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      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Hot Deformation and Dynamic Recrystallization Behaviors of Advanced Reduced-Activated Alloy (ARAA)

        SangWook Kim,Hyeon‑Woo Son,Taek‑Kyun Jung,Young‑Bum Chun,Yi‑Hyun Park,Ji‑Woon Lee,Soong‑Keun Hyun 대한금속·재료학회 2019 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.25 No.4

        The hot deformation behavior of advanced reduced-activation alloy (ARAA) was investigated using hot torsion tests. Thefl ow stress decreased as deformation temperature increased and as strain rate decreased. The fl ow behavior demonstratedthe typical dynamic recrystallization (DRX). Based on the constitutive analysis of peak stress, the activation energy for hotdeformation was found to be 330.3 kJ mol −1 . Peak stress was analyzed as a function of the Zener–Hollomon parameter, andcalculated and experimental values were in good agreement. A DRX kinetic model for ARAA was derived with deformationconditions based on the Avrami-type model. It was confi rmed that the volume fraction of dynamically recrystallized grainsincreased as deformation temperature increased and as strain rate decreased. The necklace structure and grain boundarybulging were observed in the deformed microstructure of ARAA. The suggested DRX mechanism for ARAA during hotworking is discontinuous DRX.

      • A Study on Predicted Expansion of Electric Vehicles Using the Technology Adoption Life Cycle Model: Focusing on the U.S. Market

        Kim,Yong-Tae,Choi,Sung-Wook 한국유통과학회 2019 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2019 No.-

        With the rise of environmental issues, regulations on carbon emissions of automobiles are rising. In response to this, governments around the world are providing full support for electric vehicles. Accordingly, many market experts expect the electric vehicle market to rapidly develop and expand in the near future. This study aims at providing implications from various angles for the government, companies and individuals by predicting the demand of electric vehicles. This study applied the technology adoption life cycle model based on internal combustion automobiles, digital cameras, and cable TV market data as the main methodology for this. It is expected that this study will provide directions for various strategies to those involved in the electric vehicle industry, future users, and government personnel.

