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        Biosynthesis of fraxetin from three different substrates using engineered Escherichia coli

        An Seung Hoon,최규식,Ahn Joong-Hoon 한국응용생명화학회 2020 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.63 No.5

        Fraxetin, which is a simple coumarin, is a phytochemical present in medicinal plants, such as Fraxinus rhynchophylla, and Cortex Fraxini. In plants, it serves as a controller of iron homeostasis. The health-enhancing activities of fraxetin, such as anticancer, neuroprotective and antibacterial activities, are known. Scopoletin 8-hydroxylase (S8H) is a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of fraxetin from scopoletin. Scopoletin can be synthesized either from esculetin by O-methylation or from ferulic acid by feruloyl CoA 6′-hydroxylase (F6′H) and 4-coumaric acid CoA ligase (4CL). To enable fraxetin synthesis, the fraxetin biosynthesis pathway was introduced into Escherichia coli. Three distinct routes, from ferulic acid, esculetin, and scopoletin, were designed for the synthesis of fraxetin. In the first approach, E. coli strain harboring S8H was used and found to synthesize 84.8 μM fraxetin from 100 μM scopoletin. Two E. coli strains were used for the other two approaches because these approaches required at least two enzymatic reactions. Through this approach, 41.4 μM fraxetin was synthesized from 100 μM esculetin, while 33.3 μM fraxetin was synthesized from 100 μM ferulic acid.

