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        Application of varimax rotated principal component analysis in quantifying some zoometrical traits of a relict cow

        Pares-Casanova, P.M.,Sinfreu, I.,Villalba, D. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2013 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.53 No.1

        A study was conducted to determine the interdependence among the conformation traits of 28 "Pallaresa" cows using principal component analysis. Originally 21 body linear measurements were obtained, from which eight traits are subsequently eliminated. From the principal components analysis, with raw varimax rotation of the transformation matrix, two principal components were extracted, which accounted for 65.8% of the total variance. The first principal component alone explained 51.6% of the variation, and tended to describe general size, while the second principal component had its loadings for back-sternal diameter. The two extracted principal components, which are traits related to dorsal heights and back-sternal diameter, could be considered in selection programs.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Micelles in Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Surfactant Catalyzed Oxidation of Glycine by Acidic Permanganate

        Pare, Brijesh,Kaur, Parwinder,Bhagwat, V.W.,Fogliani, Charles Korean Chemical Society 2004 대한화학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        미셀 촉매 작용은 이론과 실험 화학 교과내용에서 중요한 부분이다. 산성 용액에서 도데실황산 나트륨(SDS)을 촉매로 한 글리신과 과망가니즈산 칼륨의 반응은 미셀 촉매 작용을 보여주는 반응속도론적 실험으로 적합하며, 고등학교와 대학 학부과정의 물리화학실험에서 사용할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이 반응이 계면활성제 존재하에서 반응속도가 빨라지는 것을 관찰하기 위하여 SDS를 넣지 않은 경우와 넣은 경우 모두 실험을 진행하였고, 얻어진 k를 [SDS]에 대하여 도시하였다. SDS의 임계 미셀 농도 이하에서부터 계면활성제에 의한 촉매 효과가 관찰되었는데, 이 선-미셀 촉매 효과는 양의 협동효과에 의한 것임을 알 수 있다. 얻어진 양의 협동지수(n)는 2.37이다. 또한 기질과 산화제의 농도에 따른 반응속도 변화도 논의하였다. 반응은 유사 일차 반응으로 진행되었으며, 글리신과 과망가니즈산 이온의 농도에 각각 일차 반응으로 나타나 전체 반응 차수는 이차 반응이었다. 반응 시간은 3~4시간으로 한 실험 시간에 몇 개의 실험 데이터를 얻을 수 있다. 용액 제조와 실험 과정에 대해서 자세히 기술하였으며, 또한 계면활성제에 의한 촉매 작용의 이론도 논의하였다. Micellar catalysis is an essential part of theoretical and experimental curricular. The sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) catalyzed reaction between glycine and potassium permanganate in acidic medium is an ideal kinetic experiment for the secondary and undergraduate physical chemistry laboratory, to show the effect of micellar catalysis on rate of the reaction. The reaction is conducted both with and without SDS to observe the rate enhancement in the presence of surfactant. To show surfactant catalysis a plot between k and [SDS] is plotted. As surfactant catalysis is observed even before the critical micelle concentration of SDS, this pre-micellar catalysis can be understood in the light of positive co-operativity. The value of positive cooperative index (n) has been found to be 2.37. Further, dependence of the reaction rate on substrate and oxidant concentrations is also discussed. The reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics. The overall reaction is second order, with first-order dependence on both glycine and permanganate concentrations. The theory of surfactant catalysis is also discussed. With the conditions specified in the experiment, total reaction times are in 3~4 hours lab session, thus allowing several data sets to be acquired in a single laboratory period. Preparation of solutions and procedure is also given in detail.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Conservative neural symmetry of the caprine mandible

        Pares-Casanova, Pere M. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2013 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.53 No.4

        Fifteen dry dentate and complete mandible samples from the White Rasquera goat breed were studied for symmetry. Thirty-one landmarks were digitally located on the images of the lateral and medial aspects of each hemimandible. Distances between these landmarks allowed the evaluation of the whole hemimandible and also the neural mandible. In the studied samples, the mandible was rather symmetrical, especially in the medial neural part, and in general, there was no side dominance. Only the diastema differed significantly between the sides, and this was related to the rostral part (incisive arch). The incisive region was the least symmetrical region of the caprine mandible, indicating a modular structure more conservative for the neural part. If unsigned asymmetry is interpreted as a measure of developmental stability, then the studied breed presented a marked ability to develop in good fitness despite the harsh environment. The measurements presented here can also be used as a reference for researchers designing experimental studies, especially on mandibular catch-up growth, and as an aid for zooarchaeologists comparing results from dead animals with those from living goat populations.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A simple nonlinear model for estimating obturator foramen area in young bovines

        Pares-Casanova, Pere M. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2013 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.53 No.2

        The aim of this study was to produce a simple and inexpensive technique for estimating the obturator foramen area (OFA) from young calves based on the hypothesis that OFA can be extrapolated from simple linear measurements. Three linear measurements - dorsoventral height, craneocaudal width and total perimeter of obturator foramen - were obtained from 55 bovine hemicoxae. Different algorithms for determining OFA were then produced with a regression analysis (curve fitting) and statistical analysis software. The most simple equation was OFA ($mm^2$) = [3,150.538 + ($36.111^*CW$)] - [147,856.033/DH] (where CW = craneocaudal width and DH = dorsoventral height, both in mm), representing a good nonlinear model with a standard deviation of error for the estimate of 232.44 and a coefficient of multiple determination of 0.846. This formula may be helpful as a repeatable and easily performed estimation of the obturator foramen area in young bovines. The area of the obturator foramen magnum can thus be estimated using this regression formula.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Silhouette differences among cats do not suggest a general selection for paedomorphosis

