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      • KCI등재

        Two new species of Camellia (Theaceae) from Vietnam

        Lieu Thi Nguyen,Ninh Tran,Uematsu CHIYOMI,Katayama HIRONORI,Dung Van Luong,Son Thanh Hoang,Ky Danh NGUYEN,Hung Viet NGUYEN,Toan Canh THAI 한국식물분류학회 2018 식물 분류학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        Two new species of Camellia (Theaceae) are described from Vietnam: Camellia vuquangensis Luong, Tran & L. T. Nguyen and Camellia hatinhensis Luong, Tran & L. T. Nguyen. The new taxa were col- lected from Vu Quang National Park in the center of Vietnam. The new finds are morphologically dissimilar to all known Camellia species. Recent Camellia discoveries have increased the number of species recorded in Viet- nam from 50 to 75, making Vietnam a center of diversity and a crucial area for more research into the diversity and distributions of Camellia.

      • KCI등재

        Improved Therapeutic Effect against Leukemia by a Combination of the Histone Methyltransferase Inhibitor Chaetocin and the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Trichostatin A

        Huong Thi Thanh Tran,김희남,이일권,Thanh-Nhan Nguyen Pham,안재숙,김여경,이제중,박경수,국훈,김형준 대한의학회 2013 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.28 No.2

        SUV39H1 is a histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9)-specific methyltransferase that is important for heterochromatin formation and the regulation of gene expression. Chaetocin specifically inhibits SUV39H1, resulted in H3K9 methylation reduction as well as reactivation of silenced genes in cancer cells. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors inhibit deacetylases and accumulate high levels of acetylation lead to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. In this study, we demonstrated that treatment with chaetocin enhanced apoptosis in human leukemia HL60, KG1, Kasumi, K562, and THP1 cells. In addition, chaetocin induced the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (p15), E-cadherin (CDH1) and frizzled family receptor 9 (FZD9) through depletion of SUV39H1 and reduced H3K9 methylation in their promoters. Co-treatment with chaetocin and HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA)dramatically increased apoptosis and produced greater activation of genes. Furthermore,this combined treatment significantly increased loss of SUV39H1 and reduced histone H3K9 trimethylation responses accompanied by increased acetylation. Importantly, cotreatment with chaetocin and TSA produced potent antileukemic effects in leukemia cells derived from patients. These in vitro findings suggest that combination therapy with SUV39H1 and HDAC inhibitors may be of potential value in the treatment of leukemia.

      • An Empirial Study on Vietnam’s Trade Faclilitation in the Digital Economy

        Thanh Huong Vu(Thanh Huong Vu ),Thi Thuy Hanh Lam(Thi Thuy Hanh Lam ),Ha Phuong Nguyen(Ha Phuong Nguyen ) The International Academy of Global Business and T 2023 The International Academy of Global Business and T Vol.19 No.2

        Purpose - Vietnam is among the fastest growing digital economies in the Southeast Asian region, and has made enormous efforts to adopt digital measures to facilitate trade. The paper aims to assess Vietnam’s performance of digital trade facilitation and estimate the impact of digital trade facilitation on Vietnam’s exports to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Design/Methodology/Approach - Vietnam’s implementation of digital trade facilitation is assessed through a constructed framework based on two groups of indicators, including Information Availability and Formalities Automation extracted from the OECD Trade Facilitation database. Further, a gravity model was adopted to estimate the impact of digital trade facilitation on Vietnam’s exports. Findings - The results show that Vietnam performs a slightly better than the average level of ASEAN countries. However, Vietnam’s implementation of digital trade facilitation tends to be ỉmproving at a slower rate than other ASEAN countries’ implementations, as well as the country’s overall implementation of other trade facilitation. The paper is among leading studies to quantify the impact of digital trade facilitation on Vietnam’s exports to ASEAN countries, and finds that if Vietnam and ASEAN countries increase trade facilitation through Information Availability measures by 1%, Vietnam’s exports will increase more than proportionately by 1.29% and 1.01%, respectively. Meanwhile, the digitalization of trade formalities so far has had no effect on Vietnam’s exports to this region. Research Implications - Vietnam should place priority on enhancing automation in trade-related administrative procedures, especially in customs procedures. Furthermore, it should pay more attention to promote the electronic publication of trade-related information, enhance the transparency of government policymaking, and increase the quality of enquiry points.

