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        畿湖學派의 未發 知覺 論爭

        홍성민(Hong, Seong-mean) 대한철학회 2011 哲學硏究 Vol.119 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 未發時 知覺 상태에 관한 畿湖學派의 논쟁을 고찰하고, 그 철학적 함의를 조명하는 데 있다. 南宋의 朱子는 처음 미발의 지각 상태를 復卦로 상징하였는데, 만년에는 그 상징을 坤卦로 바꾸었다가 다시 復卦로 표현하였다. 이와 같이 주자가 미발의 상징 괘상을 거듭 바꾸었다는 것은 미발 개념에 관한 자기 견해를 변경했으며, 나아가 자신의 심성이론과 수양이론도 변화시켰다는 점을 함축한다. 기호학파는 이 문제에 깊이 천착하면서 주자의 미발 만년정론을 확정짓기 위해 논쟁을 벌였고, 그 과정에서 다양하고 심도 있는 철학적 해석들을 생산하였다. 특히 知覺과 思慮, 能知覺과 所知覺의 개념들에 관해 조선 성리학자들은 주자의 원의와 매우 다르게 이해하였고, 그 만큼 독창적인 철학적 사유를 발전시켜 나갔다.宋時烈은 坤卦와 復卦가 모두 미발의 상징으로 포섭될 수 있다고 주장하였다. 송시열에 따르면, 주자는 곤괘로써 思慮未萌이라는 미발의 표층적 상태를 상징하였고, 복괘로써 知覺不昧라는 심층적 상태를 상징하였다는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 송시열의 견해는 미발시의 의식 상태를 두 층차로 나누려는 것은 아니었다. 이는 단지 주자의 상호 모순되는 언급을 최대한 정합적으로 조화시키기 위한 시도였을 뿐이다. 하지만 여기에는 논쟁의 불씨가 배태되어 있었다. 이후 한원진은 미발 復卦說을 철저히 배제하고 곤괘를 미발의 유일한 상징으로 설정하였고, 이에 반해 채지홍은 復卦가 미발론에서 여전히 유효하다는 입장을 표명하였다. 그러나 이들의 견해는 송시열의 생각을 각각 계승하는 데 그친 것이 아니었다. 한원진은 곤괘설을 통해 不動의 지각 본체, 즉 의식의 순수한 본질 상태를 상정하고자 하였고, 반면 채지홍은 복괘설을 통해 居敬涵養의 토대, 즉 미발 때의 공부 가능성을 확립하고자 하였던 것이다. 이와 같이 미발의 괘상에 대한 기호학파의 탐구와 논쟁은 애당초 주자가 생각하지 못했던 것이었을 뿐 아니라 중국철학사 내부에서도 찾아볼 수 없는, 조선 유학의 창의적이고 독자적인 발전이었다. The article research the debates on awareness in mi-bal(未發, the unaroused state) in Gi-ho school(畿湖學派), and shed new light on its philosophical meanings. Zhu-xi(朱熹) in Nan-Song dynasty(南宋) used Bok-Gwae(復卦, Hexagram of Recover) to symbolize state of mi-bal at first, but at late years he changed Bok-Gwae into Gon-Gwae(坤卦, Hexagram of Earth) to symbolize state of mi-bal. The facts that Zhu-xi changed symbolic hexagram of mi-bal not only mean that his philosophical concept on mi-bal state was changed, but also imply that his own cultivate theory was revised. Gi-ho school researched these problems and tried to determine the Zhu-xi’s final theory of mi-bal. In the process of its research, various and abundant interpretations on Zhu-xi’s terms was produced, especially meanings of Ji-gak(知覺) and Sa-ryeo(思慮) became completely different from Zhu-xi’s original meanings.Song si-yeol(宋時烈) argued that Bok-Gwae and Gon-Gwae both was compatible. According to Him, Zhu-xi symbolized state of Sa-ryeo mi-maeng(思慮未萌, thought has not yet sprouted; surface state of mi-bal) by Gon-Gwae, and did state of Ji-gak bul-mae(知覺不昧, awareness is not benighted; in-depth state of mi-bal) by Bok-Gwae. It means that Song si-yeol attempted to harmonize Zhu-xi’s contradictory references. After that, Han won-jin(韓元震) excluded Bok-Gwae from symbol of mi-bal and defined Gon-Gwae on it, while Chae ji-hong(蔡之洪) argued that Bok-Gwae is available on symbol of mi-bal as ever. By the way, they did not only succeeded Song si-yeol’s ambivalent opinions each other. Han won-jin argued the unmoved substance of awareness that is the fundamental state of humane consciousness, while Chae ji-hong constructed the foundation of Geo-gyeong ham-yang(居敬涵養) that is mind cultivation in mi-bal state. This researches on state of mi-bal awareness is creative and independent development of Cho-seon Neo-Confucianism own, that is not only what Zhu-xi had never thought, but also is undiscovered in the history of Chinese philosophy.

