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        西州 曺夏望의 삶과 시세계에 관한 일고찰

        이승용(Lee Seung yong) 대동한문학회 2017 大東漢文學 Vol.51 No.-

        曺夏望(1682~1747)은 조선후기 少論에 속하는 인물로, 본관은 昌寧, 자는 雅仲, 호는 西州이다. 老·少論간의 黨爭이 가장 치열했던 景宗과 英祖시기에 관직에 진출하였지만, 당쟁에는 크게 관여하지 않았다. 서울에 거주할 때는 詩社를 결성하여 모임에 참여하기도 하였으나, 생애의 대부분을 외직을 떠돌며 유람과 詩文으로 보냈다. 耳溪 洪良浩(1724~1802)에 의하면 그는 經史에 밝고 詩賦에 뛰어났다. 그러나 세속에 얽매이지 않는 기질과 강직한 성품, 그리고 少論이라는 黨色으로 인해 크게 현달하지는 못했다. 조하망의 문학적 성취와 관련하여 가장 잘 알려진 것은 鏡浦臺와 관련된 작품이다. 1741년에 江陵府使로 부임하여 경포대를 중수하고 <鏡浦臺上樑文>을 지었는데, 이 작품은 당시에 膾炙되었다. 李裕元(1814~1888)은 林下筆記 에서 경포대와 관련한 역대 작가들의 뛰어난 詩를 소개하면서 조하망이 지은 <鏡浦臺>를 꼽았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 지금까지 조하망과 그의 詩文에 대한 관심은 적었으며, 본격적인 연구는 이루어지지 않았다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 사실에 주목하여 18세기 소론 文人인 조하망의 家系와 生涯 및 西州集 의 편찬과 詩篇의 구성에 대해 상세히 고찰하고, 특히 「模擬錄」에 실린 擬作詩를 중심으로 작품의 성격과 특징을 살폈다. 「모의록」에 실린 시의 특징적인 면모는 車天輅의 樂府新聲 에 수록되어 있는 古樂府와 거의 일치하는 양상을 보인다. 첫째는 學唐風의 낭만성을 지향하는 작품이 주를 이루는 점, 둘째는 여성 정감이 돋보이는 艶情詩가 다수라는 점, 셋째는 7언 절구의 형식이 대부분이라는 점이다. 요약하자면, 「모의록」을 통해 살펴본 조하망은 前代 學唐風의 낭만성을 지향했던 시인들과 그들의 작품을 비판적 시각으로만 바라보지 않았다. 그는 비판적 시각을 견지하면서도 이전 시대의 문학적 전통을 적극적으로 수용하여 唐詩風의 선집류를 학습하고 여기에서 시의 재료를 취하여 唐詩의 시 취향과 특징을 습득하여 자기화의 과정으로 활용하였다. 이러한 詩認識과 學詩의 과정은 단순히 模擬에 그치지 않고, 그가 개성적이고 다양한 시 세계를 이루는 바탕이 되었다. 이 논문에서는 「모의록」에 실린 의작시만을 대상으로 하였기 때문에 조하망이 지향했던 낭만적 당시풍이 악부시가 아닌 다른 형식의 시에서는 어떠한 양상으로 드러나는지에 대해서는 살피지 못했다. 이와 관련하여 추후 「모의록」을 제외한 나머지 13편의 「詩錄」과 그 안에 보이는 조하망의 작가의식 및 작품의 주제적 측면에 대한 다각적 고찰은 조하망 시세계의 전모를 논하기 위해서도 꼭 필요하다. Jo Ha-mang(曺夏望, 1682~1747) is a person belonging to Soron line in the late Joseon Dynasty, and his family clan is Chang-nyeong, his courtesy name is Ajung, and his pen name is Seo-ju. He advanced into official positions during the time of Gyeongjong and Yeongjo when the party strife between Noron line and soron line was most intense, but he was not greatly involved in the party strife. When residing in Seoul, he formed a poetry society and participated in the meetings, but he spent most of his life on the sightseengs and poetry and prose wandering in the outside positions. According to Lee-gye Hong Ryang-ho(洪良浩, 1724~1802), he was brilliant in classics and historic records and excellent in poetry and poetic writings. However, it was not able to achieve great eminence due to his temperament not fettered by the secular world and the upright character and the party color of Soron line. What is the most well known in connection with the literary achievements of Jo Ha-mang is a work related to Gyeongpodae. In 1741, he was appointed as Mayor of Gangneung and repaired Gyeongpodae and wrote “Commemoration on Framing Completion of Gyeongpodae”, and this work was widely known to everybody at the time. Lee Yu-won(李裕元, 1814~1888) introduced the excellent poems of writers of all the times related to Gyeongpodae in “Notes of Retired Life”, and he chose “Gyeongpodae” written by Jo Ha-mang. Nevertheless, there has been little interest in Jo Ha-mang and his poetry, and no full-fledged research has been done. In this paper, paying attention to such facts, I considered in detail the family line of Jo Ha-mang, the literary persom of Soron line in the 18th century and his life, the compilation of “Collection of Seo-ju” and the composition of the book of poems, and, especially, examined the features and characters of the works, focusing on the imitation poetry in “Imitation- Record”. The characteristic appearance of poems in “Imitation-Record” shows the aspect that almost corresponds with old folk songs included in “New Voices of Folk Songs” by Cha Cheon-ro. The first is that the works are mainly oriented towards the romantic nature of the scholarly Tang style, the second is that the majority are love poems that stand out women s feelings, the third is that the majority are the forms of 7 characters phrases. To sum up, Jo Ha-mang examined through “Imitation-Record” did not look at poets and their works, which aimed at the romanticism of the previous scholarly Tang style, only from a critical point of view. While adhering to a critical viewpoint, by actively accepting the literary tradition of the previous era, he learned the anthologies in Tang poetry style, and by taking materials of poetry here and learning the taste and characteristics of Tang poetry, he utilized it as a process of assimilation. The process of these poetry recognition and learning poetry were not just imitation, but became the basis for forming a unique and diverse poetic world. In this paper, I focused only on imitation poetry included in “Imitation- Record”, so I could not examine in what aspect the romantic Tang poetry style which Jo Ha-mang oriented, appeared in the poetry of other forms, not of folk songs. In relation to this, further diverse studies on remaining 13 “Poetry Records” excluding “Imitation-Record” and the writer consciousness of Jo Ha-mang and the thematic aspects in them are also necessary to discuss the whole picture of the poetic world of Jo Ha-mang.

