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      • KCI등재후보

        거시경제 변수를 활용한 주택담보대출 연체율에 미치는 결정요인에 관한 연구

        이석원(Lee, Seok-Won),황윤구(Hwang, Yun-Goo),윤영의(Yoon, Young-Eui) 한국부동산정책학회 2017 不動産政策硏究 Vol.18 No.3

        In the second quarter of 2017, the size of the household debts has been reaching 1,388 trillion won. And, because the size of the housing mortgage loans has been closing in upon 560 trillion won, around 40.3% has been crowded in the housing demand funds. Regarding this, there is no choice but for the influence on the entire economy to be high according to the increase of the delinquency rate in case the economy worsens or the recession continues. This study intends to suggest the implications regarding the housing mortgage loans in the long-term viewpoint through the influence evaluations of the macroeconomic variables related to such housing mortgage loan delinquencies. The macroeconomic variables that were used were the housing mortgage loan delinquency rate (TOD), the price index of the average buying and selling of the real apartment transactions (APT_PRICE), the new housing mortgage loan interest rate (HINTEREST), the index of the industrial products (IIP), the amount of money in circulation (M2), the monetary amount of the housing mortgage loans (HML), the amount of the apartment transactions (TRADE), and these were unfolded in the viewpoint of the relationship with the real estate market and the currency policy. As a result of the unit root test, it appeared that, regarding the amount of the apartment transactions, the time series raw data had been maintaining the stability. And it was able to find out that the data of the remaining variables, including the housing mortgage loan delinquency rate (TOD), had been getting stabilized through the primary difference. Because, as a result of a co-integration test, at least 6 variables possess the linear, the selection of the model used the VEC model, and, regarding the optimal differential, the 1st model was selected based on the SC (Schwarz Criterion) value. As a result of taking a look at the granger causality relationship, it appeared that the variables that had the influences on the housing mortgage loan delinquency rate were the price index of the average buying and selling of the real apartment transactions (APT_PRICE), the new housing mortgage loan interest rate (HINTEREST), the index of the industrial products (IIP), the amount of money in circulation (M2), and the amount of the apartment transactions (TRADE). As a result of analyzing the VECM (Vector error correction Model) short-run equilibrium relationship, it appeared that the housing mortgage loan delinquency rate were influenced by the index of the average price of the buying and selling of the real transactions of the apartments and by the index of industrial products. As a result of a reaction to a shock, the positive (+) correlation appeared between the housing mortgage loan delinquency rate and the amount of the transactions of the apartments (TRADE) and, also, the interest rate of the new housing mortgage loan (HINTEREST). Eventually, regarding the housing mortgage loan delinquency rate, if the interest rate goes up, right away, an increase of the delinquency rate takes place. And, it appeared that, if the monetary amount of the housing mortgage loan becomes big, the delinquency rate decreases. This is because the delinquency rate has the influences on the incomes and others of the like, it can be under the control of the interest rate policies. The meaning of this research is that it investigated about the relationship with the housing mortgage loan delinquency rates by considering the indices in the real estate market and the currency policies at the same time. And, it is that, in the condition in which the scale of the housing mortgage loan having become big at present, raising the interest rate can aggravate the confusion more in the market. As a result, with regard to the proceeding with the real estate policies, the prudent and macroscopic approach is needed. And the researches on the relationships of the indices will be needed more in the macroscopic viewpoint.

