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      • 동기방식 CDMA 시스템의 다원접속 간섭신호 제거 기법

        윤동원,김철민 대전대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        Multiple access interference is the major channel imperfection in DS/CDMA (Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) systems. The achievable channel capacity gains depend strongly on the prevalent interference levels and hence interference cancellation is invoked. Optimal multiuser detection is not interference limited, but it is too complex to be implemented. This paper present very simple multiple access interference cancellation scheme for synchronous DS/CDMA communication system. N-shift cross-orthogonal PN (Pseudo Noise) sequence scheme is presented and discussed. Interference cancellation for synchronous DS/CDMA system using N-shift cross-orthogonal PN sequence is proposed. This system has no cross-talk and no distortion like optimal multiuser detector doesn't have.

      • KCI등재

        The Analysis of MOUs and their Activities Related to Port State Control

        Min, Byung-Sun,Kim, Soon-Kap,Kong, Gil-Young,Kim, Chol-Seong,Lee, Yoon-Sok,Kim, Jung-Man,Lee, Chung-Ro Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2003 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is the document of intent signed between the Port States Control(PSC) to undertake a uniform as agreed. Though the MOU is not a legally binding, in case where the agreed items are violated without a just cause, the denunciation will follow. International Maritime Organization (IMO) and regional MOUs have been making amendments and reinforcing the relevant requirements, so that port State Authorities can effectively eradicate the substandard vessels. However, the various problems have arisen due to the existence of different requirements of each MOU, the lack of information exchange between each MOU, the lack of uniform PSC implementation within the same MOU and the lack of adequate system due to the short history of MOUs. In this paper, the MOU records for three years (1999∼2001) were analyzed according to each MOU, type of ship, deficiency code, classification society, the number of inspected ships and the number of detained ships to assess the problems (Statistics during 2002 will be published after August 2003). The purpose of this study is to help better understand the PSC activities within each MOU and to establish effective countermeasures by grasping the problems that exist in the PSC at present.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Consumer Customized Chemical Disaster Response Training Program in Korea

        Kyung Min Lim,Bo Kyeong Kim,Choon Hwa Park,Yi Yoon,Byung Chol Ma 위기관리 이론과 실천 2018 Crisisonomy Vol.14 No.7

        화학물질은 종류에 따라 취급방법과 사고 대응방법이 상이하며, 사고 발생 시 유해⋅위험성이 매우 크다. 따라서 사고 피해를 최소화하기 위해서는 물질의 특성을 인지하고 그에 따른 적절한 대응방법 을 대응자가 사전에 숙지하여 화학사고 발생 시 최적의 대응활동을 수행할 수 있어야 한다. 이를 위해서는 대응역량과 전문성을 확보하기 위한 교육훈련이 필수적이지만 국내의 경우 화학재난대응 에 대한 교육 프로그램이 선진화된 국외의 교육 시스템에 비해 다소 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 미국, 영국, 캐나다 등의 국외 주요 국가와 화학물질안전원, 중앙소방학교 등 국내 대응 기관의 화학재난대응 교육 현황 및 국제적인 화학재난대응 교육지침인 NFPA472를 조사⋅분석하고, 국내 화학사고 대응기관의 역할과 실질적으로 사고대응을 수행하기 위한 교육 수요자의 의견을 수 렴⋅분석하여 이를 바탕으로 국내 실정에 맞는 수요자 맞춤형 화학재난대응 교육 프로그램을 제시 하였다. The methods of handling chemical substances and responding to the accidents vary by the types of chemical substances. As it is very harmful and dangerous in the event of an accident, it is necessary to recognize the properties of the chemical substances and to use appropriate counter measures to minimize accident damage. Education and training programs are essential to enhance response capacity and expertise, but educational programs on chemical disaster response have been insufficient in Korea. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the current status of educational programs in response to chemical disasters in several countries including United States, UK and Canada. We also investigated NFPA 472, the international guideline for responding to chemical disasters, and analyzed the roles of responding organizations along with the opinions of participants in the educational programs in Korea. Based on these analyses, we presented a consumer- customized chemical disaster response education program tailored to the domestic situation in Korea.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        선행제왕절개 임부의 유도분만

        김윤하(Yoon Ha Kim),송태복(Tae Bok Song),김형춘(Hyoung Choon Kim),김기민(Ki Min Kim),이경철(Kung Chol Lee),김석모(Seok Mo Kim),변지수(Ji Soo Byun) 대한산부인과학회 2001 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.44 No.2

