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      • KCI등재

        Uniform Exponence: Exemplification and Extension

        Michael Kenstowicz 한국음운론학회 1997 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Kenstowicz, Michael. 1997. Uniform Exponence: Exemplification and Extension. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 3, 1-23. This paper exemplifies the constraint of Uniform Exponence. We see how this constraint elucidates an otherwise mysterious double retraction of stress in certain plural formation in Russian and the scope of an allomorphy process in Dominican Spanish. In the body of paper we see how a simple typology of stress in five Australian languages is available when Uniform Exponence for the stress of roots and affixes is variably ranked with Alignment and Lapse constraints on good metrical form. The final section of the paper suggests an extension of the notion uniformity to the effect of a lexcial item on its context. (MIT)

      • The History of the Reformed Church in Russia

        Michael 고신대학교 선교연구소 2009 고신선교 Vol.- No.5

        This work describes the origin, development and contemporary state of the Reformed Church in Russia. The historical period under consideration covers several centuries, from the 16th century up until present time. The history of Reformation in Russia testifies to God’s love for His chosen people in the Russian land. The history is both tragic and magnificent, but it is a story ofhope.

      • KCI등재

        윤리적 리더 양성: 가톨릭대 사례를 중심으로

        박형진 ( Hyung-jin “michael” Park ),문상길 ( Sangkil Moon ),김기찬 ( Ki-chan Kim ),김용철 ( Yong-cheol Kim ),김성진 ( Sung-jin Kim ) 한국윤리경영학회 2017 윤리경영연구 Vol.17 No.1

        비윤리적 행동은 심각한 조직위기를 야기할 수 있는 반면, 윤리적 경영규범의 확립은 조직의 경쟁우위를 제고할 수 있다. 그러므로 조직들은 유능할 뿐 아니라 윤리적이고 사회적 책임을 수행할 수 있는 인재들을 고용하고자 한다. 그 결과로 대학에서 윤리교육의 중요성이 날로 중시되고 있다. 윤리적 리더의 중요성은 이제 어떻게 대학에서 윤리적 리더를 양성할 것인가 하는 질문을 던지고 있다. 본 연구는 대학 환경 내에서 효과적인 윤리교육 프로그램을 개발하는데 있어서 Weber(2006)가 주장한 다섯 가지 요소 및 윤리교육 프로그램에 참여한 학생들에게 제공되는 효익이라는 요인들에 기반하여, 가톨릭대학이 어떻게 윤리적 리더를 양성하는가에 대해 알아본다. 이 연구는 윤리교육 프로그램을 개발하고 수행하고자 하는 다른 대학들에게 지침이 될 수 있을 것이다. While unethical behavior may create a serious organizational crisis, establishing ethical business practices can enhance the organization`s competitive advantage. Organizations, therefore, strive to recruit people who are not only competent but also ethical and socially responsible. As a result, the need for teaching ethics at universities has been given a top priority. The importance of rearing ethical leaders leads to questions about how to best accomplish this goal. Based on the six factors―Weber`s (2006) five elements and the benefits for the students who are enrolled in an ethics education program―to develop ethics programs effectively in an academic environment, we investigate how the Catholic University of Korea develops, introduces, and implements its university-wide ethics education program. This study may provide guidance to other universities seeking to develop and implement an ethics education program.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Escherichia coli내의 ATP-dependent Clp 효소의 ATPase 활성 연구

