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        치아 수복용 불소함유 glass filler의 제조 및 특성

        김대성,최세영,김경남,김광만,김중곤 대한치과기재학회 1998 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study was the reaching test of restorative glass according to composition. Mixtures of SrF₂, CaF₂and SiO₂were fused in platinum crucible. The glasses were ground and fraction which passed through a 400 mesh (38㎛) sieve were collected. The powder specimens were analyzed by a DTA and XRD. Then powder specimen were inserted to D. I. water with various of dissolution time and composition at 37℃. Fluoride ion, cation release, solubility, and pH change were estimated. It was clear that the glasses were formed except S0.65. In S0.40, Tg, Ts, and Tc were 630, 672, and 813℃ respectively. In initial 0.5 hrs., amounts of released fluoride ion and cation were about 90% of total released amounts and released rate was decreased with dissolution time. Amount of released fluoride ion and cation were increased with decreasing SiO₂ in glass filler. And released rate was decreased rapidly by adding CaF₂. This was caused by structural variation in glass filler. Solubility was similar tendency with ion released. The pH of D.I. water was 4.5. But in intial 0.5 hrs., pH was 8.2∼9.8., and decreased according to dissolution time. This is caused by ionic changing with cation and H* ion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 複合 韓藥劑 淸籬滋坎湯의 抗癌效果 및 作用機轉 糾明

        Cho, Kyung-Sam,Kim, Si-Young,Park, Jai-Kyung,Choi, Seung-Hoon,Chung, Se-Young,Yoon, Hwi-Joong 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Kyung Sam Cho¹Si Young Kim¹, Jai Kyung Park²,Seung Hoon Choi³,Se Young Chung⁴, Hwi Joong Yoon¹¹College of Medicine, ²East-West Medical Research Institute, ³College of Oriental Medicine, ⁴College of Pharmacology, Kyung Hee University,Seoul, Korea. The Anti-cancer Effect of Oriental Medicine Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang in the Mouse with Metastatic Lung Cancer. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 231-243, 1999.-The oriental medicine Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang is an herbal medicine which has been used for pulmonary diseases and known as having immune stimulatory effects. It has been known effective in lung cancer. So we studied the effects and the mechanisms of this herbal medicine it the mouse with metastatic lung cancer. The metastatic lung cancer of the mouse was produced with melnoma cell line(B16BL/6).5×10□/mouse tumor cells were injected intravenously to the CDF1 mouse via tail vein. The mice were divided 4 groups. The first group was treated with 50mg/kg extract of Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang per oral for 10 days after cancer cell injection, second group treated with saline after cancer cell injection, the third group with medicine without cancer cell, and the last group with saline only. After 10 days treatments some of the mice were scarificed and the lung and spleen was removed. The survival duration, weight change, the number of metastatic cancer nodule of the lung, the NK cell activity, the capacity of cytokines(INF-γ,INF-α,IL-2) production and the proliferation activities of mouse lymphocytes were measured. The surival times of the group 1 mice were longer and the weight loss was less than the group 2 significantly. The number of the metastatic nodule of the lung were decresed in the group 1 than the group 2. The production of INF-γ,was increase in group 2 than group 3 and 4, IL-2 production was increased in group 1 than group 2,3,4 significantly. There was no difference in TNF- α production and proliferation activity of lymphocyte in each group. The NK cell activity was significantly increased in group 1 than group 2,3,4. We conclude that the Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang has the effect of increasing the NK cell activity of the CDF1 mouse with metastatic lung cancer(B16BL/6). And it is suggested that the increased production of the IL-2 is the mechanisms of enhanced NK cell activity.

      • 복강경하 대장절제술을 시행 받는 환자에서 라모세트론과 온단세트론외 술 후 오심 및 구토 예방 효과 비교

        김효중;어전영;어근무;어정한;엄세훈;조광래;김명훈 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Objectives : We evaluated the efficacy of ramosetron and ondansetron for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in laparoscopic colectomy. Methods and Materials : Eighty patients who received laparoscopic colectomy were randomly divided into two groups: R group (ramosetron 0.1mg PO) and O group (ondansetron 4mg twice IV). Injection or oral medication was administered before the induction of anesthesia in each group. Injection was administered at the end of surgery in O group. General anesthesia was induced using propofol and rocuronium, and maintained with sevoflurane, remifentanil and air (FiO2 0.5), We investigated the incidences of PONV in each group by the Rhodes index of nausea, vomiting and retching (RINVR) at postoperative 6 and 24 hours. Results : The incidence of PONV was not different between group at each time points after surgery (at postoperative 6 hours: 20% in group R, 17.5% in group 0, at postoperative 24 hours; 12.5% in group R, 7.5% in group 0). There was no difference in the severity of PONV, satisfaction, rescue drug usage. Conclusion : Prophylactic therapy with ramosetron is as effective as conventional prophylactic therapy with ondansetron for preventing PONV in general anesthesia for laparoscopic colectomy.