      • SCOPUS

        Factor Affecting Customers' Decision to Use Mobile Banking Service: A Case of Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam

        LE, Hoang Ba Huyen,NGO, Chi Thanh,TRINH, Thi Thu Huyen,NGUYEN, Thi Thu Phuong Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.2

        The article aims to identify the main factors affecting customers' decision to use mobile banking service in Vietnam, a case study in Thanh Hoa province. Based on theoretical frameworks of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the study has been conducted with 370 questionnaires to consumers who have not yet used and are currently using mobile banking in Thanh Hoa province. The research results indicates that several factors have been evaluated to be more important than others, of which, the social influence is the strongest, the second is the compatibility and some others factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived trust, etc., all affecting the intention to use mobile banking in Thanh Hoa. Based on these important results, the article propose a number of recommendations: (i) Exploiting the advantages of social influence on the increase of intention to use; (ii) Increasing compatibility and minimizing costs for customers when they use Mobile Banking; (iii) Developing a strategy to increase the users' perceived ease of using banking services; (iv) Issuing a policy on increasing the security of Mobile Banking system to meet customers' needs; and (v) Developing an individual customer management system to improve service quality.

      • SCOPUS

        Factors Affecting Enterprise's Satisfaction toward Social Security's Online Public Service: The Case of Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam

        NGO, Chi Thanh,NGUYEN, Thi Ngoc Mai,NGUYEN, Duy Dat,LE, Hoang Ba Huyen,LE, Van Cuong,LE, Thi Binh Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.9

        The study aims to investigate factors affecting enterprise's satisfaction and loyalty toward the Social Security's online public services, looking at the case of Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. This study employs samples with 216 enterprises that use online public system of Thanh Hoa province's Social Security. The research model is closely linked to the SERVQUAL model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988). We propose 23 scales that constitute the quality of service, three scales that constitute Customer Satisfaction and three components that constitute Customer Loyalty. This study use the tool of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Cronbach's Alpha test, Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in order to address the question of satisfaction and loyalty. The result shows that the factor with the most impact is Reliability, next is Capacity of staffs, Tangibles, Attitude of staffs, and the least impacting factor is Empathy; moreover, the results also show that Satisfaction has a strong impact on Customer Loyalty. The findings of this study suggest that Thanh Hoa province's Social Security should: (i) strengthen the reliability of online service system; (ii) build capacity for staffs; (iii) develop the responsiveness of electronic transactions systems; and (iv) improve the empathy of staffs.

      • KCI등재

        Detection of Vibrio cholerae O1 by Using Cerium Oxide Nanowires - Based Immunosensor with Different Antibody Immobilization Methods

        Phuong Dinh Tam,Nguyen Luong Hoang,Hoang Lan,Pham Hung Vuong,Ta Thi Nhat Anh,Tran Quang Huy,Nguyen Thanh Thuy 한국물리학회 2016 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.68 No.10

        In this work, we evaluated the effects of different antibody immobilization strategies on the response of a CeO2-nanowires (NWs)-based immunosensor for V ibrio cholerae O1 detection. Accordingly, the changes in the electron-transfer resistance (Ret) from before to after cells bind to an antibody-modified electrode prepared by using three different methods of antibody immobilization were determined. The values were 16.2%, 8.3%, and 6.65% for the method that utilized protein A, antibodies activated by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC)/Nhydroxysuccinimide (NHS), and absorption, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry confirmed that the change in the current was highest for the immunosensors prepared using protein A (11%), followed by those prepared with EDC/NHS-activated antibodies (9%), and finally, those prepared through absorption (7.5%). The order of the antibody immobilization strategies in terms of resulting immunosensor detection limit and sensitivity was as follows order: absorption (3.2 × 103 CFU/mL; 45.1 /CFU·mL−1) < EDC/NHS-activated antibody (1.0 × 103 CFU/mL; 50.6 /CFU·mL−1) < protein A (1.0 × 102 CFU/mL; 65.8 /CFU·mL−1). Thus, we confirmed that the protein A - mediated method showed significantly high cell binding efficiencies compared to the random immobilization method.

