

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