      • KCI등재

        중국 생물안전법에 대한 연구 ― 문제점 및 해결방안 중심으로 ―

        韩承勋 ( Han¸ Seung-hoon ),李玄雨 ( Lee¸ Hyun-woo ),洪弦廷 ( Hong¸ Hyun-jung ) 한국환경법학회 2020 環境法 硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        생명공학 기술은 의료, 위생, 농업, 환경보호, 화공, 식품 및 보건 영역에서 인류의 건강과 생존 환경을 개선하였고, 농림업과 공업의 생산량 및 품질을 향상 시키어 전 세계 경제발전에 많은 공헌을 함과 동시에 생물안전 문제, 윤리 및 도덕과 같은 부정적인 문제들도 가지고 있는 “양날의 검”과 같다. 생물안전은 영어로 안전성을 의미하는 ‘biosafety’ 또는 안보를 의미하는 ‘biosecurity’ 개념으로 이해할 수 있고, 유전자변형생물체의 안전한 관리, 감염성 병원체로 인한 질병의 관리 같은 것은 바이오 안전성(biosafety)으로 이해될 수 있다. 또한, 가축 질병의 만연으로 인한 경제적 손실, 생물테러, 생물무기와 관련될 경우 “생물안보”(biosecurity)라고 부를 수도 있다. 이처럼 생물안전 개념은 국가, 지역, 집단, 개인 혹은 여건·상황에 따라 용어나 내용적 범위를 달리해 쓰이고 있다. 생물안전의 관리주체는 일반적으로 민간, 기업, 지방정부와 중앙정부이며 주요 관리대상은 전염병, 병해충, 유전자변형, 외래종, 기후변화, 오염물질 등이고, 관리범위는 지리적으로 생태계, 지역, 국가, 전 세계이면서 사회, 문화, 환경, 위생 등 여러 분야에서 폭넓게 다루고 있다. 따라서 생물안전에 소홀할 경우 지역사회나 국가를 넘어서 심각할 경우 전 세계까지 확산될 수 있다. 중국은 1990년대부터 생물안전 관련 법률, 법규, 행정명령 형식의 규범성 문건들을 발표하였고 생물경제 발전이 가져온 생물안전 문제에 대한 법률과 법규들을 제정하였다. 그러나 생물안전 선진국가와 달리 중국의 생물안전 관계 법제는 아직 그 수준에 도달하지 못하고 있는 실정이며, 기존 법률과 법규들은 실질적인 생물안전 수요에 비해 부족한 부분들이 있다. 주지하다시피 WHO가 2020년 3월 11일 코로나19(COVID-19) 사태에 대해 팬데믹(Pandemic)을 선언하였으며 전 세계가 심각한 피해를 입었다. 이러한 중대한 생물안전 문제들의 특징은 다양성, 광역성, 집단성, 전파성, 치명성, 복잡성 등을 나타내고 있다. 이런 특징으로 인해 생물안전 문제를 효과적으로 예방하고 해결하기 위해 상당한 수준의 과학적 지식과 경험이 요구되고, 동시에 관련 법체계, 관리체계, 제도들은 가능한 중복을 피하고 간결하게 구성할 필요가 있다. 중국 생물안전 관련 법률과 법규의 주요 문제는 중국의 민법 체계가 단행법 위주의 입법형태를 갖추고 있어 조정 대상 위주로 개별법을 제정하다 보니 관련법률과 법규간 내용상 불일치, 비협조, 모호성을 피할 수 없다. 이것은 생물안전 관리체계에 영향을 주었으며, 특히 중앙과 지방의 복잡한 보고 체계, 지방정부의 응급조치 권한 비효율성, 정보공개의 비신속성, 사법제도 부실 등의 문제 등을 안고 있다. 따라서, 중국은 조속히 생물안전법의 제정을 통해 현행 중국 생물안전 법체계의 구조적 결함을 개선하고, 생물안전에 관계된 법규를 조정할 수 있는 효과적인 법체계를 수립하며, 기존의 복잡하고 중복적인 관리체계를 개선하여 중앙과 지방의 입체적·신속적인 협력을 추진하면서 사법기능을 강화할 것으로 보인다. Biotechnology has improved human health and survival in the areas of medicine, hygiene, agriculture, environmental protection, chemicals, food, health, and contributes to the economic development of the world by improving the production and quality of agriculture and industry. It is like a “double-edged sword” that also has negative issues such as biosafety issues, ethics and morals. In particular, biosafety can be understood as the concept of ‘biosafety’ in English or ‘biosecurity’ in terms of security, and the safety of genetically modified organisms and the management of diseases caused by infectious pathogens. It may also be called “national biosecurity” beyond biosecurity when it comes to economic losses, bioterrorism concerns, and biological weapons due to the prevalence of livestock disease. As such, biosafety concepts are used in different terms or scopes depending on the country, region, group, individual, or situation. Biosafety management agencies are generally private, corporate, local and central government. their main management targets are infectious diseases, pests, genetic modifications, invasive species, climate change and pollutants, and the scope of management is geographically ecosystem, region, country and world. In addition, it covers a wide range of fields such as society, culture, environment and hygiene. Thus, neglect of biosafety can spread beyond communities or countries and, in serious cases, to the whole world. Since the 1990s, China has published normative documents in the form of laws, regulations and executive orders on biosafety, and enacted laws and regulations on biosafety issues brought on by bioeconomic development. However, unlike the advanced biosafety countries, China's biosafety legislation has not yet reached that level, and existing laws and regulations lack the actual biosafety demand. As is well known, WHO declared Pandemic on March 11, 2020 for the Corona 19 (COVID-19), and the world suffered serious damage. These significant biosafety issues are characterized by diversity, wide area, collectiveity, dissemination, fatality, and complexity. Due to these characteristics, a considerable amount of scientific knowledge and experience is required to effectively prevent and solve biosafety problems, and at the same time, related legal systems, management systems, and systems need to be structured as simple as possible, avoiding duplication. The main issue of China's biosafety laws and regulations is that the Chinese civil law system has a legislative form focusing on single law. Individual laws are mainly oriented to mediation, so there are inconsistency, non-cooperation, or ambiguity in the content of related laws and regulations. This has had an impact on the management system in relation to biosafety, especially the central and local complex reporting system, the inefficiency of local governments' first aid measures, the non-existence of information disclosure, and the lack of judicial system. By enacting the Biosafety Act, China will improve the structural deficiencies of the current Chinese biosafety law system, establish an effective legal system to adjust the regulations related to biosafety, and improve the existing complex and redundant management system in the central and local government. It is expected to strengthen the judicial function by promoting the three-dimensional and rapid cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        유형별 청자의 명절 갈등 표현 해석 양상 연구: 취업준비생을 중심으로

        한승훈 ( Han¸ Seung-hoon ) 대한영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학연구 Vol.47 No.4

        The goal of this study is to investigate language usages of job seekers who participate in conflict family discourses during Korean holiday with respect to hearers’ types. Hearers are classified into three types on the basis of three self-construal types; independent, interdependent, and ambivalent self-consrtual type (Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Ting-Toomey, et al., 2001). Online self-report questionnaire is used to identify demographic data of subjects (N=100), their self-construal types, and linguistic responses to conflict expressions. The focus of analysis is laid on linearly examining a meaning-interpretation and a relation-decision process in order to understand their interpretation patterns through the conversation-developing analysis and the face-negotiation theory. As for conflict expressions, each self-construal type shows unique linguistic results; (a) independent hearers (N=44) predominantly make rebuttals, refusals, or ignorance; (b) interdependent hearers (N=11) make partial refusals, acceptances, or acknowledgments; (c) ambivalent hearers (N=45) make rebuttals, acceptances, or avoidance, especially depending on the given context and their conversational goal. (Sogang University)