        김승호,Michael R. Maurizi 한국산업미생물학회 1993 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        E. coli에서 발견된 ATP-dependent 효소인 Clp 효소 중에서 Clp A의 ATPase의 활성에 대한 영향을 검토하였다. Clp효소의 limiting amount으로 나타난 specific 활성은 일정하게 증가하는 효소의존성을 보였다. ATPase 활성을 나타내고 있는 CIP A는 casein에 의하여 활성화되어지며 2분자의 ATP가 결합하고 ATPase 활성을 나타내기 위한 ATP의 분해는 Clp효소의 단백질 분해 활성에 필요하다. Clp A효소의 sulfhydryl group의 저해로 인한 활성은 저해제의 분자 크기에 따라 Clp효소의 활성에 영향을 미쳤으며 Clp효소의 활성을 위한 Clp A와 Clp P의 결합은 ATP에 의존하는 Clp A의 활성 구조에 따라서 조절될 것으로 보인다. Clp is a relatively abundant ATP-dependent protease found in E. coli. Its specific activity was proportional to the concentration of the limiting amount of Clp A and an excess amount of Clp P, and vice versa. Clp A has an intrinsic ATPase activity that is stimulated by casein, and contains a second site for binding ATP, in addition to the ATPase site. The modification of sulfhydryl groups in Clp A with reagents which have bulky groups such as N-phenylmaleimide led to nullifying both ATPase and protease activity. The same sites were modified by sulfhydryl reagents. It seems that the sulfhydryl groups of Clp A are not directly involved in catalysis. Since non-hydrolyzable analogs of ATP do not activate Clp, ATP hydrolysis may be essential for the proteolytic activity of Clp protease. Clp A and Clp P did not associate in the absence of nucleotide. The results suggest that the activity of the proteolytic component, Clp P, is regulated by the ATP-dependent cycling of Clp A between theh activator form and the non-activator form.

      • KCI우수등재

        Seeing is not Believing

        Michael Michael 한국철학회 2008 철학 Vol.0 No.97

        아크라시아는 어떤 행위가 다른 행위보다 더 좋다고 판단하며 그 행위를 할 자유가 있음에도 불구하고 이 판단과 반대로 행위하는 상태이다. 도널드 데이빗슨에 의해 정식화된 ‘아크라시아의 문제’는 아크라시아가 명백하게 다음의 두 원리와 함께 발생한다는 사실을 조화롭게 설명해내는 것이다: (P2) 내가 만약 A가 B보다 더 좋다고 판단한다면, 나는 A를 B보다 더 원하는 것이고, (P1) 만약 내가 A 보다 B를 더 원한다면 둘 중 하나를 하게 되는 경우A를 할 것이다. 데이빗슨은 판단의 형식을 두 가지로 구별하여 이 문제를 해결하려 한다. 즉, 그는 판단을 (1) 고려의 대상이 되는 측면에 있어서 한 행위가 다른 행위보다 낫다는 조건적 판단과 (2) 전체적으로 볼 때 한 행위가 다른 행위보다 낫다는 무조건적 판단으로 구별한다. 데이빗슨에 의하면 아크라시아의 정의에 나타나는 판단은 조건적 판단인 반면 P2에 나오는 판단은 무조건적 판단이므로 여기엔 아무런 모순도 없게 된다. 그러나 이러한 설명은, 우리가 단지 어떤 개별적 행위를 지지해주는 이유들을 제공하는 판단이 아닌 전체적으로 본 판단에 반대되는 방식으로 행위한다고 하는 우리의 아크라시아 경험을 제대로 드러내주지 못한다. 본 논문에서 필자는 데이빗슨의 해결책에 대한 대안을 제안한다. 필자의 대안은 데이빗슨과는 다른 종류의 구별, 즉 믿음과 지각 사이의 구별에 기반해 있다. 우리는 어떤 행위가 더 좋다고 믿음에도 불구하고 다른 행위가 더 좋다고 지각하기 때문에 더 좋다고 믿는 행위에 반대되는 행위를 하는데, 필자의 설명에 의하면 바로 이럴 때 아크라시아가 발생하는 것이다. 필자는 시각적 착각 그리고 비합리적 감정과의 유비를 통해 이 해결책에 힘을 실어주고자 한다. Akrasia is the condition of judging that one course of action is better than another, being free to do it, yet acting contrary to this judgement. The "problem of akrasia", as framed by Donald Davidson, is to reconcile the fact that akrasia, as described, manifestly occurs with the following two principles: (P2) if I judge A as better than B then I want A more than B, (P1) if I want A more than B then I will do A if I do either. Davidson attempts to solve this problem by making a distinction between two forms of judgement: (1) a conditional judgement, that considerations speak more in favour of one action than the other, and (2) an unconditional judgement, that overall one action is better than the other. The judgement that occurs in the definition of akrasia is, according to Davidson, a conditional judgement, whereas the judgement of P2 is an unconditional judgement, hence there is no contradiction. However, this does not do justice to our experience of akrasia, which is that we act contrary to an overall judgement, not merely one that presents us with reasons in favour of a particular action. In this paper, I propose an alternative to Davidson's solution. This is based on a different kind of distinction: that between a belief and a perception. On my account, akrasia occurs when we act contrary to what we believe is the better action because we nevertheless perceive the other action as better. I motivate this solution by drawing analogies with optical illusions and irrational emotions.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Numeral classifiers in Korean -ki nominalizations

