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      • 7두의 개에서 배설성 요로조영술을 통한 신장 기능 평가

        최윤정,이기자,최형준,이용진,박성준,송근호,정성목,최호정,이영원 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 動物醫科學硏究所 2005 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.13 No.-

        Excretory urography is a type of contrast study used to verify and localize upper urinary tract disease. It is an inexpensive and easy way to visualize of anatomic and functional status of the kidney and has been used as a primary imaging modality for the evaluation of urinary tract abnormalities. We describe urological signs of 7 dogs who examined with excretory urography and ultrasonography. Six cases were referred to veterinary medical teaching hospital. Chungnam national university (VMTH, CNU) to evaluate renal function after the treatment for renal failure and one case was referred showing hematuria. In case 1, 2 and 4, blood test and urinalysis was normal and the results of excretory urography presented that renal function were normal range. In case 3, the results of urinalysis, ultrasonography, and excretory urography except blood test presented abnormal kidney and hydronephrosis was diagnosed. In case 5 and 6, blood test, urinalysis, ultrasonography and excretory urography indicated renal failure. In case 7, blood test, urinalysis and ultrasonography presented partially abnormal signs, however, the results of excretory urography was normal range.

      • 개에 있어서 심장사상충증을 동반한 창상성 횡격막 허니아의 수술적 치료 1례

        조승혁,임영환,손정민,노경완,박창식,전무형,김명철,송근호,정성목 충남대학교 형질전환복제돼지연구센터 2007 논문집 Vol. No.10

        A 7-month old. castrated male Shih-tzu dog was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with history of depression. dyspnea. mild scale. tachypnea. exercise intolerance and severe leanness. On physical examination. cardiac arrhythmias was heard and heart worm ELISA test was positive. Microfilaria was found on the direct blood smear. Survey radiographs showed loss of diaphragmatic line and cardiac silhouette. displacement of lung fields and presence of gas filled intestines in the thoracic cavity. Rib fracture and pelvic fracture with callus formation were found incidentally. On the basis of physical examination and radiographic findings. it was diagnosed as traumatic diaphragmatic hernia and heart worm disease. Herniorrhaphy was performed. Postoperatively. it was treated for heart worm disease and scale. There is no evidence of recurrence of diaphragmatic hernia and heart worm disease over 1 year.

      • 개에서 발생한 우동맥궁잔존증의 수술적 치료의 증례

        김성태,정성목 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2011 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        A six-month-old Jindo dog was admitted with history of postprandial regurgitation. The dog began regurgitating 3 months before. The dog was thin, underweighted and had a coarse hair coat. The cervical esophagus was palpable after meal. Contrast esophagram revealed distended esophagus cranial to the base of heart and contrast material accumulated in the esophagus. Tentative diagnosis was made on the basis of history, physical examination findings and a contrast esophagram. The dog diagnosed with Persistent right aortic arch by surgical exploration. Surgical ligation and division of the ligamentum arteriosum and balloon dilatation of stricture site were performed. After surgical correction, the follow up of prognosis after 2 month was excellent.

      • 개에서 발생한 부신피질기능항진증의 수술적 치료와 합병증

        허지웅,정성목 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2011 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        A 11-year-old, female, poodle dog was admitted with history of polyuria/polydipsia, pruritis and abdominal distension, Pituirary-dependant hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed by clinical sings, physical examination, laboratory examination (complete blood count, serum chemistry, urinalysis, ACTH stimulation test) and diagnostic imaging (radiography, ultrasonography, CT and MRI). The dog was received right adrenalectomy but died 2 days after surgery by sudden cardiac, respiratory, arrest. Suggestive casuse of the death is pulmonary thromboembolism.

      • 개에서 발생한 동맥관개존증 치료 증례

        조나영,박성준,최호정,정성목,송근호 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2012 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.19 No.1

        A Bicon Frise (7-month-old, intact female, B.W.: 3.5kg) was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with the history of the murmur which was picked up during routine vaccination. The grade 3 of continuous murmur was identified on the auscultation. In the thoracic radiography, descending aorta and main pulmonary artery were enlarged and vertebral cardiac scale (VHS) was 10. In the echocardiography, turbulent and continuous positive flow was identified in the pulmonary artery at the right parasternal short axis view. We found the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) connected the main pulmonary artery with the aorta by CT image. So, the diagnosis of PDA was made. The continuous murmur was not identified on the auscultation after surgical correction was achieved by ligation of PDA.