      • KCI등재

        TMCP로 제조된 고강도 베이나이트강의 유효결정립도와 저온인성에 미치는 Cu와 B의 영향

        이승용,황병철,Lee, Seung-Yong,Hwang, Byoungchul 한국재료학회 2014 한국재료학회지 Vol.24 No.10

        Effects of Cu and B on effective grain size and low-temperature toughness of thermo-mechanically processed high-strength bainitic steels were investigated in this study. The microstructure of the steel specimens was analyzed using optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy; their effective grain size was also characterized by electron back-scattered diffraction. To evaluate the strength and low-temperature toughness, tensile and Charpy impact tests were carried out. The specimens were composed of various low-temperature transformation products such as granular bainite (GB), degenerated upper bainite (DUB), lower bainite (LB), and lath marteniste (LM), dependent on the addition of Cu and B. The addition of Cu slightly increased the yield and tensile strength, but substantially deteriorated the low-temperature toughness because of the higher volume fraction of DUB with a large effective grain size. The specimen containing both Cu and B had the highest strength, but showed worse low-temperature toughness of higher ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) and lower absorbed energy because it mostly consisted of LB and LM. In the B-added specimen, on the other hand, it was possible to obtain the best combination of high strength and good low-temperature toughness by decreasing the overall effective grain size via the appropriate formation of different low-temperature transformation products containing GB, DUB, and LB/LM.

