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        독일의 바이오에너지협동조합(Bioenergiedorf Oberrosphe eG) 사례

        ( Ulrich Pfeiffer ) 한국협동조합학회 2017 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.35 No.2

        2005년 독일 Wetter시의 조그만 마을 Oberrosphe의 주민들은 지속가능한 바이오에너지에 의한 중앙난방시스템으로 마을의 주택들에게 난방을 제공하는 아이디어를 생각해 내었다. 이들은 기술문제, 자금조달, 법적 조직형태, 홍보 등 과업별로 팀을 구성하여 정보를 수집하기 시작하였고, Wetter 시와 EU프로그램으로부터 연구비 지원을 받아 성공적으로 타당성 조사를 실시하였다. 가장 적절한 법적 조직형태는 협동조합이라는 것도 확인하였다. 에너지협동조합은 2007년 설립되었고, 힘든 과정을 거쳐 1년 후에 발전설비와 117개의 주택들을 연결하는 7킬로미터 길이의 파이프라인이 설치 되었다. 이후 매년 3십만 리터의 난방오일을 절약할 수 있었고, 연 900톤의 이산화탄소 배출량을 줄일 수 있었다. 시민들에 의해 시작되고 추진된 이 협동조합프로젝트는 현재 136명의 조합원들에 의해 직원 없이 무보수로 운영되고 있다. In 2005 a group of citizens of a small German village had the idea to heat the houses of the village from a central heating system with sustainable bioenergy. Working groups were built. They collected information about technology, financing, legal form and public relation. A successful feasibility study could be executed because the community and an EU program sponsored the study. A registered cooperative was identified as the most suitable legal form for the project. The cooperative was founded in 2007. One year later after a hard time of planning and building, the heating plant and the 7 km long pipe net went live with about 117 connected houses. 300 000 l of heating oil are saved every year. That is a yearly reduction of 900 t of CO<sub>2</sub>-emission. The project is a citizen`s project initiated, executed and voluntarily run by the current 136 members of the cooperative.

      • KCI등재

        Leakage and swell in emulsion liquid membrane systems: Comparing continuous stirred-tank reactor and batch experiments

        Randolph M. Pfeiffer,Annette L. Bunge 한국공업화학회 2020 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.87 No.-

        Emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) systems can efficiently extract and concentrate dilute solutes in avariety of applications and chemistries. Internal phase leakage and swell reduce extraction efficiency andconcentration, which limits their use. Nearly all studies of ELM leakage and swell have been conducted inbatch systems, although continuousflow systems are preferred for industrial applications. The objectiveof this investigation was to assess the ability of batch experiments to predict continuous systemperformance with respect to internal phase leakage and swell. The effects offive factors (surfactantconcentration, osmotic pressure, membrane viscosity, internal phase volume fraction, and extractionvessel stir rate) on leakage and swell were measured in a continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) systemwithout solute extraction. The results were compared with those reported previously for a batch systemwith the same experimental conditions and vessel geometry. Overall, the effects of thefive factors in theCSTR system are qualitatively consistent with the batch system observations, suggesting that theinfluential variables in the batch system are similarly influential in the CSTR system. Leakage and swell inthe CSTR and batch systems are correlated with similar amounts of swell in both systems but consistentlysmaller leakage in the CSTR configuration.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Post-Annealing Conditions on Cu-Cu Wafer Bonding Characteristics

        장은정,Sarah Pfeiffer,Bioh Kim,Thorsten Matthias,Seungmin Hyun,이학주,박영배 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.54 No.3