      • KCI등재

        개인의 사회적 책임: 척도개발

        윤성욱(Yoon, Sung-wook),김삼원(Kim, Sam-Won) 한국경영교육학회 2020 경영교육연구 Vol.35 No.5

        [연구목적] 최근 들어 기업의 사회적 책임활동에 대한 관심과 중요성이 부각되면서 이에 대한 많은 연구들이 진행되어오고 있다. 경제주체의 구성요소는 국가, 기업, 가정으로 형성된다고 할 수 있는데, 국가나 기업, 가정의 구성원은 결국 개인으로 이루어져 있다고 볼 수 있다. 그런데도 기업의 사회적 책임활동에 대하여는 많은 선행연구들이 있으나, 구성원의 가장 핵심 주체인 개인의 사회적 책임활동에 대한 연구는 전무한 현실이다. [연구방법] 이에 본 연구는 개인의 사회적 책임활동을 측정 할 수 있는 포괄적이며 신뢰가능한 척도를 개발하였다. 연구결과 개인의 사회적 책임활동으로 자선적 책임, 환경적 책임, 윤리적 책임의 3가지 차원으로 척도가 개발되었다. [연구결과] 본 연구를 통해 새롭게 개발된 개인의 사회적 책임에 대한 척도의 세부 항목으로는 다음과 같다. 환경적 책임으로는 ‘일상생활에서 온실가스 줄이기’ ‘공해방지 및 환경개선’ ‘환경보호’ ‘친환경 소비자 되기’, 자선적 책임으로는 ‘불쌍한 사람 돕기’ ‘이웃을 위한 봉사’ ‘사회적 모금행사 참여’ ‘약자를 돕는 일’, 윤리적 책임으로는 ‘공정거래 질서와 법규준수’ ‘사회적 규범 준수’ ‘미풍양속 준수’ ‘국가가 제정한 법률 준수’ 등이다. [연구의 시사점] 본 연구는 개인의 사회적 책임에 대한 중요성을 다시 한 번 인식시키며, 향후 국가적으로나 지방자치단체가 개인의 사회적 책임활동을 진단하는데 중요한 실무적인 시사점을 제시 할 것이다. 아울러 전 세계적으로 추진되고 있는 ISO 26000의 핵심과제인 환경부문, 자선부문, 윤리부문에 대한 개인의 책임 활동을 성실히 수행함으로써 자신의 생존과 성장을 지탱해주고 지원해주는 사회에 대해 기업 이상으로 책임을 다해야 할 것이다. [Purpose] Recently as the impotance of activities of corporate social responsibility are emphasized, many studies on CSR have been conducted. While components of economic units are nation, companies, and families, their members all can be thought to consist of individuals. Even though there exist precedent studies about CSR activities, there is none on the studies of individuals’ social responsibility as the most essential of economic units. Accordingly, this study has a goal to develop a comprehensive and reliable scale that can measure activities of individual social responsibility. [Methodology] As the result of study, the ISR scale with three dimensions of environmental, charitable, and ethical responsibilities has been developed. [Findings] The followings are the subsections of the ISR standards newly developed through this study: Environmental responsibilities include “to reduce greenhouse gases in daily life”, “to prevent pollution & inprove environment”, “to protect environment”, and “to become an environmentally friendly consumer”. Charitable responsibilities include “to help the poor”, “to volunteer for the neighborhood” “to participate in social charity events”, and “to help the social weak”. Ethical responsibilities are “to manage fair trade and obey regulations”, “to follow social norms”, “to keep beautiful traditional customs”, and “to obey the national legislation”. [Implications] This study will help realize the importance of individual social responsibility once again and suggest the practical implications which are important for national or local governments to diagnose ISR activities. Futhermore, as it can help individuals to sincerely perform social responsibility activities in environmental, charitable, and ethical sections, which are the core agenda of the ISO 26000 promoted across the world, and envision the future-oriented society, it is thought to function as the foundation for developing into the advanced country.

      • KCI등재후보

        생활체육참가정도와 Wellness지수, 생활만족의 관계

        김상국(Kim Sang-Kook),이광욱(Lee Kwang-Wook) 한국체육과학회 2005 한국체육과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among leisure sports participation, wellness inventory and life satisfaction, The subjects were 645 adults(male=348; female=297) aged more than 20 years who participated in community-based leisure sports programs of the fitness clubs in Seoul and Incheon City, Korea, The degree of leisure sports participation; items on the Wellness scale developed and used by Kim Sang-kuk based on Wellness: Concepts and Application developed by Anspaugh et al.(l994); and the Korean version of the Satisfaction with Life scale(SWLS) developed by Diener, Emons, Larsen & Griffin(1985) translated and used by Lee Jong-kil(1992). The validity of the questionnaire was verified through specialists' meeting, the pilot test, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was found to be Cronbach' s α=.66~.83. The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected data were correlation analysis and multiple regression using SPSS WIN 11.5. As a result, the following findings were obtained: First, it was found that the degree of leisure sports participation had an effect on the wellness inventory. That is, participants who participated in the leisure sports program longer, more frequently, and more actively had the higher level of recognition on the wellness inventory than any other group. Second, it was found that the degree of leisure sports participation had an effect on the life satisfaction. That is, participants who participated in the leisure sports program longer, more frequently, and more actively the higher level of recognition on the life satisfaction than any other group. Third, it was found that the wellness inventory had an effect on the life satisfaction. That is, the participants who were highly conscious of physical, social, mental health domains as subfactors of the wellness inventory had the higher level of life satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        해외사례 벤치마킹에 기반한 국내 CM 대가체계 개선 시사점 도출