      • KCI등재

        정조와 윤행임의 「대학장구 서문」 해석과 인물성동이 논쟁 : 『증전추록(曾傳秋錄)』 분석을 중심으로

        이원석(LEE Won-seok) 한림대학교 태동고전연구소 2020 泰東古典硏究 Vol.44 No.-

        이 글은 『증전추록(曾傳秋錄)』을 주요 분석 텍스트로 삼아, 18세기 조선의 사상적 담론과 정치 문화가 정조와 윤행임의 『대학장구』 해석에 어떤 영향을 끼쳤는지 살펴보고자 했다. 『대학장구』의 해석에 있어 두 사람이 나눈 논의의 핵심 대상이 된 부분은 「대학장구 서문」에서 주희가 제시한 본성론이었다. 윤행임은 당대의 인물성동이(人物性同異) 논쟁에서 “인물성이론(人物性異論)”을 지지하기 위한 증거를 「대학장구 서문」에서 찾고자 했으며, 한 걸음 더 나아가 ‘하늘이 처음부터 사람과 사물은 물론이요 각 사람에게 각기 다른 본성을 부여했다.’고 주장함으로써 인물성이론의 논리를 더욱 강화하려고 시도했다. 하지만 윤행임의 이러한 강화된 ‘인물성이론’은 본성 사이의 동일성을 어디에서 확보할 것인가 하는 문제를 야기한다. 따라서 윤행임은 각기 다른 기질의 본성에 본연의 측면이 있다고 여겼는데, 이는 역설적으로 이간(李柬)의 인물성동론(同論)과 유사했다. 정조는 한원진의 설을 비교적 충실하게 이어받아, 하늘이 사람과 사물에게 동일한 본연의 본성을 고르게 나누어 주었으나, 사물의 기가 치우쳐서 그것을 온전히 받지 못했기 때문에 사람과 사물 사이에 본성적 차이가 있게 되었다고 말한다. 그런데 정조는 한 걸음 더 나아가 ‘기’의 측면에서 본성을 바라보아야 함을 강조하면서 리와 본성 사이에 존재론적 위계 차이를 두면서도, 기질의 본성을 보편화할 수 있는 가능성을 마련하였다. 하지만 이로부터 기질의 본성과 리를 어떻게 통합할 것인가 하는 문제가 제기된다. 정조는 주나라의 “오서(五瑞)” 제도를 비유로 활용하여, 다양한 본성의 척도이자 기준의 역할을 하는 ‘리’ 개념을 제시하고 그 대리자로서 군주인 자신의 역할을 부각했다. 이는 경서의 해석에 있어, 해석자가 놓여 있는 정치적 지평, 곧 정치적 문화가 경전 해석과 당대의 철학적 담론에 영향을 끼쳤다는 것을 보여주는 하나의 흥미로운 사례이다. This paper, using Zengjeonchurok(曾傳秋錄) as the main analysis text, sought to examine how the 18th century Joseon s ideological discourses and political cultures influenced King Jeongjo(正祖) and Yoon Haeng-im(尹行恁) s interpretation of Daehakjanggu(大學章句). In the interpretation of Daehakjanggu, the core subject of the discussions between the two was the theory of nature presented by Zhu Xi in the preface of it. Yoon Haeng-im sought to find evidences in the preface to Daehakjanggu to support the claim that ‘human’s nature and object’s nature are different,’ and went a step further by claiming that ‘the Heaven had given different natures to human and things from the beginning.’ However, his arguments raises the question of where to secure the equality between nature. Therefore, Yoon Haeng-im considered that there was an original nature(本然之性) inherent in the each other s material natures(氣質之性), which resembled Lee Gan(李柬) s theory of human nature. King Jeongjo inherited Han Won-jin(韓元震) s theory and said that although heaven evenly distributed the same original nature to people and things, there was a differences between people’s and objects’ natures because they were not fully received due to their biased material forces(氣). Furthermore, King Jeongjo went a step further and regarded the original nature as material forces. He placed the existential hierarchy difference between Principle(理) and Nature(性), while showing the importance of the diversity of material natures(氣質之性) as it is. However, the question of how to integrate the various material natures can be raised. King Jeongjo used the Zhu Dynasty’s class system as a metaphor, presenting the concept of Li which serves as a measure of various nature and standard, and highlighting his role as the monarch and as Li’s agent. This is one interesting example in the interpretation of the scripture, showing that the political horizon in which the interpreter lies, or political culture, influenced the interpretation of the scripture and the philosophical debate of the time.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 홈 네트워크에서 스케일러블 어플리케이션 서비스 방법

        이윤주(Yun-Ju Lee),임태범(Tae-Beom Lim),김경원(Kyung-Won Kim),문재원(Jae-Won Moon),이석필(Seok-Pil Lee) 한국멀티미디어학회 2010 한국멀티미디어학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2010 No.2

        홈 네트워크 상에서 다양한 디지털 기기들 간에 멀티미디어 콘텐츠를 공유/연동하는데 있어, IPTV환경에서 응용프로그램을 비디오, 오디오, 그리고 이미지 파일과 같이 공유/연동할 수 있도록 하는 방법을 제안하고 사용자의 편의성을 증진시키고 시청 환경이 서로 다른 디지털 기기에 동시 적용 가능하며 다양한 시청 환경에 최적화된 사용자 인터페이스를 제공하도록 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Superconducting MgB2 Wire Drawing Considering Anisotropic Hardening Behavior and Hydrostatic Effect

        Young‑Seok Oh,Ho Won Lee,Kook‑Chae Chung,Duck‑Young Hwang,Seong‑Hoon Kang,Jeong Whan Yoon 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.7

