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      • KCI등재
      • The complete mitochondrial genome of Koerneria sudhausi (Diplogasteromorpha: Nematoda) supports monophyly of Diplogasteromorpha within Rhabditomorpha

        Kim, T.,Kim, J.,Nadler, S. A.,Park, J. K. Springer Science + Business Media 2016 Current genetics Vol.62 No.2

        <P>Testing hypotheses of monophyly for different nematode groups in the context of broad representation of nematode diversity is central to understanding the patterns and processes of nematode evolution. Herein sequence information from mitochondrial genomes is used to test the monophyly of diplogasterids, which includes an important nematode model organism. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Koerneria sudhausi, a representative of Diplogasteromorpha, was determined and used for phylogenetic analyses along with 60 other nematode species. The mtDNA of K. sudhausi is comprised of 16,005 bp that includes 36 genes (12 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes and 22 transfer RNA genes) encoded in the same direction. Phylogenetic trees inferred from amino acid and nucleotide sequence data for the 12 protein-coding genes strongly supported the sister relationship of K. sudhausi with Pristionchus pacificus, supporting Diplogasteromorpha. The gene order of K. sudhausi is identical to that most commonly found in members of the Rhabditomorpha + Ascaridomorpha + Diplogasteromorpha clade, with an exception of some tRNA translocations. Both the gene order pattern and sequence-based phylogenetic analyses support a close relationship between the diplogasterid species and Rhabditomorpha. The nesting of the two diplogasteromorph species within Rhabditomorpha is consistent with most molecular phylogenies for the group, but inconsistent with certain morphology-based hypotheses that asserted phylogenetic affinity between diplogasteromorphs and tylenchomorphs. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genome sequences strongly supports monophyly of the diplogasteromorpha.</P>

      • 중부유럽의 귀환 이주

        Thilo Lang,Robert Nadler 한국노동연구원 2015 국제노동브리프 Vol.13 No.8

        초국가적 프로젝트“ 리턴(Re-Turn)”의 컨소시엄에서는 유럽 내 귀환 이주 분야에 대한 연구를 실시하였다. 기존의 귀환 대책에 관한 문헌 연구, 1,913명의 중부유럽 이주노동자를 대상으로 한 온라인 여론조사, 중부유럽 비도시 지역의 기업 및 기업연합 대표 109명과의 면담 내용을 바탕으로, 리턴 프로젝트의 파트너들은 귀환 이주 지원 대책을 수립하고 개선하기 위한 제안들을 구체화하였다. 이 글은 리턴 컨소시엄이 실시한 연구의 주요 결과들을 소개한다. 귀환 이주 지원대책이 해외에 있는 대상 집단에 전달되도록 하고 성공적인 귀환 이주노동자들의 긍정적 경험을 귀환을 희망하는 이주노동자들에게 널리 알리기 위해서는 더욱 효율적인 정보전달 전략이 필요하다는 주장이 제기되었다. 또한 사용자들도 귀환 대책에 참여하여야 이주노동자들이 귀환 후에 출신지역의 노동시장에 안정적으로 재편입될 수 있다. 끝으로, 정책 입안자들과 이해관계자들이 귀환 이주 정책을 수립하고자 할 때에는, 이주의 순환성 증가와 함께, 귀환 이주노동자들에게 긍정적 차별로 작용하는 귀환 대책의 규범적 측면을 고려해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Respiratory complications during recovery from gastrointestinal endoscopies performed by gastroenterologists under moderate sedation

        Inna Eidelman Pozin,Amir Zabida,Moshe Nadler,Guy Zahavi,Dina Orkin,Haim Berkenstadt 대한소화기내시경학회 2023 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.56 No.2

        Background/Aims: Data on the incidence of adverse respiratory events during recovery from gastrointestinal endoscopy are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of these complications. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, data were obtained from the electronic records of 657 consecutive patients, who underwent gastroenterological procedures under sedation. Results: Pulse oximetry oxygen saturation (SpO2) <90% for <60 seconds occurred in 82 patients (12.5%), and in 11 patients (1.7%), SpO2 of <90% for >60 seconds occurred in 79 patients (12.0%) and in 14 patients (2.1%), and SpO2 <75% occurred in four patients (0.6%) and in no patients during the procedure and recovery period, respectively. No major complications were noted. The occurrence of desaturation during recovery was correlated with desaturation during the procedure (p<0.001). Higher American Society of Anesthesiologists score (odds ratio [OR], 1.867; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.008–3.458), ischemic heart disease (OR, 1.815; 95% CI, 0.649–5.080), hypertension (OR, 1.289; 95% CI, 0.472–3.516), and diabetes mellitus (OR, 2.406; 95% CI, 0.950–6.095) increased the occurrence of desaturation during recovery. Conclusions: We found no major complications during recovery after balanced propofol-based sedation administered by a gastroenterologist-nurse team. Patients with the identified risk predictors must be monitored carefully.


        Phylogenetic analysis of two <i>Plectus</i> mitochondrial genomes (Nematoda: Plectida) supports a sister group relationship between Plectida and Rhabditida within Chromadorea