        김상범,이정대,김재욱,Kim, Sang-Bum,Lee, Jeong-Dae,Kim, Jae-Wook 한국건설관리학회 2008 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        국내 CM은 2001년 건설산업기본법에 의해 개념과 범위가 정의된 후 지속적인 성장을 계속해 오고 있다. 하지만, 이러한 CM 제도에 기반한 성장에도 불구하고 국내에서의 CM 적용성과는 기대치에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그 주요원인의 하나로 국내 CM제도가 책임감리에 비하여 업무범위가 넓지만, 대가기준은 책임감리에 비해 낮기 때문인 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서, 국내 CM 대가체계의 합리적인 기준을 정립하는 것이 시급할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 CM 대가체계의 합리적인 기준을 마련하기 위하여 CMAA, ASCE, DOE, DOL 등의 다양한 해외사례 벤치마킹 연구를 통하여 국내 CM 대가체계를 비교하여 대가 상승요인을 추정하고 대가산정 개선방향을 제시하였다. 분석결과 대가수준은 해외에 비하여 현저하게 낮은 수준인 것으로 판단되었으며, 업무범위는 해외와 비교하여 그 폭이 좁으며 획일적인 구조를 가진 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 글로벌스탠다드에 따르는 국내 CM 대가체계를 개선하기 위하여 실비정액보수가산(Cost Plus Fixed Fee) 방식을 제시하고, 입 낙찰 전반에 걸친 CM 대가체계에 대한 기준(Framework)을 제시하였다. The Korean Construction Industry significantly contributed to the Korean economic development not only by preparing the domestic infrastructure but also by successfully conducting various international projects. However, major incidents such as the collapse of Sung-Su Bridge and Sam-Pung Department Store along with stagnation of Korean Economy have raised questions about underlying systematic problems of the Korean Construction Industry. As a solution to resurrect the Korean Construction Industry, the Construction Management (CM) system introduced in late 1990's and increasingly utilized as an innovative delivery system. Despite of the fast growth of CM, the performance of CM has not been up to the hype and low CM fee has been identified as one of the main reasons of unsatisfactory CM performance. Therefore, this research attempted to propose ways of improving 'CM Fee Guidelines' published by Korean Ministry of Construction and Transportation by conducting a benchmarking study on Global Standards of estimating CM Fee. International organizations benchmarked in this research include CMAA, ASCE, DOL, DOE, etc. Various investigation and analysis revealed that Korean 'CM Fee Guidelines' need to significantly modified comparing to Global Standards. This research also tried to prepare recommendations to improve the CM deliver system focusing on the 'Method of CM Fee Estimation' and Selection of a CM firm as an owner's agent.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        단일공법 복강경하 질식자궁절제술 110예의 고찰 및 다공법과의 비교

        박병준 ( Byung Joon Park ),김용욱 ( Yong Wook Kim ),노덕영 ( Duck Yeong Ro ),김태응 ( Tae Eung Kim ),류기성 ( Ki Sung Ryu ),김장흡 ( Jang Heup Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2010 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.53 No.7