      • KCI등재

        고온-고압 수소 주입된 Fe-30Mn-0.2C-(1.5Al) 고망간강의 인장 거동에 미치는 표면 조건의 영향

        이승용,이상혁,황병철,Lee, Seung-Yong,Lee, Sang-Hyeok,Hwang, Byoungchul 한국재료학회 2017 한국재료학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        In this study, two Fe-30Mn-0.2C-(1.5Al) high-manganese steels with different surface conditions were hydrogen-charged under high temperature and pressure; then, tensile testing was performed at room temperature in air. The yield strength of the 30Mn-0.2C specimen increased with decreasing surface roughness(achieved via polishing), but that of the 30Mn-0.2C-1.5Al specimen was hardly affected by the surface conditions. On the other hand, the tendency of hydrogen embrittlement of the two high-manganese steels was not sensitive to hydrogen charging or surface conditions from the standpoints of elongation and fracture behavior. Based on the EBSD analysis results, the small decrease in elongation of the charged specimens for the Fe-30Mn-0.2C-(1.5Al) high-manganese steels was attributed to the enhanced dislocation pile-up around grain boundaries, caused by hydrogen.

      • KCI등재

        페라이트-펄라이트 조직 아공석강의 상온 및 저온 충격 인성에 미치는 미세조직적 인자의 영향

        이승용,정상우,황병철,Lee, Seung-Yong,Jeong, Sang-Woo,Hwang, Byoungchul 한국재료학회 2015 한국재료학회지 Vol.25 No.11

        This paper presents a study on the room- and low-temperature impact toughness of hypoeutectoid steels with ferrite-pearlite structures. Six kinds of hypoeutectoid steel specimens were fabricated by varying the carbon content and austenitizing temperature to investigate the effect of microstructural factors such as pearlite volume fraction, interlamellar spacing, and cementite thickness on the impact toughness. The pearlite volume fraction usually increased with increasing carbon content and austenitizing temperature, while the pearlite interlamellar spacing and cementite thickness mostly decreased with increasing carbon content and austenitizing temperature. The 30C steel with medium pearlite volume fraction and higher manganese content, on the other hand, even though it had a higher volume fraction of pearlite than did the 20C steel, showed a better low-temperature toughness due to its having the lowest ductile-brittle transition temperature. This is because various microstructural factors in addition to the pearlite volume fraction largely affect the ductile-brittle transition temperature and low-temperature toughness of hypoeutectoid steels with ferrite-pearlite structure. In order to improve the room- and low-temperature impact toughness of hypoeutectoid steels with different ferrite-pearlite structures, therefore, more systematic studies are required to understand the effects of various microstructural factors on impact toughness, with a viewpoint of ductile-brittle transition temperature.

      • KCI등재

        고압 수소 가스 하 인장 시험을 이용한 두 오스테나이트계 고망간강의 수소취화 특성 평가

        이승용,백운봉,남승훈,황병철,Lee, Seung-Yong,Baek, Un-Bong,Nam, Seung Hoon,Hwang, Byoungchul 한국재료학회 2016 한국재료학회지 Vol.26 No.7

        The hydrogen embrittlement of two austenitic high-manganese steels was investigated using tensile testing under high-pressure gaseous hydrogen. The test results were compared with those of different kinds of austenitic alloys containing Ni, Mn, and N in terms of stress and ductility. It was found that the ultimate tensile stress and ductility were more remarkably decreased under high-pressure gaseous hydrogen than under high-pressure gaseous argon, unlike the yield stress. In the specimens tested under high-pressure gaseous hydrogen, transgranular fractures were usually observed together with intergranular cracking near the fracture surface, whereas in those samples tested under high-pressure gaseous argon, ductile fractures mostly occurred. The austenitic high-manganese steels showed a relatively lower resistance to hydrogen embrittlement than did those with larger amounts of Ni because the formation of deformation twins or microbands in austenitic high-manganese steels probably promoted planar slip, which is associated with localized deformation due to gaseous hydrogen.