        Pares-Casanova, Pere M. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2013 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.53 No.3

        Paedomorphosis is the retention of juvenile morphology at maturity and is important in generating evolutionary change in domestic species and species in the wild. This preliminary study compared morphological characteristics of seven domestic cat pure breeds and felid species from around the world. An original procedure based on elliptical Fourier (EF) methods was applied to head lateral views of specimens and were assessed in order to analyse head profile. For comparative purposes three domestic kittens of different ages and three species of genus Lynx were also used. EF descriptors, allowed for the quantification of the head profile. Using the Fourier transform, reconstruction of the mean head profile revealed that there was a general shape difference between wild cats, domestic cats and kittens. Results suggested that variability in head profile differentiate quite well between adult cats and kittens, but domestic and wild cats appeared grouped into a similar cluster. The similarity between breeds can thus be attributed more to the general head profile than to flatness, i.e. to the general conformation rather than facial profile. Therefore, no effect of paedomorphism on the studied breeds can be undertaken. The present approach opens interesting ethnological perspectives for the aloidic characterisation for domestic breeds.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 다회장의 분포 및 도구에 관한 연구

        박윤미 ( Yoon Mee Pare ),최연우 ( Yeon Woo Choi ) 복식문화학회 2014 服飾文化硏究 Vol.22 No.5

        Dahoejangs in the Joseon Dynasty were craftsmen who belonged in the Gyeonggongjang in Hansung government office. Out of 2,841 craftsmen who specialized in 129 types of work, 1 of them were Dahoejangs. Dahoejangs were craftsmen who made cords. However it was not passed down and currently Maedeupjangs are making cords and making Maedeup with the cords they have made. In the Uigwes the composition of Dahoejangs number and types of tools used in creating good for ceremonies are indicated. This study has found records of Dahoejangs from 50 Uigwes. The tools used were indicated as Haesagee, Hapsagee, Hapseongee, Yeonsagee, Sangsagee, Dahoegee, Yungjapan and some others. Haesagee is a tool that winds thread from a skein to a spool. Hapsagee is a tool that combines more than two yarns together. Hapseon is for combining thicker threads. Yeosagee is not a process of scouring for refining, but is assumed to be a tool to twisting yarn. There are no information left about the shape or working methods of Sangsagee but it is considered to be a tool for doubling several threads together. Based on the existing artifacts and painting of Dahoe, it is assumed that threads were woven on usually a round plate or bowl. Youngjapan is considered to be a tool for making tassels. This shows that Dahoejangs made tassels and it was completely separate from making Maedeups. There, it is evident that Dahoejangs made cords as well as tassels but the work of Maedeupjang were constricted to only making Maedeup with the cords given to them.

      • KCI등재후보

        건강장애 학생이 겪는 어려움과 지원 방안에 대한 질적 연구

        박은혜,김미선,김정연 국립특수교육원 2005 특수교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        기존의 특수교육대상학생들 외에도 만성질환으로 인한 건강장애를 가진 학생들이 최근 특수교육진흥법의 특수교육대상자로 추가되었다. 이러한 학생들과 그 가족들이 겪는 교육적 어려움과 바람직한 지원방안에 관한 국내 연구는 아직까지 많이 이루어지지 않은 상태이다. 이에 본 연구는 소아암, 당뇨, 신장장애, 천식 등을 가진 학생들의 부모님을 중심으로, 의료진, 교사, 학생 본인들에게 만성질환으로 인한 어려움들과 원하는 지원방안에 대하여 면담하고 이를 질적 연구방법으로 분석하여 그 결과를 제시하였다. 연구 결과 건강장애학생들은 질병치료과정에서 겪는 어려움 외에도 학교생활과 관련하여 교사, 또래관계, 학업 지체 등 여러 가지 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 이러한 문제점을 해소하기 위하여 교사와 또래에 대한 교육, 교사와 병원 및 부모간의 적극적인 의사소통과 협력, 학교교육체계 내에서 이러한 학생들을 위한 별도의 교육서비스 제공 및 인식 제고 등이 필요할 것으로 보이며, 무엇보다 이러한 학생들의 교육과 학교생활 관리에 대한 명확한 지침을 단위학교나 교육청별로 수립하여 시행하도록 하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 전망된다. Recently, students with health impairment are included in the legal recipient group of special education. Few studies about their unique difficulties and support needs in relation to school life, were reported in Korea. In this study, we interviewed parents, teachers, and small number of students themselves and medical staff about the difficulties and support needs of students with health impairments. Target students are students who have cancer, diabetes, asthma, or a kidney disorder. Results revealed that the students experienced many difficulties such as problems related to school absence, peer relationship, teacher attitude and psychological issues. Support needs were identified in areas such as teacher/peer orientation, school-hospital cooperation, academic support for absent days, and developing school district guidelines about the educational practice for these children.

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