      • SCOPUS

        The Effect of Trade Integration on Business Cycle Synchronization in East Asia

        NGUYEN, Vinh Thi Hong,HOANG, Thuy Thi Thanh,NGUYEN, Sang Minh Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.8

        The paper aims to investigate the impact of trade integration on business cycle synchronization for the East Asian countries during 2005- 2017 based on the endogeneity hypothesis of Optimum Currency Area criteria. We test the determinants of business cycles by calculating bilateral trade, financial integration, and business cycle synchronization. Applying the system Generalized Method of Moments for dynamic panel data models, the results show that business cycle synchronization is highly associated with trade and financial integration. These findings confirm the endogeneity hypothesis that more trade integration will mitigate asymmetric shocks, and have a positive impact on the business cycle synchronization. The increased trade intensity and financial linkage lead to more correlated business cycles in East Asia. Apart from trade and financial integration, the trade structure differential, monetary policy similarity also influence the business cycle comovement. The significantly negative impact of trade structure differential on business cycle synchronization suggests that countries with less similar structures are more likely to undergo asymmetric shocks. The results also indicate that monetary policy matters for output comovement. This study recommends that the East Asian countries should focus on bilateral trade as well as financial integration with each other to reap benefits from the integration process.

      • SCOPUS

        Linking Intrinsic Motivation to Employee Creativity: The Role of Empowering Leadership

        VU, Ngan Hoang,NGUYEN, Tung Thanh,NGUYEN, Hanh Thi Hai Korea Distribution Science Association 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.3

        This research aimed to explore the relationship between the challenge and enjoyment dimensions of intrinsic motivation and employee creativity at an individual level. Besides, the study focused on investigating the moderating role of empowering leadership in promoting employee creativity at work. In particular, in the context of Vietnam's electricity industry, the power generation stage faces significant challenges, forcing to innovate and restructure strongly to respond flexibly to the requirements of the electricity market development in Vietnam as well as gradually integrate with other countries in Southeast Asia. The authors used structural equations modeling (SEM) combined with Hayes' moderator variable analysis method (2017) based on primary data. The data included 550 questionnaires from technicians, engineers, and experts directly involved in the operation and production of 36 power generation businesses Vietnam. The results showed the relationship between the enjoyment dimension of intrinsic motivation and employee creativity is not statistically significant, which partly explains the instability of the link between intrinsic motivation and employee creativity. Meanwhile, the challenge dimension is positively associated with employee creativity, but this relationship is more robust in empowering leadership. The study also indicated the challenge dimension of intrinsic motivation is an important predictor of employee creativity.

      • KCI등재

        Whole-exome sequencing identifies two novel missense mutations (p.L111P and p.R3048C) of RYR3 in a Vietnamese patient with autism spectrum disorders

        Thu Hien Nguyen,Thi Thanh Ngan Nguyen,Bac Viet Le,Ngoc Minh Thanh,Thi Kim Lien Nguyen,Van Hai Nong,Huy Hoang Nguyen 한국유전학회 2017 Genes & Genomics Vol.39 No.3

        Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by ritualistic- repetitive behaviors and impaired verbal and non-verbal communication. Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ASD than girls. Genetics have been shown to play a key role in the etiology of autism. Many genes were found to be implicated in the inheritance of idiopathic autism. Analysis of mutation abnormalities associated with autism contributes significantly to the identification of autism candidate genes. Whole-exome sequencing has been shown as an application of the next generation sequencing technology used to determine the variations of all coding regions, or exons of the known genes. In the present study, we have found two novel heterozygous missense mutations (p.L111P and p.R3048C) on the RYR3 gene, which was located in the autism susceptibility region (15q14-q15) in a 9-year-old boy with ASD. Therefore, the sequence missense mutations provide the first suggestive link between a genetic abnormality in the RYR3 gene and a neurodevelopmental disorder.

      • KCI등재

        An Empirical Study of Commodity Market Patterns in Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas: Evidence from Vietnam

        Trinh Thi Thanh THUY,Nguyen Thi BINH,Trinh Thi Thu HUONG,Nguyen Thu THUY,Dang Thanh PHUONG,Tran Thi Bao KHANH,Nguyen Thi YEN 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.11

        The development of the ethnic minorities and mountainous areas (EMMA) is currently receiving the attention of countries around the world. This is demonstrated through a large number of studies, in many respects, in many different countries. The objective of the study is to find out the current situation of the commodity market in the ethnic minorities and mountainous areas (EMMA) of Vietnam. In particular, the authors will study whether there is a link between the ability to access governmental policies and the characteristics of this commodity market. To achieve the goal, the authors employed the secondary data collection method to gather the relevant information on government policies for EMMA and conducted an interview of seventy (70) enterprises in the Northern midlands and mountainous regions and the Central Coast to clarify the characteristics of commodity market. By Levene’s test, the results showed that the accessibility to governmental policies has a certain influence on the development of the commodity market patterns in the EMMA in terms of diversification of distribution forms and sales method of the business. These findings brought some basic solutions to further enhance the role of the government in developing commodity markets in the EMMA of Vietnam.

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