      • 번역의 역사를 통한 이론과 기법

        金世中 단국대학교 1995 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this essay is to fine out a new and good approach to translation by considering the history of translation and its theory. This essay deals with the technique of practical translation through an anthology of essays from Cicero to George Steiner. I also want to introduce translation studies to the students and scholars interested in it. I have considered the history of modern Korean literary translation from 1920s to 1950s in all its chronological aspects. A lot of problems in the course of discussion on translations were found, but nobody dared to raise the question of that. The only person who did so was then Yang Zoo-Dong who was qualified for translation. The extent to which cultural extent may feasibly be reproduced in a translation is something that should concern any translator of Korean literature. The culture of Korea is ancient and deeply rooted. As a result, those who want to reproduced a Korean text in a TL text will need to have access to cultural information rather than language proficiency. Each and every country is making every effort to win in international competitiveness, but there are now few not only professional centers and institutions for translation but also programs of translation and intercultural studies in Korea. We will have to survive in the fierce competition among the world. In my opinion, the government needs to support them as soon as possible. Paul Engle, Director of the Writer's Workshop at the Univ. of Uowa(1985) summed up the socially active, politically urgent cause of translation in the contemporary world as follows. As this world shrinks together like an aging orange and all peoples in all cultures move closer together(however reluctantly and suspiciously) it may be that the crucial sentence for our remaining years on earth may be very simply : TRANSLATE or DIE. The lives of every creature on the earth may one day depend on the instant and accurate translation of on word.(Engle and Engle, 1985 : 2) The time has come for us Koreans to make our country international, global and worldwide in every aspect. We need to gather information on education, science, economy, business, etc, so as to do so. Information is based on language with signs, because information alone has no power of communication without the medium of exchange of language. communication through language underlies translation and interpretation. This essay deals with the discussion of the vague conflict between free and literal translation. The establishment of an international collaborative venture on Translation Studies seems a logical way to proceed. The discussion of all types of literary translation also be greatly advanced by a consideration of the problems of translation texts from all over the world. Translation Studies including its Theories and History is still a young discipline and still has a long way to go. There is a need for more general theoretical discussion as to the nature, history and theory of translation, particularly as to the craft and process of translation. This essays comprise a variety of aspects that provide the reader with insights into the complex process of recreating an SL text in English. The Herman's study of the metaphors used by Dutch, French and English translator in the Renaissance has provided an extensive range of ideas about translation-the translator is variously seen as following in the footsteps of the original author. By the eighteenth century, dominant metaphors are of the translation as a mirror or as a portrait, the depicted or artificial held up against the real, while in the nineteenth century the dominant metaphors involve properly and class relations. The traditional nineteenth-century notion of translation was based on the idea of a master-servant relationship paralleled in the translation process-either the translator takes over the source text and improves and civilizes it or the translator approaches it with humility and seeks to do it homage. All translators agree that the perfect translation remains an impossibility. Gregory Rabassa expresses the recognition writing : "a translation can never equal the original ; it can approach it, and its quality can only be justified as to accuracy by how close it gets." There have been a number of attempts to open up the vast field of genealogy of systematic thought about translation in different cultures and to investigate the way in which translation has played a shaping role in the formation of literary systems and the history of ideas. Translation, like criticism, is a manipulatory process. Human emotions hardly change from on culture to another ; what changes in the way on perceives these emotions and one places them within the natural environment of a country. A cultural situation-whether in the realm of social, educational, or political realities-never finds its exact equivalent in another country. Here again, translators must assess the boundaries of every individual cultural situation to define both the sameness and the differences. As in the case of word, the comparative study of cultural situations will prominently display the different ways in which we perceive and create our cultural reality. Words don't find their equivalencies in the new language, nor do cultural expressions, and the translator will never approach a text twice the same way. All acts of translation begin with a thorough investigation of reading process. Translation, by necessity, read each word and sentence at least as carefully and closely as the critic or the author. Even the smallest detail in an SL text, as Rabassa points out, be neglected. Translation is, of course, a rewriting of an original text. All rewritings, whatever their intention, reflect a cretain ideology and a poetics and such manipulate literature to function in a given society in a given way. I hope this essay will serve to aid a future study on Translation Studies and to further open the door for new, alternative approaches. Much work still needs to be done.