        Kim, Jiyeon,Kern, Elizabeth,Kim, Taeho,Sim, Mikang,Kim, Jaebum,Kim, Yuseob,Park, Chungoo,Nadler, Steven A.,Park, Joong-Ki Elsevier 2017 Molecular phylogenetics and evolution Vol.107 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Plectida is an important nematode order with species that occupy many different biological niches. The order includes free-living aquatic and soil-dwelling species, but its phylogenetic position has remained uncertain. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes of two members of this order, <I>Plectus acuminatus</I> and <I>Plectus aquatilis</I> and compared them with those of other major nematode clades. The genome size and base composition of these species are similar to other nematodes; 14,831 and 14,372bp, respectively, with AT contents of 71.0% and 70.1%. Gene content was also similar to other nematodes, but gene order and coding direction of <I>Plectus</I> mtDNAs were dissimilar from other chromadorean species. <I>P. acuminatus</I> and <I>P. aquatilis</I> are the first chromadorean species found to contain a gene inversion. We reconstructed mitochondrial genome phylogenetic trees using nucleotide and amino acid datasets from 87 nematodes that represent major nematode clades, including the <I>Plectus</I> sequences. Trees from phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods depicted Plectida as the sister group to other sequenced chromadorean nematodes. This finding is consistent with several phylogenetic results based on SSU rDNA, but disagrees with a classification based on morphology. Mitogenomes representing other basal chromadorean groups (Araeolaimida, Monhysterida, Desmodorida, Chromadorida) are needed to confirm their phylogenetic relationships.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The phylogenetic position of Plectida within Chromadorea (Nematoda) remains uncertain. </LI> <LI> We determined two new mitochondrial genome sequences of <I>Plectus</I>, the first representatives of the order Plectida. </LI> <LI> Mitochondrial genome trees depicted Plectida as the sister group to all other chromadorean nematodes (Rhabditida). </LI> <LI> The mitochondrial gene arrangement of <I>Plectus</I> is unique, and has no shared gene clusters with other chromadorean members. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        Design and performance validation of a wireless sensing unit for structural monitoring applications

        Lynch, Jerome Peter,Law, Kincho H.,Kiremidjian, Anne S.,Carryer, Ed,Farrar, Charles R.,Sohn, Hoon,Allen, David W.,Nadler, Brett,Wait, Jeannette R. Techno-Press 2004 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.17 No.3

        There exists a clear need to monitor the performance of civil structures over their operational lives. Current commercial monitoring systems suffer from various technological and economic limitations that prevent their widespread adoption. The wires used to route measurements from system sensors to the centralized data server represent one of the greatest limitations since they are physically vulnerable and expensive from an installation and maintenance standpoint. In lieu of cables, the introduction of low-cost wireless communications is proposed. The result is the design of a prototype wireless sensing unit that can serve as the fundamental building block of wireless modular monitoring systems (WiMMS). An additional feature of the wireless sensing unit is the incorporation of computational power in the form of state-of-art microcontrollers. The prototype unit is validated with a series of laboratory and field tests. The Alamosa Canyon Bridge is employed to serve as a full-scale benchmark structure to validate the performance of the wireless sensing unit in the field. A traditional cable-based monitoring system is installed in parallel with the wireless sensing units for performance comparison.

      • KCI등재

        A Preliminary Study on qEEG in Burn Patients With Chronic Pruritus

        Fiorella K. Miraval,Vivian L. Shie,Leon Morales-Quezada,Carolina Santiago,Bianca Fernandes-Marcondes,Deborah Nadler,Colleen M. Ryan,Jeffrey C. Schneider,Felipe Fregni 대한재활의학회 2017 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.41 No.4

        Objective To explore and determine the reorganizational changes in the cortical neural circuits associated with pruritis, this study was undertaken to compare the electroencephalography (EEG) changes in burn patients having primary symptoms of chronic itching (pruritis) and their paired healthy subjects. Methods Eight subjects were recruited for this exploratory pilot study: 4 patients with pruritus after burn injury matched by gender and age with 4 healthy subjects. EEG recordings were analyzed for absolute alpha, low beta, high beta, and theta power for both groups. Results The mean age of the burn patients was 41.75 years; while the mean age for the matched healthy subjects was 41.5 years. All subjects were male. A decreased alpha activity was observed in the occipital channels (0.82 vs. 1.4; p=0.01) and a decreased low beta activity in the frontal area (0.22 vs. 0.4; p=0.049) in eyes closed conditions. An overall decreased theta trend was observed in both the eyes open and eyes closed conditions in burn patients, compared to healthy individuals.Conclusion This preliminary study presents initial evidence that chronic pruritus in burn subjects may be associated with brain reorganizational changes at the cortical level characterized by an EEG pattern.

      • The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Oncicola luehei (Acanthocephala: Archiacanthocephala) and its phylogenetic position within Syndermata

        Gazi, M.,Sultana, T.,Min, G.S.,Park, Y.C.,Garcia-Varela, M.,Nadler, S.A.,Park, J.K. Elsevier 2012 Parasitology international Vol.61 No.2

        In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Oncicola luehei (14,281bp), the first archiacanthocephalan representative and the second complete sequence from the phylum Acanthocephala. The complete genome contains 36 genes including 12 protein coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rrnL and rrnS) as reported for other syndermatan species. All genes are encoded on the same strand. The overall nucleotide composition of O. luehei mtDNA is 37.7% T, 29.6% G, 22.5% A, and 10.2% C. The overall A+T content (60.2%) is much lower, compared to other syndermatan species reported so far, due to the high frequency (18.3%) of valine encoded by GTN in its protein-coding genes. Results from phylogenetic analyses of amino acid sequences for 10 protein-coding genes from 41 representatives of major metazoan groups including O. luehei supported monophyly of the phylum Acanthocephala and of the clade Syndermata (Acanthocephala+Rotifera), and the paraphyly of the clade Eurotatoria (classes Bdelloidea+Monogononta from phylum Rotifera). Considering the position of the acanthocephalan species within Syndermata, it is inferred that obligatory parasitism characteristic of acanthocephalans was acquired after the common ancestor of acanthocephalans diverged from its sister group, Bdelloidea. Additional comparison of complete mtDNA sequences from unsampled acanthocephalan lineages, especially classes Polyacanthocephala and Eoacanthocephala, is required to test if mtDNA provides reliable information for the evolutionary relationships and pattern of life history diversification found in the syndermatan groups.

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