        Objective: To evaluate the safety and feasibility of single-port access laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (SPA-LAVH) using conventional laparoscopic instruments compared to multi-port access laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy (MPA-LAVH). Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 220 patients with uterine leiomyoma or adenomyosis who underwent 110 SPA-LAVH and 110 MPA-LAVH in Incheon St. Mary`s Hospital between April 2007 and November 2009. We performed SPA-LAVH with conventional rigid straight laparoscopic instruments in all cases. We also performed a new vaginal cuff closure method, Kim`s Vaginal Vault Suspension Method, named after the operator (Kim, YW) in both SPA-LAVH and MPA-LAVH. Results: There was no significant difference in patients` age, operating time, uterine weight, hemoglobin change, frequency of blood transfusion, and incidence of postoperative fever between the two groups. The patients` mean age was 46.1±7.0 years (SPA-LAVH) and 45.5±6.3 years (MPA-LAVH). The mean operating time was 87.2±21.0 minutes (SPA-LAVH) and 83.3±20.3 minutes (MPA-LAVH). The mean uterine weight was 261.4±139.7 g (SPA-LAVH) and 257.8±132.9 g (MPA-LAVH). The mean hemoglobin change was 1.1±0.7 g/dL (SPA-LAVH) and 1.2±0.6 g/dL (MPA-LAVH). Neither bowel injury nor urinary tract injury occurred during the operation in the two groups. One of the SPA-LAVH and one of the MPA-LAVH cases were converted to abdominal total hysterectomy. The mean hospital stay time was shorter with SPA-LAVH (2.6±0.6 days [SPA-LAVH] and 3.3±0.7 days [MPA-LAVH], P<0.05). Conclusion: SPA-LAVH using conventional rigid straight laparoscopic instruments can be offered as a safe and feasible alternative to MPA-LAVH.

      • KCI등재

        Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Is Significantly Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Population-based, Matched Case-control Study

        Kim, Sung-Eun,Jang, Eun Sun,Ki, Moran,Gwak, Geum-Youn,Kim, Kyung-Ah,Kim, Gi-Ae,Kim, Do Young,Kim, Dong Joon,Kim, Man Woo,Kim, Yun Soo,Kim, Young Seok,Kim, In Hee,Kim, Chang Wook,Kim, Ho Dong,Kim, Hyun The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 2018 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol.33 No.42

        <P><B>Background</B></P><P>Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection leads to hepatic and extrahepatic manifestations including chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the association between HBV and CKD is not clear. This study investigated the association between chronic HBV infection and CKD in a nationwide multicenter study.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>A total of 265,086 subjects who underwent health-check examinations in 33 hospitals from January 2015 to December 2015 were enrolled. HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) positive cases (n = 10,048), and age- and gender-matched HBsAg negative controls (n = 40,192) were identified. CKD was defined as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 60 mL/min/1.73 m<SUP>2</SUP> or proteinuria as at least grade 2+ of urine protein.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>HBsAg positive cases showed a significantly higher prevalence of GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m<SUP>2</SUP> (3.3%), and proteinuria (18.9%) than that of the controls (2.6%, <I>P</I> < 0.001, and 14.1%, <I>P</I> < 0.001, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, HBsAg positivity was an independent factor associated with GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m<SUP>2</SUP> along with age, blood levels of albumin, bilirubin, anemia, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Likewise, HBsAg positivity was an independent factor for proteinuria along with age, male, blood levels of bilirubin, protein, albumin, and HbA1c. A subgroup analysis showed that HBsAg positive men but not women had a significantly increased risk for GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m<SUP>2</SUP>.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>Chronic HBV infection was significantly associated with a GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m<SUP>2</SUP> and proteinuria (≥ 2+). Therefore, clinical concern about CKD in chronic HBV infected patients, especially in male, is warranted.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Propofol and Fentanyl on Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus

        Kim, Wonki,Song, In Ho,Lim, Yong Hoon,Kim, Mi-Ryoung,Kim, Young Eun,Hwang, Jae Ha,Kim, In Keyoung,Song, Sang Woo,Kim, Jin Wook,Lee, Woong-Woo,Kim, Han-Joon,Kim, Cheolyoung,Kim, Hee Chan,Kim, In Young The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 2014 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol.29 No.9