      • KCI등재

        SCP-Matrix based shipyard APS design: Application to long-term production plan

        SeungHoon Nam,HuiQiang Shen,Cheolho Ryu,Jong Gye Shin 대한조선학회 2018 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.10 No.6

        A shipyard is an Engineer To Order (ETO) company that designs and manufactures new products when orders are placed. Various tasks are concurrently performed, thereby making process management considerably important. It is particularly important to plan and control production activities because production constitutes the largest part of the overall process. Therefore, this study focuses on the development of a production planning system based on an Advanced Planning System (APS). An APS is an integrated planning system that targets supply chain processes in accordance with the principles of hierarchical planning. In this study, a Supply Chain Planning Matrix (SCP-Matrix), which is used as a guideline for APS development, is designed through analysis of shipyard cases. Then, we define the process in detail, starting from long-term production plan as the initial application, and design and implement a long-term production planning system using a component-based development.

      • Verification of autophagy in porcine oocytes and investigation of its roles

        Seunghoon Lee,Seokho Kim,Hyeon Yang,Hayeon Wi,Yongjin Jo,Haeyun Jeong,Ji-Youn Kim,Sun Keun Jung,Sung June Byun 한국실험동물학회 2021 한국실험동물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.7

        Autophagy is well-conserved cellular recycling process. However, autophagy in in-vitro porcine oocyte maturation have not been discovered yet. In this study, we confirmed autophagosome in-vitro culturing porcine oocytes by detection of LC3 which is promised marker protein of autophagosome. Then, we also examine the relationship between autophagy and oocyte maturation by treatment of autophagic inhibitors or nuclear maturation inhibitors. Autophagy activation was regarded to amount of autophagosome in this study. To autophagosome detection in porcine oocytes, Immunochemistry and westernblotting using LC3 antibody was conducted by culturing time of 0 h, 14 h, 28 h, and 42 h. Then, we measured LC3-II levels using western blotting after inhibiting nuclear maturation of oocytes via cAMP treatment in an in vitro culture, to clarify whether nuclear maturation affects autophagy. To clarify whether autophagy affects nuclear maturation, we also counted mature oocytes after inhibiting autophagy by treating with wortmannin or a mixture of E64d and pepstatin A. Both groups of cAMP, which were applied for different treatment times, showed the same levels of LC3-II, while their maturation rate was approximately four times higher in 22h treatment than that of the cAMP 42h treatment group. This indicated that neither cAMP nor nuclear status affected autophagy. Autophagy inhibition during in vitro maturation with wortmannin treatment decreased oocyte maturation rates by approximately half, but autophagy inhibition in the E64d/pepstatin A mixture treatment did not significantly affect the oocyte maturation rate. Thus, wortmannin itself, or the autophagy induction step, but not the degradation step, is involved in the oocyte maturation of porcine oocytes. Overall, we confirmed autophagic dynamic during porcine in-vitro maturation. Moreover, we suggest that oocyte maturation does not exist upstream of autophagy, but autophagy may exist upstream of oocyte maturation.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Beneficial effects of melatonin on stroke-induced muscle atrophy in focal cerebral ischemic rats

        Seunghoon Lee,Jinhee Shin,Yunkyung Hong,Minkyung Lee,Koo Kim,Sang-Rae Lee,Kyu-Tae Chang,Yonggeun Hong 한국실험동물학회 2012 Laboratory Animal Research Vol.28 No.1

        Muscle atrophy is the result of two opposing conditions that can be found in pathological or diseased muscles: an imbalance in protein synthesis and degradation mechanisms. Thus, we investigated whether exogenous melatonin could regulate muscle components in stroke-induced muscle atrophy in rats. Comparing muscle phenotypes, we found that long-term melatonin administration could influence muscle mass. Muscle atrophy-related genes, including muscle atrophy F-box (MAFbx) and muscle ring finger 1 (MuRF1) were significantly down-regulated in melatonin-administered rats in the gastrocnemius. However, only MAFbx at the mRNA level was attenuated in the soleus of melatonin-administered rats. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) was significantly over-expressed in melatonin-administered rats in both the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Comparing myosin heavy chain (MHC) components, in the gastrocnemius, expression of both slow- and fast-type isoforms were significantly enhanced in melatoninadministered rats. These results suggest that long-term exogenous melatonin administration may have a prophylactic effect on muscle atrophy through the MuRF1/MAFbx signaling pathway, as well as a potential therapeutic effect on muscle atrophy through the IGF-1-mediated hypertrophic signaling pathway in a stroke animal model.

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