        Michael Barrie(Michael Barrie ),정희련(Heeryun Chung),안덕호(Duk-Ho An) 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2022 언어연구 Vol.39 No.3

        This paper discusses the structure of numeral classifiers in two types of Korean -ki nominalizations. In the first type (NOM-ki), the object is a full KP, and the properties of numeral classifiers are identical to those of any full KP nominal. In the second type (GEN-ki), the object is a bare nP, and is missing the functional structure necessary for hosting numeral classifiers. As such, the numeral classifier simply adjoins to nP and gives rise to idiosyncratic or culturally relevant readings only. We argue that the Div head is part of the functional spine in Korean. Div is responsible for making the nP countable and able to semantically compose with the numeral classifier. In a full KP object (in NOM-ki), Div is present, and the numeral classifier composes Div+nP, giving rise to standard counting semantics. In a bare nP object (in GEN-ki), Div is absent. The numeral classifier cannot semantically compose with nP. We argue, following Harley (2009), that a non-compositional meaning can arise akin to compounds.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        MICHAEL, MICHAEL S.,HATZIPANAYOTOU, PANOS 한국국제경제학회 1990 International Economic Journal Vol.4 No.4

        We examine a model of a small open economy with unemployment, diminishing returns to scale in production. and free international mobility of capital. Unemployment is due to a general wage function in which the wage rate is an increasing function of consumer prices. Unemployment due to an exogenously determined minimum real wage is treated as a special case to the general wage function. Two main conclusions emerge from the analysis. First, we reconfirm that within such a framework, a labor subsidy is the first-best policy option, and that the size of the optimum production, consumption, or trade subsidy (tax) is zero. When a labor subsidy, for a variety of reasons, cannot be implemented at its optimal level, the optimal policy requires a production or consumption subsidy on the importable good. An import tariff or subsidy is called for, according to whether overall employment increases with such a policy. When unemployment is due to an exogenously determined minimurn real wage as in Batra and Seth (1977), the optimal policies towards the imported good are a production subsidy, zero consumption subsidy, and an import tariff regardless of the factor intensity of the imported good. Second, in the presence of an import tariff and zero capital subsidy the optimal policy can be a labor subsidy or tax. Alternatively, in the presence of a tariff and zero labor subsidy the optimal policy can be a capital subsidy or tax. Thus, the optimal policy towards either factor is a subsidy (tax) when income gains generated from increased employment exceed (are smaller than the)income losses from excessive payments to foreign capital. Finally, if trade is free, the optimal policy towards either factor is always a subsidy.