        <P>We investigated the effect of propofol and fentanyl on microelectrode recording (MER) and its clinical applicability during subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. We analyzed 8 patients with Parkinson's disease, underwent bilateral STN DBS with MER. Their left sides were done under awake and then their right sides were done with a continuous infusion of propofol and fentanyl under local anesthesia. The electrode position was evaluated by preoperative MRI and postoperative CT. The clinical outcomes were assessed at six months after surgery. We isolated single unit activities from the left and the right side MERs. There was no significant difference in the mean firing rate between the left side MERs (38.7±16.8 spikes/sec, n=78) and the right side MERs (35.5±17.2 spikes/sec, n=66). The bursting pattern of spikes was more frequently observed in the right STN than in the left STN. All the electrode positions were within the STNs on both sides and the off-time Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale part III scores at six months after surgery decreased by 67% of the preoperative level. In this study, a continuous infusion of propofol and fentanyl did not significantly interfere with the MER signals from the STN. The results of this study suggest that propofol and fentanyl can be used for STN DBS in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease improving the overall experience of the patients.</P><P><B>Graphical Abstract</B></P><P/>


        Safety and tolerability of Korean Red Ginseng in healthy adults: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

        Song, Sang-Wook,Kim, Ha-Na,Shim, Jae-Yong,Yoo, Byeong-Yeon,Kim, Dae-Hyun,Lee, Sang-Hyun,Park, Joo-Sung,Kim, Moon-Jong,Yoo, Jun-Hyun,Cho, BeLong,Kang, Hee-Cheol,Kim, Kwang-Min,Kim, Sung-Soo,Kim, Kyung- The Korean Society of Ginseng 2018 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.42 No.4

        Background: Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) has been used in Asia for its various biological effects, but no studies have investigated the safety of its long-term intake. Therefore, the present study evaluated the safety of KRG intake for 24 weeks. Methods: We randomized 1,000 participants in a 1:1 ratio into two groups, which were treated daily with 2 g of KRG or a placebo for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint was all adverse events and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that occurred after KRG or placebo administration, which were reported at week 4, 12, and 24 after the baseline visit. Results: In total, 192 and 211 participants experienced adverse events in the KRG and placebo groups (39.2% and 42.0%, respectively; p = 0.361), and 59 and 57 KRG- and placebo-treated individuals reported ADRs (12.0% and 11.4%, respectively; p = 0.737). The frequently occurring ADRs were pruritus (2.0%), headache (1.6%), diarrhea (1.4%), and dizziness (1.2%) in the KRG group and pruritus (2.0%), headache (1.8%), dizziness (1.6%), rash (1.4%), and diarrhea (1.2%) in the placebo group. Discontinuation of drug administration due to ADRs was reported in 13 participants, six (1.2%) and seven (1.4%) in the KRG and placebo groups, respectively (p = 0.814). No significant abnormal changes were revealed by anthropometric, laboratory, and vital sign measurements in the KRG group compared with those in the placebo group. Conclusion: The present study confirms the safety and tolerability of daily intake of 2 g of KRG for 24 weeks by healthy adults.

      • KCI등재

        Environmental Management in Industry

        Han, Sang Wook,Kim, Ik Soo,Terence P. CURRAN 한국환경정책학회 1995 環境政策 Vol.3 No.1

        환경문제를 야기시키는 원인은 인간 그 자체에 있으며, 경제주체별로는 개인, 기업, 정부로 볼 수 있다. 시시각각 변화하고 강화되여가는 국제환경질서에 대처하기 위해서는 기업과 정부가 협조적인 관계를 유지하면서 각각의 역할을 하여야하는 바, 기업은 사회공헌책임주의에 입각하여 환경친화책인 기업경영을 도입, 실천해야 하며, 정부는 이를 지원, 촉진하기 위한 정책을 펼쳐야 할 것이다. 이 논문은 지구차원에서의 환경문제, 미국과 한국의 최근 환경정책 그리고 기업에서의 환경경영도입의 중요성과 환경경영이 모든 조직기능에서 통합 고려되어야 하는 필요성올 논의하였으며, 기업의 환경경영을 위한 환경성과지표, 환경심사, 전과정분석 등의 요소들을 검토하였다. 끝으로 3M, Body Shop, Baxter International 둥 3개 기업에 있어서의 환경경영의 사례를 동해 환경경영에 의한 기업이익을 엿볼 수 있었다.

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