      • 차세대 무선 통신 시스템을 위한 안테나 신기술

        김형락,권세웅,황광선,윤영중 延世大學校 電波通信共同硏究所 2002 電波通信論文誌 Vol.6 No.1

        차세대 통신 시스템에서 공통적으로 요구하는 소형화, 광대역화, 집적화추세에 따라 RF소자는 광대역화, 소형화, 집적화를 향해 발전하고 있으며 안테나 기술도 현재 추세에 발맞추어 소형화, 능동집적화, 광대역화를 통하여 개발 방향을 모색하고 있다. 본고에서는 현재 추세인 소형 안테나, 능동 안테나와 더불어 최근 관심이 집중되고 있는 임펄스 통신에 이용될 수 있는 초광대역 안테나 기술에 대해 소개한다. The technical trends of the next generation wireless communication are miniaturization, broad-band operation, and integration. Thus, in accordance with this trend, RF devices and components are being developed in such way, and same with the antenna. In this paper, technology of small antenna, active antenna, and ultra wideband antenna, which can be applied to impulse communication system, are introduced.

      • 乳牛에서 驅蟲效果가 泌乳量과 乳脂率에 미치는 效果에 관한 觀察

        金泰鍾,李元暢,尹和重,金世寧 건국대학교 1995 學術誌 Vol.39 No.2

        The purpose of this study was make an observation on effects of anthelmintics such as Albendazole, Ivomec-F and Nilzan for amount of milk production and milk fat levels before and after administration on Nematoda, Trematoda and Cestoda in helminths infestated from 218 heads of dairy cattle in Gyongi province. The results are summerizied as follows : Infestation and distribution rate in percent of helminths among the collected fecal samples from dairy cattle are Bunostomum species(spp.) 1.3%, Strongyloides spp. 4.5%, Tricostrongylus spp. 0.8%, Ostertagia spp. 7.3%, Cooperia spp. 4.7%, Nematodrius spp. 1.6%, Haemonchus spp. 5.7% and Oesphagostumum spp. 6.5% in Nematoda, and that of Eurytrema app. 2.1%, Fascioloa spp. 11.8% and Pharamphistomum spp. 51.3% in Trematoda, and that of Moniezia spp. in Cestoda, respectively. After administration for three kinds of anthelminthics infestated dairy cattle, high level of efficacy were confirmed against Nematodes and Cestodes. The average values tend to be incresed amount of milk production and its fat levels after anthelmintics administration on helminths infestated dairy cattle were 1.8 kg and 0.14 % per daily, respectively (p<0.01). Key word : Infestation of helminths in dairy cattle, Effects of milk products.

      • 질량 명사와 가산 명사의 전환에 따른 영어 관사 용법

        김세중 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        The aim of this dissertation is to answer the following questions so often asked by adult language learners of English: (a) in which case do we use the? (b) in which case do we use a(n)? (c) in which case do we use Φ­­before nouns. This dissertation deals with what are the signals for the occurrence of the articles ―a(n), the, Φ―before nouns. This study discusses sho to distinguish count couns from mass ones and what makers an NP definite and what makes it indefinite. It also discusses the generic use of the English articles. This dissertation puts great emphasis on the best way to convert a mass noun into a count noun and vice versa. Five principles are presented for mass/count conversion. The best plausible signals for the English articles are found to be existence, uniqueness and familiarity Subtle differences among the generic use of the, a(n) and Φ are discussed and their respective distributions and restrictions are suggested. An over-all system of article usage is presented for learners of English as a foreign language.

      • 의미와 번역 : 영어와 한국어 수사 의문문의 비교 연구를 중심으로 A Comparative Study on Translating Rhetorical Questions in English and Korean

        金世中 한국영어교육연구학회 1998 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.18

        It is true that there are many problems, conflicts and difficulties with which the translator is confronted in the process of translation. In these viewpoints the end of this paper is to deal with "function" with due regard to contexts and extralinguistic elements other than the style and form of language, especially when translating rhetorical questions in English and Korean. This paper is concerned with the definition of a rhetorical question and the classification of the function of those in English and Korea in order to know what is needed for the reproduction and transformation of the source language text. In conclusion, it is, to say the least, necessary that the function of a sentence be transformed considering the extralinguistic elements in translating, since language has both the meaning of structure and that of society, culture and function.

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