      • KCI등재

        The Sequence of Tense in English Revisited

        Mean-Young Song 한국영어학학회 2010 영어학연구 Vol.16 No.3

        The stative predicate in a sequence-of-tense (SOT) sentence like a past-under-past sentence behaves differently from that in a SOT sentence like a past/present-under-present sentence. The former is interpreted to be ambiguous between a shifted reading and a simultaneous reading, while this is not the case with the latter. This paper is mainly concerned with addressing a semantic analysis of the contrast between the two types of entences. Pointing out some problems with the previous semantic treatments of SOT sentences, this paper proposes that tense be classified as an indexical tense evaluated relative to the utterance time and a vacuous tense which has no meaning. The indexical tense is licensed at LF just in case it is governed by the complement C with [+coincide], whereas the vacuous tense is licensed just in case it is governed by the embedded C with [-coincide]. After observing stative predicates are involved in establishing either a precedence relation or an overlap relation, this paper aruges that the property is active when the stative predicate combines with the vacuous tense, but it remains inactive when it combines with the indexical tense. This may assist in understanding why both a shifted reading and a simultaneous reading are available in a past-under-past sentence with a stative predicate in it, and why this is not the case with a past/present-under-present sentence with a stative predicate.

      • KCI등재후보

        제 7차 초등학교 바른 생활과 및 도덕과 교과서에 제시된 전통제례 관련 삽화내용 분석

        강민석 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2008 교과교육학연구 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the illustrations related to traditional sacrificial rituals in korean moral education textbooks for elementary school. through the analysis this study is to provide the upright basis for traditional sacrificial rituals education(傳統祭禮敎育), furthermore is to act as a guide in forming or selecting the illustrations related to traditional sacrificial rituals in revising the curriculum henceforth. The standards of the analysis are as following : the structure and content of an ancestral tablet(位牌), the tool used for sacrificial rites(祭祀器具), the usage in arranging the dishes of food needed in the sacrificial service(祭羞陳設方式), the etiquette direction(禮節方位), the place of honor·the down seat and the seat arrangement related to the etiquette direction(禮節方位, 上·下席, 座席配置), the procedure of sacrificial rites(祭祀 節次), how to put on traditional korean clothes(傳統韓服着用法), how to make a traditional korean bow(傳統拜禮法). As a result of this analysis, findings are such as follows ; ①the arranging the dishes of food needed in the