      • 개의 신장 및 요관결석증 1례

        심재현,정성목,신상태,조종기 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A 1-year 2-months old Shih-tzu dog was presented with history of abdominal distention and tenderness, vomiting, anorexia and constipation. On physical and laboratory examination, WBC count was severely elevated (48.38×10^(6)/μl). On radiographs and ultrasonographs, dilation of right renal pelvis and right proximal ureter and renal calculi of both kidney were shown. It was diagnosed as a infectious renal and ureteral urolithiasis. Pyelolithotomy of right kidney was undertaken. After operation, normal urination was observed and appetite was recovered. By ultrasonographic examination, hyperechoic mass was not observed in the right kidney.

      • 개에서 발생한 슬개골 탈구 1례

        이병희,정성목,조종기,신상태 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A five year old female Yorkshire terrier dog with a history of hindlimb lameness was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University. The patient had been treated surgically two times for patellar luxation in other animal hospital. On physical examination, hindlimb lameness, pain on left hindlimb and Lt/Rt medial patellar luxation (Grade Ⅲ) were observed. On the results of hindlimb radiographs, bilaterally medially luxated patella and degenerative joint disease (DJD) sign at both stifle joints were observed. According to physical examination and radiographs, it was diagnosed as bilateral medial patellar luxation (Grade Ⅲ). The left hindlimb of patient was surgically treated with trochlear wedge resection (TWR), tibial tuberosity transposition (TTT), patellar and tibial antirotational suture and lateral retinacular overlap. After the surgical treatment, the patient was slowly recovered.

      • 두 마리의 고양이에서 발생한 복막 심낭막 횡격막 허니아의 수술적 치료

        윤영민,정성목 忠南大學校 動物醫科學硏究所 2011 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Two cats (5 years, intact female, Turkish Angora (case1) & 1 year, intact female, Persian Chinchinra (case2) admitted with the hisoty of cardiac abnormality. Two cats had the history of panting and increased respiratory rate. On physical examination, they had panting and right muffled heart sound. Thoracic radiography revealed increased cardiac silhouette, dorsal deviation of trachea, cylindric gas superimposition in cardiac silhouette, convex projection of the caudal cardiac silhoutte, and confluent silhoutte between heart and diaphragm. In ultrasonography, abdorminal viscera in pericardial sac were shown in two cats. They were diagnosed as peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hermia(PPDH) based on diagnostic imaging examination. Herniorrhaphies and close perioperative care were performed for prevention of postoperative complication in two cats. PPDH in two cats were succesfully treated without postoperative complication.

      • 고양이에서 영양학적인 원인에 의해 발생한 속발성 부갑상선기능항진증 1례

        이혜원,박성준,김명철,정성목 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2009 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        A 10 month-old Korean domestic shorthaired cat(male, 1.4kg)was admitted to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with the history of astasia the onest of which was 3 month ago and all-meat diets. Physical examination revealed thin, growth retarded and lying in lateral recumbency. Radiograph showed abnormally radiolucent bones, thin cortices, kyphosis and lordosis of the spine and multiple fractures of the femurs. Result of serum biochemical test revealed mild hypocarcemia. Serum parathormone and 1, 25(OH)2-vitamin D3 levels were markedly elevated, whereas 25(OH)-vitamin D3 level was in normal range. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed by history taking, physical examination, laboratory examination and radiography. Calcium gluconate with balanced commercial cat food was given. On 24 days later, improvements were found in clinical signs and radiographs.

      • 개에 있어서 유선 종양의 1례

        이시예,정성목,박창식,김명철 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A 6-years-old 2.5kg female maltese dog with history of multiple mass around mammary gland was referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Chungnam National University. There was no evidence of metastasis in survey radiograph. Cytological finding revealed cell crumps of linear structures of epithelial cell origins. Histopathological finding revealed fibrous stroma, myxomatous lesion, catilagenous metaplasia, hyperplasia of lobular alveoli and ductules. Mass was removed by total mastectomy. After surgery, CBC values showed mild anemia, neutropenia and lymphocytosis. General condition was good. For the appropriate evaluation, more periodical and continuous monitoring is needed.

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