      • KCI등재

        고장력볼트 T-인장이음의 정적내력에 관한 실험적 연구

        이승용,최준혁,김경태,Lee, Seung Yong,Choi, Jun Hyeok,Kim, Kyong Tae 한국강구조학회 2015 韓國鋼構造學會 論文集 Vol.27 No.1

        인장이음은 고장력 볼트의 체결력과 모재 그리고 고장력 볼트의 내력을 직접적으로 활용하고, 볼트구멍의 가공수나 체결개소의 감소, 피로저항성 등에 있어 유리하며 때문에 역학적으로 매우 효율적인 연결이다. 이러한 인장이음은 교량의 거더와 가로보의 이음, 주탑의 수평이음, 보-기둥 연결부, 바닥판 단부 2차부재 연결부, 브라켓 등에 적용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 인장이음의 역학적 거동을 파악하기 위해서 T-인장이음에 대한 정적실험을 수행하였다. 시험변수는 고장력 볼트의 직경, 플렌지 두께 및 체결력 감소이며, 인장이음의 파괴양상과 내력, 플랜지 두께와 고장력 볼트의 직경의 영향, 체결력의 영향에 대해 분석하였다. The tension type joint is a mechanically very efficient connection method, as it directly uses the load capacity of base metal or high tension bolt, the reduction of the number of drilling hole and fastening and the fatigue resistance. It is applied to the joint of girder and cross beam, horizontal joints of towers, beam to column joints, the secondary member joints of deck floor ends, and brackets. In this paper, static load tests for the T-type tension joint were conducted to investigate the structural behavior of the joint. The parameters were bolt diameter, flange thickness, and the reduction of clamping force of the joint. The failure modes and load capacity of joints and the effects of flange thickness, bolt diameter and clamping force were investigated.

      • KCI등재

        만성 족관절 외측 불안정성의 관절경적 소견 및 치료

        이승용,김갑래,박덕용,Lee, Seung-Yong,Kim, Gab-Lae,Park, Deok-Yong 대한족부족관절학회 2007 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: To assess the arthroscopic findings in chronic lateral ankle instability and to evaluate the results of modified $Brostr{\ddot{o}}m$ operation and arthroscopic procedures. Materials and Methods: Twenty-nine cases with chronic lateral ankle instability were treated with modified $Brostr{\ddot{o}}m$ operation and ankle arthroscopy from May 2004 to January 2007. There were 19 male and 10 female with the mean age of 29.7 years. Mean follow up period was 15.8 months. All patients were checked preoperative stress anterior drawer and varus test with X-ray. Results: Associated injuries were 28 fat impingement projected into the joint between distal tibio-fibular space, 20 anterior impingement of soft tissue, 19 osteochondral defects and 13 loose body. Preoperative AOFAS score of pain, function and alignment were 28.9, 34.1 and 7.9 each other. They were improved into 38.7, 40.8 and 9.8 postoperatively. Conclusions: Modified $Brostr{\ddot{o}}m$ operation with ankle arthroscopy for chronic lateral ankle instability is believed to be a reliable option to obtain satisfactory results. Careful attention to the associated injuries such as distal fat impingement, anterior impingement, osteochondral defect and loose body is needed during the arthroscopy.

      • KCI등재후보

        외측 거골하 탈구를 동반한 관절 함몰형 종골 골절(1예 보고)

        이승용,김갑래,반태서,강정우,Lee, Seung-Yong,Kim, Gab-Lae,Ban, Tae-Seo,Kang, Jung-Woo 대한족부족관절학회 2009 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Calcaneus fracture with a subtalar dislocation are extremely rare. A case of a joint depression type calcaneus fracture with a lateral dislocation of the calcaneal posterior facet and tuberosity is presented. We treated it with open reduction and internal fixation with Steinmann pins and K-wires through limited posterior approach and obtained satisfactory radiographic and clinical outcome.

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