sacrificial service(祭羞陳設) is contradictory to the etiquette direction and the institutionalized usage, ②men who participate in the traditional sacrificial rituals do not put on traditional korean overcoat, ③the motion to make a traditional korean bow is incorrect, ④the attitude men and women take position in the traditional sacrificial rituals is infelicitous, ⑤the place men and women who participate in the traditional sacrificial rituals hold is contradictory to the etiquette direction, ⑥the introduction to a traditional korean bow made in the traditional sacrificial rituals is incorrect, ⑦the indifference to the rationale of an ancestral tablet·the structure of an ancestral tablet·the content of an ancestral tablet, ⑧the ignorance to the procedure of sacrificial rites, traditional sacrificial rituals that only men participate in, the putting on winter clothes and muffler in the traditional sacrificial rituals. The suggestions that henceforth should be considered in forming and selecting the illustrations related to traditional sacrificial rituals as a material to utilize in elementary school are as follows. first, the illustrations should be formed and selected on the basis of systematical and correct verification. second, considering the educational context, not the illustrations abstractly described but the illustrations realistically described should be introduced. only on the basis of this, I think that it will be opened a new horizon of traditional sacrificial rituals education in the elementary school. 본 연구는 제 7차 초등학교 바른 생활과 및 도덕과 교과서에 제시된 전통제례 관련 삽화내용을 분석하여 그것의 문제점을 진단하여 보고, 그것을 해결하기 위한 구체적인 처방을 모색하여 봄으로써 학교교육현장에서 전통제례교육을 올바르게 실시할 수 있는 토대를 제공하고, 더 나아가 향후 교육과정 개정 시에 전통제례 관련 삽화내용을 구성하거나 선정하는데 있어서 하나의 길라잡이역할을 하려는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위하여 전통제례에 관련된 내용을 토대로 제 7차 초등학교 바른 생활과 및 도덕과 교과서에 제시된 전통제례 관련 삽화내용을 분석할 수 있는 기준을 설정하였다. 분석기준은 다음과 같다.; ①위패(位牌)의 구조(構造)와 서식(書式), ②제사기구(祭祀器具), ③표준제수(標準祭羞) 및 제수진설방식(祭羞陳設方式), ④예절방위(禮節方位), ⑤예절방위(禮節方位)에 따른 상·하석(上·下席) 및 참례자(參禮者) 위치(位置), ⑥제사 절차(祭祀節次), ⑦전통한복착용법(傳統韓服着用法), ⑧전통배례법(傳統拜禮法) 분석 결과에 따르면, 전통제례 관련 삽화내용은 다음과 같은 문제점을 보여주고 있다.; ①예절방위 및 제도화된 방식에 부합되지 않는 제수진설, ②의식장소에서 전통한복을 착용한 남자참례자들의 두루마기 미착용, ③전통 절을 올리는 동작의 오류, ④의식장소에서 참례자들의 바람직스럽지 못한 태도 및 자세, ⑤예절방위에 부합되지 않는 참례자 위치, ⑥의식장소에서 올려야 할 절의유형에 대한 잘못된 소개, ⑦지방(紙榜)의 존재이유·지방의 구조·지방의 서식 등에 대한 인식부재, ⑧제사 절차의 혼동, ⑨남자들만의 제사 참여, ⑩의식장소에서 방한복 및 방한도구 착용본 연구를 통하여 제기된 문제점들을 해결할 수 있는 방안들을 제시해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교과서 개발과정에서 서구 중심적이고 서구지향적인 우리 학문적 공동체가 자기반성과 인식전환을시도하는 것이다. 둘째, 교과서 개발과정에 관련 분야 전문가의 참여를 제도화하는 것이다. 셋째,관련 분야의 전문가들이 일단 개발된 교과서의 내용과 삽화를 검토하여 문제점을 제기하고, 그러한 문제점을 해결하기 위한 연결망을 구축하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        삼성서울병원에서 HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors의 약물 사용 평가