        Objective : To determine the efficacy and safety of labor induction in patients previously delivered by a low transverse cesarean section. Method : A retrospective review was done at Chonnam National University Hospital, Kwangju, Korea. All patients with a previous cesarean section who required labor induction from April, 1986 to June, 1999 were identified. Outcome of labor induction, including mode of delivery, maternal and perinatal morbidity, and birth trauma were evaluated. Results : Trial of labor was undertaken by 1256 women(55.8%) who had previously been delivered by a low transverse cesarean section. 973 patients(77.5%) with a previous cesarean birth had a spontaneous onset of labor. Labor was induced in 283 patients(22.5%) with a previous cesarean birth. Successful vaginal delivery rate were 82.9%(807/973) in spontaneous labor and 79.2%(224/283) in induced labor group (p= NS). There were no differences in uterine dehiscence and rupture rate, perinatal and maternal mortality rate, and the rate of infants with low 1 or 5-minute Apgar scores between patients attempting a trial of labor after cesarean, spontaneous and induced. Conclusion : we conclude that labor induction in patients with a previous low transverse cesarean section is a safe procedure requiring close peripartum maternal and fetal surveillance.

      • KCI등재

        기본수준점을 이용한 국가수직기준연계 분석 연구

        윤하수(Yoon, Ha Su),장민철(Chang, Min Chol),최윤수(Choi, Yun Soo),허룡(Huh, Yong) 대한공간정보학회 2014 대한공간정보학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        최근 지구 온난화로 인하여 해수면의 상승속도가 증가하고, 자연재해가 증가함에 따라서 연안방재 및 개발을 위한 해·육상수직기준 연계에 대한 관심과 요구가 높아지고 있는 추세이다. 우리나라의 수직기준은 그 사용목적이 다르며, 목적에 따라 해상 및 육상에서 개별적으로 정하여 사용되고 있다. 해상수직기준은 지역평균해수면을 사용하며, 육상수직기준은 인천평균해수면을 사용한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 첫째, 2012년과 2013년에 설치된 통합기본수준점 48점을 이용하여 해·육상수직기준에 따른 기하표고의 차이를 분석하였다. 분석에는 지역평균해수면과 인천평균 해수면을 참조하는 기하표고 및 국가지오이드모델 기반의 기하표고가 사용되었다. 전체 48점 중 도서지역을 제외한 31점 중 11점에서 10cm 이상의 잔차가 발생하였다. 잔차의 원인은 강물의 유입, 기준조위관측소의 이동, 항만공사에 따른 지형변화 등인 것으로 판단되었다. 둘째, 해·육상수직기준 연계를 위하여 해면경사의 경향을 분석하였다. 해면경사는 인천평균해수면과 지역평균해수면의 차이를 말한다. 분석결과 우리나라의 해면경사는 서해에서 남해 그리고 동해방향으로 높아짐을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 해·육상수직기준 연계를 위한 자료로서 통합기본수준점의 성과가 활용될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 향후 해·육상수직기준 연계를 위해서는, 해·육상을 연결하는 측량자료가 많이 확보되어야 하며, 국립해양조사원과 국토지리정보원의 지속적인 수직기준 관리 및 자료 공유가 필요하다. 연계된 육해상수직기준의 정보는 효율적이고 경제적인 연안개발과 방재에 크게 활용될 것으로 기대된다. Recently, the velocity of sea-level rising has increased due to the global warming and the natural disasters have been occurred many times. Therefore, there are various demands for the integration of vertical reference datums for the ocean and land areas in order to develop a coastal area and prevent a natural disaster. Currently, the vertical datum for the ocean area refers to Local Mean Sea Level(LMSL) and the vertical datum for the land area is based on Incheon Mean Sea Level(IMSL). This study uses 31 points of Tidal Gauge Bench Mark (TGBM) in order to compares and analyzes the geometric heights referring LMSL, IMSL, and the nationally determined geoid surface. 11 points of comparable data are biased more than 10 cm when the geometric heights are compared. It seems to be caused by the inflow of river, the relocation of Tidal Gauge Station, and the topographic change by harbor construction. Also, this study analyze the inclination of sea surface which is the difference between IMSL and LMSL, and it shows the inclination of sea surface increases from the western to southern, and eastern seas. In this study, it is shown that TGBM can be used to integrate vertical datums for the ocean and land areas. In order to integrate the vertical datums, there need more surveying data connecting the ocean to the land area, also cooperation between Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration and National Geographic Information Institute. It is expected that the integrated vertical datum can be applied to the development of coastal area and the preventative of natural disaster.