        Numerical modeling was conducted to investigate the deformation behavior of powder mixture during multi-pass drawingprocesses for multi-filamentary MgB2wire. A modified Drucker-Prager Cap (DPC) model with an elliptical cap surface usingthe new material characterization method was developed to capture the anisotropic hardening behavior and hydrostatic effectof the powder mixture. A number of uniaxial die compaction, cold isostatic pressing, diametrical compression, and uniaxialcompression tests were conducted using different powder densities to characterize the modified DPC model. A commercialfinite element software ABAQUS with a user subroutine was used to simulate the drawing of the MgB2wire. The densityand area fraction of the powder mixture during the wire-drawing process were verified with experimental results. The differencein packing density at the inner and outer filaments of the MgB2wire was successfully captured by simulation. Inaddition, the effect of the initial packing density on the superconducting properties of MgB2wire was numerically studied. It is shown that the increase in the superconducting area, which results from a high initial packing density, should be moreeffective compared to the increase in the grain connectivity in enhancing the critical current properties for the MgB2wirewhen the final packing density is saturated after a number of drawing processes.

      • P247 : A study on use of complementary and alternative medicine for acne

        ( Sook Kyung Lee ),( Taek Geun Lee ),( Hyun Hwang Bo ),( Tae Gwang Kwon ),( Se Won Jung ),( Young Seok Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is any practice that has healing effects, but is not based on evidence demonstrated by scientific method. Recently, CAM has been used in various diseases including acne. However, there have been no studies on CAM for acne in Korea. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of CAM in acne patients. Methods: A total of 159 patients with acne were enrolled on the study, and filled out a questionnaire about use of CAM. Results: Overall 87.4% (139/159) of the patients reported the previous or current use of at least one more type of CAM. Cosmetics for acne (100, 22.9%) was most frequently used, followed by diet therapy (81, 18.5%), spa and bath therapies (77, 17.6%), health food supplement (67, 15.3%), skin care shop (64, 14.6%), oriental medicine (38, 8.7%), and aromatherapy (9, 2.1%). The most common reason for using CAM was ``wish to try everything`` (28.6%), and the most common source of information was internet (40.5%). The therapeutic effect of CAM was best with diet therapy (32.1%). The most common side effect of CAM was aggravation of symptoms. The most common monthly cost for CAM was between 50,000 and 100,000 won/person. Conclusion: As our results, we can predict that the use of various types of CAM for acne will become more common. Therefore, dermatologists need to study about benefits and adverse effects of CAM for acne.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Original Articles : Clinical significance of occult hepatitis B virus infection in chronic hepatitis C patients

        ( Jae Young Jang ),( Soung Won Jeong ),( Sung Ran Cheon1 ),( Sae Hwan Lee1 ),( Sang Gyune Kim ),( Young Koog Cheon ),( Young Seok Kim1 ),( Young Deok Cho1 ),( Hong Soo Kim ),( So Young Jin ),( Yun Soo 대한간학회 2011 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.17 No.3

        Background/Aims: We investigated the frequency of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV)-positive individuals and the effects of occult HBV infection on the severity of liver disease. Methods: Seventy-one hepatitis B virus surface-antigen (HBsAg)-negative patients were divided according to their HBV serological status into groups A (anti-HBc positive, anti-HBs negative; n=18), B (anti-HBc positive, anti-HBs positive; n=34), and C (anti-HBc negative, anti-HBs positive/negative; n=19), and by anti-HCV positivity (anti-HCV positive; n=32 vs. anti-HCV negative; n=39). Liver biopsy samples were taken, and HBV DNA was quantified by real-time PCR. Results: Intrahepatic HBV DNA was detected in 32.4% (23/71) of the entire cohort, and HBV DNA levels were invariably low in the different groups. Occult HBV infection was detected more frequently in the anti-HBc-positive patients. Intrahepatic HBV DNA was detected in 28.1% (9/32) of the anti-HCV-positive and 35.9% (14/39) of the anti-HCV-negative subjects. The HCV genotype did not affect the detection rate of intrahepatic HBV DNA. In anti-HCV-positive cases, occult HBV infection did not affect liver disease severity. Conclusions: Low levels of intrahepatic HBV DNA were detected frequently in both HBsAg-negative and anti-HCV-positive cases. However, the frequency of occult HBV infection was not affected by the presence of hepatitis C, and occult HBV infection did not have a significant effect on the disease severity of hepatitis C. (Korean J Hepatol 2011;17:206-212)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        평면 레이저유도 형광법을 이용한 부상화염의 특성 연구