        황혜숙,민경아,김정미,손기호,최경업,서옥경 한국병원약사회 2001 병원약사회지 Vol.18 No.1

        HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), as effective antilipidemic agents for lowering LDL-C concentrations, are commonly used in clinical practice to treat most of the major types of hyperlipidemia. The objectives of this study were to evaluate appropriateness of using lovastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin in Samsung Medical Center and to find out ways to improve further their use. A total of 154 outpatients on one of the statins were finally selected and their medical records were retrospectively reviewed. The criteria of DUE (Drug Use Evaluation), based on the standards by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, were modified appropriately according to our hospital settings. Using of statins were justified appropriately in 80.5% of patients. However, dietary therapy which should be done before statins treatment was rarely performed. The complications with statin use included minor symptoms such as GI problems and headache, but any convincing causal relationship to drug use was not detected. It was found that there has been a lack of constructive monitoring on hyperlipidemic patients from the initiation of stain therapy, strongly suggesting that there is a necessity to establish a standard treatment protocol for providing better systematic pharmaceutical service by hospital pharmacists on the bass of this standard.

      • 연약지반의 점·탄소성 이론 적용성에 관한 연구

        장정욱,박춘식,류민영 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        This study performed the consolidation analysis on soft ground that had been embanked step by step. The analysis adopted the Cam-Clay model(elasto-plastic model) and the Sekiguchi-Ohta model(elasto-viscoplastic model). The result was compared with the result of one dimensional consolidation calculation and the measured value. The conclusions are presented in the following. (1) Both the elasto-plastic model and the elasto-viscoplastic model showed less amount of settlement than the measured value in the early stages of the analysis, whereas the amount of settlement approximated to the measured value in the later stages. It was also found that the elasto-viscoplastic model approximated to the measured value more closely. (2) The result of one dimensional consolidation calculation tended to be generally less than the measured value, and showed greater differences from the results of the elasto-plastic model and elasto-viscoplastic model as stages became later. (3) The exclusion of viscosity seems to be the reason why the amount of settlement in the Cam-Clay model was less than that in the Sekiguchi-Ohta model. (4) It is assumed that application of the Sekiguchi-Ohta model to the step-by-step embankment field would contribute to predictions for long-term settlement.

      • KCI등재

        朱子哲學에서 恕의 보편화가능성 문제

        홍성민(Hong, Seong-mean) 대한철학회 2013 哲學硏究 Vol.125 No.-

        恕(혹은 황금률)는 동서양을 막론하고 공통적으로 발견되는,간단하면서도 유용한 윤리 준칙이다. 그러나 이 간단한 형식은 늘 오용의 위험성을 함축하고 있기 때문에,보편타당한 윤리원칙이 될 수 없다고 지적되어왔다. 이 논문은 주자 철학에서 恕、의 실행에 어떤 전제가 요청되는지 고찰하면서 恕의 보편화가능성을 탐색하고 있다. 이를 위해 논문은 먼저 황금률을 둘러싼 다양한 견해들을 소개하고 각각의 한계를 비판적으로 검토한다 그라고 주자철학에서 恕의 필수전제 인 忠의 의미를 자세히 논의한다 고찰에 따르면,忠은 기본적으로‘자신의 진정성과 진심을 다한다’(盡己)는 뜻이지만,그 외연에는 ‘올바른 사라(도덕 적 선)를 판단하고 그에 맞게 처리한다’는 의 미와 ‘공정한 관찰자로서 도덕적 자아를 확립한다’는 의미까지 포함하고 있다 즉 주자의 忠은 주체가 보편타당한 도덕 가치를 파악하고 그것을 체화하는 수양 과정을 의미 하는 것이다. 나아가 이 논문은 팬의 전제 조건인 보편타당한 윤리적 가치가 무엇인지 분석한다. 고찰에 따르면, 朱子의 恕는 사회적 균등의 실현을 목적으로 삼는데, 이때 사회적 균등이란 공동체 안에서 인간다운 삶을 영위하는 데 필요한 기본 조건들을 동등하게 보장한다는 것이다. 恕는 이점을 목적과 원칙으로 삼고 있다. 결론적으로 이 논문은 木子에게 있어 恕는 공동체의 상식적 질서를 준수하는 한에서 타당성을 인정받는 행위이자 공동체의 가치를 실현하기 위해서는 적극 권장되는 윤리 준칙이라고 주장한다. Golden Rule(恕, Shu) is a simple and useful principle of ethical acts, that is commonly founded in East and West. However, because the simple form always implies possibility of misusage, so the moral premise that can restrict the misusage of Golden Rule has been already required. This Article researches the moral premise of Golden Rule and its ethical value in Zhu xi's philosophy. For this purpose, this article, first, introduces some opinions around Golden Rule, e.g. Kant, Utilitarianism, and Virtue-centered ethics, and criticizes limits of these opinions.(II) Second, this article researches the meaning of Loyalty(忠, Zhong) that is the premise of Golden Rule in Zhu xi's ethics. According to this article, Loyalty includes three meanings, that is, (1) to exert oneself to the utmost, (2) to understand reason of all sorts of things (3) to elevate oneself to position of impartial spectator. According to Zhu xi, the meaning of (2) can divide the Confucian Golden Rule from Buddhist reasonless tolerance and set up the Confucian Golden Rule as valid ethical act. Furthermore, this article researches the meaning of (3). Zhu xi said that the cultivating methods of Loyalty are Investigation of things and Expansion of Knowledge, making one's consciousness sincere and rectifying one's mind, through these cultivating methods, one can set up oneself as impartial spectator with ethical mind. This impartial spectator can accomplish social fairness by the Confucian Golden Rule. However, social fairness in Zhu xi's.ethics is not equal to Utilitarianism, but means to assure basic conditions of everybody's life in Confucian community. id est, Confucian Golden Rule in Zhu xi's ethics means that everybody can assure basic conditions of ethical life in Confucian community reciprocally.