      • Photosartorial Elicitation and the Bukae of Korean Instagram

        Michael Hurt(Michael Hurt) 아시아질적탐구학회 2022 아시아질적탐구 Vol.1 No.2

        Korean Instagram is in the midst of a phenomenon involving the creation and self-marketing of alter ego identities — 'bu-kae'— that create a culture in which more specific, digital subcultures lead to the formation of real communities offline, which are a thriving part of youth culture today. The 'sub'(부) 'character'(캐) is nowadays a major mode of interacting online in South Korean social media and a clear result of digital media cultures that nowadays house different parts of identities for specific kinds of social uses through identity separation. This research uses 'photo-sartorial elicitation', a structured interaction and means of gathering social data by having a model and photographer interact around clothing in a way that reveals previously hidden or non-obvious social facts about that person or even a community. I am able to engender participation around a photographic project since photographs on Instagram are the prime social currency within digital subcultures on Instagram, with 'exchange rates'for participation in front of the camera far higher than even direct payments of fiscal currency might provide. In the end, it is only by being able to answer the questions, 'Why are you here?'and 'What do I get out of participation as a subject?'that one can gain the ability to reach into the depths of social phenomena that are otherwise largely impenetrable to the researcher’s gaze.

      • KCI등재

        A Short Note on Inclusive and Exclusive Plurals in Korean

        Michael Jonathan Mathew Barrie(Michael Jonathan Mathew Barrie ),Éric Mathieu(Éric Mathieu ) 한국생성문법학회 2023 생성문법연구 Vol.33 No.1

        The aim of this short article is to give a comprehensive analysis of number in Korean, adding a novel observation about the interpretation of plurals in that language. Based on the new data, our proposal is that number is distributed along the nominal spine with different effects depending on the type of functional head (and semantic features) it is associated with. In particular, we propose that number in Korean is associated with two number projections, NumP1 and NumP2, (see Watanabe 2010 for Japanese, Vazquez Rojas Maldonado 2012 for Purépecha (isolate, tsz), Dali and Mathieu 2021 for Tunisian Arabic (Afro-Asiatic, aeb)). By shedding light on the distinction between inclusive and exclusive plurals in Korean and the relationship between definiteness and plurality, we contribute to the current debate related to the distribution of the Korean plural.

      • Resistance Analyses for Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir Containing Regimens in HCV-infected Patients Who Have Advanced Liver Disease or Are Post Liver Transplant

        ( Michael Charlton ),( Michael Manns ),( Hadas Dvory-sobol ),( Evguenia Svarovskaia ),( Brian Doehle ),( Sarah Arterburn ),( Chohee Yun ),( Diana M. Brainard ),( John G. Mchutchison ),( Michael Miller 대한간학회 2016 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2016 No.1

        Aims: Ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF) with ribavirin (RBV) demonstrated high SVR rates in patients with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) genotype (GT) 1 or 4 infection who have decompensated cirrhosis or who have undergone liver transplantation. Here we evaluated the effect of baseline HCV NS5A and NS5B resistance-associated variants (RAVs) on treatment outcome and characterized the viral resistance in all virologic failures. Methods: Deep sequencing with a 1% assay cut-off was performed for NS5A and NS5B at baseline for all the patients and at the time of virologic failure for those who relapsed. Results: Out of 625, 622, and 619 samples were analyzed for baseline NS5A and NS5B respectively. Table 1 summarizes SVR12 rates by treatment duration and the presence or absence of baseline NS5A RAVs. NS5B RAVs at baseline were uncommon, occurring in 4.8% (28/586) GT1 patients and 3.2% (1/31) GT 4 patients. Of these 29 patients, only one GT1 patient with CPT C cirrhosis who had L159F at baseline and was treated for 24 weeks with LDV/SOF+RBV did not achieve SVR12. NS5A RAVs at positions 24, 28, 30, 31, 58, and 93 were enriched or emerged in 20/22 (91%) GT1 and 1/3 GT4 infected patients with virologic failure. The NS5B NI RAV E237G emerged in 3 GT1a patients and 1 GT4d patient at the time of relapse (4/23, 17%). Conclusions: The presence of baseline NS5A or NS5B RAVs did not impact the treatment outcome to 12 or 24 weeks of LDV/SOF+RBV in GT1 or GT4 HCV patients with liver ransplantation without decompensated liver disease, or 24 weeks of LDV/SOF+RBV in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Lower SVR rates were observed among the limited number of patients with decompensated cirrhosis and baseline NS5A RAVs who received 12 weeks of LDV/SOF+RBV treatment.

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