      • KCI등재

        유해화학물질 안전교육 체계화 및 표준화 방안 연구

        임경민(Kyung Min Lim),김소영(So Young Kim),이슬기(Seul Gi Lee),안수빈(Su Bin An),윤이(Yi Yoon),마병철(Byung Chol Ma) 위기관리 이론과 실천 2020 Crisisonomy Vol.16 No.4

        화학사고는 인체 및 환경에 치명적인 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문에 물질의 취급과 관리를 통한 예방이 중요하다. 효과적인 사고의 예방과 대응을 위한 인적요인 관리의 일환으로 유해화학물질 취급자및 관리·감독자에 대한 안전교육이 관련 법령을 기반으로 이루어지고 있으나 표준지침, 세부 콘텐츠 등의 부재로 표준화된 교육체계 마련에 대한 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는화학물질관리법에 명시된 유해화학물질 안전교육 대상자별 교육내용을 기반으로 국·내외 유해화학물질 안전교육 현황과 유사 교육현황을 분석하여 시사점을 도출하고, 대상자별 직무 및 역할분석, 요구역량 및 필요기술의 도출 과정을 거쳐 표준 교육지침을 개발하였으며, 도출된 필요기술 등을종합하여 세부 콘텐츠를 개발하고 교육과정을 설계함으로써 유해화학물질 안전교육의 기준을 마련하고 체계를 확립하는 표준화 방안을 제시하였다. Preventing chemical accidents by safe handling and management of hazardous materials is important because the accidents could have fatal impact on the human and the environment. Safety education for hazardous substance handlers, managers and supervisors has been legally supported in South Korea as part of the personnel management for effective prevention and response to accidents. However, the absence of standard guidelines and detailed contents raises the need for a standardized education system. In this study, based on the contents for each type of safety training for hazardous chemicals as specified in the Chemical Substance Control Act, we analyzed the current status of safety education on hazardous chemicals in South Korea and similar educational programs in other countries to derive the implications. The standard educational guidelines were developed based on the analysis of duty and roles, required competencies, and necessary skills for each educational target. A standardization plan was also proposed to establish a system and prepare standards for safety education on hazardous substances, including contents development and curriculum design integrated with required technologies.

      • 생물학적 알고리즘을 이용한 아치형 스페이스 프레임 구조물의 형태생성

        이민호(Lee Min-Ho),오주영(Oh Ju-Young),김재윤(Kim Jae-Yoon),한철희(Han Chol-Hee),박영신(Park Young-Sin),김호수(Kim Ho-Soo) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.31 No.2(구조계)

        Recently, the interests in space frame structures are increasing. Therefore, various techniques are applied for the shape generation of space frame structure. But, a lot of time and efforts are required due to repetitive shape design and optimum design. To this end, this study presents the process about shape generation of arch type space frame structure using topology and morphogenesis techniques, and verifies the results through several examples.

      • KCI등재후보

        세침 폐생검 세포검사의 진단적 의의

        김영철(Young Chol Kim),박용주(Yong Ju Park),김두섭(Doo Sub Kim),홍득민(Duk Min Hong),양윤식(Yoon Shig Yang),심원보(Won Bo Shim),윤중근(Jung Geun Yoon),김종인(Jong In Kim),이성주(Seong Joo Lee),이태원(Tae Won Lee) 대한내과학회 1991 대한내과학회지 Vol.41 No.6

        Seventy-five patients with either pulmonary nodules or masses that could not be confirmed with sputum examination or bronchoscopic examination underwent transthoracic fineneedle aspiration with 22 or 23 gauze needles under fluoroscopy for cytologic diagnosis. There were 51 men and 24 women, and the age range was 43-78 years old. The lesion distribution and sizes were as follow: 48 cases in the right lung, 2l cases in the left lung, 23 cases under 4 cm in size, and 52 cases over 4 cm in size. There were no meaningful correlations in lesion size or site with malignant or benign cytologic findings. Among the 46 malignant cases squamous cell carcinoma was 32 cases, large cell carcinoma 5 cases, small cell carcinoma 4cases, lymphoma 3 cases, and bronchioalveolar carcinoma 2 cases. Among the other cases, pulmonary tuberculosis was. 11 cases and lung abcess 3 cases. Among the 49 cases proven malignant after operation or follow-up by now, 46 cases were malignant at fine- needle aspiration biopsy cytology (sensitivity 93.9%), and among the 23 cases proven benign after follow up, all showed no malignancy by fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology (specificity 100%). Three cases failed in the follow-up due to various causes. In the benign cases, there were some who had difficulty in being diagnosed with this procedure alone, but we were helped a great deal in differentiating malignancies by this procedure. Complications were minimal, but 5 cases of pneumoth-orax occurred, and 2 cases among these needed closed thoracotomy and soon improved. In conclusion, transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology is very helpful in diagnosing patients with lung nodules or masses that failed to be confirmed with sputum examination or bronchoscopic procedure and in differentiating a malignant state from a benign one, with minimal complications. So, active clinical trial of this procedure is recommended.

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