      • 섭표(聶豹)의 양지설에 관한 연구

        홍성민(Hong, Seong mean) 한국외국어대학교 철학문화연구소 2005 인문학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        섭표는 왕양명의 양지설을 개조하여 귀적론(歸寂論)이라는 독특한 사상 체계를 구축하였다. 이 글은 섭표의 사상을 ‘본체와 공부’,‘공부와 효험’,‘본체와 경계’라는 세 측면에서 살펴보면서 그 철학적 의의를 탐색한 것이다. 섭표는 양지 개념을 도덕 본체로 해석하고, 그 도덕 본체를 함양함으로써 순선한 도덕 본성과 실천을 확보할 수 있다고 믿었다. 그래서 섭표는 지각의 활동과 현실 세계를 유보하고 내면의 미발 함양에 주력할 것을 주문했다. 이 과정에서 섭표는 성리학에서 중시된 격물 공부를 철저히 부인함으로써 공부의 완전한 내면화를 이룩하였다. 섭표는 독특한 체용 논리를 제시하여 자기 사상의 토대로 삼는다. 섭표에 따르면 체용은 인과 관계를 의미하는데, 그는 이러한 체용논리에 입각하여 현실의 도덕 실천을 확보하였을 뿐 아니라 본체 공부의 당위성을 한층 더 강조하였다. 섭표는 본체에 있어 유학과 불교가 동일하다고 주장했는데, 사실 이것은 섭표가 유학자이기를 포기하는 것과 같은 일이었다. 그러나 섭표의 생각은, 양지 본체가 도덕 본체일 뿐 아니라 선악을 초월한 불교적 무아의 경계이기도 하다는 것이었다. 무아의 경계란 인간의 실존적 자유를 의미하는 것으로, 도덕 실천과 배치되는 것이 아니었다. 이러한 점에서 볼 때, 섭표가 양지 본체를 함양한 목적은 도덕 실천과 실존적 자유를 모두 확보하는 것이었음을 알 수 있다. Nie Bao amended Wang yang ming's theory of Liang-zhi(良知: innate Knowledge of the Good), and built up his own thought named Gui-ji(歸寂: recovery of substance of mind). The Purpose of this Paper is to inquire into the philosophical meaning of his thought in three aspects of 'substance and endeavor', 'endeavor and efficacy', and 'substance and realm'. Nie Bao regarded Liang-zhi as moral substance only, and asserted that everybody have only to cultivate the moral substance in the state of Wei-fa(未發: imminent issurance). Therefore He denied exhaustively Ge-wu(格物: Investigation of Things) that Neo-Confucianist had been valuing highly from Song dynasty to his time all the while. His philosophy was based on his own logical system of Ti-yong(體用: substance and function). According to Nie Bao, The relation of Ti-yong does not mean "mutual inclusion", but merely means "cause and effect". By this logic, he could not only assure moral practice in reality, but also lay stress on the necessity of cultivating the moral substance in the state of Wei-fa more importantly. Nie Bao thought that Confucianism and Buddhism had the same substance. On his idea, the meaning of Liang-zhi substance is not only moral substance in mind, but is also Buddhist trans-moral freedom, that is to say, Wu-wo(無我: Selflessness). So, We can know that his aim of cultivation is to acquire trans-moral freedom as well as moral substance.