        We have evaluated the interfacial adhesion energy of Cu-to-Cu bonding by using a 4-point bending test. Cu films are sputter deposited on Si(100) wafers. The bonding of Cu to Cu is successfully achieved by using a thermo-compression method at 25000 mbar and 415℃ for 40 min. The interface between the Cu films before the bonding was not observed after thermo-compression bonding. Only a few voids were observed at the middle of the Cu bonding layer. The quantitative interfacial adhesion energy of the Cu bonding without post annealing was 10.4 J/m2. The interfacial adhesion energy was changed high post-annealing of the bonding until a temperature of 300℃. However, very weak interfacial adhesion energy is observed after post annealing under an oxygen environment at temperatures over 400℃. Growth of brittle interfacial oxides is suggested as possible explanation for the effect of the environment on the weak interfacial adhesion energy. We have evaluated the interfacial adhesion energy of Cu-to-Cu bonding by using a 4-point bending test. Cu films are sputter deposited on Si(100) wafers. The bonding of Cu to Cu is successfully achieved by using a thermo-compression method at 25000 mbar and 415℃ for 40 min. The interface between the Cu films before the bonding was not observed after thermo-compression bonding. Only a few voids were observed at the middle of the Cu bonding layer. The quantitative interfacial adhesion energy of the Cu bonding without post annealing was 10.4 J/m2. The interfacial adhesion energy was changed high post-annealing of the bonding until a temperature of 300℃. However, very weak interfacial adhesion energy is observed after post annealing under an oxygen environment at temperatures over 400℃. Growth of brittle interfacial oxides is suggested as possible explanation for the effect of the environment on the weak interfacial adhesion energy.

      • KCI등재

        Populism in power—A comparative analysis of populist governance

        Muno Wolfgang,Pfeiffer Christian 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2022 International Area Studies Review Vol.25 No.4

        In this paper, we seek to explore whether populism, when in power, is guided by a particular logic of governance that can be derived from the logic of populism itself. To this end, we develop an ideal type of populist governance and apply it to case studies of India, the United States, Venezuela, and Hungary. Methodologically, the cross-regional comparison with a Most Different Systems Design is carried out through a structured, focused comparison. We conclude that populism in power has a tendency toward autocracy that is inherent in populist governance logic. This may manifest itself “only” in democratic backsliding or regression, that is, in a deterioration of the quality of democracy, but it can also lead to autocratization.

      • KCI등재

        Coleoptera in the Altai Mountains (Mongolia): species richness and community patterns along an ecological gradient

        Oyundelger Khurelpurev,Martin Pfeiffer 국립중앙과학관 2017 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.10 No.3

        The Altai Mountains located in western Mongolia comprise diverse habitats including forest, mountain steppe, dry steppe, semidesert, and desert. This study used advanced statistics to examine how diversity and species composition of beetle communities depend on vegetation pattern and environmental factors along an ecological gradient from steppe to desert. Our study included the beetle families Tenebrionidae, Carabidae, Curculionidae, and Coccinellidae, which account for the majority of the known beetle fauna in the area. The most abundant Coleoptera in all plots were Harpalus limbaris, Corsyra fusula, and Anatolica cellicola; otherwise, we caught a large number of rare species. The beta diversity of communities was correlated with distance between plots. Species richness of beetles was positively impacted by plant cover and correlated negatively with rising temperatures, whereas Shannon diversity of beetle communities was significantly higher in areas with higher precipitation. Distribution and community composition of Coleopterans were governed by environmental factors, especially plant diversity, mean annual temperature, and summer precipitation, as revealed by redundancy analysis.

      • Spontaneous Thyroid-containing Teratoma Associated with Impaired Development in the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis

        Cheong, S. W.,Fukui, A.,Asashima, M.,Pfeiffer, C. J. Institute of Genetic Engineering Changwon National 2000 Gene and Protein Vol.4 No.-

        Teratomas are rare in amphibians and the neoplasm described here, which had a significant thyroid carcinoma component, is the first tumour of this type to be reported in Xemopus laevis. The thyroid component contained moderately to well-differentiated acinar glands showing much hyperplasia, dysplasia, and reduced and distorted colloid reservoirs. Cartilaginous, neural, muscular, meaenchymal and gut-like epithelial components were also observed in this ventral mediastinal neoplasm, indicating aberrant proliferation from all three germ layers. This teratoma was only one abnormality in a complex of developmental changes, followed for 28 months, which appeared in a single generation of sibling 2-weeks-old Xenopus larvae. Two hundred larvae produced by an apparently normal adult pair initially showed oculan defects, including microphthalmia, anophthalmia and tumours projecting near the eyes. During further development up to 28 month, mediastinal tumours developed in nine frogs; these tumours were associated with reduced growth, the frogs reaching only 13-20% of normal weight, and greatly enhanced ventral pigmentation.

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