        이병준,정석호,한재원,Lee, Byeong-Jun,Jeong, Seok-Ho,Han, Jae-Won 대한기계학회 1997 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.21 No.11

        Characteristics of the lifted flame which is generated by issuing of the fuel through the miniature nozzle, d = 0.164 mm, are studied using the planar laser induced fluorescence technique. OH radical is excited on the $Q_{1}$(8) line of the $A^{2}$.SIGMA.$^{+.leq.X2}$ .PI.(1, 0) band transition (283.55 nm) and LIF signals are captured at the bands of (0, 0) and (1, 1) transition (306 ~ 326 nm) using the filters and ICCD camera. Hydroxyl radical (OH) profile for nozzle attached flame shows that OH radical populations at the flame sides and flame tip are larger than those at the base. But for the lifted flame (tribrachial flame) case, those are larger at the flame base than at the flame tip and flame sides. The OH radical is more dense near the center line of flame base at the blowing out. This fact proves the Chung and Lee's blowout theory-blowout occurs when the flame is anchored at the flame axis. axis.

      • KCI등재

        산업장 근로자의 스트레스에 대한 한의계 연구경향

        차윤엽 ( Yun Yeop Cha ),고연석 ( Youn Seok Ko ),이정한 ( Jung Han Lee ),정원석 ( Won Suk Chung ),신병철 ( Byung Cheul Shin ),전찬용 ( Chan Yong Jeon ),고호연 ( Ho Yeon Go ),선승호 ( Seong Ho Sun ),장보형 ( Bo Hyoung Jang ),송윤경 한방재활의학과학회 2013 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to explore the trends of Korean medical study on stress in the industrial worker. Methods : We received numbers of the studies about stress in the industrial worker from 6 Korean web databases, using key words such as ‘Industry AND Stress’, ‘Oriental medicine AND Stress’, ‘Worker AND Stress’, ‘Workplace AND Stress’. We received 12 research papers and they were analyzed and the journals, the authors, the contents of 3 classification of those research papers. Results : Among them, we had 6 reviews of Dept. of preventive medicine and Dept. of third medicine, college of Korean Medicine, Won-kwang University, and the rest of them were 6 reviews. We had 4 reviews of Korean Journal of Oriental Preventive Medical Society, 2 reviews of the Journal of Traditional Korean Medicine, 2 reviews of Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry and so on. According to the contents of reviews, we had 7 reviews of correlation of industrial worker and stress, 4 reviews of cause on the industrial worker’s stress and 1 case report. Conclusions : We reviewed the trends of Korean medical study on stress in the industrial worker. The stress in the industrial workers were related with the type of occupation, social psychology, drinking, smoking, the satisfaction of job, the harmony of organization.And we knew that the musculoskeletal pain was related to the industrial worker’s stress. In the future, abundant case studies, follow-up trials and RCTs should be done about the industrial worker’s stress.

      • KCI등재

        건조방법에 따른 하수슬러지 건조속도 비교 및 경제성 평가

        박성훈 ( Seong-hun Park ),김한석 ( Han-seok Kim ),이승원 ( Seung-won Lee ) 한국환경기술학회 2021 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        In this study investigated the effect of the chemical injection ratio on the drying rate of sewage sludge. Then the economic efficiency was evaluated by comparing the results of the NIR(near infrared ray) and microwave drying rate test. The near infrared ray device showed drying speed of 31.9 %, 28.1 %, and 27.1 % at polymer dose ratio of 8 %, 10 %, and 12 %, respectively. Compared to 8 % polymer dose ratio, polymer dose ratio of 10 % and 12 % showed differences of 8.0 % and 13.6 % respectively, suggesting that drying efficiency decreased as polymer dose ratio increased. The microwave device showed drying speed of 26.2 %, 24.3 %, 21.3 % at polymer dose ratio of 8 %, 10 %, and 12 %, respectively. Compared to 8 % polymer dose ratio, polymer dose ratio of 10 % and 12 % showed differences of 5.2 % and 13.4 % respectively, suggesting that drying efficiency decreased as polymer dose ratio increased. Drying evaluation estimated the treatment cost of near infrared ray device at optimal dose ratio(6 %) was 35,591 won/ton while that of actual dose ratio(8 %) was 38,928 won/ton. Drying evaluation estimated treatment cost of microwave device at optimal polymer dose ratio(6 %) and at 8 % to be 16,683 won/ton and 18,352 won/ton, respectively.

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