      • KCI우수등재

        어머니의 성 역할 태도와 자녀 양육 가치관

        하승민(Seung Mean Ha) 한국아동학회 1985 아동학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between mothers` sex-role attitudes and child-rearing values of independence granting and pressure for achievement, and also to examine variations in mothers` attitudes by sex of child. The subjects of this study were 260 mothers of preschool girls and boys. They were middle and high SES class and highly educated. The 20 item version of the Feminism Scale (FEM Scale) was used to measure mothers` attitudes toward women`s sex-role ideology. The Korean Sex-Trait Stereotype Measure was used to measure the mothers` sex-perception of masculinity and feminity. The 5-item translated Barnett Independence Granting Scale was used to measure independence granting. The 7-item version of the Barnett Pressure for Achievement Scale was used to measure mothers` pressure on their children for achievement. Data analysis consisted of Pearson`s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and t-test. The results were: 1. Mothers` nontraditional sex-role ideology was significantly related to lower mean age of independence granting and to pressure for achievement, 2. Two self-perception scores (self-masculine and self-feminine) were not related to mean age of independence granting but were significantly related to pressure for achievement. 3. The mean age of independence granting was lower for sons than for daughters. 4. Mothers put more pressure for achievement on sons than on daughters.

      • KCI등재

        Where Do the Resultative/Current Relevant States Come from in the English Perfect?

        ( Mean-young Song ) 한국언어정보학회 2000 언어와 정보 Vol.4 No.1

        In this paper, I explore the semantic interpretation of the English present perfect by arguing that the perfect is analogous to modals in its interpretation. The perfect produces several different readings, i.e., the resultative and the current relevant reading, to mention a few. Despite this, the meaning of the perfect remains invariable in sentences where it occurs. Instead, the semantic variability of the perfect is due to the nature of the conversational background. This indicates that just as modals are context-dependent, so is the perfect, which inspires a modal-based approach to the semantics of the perfect. By incorporating such an approach into its semantic analysis, we can present a unified account of the different meanings of the perfect. (Korea Unicersity)

      • KCI등재

        Where Do the Resultative/Current Relevant States Come from in the English Perfect\ulcorner

        Song, Mean-Young Korean Society for Language and Information 2000 언어와 정보 Vol.4 No.1

        In this paper, I explore the semantic interpretation of the English present perfect by arguing that the perfect is analogous to modals in its interpretation. The perfect produces several different readings, i.e., the resultative and the current relevant reading, to mention a few. Despite this, the meaning of the perfect remains invariable in sentences where it occurs. Instead, the semantic variability of the perfect is due to the nature of the conversational background. This indicates that just as modals are context-dependent, so is the perfect, which inspires a modal-based approach to the semantics of the perfect. By incorporating such an approach into its semantic analysis, we can present a unified account of the different meanings of the perfect.

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